Most Ridiculous Wrestlers Ever (GAME)

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there's some seriously ridiculous wrestling characters out there oh yeah let's talk about good mythical morning in middle school I was obsessed with two things high school cheerleader Heather McKinney and pro wrestling and I frequently check in on both of them on the Internet even now but listen there's a long history of iconic wrestlers out there but for every rock Undertaker or Superfly Snuka there are 10 absolutely ridiculous wrestlers that should be forgotten except for today because it's time to play is pro wrestling real just kidding of course it's real but is this pro wrestler real or not okay brother if you get five out of eight of these correct you win your very own wrestling persona yet you're not gonna do that all time know that I just ended it right good because my voice will not take right in the middle I don't have the training to do any of this what do I win you win your very own wrestling persona which I have developed very excited about and it comes with a suit oh five out of eight playing dress-up okay Rhett so I'm going to present these you tell me if they're real a fake okay entering the squared circle sporting a traditional neck beard black top hat and a vocabulary consisting of only one word chickens it's Amish roadkill that was my announcer voice not my wrestle voice he only says chickens chickens like Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka chickens yeah or he could he could like emphasize it just once like chickens it depends on roadkill Amish rocĂ­o neckbeard cat the details all seem to come together yeah yeah they do don't you know I am gonna say slam it brew nope that's not you're out your options are pile drive it or give him the title belt so you can't slam it belt give them jacket you're right check this guy out chickens yeah I can just see that happening man Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka Chicka I don't know where the roadkill comes in I'm sure people are offended the roadkill I'm chickens of the world chickens chicken but almost people wouldn't restaurant of pacifism you're off to a good start even though you weren't really interested as a kid it was me but you would come and watch I make you play with them I didn't have the toys I watch it on the television I had the toys feast your eyes on six feet of poultry power emerging from a wrestler sized egg next to the ring it's gobbledygook er piledrive it are given the belt it does the title belt it kind of feels like you had chicken on the brain yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you said chicka chicka chicka yeah and then you're like oh god buddy google google gobbledygook ER get it right Java T gobbledygook oh now you're defending it so definitely definitely power dog piledrive hi I know I learned that piledrive is not power Drive he's real man eyeing it look at him oh hey oh hey oh he's way better than me and that guy should be seeing chickens chickens chickens he was featured in the 1990s survivor series red turkey oh you missed that one are you two known that all right so you're one for two he was on Survivor in that persona or just as the guy who plays it the survivor series it has nothing to do with a reality show oh that suit will get hot in like tropical climates not to be confused with the iconic character with only one tea instead of two it's backed man that's Man Bat Man right sweetest man that's to man that man that's man I love that you love that you love it so much to piledrive it or give it the title belt gosh I gotta get five I think's right there's a little to go on that's man why gave you an extra tea to go on but I didn't give it to you I mean it's because this is a real wrestler this feels like something that someone would try and be like well we could out of so good to you and it's not copyrighted mm-hmm the lawyers got involved yeah but I don't think so I think you guys made this one up yeah no it's real yeah in the late no this he was big in Pittsburgh of course he was cuz there's two T's he did tag team with Robin but it was not rubberband Robin was just spelled normal really there's a wrestle under that mask rubberband would be great though yeah that's two men in rubber I want you to get this persona work with me ah gosh I suck at wrestling now filling the arena with a stench that can only be described as putrid wearing a trash bag welcome to the ring Biff the sniff okay now you've now you've really jumped the shark this is unless wearing only a trash bag matter how sweaty it gets in there when you watch you start RESP if the sniff please say he she's not real pile drive it pile drive it you're correct whoa but if he was real a signature move will be called the pit he dropped from the top turnbuckle armpit first on his opponent oh I think that doesn't move already yeah make Dusty Rhodes did that channel a little I know may he rest in peace with nasty teeth in a white lab coat here comes isaac yankem dds oh isaac yankem dds i remember him now you don't a dentist wrestler mmm this is a good idea though well if it is then it probably exists because he would yank him he pulled the teeth and there would be they have a blood packet cuz you know like it wasn't real there's a blade of blood packet there were some guys who are well-trained that they could cut their foreheads and bleed though my dad met one of those guys one time take that to your counselor I'm glad one of those concerns like a sad moment in your life isaac yankem dds is real he is yeah check out those teeth uh like he was like a dentist here's a fun fact Isaac went on to become the demonic younger brother of the Undertaker Kane oh really can Big Daddy reign Federation champion right there yeah you can't have a goatee not no dentist as a goatee like that I think it's actually against the dental rules if my dentist wore that mask I would I'd be just as afraid of his already a.m. next one snapping pictures and snapping necks strike a pose for paparazzi paparazzi hapa space-rock Papa Razzi he has a camera he's a he's a photo journal seems like he'd be easily confused with the journalists there though no no I mean no look how tough I am I'm rustling you wouldn't wanted to go the other way we wouldn't want to be a photojournalist and have someone start wrestling you know right I'd be bad that's why the photojournalist stopped coming to the wrestling matches that he was Neils like it would complicate things too much so I'm gonna piledrive at your right yeah it's just a lady Gaga song you know with the upper body of a bull and the lower body on overweight man in gold spandex it's meant ah you know you want this one to be real because you like that kind of action upper body of a bull of a bow you don't see this done too often I mean they're all usually guys but when you yeah you know they're all usually people he's bow on the top spandex man on the bottom and he had like a bull hey I don't know where he hides the talent he had a bull head they go bull here he could barely get in the ring ah really so big yeah sometimes it the bull would fall off oh we got in I'm gonna say this is real just because I want to see pictures you really know I get to see pictures anyway you're willing to into instance yeah well you did a good job yeah it's real crap look at that guy I mean that's some serious mass cautery going on there you take that off yes oh look at those guys little aspect you feel like we're here to get our money back that's like oh whoa hold on oh I'm still into it hahaha oh how means you got five listen you got five oh I've already won but this is the bonus you got a bonus round I listen I never went to any actual wrestling matches but those two guys in this video that's not who goes to wrestling matches yes it is with the college shirt no no you can go just like that you wouldn't be done I get kicked out or you wouldn't get the steel chair at all sorry this spicy feline gave birth to the woman who gave birth to our very own chase welcome to the squared circle it's the Latin Hill cat very own chase so what you're telling me is that this is made up and you guys made it up but I'm gonna get to see pictures of chase you're going to get to see pictures of a chasers face on who could be as grandma rested I want to see him real chase come on out and tell us is it real it is real it's your grandma chases grandma was a professional wrestler joking no that's that's your grandma that is my grandmother did she ever put you in a hold nope and you know what uh we need to meet her bring her in we can visit her grave ha ha I took a risk they are on but you know what let's both on the positive chase get out of here taste I'm sorry we can visit her grave everybody do that next huh okay how do I end this on a positive note you won your own wrestling persona thanks for liking commenting subscribing I'll dress you up in a misread of the grave you know what time it is hi my name is Teresa my name is Alicia and we're from Czech Republic and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality want to look your best when you go to that next wrestling match you should try link meet up at our peppermint lip balm and read spirit oil available at it's so refreshing it makes me feel like a wrestler click through to good mythical more where we're gonna thumb wrestle after he gets into his amazing restaurant persona Ivan's in it puts it what Rhett is a Frog Prince and Link is his princess really well it means that mean I'm a frog okay I'm a Frog Prince you're the prince you're a frog we don't kiss we already kissed I used to be a frog hey now we just hang out yeah remember that moment were just a couple remember that moment when I kissed you yeah when I would but now we don't frogs yeah that was weird that we started the relationship with a kiss yeah we just chill I thought I would I thought I was gonna get something different yeah you're a great princess yes weighing in at 350 pounds spread evenly across his but six inch frame it's the one the only tree man
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,081,365
Rating: 4.9304404 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, gmm, gmm song biscuits, the mythical show, wheel of mythicality, mythical beasts, rhettandlink, rhettandlink2, rhettandlink 2, season 9, wwe, wwe wrestling, sports entertainment, wrestler, world wrestling entertainment, wwf, world wrestling federation, rhett link wrestling, rhett link wwe, rhett link wrestlers, rhett link game, link undertaker, kane, undertaker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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