Leonardo Ai Patterns Complete Guide (Print on Demand Seamless Patterns Guide)

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hey everyone welcome to a new video in today's video I'm going to show you how to create some patterns just like the ones that you're seeing here on the screen uh there's all kinds of different patterns of different levels of intensity I would say um and there's some really good ones and there's some to be honest ugly ones and I'm going to show you how to create the difference between some good looking ones and some uh not so desirable ones alright so let's go ahead and get started so the app that I'm using if you're familiar with the YouTube channel you probably already know it's called Leonardo Ai and basically what it does is it's an image or a text to image generator so effectively you tell it different text and it will create an image based on the text and the better you are with prompting and the better you are with creating different uh I guess you could say models and fine-tuned models and and basically teaching and training your app the better results it will produce and so today we're going to take a beginner's approach to this and I'm going to show you how you guys could do it with just a click all right just a few clicks and you'll get the results that you want all right so let's go ahead and get started so here I'm on the home feed and I just type in the word seamless and when I type in the word seamless uh seamless is mostly referring to the seam in reference to the corners of any kind of pattern right and so if we were to stack or tile this or repeat after one after the other and make these images stick to each other it would be seamless right so a good way to look at this is if we take let's say let's use something a little less complicated let's say like this pattern right this pattern has certain parts that it connects to okay so for example here right there's this I guess you could say this blue section okay and when you would connect this right when you would connect when you put another image next to it on the left hand side it would connect to this section here so that's how it's kind of seamless and you'll see that when we upload to other platforms and show you how it kind of looks but um that's what makes it seamless right so when I search the word seamless all these different designs that contain the word seamless in their prompt show up and I think one of the coolest ones or the most abstract ones was this design right here and this design which is uh pretty amazing honestly and that's what happened when you search seamless now let's go ahead and get into how you can actually create designs for yourself so if you see a a pattern that you like let's say it's this you can go over here and hit remix in my case we could actually I mean we could do that why not in my case I had created I was playing around with a bunch of different patterns and you can see here I was creating different ones so I created these I created these and so on and so forth here I got some camels right like a camel pattern type of thing here I got like this pyramid type of thing with these plants here I got once again more pyramid style stuff which really just looked like a bunch of like 3D triangles almost here's like another thing that's similar I could go ahead and show you a little bit more right here we have some kittens or some cats um and then here I tried to do like a Guns and Roses type of theme which if I probably worked on a little more I could probably get a better result but uh you saw the results here this is an anime style rose flower type of design and I played with that around for a little while and here I've got some strawberries that I created um and by the way I also want to show you guys this this image look at the way it came out it says the word dreams time on it now dreams time if you're not familiar is a place where you can go buy images this is why I tell you guys you have to be very careful with AI it can all be tracked of where it comes from so with seed data and all these kind of things this image was the the information was clearly taken from a resource now that resource could be a copyrighted trademark resource or whatever it is excuse me trademark not really um you know copyright but it depends on who the artist is and all this kind of data so let's just say it was a Getty Images you know logo that becomes a problem because um you know I know for a fact that Getty Images has sued other companies who did this with uh AI so be aware of these kind of things all right but regardless um here is an image of strawberries here is another image of strawberries here uh here we have a picture of my attempt to make some mango pictures which this does not look like mangoes I don't really know what you would call this um just some weird hybrid of a fruit of some sort I feel like this one looks more like mangoes but it's still it's a little off and then here I was still attempting to get it done here we got some good productions here um these were uh this was the original okay and then I made some attempts to fix that which I think it came out a little bit better um here was like a 3D look now once again I don't think this looks like mangoes but hey um you know it is what it is then we got some more productions here and if I keep scrolling down I really like this lemon one that I created I think it looks really cool and once again all these are seamless this is probably my favorite lemon one that I created you could already see that I spent the time to upscale it here was a cool 3D one that we have um which is really cool I actually believe it or not like the original better than the 3D I think the colors the way it came out looks better but that's just me um and then here we have more designs and I think something in terms of like if if we were having a t-shirt or a pair of shorts or even like a bed sheet or something I think these flat style designs would work better than these 3D style designs now that's just my general opinion I think it just depends on what your preference is but you guys let me know what you think and I like stuff like this as well so this is pretty unique um obviously you can go in and edit stuff and I showed I made a video on how you can like remove certain things from certain images with AI so I've shown how to do that so if you want to see that I'll leave the link in the description for that video but yeah here you could see there was an attempt of some more lemons here I created some pizza patterns so you can see here these are one of my favorites I think this one was my favorite overall um did I upskill I didn't even upskill I might as well upscale it right now and I should do different upscales to test the different results but here once again we have another Pizza pattern which I think this came out good as well um and you could see here I have simple simple uh prompts I it's not like I do something crazy Advanced uh I was trying to get some like Italian flag prompts going on let me actually show you guys all my Generations uh by going over here to my personal feed and then showing you my all section I'll just go ahead and Scroll once again and you can see here the view all right I'll try to scroll a little slower for you guys to actually catch it on video um but yeah here we have another image um then here I was trying to get some Flags done they you know struggling to have some Flags built I think you can make stuff like this into a pattern it probably wouldn't be a flag but it would be interesting as to what it would look like um here we have this cool style like rose style design which I think could look really good on a t-shirt um here I tried to create like a like a hydrogena type of plant but I think it kind of understood it as like some sort of hydrogen you know manufacturing plant or something like that I don't know that's why it says shows all these boxes but I took the same style and I created variations I have like butterflies here here I have uh these flowers um not my style for t-shirts obviously but uh if you know if you like it pretty cool I think there's a customer base for pretty much everything out there um here we got some frogs right uh which I I think for the type of animals they could be a little wacky like you know I'm not really sure what that looks like but I think once again there is a customer base for pretty much everything out there depending on how far you can expand your Market how far you can expand your territory um here this is once again another plants uh wouldn't really know what this is called um but maybe you guys know what kind of plant that is let me know in the comments it says here Vietnamese lotus flower tell me if that's actually the truth I have no idea I think I like these better honestly these basic type of uh patterns uh seamless patterns are generally generally for me much more desirable um and then I have some more patterns here right so I was testing different patterns I think out of all the patterns this one was my favorite this one was my favorite just the detail on the flowers the colors uh I would say this probably probably my favorite and uh these are okay I generated from these from other creators here on the platform so and as you can see I've been playing around creating other designs but um if you want to see how I made these other designs check out my last video I'll leave a link in the description to that as well but now let's go ahead and jump into actually creating some patterns so the way you do that like I said the first way you can go over here type in the word seamless okay don't type in the word pattern because the results are not going to be as good type in the word seamless all right and I'll just let this load for a second and then you could find something you like so for example if you like this all right you can go over here and hit remix okay you don't have to do too much work on there and then hit generate now something that I will say when you create different patterns there are a few things you want to take into effect the first thing you want to realize is the prompt okay second thing negative prompt all right negative prompts are harder to work with when you're dealing with patterns this is just my realization the third thing is you want to focus on sizing sizing does make a difference and then finally your token count okay now something that I've noticed is sometimes when I'm creating prompts the design won't pick up the actual prompt that I want for whatever reason and if that's the case you could just go over here and turn on prompt magic and it will be more literal with what you're added in the prompt that's essentially what prompt magic does so here you could see we're going to get a different you know a different design I could just tell you this right now and uh it won't be like a little variation will be not significantly different but it will be different so let's just wait for it to load there you go look at that so this is with prompt magic turned on and that's the difference right so I've seen other videos like this where people show you how to do patterns and stuff they don't talk about prompt magic prop magic is very important uh there was an example that I created here where I had the roses and the guns and I was telling you guys I was working on developing it right here um I I had the word guns I believe here right here pistol guns in the pattern but it was never realized it was never actually made when I turned the prompt Magic on it added some of that stuff okay so that's something to keep in mind so yes use prompt magic okay and if there's something that's not desirable you can go ahead and remove it with this section now if you want a stronger prompt magic effect you increase the effect so let's go ahead and test that out now so this is with no prompt Magic on this is with prop magic at a point four and then let's go ahead and hit it with a full 1.0 uh prompt magic strength and let's see what comes up with now some people might ask me what's the difference between prompt magic and guiding scale so guidance scale refers to how strong The Prompt overall is in terms of its weight in words however the prompt magic will take the literal aspect of the design so if you say something like let's just say Vector 4K art station right prompt magic will look at it from a literal aspect so it will look at those certain things and try to include it guidance scale is just the overall look there are some images that have nothing to do with art station 4K Vector but if you include those kind of things then it can increase the the results and you could see here there's a drastic difference between something like this right something like this and something like this now if we go ahead and upscale all of them let's just go ahead and upscale all three okay or four in my case we'll see the differences in their full glory and I could say here that all of them I think have a time and place to be sold these are all viable designs whether you're selling on Etsy whether you're selling on Redbubble whether you're selling on Zazzle um I've said this before in my courses the printed unmanned courses I say this publicly to you guys you don't have to be the best designer in the world but you have to have a Bible design if your design genuinely doesn't look good it's not going to make you money and these are all viable designs everybody can sit here and say you know what um if I was being completely fair and honest somebody would buy this design somebody would buy this design okay um in the upscale format I think it looks pretty tremendous and somebody would definitely buy this design right so uh you have to be realistic with what designs you're creating and I don't think you should just go ahead and list everything especially because there's a certain amount of time in the day and especially if you're one Manning it you know if you're if you're doing this solo and you're doing this print on Man solo and you don't have a helper or you don't have somebody to work for you by the way all the parents listening if you have kids you know make them do some work for you why not they're going to get some good experience um you know learn how to do work online I guess I mean I don't know I think it would be pretty cool get your kid working on something like this if you do let me know in the comments that's interesting to me but regardless um yeah pretty much this does not take a genius to figure out and overall I think it's very easy to do and um it's just by one click you know you could go ahead and start by creating variations and remember when I have the uh prompt this was the original prompt that somebody else had created not me and it created these results when I turn prompt Magic on all the way it created this now let's go ahead and perform a test where we keep prompt magic all the way down so let's go to like point one and let's go ahead and generate my assumption logically is that it's going to be closer to something like this um that's just my opinion but we'll go ahead and see the actual results here and let the results speak for themselves and then what I want to do is I want to test different um different prompts uh myself here so uh yeah there you go so you see that style that you know it's getting a little bit closer to the style I think genuinely I like I think I like this better honestly than I do like this and we could compare I'm not saying that this is bad by any means especially the upscaled version in fact I think the upscaled version looks better than the original because the the light blue of the or the dark blue of this texture really stands out to me I think I had a pair of shorts that look like this at one point um but uh I think overall the large Graphics to me is very attractive now when we go ahead and download this let's go ahead and hit save image as and let's save it and let's open it up I want to show you guys the sizing and I want to talk about uh if it's important to upscale or not so if you created the image let's go ahead and see this image this image is 2700 by 2700 pretty much okay now that's not a bad size okay you can get away with that posting that on Redbubble on Zazzle on Etsy whatever and selling it to different people however if you want to upscale I've spoken about this before but I have an app called luminar Neo lumnar Neo luminar Neo pronunciation it doesn't matter right tomato tomato anyways um this app I've spoken about this before it's a AI editing app so I'll show you how I can edit different images with this and what I can do however something that I will say once again is that um uh this is a subscription-based tool it's not free okay however it's much much cheaper than going out there and upscaling every single image there was a YouTube video I I forget who posted it but there's a lot of people who post different things where they show you how to upscale the problem is with the upscales is the software to upscale with is it cannot handle uh I think it was it was a software called replicate replicate.com has all these different repositories of how to upscale once again the problem with upscaling on replicate is that the memory is so low even if you pay for it the memory is so low that it can't actually do large scale images so let's just say I'm uploading this image to Redbubble if I upload this to Redbubble on a 2700 the the flowers might be a little smaller than you know than desired if I want them to be really large I have to upscale the image so how am I going to do that I'm going to go over here to luminar Neo and I'll leave a link in the description at the cheapest place you can get subscription there are some expensive places where you can order this I've seen it as high as something like 100 something a month and then I've seen other websites sell it for 15. I've seen some website sell it for nine I'm not exactly sure on the price that I pay okay but I'll leave a link in the description to the cheapest price where you can get it at the moment all right but anyways I'm going to go ahead and upload this uh pattern here so let's go ahead and do that and this is the upscaled version and what we're gonna do is I'm going to go over here and the first thing I could do is I can edit it okay so I can jump over here and edit the design now there's a lot of different features I'll just tell you with the features like the different images like this like these ones here uh what I like to do is I like to go over here edit develop and smart contrast I drag smart contrast up all the way and that really does shift the power of the image right it really does I mean the character jumps out at you the background is more in the back I mean you know no pun intended but really that's kind of what I'm I'm aiming for here and you guys could tell like I'm not making this up this looks a little dull and then boom smart contrast really really brings it out so it does look a lot better like that I can also do enhanced Ai and enhance AI what it does is um it does kind of if you look here if you just look it makes the white the brighter Parts more bright and it makes the darker parts more dark that's not always the best thing to do you just have to weigh it based on how you enjoy the design so I could go like just a little bit so like maybe like at a seven and it will look better than what I expected before and sometimes you might have to zoom out a little to get a glimpse of how it would really look so this is the original this is all the way up this is halfway through or close to halfway and this is early in the beginning like accent number three so that's not bad if you create a pattern with a lot of noise and you want to lower that and what is noise noises like these little details you can go ahead and play around with that as well so I clicked here um uh remove essentially noise on low so maybe a lot of these smaller details it will go ahead and remove and you can see the AI is currently doing its own thing here and you could see kind of how it looks so this I can click on the original and this is what it looks like so it didn't really remove anything in this case if I go on high my suspection is that it's going to a suspicion excuse me is that it removes these little small lines but in my case I'm not going to do that if you wanted to remove these small lines manually like let's say there's something you don't like like I'm trying to find a mistake here in this art let's say this tiny line here is a mistake I can go over here and just erase it like this okay let me go ahead and blend it a little bit and then hit erase and look what it's going to do boom you see that so it just depends on how you like your artwork being done so like you know like I said it just depends on what you want to do so there's so many different things you can do here but that's not the point of this I'm gonna go over here to my settings I'm gonna drag and drop this into my upscale and I'm going to upscale this at Double Double is good enough for me uh because by then if it's 2700 by 2700 I'm looking at at least you know a five you know 5200 by 5200 that's good uh in terms of the pixel size and if it's 5200 by 5200 we can have a respectable size when we upload it to platforms like Redbubble like Zazzle Etc by the way um if I look at all my sales across all the board whether it be on Zazzle whether it be on T public whether it be on Redbubble even on Etsy uh sometimes even Society6 for patterns my strongest sales have come from Society6 they have come from Zazzle and they have come from Etsy uh for Redbubble I've made a whole video on this before I'm not saying that you can't make money with patterns on Redbubble the income is just less you have to look at the numbers if you do a basic search on redbubble.com I'm gonna go ahead into an incognito tab because I don't want to show the actual account that I'm running on Redbubble right now but if I go on on redbubble.com and I just search the word pattern okay if I search the word pattern there's three and a half million pattern designs three and a half million that include the word pattern um it's just not realistic that you're gonna be seen uh you know unless you take your design and some of them are not even patterns they just take up space but if you take that you know keyword and you try to rank for the keyword pattern and you're not doing any social media marketing which once again we've shown how to do this on YouTube with Instagram we've shown how to grow following consistently every single day we've shown how to do all these things but if you're not doing that um you're probably never going to get sales and the reality is there's so many people with good art that don't get recognized on that platform not be because you're missing out or you're doing something wrong um it's just because of opportunity there's so there's lack of search and there's more opportunity um and so you really want to pay attention to how you're selling your art you know creating good art is half the battle right the other half the battle is how you're selling it and when I say how you're selling it you have to look at the platform you're selling on you have to look at your tags you have to look at your titles you have to look at your social media promotion if you're gonna decide to do any which by the way it's not a requirement like for my Etsy stores I don't do any social media promotion I don't need to I get sales pretty much on like passively I I find the right keywords I put them up there it works for me um but that's just because Etsy is its own platform right if I do the same thing on Redbubble it might not happen as strong I do use uh social media promotion for Redbubble and that is might be a reason why I have literally like I literally light myself up with kerosene and multiply them with Redbubble not be because I get lucky but because I use the social media promotion now a little FYI is anybody who's listening to this Redbubble doesn't actually award you for social media promotion I know they tell you that they prefer that and Etc but they tell you that because they want you to make them more money that's not that you know they don't promote you if you do social media promotion in fact they do it very rarely they have something called like the recommended artist program or whatever it's called where they essentially take your profile and they put this little badge on it and they show it to the world and they do a new one like every few days or something like that or every few weeks there was not one time where I got accepted into that Pro program I use social media I grew my accounts on Instagram and I promoted my designs through Instagram okay and I got the sales that way now once again if you're new to the channel I did not do this alone I got a lot of help throughout the way but the point is is that I use different automation tools to help grow the accounts to gain the attention to gain the traffic and then instead of a design getting normally 5 or 10 or 20 sales a year it might get 300 or 700 sales a year because that design is being heavily promoted through social media and I don't do this for one design or two designs I'm doing this for my whole entire store every single day three to five posts a day per account okay and that's right now in 2023 back in 2022 I would say or 2021 the late 2021 I'd post three times a day would be perfectly fine now we're looking at three to five times a day per account so it's a lot of work it's not something you know that I play around with but it does increase our sales dramatically and once again targeting is another aspect there's so many different aspects to this that go into it you know you can't just expect to upload your art on a particular platform and walk away with free money I mean that does happen like I said there are certain platforms that allow that but there's always elements of work into it and I think a lot of people when they talk about print on demand they don't really explain fully what it entails and what it looks like to be successful on a major level and I'm when I say a major level I don't mean making two to five hundred dollars a month I'm talking about a few thousand a month five thousand ten thousand a month it takes a lot of work a lot of effort especially if you're going to go through the marketplace platform if you're gonna sell on your own that's a completely different ball game you can make easily forty fifty sixty thousand a month but it's not about effort it's about then skill because skill doesn't come from designing but it comes from advertising which is a com like I said completely different ball game um and the reality is if you're selling on a Marketplace you probably don't have the finances to handle you know like a twenty thousand dollar ad it's just not gonna work so you got to start somewhere and a good place to start is with the marketplaces I think people have asked me this in the past they say is a platform like red bow everybody loves Red Bull because it's such a well-known platform they say is Redbubble good for beginners and I say yeah Redbubble is good for beginners but eventually you're gonna have to move on you're gonna have to you know create your own website if you really want to start producing serious income you're gonna have to learn how to advertise you're gonna have to learn how to do SEO you're gonna have to learn how to build the brand and there's really no uh nothing around that unless you want to be stuck in the loop in the treadmill of being paid pennies for dollars and and hundreds of dollars worth of work so keep that in mind um and something that I will say as well is with my designs not all of them are perfect I've said this before not all my designs are tremendous but the one thing that you have to Ace when you when you sell on your own websites and your own is the marketing there's no you know there is no way around that that's something that um you know you're gonna have to do and I think the reason why I had so much success on these other platforms like Etsy like Redbubble like Zazzle is because I understood marketing from every aspect not just from an outside or in uh like a like an outside kind of source like a social media things like that but also internally I understood algorithms I understood keywords I understood tagging I understood titles and like I said we have courses on that we have a lot of things on that so I'll leave the links in the description you guys want to check it out go ahead and I'll leave a link to this software if you want to check it out like I said I'm not necessarily promoting them I'm just showing you what I do I created videos showing how to use this and things like that I'll leave those links those resources in the description and if you have questions put them in the comments down below all right all right so I have this uh design uploaded and this is not using the upscale using laminar this is just straight off of Leonardo after their internal upscale and I added the pizza design here I think it's a pretty cool design and I'm going to show you how to set it up here with uh your Redbubble account so whatever pattern you have you want to go ahead and upload it all right that's that's how you're going to want to go ahead and start and then you're going to take this color here and then change the background to what it already is I just find that it overall helps in certain circumstances um depending on the pattern you have in my case I don't think I'm gonna have to worry about it and I'll show you why in just a minute however it does help overall and you want to see here you want my personal opinion is enable everything even if people are not necessarily going to buy a certain design still enable it you know you never know what people buy there's a lot of things that I personally would never buy that people buy all the time and you want to enable all the products like I said and then what you want to do is certain designs of certain products you want to go ahead and edit here and then what you want to do is click choose pattern and then select the grid so if I click here offset grid it will mess up the way the pattern actually looks but if I go here and click regular grid guess what it looks perfect there's nothing here that doesn't look now when I do my design guys I I keep my eyes on the actual product and I have my mouse here and I'm navigating where this thing is going to go so I like here that this circular I'm actually looking right here this circular part of the pizza I like it right there maybe like something right here and add some more flavor to the design so I'll hit apply changes and I'll do this for every design okay whether it's me whether it's my virtual assistant somebody's getting this done right and here I could do the same thing so I'm gonna go over here and once again I'm keeping my eyes on this design I'm keeping my eyes right here and I can decrease the size I can increase the size I could do pretty much whatever I want so I'll go over here boom apply changes go over here and apply changes okay and what I'll do once again regular grid and I think this looks decent right so certain things like desk mats because it's so large and I'm using the default size right now of Leonardo uh because I know not everybody's going to go ahead and really upscale past what they already get by default if that's the case just go ahead and do it this way and like I said if it's the purpose it does the job shower curtain is really good for patterns I I you know one of the most commonly sold thing for shower curtains is patterns and of course here we have the you know the pet products we'll go over here hit edit hit choose pattern uh regular grid I do have a habit though of clicking offset grid that's just been one of my habits but uh there we go and we're gonna keep doing this this is something you want to keep doing in order to um uh what's it called uh you know make sure the design looks good and you can like I said play around with the way it looks whether you zoom out or zoom in it depends on your style and the way you want it to look I genuinely like larger images I think they just look better overall you got here the scarf we got here the regular and that's why I Choose stopscale You Don't Have To upscale the same way that I've already showed right and some designs just like this for example would look good even if you didn't tile grid it but if you did it's not going to hurt you get what I'm saying it doesn't hurt so um it's up to you how you want to set things up this clock is going to actually look really nice once it's tiled maybe even I'll set a black frame to match the um the uh black background of the clock I think sometimes those little details do make a difference and maybe even the red hands as a good color for the uh for the watch and here we could go to hardcover Journal we'll go here to regular grid for the hardcover journals guys if I'm doing a grid like this if I'm doing a pattern I always want it to um cover the whole thing if I I never I very very rarely select uh front and back the only time I'll select front and back is if it's not necessarily a pattern like if it's an image that I want to add okay um but if it's a pattern I'm going with the full entire thing here I'll go ahead and hit apply I'll hit apply on all of these as well and like I said certain certain images you don't need to add a grid so like for this one if you click regular grid here I don't think I need to go ahead and do this I could but I don't need to I'll go ahead and leave no pattern here and just scroll down and boom that looks just as good as it should be I'll go over here and hit add sleeveless tops this one will definitely need a grid okay just the way it looks save and really because of the way these things look um with patterns you will get a lot more sales for things like the skirts the dresses I remember the first time I still remember till this day because it rarely happens when I get a sale on a on a uh address okay rarely happens but it happens and I've had it sell for not just patterns but other things but when that does happen I'm still pretty surprised to be 100 honest because it's one of my more rare products that sells I'm sure for the people out there who are selling you know more patterns and things like that they might have that those kind of sales a little bit more often I would say with all my designs I sell t-shirts very frequently I sell bags a lot I sell um whether it's a duffel bag or a backpack I sell a lot of desk mats laptop cases iPad cases uh all kinds of stuff like that stickers of course I'm pretty sure everybody sells a ton of stickers uh stickers is probably one of the number one selling products on the platform but that's you know like this and once again here I like to match as best as I can the background color to the actual pattern and to be 100 honest I don't know who really would buy something like this but there have been times where people have bought stuff where the image is boxed in like this on the shirt now do I recommend this for all your designs no I don't recommend this whatsoever I recommend that you make sure it fills the whole product look it looks good but when you're dealing with a pattern right most products are going to be perfectly fine except for these top three you know all the other ones you can really tile them pretty good um and they have they're pretty much all over prints right they can print all over the whole thing uh with the with the um exception of the cotton toe other than that pretty much everything can fit um with patterns though I will say that one of the least selling products are the jigsaw puzzles okay um just because you got to think logically I mean you're you're basically doing the same puzzle over and over on a or excuse me you're doing the same thing on a puzzle could be a little you know driving a little crazy but um overall looks pretty decent let me go ahead and set my socks here uh here we got leggings okay leggings is a big seller for me as well very big seller duffel bags I think I already said this but a huge seller for me duffel bags and I like to charge more for my double bags I like to increase that profit margin and for those who are not familiar whenever you want to increase profit margin for a specific product you go to the product you hit the settings button you go over here and you change the uh settings all right and you'll be surprised if people like the design they're going to be willing to uh spend anything on it maybe not anything let's be realistic but they're going to be willing to spend a little bit more uh now for the tags on the title I've said this before but when you're tagging and titling it's very important this is a newer so all the images have their designs added as you can see and this is a newer account so I'm not actually going to go ahead and publish this design I don't want people to find this uh design Pub uh this store publicly but this store has 948 sales not too bad and um so it's a newer store for sure and uh it hasn't you know got its full hit of sales yet but I know we're developing it over time but anyways if I was to focus on my tags this is obvious right this is a pizza I'm gonna first keyword obviously Pizza comma right but then what I'll do is I'm gonna go over here and use the uh Redbubble uh analytics Pro and I'm gonna jump onto the tag generator here and this is a general use Tag generator okay and I'm just gonna type in Italian pizza right I'm being a little bit specific though for this circumstance um Italian pizza and let's see here the results and you get a ton of different results here I've recommended this before you can hit copy all get rid of my blog that I wrote here earlier let's go ahead and get rid of that and paste this here and you got a ton of keywords that you can play around with uh something and I'll say is I got this app from Bots and apps.gumroad.com I'm a big affiliate of them I love their products uh if you guys want to check them out click my affiliate link if you want to support the channel but um anyways this is I believe the tool is where's the tool here the rocket uh not the rocket the analytics Pro right here okay they give you a lot of information a lot of things you could do with the tool but here the rocket tagger is uh the main tagger that I use for my virtual assistants it's going to give you more specific keywords that are more related and it increases that relevancy of that design but this tool here gives you a good general information which I'm just going to use it for this purpose because like I said this is a more beginners tutorial if I was to to do a more advanced tutorial things will be a little bit different but as a beginner we can go ahead here and just take a look at some of the keywords we have Italian pizza Italian food most iconic foods to eat in Italy pizza walks of Italy pizza best Italian food recipes Pizza easy Italian recipes so there's a lot of different keywords but you have to filter the keywords properly right you have to look through what keywords you're going to add so for example if I want to find more you know a different set of keywords I'll just go back here go over here type in pizza and hit search tags see what comes up I was a little more specific when I wrote um you know Italian pizza but here we have Gustavo Pizza Tower pizza slice pizza slice would definitely work as a tag Pepino spaghetti I don't think that would work because this is nothing to do with spaghetti here we have pizza rat uh I don't have any pictures of rats here you could definitely add keyword Kawaii pizza and we have basil right there's tomato in it so basil tomato uh junk food pizza New York Pizza that would work uh and you could actually you know blow this up you could do some research you could do search different cities like in Italy for example which is like pizza Capital let's be honest and uh you and you could type in different things like Sicilian pizza uh you know Venetian Pizza Roman Pizza all kinds of different and you can add the different keywords and that will help from us you know a targeting aspect um Gustavo Pizza let's see what else we got here we got pizza Tower game definitely would not apply in this case Gustavo I don't think would apply um Leaning Tower of Pizza Pizza would not apply uh let's go ahead and see if we got any more here Pizza Baker in crust We Trust I like that actually that's pretty funny um uh homemade pizza that works Chicago deep dish that might or might not work technically this is not Chicago deep dish style but maybe you might be able to add that keyword for a pattern like this that's based on opinion I'll be 100 honest it just depends on how you look at the pizza because I'm assuming if we gave this pattern design to a hundred people okay maybe five percent would say yeah it looks like a deep dish or something like that but I could be wrong I think it just depends on on the person right and so like I said you find different keywords that are related and uh you type them in so like I could type in here New York Pizza okay so New York Pizza and I could hit search and that's going to provide me a different set of results some stuff more related to New York you know here it says New York Pizza is better that might be a good keyword to add uh not because people are looking for some quotes but maybe they're looking for some pizza related designs and they're Pizza enthusiasts they see my design they say you know what I actually want to buy this you know whatever the case may be uh genuine generally I do recommend keep the tags related to the design now we have a whole entire tagging course I'll leave a link in the description uh to Redbubble you guys can check it out but um that is one of the things that you can do when you're gonna go ahead and start tagging all right guys so I'm going to show you how to add these patterns on Zazzle as well so I have a demo account here that I'm going to show you and I like to you know just test different products of course I typically like to go to the for the cheaper products honestly on Zazzle and uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over here click customize this design and I'm going to show you an example here of how you can do this on Zazzle as well alright so Zazzle what you need to do is you need to upload your images first okay so you go over here you click on the pattern you upload it and what I like to do is regardless of where it's placed I like to go over here click on the image and I just go over here and hit this tiling button okay and now you have different ways that you can tile it okay so for example there's this centered style okay and if I just go ahead and move away these green lines guys have nothing to do with the actual um design these are just guidelines that Zazzle inputs and I can click on them and I could see how they're accentuated when I click on them right so you can see here the difference okay um now anyways you can see how the the the essentially the design looks right if you go over here click on the actual design again and then you click tiling you can play around with how it's structured how the tiling is structured uh in most cases guys it's not really going to matter um but like I said it just depends on your pattern your situation Etc so I go over here and click centered and of course with the actual uh design I like to go with uh background remove white from image I'm gonna go ahead and go background only Okay and like I said this is in this case it's not a bad mug overall obviously it depends on the situation but this is a white mug okay and I could go over here and click done and then proceed to go ahead and sell it now I'm not going to do that right now because this is just a demo store but this is an example of how to get that tiling feature on Zazzle and you could sell many different products okay so for example if I wanted to go ahead and sell a um let's go ahead and sell I don't know what do you want to sell let's go to trending let's see what people are selling here baby shower we got Mother's Day cards let's sell yeah let's why don't we click on a Mother's Day card here and uh let's actually let's do a Mother's Day card and see inspiration here um we got all kinds of different stuff there's all kinds of different setups here where you can create like imagine a mother Thursday card with a pizza style to it right so I could go over here and I could look at you know something similar so this kind of looks like an envelope this looks like some kind of postcard and I could click let me just click on new products and see what's new here and like I said there's so many different stuff on Zazzle you got all kinds of different stuff in our case I can go ahead here and create let's say let's actually go back let's let's create something basic let's create something simple we'll click sell and we'll create something like this okay um so this is uh invitations let's go ahead and click on the invitation customize the design same process guys nothing too crazy so I'll click on my files here sorry about that let me get rid of this let me click on this pizza design and we'll go over here to tiling click centered and I actually there you go I mean it's perfectly done for you so that would be the difference between something that's cut off and something um or an image that's cut off if it's not tiled versus its tile then of course if you want to show more you want to zoom out or zoom in you just drag and drop the corners here to resize and that's it it's just that simple now for a card something like this I would use it as a background as opposed to the main contents of the image if you're going to use it as the main contents just remember Zazzle as a a platform and I once again I've said this in the Zazzle course but the main concept of Zazzle is that Zazzle is a customization first platform and what I mean by that is it give if it gives consumers the ability to customize options so if you just create a blank thing like this on a postcard it's going to be hard to sell sometimes because you want to add some text to it you want to add some editable Text Okay and like I said I did a whole tutorial on this in the past but um now guys when you're done fully with your design and you want to actually sell it what I do recommend is that when you're editing the design of course you know there's a lot of work to do description tags Etc when you add the tags before you do that go ahead and use the Zazzle AI rocket tagger uh from Bots and apps they do have a tool uh for that and the way I would do this is very simple you could go ahead and read the directions I don't do it necessarily on this computer but um and I have videos on this so I'll leave a link in the description for the video if you want to see it but basically what you would do is you would open up a new browser completely and you would open up Zazzle and you would perform a search for something that's related now Pizza is a general not General keyword but it's you know somewhat General and I'll do the research first now the key with Zazzle is if you're going to do the research you want to do the research before you create the designs so if you're gonna sell only on Zazzle if you're a Zazzle seller out there do the research first before you create the designs and that's uniquely for Zazzle okay Zazzle is unique to that etsy's Union to that as well with Redbubble Redbubble is different I wouldn't mind if you created the design first then hopped onto Redbubble but to be honest with Zazzle you got to do that first I could sit here and talk about Zazzle for a long period of time but I'm not gonna do that I'll leave a link in the description to show you how to grab the right tags for Zazzle there will be a whole video on that in the description box down below for T public you can also upload patterns to T public there's no rules or anything against it I will say that a lot of the products on T public were not initially designed for patterns so if we just go over here and type in pattern on T public we can see here that yes it presents T the patterns but if you click on it we look at something like a t-shirt it's more of like a boxed in approach the same way with that red bubble situation uh the stickers you can you can kind of apply the same thing but you know similar uh the tank top same thing with the clothing the only things I would apply I would say it looks good for like the mugs the masks and let me show you how to get that done as well so let's go over here click upload art and once again this is a demo account so you know once again demo account so we upload here and you will be able to play around and see how different things look like now with T public like I said I do use many different tools I'm not sure if I uploaded uh anything with T public here with uh T public here when we upload our design you can see it's still going to be boxed in for the T-shirt If we look at the hoodie same same thing tank same thing uh we got the crew necks the long sleeve the baseball tee and so on we got the kids t-shirts we got the onesies Etc uh the only thing that it will kind of look better on is you got for example The Mask let's go ahead and click here with the masks okay and if you alter the size of this then it will kind of cover it and look pretty decent on the mask okay um magnets you know it is what it is it's not the best um you know if you go with like a circle it might look a little bit better right because I guess you could say this Rim is a little bit better but um if you what you could do is play around a little bit with the background but even then it doesn't you know do the job fully but regardless you know it you make do with what you have tapestry I like the tapestry because you can scale it up a little bit but this will require to have a little bit larger size image okay um so if you're not upscaling your images you might want to think about uh visiting the upscaler totes what I do like about the totes I'll go ahead and show you is that once again I could upscale which is different ironically from Redbubble with Redbubble the totes are all boxed in the the tote bags this one I could go ahead and scale it up and make it look good so like I said every product is a little bit different phone cases um generally people do sell less uh patterns on T public so you can do a little bit better there but realize that you are cutting a lot of your products out when you go ahead and do a pattern on T public because the the T public patterns you look here they're not going to work for majority of the main products you get you know the apparel which is probably the most money makers uh on on uh you know T public so be aware of that and of course like I said you're gonna have to scale certain designs up uh for me mugs look good but they will require a large scale okay I personally would not sell it like this with this design the way it is I would definitely want to scale it up but for the um I guess you could say what do you call this guys you call this a tumbler I think like a like a an on-the-go coffee mug kind of thing um this looks good uh with the image the size that it is so yeah guys hopefully this video helped out and if anybody's curious about T public tagging T public tagging is similar to Redbubble we have a tool called uh the T public tagger tool on Bots and apps I use this tool all the time provided to my virtual assistants like I said T public tag Optimizer uh when my virtual assistants do work for me on T public that's where I'm gonna go uh because you got to realize these guys are not um English is their second language you know they could be from the Philippines and by the way Philippines they do speak English very very well you know so when they use the tagger they kind of understand what they're looking for and the process works the same you guys could go ahead and see the instructions on the page here and I'll also leave a link in the description for that uh video if you guys want to check out how it works as well so this is a action-packed video a lot of information here hopefully you guys enjoyed and I'll talk to you guys soon thank you guys for watching and peace out bye
Channel: Autopilot Passive Income
Views: 18,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, leonardo ai patterns, patterns print on demand, print on demand patterns, leonardo ai pattern tutorial, how to make seamless patterns for print on demand, print on demand seamless patterns, how to make seamless pattern, print on demand pattern tutorial, leonardo ai art, leonardo ai image generation, pattern creation on leonardo ai
Id: g75gWL1GrS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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