Anitta Lets It Fly While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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why does anybody do this to themselves I don't know [Applause] [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Anita she's a global pop music icon one of the most decorated and influential artists on the planet but first and foremost she's a girl from Rio and she's returning to a Brazilian Funk roots with brand new music inspired by the favelas where she grew up the latest single is Funk Rave and the rest of the new music is coming soon Anita welcome to the show thank you Howard maybe not I know we can revisit that question here at the end but before we get started how are you around spicy food I I don't think it's gonna be I mean a nightmare I told my family uh oh guys so back in Brazil they're on Brazil I sent a link of the show and I said I'm [ __ ] in a show and they're like no you're not you're never gonna be able to do that because they know me and I say yeah I'm doing I said why I said my PR said it's amazing so I'm gonna update my PR to eat with that well you know what today Anita we're gonna prove them all wrong are you ready to get started no oh well let's go [Music] [Applause] I'm feeling like I'm pretending I'm on a date the first date oh okay that doesn't matter what happens you just pretend it's all good because you want to do good for the partner that's what I'm pretending now and I'm here for support too all right it goes both ways so this first one is the classic chili Maple and then you'll start at the handle over here okay it's this one yep not that one no no don't okay I'm crying for the first one it's already bad [Music] it's [ __ ] burning I say bad words be yourself so I understand that by Lee funk music was illegal up until like 2009. what was it like to be like a literal Outlaw performer you know doing these shows this art form that at the time was criminalized yeah guys so what happens is like in Brazil the Rhythm so miami-based Africa bambata these rhythms in Brazil they were all in English or other languages whatever and in Brazil they wanted to understand what was going on so they would do their own version in Portuguese and they would add the beats in in like to sound more Brazilian swag so it was like um The Girls Just Want to Have Fun in Brazil it was like the Brazilian version of it with a funk beat in the back more like Miami Bass Vibe but they would change a little bit the artists they would sing about what happened to NFL and then the government would get pissed and blame it on the Rhythm while in reality you should change the reality of the people there give us opportunity give give us structure so we would sing about other stuff you know [Music] I told my dad I was coming he sent me a bunch of amoroids um medicines because he's had a good dad I'm gonna get amorites tomorrow okay so this next one's the curry Verde here [Music] so I'm intrigued by an experiment that you did on a trip to Mexico where you asked the taxi cab driver to take me to a nightclub where the rich people hang out and then later that night take me to a club where the poor people go I'm curious what did you learn or observe during that experience and then follow-up question which nightclub played the better music ah the poor people I mean I come from before origin so for me it's always more fun the Urban Nights 100 like so I just went to Mexico and everything went wrong on this business trip and I was like you know [ __ ] everybody I'm just gonna really I'm gonna realize what's going on alone and then it was super boring the fancy one people were just saying like this and I was like Jesus Christ we can't do [ __ ] so then I left I said okay now take me to the poorest one and then it was just reggaeton and people were dancing having fun hot guys hot girls it's like this is my place so I started to Shazam all the songs and then I went to the hotel I searched about all the singers and everything there was J Balvin everybody I started to text everybody on Instagram it was great and then I started everything because I loved it foreign pepper I never put lemon on my food first time Mom Mom I'm gonna put Brazilian subtitles on this [Music] okay this is the easy this is easy the easiest one from them why did we start with this first one kind of caught you a little bit welcome oh good okay guys I'm so relaxed now yeah there was no need to be nervous this entire it was this date I went once tell me when the guy said oh I'm taking you to my restaurant right I was like oh okay and he ordered for me it was so bad I was hating everything there was so much I don't eat black pepper right and everything had so much black pepper and I don't eat it because I know it causes amorites me and my dad will go crazy and then I was just eating and I said um simple I was like oh you don't like the Frozen I love this restaurant is amazing it was his restaurant imagine if I would say like oh it's right terrible terrible food here this this chicken is better we'll take that we'll take that all day long all day long okay good let's go [Music] oh God are we eating again that's how the show works for better or worse now this one's a step up so I'm curious how you absorb this one yeah so good oh I feel like the guy at the black pepper restaurant right now ghost pepper so good guys I love it [Music] so I'm a big fan of your song Veneno and then the uh gorgeous musical video accompaniment that I think gives a real like body and shape to the song's more stimulating qualities and the great tradition of creating songs to make love to are there any essential ingredients like what in your opinion makes for like a great bedroom Anthem I love songs to make love I always do songs to twerk but I love the songs to make love is so good uh and the music video have a scene from banana me with this yeah next you had snakes all around you I love that lots of people all around you I think a good song to have sex needs to have that movement that you feel like you can go with it you can yeah right you know and uh I did this um this course I took a Course once of a tantric massage and I think it needs to match that Vibe of the tantric massager start like with the physical touch so it needs to be sensitive not that strong not that hell yeah more like oh sensual Sloan it was yeah it's good and the chorus was super weird actually but it works when you put it in reality [Music] now it's Los Calientes Rojo oh my God now I actually think this one is maybe a little bit easier it is yeah actually oh thank God this this show is good for who have like problems with faking shits right yeah it's like a treatment yeah they leave here they go poop right over that's right right it's like a medical office and I'm here prepared for like 50. yeah titanium reinforced lots of military technology you know very important yes there was this one time I went to this uh fancy hotel I had a meeting and I needed to go the food it was some I needed it I love this about you by the way in the beginning of the meeting I was like oh my God and I left and I went to the bathroom of this fancy fancy fancy hotel I think everybody was knocking at the door because it was like just one bathroom and then I was like oh I'm busy I'm coming and it wouldn't go down oh no I was splashing flushing flushing flushing flesh when I saw the water was coming like on the floor I was desperated and it took me like 40 minutes there and then they put like stripes on the bathroom it was like shut it down yeah yeah but they shut it down and then when I came back to the meeting they were like where were you I said oh I just took a little walk I'll take a phone call real quick it was bad probably they put this one in the food there the spicy shark eat the heat I don't know if I want to eat the Heat boy sorry no Let It Go Let It Go I understand in these situations [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know I know for someone who's never had hot sauce before that is break hi guys I get it I get it so I noticed that to this day you'll still direct many of your own music videos including for your recent hit involver which at the time of this interview has something like 600 million views how do you think about pairing a song with the visuals like does it start with the choreography and then grow from there is it more natural than that oh so no it depends on the song and then on the video sometimes when I'm um in the studio I already envisioned this the video like the colors are there yeah I'm like singing cutting the song I'm in love with movies series everything so I like to get inspiration from that so in Funk Rave the scene of the chicken the chickens running yeah it's from City of God because that's how the movie kind of starts there all right are you ready to move on here to Sauce number seven hell no you are doing great by the way not ready my lips are still burning ringing ringing so this one is the jalapeno Chico here in the sevens foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how does that work this whole like cat licking of the milk thing is that working out it's a news it's a new tactic I've never seen it I'm just trying to put my tongue and leave it here until it gets numbed so in a 2018 interview with paper magazine you said I think when you're a star you should know that you're there open to critics and everything are you the kind of artist who hears and sees everything like how committed are you to reading your own press oh I don't give a [ __ ] I used to um I used to read every day Google my name and see what was happening oh this actually helped it did help dude not that much but it helped a lot a little uh I used to read everything I used I used to be like on top of my [ __ ] what do people saying do they love me do they hate me nowadays I don't give a [ __ ] because people are getting crazier with the time online it's crazy people just create stories everyday worst stories and um you need to be online 24 7 posting 20 million social medias and then people say this and say that so I just decided to let it go I don't give a [ __ ] I just do whatever I want to do so I just stopped it this has a what's the name of this in English a actual bomb yeah atomic bomb this doesn't look healthy for good for your system for your health yeah it can't be for your body it can't be sodium benzoate what the [ __ ] is that it's a medicine yeah I don't know you know I shoot first to ask questions later with this sauce you know like the less I know the better [Music] and this will be immediate [Applause] awesome hey you saw [Music] oh I'm gonna cry Just Let It Go just Let It Go have you ever eaten anything like that in your life I might join you at that why does anybody do this to themselves I don't know oh hi oh my God you know what yeah yeah tell me talk to me this is worse than pepper spray I'm gonna walk with this some criminal calm here have a wing yeah somebody stop them in their tracks if someone come steal my [ __ ] if somebody come steal my [ __ ] I will do this I was ready I was ready [Music] if you had to pick just three Brazilian snacks to always have on your Rider what would they be I heard that like pasta Tempo that's the truth I would say biscuit Global it's like um Global um cookies it's not cookies it's like um you guys would call ships we call cookies in in Rio it's a a type of cookie that we sell on a beach and then we eat we eat a lot of corn on the beach so we wouldn't put that in our bags um [Music] Brazilian candy there's one called there's one called uh there's one called seven Bello seven Bella really good best soccer my stock is like peanut butter but a square of like peanut butter stuff is really good it sounds delicious right about now how are we feeling terrible I know I get it I get it but let's go nobody if you have this you just throw it in somebody's face I'm gonna have this if somebody comes fight with me that means no one's fighting with you nobody will I have this I'm gonna say something I Surrender [Music] gonna be the whole night getting [ __ ] up by this [ __ ] one bite it's enough watermelon ghost [Music] that sucks but nothing like the last one the last one hurts I know I know so it almost kind of clears everything out of the way you know what I mean it was so bad that you're almost numb I could eat just about anything right now that's right that's right so I've never been more fascinated by a celebrity product line than I am by [ __ ] by Anita gynecologically tested intimate cologne for your private parts I put it today because I knew I was gonna sweat so much and I don't have panties on because of this dress they put me so I I threw it today oh my nose is it a product that you'd maybe recommend like let's say for a a man who has a day job where he eats uh scorching hot chicken wings every week yeah I mean for me sometimes the [ __ ] guys working the whole day he doesn't realize his balls smell that's right he doesn't realize the balls are smelling your balls when you work the whole day you wanna [ __ ] when you come back to to from from work home [ __ ] you your boss smells bad and you gotta use the [ __ ] thing because you buy Anita I gave to my boyfriend he loved it I was like oh yeah it smells so good and his dick smell perfect with it all right Anita [ __ ] how my lips are so is it red or like big better than fillers and Botox cheers [Music] thank you I got some extra [Music] I see the face I know I know but the good news is I know I know whoa but you did it you did it it's all behind you it's just a memory ah come on Anita to close things up yeah you know while researching you I was so taken by your just Relentless positivity you know I think that that's really what's kind of taking you from the favelas of Brazil to around the world breaking your music incontinent after continent there's a word when I started coming here to America and I didn't understand English that well when people met me they would say that I was this thing and I was always smelling myself to see if I was smelling something fruity they said it was refreshing yes I asked my teacher what is refreshing they do they like my perfume is that fruity or something but then I understood what are the positives that you see in the wings of death like is there anything nice that you can say about having your mouth incinerated by hot sauce nothing I just think I just think it's good to see people's reaction to torture to this type of territory because it's not like bad tortures like some people like it and I think it's good to see I don't know you go you get to know people better according to their reactions to this [ __ ] but pleasing about this nothing but just the talk well you know what I learned about you today Anita that you are brave that you are a warrior because you took on the wings of death as someone who's never eaten hot sauce in their lives and you are still on your feet and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life oh yeah guys come on I have this new uh bundle coming out and um right now this month some days I forgot the [ __ ] dates now I'm still tripping on this what is my two other songs together with the funk Rave which is kazikaze and I used to be a hoe and um great songs with great videos I used to be a hoe but now I ain't no more that's what I say in the song whoa here you go ice cream coming in thank you wow how can you do it you know what the shitty things that I have to do from time to time not as bad as like the shitty things that have to do is like just my life you know so so true that's the way I think about it okay so I want this for a friend of mine you can have it I want this for the same friend of mine okay um oh there's one for another friend and there's one for my protection personal protection [ __ ] you your boss smelled bad hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans if you've ever watched hot ones and wondered to yourself how hot are those sauces really I could get through that with no water or milk well now is the time to put your money where your mouth is the hot ones season 21 lineup is now available in its entirety at that's to get your hands on the season 21 hot Ones hot sauce lineup milk not included be careful around the eyes and get them while they're hot mother [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,635,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, anitta, anitta envolver, anitta interview, anitta envolver reaction, anitta hot ones
Id: 5BpPzL27ij4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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