Sean Evans Speaks On His Show "Hot Ones"

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[Music] so this is the last wing it is Blair's Megadeth Sasuke me of age it's sort of a tradition around here to put a little extra dab on the last thing oh there's a tangy delicious hot sauce ah ah yeah that one shoot him slow now joking you did you cried try real actual tears Prince sit over here struggling [ __ ] [Music] look at that it's a beautiful picture wonderful photo let's let's go back to the beginning of this from what I understand your your reporter you start shooting on air interviewer shooting video interviews right when do wings get involved uh well my partner in all of this Chris Shawn burger he comes up to me and he's like I have this idea what do you think about interviewing celebrities but making them eat violently hot chicken wings and I'm like the way it just hit my ear I'm like that's the funniest thing ever so we get in a room we start working this whole thing out and originally it was supposed to be this like interrogation room where it's like the celeb is just eating wings and maybe there's like a light that's dangling and I'm just hammering them with questions while they completely meltdown so that was the original idea behind this whole thing and then uh we call up Tony Yayo from g-unit to help us workshop this thing and then he was the one that's kind of like you know what it's like what self-respecting celeb is gonna come in here and put up with this just to promo their movie or something they're like if you're not eating wings always gonna come in here so really oh yeah it's like a good idea Tony Yayo like maybe we should do that that's the thing that you always forget are people always forget when it comes to promotional interviews and stuff and cuz you see unfallen or all these other places like games that celebrities are playing but like if you're not the most watched the late-night show every night of the week no buff people double a yeah right exactly so especially is starting out and we just look like a freak show like it's me it's this studio that's just all black curtains like it's completely stripped down we have all these hot sauces and these chicken wings like it's so uninviting so in the original like working it out we had to kind of like trick people into doing it you know it was very like Borat like you know whereas kind of like they didn't really understand what they were getting themselves into until it's too late and that's the good thing about it is once you trap a slab on your show they can't really make like a graceful exit without looking like a jerk it's like once they're there then they'll play now at this point thankfully it's kind of at a point where people know the show they understand it and so we don't have to jump through those hurdles but in the early going like yeah it was like who was the first one the first one was we shot the a pilot with Tony Yayo who helped us workshop it and then the very first one I think was Machine Gun Kelly that was like the first like 10 wings thing and it was very early on that we knew that it would work because machine gun Kelly's getting up he's walking around he's screaming he's sweating he's spitting into garbage cans and that's when I was like this is just good TV you know what I mean like we knew that the hot Sun ashing someone on television that's good television and even with the hot sauce we didn't even understand all the byproducts the consequences of that the unintended ones like we knew it'd be a disrupt development we knew it would take celebrities in their you know flight control like take them out of their little like pattern that they go and they do these things we knew it'd be disruptive we did not know that it would have all these other things we didn't know it maybe give people more honest answers we didn't know that they'd be doing laps around the studio leaving the studio coming back overcoming this adversity it's very dramatic all the way through we never really thought that any of that stuff would happen until it just started happening a Machine Gun Kelly first one right away I knew who was the who was the celebrity so far that you just couldn't believe that you booked [Music] every one of them a little bit you're like this is I can't believe you're gonna do this is one of what the one that you were like wow this guy can this is unbelievable the way the Kevin Hart thing came together was kind of crazy because he's such a big star but he was shooting Jumanji in Hawaii and like want to do the show or whatever but then uh you know like obviously we're like oh that's kind of an issue or whatever but then like his team like flew us out and put us up and like all that stuff for the show it's like the way that that whole thing came together because at the time and maybe even ever he was the biggest name we booked and then he was also the one that extended the farthest for us so it was like all of that at once that it was like okay that's pretty awesome now what do you what do you think it was about the show that made him say yes you think it was the interview in South Jersey love wings like what what are you thinking him from initially mm well I think that we're a good show if you want to put highly-targeted eyeballs on project because people are into the drama like that sort of wing over wing watching them meltdown thing so I think that is just like a show as like a thing if you're gonna do some sort of promo opportunity it's painful and it sucks but I'm sort of a pound for pound basis you're gonna get a real stretch out of it because it is popular like people do talk about it is that sort of like highly targeted thing and then I think that increasingly slabs are finding that you know like in the YouTube space in the digital space they can kind of extend a little bit more you know the late night shows don't have the punch that they used to have and so now there are these sort of like upstart franchises and shows that bubble up online and now it's just not even a bad play if you're gonna do press that's what I think so you get Machine Gun Kelly you'll get him running around the rooms yeah bidding freaking out you realize in that moment this is unbelievable television I rely might dot like while it's happening there are times that like while it's happening I'm like this is good Internet you know what I mean and while that was happening I'm like this is just good video this is good internet like we can make him suffer put him in pain without actually beating him up and isn't that kind of what you want to see isn't that what the world kind of wants to see so like while that was happy I'm like wow like we can really do this without actually you know punching somebody or like actually like putting them through something or like freezing the room or heating up the room like just with hot sauce it can kind of just melt people down break people down and while that was all happening I was like we got it we got a hit on our hands how good are you at eating the wings at this point how well can you take the heat so I think that I was always pretty good and I can and I would like when you know I'd get something I'd like to I like to kick it a little bit I like getting the little I like setting my tongue on fire little [ __ ] is getting it like to hum a little bit and then when I was a kid um my dad he would get regular hot salsa so if I'm watching the Chicago Bears on Sunday right I had to go with the regular hot salsa when I'm a kid I'm like like yeah it's kind of high like can we get mild salsa and he's like not in my house like if you want to eat salsa you have to eat real salsa so I think it kind of put a good baseline a good foundation that said I'm not reaching for death sauce and putting it on my eggs so it was a little bit of building up a tolerance suffering for the craft you know all of those things if I want to Pat my you know so I was going through all those things and building it up and even now it is still like very much a tough experience you know you still have to endure it every time it's not like I'm some superhero that can just throw down hot food I'm not like one of these YouTube challenge guys that wants to be like oh god I can put like uh do all that and never wanted to be that guy so yeah it does kind of suck a little bit as long as the people keep tuning in and liking it and it keeps scaling and building I'll continue to set my face on you are you able do you even want to eat wings when you're not shooting the show anymore do you have any thirst or theaters for them there's part of me that feels like Michael Cera you know like there is part of me that feels like I've been typecasted you know like when people come to New York they're like we gotta go get wings you know what I mean like let's go get wings everybody that calls me up for like a project they're like we got to do wings or like when I come do things like I'm surprised you don't have a bunch of hot sauces that are like this is Satan's diarrhea it's a million scovilles the hottest hot sauce ever you want to try a DAB like that's my whole life so sometimes I feel like you know maybe maybe I'll try other things you know what I mean I don't I don't want to be like the wing guy who's just only eating like if you go to a bar which I'll never order when you'll never one getting takeout or carryout I'm not getting wings like on the Super Bowl I'm very much a nacho z-- guy these days were you a wings guy before or shows where your kid with what you said when you were a kid yeah yeah well who doesn't love wings wings are amazing wings are great uh so I guess I was like a wing guy but nothing I never dreamed I'd be this wing guy you know I'd be that into the genre ever gonna be a vegetarian option for velarium yeah that happens all the time actually like ricky gervais game on the show so we got him vegan wings Russell Brand uh I can go on and on like we've had a ton of guests that have a vegan or vegetarian substitute for the wings for you know we'll get almond milk like we'll do whatever the guest wants and like a dietary level and that's important too because it is like very much not about like meat or like whatever you know what I mean like I don't really think of that is like the thing you know like whatever like if it's vegan wings vegan wings because it's really just a vehicle for the hot sauce you know what I mean the hot sauce is really the star of the show not the wings well the hot sauce and the conversation thank you yeah I shoot that Riki well when you get into this conversation and people are getting punished and it turns into a bit of a truth serum for them yeah what what have you been the most surprised to learn in those moments or when did you have a moment were you like well this person is telling me stuff that they wouldn't normally tell it that they wouldn't normally tell me well I think that like happens all the time like you know like Neil deGrasse Tyson will be like I took two bites and I don't know like where this is coming out but you'll see like a swear out of Neil deGrasse Tyson when you probably wouldn't see it Jim Gaffigan who never ever curses it was like lighten up that episode you know what I mean so does show a different side of these people because it's like kind of just a suffering situation and then just on a full-court press level we have all these cameras on them and then the other side of it too is I think that people give you a longer leash if you're like suffering or dying you know like they're not hyper analyzing every anecdote or like every story or like every word especially if you're a desperate and dying with them right it's like toast like shared thing we like build a trust with each other so that's what I think it is you know it takes them out of their flight pattern plus we do go the extra miles that our guest knows that we're about what they're about and so that they feel more comfortable in the setting and that's what I've found is the best way to get the most out of people because really like a slub doing a press run doesn't have to share anything with you you know what I mean like no and so if we can just kind of like bring this sort of circus freak show environment do everything we can to make them feel comfortable I think they realize like this is just a little bit different and then you know they go there who's been your favorite guest so far if you can that's a good question I can say it I don't care uh I think that like when it started and I'm like this is my buddy and we're gonna be buddies and this is like a whole thing like just the best most electric like room was with nori another great one I think was Russell Brand cuz he came in like a little bit nervous but he has this like substance presence about him is like floating on air and that comes in he's like so smarter brilliant like sandshoes when he came in or he was wearing shoes he was wearing shoes be so like nice and pleasant like working the room and Russell Brand excuse me I'm thinking of Russell Simmons excuse me oh yeah yeah was Russell Brand Russell Brand so uh like but then too I like a post Malone like I look at him I think about him like now I like all of them for different reasons and I think too that the fans liked all the episodes for different reasons you know it's crazy like in the comments it'll be like worse guests over and then the next calm it'll be this is the best episode ever you know and I think that that's kind of the magic of the show a little bit how many have you done so far oh man like 80 you know I don't know like yeah like I've done this 80 times and I don't know where the end is it's the most you've done in a week for like four legs challenges for yourself like one meal a week like a one meal a day for like a whole workweek is just shooting this show when you finish shooting do you work with the editing team to cut it together to have riding liked it yeah I'm going to bed no I ride the edit too after that and then like I don't know I was like you there's always work you know like people think they gloss over that way too quickly Ricky they don't understand yeah like this is very much like I'm very much like a part of like hot one sucked me in and now I'm stuck in this hot ones sunken placement i co-created the show I'd imagine that you ride it out but when you finish a shoot do you go take a nap or are you like ready to keep working so it depends like at this point of the day I'd cry crash yeah you would think you'd think but I don't know you just gotta kind of keep it going um we've done a couple things we've actually gone even hotter than the wings I've eaten two Carolina Reapers which is the hottest pepper in the world and that is crazy that is crazy that's way hotter than our hottest wing so like on those particular shoots I'll tell people like Sarah is here like I'll just tell her I'll be like I'm gonna eat this you guys can roll for ten minutes then I'm getting in the cab and I'm going home and I'm eating ice cream and I'm sipping milk and I don't want anybody to talk to me I don't want anybody to text me because you know like when you're in pain and people are laughing at you you're instantly in like this like rage you know how like puts you in this state so it's like that like I'm in pain and like I'm dying it's very uncomfortable and I'm sweating from the face and there's just like four cameras in my face you know and then it's like a director going like hey can you say that line you say that again you know like the show keep going yeah just battling through it just battle and through it but then I'll be like nobody bother me I put on some gym shorts I sent out I've actually come to very much appreciate those quiet after hours I have to I'm gonna ask something uh sorry that I'm gonna ask this go there ready four times a week you're eating Carolina peppers yeah what's it doing to your your bm's that's a fair question and one time I was at the hot bar at Whole Foods in this total like Rando stranger bum-rushed me with that question so you don't have to feel you don't have to feel strange about going there it's my job and then I'm like yeah I'm like talking it through with this stranger in Whole Foods and he I'm like well what am i what am i what is this what am i doing the fact of the matter is uh approach because I tried to do it delicately like yo how's your [ __ ] ya know he was like this he was like this yeah that was like dad's like it was like he's like I dude are you Sean Evans and I was like hey yeah what's up man and he was like I was your butthole like that is like the first thing like came on so I was like alright like thanks thanks dude it's good like you want to and I use like go get a snap and then like that was the whole interaction but uh I you know what the biology is more or less adjusted by now for better or worse I don't know if that's a good sign or a bad sign but like uh early on long long lonely nights early on for sure now it's just like just like having a regular breakfast yeah like no which is probably like scary yeah which is probably bad but end up going to the doctor in like a year and he's but that's the other thing too I'm like avoiding the doctor too cuz I feel like he's gonna he's gonna put an end to my wave you know what I mean so think of the whole thing I've got blinders on the whole thing you have an ulcer you're dying with I'm glad I cry well season four is launching soon can I go you know like I'm gonna be like a football player playing through the injury so use that you're riding this wave and you this wave is over a million subscribers at the Hey right yeah it is we were over a million almost makes all of that worth it but yeah we just went over a million and it's been uh it's been crazy it's been crazy and that like really snuck up on us cuz I felt like it was growing kind of slow and steady for a while and then over the past like three or four months it just exploded have you had one of these not work out you set up a shoot you sit down with someone they start eating like I can't do it and then just kind of wrap it up no every we've we've never shot an interview that we've scrapped you know like like for whatever reason it's just the magic of the wings it's the magic of the hot sauce like it's always just who's your dream guess so for me I would say like it's I've sort of become this wedding DJ where now my whole life people just scream requests at me you know like whatever that's like all the comments it's like my entire Twitter mentions is I'm just like walking around and everyone's going like I gotta get this prayer out so like just so people would get off my back I would like to get Bilborough when I was like here today i guy liked to get bill burr on the show I'd like to get Gordon Ramsay on the show those are like far and away the most requested people and at the same time to get them some good wings cuz Ramsay will [ __ ] all over some bad wings if he doesn't like them but then don't you think that that's good TV like maybe we should get him like though we're swingers II how combustible Ramsay really is you know well what about what about Tom Tom Cruise Tom occur like that would be like great you know like I'm like a pretty like I would be like that would be great because not that anybody requests Tom Cruise maybe they should you believe nobody requests some company you know it's like that's the most manicured celebrity that there is most controlled celebrity that there is getting him into a situation where he's suddenly getting stung is getting bit in a little bit right you would you would get something new you're right Ricky that's let's just shoot and right up into my top five now let's get some questions from the audience who has questions that you're holding a microphone and you're sitting right there so question hi um I was just wondering do you have any questions that you prefer to ask before or after you start to get to the hotter wings that's a good that's a good question I actually feel like I could do a whole symposium unlike the psychology of these questions because we know that at some point the person we're interviewing is gonna break down you know and we do care about the interview we do think that we're an interview show first and then this sort of freak show second some fans probably think of it the other way around but so early on we know that like for example and this upcoming episode eeeh of Nick Kroll right and we know that fans they want to hear about the league and they want to hear about these things so we kind of front-load the interview with the things that we think on just an editorial level the fans are going to be interested in and then sort of later in the game it becomes these sorts of like shown pictures have them react to them like these sorts of things that like we know they're going to be just sizzled down and if it has like maybe some brick potential maybe we'll kind of back load it because we know that like the suffering through the QA is going to save the QA if the QA stinks and then for the tenth wing we try to do like either it's like the question everybody's been waiting for us to ask or it's some sort of like weird curveball or some sort of like opportunity for them to be like motivational or whatever because we know that they're going to be suffering on the Hot Sauce and then that is just gonna automatically be funny then next question question um if you had any way to take it up a notch what would you do not like wings or the hot sauce but just yeah I mean we always think about that um I've always wanted an animator because we have so many amazing stories and anecdotes and these interviews and I think that you know you can only get so far with the Getty Images and the camera angle so I've always wanted you know like some really cool looking aesthetic like cartoon situation to kind of take people through these anecdotes so if we ever get budget letting that'll work out that way but uh also to I'm just like a hot sauce level I think that like yeah we think about you know is it is it hot it like are we getting those and then we do think about you know you know spicing it up that way too is actually just getting hotter hot sauces next question hey Sean oh man love the show um I'm just wondering like is there like a particular place where you guys go to get these hot wings you always wondered about that yeah so it's like but the show travels all over the place so it's kind of like we make do like the Russell Brand episode Ricky Gervais sup is so Charlie sloth we shot those in London we shoot a ton of our episodes in LA we shoot obviously a lot in here in New York the episode that that's up today we shot it in Columbus Ohio maybe they want like the vegan option in those cities like maybe whatever so maybe it's 10 a.m. and we got a wings for Guy Fieri and we have to like just find something so it kind of switches up but most of the time we just like send an intern to be dubs who's the who's who's in the episode today coyote Peterson who's like this like wildlife guy he's got a YouTube channel and he gets like bit by dangerous insects and stuff we're kind of like the same person but like in a different school same College different major so you went to Hawaii for Kevin Hart they brought you to Hawaii where did you get the wings there I think we beat ups I think actually they have beat up that beat up in Hawaii and we never like I just go to B dubs do differ one more question oh I think that was the last question my my apologies so uh the show was on YouTube what what is the YouTube channel that people can see how it wants that so the YouTube channel is first we feast the show is hot ones we have other shows as well food grills shows with your host as well right and then yeah I host another one called Shawn in the wild so we really are kind of building out this whole programming slate where I just travel around and eat amazing food with cool guests and that's kind of just how I'm making my whole life Tommy calls me out on it congratulations on how one shot happened everything [Applause] you
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 204,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hot Ones, Sean Evans, Youtube, Interview, Entertainment, Ricky R, FirstWeFeast. First We Feast, Celebs, Humor, Comedy, 2017, AOL Advertising, BUILDseriesNYC, AOL Inc, AOL, AOLBUILD, #Aolbuild, build speaker series, build, aol build, content, aolbuildlive, BUILDSeriesNYC
Id: U4ZOOx2ONxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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