Leonardo AI Complete Beginners Tutorial | Master AI-Driven Design

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hey everyone welcome to a new video in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you how to use Leonardo AI a complete tutorial from A through Z and the reason why you might want to stay till the full length of this video is you might discover some features on here that you may have not known about so if you're a beginner thinking about what software to join what AI software to join for your print on demand maybe you're starting a clothing line maybe you're selling your own designs whatever you're doing I can tell you that Leonardo or Leonardo AI is I'm gonna say right now it's currently my favorite I'm not going to say it's uh worse or better than other softwares I'm just going to be 100 honest and say my favorite it is my favorite so let's go ahead and get started um into the software so let's get started here so on the top you can see here we have Leonardo AI with 8500 tokens that I currently have right now um I have two accounts this one I literally just paid for the uh I guess you could say that the Premium plan just because I was gonna make this video my other account is where I keep my kind of like hidden art that I don't want to show publicly because I do end up selling that art uh but you could see here 8500 and I figure it would be a good uh whatever you want to call a good video if I paid for the premium on this account so I could show you how it works so we have the home screen and the home screen starts off with featured models and you have all your featured models here that you can sift from okay and these featured models are just simply the most used that's not necessarily that they're the best they're just the most used and then here you have recent Creations which these are the most recent Creations that got the most love uh if you could see here like this has 786 likes I'll go ahead and give it a like right there and this 664 and so on I mean we could go down the line and I think there's like an algorithm here that uses both the likes and how um recent the art is created so like this piece of art has been around for a few days it's got a lot of likes but it's a little older compared to like something like this but overall these are all different kinds of images that you could see here and the cool thing about this is that you can use these as in inspiration for your own art you know if you want to create something like with this style you can go ahead and copy or remix or something like that we'll get to that in just a minute but I'll show you how to do all that in just a second to the right hand side you have your upscaled images that are already upscaled in the home feed now this is a big thing here I want to take give you guys a you know take a big deep breath when you look at this because there's a lot of insane art now you might say well this looks exactly similar to this and I would actually agree they look very very similar in terms of the art that shows up but the difference is is that sometimes art here doesn't necessarily have to be upscaled to end up here on the front page most of the time it is because people are gonna like images that are uh more attractive and upscaling does allow that but overall pretty much the same thing okay now I want to call your attention to these images if you look at these images there are these three icons like on this image right under my mouse you have this icon that icon and that icon let's go ahead and start off at the left the left that is referred to as an upscale okay so this image has been upscaled right right the next thing we have is the alternate upscale so the one right under it is the alternate upscale and then here we have the unzoom or the zoom out and I'll show you the differences between them so here we have unzoomed okay that's how the image looks when it's unzoomed this is the alternate upscale and this is the upscaled image we also have here the no background right so no background is when the background is removed and you could see that this image has all those features excuse me the middle one was the no background one um and you could see here this image has the same thing this image has the same thing this image has the same thing I'll say this that because you have to pay for the tokens on the no background sometimes I do prefer to do it manually because the results don't come out the way I want sometimes not all the time though and sorry my my Mount uh mic got cut off for a second there and um here you have all like I said all these different images now let's go ahead and talk about these this section here we have the trending we have it's new so what's been recently created by other creators then we have here what's at the top so what's at the top is going to be all time you know the greatest favorited ones and you can see here the top one here has two thousand one hundred ninety three really phenomenal piece of art right there and you can also do a search so I can search for a picture of a wolf for example and I hit the search button and you could see here got some pretty cool stuff I can't can't deny that really cool stuff I actually really like this this image I just saw it for the first time really really like that alright so then we have here we have all and then we have game assets so game assets is in reference to if you're looking for uh like a style for if you're building a game like an app or something like that you can have game assets all created through here so keep that in mind as well um now let's go ahead and take a look at the actual photos as promised so if we click on one of these photos you have here a few functions you have the original upscaled alternate upscaled unzoomed and no background these are the different Creations that the Creator used when the image was created by the way this looks really good as a poster just the way it is I mean we could take a look at that looks pretty cool um then what we have here is the original so this was the original all right and then as soon as it was upscaled boom you got the upscaled version we have creative upscale okay it was already creative upscaled and then we have the download button here if you want to download it it will open up the link to the actual image all right now you might be thinking well why can I as a user download other people's images and it comes down to the fact that um there's actually a lawful decree stating that any image created with AI Machinery basically something that's not human human can be reused it can't be copyrighted therefore can be reused and so if you technically technically wanted to use an image like this you technically could there's really nobody stopping you now I'm going to recommend that you don't uh the Creator might still come after you even though it might not be lawful but it could be annoying so I really highly recommend you create your own art if you want to share the image of course you can copy the link and share the image here's a section where you can view what kind of edits have been already made so you can remove image unzoom alternate Etc okay and here we have our prompt details so the prompt details is literally what you're telling the machine to put in and I'll give you uh in a few minutes you'll see how we actually input prompts and things like that and then here we have is our our negative problem negative prompt is anything you want to remove from the image so if you're creating and you don't want any flowers you just type in the word flowers now not always 100 of the time is the AI going to abide by what you say okay so like here it says deformed there might be some deformity in the image It's Perfectly Normal it is AI at the end of the day and once again it's just something to be expected all right so here we have resolution of the image the date of when it was created of the guidance scale okay the guidance scale refers to how strong is the prompt going to be in reference to creating the actual image all right here we have the step count the sampler the seed the base model and the initial image strength let me explain what each of these are so the step count references to how many steps will it take to create this image the more steps the more graphically inclined it is the more it will take number one the longer it will take to produce the photos number two potentially the better quality will be and that's a potential okay the guidance scale is once again I already said how strong the image guideline should be when it comes to referring to the prompt so if it's a higher guidance skill that means the prompt weighs more from a creation standpoint then you have here the sampler so the sampler is how the images created what kind of engine is it created off of there's a few different ones you have a lure you have Allure ancestral you have the Leonardo sampler you have so many so many of them so keep that in mind and of course you have your base model all right which is references to what version of stable diffusion are we talking about so this is stable diffusion 2.1 you also have version 1.5 as well which is a very phenomenal piece as well and a very a piece of software okay very very good and then here you have once again the fine tune model what fine tune model are we using and that's Leonardo and these are the different fine-tuned models in this video you will see how to create your own fine-tune model I'll show you that don't worry about it so that's the home page okay in a nutshell that's the home page all right and now you pretty much know how to do everything within the home page let's go ahead and move on to the Community Feed so the Community Feed is essentially an extension of just the home page this section where all the images are that's what the Community Feed includes so you know all these kind of different photos from other creators you can see you can use you can experiment with and recreate here through the home it's it's kind of similar just the difference is the home page you won't be able to scroll as far but that's really pretty much it next personal feed so personal feed refers to the images that you created so you can see here I created some images right these are all using the free version right and you can see here I created a whole bunch of images I mean image to image Creations um you know just straight up images from from just based off prompting uh and I actually have a style that I really like which is the style that you're looking at actively right now and this is my personal feed and these are images that are just also regular and also upscaled so it's a mixture between them right if I wanted to view an upskilled image I just look in the corner for like that little upscale symbol and you can see here on the image to the left of my arrow key or of my mouse you can see it's there okay and you could see like for example this is an example of an upscaled image okay uh so lots of those there if you want to view all your upscaled images which is this is a feature I really really like here within Leonardo is to the right hand side click on the upscale button and the upscale button shows all the different upscaled images that I created right so you guys if you've seen my free course um on Redbubble then you have probably seen these images it's very very likely that you've seen these images they existed I'll leave the link in the description to the free course if you're interested okay um but yeah you've probably seen these images I mean really cool images in my opinion and trust me they'll all be used for business purposes print on demand purposes and the cool thing as well about this something that I might add is because this is a tool a software a resource that we're using for our businesses we could technically use this as a tax deduction right it could be a tax deduction uh you just gotta you know document things properly but very very cool uh here as well all right so if you decide to pay for it tax deduction always great that will offset your earnings a little bit more which which really does help okay so we have a lot of I have a lot of different images and here I created a bunch of gradient images and you'll see how I created them soon okay the next thing is our train training and data sets wait did I go over here the upscale yeah I think I did all the upscale models here anyways training and data sets so training in data sets refers to the training and data sets that you have created so if you want the AI to create a specific style of image you can have it do that so here is an example called spilled liquid this is a style that I created I took 32 images or 25 images or something like that I took a bunch of images and gave it to the software and what the software did is studied understood what those images were and then it will go on and create images in that style so here is a a model called spilled liquid that I created and this model is special because I could actually show you an image that was created with it which is one of my favorites and I'll just go ahead and show you is just give it a second give it a minute because I'm going to scroll through a lot of different images here to get to show you what I'm talking about let's see I've got my upscale instead right here we're basically there this image so I created like an image of uh what is it Batwoman okay and you could see here that this is a very epic piece of art using that very uh uh fine-tuned model which is called spilled liquid and on my website I actually have a place where you can order that exact model so here I have the model called spill liquid it's a custom made model you can go ahead and either create your own and these are actually images created from it so you could see here all these different images I'm not telling you to buy the model I'm just simply showing you what I have done with it and of course it's on the website if you want to go ahead and access it but anyways that will be in the description box down below if you want to order it this also is another image I created this is the original and this is the upscaled which actually is pretty cool because it's almost like a comic book kind of feel um I really like it and I tested a bunch of them so that's a little FYI I also created this sticker model and you can see here these are images that I created with my own model so you could see here the model is called app sticker maker appi sticker maker and you could actually see the model that I created here so I called it the first one I created was the sticker maker model and then I improved on it and created the appi sticker model uh fine-tune model and you'll see that in a minute but here we can add it edit our data sets I can also create a new data set so once again that comes into creating your own model which we'll discuss in just a second here represents all the job statuses of all the models that you've created so some fail so this one says done they're all done here some fail sometimes the AI is not able to understand the concept of model creation for the images if you give it a whole bunch of different images from different scenarios it can't really understand what's going on here are the models in fine tune models section here are the models that are already created for you on the platform that is Leonardo AI okay and you have a bunch you have rpg4 Leonardo diffusion which is also a phenomenal one um battle axes Shields every all this kind of stuff and you if you want to see some of the Productions you can click on the actual model and it will show you the different you know creations with it so this is like a really really cool shield in my opinion and this could be used as game assets if you know how to create different apps and things like that um which by the way maybe one day we'll show how to create apps on on uh on uh for mobile okay but regardless you can see a whole bunch of different stuff here um cute animal characters very very cool almost have like 3D effects very cool very cool stuff going on uh here deliberate what is this called deliberate 1.1 which is different characters as well very unique uh for sure um and this is vintage style photography different model here so a whole bunch of different stuff going on all right the next is we have the user tools this is where you're going to be actually able to create your tools but before we go into that I want to show you once again how I created my own models so that you guys can create your own as well into the future so here are the community models these are models created by other people right so remember when I said that you can create your own models these are models that people created and made them public okay so you can see them in the different styles um here I have my own models that I created so I created this model called starry night I created another model called gradients one uh which is hence why I created the gradients you saw the gradients in my productive images that I that I that I produced excuse me spilled liquid okay is another model that's on my website also gradient uh the gradient model right here by the way this gradient that you see and all the other gradients in my YouTube videos on my thumbnails are the ones that I use from this model stickers okay so first model I created was called the sticker maker model and I grabbed this many kind of cool images of stickers that I like the style of and I made images with it and with those images that I made I took the the good ones and I made this model with it right called appi sticker maker though stands for autopilot passive income sticker maker and this sticker maker is that has made all these tremendous stickers for me I mean look at that okay look at this all right look at something like this look at this for example I mean so many good photos obviously some have not been upscaled uh but you get the concept this is a cool one right here so many different ones and a good idea you could do with this is you can sell these images right you can sell them as actual stickers for example on Etsy you can order a sticker printer and you could sell them or you can literally sell the digital file so there's a lot you can do there's if you're really creative you can make a lot of different ways to to produce some income here and this was a model that failed actually so I didn't actually make this model but you could see here these are my models and of course you have your favorite models I never favorited any yet okay and then here we have our user generation tool so once again you click on this you AI image generation and this is where you're going to be for the most part when it comes down to creating your actual images and you can see here I tried to create all kinds of different images and summer fails and some are cool but we'll be able to show you those images very very soon and how to create them I'll just slowly get to it AI canvas AI canvas is where you get to select a particular area of the composition that you've created and you can change it through AI so for example if I was to go back here and let's say let's take this image actually let's go for an image that I made myself so because it ha at least it will have errors that way so like let's say this image I wanted to go over here and I wanted to have it redone I can select in the personal feed so I can go over here the AI image generation I can select here it doesn't matter what image it is let's just say it's this one I can find the button for the editing canvas which is this one and I can go ahead and do that so that's what it will do all right and then texture generate texture generation is when you want to create a texture this is an alpha but you have to upload an object for this a 3D object for that to happen and I think I'm going to make a separate video on this because this is a little more complicated uh for just like a regular tutorial and of course here we have our settings our FAQs which is really not important all right so let's go ahead into creation so the first thing we're going to do is creation through remix okay so the first thing I'm gonna remix is let's go ahead and see here let's pick a nice image that we can go ahead and remix let's select hmm interesting there's a lot of different cool pieces of art here that interest me um let's pick let's scroll up actually let's go for something simple let's go for this image okay let's pick this image and what we're going to do is we're going to click remix just like that and now what we're doing is we're taking the same details of that remixed image and inputting it whether it comes to the fine tune model The Prompt the negative prompt Etc in this case if I go back to the actual image real quick I don't think they actually used okay they did use a negative prompt so I'm going to copy that negative prompt just in case and I'm gonna hit remix okay and you can see here for some reason it didn't upload I do okay there It Is Now it's uploaded all right the negative uh prompt and then what I'm going to do is hit generate now something that I will say is these are all the pre-made characteristics I can go ahead and edit those characteristics from size right to the number of images to the guidance scale to all the different things you know the uh tiling Etc there's so many different things now something that I want to mention is my control net so the control net allows you to influences the generations you input with and it's referring to the seed now in order for you to do that you can and and refer to what a seed is a seed is when you when you create an image you have a a number that is associated with that image if I put in that number into the control net aka the seed then what I could do is I can edit the uh one factor of it so in my case I'm going to go over here to my image prompt right I can I can edit my image prompt and these are the images that are created by the way from that actual image so you can see it was created and I can go over here I can use image to image I can do a lot of things I can upscale I can do many many different things and these are once again the same images with the same details that were created here so I can here edit my different fine tune model I can change my guidance scale I can change the size of the image I can also work with tiling and of course the control net now in order to use the control net you have to use stable diffusion version 1.5 you cannot use version 2.1 okay that's a little uh FYI that you may have not known okay so let's say this example for this image this image you can't use the control net because it's a version 2.1 the base model and I can go ahead and hit remix once again and hit generate and I can see what kind of results come out of that and in just a minute I'm going to show you how to improve on that image by upscaling so you can see here this image was created and I can go ahead and I believe upscales right here yep creative upscale and then what we're also going to do is we're going to upscale alternate and I'll read you the definitions of two because there's two different versions of the upscaling the first definition is that you can improve a photo during the upscaling process the second one which is the upscale image alternate is if you find that the original creative upscale change the detail of the photo you can use this one for a more stable version so if we go over here this is the original image then we have the upscaled image and this is the alternate upscaled so the alternate upscaled is more closely related to the original okay you can see the difference there if we go over here to the upscaled that's a lot more different okay I am in this photo I think they're all both pretty cool but I would go for the upscaled one as opposed to the other pretty cool though generally I mean there's not much you could say that takes away from it okay now in terms of creating different images you can choose for them to be public or you can choose for them to be private you can also work with prompt magic so prompt magic I'll just kind of share what prompt magic is and prompt magic let's go ahead and read it is it is a beta right it's in beta and it's their experimental render pipeline that may better prompt adherence which basically what that means is that it can listen to what your prompt is more separate from your um what is it called the the strength right The Prompt strength wherever it was here it's it escapes me at the moment but separate from that you can actually create separate uh separately you can have art that is more focused on the prompt and sometimes I actually most likely I turn this off because it does alter what I'm really looking to create in my images so especially with the different schedulers and the things that you're using I personally prefer to keep it off but it's just up to you of how you want to do it now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create some other images from my old school style images and this is actually what's cool about Leonardo here is that I can access my old images so I'll show you what I mean so go to my personal feed and I'll scroll down to a certain style that I liked and with other AI tools sometimes you can't actually do this let's say I find an image here that I really like the way it was created um let's find one here I like this one let's just say or actually let's pick a different one let's pick something a little more I like this actually I like this this one this one is really cool for me it's using 2.1 Allure discrete all this kind of stuff let's go ahead and hit remix here okay and when I do this I'm remixing that actual image I'm going to hit generate and see what it comes up with okay so it's going to have a whole bunch of different stuff and if I want I could even turn off Leonardo style it's fun to experiment I could actually turn it off right now hit generate and you can see here it's created different style photos if I wanted something a little more similar to what it was before I can look for that image I can go over here to my um and this is these are pretty cool creations I mean nothing too crazy about them they're just cool but if I go back to my actual image that I wanted to select let's go to personal feed and scroll all the way down to the actual image that I was talking about give it a second here let's say I believe it was down here somewhere the one I just selected I know it was here somewhere um do me a favor guys just wait by my side here okay maybe maybe I didn't uh not sure where I put it actually but let's just say let's just say it's this image that I want to create I'll go over here and select the actual image and I can do two things the first thing is I could actually save the image right and or excuse me or I can use click on this button image to image now the cool thing about this is it will slap the image here now this is cool because when it puts the image here it's creating based off of this original image so I can click here and create two images based on this original image that was already created if I don't like a certain aspect of it I can edit what I don't like about it so let's say for example I don't want it to have the color green in it I'll remove green and I'll type in yellow and I'll hit generate and you can see here now the similarity if I want to decrease the power of this image on my actual Creations I can just drag this back just a little bit right initial strength all right and decrease it and then go ahead and hit generate just like that and you can see here now it has more yellow this one is a little closer to the original right it disregarded my concept of you know where I'm stating yellow but it's still more similar so that's something to keep in mind as well so if you find some an image that you like you can have a creation based on it and notice when I decrease the initial strength or the uh image strength right here it created something a little bit more different while these are a little closer all right guys so there's a lot of things you can do here with this software and a lot of things you can edit a lot of things you can play around with a lot of things you could do so I could go over here click copy seed okay and that is the image that is seated into the software now okay and I can edit something small about it right so that's that's some small things that that you might want to keep in mind but this is once again a beginner guide there's a lot more we can talk about with the software because there's a lot of these different hidden features within it and if you want to see more let me know put in the comments down below I'll talk to you guys soon peace out bye
Channel: Autopilot Passive Income
Views: 42,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online entrepreneurship, passive income, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai image to image, leonardo ai prompts, leonardo ai, ai tutorial, leonardo ai tutorial for beginners, ai art generator, ai art generator free, ai art generator tutorial, ai for print on demand, ai art for print on demand, ai artificial intelligence, leonardoai, Leonardo AI Complete Beginners Tutorial, leonardo ai art generator, leonardo ai print on demand, leonardo ai tips
Id: XmsA1g9mK3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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