How To Use Leonardo AI - The ULTIMATE Tutorial (Leonardo AI Tips & Trics) - The AI Image Generator

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how to use Leonardo AI the ultimate tutorial and you're simply going to click on start using Leonardo over here on the top right selecting this would allow you to see this popup over here and you're simply going to click on yes I am wi listed and when you click that you will be redirected to the official app page where you will be able to use the different features of Leonardo now before we start with a different generation of our different image let's give a moment and explore the different features and the different parts of our H page right now so that you can know which or where you could find the different tools as you can see here on their homepage we're already on the hom page you will be able to see like the different featured models and the recent Creations now personally my favorite thing to do whenever I open this application is to look through the different recent creations because as you can see the different recent Creations are created by the different users that uses Leonardo a and a lot of it are amazing like for example this picture of Chris hord over here it is super realistic and you wouldn't know that it is created by Ai and there's also other Arts over here which are very amazing and let's get see for example this one over here uh very good details with a lot of information or a lot of H qualities as you can see it has its own style of course being used with a specific model and you can see the specific model over here on the top like the featured models meaning these are the top models right now being used by the community like Photo which will allow them to create a powerful image with a hyper realistic element as you can see here and there's also a dream shaper 7even which would allow you to create images with a range of different style a lot a big range of styles and you have your 3D animation style that is similar to Disney or like any cartoonish version or cartoonish output that you could see in the television and you will be able to create art style using this specific style as well and there's also anime pastel dream here and there's also a lot of different models over here now what you could do as a beginner if you're exploring and you don't know what to do with Leonardo yet you could explore its capabilities by testing out the different models because each model has its own potential now the purpose of the model is to have something that the AI will base the art on and you will be able to notice that with the preview over here as I move through the different models you will be able to see the difference between each model like for example this one vintage style photography you could see the difference between the the cute animal characters the purpose of the model is to give the AI images or different sets of images to base the style on so if you're trying to get a specific style researching and looking for the specific model that you would like to have is very important to be able to achieve the specific output that you want and don't worry it's easy to find a specific model like it's already labeled like Photo real 3D animation Styles it's not hard to find a specific model and I will show you how you could select them later on when you generate them using the AI image generation and like we were talking over here earlier you will be able to see different images created by the community and a lot of them has their own unique style for example this entire line over here each has their own style like this one has an anime style as you can see here very detailed anime style and and this one has a bit of a realistic style as you can see with a bit of painting in the background this one is also a bit realistic with some different elements going Outburst or outbursting from the evenge you can see here and there's also this design over here like a simple art a simple logo art and there's also this Ariana gr design over here and noticing that each image has their own style although some styles are going to repeat like for example this one this one and these one are all realistic you will be able to notice how good the quality is now one of the favorite things that I could do aside from checking them out is to use or reuse the different styles that you are looking in the homepage this is something that we will do a lot in today's video where we will be checking out the homepage and like for example I really like this style of rear I would open this and I would copy The Prompt and try to recreate it with my old version of The Prompt like changing different information like for example instead of butterflies I would say birds something like that we will be using the different images available in the homepage a lot although if you have your own image or if you want to try out your own problems of course you're very free to do whatever you want but this is the homepage now you could also check check out the Community Feed over here on the left side which is basically the same thing as what we were seeing in the homepage but of course there's different more information like there's upscaled over here like you can check out the new outputs by the community you can see all of this are new and you also have your top outputs over here which is like the top of the best or the best of the best outputs in Leonardo right now and there's also personal feed over here that you can check out this is the outputs that you yourself has generated these are the different outputs that I have generated myself as you can see and you can also have followers over here follower speed and there also like speed over here now for the training and data sets over here this is for when you would like to create your own model so basically you're not limited to using the models per divided by Lardo AI you could also create your own model that the AI will base that design on so for example you have a ton of images of a person you could actually use that to create an output that is actually based on the person using this custom model over here you could train and have your own model that you Nardo AI will be using to create different photos and there's also fine CH models over here this is the platform models created by Leonardo and the community models of course created by the community the different people using Leonardo and then you have your own models and favorite models over here now let's get right into the generations of our images to be able to start generating images we have to look over here on the user tools as you can see here on the left side there are three different tools the most basic one which is the AI image generation the AI canvas and the texture generation these are all the different tools tools that you could use right now in Leonardo now in the future of course potentially there might be more tools but as of now this are the only tools that we could use and we will be using AI image generation and also the AI canvas later on and as you notice the AI canvas is currently in beta meaning it's not fully developed so there might be a lot of bugs that you can experience or you could observe so you have to be prepared and accept that this will not be a perfect feature but let's go and try out our AI image generation now when I select this I will be redirected to this page over here now let's give you a quick tour of our image generation page over here over here in the middle this middle section this is where you will be able to type in your prompt whatever output that you would like to create or generate you can simply type in any prpt that you want of course course you can type in a butterfly or whatever you would like to see on the image that you're trying to generate there's also the model over here this is the model that we were talking about and you have this Leonardo style you could enable this or disable this you have the option to add a negative prompt if you don't know what a negative prpt is basically whatever you type in this section it will see it as something that they should avoid so if you don't want to see something from from the image you could simply type it here in this negative from area over here and once I disable this it will go away of course but if you enable it you won't be able to type whatever you don't want to see on an image like for example I don't like to see clouds in the image that we will be generating it will now then avoid generating clouds into your images aside from that you have your button over here you will be able to generate by simply selecting this button over here and as you can know Noti there is this message this will use eight tokens and we only have 150 tokens remaining now this is the daily limit for Leonardo of course as you know Leonardo is a completely free app so they have to put on some sort of a limitation daily of course and that is the coin system as you can see here on the top left we only have 150 coins and each generation depending on the settings that we do over here it's it will cost each generation at least eight coins or less depending on the amount of images and it will vary depending on the complexity of the prop and the complexity of the settings of course and daily we are able to use 150 tokens as you can see here and it will reset every day and as you can see for me it will reset in 14 hours and it may take up to an hour to update your tokens so if you don't want to experience lacking of tokens you could upgrade your plan if you do want to have a plan and we will be checking this out later on in the video if ever you are considering because of course who doesn't want to use Leonardo as much as they can now after that over here below Our Generation section you will be able to see the different image Generations that you have generated over time as you can see these are the different image that I have produced myself all of them have a very detailed output and very good design and I really like the different outputs generated by Leonardo and I have been using Leonardo AI for a long time now and I'm really proud on the progress that they are making with the quality of their outputs and as you can see here these are really good qualities so when you're generating with Leonardo AI you could assure sure that you will be getting quality outputs now of course when using AI generators you would need to expect that you would need to regenerate multiple times to be able to get the perfect output that you are trying to generate and as you can see you will be able to view more Generations by clicking on load more preview generations and we will be redirected to the personal feed over here where we will be able to check out the different Generations that we have done now after that you could also check out the history of your PR as you can see here you will be able to see the history in this section and this tool will allow you to come up with more complex prompt ideas from a S prompt we'll be able to generate prompts in this section as well and let's explore the settings of the Nardo AI over here on the left side let's zoom in a bit and we will be showing you the basic settings of course the most basic settings the number of images and whatever option you select here will generate the corresponding amount of images of course right now the amount is selected for four so there will be four images that will be generated once I enter my prop and the different information required and every time it will generate four and right now four Images will cost us eight tokens and depending on the amount of images the tokens will also decrease as you can see here it will now take four tokens if I only generate two images now as you can notice we are able to generate eight images but as you can see I can't select the eight this is because the settings need to work together as well something in my settings right now is not allowing me to generate eight images so you would need to experiment and check out which settings are not allowing us to generate eight images but personally I don't suggest generating eight images at once I suggest that you just stick with the four and do try and error until you find the output that you're trying to create now after that you have photo and prompt magic right now the photo re is in beta but as you can see here in the description of the specific tool Leonardo photo is our latest inovision a powerful pipeline designed to generate hyper realistic photos and lifelike portraits and requires alimer R so you would need to use this if you would like to generate your different outputs that has a more realistic output but as you can see it will require us to have uh subscription to be able to use this as you can see here but we won't be using that because of that but as you can see there's also prompt magic over here prompt magic will allow you to have a rendered pipeline that has far greater prompt adherence higher image fality and can't improve the output with any chosen model it increases token cost due to higher GPU overload and as you can see there is different versions of course you have your version two over here that we are currently using version two of course that we are currently using and we will be able to adjust the prompt strength and the prompt strength influences the output and the higher the number means the greater the influence basically the prop magic strength will allow us to increase the strength of the manipulation that this specific settings will do to our image and there's also high contrast over here which will give us higher quality of image it will give us smer image with more shadows and we will be able to turn this off if we would like to have less Darkness on our output but right now I'm just going to leave it on and you also have your Alchemy over here this is also required for us to be able to have a plan to be able to use this fely and as you can see the Alchemy is a powerful New Image generation Pipeline and we will be able to get this by simply subscribing as you can see these are the different things that we will be able to get and use when we subscribe on Leonardo's plant and aside from that you also have your public images of course the images will always be generated or posted in the community settings we won't be able to disable that you can see we would need to up G our plan to set our generations to private there's also image Dimensions over here you will be able to choose from a 1 by one but have a different size like 1024 by 1024 or 512 to 512 and this is a 1ex one ratio you will be able to select a different ratio basically selecting this option over here for example I would like to have a 16x9 ratio and it will automatically adjust it over here you can see and there's also guidance scale over here guidance scale is how strongly our prob will be weighted and there's also control net and there's also tiling over here there's also these two features over here image to image and image BR which we will be showing you also on how to use in today's video now let's generate our very first image in today's video and we will be using the the most basic uh generation for now as you can see you have four Images prop magic is enabled and the dimensions are 92 pixels by 5 12 pixels and then you have your normal guidance skill which is seven and we have no image prop to generate it at of but let's ask it to generate us something let's say a thunder inside a bottle now this is our very simple generation for today's first generation and we have the fine chude model as the dream shaper version 7 to be able to change the model by the way you're simply going to select this option and as you can see here I have a list of my different models that I am using but if you don't see the specific model that you want to use you can simply click on select custom model over here on the bottom and you will be able to see over here on the top you have your models favorite models platform models and Community models I suggest that you use the platform models because this is where you will be able to see the best models right now of course given by Leonardo and for example right now I'm using the dream shaper 7 which will provide us with a great range of different styles so that is going to be our model so right now we simply going to click on generary this will take up eight tokens right now and as you can see it will start to generate us four Images at the same time as you can see so you're simply going to give it some time to generate the images of course and we will be able to show you the amazing output of Leonardo and there we go we have thunder inside a bottle of course the more details you put in the prompt the more specific the output is but as you can see even though my prompt is very simple we were able to get an amazing output over here I think my favorite out put in this is this one over here now as you can notice when you hover your mouse on a specific image you will be able to see this different settings over here you are able to download the image you're able to unzoom the image you're able to remove the background HD Smooth Up scaler you could create image Alternatives you can create an H crisp upscaler and you can also edit it in the canvas or use this for image to IM image and you could also delete this image if you don't like that specific image that has been generated now there we go that is how you will be able to generate an image with Leonardo AI the most basic feature of Leonardo and the main feature of course now let's do what I like to do the most in Leonardo and go through the different images that are already in the homepage and use that to generate our own custom image as as well for example I would like to use this image over here as our basis I'm simply going to open it and we're going to copy the prompt over here so we simply going to copy prompt go back here I'm going to paste it in our prompt over here now as you can notice this specific image has a negative prompt so I'm simply going to enable it also in my version and I'm also going to copy the negative prompt we're simply going to copy this here we go paste it over here and now let's go check out the settings for the settings they are using the altim so we won't be able to use that their resonance is 15 the preset is Anime so we won't be able to use some of the versions over here propt magic is version three so we could use that let's go and click on version over here and click on version three and we're going simply click on Save but as you can see we won't be able to use that but I guess let's stick with the version two instead and aside from that it is using the anime pastel dream so we're simply going to use that let's go and click on select custom model platform models and let's look for it there we go this is the anime fastel dream I'm simply going to click this generate with this model and now it is selected as our model over here so after that we're simply going to change our prompt now instead of a closeup of a beautiful girl in her 20s with got style and that stuff we're going to change it to a handsome boy or a handsome person handsome boy here we go now instead of it generating a girl which is this image over here let's see if we will be able to recreate this style but this time with a maale so simply click on generate over here and then we will be able to generate our output we have 1 two three and four outputs over here keep in mind the negative prop will allow allow us to keep our prompt as original as possible like as you can see here we won't be able to generate two images two heads extra fingers all of this that would make our image bad and outly everything's already placed over here and there we go as you can see we were able to generate our image over here it's not exactly the same but we were able to capture a bit of the style so let's go and change our prompt a bit instead of a CL up let's say shoulder shot or Top Shot top body shot of a handsome boy in his 20s there we go and let's click on generate and let's see our output this time and then let's compare this one and the new one that we are generating after that let's now generate or begin our tutorial on how you could use your own image with Leon though and I will be showing you the feature called image to image and how you could use it for your different Generations as well and there we go we have our output over here it is very similar this is more zoomed into to the face but this one is a bit zoomed out but you are able to see the similarities and although it's not exactly the same it still captures the output over here we can't expect that it is exactly the same of course because the person was using other features that we kep access like the Alchemy over here so don't expect that you will be able to recreate it perfectly now with our next feature that we would like to explore it will be called image to image option over here but right now I can't use it so what you can do is to disable the prop magic and now you are able to use the image to image you won't be able to use this feature if you don't disable the prop magic over here unfortunately now let's reset our prop area over here there we go now the image to image will allow you to use your image as a generation reference so for example I have my own photo and I will be able to use it for Leonardo so let's go to pixels over here let's assume that I am one of this person and let's look for an image of a person so for example this person over here simply going to download this this is absolutely for free royaltyfree image so we will be using this photo as our basis now going back here you're simply going to upload or drag and drop an image we here in this area so let's upload our image over here and there we go as you can see we have our image over here on the left side now this will allow leardo to use this as the reference image or the image that will be used as the reference or the basis as you can see there's an in it strength over here and the higher the init strength the more the original image will be preserved so if you try to generate right now and you don't like the output of course and you think the image is a bit uh too far away from the original you could increase the edit strength over here which will then fix it so you can experiment with it so let's zoom out for now and let's clink off an image prompt now let's go back to home over here let's look for an a style over here that we could copy maybe let's go with this one over here the one with Ariana over here I'm simply going to copy the prompt details and copy prompt go back here going to paste our prompt in this area copy our negative prompt here we go paste it over here and the generation model is absolute reality 1.6 let's also copy that or actually let's go with with a different version let's go with the dream shifter version 7 and let's see our output and compare it actually and now let's try this on and let's see our output let's simply click on generate and as you can notice as well this will only take five tokens and like I explained earlier the different outputs or the different cost of tokens will depend on the complexity of your output and as you can notice also I am only able to generate through images of here which would make sense why it only costs five tokens and other options are locked and so let's go and click on generate and let's see our output keep in mind this is our reference image over here or over here if you can see it quite clearly if you can see it quite clearly this is our output over here and let's wait for it to produce our output and see if you will be able to have a similar effect with this one over here and let's see and and there we go now I think we forgot to edit it out but as you can see it's trying to get the elements or the different features that you can see here into this image over here so let's change it up let's remove this Ariana Grande over here let's delete that I think we forgot to change that but anyway let's generate it once again and let's see and edit the in strength every now and then to be able to see the difference between low level high level and like the max verion version of this but I have tried the max version before there won't be any changes on the output it will be super close to original so it's a bit pointless to use the AI image generation with the max level over here but as you can see it is trying to create an output but it's not able to produce a solid output so let's increase our in strike over here let's change it to 75 or 74 and let's generate once again now this is how image generation in Leonardo is or any image generation out there actually you're not always going to get a perfect output or a very good output in the first time you're going to have to try a lot of times to be able to get a good output and there we go as you can see it is now uh using our reference over here but our in it strength is too strong so it just replicated the image so let's lower it down to six or point six generate once again and you can see our output is evolving we're slowly creating it closer and closer to the original and let's see the result for this one if it's good enough or no it's still too high so let's lower it to 50 or 45 here we go generate once again it takes a while to get the best output but anyway we're going to explore and do it one by one at the to get the best output or the best level for our strike over here if it doesn't work this time we're going to check out a different style and generate with that instead and let's see there we go this is now more decent it is now using the elements that are actually with the front over here and it's balancing it out with our image over here although it's not the best of course we still are able to get the output that is able to show both prompt and effects and our image as well now let's change this let's change it into something else let's say a block dress we can also generate some very simple images and have it as an image to image option as well and when we generate this hopefully it will change the dress into a black dress so you don't need to do complicated problems as well you can also stick with very simple problems and you will will also able to get uh very good designs and as you can see it tried to turn it into a block dress but I guess our it is strike is too strong so let's generate it one last time before we move on from our image to image generation and let's see our output over here and there we go this is our output over here now it Deed from the original photo but as you can see you are also or you are still a able to see the outputs uh background images very similar still but the person is of course stranged into somewhat else or as you can see it is now a blond blonde girl with black dress as you can see very pretty blonde girl now let's move on now the next thing that we will check out right now is the AI canvas so we're simply going to open the AI canvas by going back to the hom page and selecting it from the tools and as you can see this is R AI canvas it is a bit hard to distinguish the different elements or the different tools over here so let's explain it one by one over here on the left side as you can see you will be able to see this uh set of tools over here this first option which is like the grab key which would allow you to like drag across the convas over here move along or move through the front areas and this is very useful for navigating your image this one over here is the select which would allow you to of course uh select the box right now that you are seeing on your screen uh let me zoom out a bit here we go and click on select over here you will be able to move the box over here now in canvas whatever is inside this box will be generated so if you have an output over here a pre-existing image and you would like to extend it you would need to put this box on the correct area of of course where you would like the new content to be generated and it will only generate within this box over here it will not affect the outside box so if you're trying to generate something you should put this box in the correct position you also have draw MK over here where you will be able to like isolate a specific area that you don't want to be of course generated or overlocked on you will be able to add that and let's undo that for now there's also a eras here of course you will be able to erase a different or a part of the generation and you can see the settings over here you could remove the image or the sketches or the mask and there's also sketch over here as you can see here you'll be able to sketch and then you could use the erase feature over here to of course remove the skets that you have just added to the box and then you can upload your image over here now we will be using the same image that we used earlier and so we could up upload it from the computer upload it from previous generation or the community let's upload it from our computer and let's open this one and this is the same image as earlier it's a bit too big so let's zoom out over here there we go and uh let's drag our image over here let's make it smaller so there we go let's make it fit our screen because this is a bit too big for us to work with and there we go there we go now this is our image over here select our pan key this is our image that we use in our image to image feature earlier and now like I explained earlier in canvas you will be able to edit or add specific content inside this box over here so let's say I want to change the specific flower that this person is touching from tulips into a let's see a a rose I will be able to do that by using this feature over here you can see here on the right side you will be able to see your tokens as well the specific model that you are using let's go with dream shaper of course the canvas mode in paint or out painting could change this to and something else as you can see you could have image to image which would allow you to transfer underlying content Sly or completely as you can see here there's also sketched image over here or there's also the in painting and out painting over here what we will be demonstrating is the inpainting and out painting and the text to image as well and after that you could see the amount of images that will be generated the in painting strength the image di menion you can increase the size as you can see there we go you can make the size bigger and of course you could change the aspect ratio as well and then the render density and the guidance scale over here and let's try this out I will put this box this uh box that we have inside this area I would like to add it out or change and we will be changing this into a red uh red rose there we go and you could also click on the settings over here which would allow you to enter a negative prop so let's generate this it will use seven tokens so let's generate and let's see the output that will be produced with our red rose over here and you will be able to see the effect for the ability of our Leonardo canvas feature over here so let's give it some time it might take a while because our settings or other other line factor is going to affect it and there we go now I don't think it generated a difference between the first one so let's click on the second one there is it really a difference between the different outputs so I think we did something wrong here I think we have to select uh our mask over here uh it's not really working so I think we're going to cancel it and let's go and uh cancel whatever we did so that our image will be reset let's change it to a smaller image Dimension over here let's try this again and let's change it to text image instead there we go I think the feature in painting and out painting is not really working right now so or I am using it the wrong way but either way let's try it again this time with the text to image and let's see the output that will be generated with this uh generation this time and we have our first over here it's not going to be the perfect it's not using its content awareness right now it's generating random images of red rose but let's cancel that I think for the next image it will create a standard do another generation from scratch we forgot to remember that it will disregard the surrounding content but the one that we would like to have or effectively use is the in painting and out painting so let's actually try this again maybe we will need to use the mask over here and so let's draw our mask over the flower over here here we go and this time let's click on generate let's see if we will be able pull this off properly this time the canvas is a bit confusing even for me to use so let's explore the canvas together and see the capabilities of this uh specific uh feature and there we go as you can see we were able to successfully change this flower into a red flower and then we can check out the different uh possible outputs that we could use as you can see I think the best one is the third one over here and we could click on accept and I think it will change the image as the image as the final image I think I made a mistake and so there we go let's go click the pan key and there we go we now have our image over here as our red rose over here so uh let's go and generate something else for example let's go and say that there is a bird or a dog over here in the background so let's generate a dog there let's draw our mask first so if you select the mask of here and then draw over the section or the area you would like the dop or whatever element that you would like it to appear going to have to draw the area and then let's put here husky dog play Then simply click on generate and let's see the output that will be generated with our prompt over here in the canvas and let's give it some times give it some time to load and there we go we have a housekeeping play in the background and there's different options over here now like I said earlier it's not going to be perfect right away so you're going to have to lay around and generate multiple timeses and there we go so you can see then you can move this around to whatever area that you would like to edit and depending on how you would like to use this this can be a very useful feature and let's leave it for that right now let's go move on to other things now we're going to go back to our AI image generation but this time we will now begin exploring the different uses that we could use and do with Leonardo like different business opportunities or possible ways of earning by using this feature now we will be using the AI image generation like I said and I have something that I have in mind like the different opportunities or different uh things that you could use the image generated by Leonardo and I think one of them is a coloring book you could create a coloring book using Leonardo of course because you could use Leonardo to generate anything that you want virtually anything that you type in the prompt so let's say uh let's create a very simple image like a moon a drawing of a moon with Teck lines and cartoonish and then let's add in the negative prompt colors because of course it's a coloring book we don't want any colors and let's add it in our promp over here the colors as well there we go so let's generate this actually uh let's enable our prompt magic and generate and let's see the output that we will be able to get and let's see if it will be able to pass as a coloring now why AR we suggesting that you could use Cana that you could use Leonardo to create a coloring book now you could go to a lot of different e-commerce platform out there and like build your coloring book you could use or easily use Leonardo AI to generate your coloring book outputs and start earning money using Leonardo as well which is very useful and you could use this not just to pass time and create images that you want you could use it to create uh income as well but as see this one is a failure I don't think we could use this as a coloring book let's try adding coloring book as a prop to be here click on generate and let's see the output that we will be able to get now my prompts are a bit too simple or not really effective a lot of times so when you're creating your prompt you could uh do your own research and look for props are amazing that you think would work very well with your your a purpose of course that you're trying to use theard for but as you see we have another generation over here it's not really the best with the concept of coloring but let's changes into something else let's say Earth uh childish drawing let's add more information childish drawing of uh Earth and click on generate and let's see our output for this one and we will also discuss other business opportunities aside from a coloring book of course like up crate on demand or creating stickers you could do this in Leonardo as well and there we go we have a decent output as well and you get the idea that I'm trying to show you or say you should use or you could use theard to generate you some coloring books that you could compile together into a book that you could actually sell online for of course extra income now we can also use Leonardo for uh print on demand if you're unaware with print on demand you could search up printify and you could see that you are able to sell different types of product in printify with your own design and with this you have a lot of opportunities or a lot of open doors that you could do because as you can see here in their catalog let's view their catalog so here you will be able to create a lot of different products like t-shirts hoodies sweatshirts long s St tops and all of this different options or all different products that you are seeing right now you could put in your own design and then sell it in the internet so if you're able to produce an amazing output in Leonardo let's try for example this one over here let's try something like this let's copy this and let's check out the generation model that they use let's go generate something similar to that like that then let's go with our anime style over here let's look for it go anime past dream and instead of a 9s Nostalgia cassette let's go with uh a 9s Nostalgia microphone here we go then simply click on generate and let's see the output that will be generated over here and if the output is very good or very artistic you could download the image and upload it in printify and create your own products with a specific design that you have created in Leonardo and you will be able to create amazing outputs like for example this one over here although not similar with the basis to we saw you could download this use this design because of course it's still a unique design people might like this design that you have created and you can upload it on your T-shirt stuff like that you can set up your online store and you could use this for Drop Shipping or print on demands which what is PRI over here and what's great with printify is you don't need to handle any inventory or anything like that you can simply set it up over here upload your design and once people start ordering printify will deliver or send it to them themselves so you don't need to handle anything beyond that which is really great and there's a lot of opportunities with that you could use the homepage that I kept mentioning earlier there's a lot of different popular designs that you could check out in this area that you could use yourself and for example this one over here or this one over here a lot of people will like to use stuff like this in their t-shirt they would like to have designs like that appearing on their t-shirt and and it would be really great and let's generate this one and let's see the opportunity or the style that we will be able to get with this prop here and you get my idea you could download it and upload it in this section imagine the output that we will be generating let's wait for it to load and imagine it on a t-shirt now for me personally I would like to have like like this design over here I would like to have this design on the t-shirt that I would wear outside of course you could edit it out edit the different prompts remove the colar of course and of course this is the output that we were trying to create but this still has potential and you could put it on like a tough case or a T-shirt and personally I would wear something that has a artistic style especially created by an AI because that is just very unique and aside from this you could also use Leonardo to generate your logos like as you can see when we were exploring earlier in this video you were able to see uh style over here that was specifically designed to be a logo which is this one over here you can create or use Leonardo as well for a logo you could copy the prop over here you could do the same style that I have been doing this entire video wherein you could check out different images copying it and using it on your own and you could simply type in in the prompt uh of course element of your company that you could or you are using to create your logo on you could utilize different prompts available in the homepage and I saw something really great earlier this one you could use this as well to create your logo you could change the information that you are using as you can see here and you will be able to use this style also to create stickers which is really great so let's try this actually let's go and copy this prod wrong and let's go and click on AI image generation and paste it over here now I'm going to change it instead of a camera logo I could say we could have uh sports bike logo there we go and I can simply click on generate and you need to scan through the of course prompt of be here and change here and there the different information like we change the camera into a sports bike because of course we want a sports bike logo and there we go we have a sports bike output over here really great and I think it's a good output and you could also use this output not just for a logo you could utilize this as well as a sticker you could uh download the specific output that you really like for example let's scroll through here uh let's say I like this images of a moon especially this one I really like this you could use this image as well for stickers you could download that go back to printed five because they also have sticker options in this uh area over here in the pry and you can also start selling stickers that you can sell online and earn money on or you could also have it for yourself when you use canva to to print your different stickers and there's a big opportunity that you could earn with Leonardo and you aside from generating personal images or images that you want to produce uh I'm explaining that you could also have income using Leonardo AI especially since it is absolutely for free and you are able to use this daily without any restriction aside from the 150 token restriction and you can also create like characters your OG characters or your old characters through Leonardo for example I would like to create a character and I someone who is trying to create a story book so I would like to have a caror and I don't have an idea or I'm not really a digital artist so I won't be able to create my own character so I could use Leonardo AI to generate myself my own character so I'm going to demonstrate this I'm going to use a 3D animation style and let's see a young boy and I'm a young boy that has a fishing pool and a dream to be uh a dream to patch a big shark and let's see what we will be able to generate with this let's generate this and this will be our OG character or our own character and then I'm going to show you how you could put this person in different scenarios and have it consistent as possible so we will be reutilizing the image prompt or the image image as well and it will be the same process with what we did earlier but there we go as you can see and let's say we like this output over here you can download this image and we could go and use our imag image over here again we're going to upload it over here and now it will use this as a basis so let's say a young boy on a on a boat click on generate but unfortunately we are now out of tokens so let's let set our output but actually we were able to generate it there we go and now we have our output over here now on a boat it is using our our here as a basis but of course not going to be perfect I suggest that you crop this remove the shark for now focus on the main boy over here but as you can see it's generating an output over here let's increase our init strike a bit 42 generate it again and you could uh choose different areas like a boat or maybe a beach there we go and we will be able to have like a main character or consistent character throughout different generation but as you can see not always perfect uh we will need to recreate it over and over again to be able to get the best output that you would like to have and now we only have four tokens left let's try and get the output that we are trying to get with our last token over here and let's give it some times and there we go now we have our output over here on the beach it's a bit uh similar didn't really change but let's go and change this to maybe set of a beach we could go with school there we go now we got generate hopefully it will not generate it too close or at least generate our main character but you get the idea this is a trial and error you will be both you have a consistent character by using the image to image option over here but as you can see there we go could set up a scenario for example this is for when the boy is going to fishing and this is the scenario for when the boy is going to school you will be able to have like a different variation of your main character as well and that's it guys that is how you are able to use Leonardo AI we are now officially out of tokens so let's give a quick conclusion or a quick recap of what we were able to do the different things that we were able to demonstrate in today's video is the basic features the basic settings and how you can navigate through Leonardo's interface we were able to show you how you could create your own images with your own prompts I was also able to suggest you uh tips and tricks on how you could generate amazing prompts by utilizing the whole bage over here by using the different images already every available for us to use as you can see here we also demonstrated to you on how you could use your own images by of course using the image to image option over here you can see here we will able to demonstrate how you can use this effectively and how you could play around with it and see how you could do the different uh generations with it and we were also able to show you the canvas editor earlier which is currently in beta right now so we weren't experiencing the best time with it but we were able to use it earlier and showed you how to use it and we were also able to explore the different business opportunities or income opportunities that you can have with Leonardo AI such as selling coloring book using it for print on demand using it for Logos and creating stickers you could use it to create logos for your own company or for your own self of course and we were able to also show you how you can create characters and create consistent characters with Leonardo a now before we end our video let's check out the plan that is available in Leonardo AI that I was talking earlier because we weren't really able to use the entire feature or all the features of Leonardo because we aren't really subscribed to any plan so let's check out the different plans that we could get with Leonardo we can check it out B simply clicking on upgrade over here and there we go this is the different plans we have the free which is what we are using right now we have all of this options over here all of this features and things that we could do with Leonardo as you can see which is 150 Generations per day or whatever our token is which is 150 there's also the apprentis artisan and mro for the Artisan which is $10 per month but this is for yearly but for the normal monthly one it will cost you $12 per month and you will be able to have $8,000 500 tokens which would allow you to generate so many more outputs earlier we weren't able to generate as many as we want because we were limited by 150 tokens and inquiring with Apprentice version would allow you to generate 8,500 tokens per month and you have all of this options over here you can also create private generations and priority infrastructures as well and you could see the different plan details as as well below here if you would like to subscribe to them and there's also the Artisan version which is $30 per month you could have 25,000 tokens per month which is a lot and you have the 10 pending jobs private Generations priority infrastructure and relox generation Q now as you noticed earlier in our video it took a while or at least 15 seconds to generate our image but once you get into a subscription with Leonardo you will be able ble to generate your image much much faster because you will be prioritized of course when generating images and for the last one we have the mro you will be able to have 60k tokens per month and you have all this features that we were seeing over here on the other options as well of course much better and you have up to 20 pending jobs private generation and priority infrastructure and relax generation Cube and that's it guys those are the different PL that you can get with Leonardo AI now if you're not really going to be using Leonardo that much or if it isn't really centered or you don't have a business that is centered around Leonardo I don't really suggest you getting a subscription but of course it is completely up to you if you want to generate a lot of images and you don't really want to be limited by just 150 Generations per day or 150 tokens you can simply get one of these uh plans over here to be able to get a lot more Generations per day or per month actually and so that's it guys hope you were able to learn a lot in today's video consider leaving a like And subscribe and if you have any other questions please leave a comment down below and we will try our best to answer your questions and please keep in mind the different tips and tricks that I was able to mention in today's video I hope you will be able to utilize them and utilize the knowledge that you have learned in today's video to be able to produce different amazing outputs on your own and to be able to utilize Leonardo itself and not be confused with the different features and be able to create amazing outputs especially the tip wherein I said you should use the homepage and take advantage of the availability of the prompts are generated and produced like for example with the different output that you see see right now you are able to utilize and see the prompts used by different users so take good advantage of that when generating your output use it to your advantage to be able to generate the best of the best output and hopefully you will be able to create the output that you are trying to create so that's it guys if you enjoy the video please leave a like And subscribe so thanks for watching
Channel: AI Tutorial Planet
Views: 41,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, ai art, generative art, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, create images with leonardo ai, use your own image with leonardo ai, canvas editor in leonardo ai, create a coloring book with leonardo ai, print on demand with leonardo ai, beginner ai art, experienced ai art, tips for using leonardo ai, mistakes to avoid with leonardo ai, fun with leonardo ai, creative with leonardo ai, amazing images with leonardo ai, powerful tool for artists, aitools
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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