I Played the HARDEST Skyblock

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this is not a normal Sky Block with absolutely none of the usual resources every day of survival is a miracle and oh I'm also making it unnecessarily more difficult by playing it in hardcore mode no no no don't push each other off the edge to complete this map I have to progress through six stages starting with phase one as we only have 81 blocks I reshaped the island which would allow me to farm hostile as well as passive mobs the obviously needed more blocks and for now we only have three options I went with the wool Strat during the night I also managed to get seven string which is really a lot because I wanted to preserve my hunger bar I just kicked the other mobs into the void and didn't kill them the next day disaster struck an Enderman started disassembling my farm oh no I discovered that spiders can escape from my trap no no no no no no no and I took a ton of damage which of course caused my hunger bar to start dropping with days going by and grass spreading on the passive mff Farm it slowly became operational look at them look at them we have animals but sadly at this point in time time I really needed food oh no not you again the Enderman issue had to be fixed so I came up with a design that would actually spawn only spiders which would make the farm faster but the problem is that I need a 34 string which I didn't have at the time oh look we have snow so it's time to grind for some resources is that sheep we have another sheep you got to be kidding me on day eight I finally had all the resources needed for this upgrade and it was totally worth it because in next few days we went from getting free spiders per night on average to 3.3 spiders on average but even that wasn't enough because as the series progresses we'll be building some truly enormous structures soon I realized just how long it will take to get the desired spider output from this Farm despite the doubts I continue to farm day by day and I watched the sun rise and fall into the void as I collected more and more string then all the sudden on day 14 I got company look at that we have a wolf let's actually try to tame him hello one of my friends said that this dog should be named Sadi although I do not have a name tag for you right now with my newfound friend we continued to farm all the way till we had 41 string and on day 19 I was finally ready to increase my hostile mob farm size by 50% the effects were immediate we were now producing 6.6 spiders per night so obviously I collected even more string for another upgrade on day 23 I accidentally spawned a creeper but luckily even that didn't stop me from Gathering more string now we were producing 8.8 spiders per night as this was the only way to to escape the Sky Block I kept investing every single piece of string that I got back into the farm not a financial advice on day 29 another upgrade occurred we were producing 9.6 spiders per night and we were finally ready to enter phase two so far our block Choice has been extremely limited however that will change besides animals that provided us with food foxes can also spawn on this island and in some cases they will also spawn holding an emerald and eventually will be able to buy a sapling from a Wandering Trader however so far we only had a couple of foxes spawn which means that we need to expand our passive mob farm do I even need to mention that this upgrade required nine days of farming string on day 38 I replaced every single dirt block that I could from the Hostile mob farm and placed it into the passive mob farm the spawn rates increased but so did the Slime spawns and then this happened no no what a few minutes later so here's a cand for S 2.0 and you're now s 2.0 welcome to the island to make sure this won't happen again I moved s 2.0 into a safer spot there you go good dog in the next few days we got some very useful spawns although not the ones that we were searching for oh wow day 42 started as a normal snowy day which quickly turned into a thunderstorm which was a big problem since I was standing on the most flammable material in the game after a couple of strikes right besides my Island it's finally stopped the fox pawns continued over the following days although still no emeralds on day 49 I decided to increase my Island size because foxes can also spawn on blocks covered by snow we were getting a lot more spawns than before that is for sure but still no Emerald foxes as foxes can spawn during the night I used that time to farm even more string and so I was ready to add 50% more blocks to the passive mob farm on day 62 we were on track to eventually get that Emerald but there was still this one problem that I haven't thought about wondering Traders need quite a big platform to spawn but my island is kind of small also I'm not entirely sure that they can spawn on height minus 60 but if you go above sea level we'll get Phantom spawns day 69 was crazy in terms of fox spawns for some reason if only we could craft slime blocks we would have plenty of blocks by now but as this is sadly not the case we need an even faster spider farm that was accomplished on day 81 when the spider farm doubled in size and I also added a mechanism that would prevent spiders from sliding out of the farm as I could now easily deal with up to to five spiders at a time the rates went up to 19 spiders per night I also got a brown sheep which is quite rare and then just a couple of days later another one another Brown sheep come on they are supposed to be rare food wasn't that big of an issue thanks to the efficient passive mob farm I realized how many foxes we had during the previous days and yet with only 1% of chance of getting that Emerald we still weren't lucky enough every upgrades to the passive mob farm seemed less and less impressive as the island grew the Sun is going up on day 100 and as you can see we have day counter at day 99 and because it starts counting at Day Zero we are now technically at day 100 and if you look at the statistics you will see that we almost killed 1,000 spiders almost will be there in a couple of days but besides that I do not have much to show you guys so this is my Island and these are the items that I have collected in the first 100 days and to celebrate this 100th day will be spawn proofing this passive mob farm so that no more slimes can spawn Here and Now there is no more risk of slime SP oh now it's fixed and one more here and we have another Brown sheep but I'll be honest my motivation to keep on going fell to a new Time Low partly because of the unsuccessful Fox drops but also because I have clicked over 20,000 times to kill those spiders and I simply had enough after collecting more string that I have ever seen before in the Sky Block I could finally afford an upgrade that would fix my problems but as I started building it a true miracle happened yo no way no way you got to be no what how is this possible yes yes because you were such a good dog I have to t you welcome to the island with more determination than ever I finish the new Killing area which proved to be working right away the next day I managed to get back to the original Farm side and spawn proof some areas of the passive mop Farm which were now spawnable as this concept was easily scalable I kept making the farm bigger and bigger as I was producing more and more spiders I realized a fatal flow in this design every time a spider spawns it has a 1% of chance to spoon with skeleton riding it and this is extremely deadly as the skeleton can easily kill me oops this is why I have started breeding dogs in the next days I might have overbred them a little bit little did I know that this would also occupy the passive mob cap and so the passive mob farm stopped producing food on Day 139 well at least the dogs took care of the Skeleton jockies on day 145 I more or less finished the spider farm which now produced up to 60 spiders per night from the regular movements that I do during the night I calculated where I can still have solid blocks in my base without spawning any additional Hostile Mobs I filled the first part on day 154 slowly skeleton jockeys really started destroying my dog Army on one hand we got back the passive mob farm and once again we have passive mobs and also this wait am I seeing this right this one has emmer as well I mean that is great but we still not have a Wandering Trader yet yep thank you but on the other I had less food each day which could end badly that's why after building the other side of the island on day 165 I gathered more wool to build what I like to call called the skeleton Crusher built on day 175 this machine promised to solve our food crisis back to the wandering Trader you see I could make an entire movie about this stage of the game but I'll keep it short to not bore you too much first I removed the carpets from the mob farm which increased the spawnable area build a Hut and started afking only checking for spawns every half an hour and so the days went by on day 250 I suspected that I might be doing something wrong maybe the trader needs bigger spots to spawn that's why I removed the carpets from the rest of the island as that didn't help I tried afking from another location then on day 300 I tried running Minecraft from another directory freshly created for this Challenge on day 490 I decided to go all in by destroying the spider farm completely I would like the resources to rebuild it later but this gave me a much bigger area each day the anticipation grew stronger uh guys we got him we finally got him we have a bit of a company here but if I jump there really quickly yep I'm alive so now there is I don't know less than 10% chance that he has the one trade that I want but i' would be so grateful if if he actually has it right now no way no way thank you so thank you so much thank you so much now I have to go to the the uh cell here so that any don't mobs don't spawn but thank you we have it just the journey to get from day 175 to day 496 took almost a month but now it was finally time for stage three so how do we get wood well do you remember those skeleton joies oops now they are essential I placed down some Moss bone Mill it a couple of times and eventually I got an aelia sapling which can be then bone Meed to produce a tree and for the first time in 500 days we have wood the first of which I spent on Essentials such as crafting table chest a bat and some basic tools I got a bit carried away as I kept farming wood for the next 4 days until I ran out of bone meal this gave me four and 1 half stacks of locks to work with after placing back the carpets I started to work on General mob farm due to its relatively small size I managed to build it in less than a day and it was quite fast first I got some some Redstone then carrots which quickly solved our entire food crisis and then armor for better protection as well as potatoes slowly I started getting the rare loot such as iron from zombies at this point the 36 Slots of my inventory weren't enough so a temporary storage was made and for the next few days all I did was chop down trees and collect the precious iron now I needed lava as there is no way in vanilla Minecraft to obtain lava it has to be somewhere in the world as I made this map I placed one lava source at each of the end portals the only problem being that we need to bridge 2,000 blocks to get there on day 516 I got the resources I needed by converting my planks into slabs I would be able to get there and for the first time in 500 days I bridged so far that I couldn't see my Island anymore then as I forgot the bucket I came back and crafted one from the iron we obtain 2 days of bridging later I arrived at the coordinates there it is the portal and we are here we got the achievement but most importantly okay we have two pearls in the uh end portal that's great but most importantly we have lava now we only have to get back down there later I decided to craft the first cauldron which I placed into the swamp biome the next day I decided to shovel the snow on day 520 I finally saw rain and realized that this could be the day when we finally get better tools but the next day the dream faded away as the rain has stopped the rain brought some new snow and as I got some broken shovels from a zombies why should I not use them on day 523 I started the work on a new Fox Farm and after bridging to the new location I realized that it might be a good idea to make a new bat here so we can skip the night the next day I marked the spoon of able area and one day later I filled in the remaining part I thought that 11 eggs would surely spawn in one chicken but it didn't as I got a bit impatient with waiting it to snow I used the collected snow to craft snow layers which would allow my farm to start spawning in foxes then I got some very useful loot from the mob farm yo what it started also snowing and I got some good loot again o look at that a nice sword as the rain has stopped I went back to The Cauldron to check it and still empty the fox farm appeared to be working but I made the mistake of building it too high which meant that I was still getting the majority of the spawns back at our main base so uh why wouldn't I turn my base into a fox farm then I thought and while this time lapse is taking a bit longer consider subscribing perhaps on day 536 I finally found a purpose for the uh definitely wasn't supposed to be a fox farm now it is a tree farm and after grinding up the resources for a couple of days days straight I started expanding the main platform on day 540 and since the upgrade was quite substantial it took the entire day 541 as well it's snowing it's snowing as this was the third time it rained I had to get that water so using all the iron that I got since the last rainfall I managed to craft one extra cauldron we have water we have water look at this look at this it's feeling up I didn't want to risk it so I stood all night near the cauldrons and that of course caused the mobs to spawn on my main island look at that how am I going to get back but sadly even after a day and a half of rain this one level was all we got on the other side we started getting a lot more foxes in my main base which was nice on day 546 I had enough of slimes once again so I decided to spend a day investigating where they spawn and spawn proofing the area once again well hello there do you want to trade with me well hello there do you want to trade me thank you hello would you like the trade thank you it began raining for the fourth time and as I had more iron now I could afford the third cauldron okay so they are both at level one now look at that now this cauldron is level two and this one is level one so yes we finally have enough water now I was on a brink of a new era the only reasonable nonflammable material I could use were bone blocks which stored my lava source as I needed the bucket for the next step using empty glass bottles dropped by witches I fully filled one cauldron and picked it up with a bucket now ironically we can place down the water source and fill up three more glass bottles and by filling up the cion once again we now have infinite water source and this marks the day when we entered the phase 4 the first thing was of course a cobblestone Stone generator and for the first time in 540 something days we have Cobblestone it seemed like my new achievement has drawn a lot of attention and zombies didn't want me to get this new material but after an entire day of negotiations they finally let me do my things I'm sorry but I have to make this joke the fact that we now have stone and water will open many doors firstly I can now smell items which finally enables me to make torches so I can finally get rid of zombies Cobblestone can be smelted into stone and then by using moss and growing aelia trees I can finally get more rooted dirt it is not the fastest method but I got a stack and a half of rooted dirt which I can convert into regular dirt and I can use that on a crop Farm the next few days I mainly grinded for resources hello there thank you because of a buck in the game preventing wandering Traders from spawning on snow I decided to clean it all up just in case to finish it I also placed a stack of torches to prevent the snow from forming again as it began snowing I decided to add a few more torches for a good measure but why do I want a Wandering Trader again well I want villagers and they give you access to many new items and for that I need a witch apples and gold but I didn't just AFK I made sure to do other things as well such as mining a lot of cobblestone in the first few days and then I farmed at the mop farm for about 10 days especially for gold armor but more on that later as no new wandering tra ERS have appeared yet I decided to make a dedicated platform for the wandering Trader I started with a tower so tall that the sky turned blue the middle chunk was filled in with Cobblestone so I could build a stone generator without the risk of starting a fire after filling in the first seven chunks I ran out of blocks that's why I went back to my base and grabbed everything that I needed to survive and expand the wandering Trader Farm the amount of wood I farmed in the next few days was just insane now yes I could get away with top slabs but i f let's do it with solid blocks instead so we still need 1 2 3 4 five stacks of locks wait wait wait llama are you kidding me we have him this is nothing useful yet but at least we now have a spawn so we know that this Farm is not working then I removed him from the mob cap so new ones could spawn bye on day 593 the platform was finally done and to celebrate that I made a new slightly faster Stone generator constructed only using signs and I use the majority of my iron to get that Hopper uh-oh I didn't anticipate those guys luckily they are falling off the platform oh no well how long does this last 1 hour and 40 minutes well luckily I do not have villagers so this is not a problem just why guys why are they spawning and what what do we have here nice noises yes let's see what you have well sadly not the one and after exchanging a few words with this guy mhm uhhuh it was finally Time to Say Goodbye we have another one and he has [Music] it thank you now let's Farm some apples and there is our first Apple yay we have it then it was time to head back to the main base these are the armor pieces I got from the mob farm and the first thing I did was smell them down into nuggets while the pieces were smelting I started the work on a contraption that would help me convert zombie villagers into normal villagers the first mob that spawned was a witch which spawned quite quickly and I was immediately greeted with a bit of poison ouch soon after a zombie villager spawned after crafting the golden apple the tedious process of waiting for the witch to throw a potion of weakness started due to the poison there was one close call not even close it took me some time to realize that this was it yo weakness weakness let's go finally a couple of minutes of waiting later and we have him welcome to the island you may exit the cell in just a couple of Trades I got back way more emeralds than it took to get this guy oh come on you couldn't spawn in my wandering Trader farm and now you spawned here okay let's see what you have to offer drip Stone the wandering Trader found his distant relative or something with villagers on the island a new era was ahead soon another zombie villager spawned and his curing process began the second villager became a tool Smith I spent all of my emeralds trying to upgrade him and soon I had iron tools and eventually this and our first Diamond Tool on this island chopping down trees became much easier a place for the villagers was constructed with a field couple of beds and plenty of food and it seemed like they enjoyed the place as soon the first baby was born as I knew that I will soon have a bunch of villagers I created a farm plot near my villager breeder the next time I looked at the villagers they already had two new kits and they were willing to sell me diamond pickaxes in preparation for the second farming plot I ran out of dirt that is why I went back to chopping down aelia trees and eventually the field was made and while I was making the fields the villagers reproduced like crazy meaning that it was time to create a more permanent settlement for the villagers and so the construction of the Villager Hotel began soon enough the villagers got moved into their new homes one of them became a farmer one a butcher another one a shepherd and the last one a weaponsmith the next problem that I wanted to tackle was the storage issue ever since I have gotten the villagers I'm just leaving chests everywhere so I decided to make a new main storage area at the end of the island it took a couple of days but it was definitely worth it on day 647 I decided to add a fence around my base as the villagers were breathing like crazy once again I decided to take down the zombie villager converter and to finish this productive day I moved a couple of animals into their new animal pens eventually the day of entering the end will arrive and so the preparations began the first one on the list was a lava Farm which was needed to enter the nether Dimension one of the new villagers was employed to be an armorer and he would eventually start selling me the armor for the end Journey luckily I didn't have to wait long to get more lava sources in the next few days the diamond armor was fully bought and the lava Farm became faster and faster each day so soon I had enough for the nether portal as I still do not have Flint yet I need to wait a couple of minutes for it to spontaneously Catch Fire a few minutes later as I entered the nether I tried to speed run as much as I could first I made a bridge to the nether Fortress area where after building a simple Farm I managed to get all the blaze rods from just 15 blazes and also this I don't need that but thank you the next day I breached another 100 blocks into the opposite direction where I started building a gold Farm the farm became operational the next day and after 5 days of farming and bartering I finally got the pearls that I needed this was the final stretch the Journey to the End would be dangerous to say the end my other dog so I decided to make them a nice H just in case I don't survive the journey back with the resources from the nether the last two villagers were acquired one bought the majority of my rotten flesh while the other gave me a new bow I watched the sound go down for the last time as I knew tomorrow was going to be a big day after gearing up I walked for 7 minutes to reach the end portal then I used the pearls to light it up and went to the end [Music] yes yes finally yes oh finally look at that it's finally done guys it has taken me more than 200 days to make this video so please subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Lord Jon25
Views: 5,138,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hardest skyblock, Skyblock timelapse, The nothing skyblock, Can you beat skyblock with nothing, LordJon25
Id: kG_Ltc-j2N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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