Let's Play - Divekick!

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well this till he lost control your voice oh did you say bye it's not like you said by Isis as high as I can get in your falsetto oh this is highs like we're gonna go anymore we're gonna play a video game cuz we like to fight in digital realms dive dive kick edition edition here we go select alright let's go with vs. oh no vs. let's go online that's not y'all you'll get it done so all you can do is dive and kick in fact all you can do is these two l1 and l2 oh here's it I don't want to be that guy the bass oh that look kind of looks like me I think I should be imma be movin uncle sensei he's got boots on his hands look I have some sort of Whitley samples you're talking to each other oh my god talks like this so style Jim I don't care about this let's just play let's just X it up man I'm ready to fight oh look we could figure out clothes oh I'm gonna match what I got on he's shirtless who cares alright okay here we go uncle sensei now you press r1 and l1 and all you can do is jump and then kick you can't even move you cannot move all right so whoa that's a dive kick that's how you can enjoy whoa well I can't even kick oh here we go oh you kicked my booty oh man my gosh I'm sort of swinging this happening oh yeah look I'm doing a handstand oh yeah look at that God cheering us on hey hey I'll I'm glad you're riding on my beach guy came to this resort and I didn't know this kind of stuff this is some great entertainment oh-ho Oh neck shot oh wow it really only closed it oh I didn't know that was gonna happen hmm I'm gonna go into the water man oh I didn't do anything I just stood there making this kind of easy for the bass man I just want to go scuba diving man I'll tell you one thing he does have this to me Oh Multi kid on you it's kind of a bear I have this rope I got it I got it next to the pool I got boots on my pants man okay there we go that's good I'm smoking don't smoke kids oh yeah unless you're in Tahiti they just had this okay so you figured it out now let's just do it right let's do a bunch of jumps with no kicks and cela handles oh I'll let my guys confused oh oh you mean and gonads all right go oh you want to go to the buffet after this huh in the belly the chest your bread bag oh I will take this back to the pool area later diving kicking not losing d what is sorry oh you don't know you all right I got a D well a different character here we get your select hey you'll kick though you'll be that guy please yeah you men know be the guy in the straitjacket did you get out of this straitjacket yes here we go he's like a disturbed deeming yo James mr. n is getting ready to snuggle up in a airports well Hampton I'm afraid of mr. in oh my guys missed it my guys got it he needs to put some pants on mr. n dad his jammies on come above get from above whoa Oh first you got to get that straight jog it off what in the world well it just flies over you my guys just saying huh take that throw right in the belly ha ha Oh is he going on a plane I don't think you hit me I think I was just gonna take a nap oh oh no belly again I like to touch your belly with my feet with your sweetheart all your braided oh yeah got many others on the knee the calf mystery no Michael quacks fire punch jeepers I got jumps really hello I don't know if you've noticed but oh he's a big jumper man he's wearing a big jump oh oh I did did you see what happened I did fire hi who's saying hi me I want to make friends Oh how'd you do that how did you know well I don't know but I got into the belly man as long as I can get to the belly I'm here a gargle and a straitjacket and I'm just a dude who wants to take a little nap Oh headshot eat it stream stream your name Butterfree oh I have those little birds again oh that belly's hard to avoid yeah it's like yeah it's sort of like hazard zone gravitational pull can I throw my neck pillow at you I don't know how I did it whoa chef hands what is it all right I'm not giving up yeah I gotta see it not losing you're all free now right I'm on some pants you loser all right I'm uh gonna be I'm gonna be somebody you okay oh look at this guy redacted I mean you took his name back his name is so oh look there is me there is me there is me I'm actually in the game steal from the best gym to the worst duh see that sounds like me he's an evil guy so you choose your change same gyms as me I feel like wearing a white suit hopefully we'll be in Miami I'm committed to beating you this time I hope my guys smoking a cigar you can reset it by following this email link yes link is speaking to you how does it know your name because it has my password I don't oh whoa look how fast he is Mike Oh cute hat Bear dive kitty Trudy is he so good how did you already win I don't know who what how did that happen easy son I think it's because of the white suit how does rematch know how did that happen through yes oh it's starting up it's just it's just sudden then a sudden day yeah oh you can get multiple times I can't jump multi I just I just hacked right through your body man oh I see the dances we were doing oh he's vomiting oh the dog sick and I'm gonna eat it the dog was sick guys that's why I didn't win the first time cuz I had a little tummy ache okay let's do one more are we gonna be do you kidding maybe this guy cuz he's just he's not even a person Oh is that be the angel can I be Kenny Kenny I'm really good I marry you Oh dick yo duds oh I can be any color I wanna I'm gonna be pink I want to be yellow cuz I'm Kenny no because there's names Kenny's that mean he has to die oh let's do this what are you I am big so um why do I have a camera action morning and I'm like a generic Oh father text morning no no whoa Oh cute how come I already have we did not steal this game I don't know hi Stanley oh that's it oh look it's the guy from the last game we played it's the joust harder which others are going on because I only had to hit you one time because your eye I picked the sudden-death Jim which is fine oh okay you want to do it again now let's go back here and change let's change it one more time do you're kidding okay I'm gonna become pout my bikini again all right now don't choose the sudden-death just choose that here we get the old duds all right let's do this hump out gonna work alright here we go oh come oh yeah that's compound put that chart down goodness gracious Kenny don't need to see that he's gonna get this strap any about tennis legal I don't can't focus on anything Cheney Powell came to the Pope whoa Capel yeah why do you got a capable man ahead because she was underneath my foot all right here we go he's very good here days she can't get very high well where'd you go she kick yeah oh man got you on the shin look at that guy back there enjoys as as is that here badly come power together oh she's let me take care of this so I can go hang out with bounds Bozz bah bahs a can you get lucky dude not good at this game all you're doing is jumping and kicking how are you beating me it's timing and timing well you got wings can you got wings you just did not watch me do my stuff I just went in here to open himself up it is cheap alright I'll chop two two can play that game what that sounds you just stood there well she's gonna go through a portal alright she there you're not happy about winning congratulations I like I should go to this dive kick like convention take on the best in the world I'm sure there's a convention if there's a dive kick convention please tell me where you
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 643,241
Rating: 4.9178872 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, gmmore, Season 9, divekick, let's play, lets play, lets play divekick, divekick game, divekick lets play, rhett link divekick, rhett link lets play, rhett link lets play divekick
Id: ZDDQjA1-x7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2016
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