Let's Actually Play Minecraft Again

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this was one of my favorite things I've ever done I hope you enjoy it wait a minute he's playing Minecraft for the first time in years I've checked your YouTube channel Daniel I've checked the facts and you last played it like summer 2023 I haven't actually played Minecraft properly since like horses were new and I checked when that was it was 2013 which was 11 years ago but I but I've just been I've had it on the brain lately and I've just been thinking like sure why not actually just give it a go and see what's new I'm just going to call it New World the game the game has graciously given me some sheep to start with how's it going friend welcome welcome to our new world start how we always start punching a tree I remember this bit paog how long has this been in the game let me just dig into the Earth Mo it's as good of a spot as any dig straight down oh yeah that's a that's the optimal way Tove mine ain't it okay like genuinely what is this okay you can't mine it with a wooden pickaxe hang on it's raw copper the copper exists is this like a new midpoint for like iron I'm not sure if like you should still just look around and actually find a nicer spot for a home I've just like I've just decided to like plant myself here because this is where I spawned maybe I should go up like the hill and like have a look I'm so sorry friend we're going to have we're going to need some sustenance tonight oh there's actually something I think there's like pumpkin or something over there that actually looks a lot cooler that whole hill space Maybe maybe I should move my base I mean it's just a crafting table there I can keep that in the field maybe we should go like check out that mountain that actually looks kind of cool not saving resources shaken by head he's he's playing suboptimally is that a Hut over there think there's some life in the world we'll go over oh yeah that's a cool one that's on top of like the hill you can just move in here you don't even need to build your own base if you find one of these these you know you can just like camp out with the gang uh I I I actually should probably be running it's uh it's going to get ugly quick yeah let me let let me just seek shelter for the night don't want to just have to bury myself in the ground hello gang oh they got a cat here is anyone anyone have a bed for the night you got you got copious about to paper and empty Maps let me just check a few Huts here and just see if I can find like a bed or something so I can like set spawn you threw my sandwi away my sandwich my sandwich it's nice to meet you too all right we'll just we'll just stay the night here thanks gang I remember emeralds being a thing you can use these for like currency with villagers can't you how do you actually work the stone cutter in that i' oh sweet okay it's like a faster way of making blocks it's the best way to make stairs no joke I mean I'll take your word for it so there's so much food supplies am I okay to just take all this they don't they still don't give out or anything do they friend how you doing oh he just killed a guy I'll set I'll set this house as my spawn I don't think anyone's living in this one it's not like a like a blacksmith or something is I remember that being a thing you get like a cheeky weapon I'm not seeing it here repair and disenchant I I I've I don't think I've ever seen this block they have a leak let me just save the village real quick before I gets like completely washed away they haven't really patched in their water that well like this is their Farm like this doesn't seem that that efficient first time in chat you suck ass at Minecraft hey you know welcome to the stream welcome to my Minecraft let's play little little Timmy 7 years old is very upset at our Minecraft performance yeah what what's with the waterfalls like the these villagers have just not taken care of like the farm oh but but if I if I close it though it's going to flood all those crops are going to be gone too I'm going to cut off their food supply so I actually kind of have to keep it open oh now I've made this significantly worse just look at this look at this mess like they they're tilling this soil down here this is horrible I I got to build them a nicer Farm I got to like fix their Village they didn't even try here I feel like here is not a bad spot for a house we have this big mountain is there anything on top of here okay but the world here is actually really nice looking yeah we we we have to set up camp somewhere here I feel like we like is there's not a downside for me just moving in with the neighbors here is there it's a bad biome Boo the grass is ugly but no like look you got to you got to play with the hand you've been dealt right so we're going to we're going to set up our base here at least for now like it it it just makes sense to do that I think yeah let me let me let me just like wait for the night to pass too don't I don't want to just immediately perish good evening Frank thank you he's he's not happy about this fun fact the official Minecraft strategy guide discour is building in Savannah biomes what why why even have them if that's the case it seems a bit weird it's like this this this part of the world is terrible don't even try and set up camp here well you know what I'm going to I'm going to do it anyway this is this is our construction site we're going to we're going to make a home here Dan is a hardcore gamer he can handle the difficulty thank you thank you very much for recognizing my talents I I'm I'm a professional gamer playing games in my day job when's the hardcore playthrough gamer Dan but any playthrough is technically hardcore mode as long as I don't die technically we've already like inar on that Pat you know think about it so I'm I'm just not going to die and that's my hardcore run and let me let's build a simple home that's that's going to be like our base of operations for now yeah I mean it it it'll be a bit cozy but it'll it'll do the job it's a beautiful home it's a work in progress right it it t it takes time you got to give me a chance like that guy who's like first time in chat is going to call me like ass again I love prison you guys you guys are being so mean God it'll it'll do the job for now how all right how's it going my man hang on oh you've got a bucket as well that's that's actually really good for us I'm going to have to take your bed thank you oh we got we got to get inside quick okay we're safe now we're safe now all right I mean it's not much but it will do the job it'll do it's it's a start everyone had to start somewhere you know the Vinci had to like [ __ ] out a few paintings before you know he he produced his masterpieces yeah we just have to wait for them to die each morning or we're going to be in trouble littleit lucky might drop a bow oh no they're in the shade okay I'm going to have to deal with [Music] them oh god well I mean at least my spawn is here I'm trapped in my home no get get out off my lawn get off my lawn the run the run is no longer hardcore the run is no longer hardcore they took shelter in this tree I'm going I'm going to have to take I'm going to have to get rid of this tree I'm going to have to tear it down there's an arrow in my head oh that can't be good for my system why does it look like you've been Outcast from the village oh it does a little bit doesn't it what do I need to work out from here um I need to try and get like a food source eventually so I have more reliable food I I have plenty of weed wheat seeds I could I could start like growing bread I could try and fix the agriculture in this poor small town I mean this looks so awful I'm going I'm going to wait for all their stuff to grow and then I'm just going to tear down their Farm I ju I just need to steal some of the water supply to be honest though I'm going to be doing the village of favor by doing this I feel like yeah like like I mean that that is going to have consequences but like come on like look how bad that was why not go to the river oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you're right there's a lot more water here I probably shouldn't be deprived in the farm this is why you don't live in the village no this is why I don't live in the village look at this [ __ ] look how bad this is that's that's a good start that so that'll give us some like wheat coming in before long it'll it'll do the job we can we can rest easy for the night [Music] now buddy this is my house this is excuse me Frank you got to go home he wants his bed back he's going home now all right my house I'm going to have to get like a key for the door I'm going to I'm going to go to like the wood over here and just H some logs get a bunch of wood and then I can come back and get a bunch of like iron get a bit of sand too just so we have uh the means for glass so I can I can fix those windows oh [ __ ] wait wait where's the village okay wait I I I I crossed the river wait which river was it this River oh okay wait follow follow the destruction follow the destruction it's up there okay we're good we're good oh that could have been really bad we're almost back here thank God okay I think maybe something we should do is we should make like a tall tower so we can spot the village a bit easier have like the beacon no buddy buddy this is not your home God damn it Frank please leave Frank okay hang on wait I'm going to follow him and then like lock him in a dwelling let's see where he ends up hang on where's your place of work Frank we'll get a sign don't don't you dare don't you dare this is this is Frank's house you okay down there Frank he's fine that's nice that makes it that makes it like look a lot better look at that that's lovely all the villagers will die on that the oh they can walk into it can't they yeah yeah let's let's keep the villagers safe safe right the fire the fire is contained unless they walk here there's the beacon I really should have put this in a nicer spot I didn't realize I'd be making a cage around it cuz now it's like ah my lovely home uh what I can do is if I start building into the Earth here and I think I I think I can make like some snaky stairs here keep it contained in this grid and so I can actually remember where it is so [ __ ] bad [ __ ] doesn't spawn in here okay I've done I've done all my precautions now the idea is in like a grid of three we can just get all the way down see we'll just keep going around that wow that is clever thank you this is this is like design and action you know one 2 3 there's there's something near me right there there's something in here we already struck something precious resource yeah here we go this is this is not much of a cavard this just a guy living down here I don't think we need to even okay he had other plant at our first cave Adventure look at this oh my God we found something they got stalic tights now God look at this there there's a lot of copper down here but we don't need copper do we it's iron we're after yeah I'm I'm going to need to get some water uh I mean these are dripping water presumably there's water above it isn't that what that means okay I let me go back uh I I I do actually have a bucket the The Village had one so we can we can Traverse further I just need to get some water the wheat the wheat is growing Frank is okay for the night let me just check in on him how you doing bud yeah he's yeah I I brought some food for you we go deeper I'm assuming there's like a whole little like underground biome in here with this bit of the cave system like it's not going to be like just short lived is it got to be careful going down here a bit bit tricky to see oh God he's coming for us they can't ride the water can they no I think he's kind of scared of it come on okay we're down we're down the bottom of the shaft just hope that we hope that the water doesn't go and we're all right no reason it should here's a no no no no no okay we got iron there some up here I see it oh they hurt you grip Stone hurts okay I got to be careful give us some more iron please oh there we go oh this is great we got like two nodes of it here or something let's make our way back up to safety safety's not very safe the safety's not very safe oh my God why is there so many of them over there that means there's probably more cave passage there gra is stall Ty on him can you do that it's pretty cool we got a easy does it it's the Archer I'm worried about it's coal over there too ow I don't I don't have a bow so like there's not there's not much I can do yet I'm going to I'm going to just leave a while and Hope goes home going to going to go use my iron please please don't murder me this here should I should I just take this for my home they won't mind will they cuz that's the that's the food cooker isn't it I think I want another bucket so I can like have a infinite water source on my person having two might not be a bad idea sir Gerald what are you doing this is not your home this is the butcher Gerald hi I uh I know what we're doing tomorrow he stole his workplace he stole your house he's like trying to show me the door like the cheek of this guy please leave all right Gerald come on I've got something fun to show you come on come on where where is he going now buddy buddy there's nothing up here he's like leaving The Village come on Gerald come on Geral Gerald I'm sorry come on Gerald just kind of accepted his fate there's no easy way for me to do this Gerald please please stop invading my home the pair of you I feel like a second bucket is quite valuable shears are good for utility uh a pickaxe yeah probably a pickaxe it's probably good to have a sword as well well in a similar vein uh just for for combat you know make a shield how how do you make a shield okay I think I think the chest plate is like the one that impacts you the most plus six plus two yeah let's get one of them oh look at us go I've I've got the means to survive now head back down I'm ready to take on the skeleton probably should have brought more food oh good lord okay I mean this this is a good time for the water if any God Al my this Cavern is massive there's nothing more here I can hear a skeleton rattling did we see any way further down or is it time to just start digging dig straight down just going to immediately die I'm I'm look like it's been a while but like I'm not I'm not stupid let me just just let we just dig into the air oh what could possibly go wrong like no like that that's how you die the Diamonds the diamonds Dan if we dig straight down we're less likely to find the diamonds cuz we're covering like less of an area what block is that cobbled deep slate oh that's a lot of deep slate I mean this is this is just like a like a type of stone or something so you know we're going to find it everywhere fact that it's cobbled I would have thought that like we're digging into like a structure or something doesn't seem it there zero but you can still go there oh it's deeper now is it what is that what was that noise don't worry about it oh is this this is actual Bedrock - 60 okay we made it well time to awkwardly make our way home back here I I really should clear some of these out I meanz this this just asking for trouble villagers doing okay yeah yeah they're good they don't they don't want anything to do with me okay buddy come on you have no reason to be here I didn't even steal your station why do you keep moving in you have a lovely Village oh God damn it all right H well I I know what we're doing tomorrow there are monsters nearby oh fantastic buddy oh yeah just go back to bed Robert no don't do it don't don't you there don't e that this there's too much stuff here all right okay what I'm going to do I'm going to Spring a trap for him so that when he comes home and tries to sleep in my bed the trap door is going to activate and jettison him he'll walk over that and immediately fall in That's How we'll get him the Trap has been set this will keep our home safe oh we can harvest the wheat actually too for some future food can't we I need to harvest all the food around the town actually in general it might not be a bad idea to do that now oh that they have actually set up like a melon farm kind of okay here though okay this this one is not terrible compared to some of the Farms they have didn't you look like down here and it's like what what is even happening you know like Flawless design for their Farm like come on guys just just close it just close like this looks so horrible half the mountain side is gone Farm is actually an art installation not anymore I don't even know how the physics are interacting with this one I'm going to be honest with you but there's no one in there there's no one in there how how get out of here now no one gets the bed now no one gets it work through the night tonight sometimes you're just angry and you're just up late it's me right now cuz there's a guy in my home again hey come on Robert come on look at the boat look at the boat Robert he doesn't want to get in we got him we're going on ad thank you Robert thank you Robert wait no no you don't get to go back to your normal day-to-day life Robert we're well beyond that point get in the boat get in the boat get good evening sir get in the boat J done please I just don't want him sleeping in my bed all I ask other guy did nothing wrong he he got caught in the crossfire he just got wound up and it he was at the wrong place at the wrong time well the night passed peacefully and no one's in my bed that's a that's a fantastic feeling we just let me just set my spawn again I miss villager guy I don't he was was an [ __ ] he kept coming into my house it was kind of cute though mods mods delete that message delete that no we need Justice for Frank oh you want you want Justice for Frank huh you want just as real bad for Frank how bad do you want it how bad do you want it h chat they s into their new life okay and and I just want to check one thing I just want to see what's in the chest just some wheat seeds just some wheat seeds carry on gang well we'll keep this hole open when someone tests us tall grass is super rare is this what's so special about it it's just Tall Grass okay let's uh let's keep going let's go back all the way down and we'll uh we'll mine for some diamond or some [ __ ] just just just the Minecraft things you do okay there's something in here question is where you're the monster Dan oh okay there it is there it is okay that that is a real genuine problem as to how we actually get them come on don't do it I'm like hacking at them it's a bat it feels like I'm in a structure of some kind but I think this is just natural cave Generation Now isn't it really different this is only one of the three new cave biomes reallyy cool oh first bit of redstone I I'm absolutely not going to be able to build anything with I don't have the brain for Redstone but still cool I know there's like a few recipes that need it am I I I'm never going to be able to get out of here am I this is going to be so hard to find the way back oh that noise again don't like that Dan remember the number one rule of Minecraft I sure do make sure to cook the pork chop and don't eat it raw that's how you get Minecraft salmonella guys I'm lost and it's like we're at level 10 of the world I could just try dig up but I I think that's going to work too well right well it's time to get started all right long walk back I'm going to I'm going to need another pickaxe keep going Ah that's unfortunate H oh there go all the light sources okay I mean I'm in I'm in another Cavern I've been to we're at yeah we're at we're at the water bit I was iron to your torches I think my my copy of Minecraft is a haunted by herobrine you know bought this copy uh a second hand stale of my neighbor's yard some reason it was covered in cobwebs and I didn't think anything of it we made it home uh the melons are not quite growing the way I want but close enough there's no one in there there's no one in here we're in the clear oh thank God we're all we're all kitted out now look at that how how's the Villager gangang doing Gerald yeah you're good Frank's good The Village seems a bit quieter today I I kind of just want to explore the overw world a bit more and just kind of scope out what else is out there uh we spent so much time like digging underground that I thought it might be nice to just hop somewhere else big question for chat which direction you feeling uh we got more Savannah across the river this side of the world we got we got more Savannah uh we got Hill Savannah ah perfect more Savannah you can Sprint in water oh believe me I know I can Sprint right y this is a marathon not a Sprint I like to take my time yeah I feel like just a bit too panicked oh my God that probably would have killed us oh [ __ ] there's another Village we have more neighbors I didn't just walk in a circle did I think this is a different village God why why is this part of the world so treacherous it's like just cracks in the earth wh you go I'm going to make a sick leap here watch this that parkour damn he's good yeah that's right I am first time in chat rtk my son hates your content he is not a fan oh that is amazing to hear thank you so much for sharing that with us please tell your son I wish him the very best of days he he will hate that uh am I okay to just cannibalize this home the these bookcase blocks look really nice I'm just I'm just going to steal their books Let's see what else we've got here hold was like a little one I forgot that like a the testificate children are just like this small testificate he's old that's what they called them back in the day I don't know why they were called test certificate I can't remember the basis for it but that's their proper name steal all their wheat I I I don't want to pillage the entire Village I'll be frank with you like like that that's just called like you know a dick move I don't want to plunder everything that they own but I will absolutely take their valuables oh I just I just broke that you can't even why can't you pick that up let's take some take some bread for the road yo Tall Grass no way rare rare find apparently God all okay right I don't think I can get mad at the other Village for their fing techniques when these guys like literally just on rock cliff they're just setting up camp like Jesus Christ Lads you got to get the fing and check like this is just terrible this is the road you just got to like break your knees on the bottom and then like scale the wall to get over like cing out loud guys keep going let's see where the land takes us oh there's a horse I remember these guys I remember the moon walking so much I hop on you no I think I think I need to get like a saddle or something I can't remember how to get that actually encountering bees in the wild which is very cute look at this guy so cute oh you need to empty your hand hand come on um how do I control the horse I don't think I can without the saddle yeah I I don't think he's going to cooperate shame there wasn't one like in the village or something that's all right we can we can just keep on our merry way this what's wrong with this land oh is that a cherry blossom tree I think it is oh let's hop over there now kind of want to chop one of them down so I can get like a sapling for it and bring it home oh my God what why is this mountain just hollowed out Jesus oh that is menacing there's so many like spiders and eyes over there oh my God I this is going to be so treacherous to navigate this looks so dangerous how far down does that go that's just like lava down there okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up a little crafting table I'm going to make a chest and we're going to pop some bits in this that we don't strictly need to take down into the cave with us you should probably set a spawn point outside yeah I mean that that's actually not a bad idea I do actually have Wall don't I is there is there a minimum size to like make a home like if I just do this there's there's not okay all right well then welcome okay respawn Point set I should probably make like a door or something so we don't get in trouble that you want to just live dangerously going in here you want to just like throw your boat you don't take fall damage in this thing do you there's actually a lot of lava I don't think we should do it this way like yeah the the the boats the boat's not going to survive oh my God like just look at this generation like this is insane feel like I've stumbled upon like the mins of Mora or something you know this is this is kind of terrifying just how far down we got to go the bow Rog is down here is this like a different cave biome or is this just like a weird generation for the world might just be a weird generation send a bit finally get some gold oh no gold up there there someone else here this is one long elevator ride yeah like it it's actually so intimidating there's got to be something in here I I can't see [ __ ] cuz it's so dark yeah this the main fear is there's just so much vertical space but like [ __ ] is just going to fall on top of us while we go get a bit of gold so we can make like I think you you need us for something like a clock there's diamonds is there where I I don't see him very helpful chat like diamonds diamonds done this there's so much going on here you're going to have to be more specific I think I think that might actually be Diamond there that might actually be some burn on the dynamic light Dan where's Dynamic light that's a mod you don't have mods we're we're we're vanilla man here mods are mods are a bit too spicy for this gameer experience in Minecraft for the first time holy [ __ ] we actually did just find diamond wow that's it's insane so used to only ever getting this after like copious amounts of like strip mining and [ __ ] just pick some up it's a decent chunk too diamonds get that's really cool oh [ __ ] this just straight up obsidian already like kind of formed here this is this is particularly treacherous um if I make a you you need is it just a diamond pick you need to get obsidian something very schnazzy for ourselves look at that we won the universe that that has made it significantly worse okay okay there we go is that not mining does it just take a while just takes a while ice bucket challenge get pancake thank you for a thousand bits okay so why is the word vanilla used to describe something default and basic when it's one of the most exotic things that only grows in very specific tropical conditions and needs to be harvested at the exact right time where all the work put into growing it is useless it's almost as valuable as gold by way and we use it to describe something as normal and boring and doesn't make any sense to me I think they I think they needed to get that their system um think that's been Bing pancake for a while how much obsidian do I need for like a portal it's like 12 or something isn't it it's 10 okay it's going to be real difficult to get if like everything's just sealing over 10 if you're boring 10 if you're a vanilla you might say what was that Jesus Christ what was that a zombie drowned oh God yeah I can see drowned gurgles in the subtitles someone's just dying my biggest fear is something just coming along and like kicking me into the lava I can hear zombies I don't I don't like that I can hear them I could I could check what's down the pit there a zombie who's been hungering for me bur down the pit God Almighty so like what level are we at now minus 50 this mountain side like all hollowed out like goes all the way down to just like the bottom of the world so cool what was that block oh oh God it's a witch oh God I thought you could only get them in like the swamp there's a geode here it's a rare spawn is it block is this cow site do I want the cow site I I think I just want like the purple bit loock of amethyst oh my God look at this this is so cool it's really pretty yeah so I I probably want to harvest this don't I makes noise when you walk on it that's so cool don't break the ones with crystals growing on them Buton ones grow okay so do I just leave them here and just mine the rest of it it's going to take a while while to mine out I'm going to have like a room like a new room in the house for like the library and enchanting table and like it it's just going to be like purple it's going to be like the purple room okay H how much do we need I don't I don't think I need all of this you got to get it all Dan got to get it do we do we really need that much my home's just going to like turn into like the Wizard Tower or something in the town after this just want to check yeah so you break that nothing nothing spawns don't do that this is kind of pointless just want I just just wanted to confirm there there's plenty of them still here broken like five it's fine this is my this is my Minecraft world like I'm I'm the only one who's going to suffer you're not going to be like logging onto this world later today and be like oh that idiot no I can't believe he destroyed that I was going to take that from my base when I got on his single player world God almighty y there's so much to harvest sorry sorry grab as much as we can what what what else do I toss at this point I have so much calite a bit of Cobble is going to have to go get rid of the diamonds got got a sneaking suspicion that that is what the Internet calls the Epic troll rushing up my M culture I I know your ways now chat I saw a sick meme the other day chat it was a cat but he was playing the keyboard and his name is keyboard cat that's the funniest meme I've ever seen that is so POG it's pretty it's pretty POG champ you might say my M shared that on facial book I found so a hilarious video on the Google my internet travels one that grows the big crystal is what you need for the spy glass oh that one is it that one does seem a bit bigger yeah just smack the crystal okay not the block just the crystal right it's it's here have to I'm going to have to toss yet another bit of inventory to pick that up let me let me let me just exhaust this pickaxe and I'll get it amest shards there's not any more of them that are big are there yeah we have about 400 odd amethyst we got to get it all don't half ass our jobs we give them a full ass important life lesson for us not called the ass King then he's lying please please do not call me the ass King I don't like that that just sounds like an insult more than anything like your ass local ass streamer hurting me emotionally like yeah I I think I think that's as good as it gets most of these are just the cross ones now get the calite I I don't think I have space for more calite oh sorry I can take two blocks with me there we go that was really cool yeah like I I've never seen that I feel like with all that hul I should probably head back I I like unless there's like diamonds or something um I I have no inventory space uh if I follow some of the Torches back oh good Lord thank you friend appreciate you please do not die oh up until you said that I was thinking about it get out of here okay now I'm getting a bit worried cuz the Torches are just leading me in the circle now and I am trying to find the way out I'll take a cheeky extra bit of diamond what are the coordinates actually for um oh is that more Diamond I think that is what was the coordinates for like the the water that we placed - 69420 I'm going to check and if it's not there like you never get to come back here you like we'll we'll make fun of you we'll shame that guy it's oh it's a 69420 guy everyone will laugh Point their finger at you and you're going to be humiliated so I'm going to ask again is it 69420 no it's not I thought so I thought so might be this one over here yeah it's this one here oh there's a bit of rain coming in I'm not entirely sure how that's a pretty handy marker though God there's like a slight Ravine this Cavern is crazy there was there was diamond right here there was diamond right here this place is so cool it's so treacherous I think I can see Diamond there I don't think we're getting that one this casually gets one of the luckiest caves I've ever seen you know you just got to have a good gamer chair that's how it works okay I need to I need to Lug supplies back now um I can probably weirdly leave the iron or something I can leave the crafting table we didn't even check out the cherry blossom tree tree let me let me spend the night it's not chance anything oh go on we'll get the cherry blossom tree that house is sad I mean that's not my main house be careful here cuz there might be yeah there's going to be random holes holy [ __ ] watch your step oh you got to be careful here it's such a nice looking wood okay we we we have the building blocks to make a significantly nicer home we might we we might be able to improve our living arrangements I think we just live here oh we have all our stuff back at the Village just bring it here I mean I mean this spot here is kind of nice isn't it okay you know what we'll take over we'll take over this Valley okay I'm going to build my house right on top of the mountain let's take over the mountain cuz to be honest the original Village kind of sucked like their firment was [ __ ] everyone kept stealing my bed [ __ ] Savannah apparently like that that's a big sticking point for some people like this one has so much going for it there's like literally like a horse family living here too oh yeah we're we're moving in here you got to bring the tall grass here dude no way that's the that's the rarest block in Minecraft yo you got you got Tall Grass okay we we we need an impressive looking home it's got to be a nice house it's on top of the mountain it's got to be an amethyst Spire I mean considering the amount of this we have yeah and we can use Cherry log as well for like a nice pink accent we got we got to do something with all this oh God uh I probably want to kill these guys for the their eyes don't I please be kind please be kind please be kind it's okay it's okay our spawn is not fair our spawn is not fair we're all right Give Me Your Eyes please did I get him he's still making noise we want to we want to keep an eye out for them an eye okay we need to toss more [ __ ] in the chest here as well cuz we got to we got to make a trip back home oh he dropped he dropped a pure grass block neat another rare item get we got to make a trip back to get some bits and then we'll we'll come back here make our make our way back to the Village to say our goodbyes as we are going to relocate now to the to the cooler mountain lair kill Frank so he doesn't suffer after you leave he what do you think chat should I just murder him you know I'm going to get back and just like strangle Frank put him out of his misery I just boil them alive with lava please pull it mods mods can we democracy decide if we're going to have a public execution of this man the lottery oh God it's in democracy's hands oh it's 51 49% it's going to be down to the while if you don't vote if you don't vote here and like like you're upset that like Frank is alive or dead it is your fault it is Absolut it's solely your fault hello Frank the results will be with you momentarily Frank has been spared I see later Frank leave our bed well we're saying goodbye to our first home I don't think anyone's going to miss it hey gang how you doing we're leaving town I just wanted to see his off have a good one let's make our way to our new home we love being in a biome that doesn't look like [ __ ] people people really hate Savannah I don't think like it wasn't that bad us are making it out as if like the Savannah Biome like personally like ran over your mutter or something people people have a grudge against this one how do we build this in such a way where it doesn't look like ass so what if I do like that then 1 2 3 4 five what if that's the foundation slight bit of circle like a Minecraft circle okay I see the vision Dan we're going to take this step by step we're going to go real slow this looks like [ __ ] try a 4x4 dirt instead we already did that one now you got to trust me this is going to be a big boy thing and it's it's going to be like what on Earth is he doing let him cook working working overtime [Music] currently look at that he cooked [Music] all right bear with me not that would yuck is he color blind hang on oh it's getting dark again let me let me get back down the mountain side turn the stove off oh he aren't going to like this okay bear with me just bear with me here okay now some of you some of you aren't going to like this bit there's like a narrow little window there here's how we're looking it's coming together what is it what what is it the kids say these days he's serving I'm not entirely sure it's like the follow up to let him cook is that what it is is that is that the slang these days and you ate I don't know what that means I don't know I'm trying real hard guys I'm trying oh I feel ancient today and then that's all you do that's how you access upstairs and that's kind of like got like the magical wizard Vibe I like [Music] that [Music] there we go it's a skylight and it resembles the pattern down there so that a lot of shitload of lighting Welcome to our new home see Isn't that cool totally served this house we cooked good okay let's spend the night in our new home now we can now we can start doing this up there we go I'm I'm really happy with that like Halloween colors yeah the magical wizard modern home basement if we ever want to add a basement we simply dig down the the problem with the basement right this mountain is completely Hollow so I don't know how far we want to dig down we got we got to be real careful playing that game that's our general storage there's like our tables uh we'll stick our crafting table inside good actually hang on or everyone's really upset there we go that works saved it he saved it it's going to be let me just organize inventory for like a few minutes and then we're going to we're going to be sorted and then you'll you'll see like all of this come together the naysayers will be like oh my God Daniel you're amazing I can't believe you did that I shouldn't have doubted you and I'll be like yeah yeah you really shouldn't have this is a wizard tower en chanting table go there you need the one block Gap ah [ __ ] okay we're going to we might lose a few books there that's all right why didn't you just move the table I I don't know man just move the table dad it looks so good there why is everyone Min maxing got know Minecraft is is very serious business you need to understand you didn't you didn't get the optimal enchanting table place but you might as well be dead the speedrun is dead this this wasn't a speedrun imine watching all this time and it's like Jesus this is the worst speedrun I've ever seen and like you've been in the Stream for like 3 hours and it's like why why does he suck why why is he building a house on the mountain the man just needs to get to the nether but I but I can pop a little more here and we can pop those lecterns down there there we go okay wasn't even going to let me enchant I I actually need to get lapis I I forgot I for just remembered how this actually works supposed to like pick it up it like Unbreaking do Unbreaking just mean it last longer let's get that there we go got an enchanted pickaxe keep a chest near our bedside that's going to be for like special [ __ ] any any particular blocks we want to hang on to as we go in our adventure uh our first our first Minecraft diamond you know that that's got to be like a special [ __ ] block Tall Grass I got to go back and get the Tall Grass I'm crafting this mine tough honest work oh good lord he's like watching over his domain a solid grass block yeah that's got to go in the special ship oh hang on and important important sign Daniel's amazing wait it's not quite fit amazing wizard tower got we got to get that into this this looks really nice now I think I'm I'm really happy with my home like is there any other decorative blocks I could craft right now that might might might be nice to get in here make the spy glass first okay all right people really want the spy glass amazing explore the world now it's over there that's cool you can make a juke box that require a diamond does make a juke box get some bang and tunes going before long have no discs but we'll do it yeah I I think we're going to treat ourselves to a sword yeah oh look at that and wait we can we can do one better too enchant it sharpness one it's better than nothing okay let's make the portal I feel like this has to go somewhere a bit away from the house cuz otherwise you're just going to get awful noises the entire time okay time to place it I'm going to do a traditional frame there it is we made it oh god oh this is the new nether right I don't think I've ever seen this like properly in the game there's a fortress wall here as well Jesus Christ new biomes that's awesome who's that guy is this glowstone shroom light I could take some shroom light back for the uh the tower to light it up this will be this will be our first Fay into The Nether this block warped War this is so cool I've never like actually seen this get a few extra just in case we need them don't like the noises the [ __ ] is that noise just Ambience it might be that's really lucky that there's like a fortress right here and also a new biome this uh this mountain was was a good call cuz like what do you have to do from here you have to go you have to get Eyes of Ender you have to find the the stronghold to get to the end Dimension I remember that that's still the goal to technically like beat the game oh look at [Music] these oh that's so good it's going to be so lit up now actual wizard tower Let's uh let's see what this looks like at night pop two outside as well yeah I probably actually should shouldn't I Little Mountain Side light ah that looks so good you got the wizard VI down I'm actually really happy with this home this this has gone like really well and look you get a nice view of where the portal is too from the house and like it's really lit up it's got more of like a spooky Vibe here cuz the lights are higher you can see like it's more faint but it's nice ain't it I'm really happy with my home now I've got a little mining off camera guys I've always wanted to say that uh here's the amazing Wizards Tower I've added like some more decorative blocks uh I got kind of expanded out the trees along here I got like a formal well I got like a little farm kind of set up I got like a little like animal pen here and I tried to get a chicken but like I got I got none of them the chickens don't want to don't want to come to roost at the moment the mountain is like covered in cherry blossom trees now which is which is really cool uh I also made like some little elevator things so I can like have easier access to my the home I want to just like Traverse the mountain I've kind of made like just a little Waterfront here feels like a bit of a safer way of getting up rather than just having to high tail it up the mountain each night let's go to the nether because we just unlocked it we have our portal and let's try and explore it and kind of get some tools I have some I have some food I have some torches crucially I have water buckets and I have my diamond tools I think these should be okay quite quite some time I should get like a f block just in case I could actually I could even use some of the diamonds to craft something what can we get for like diamond stuff like to be honest like we might want like a diamond chest plate if we're going to the nether really really Ki ourselves out welcome to the nether look at this look at this spawn there's a fortress right there oh I forgot the F hang on oh okay be be be a bit more careful then be a bit more careful I can do oh oh no water doesn't work in the ne does it oh oh that's unfortunate okay here we go and there a very clean way to do it if you use the shield sound effect is a bit terrifying there we go okay calmly and slowly so we've already got like two ender pearls take take a a warped nyum block for like the the special [ __ ] collection oh God wait you're hostile from the offset now I thought they only attack you if you attack them no you're friendly the zombie ones are friendly it was just that dude all right we got to be we got to be real careful here especially cuz I think there's like a slight AOE with the swing now that if I hit him he's going to like tell his friends and you we're going to have like a really a really bad thing going here it's got a mushroom let's get him here we go okay we got him God they're terrifying the fight I don't like their noises got got to pick them off one by one that that's my fifth Ender eye that's really good is that dude in the lava it's called a Strider I've I've never seen him there's like some kind of weird spawn on the on the lava there I don't I don't really want to go after that give me your eye that's really good I I have six pearls already now what's the other thing I have to find it's like um it's a blaze rod from like the little fire dudes isn't it did he break my shield oh no oh okay I got I got I got to get back oh no I that that was not as much durability as I had hoped for okay oh my God Jesus YouTube Christ okay we we found the Elementals I think one of the projectiles came out through the portal oh that's terrifying good Lord oh my God like they're they're just hanging out holy [ __ ] takey G all right [ __ ] they hurt you so bad like we're like making a bunker here wait that that is one of them though the problem is I don't know if he dropped anything be really careful here Dan oh oh what are you do it buddy not it's not your fight oh my God he's he's right here okay Jesus build build the trenches build the trenches all right it's a slow process but hear me out if I keep advancing the wall [ __ ] I might be dead my [Music] God just just let him fall he's not worth it oh my God from did he did he drop his thing this is this is actually kind of horrifying doing it this way here is it the mind killer but [ __ ] fire is the Steve killer well said well said no no come back we fishing rod next time to pull him back can you do that it's like oh I got a catch oh my god he has a full Fortress up ahead I'm going to need more fod block my God like it's going to be so hard to get up on them I I don't know can I can I make like a fire proof hat is that like an enchantment that you can just get fire protection okay it is a thing all right boots fed fallen and Fire Protection what's fed Fallen it's a less fall damage okay it's a Fed fall in four as well it's given some good ones but I just don't have enough XP but we we'll get that for now Protection One it'll it'll do we are as kous as we can possibly be now that that that helps significantly that went out that went out so much faster oh look this is not your fight pal take cover this little spot in here will make like a good little bunker the fortnite gamer let let me make some scaffold into the sky real quick you're you're just here you're just hanging out we got one that's huge we got a skull okay glitter skeleton skull why is that name yellow look at that I don't think they had that terrain generation before so creepy looking hello there friend he's just watching us okay not good not good keep keep keep keep snacking on my melon snacks fruit snacks will help us that's as a second Blaze R that's huge ready to go there we go oh come on come on come on down it's three there's so many of them there's a spawner there hang I got I got to I got to block this I think that's how you do it oh no no they're still spawning why didn't that work why didn't that work be it this might be it this might be it melon Stacks melon Stacks melon Stacks melon Stacks don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it just going to we're going to we're going to just recover with some melon snacks a while God melon snacks melon snacks are kicking in don't worry Engage The Melon snack okay the fifth one and hear like a ghast or something oh no they're there there is a chest Hello friends golden horse armor got the Oblivion DLC you know I mean Microsoft does own both this game and uh Bethesda now so you know it could it could be a reference that was another Blaze Rod there too hello friend golden sword a saddle that's what we need isn't it saddle and horse armor acquired oh it's been a good we found like the loot room apparently additional s saddle additional horse armor six blaze rods as well yeah okay let's let's let's get out of here just run we going oh no not you here wait it's okay he suddenly despawned Oh What A Stroke of Luck you just got deleted from the game okay oh my God right we made it back we made it back should I get the other Eyes of Ender while I'm here no drop off your equipment then just stop stop there you know there's only two more shopping bags as I've got like six in my arms already oh God like that that was so intense make a nice like household decoration there we go I a vender that we are we already have six of them thank you that's all the ones I needed isn't it I have two more rods I think that's everything I needed assuming now but depends on how kind the portal is and the pearls are as well I know the pearls can break when you use them oh it's a little dude he's cute no he's running away look at this guy I don't I don't want to kill him child dropped a huge sword RT you must kill him don't temp me now 12 Eyes of Ender in theory we could find the end portal now we we have to find the stronghold and like gallivant around the world a bit uh but I also desperately crave fruit snacks so let me let me let me get some more but I want to get a horse if we're going to be gallivanting around the world a bit I I think that would be a nice touch cuz we actually have a saddle now do I need food for he feeding the horse so I just like like this guy's just volunteered give him we'll give him the butter armor go on doesn't like this you have to ride him with an empty hand oh oh oh oh Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Bud where are you going where are you going oh my God a Saddle Horse Hammer okay all right we we we have we have complete control of this guy now he's very fast oh my God you can like do a big jump he's butter we can name him butter with the armor yeah this is butter just the speed is insane you know what we can do it now we have the horse we can go back and check on the village cuz it it's like it's not nearly as daunting to get there now I I just jumped over a ravine I'm lucky to be alive the horse swim it's okay they're very buoyant you just have to give them like a bit of a push come on [Laughter] butter wait how is this house still on fire we've been gone so long I think they got out okay the tall grass is all right hey cooked chicken how's Gerald doing Frank you good yeah he's good oh you know now that I've actually got a nice home those terra cotta blocks I was thinking earlier might look nice when I actually have a dwelling you know I could probably take this Sawmill too or a stone cutter don't worry uh let me fix your home hang on don't say I'm not a Kind and Generous man anything that I need from here cooked steaks might as well take them are you okay let's um let's find butter and um head on home what is that oh what are you hello there like a little fairy there's several of them locked in cells there anyone home this seem's abandoned bottle of Enchantment sure bunch of carrots corn they wheat amazing oh hello [Music] sir illager so what exactly are these guys who said Ally give them items they'll gather it for you did they only last a little while or okay I give him like a seed behold oh wait wait wait hang oh that's my that's my axe hang on okay let me let me give you something else let let me give you a fishing rod friend all we got one of them the others all took off but this guy seems to be our friend does he actually follow us come on little dude get you home there we go butter is here actually use the stable now okay so how do how do I make sure that this guy hangs around cuz I don't want to take him on like treacherous Adventures I want him to live here is there a way to like kind of like tedar him here use a lead or lock him in the house come on in Bud likes not blocks but I can I can try the not blck rout okay he's in we got him now we can just live live in here this this feels much more like a Wizard's tower now he'll gather whatever I give him is it give him the horn you can just have fun with this like a little wizard familiar he he needs to be stuck in the pool is the only problem just splashing about he's having a Bast well he he's home safe now that's that that's amazing yeah that's that that's really cool you can even do that I think it's going well it's it's looking a bit more lifting no butter you can't you can't exit that way the ocean's looking cooler you got like a load of reads and stuff look at all that Beachside property yeah it's like a proper Port like an island over there too that's not something there is it wait I have a tool for this oh it's like a shipwreck or something butter you you just enjoy you just enjoy nature give you can I give you a like a a watermelon watermelon snack put butter in a hole we won't lose butter if I like go out to the boat okay butter Hang on we're going to just make the the fun play pit for you butter you have fun in the play pit butter I'll uh I'll leave a light source for you the hor parking spot but's like looking at say why you've do done this to me papa no much in the way of oxygen uh just just grab it up grab it buried treasure map where is the treasure map uh so it must be along the coast here somewhere got we got to find the buried treasure it's hard to tell oh there it is what a what a stroke of luck oh my God there's quite a bit in here too oh diamonds load of iron cooked salmon heart of the sea take the heart of the sea I I don't know what that means it's it's another yellow one I should take this potion I don't need the treasure map anymore ah but I kind of want to frame that on the wall or something that'll be a nice Keepsake is that just like a weird land formation it looks really weird doesn't [Music] it oh wait no that's not just a weird land information wait what it's like a bit the nether they just like crash landed here golden shovel golden boots with projectile production Fire charges okay I I I I got have to clear some more space we get rid of some of the sand like the shovel of mendan sounds like like a weird like DND D artifact like ah you got the toothpick of Splendor is the suspicious stew um worth eating try it and find out a sweet I got a jump boost what's this this is this is like not obsidian who's cutting the onions this is this is crying obsidian it's extremely rare can you only find it at like this weird portal structure what happens if I like repair the portal here will it be like a spot of interest to hop into in the nether we have restored this ruined portal wait we're we're back in the forest we can't be too far from where we came in that's my portal over there fast travel quickly get back I me I don't think we need to it's a very treacherous travel system you know yeah we yeah we we got to get home the butter love the Dolphins just following you did I hit you with my boat I'm sorry there's home see what's going on lads oh okay let's let's save the Dolphins YouTube Harpoon there we go get him gone safe now oh my God it's like a whole trench down here is the real okay I got to be careful we're almost back to butter there seems to be a treacherous amount of enemies in the way God Almighty like they've take they've taken defensive action of this location I got to I got to fight them all off they're literally like at the pit will not let our prisoner go hey butter how you doing let's get you y on home I I I think I do have a name tag somewhere I think I found one at some point might be able to make one too yeah here's a name tag hey there we go officially our horse [Music] now oh that's really cool look at that we got we got some fashion going here let's name the sword blackp if I'm going to name my sword y know this is going to be Excalibur but I think it's going to be cooler Excalibur so it's Excalibur plus you know do this this repair it or no it hasn't been repaired hang on I need a diamond to repair it okay that that's cool though cuz now we can keep our tools like going a bit longer probably want to do some of this Excalibur plus sounds like a tech startup here at Excalibur plus we want to offer integrated business solutions for the modern man we're The Sword and the stone you need to get your business started so why not come try and pull us out Excalibur plus integrate into your business today you have ideals of synergy economize so many businesses that sound like that and it's really hard to tell what they actually do okay we have to triangulate then let's let's see if we can find the Fortress and if we throw this where' it go where the YouTu did it go i' I've lost a pearl wait we're above it there's no way there's no way it can't just just be straight down throw a pearl in the third person okay hang on let me let me let me just like go to a different spot and throw it does anyone see it it's that way went it went over here that that one's just popped already that's unfortunate oh it's it's going to be hard to get back here cuz I definitely definitely don't have my kit for uh potentially taking on the dragon yet we should we should have brought some more fruit snacks if we were going to do that right away just keep going just straight snow what's [Music] happening what was that okay you could you could just slip into the snow stream be careful jesz that's that's new hello friend thank you thank you for making the stairs oh my God that's a snow stream you can't you can't go in that you can't go in that thank you for the secret stairs Jesus Christ oh did we pass it that straights out okay so it's it's under here somewhere [Music] God okay all right it's below us it's below here the fact that it changed and that rapidly it it's it's got to be here in like this little Forest how far down do I have to go before I know what what level we on two is it is it deeper than that probably not near enough yet what was that just a normal cave s it it didn't sound that normal oh sweet Diamonds oh could it be it it's just a cave oh that's unfortunate okay is wait is that still in the wall somewhere can I can I get that back the subtitle said it fell I it it could be anywhere it really could be anywhere I can hear something well follow the noise follow the noise it's it it's just a dude pretty light going on there oh sweet diamonds getting pretty lucky with these the least up up it's above you Dan it's above you look up I don't see it there's a door got an achievement for getting here too welcome to the this is a problem try the other side of the door yeah let me just poke my head around okay wait wait wait okay there it's over here we found it we found it we just checked there's nothing behind this door there's definitely like loot in these ones too isn't there got to got to be a bit of treasure we we already found it oh my God it it's just here this is it and of course like all of the eyes are YouTube missing oh Jesus it's going to take a while very least I could like pop a few in buddy okay break break the spawner there we go just get rid of it we need we need four more which is precisely the amount we had break in discovering it as Lu is either way too good or way too bad there is no in between uh well we're going to going to I know there risk of silverfish but let's just get like a few in here let's just make some nice handy stairs back that we can actually use for few CH sake we're here right it's okay guys well we know where it is oh that's really unfortunate let's make a nice big Monument just to just to mark this hello there podel oak sapling yellow dye green dye kill her I'm I'm not killing them guy looks cool there pillagers oh they're just they're just hanging out actually oh they might go after him hang on let me let me bite their ankles can line them up so they shoot each other find him take the shot there we go bad Omen that last for a good while oh we found it there's the End Dragon that that's really cool I'm I'm shocked we found that today natural m craft speedrunner just able to int it where exactly the stronghold is going to be uh what are my coordinates to get home the these are the awful mountains yeah I can I can get serup it's weirdly inspiring at the moment ain't it feel like I should be saying something like profound it's not just about the mines you craft it's about the mines along the way I think we can probably fight the End Dragon I think we can gear up for it the the main limitation is simply arrows give the village of Fletcher's table then they will sell arrows i' i' I've never heard of is that like a alternate crafting table or something made it back home okay so what is it so like Fletcher's table okay oh if I just pop this in a villager's home he'll be like hey I got arrows now for you is that right give it to Frank I'll pop it in like hiso like in his little hole all right okay we we'll go back to the Village then oh how's it going okay all right so I need to actually talk to Frank then all right how do I how do I do [Music] this wait why does it say R oh YouTube oh you YouTube nothing I can't manage I I have fruit snacks do I even want to defend this this Village don't think I'm that invested in them I'm I'm a bit hurt is this [Music] [Music] bad quick uh quick fruit snack gang let's get get the fruit snacks in we might treat ourselves to a loaf of bread this time vill villagers are pretty pretty worried wor the village is safe now I don't know where the last guy is I heard him there he got stuck in this nightmare no all right you got stuck in my nightmare of a house oh don't don't sleep the night [Music] oh what are you thankfully they don't they don't seem seem able to get me in this home thanks to the slight fence is the soundtrack really playing some nice common music right [Music] now someone's in here come on up the stairs come on he's dead [Music] they not all dead oh no they're advancing on the villagers over there I think house is under siege so stupid it's like just four guys with guns at the door and it's like open up I'm just like cracking open a window and like swiping at him we go got get the witches down you CH is that there's like there's like a little thing coming in I'm try I'm trying to bat him away struggling I'm it under the [Music] [Applause] house this might be it this might be it no there was too much oh thankfully I set my spawn in my oh no wait how am I supposed to get back let's go guys let's go come on beaten Di the door wait I think I think I left the sword in here this is going to be a bit rough I can take [Music] him this is this is going to be a bit rough stuck in a Time Loop how many seconds in eternity the shepherd's voicey says wait my trap door oh how many seconds in eternity the shepherd's Bo how many seconds in eternity the shepherd's second I can beat them all I need is my bare hands I get two of these make sticks with you momentarily sir your stuff will despawn that okay I'm working on it I'm I'm working on it I'm working on it okay I've got the basics block block the door with the flection table set your spawn in here hang on got the bed respawn Point [Music] set [Music] okay stop him coming in eat some bread there's two left come on there's one guy oh my God he's just in our [Music] home we did it we did it we did it we saved the village look at the state of it look at the state of it after this like was it was it worth saving was it really worth saving like look at this like train wre of a settlement Frank safe Frank safe this shitty Village has been through so much the agriculture is a mess the road Network's destroyed like their house is in ruin is there even a Fletcher does an Enderman just like pick it off blocks well Village cannot catch a break hey Frank how you do [Music] it he's trained he's trained oh my God Frank that's actually a really good deal thank you Frank he gave us something Arrow of strength thank you Frank decorate his place there we also got like a totem of undying I think this just resurrects you or something if you die like it's actually pretty good that's that's pretty valuable but we got what we need it let's head on home with butter let's head on home butter butter famously floats oh wait there's pump there's something important you can do with a pumpkin isn't there if you're like wearing one of these in your head Enderman can't hurt you isn't that right or like they don't want to that might be really handy considering the circumstances yeah we might want to get some of these oh it's that easy wow okay there's not a way to turn off pumpkin vision is there do F5 cuz that's unfortunate uh this is going to be a pretty obscured battle but we're going we're going to keep that handy anyway cuz we might need it I I just I only need ender eyes don't I I think was it four more I need it okay so I I only need to kill like two Enderman this is this is the mission objective number one let's get the those eyes where is [Music] he that's one Dan is powerful now oh we need to be careful of him yep just screaming me a bit more okay yeah be really careful of him be really careful of him we don't we don't want to deal with the ghast okay I've got I've got two eyes you chat you're positive it was only four Eyes of Ender I need it it's just a long walk just a very long walk all right let's uh let's make our way on back then all right so Eyes of Ender Pearl blaze powder that's two more okay that in theory is everything we need we might be ready gang craft some golden carrots how do I actually make a golden carrot I I have carrot and gold all right the these are some stronger snacks I'm assuming kind of price you with the best food in the game the golden carrots what how much do these actually heal cuz I remember Golden Apple gives you like a regen buff eight hers with a golden carrot cool okay so we'll we'll we'll keep that in reserve and one one last look at our home we prob we probably should have done this before we left now we'll be coming back we're just filled with confidence that's why we're not dwelling on it you know you know I got we should we should have done like a tour of the base and be like you know it's amazing how far we've come oh God what a journey it's been it's this is the fourth stream this is the fourth time I've been playing it no it's it's not it's not that dramatic the let's play is over like that's it I'm done with Minecraft remember when you got butter that was yesterday good good times good times in the olden days and we'll make a little uh we'll make a little door we we'll we'll need some of these mhm sir sir I'm try I'm trying to set up a home I'm trying to set this up what is it every time I make a dwell and that someone's like oh you made a little boat there dad you made a little boat you mind if I move in you need need new neighbor you mind if I live here you mind if I live here every single time and what we'll do is like here we're going to just make a little hidey hole that's uh perfect once you slap a bed on it you'll hardly notice what H what are you doing you just drinking he's invisible lamb is like looking at me funny uh is it safe for me to get rid of the lava too I feel like I should probably do that that's not going to like impacted is it we go here we go the portal is established we're here uh where exactly is here is is the fortunate question right now don't don't look at them don't look at the Enderman we can get away without pumpkin Vision oh my god there he is how do you have to to do this is like you have to destroy the to the towers isn't it you got to get those like Beacon blocks bit scary doing this thankfully once we're in here like we're relatively safe from him hitting us I think oh oh okay okay they explode didn't know yeah you could you can probably shoot them can't you well except the ones that are in cages there some that are exposed are they on every Tower or is there only a few here the dragon nice dragon me give me give me another fruit snack that was bad dragon please oh my God thankfully it's not that far of a run fortunately he's applied like an AOE effect going to going to need the bread we're going to need the bread this time hello sir I I I see you looking directly at me let hit it all right what I can do is I can take the shot from here on some of the other Towers get some of them down I'm lucky if I'm lucky oh look at that hear him not quite good enough with the bucket he's so cool I don't get that kind of Praise every day let me let me be honest with you mods mods can you can you pin that message in chat EAS he does it okay from here okay is that all of them there we okay I I landed a shot if it bleeds we can kill it wait did it get wait it's stuck it's oh there we go there we go okay so this is like an intentional part of the mechanic or something no no no oh my God what do I do there's there's way too many there's way too many water water e the carrot Jesus Christ [Music] oh my God that was pretty close we did technically die there but the idol saved us there we go oh the the Enderman are Agro okay get him boys water problem is the projector oh my God that's bad my armor is breaking as well from the amount of damage we're taken hello sir can I help you oh that that's a lot more I think this will be the only time I've ever done it by myself like just ever cuz it's always been like a multiplayer server or something fact we're actually doing this is is actually really cool for me oh it deflected the AR there we go buddy please you ruin the moment let's defeat it we did it oh give me that XP give me that XP look how much we got for that 62 oh that was great there's the the egg can I take the egg use a torch for the egg hang on okay wait wait how do how do we get this we want to do this right you need to make it teleport first and then it's like oh it's like gravity isn't it yeah okay hang on egg acquired oh that's fantastic okay we got to we got to step in that is Minecraft oh you get the poem as well I see the player you mean magistrix yes take care it has reached a higher level now you can read our thoughts that doesn't matter he thinks we are part of the game I like this player it played well it did not give up it is reading our thoughts as though they are words on a screen that is how it chooses to imagine many things when it is deep in the dream of a game back in the days when those who did not play call themselves player switches and warlocks the players dreamed they flew through the air on sticks powered by demons what did this listen to the children as they scream what the display your dream ah the original interface million years old and still works what true structure did this player create in the reality behind the screen it worked with a million others to sculpt the true world in the fold of their and created you cannot read that thought no it has not yet achieved the highest level that it must achieve in the long dream of life not the short dream of a game does it know that we love it the universe is kind some sometimes through the noise of its thoughts it hears the universe yes sometimes when they're deep in dreams want to tell them they are building true words worlds in reality sometimes I want to tell them of their importance to the universe sometimes when they have not made a true Connection in a while I want to help them speak the word they fear it reads our thoughts sometimes they do not care sometimes I wish to tell them this world you take for truth is merely and and I wish to tell them that they're and they see so little of our reality in the long dream and yet they play the game magistra player of games hey that's me once upon a time there was a player a player was you magistrates sometimes it thought itself human on the thin crust of a spinning globe of molten rock the ball of molten rock circled a ball of Blazing gas that was 330,000 times more massive than it they were so far apart that light took 8 minutes to cross the Gap the light was information from a star and it could burn your skin from 150 km million kilm away sometimes the player dreamed it was a minor on the surface of a world that was flat and infinite sun was a square of white the days were short there was much to do and death was a temporary inconvenience sometimes the player dreamed it was lost in a story sometimes the player dreamed it was other things in other places sometimes these dreams were disturbing sometimes very beautiful indeed sometimes the player woke from one dream into another then woke from that into a third sometimes the player dreamed it watch words on a screen let's go back you are the player story The program the human made from nothing but milk and love let's go further back the 7 billion Bill where the YouTube is this going billion years of Adams of the players bodies were Creator long before the game in the heart of a star so the player two is information from a star and the player moves through a story which is the farest information Planet by a man called Julian on a flat infinite World created by a man called Marcus that exists inside a small private World created by the player who inhabits a universe created by shush sometimes the player created a small private world that was soft and warm and simple sometimes hard and cold and complicated sometimes it build a model of the universe in its head Flex of energy moving through vast empty spaces sometimes they call those Flex electrons and protons sometimes they call them planets and stars sometimes the player decoded red red lines of code on the screen code them into words decode it words into mean decode it means into feelings emotions theories and ideas and the players start to breed faster and deeper and realize it was not alive it was alive those thousand deaths had not been real the player was alive you you you are alive sometimes the player believe the universe has spoken to it through zeros and ones through the electricity of the world through the scroll and words on a screen at the end of a dream the universe said I love you the universe said you have played the game as well the universe said everything you need is within you and the universe said you are stronger than you know the universe said you are the daylight and the universe said you are the night and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you and the universe said the light you seek is within you and the universe said You are not alone and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing and the universe said you are the universe testing itself taking to itself reading its own code and the universe said I'd love you because you are love the game was over and the player woke up from the dream the player began a new dream and the player dreamed again dreamed better and the player was the universe and the player was love you are the player wake [Music] up by the way the credits is 76 minutes long wait what oh we might not have that much [Music] [Music] time
Channel: RTGame
Views: 783,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, rtgamecrowd, rt gaming, funny, video games, games, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, minecraft, mine craft, let's play, lets play, let's play minecraft, minecraft let's play, minecraft nether, minecraft end, minecraft stronghold, minecraft update, minecraft base game, minecraft 2024, minecraft mountain, minecraft village, minecraft house, minecraft series, survival, episode 1, end dragon, village raid, cave update, nether, mc
Id: 1fMJz6ChCPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 59sec (6239 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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