INSANE AI Upscaler from Leonardo AI (Magnific AI Alternative!)

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lenado AI now has a universal image upscaler so that means you can upload any image that you have whether it's AI a photograph or your own artwork and actually upscale it using an AI upscaler that actually adds detail to the image and you get some pretty impressive results so you see I've got this AI art image here I created in the past now this was actually made with mid Journey but you can use leonado AI to upscale your mid Journey images and get some really excellent details at the moment can only go up to two times but that's still pretty impressive the way it works if I head back to my home screens I can come down the left here to Universal upscaler and I've already got an image in there so I'm going to clear the input but I'm going to add in a new image to upscale I have some uploads here I can click here and upload a new image from my computer but I'm going to take this image right here uh which I created years ago this is actually Photoshop artwork I created I took a photo of a Megatron figure added some fire and lighting to it and it's a good oldfashioned photo mashup no AI art used to create this image and you can see here I've got creativity strength upscaler style which was is going to be coming soon but for now I can choose to upscale it by two and it takes 30 of my tokens what I'm going to do is keep the creativity strength right in the center and upscale and while that's loading I'm also going to bring it down to zero upscale again and then I'm going to crank it up to full and upscale so we can compare the final results keep in mind there's a link to leonado AI in the description below if you do want to check this out now this is with the sort of medium creativity strength you can see how it has actually increased the details if you look this chest plate here it's increased the detail a bit and that made it look a little bit more beaten up um and it's actually done a pretty good job especially down here of really bringing out some of these details I come across is really added in here and improved that image overall and this is a pretty diff difficult image to work with I've really thrown something difficult at it but if I move to the zero creativity it has simply upscale this image and sharpen it up in a few areas but there is one more thing I want to look at this is with creativity at full and you'll notice it's gone a little bit off the deep end it's one of those things where you need to find the best uh kind of like medium for your image because this is an image that is very difficult to interpret it's a picture of a robot there is something we can do I'm going to keep the creativity strength at 10 and I don't know how this will turn out but I'm going to go down to prompt cuz I can actually type a prompt to try and tell the upscaler what it is we're upscaling so I can type in I've got a giant transformer robot Megatron firing a powerful Cannon to the left so we've got our prompt here I'm going to clear the image input and add in the original image again so we have our original image and we have our prompt I've got it a full I'm going to up up scale and I'm going to dot it back a little and UPS scale again now let's compare it a bit more closely now I've also brought the original image in Photoshop this is the original just expanded using photoshop's native image sort of resizer but if I add the original upscale in you can see how it's sharpened up it's added in a little bit of sort of noise to match the original image you can see how that's gone smooth to Sharp and it's done a good job sort of upscaling that and using stable diffusion to get a good result we move around a bit you can see how these circles are a little sharper and some of the Embers going from blurry to Sharp so that's with the middle creativity now if I go to zero creativity we can see that it is sharper it doesn't got done a really good job of adding too much detail but it has improved the edging a bit the eyes have got sharper lines around them let's head down to some of these other areas again fuzzy to just sort of like a re sort of diffusing some of that noise so it does do a good job of upscaling just with no creativity if that's what you're after and again this is a difficult image to work with I had to full and of course we got a whole different thing but check out the level of detail it's added this might not be what we want because it's added in like a field of grass here uh kind of like a driveway and a face it hasn't done a great job because it doesn't actually know what it is we haven't given it a prompt coming back to leonado AI we have our upscaled image with the prompt at it now the creativity has been cranked up again but much like before it still had a little bit of an undesirable effect however it is a little bit more in line with what we're looking for so we don't have the weird little objects like faces and Fields but we do actually get something just a little bit over the top so again it's not about the extra creativity being bad it's about finding the right SC scale to get the appropriate result coming back here where the creativity was high but not at full and what we get is actually pretty good if you were to take some of these into Photoshop you could probably mix a few of them together and get a really awesome result so if I do exactly that head into Photoshop and compare these again so we've got the most recent one which is not the full High version of the upscale but the relatively high with the prompt and we can see how much it's improved some of these details however for certain areas like the face we may be better off choosing the mid-range upscale so what we could do essentially is open up we can have two ups scales on the right here we got the prompt with the high creativity and then the sort of mid here is I could mask this and sort of paint out some of the areas some of the panels in the face don't look too bad but we can sort of just fix up a few little areas here maybe some of these funny little artifacts and then you could probably even just take it some of the background now I do a video on adjusting AI with Photoshop if you want to get more into the nitty gry of that but that is something you can look at to use various layers of this for your AI art to sort of combine and get something cool so but let's try something else let's try a photo of a face to see what results we get there I've uploaded this photo of me it's only an 800x 800 pixel image I'm going to put the creativity back to normal I'm going to hit reset to put everything back the way it was and I'm not going to add a prompt because I want it to just sort of recognize what it is we're upscaling faces and scenery I think are pretty much a safe bet so if I take this image 800 by 800 pixels you can see it's going to upscale to 1600 by 1600 pixels now again I'm going to upscale this using the five creativity strength we're going to go to full upscale that and then to zero to upscale that now our first image has been done with the creativity set to about the center now check out already the details in the beard if I come across you can see how it's a little bit fuzzy if I bring it in check out the detail on the hair it has literally rendered hair it's rendered little lines of the skin it has really brought that image to life now it looks pretty good not perfect but pretty good you can see just the massive difference in how it's upscale this is could be a great thing for AI images of sort of like AI art faces which we're going to test out in a minute but if I come back to the full creativity strength I look like some kind of alien illustration to show you that it is way off the chart but that's still really cool the the detail that's been able to work on is pretty impressive so now if I come across to zero creativity it's maintained the Integrity of the image but still done a little bit with the hair which I think is really cool if you want to see the details of the upscale and what it settings we used you can come up here see that the creativity strength was one multiplier was two and go from there so I think that's not bad but I'd like to actually upscale it further now I downloaded the image with a low creativity of two and then I re-uploaded into the upscaler and now I've imported them all into Photoshop show you how you can actually sort of upscale and upscale and just how far you can take it from 800 by 800 to 1600 x600 all the way up to 3200 by 3200 so I've skipped ahead and I've placed uh several of these images in Photoshop this is the original 800x 800 pixel image and I got the first which I used with low creativity has already cleaned it up a fair bit and when I zoom in you can see the difference in the eye how it goes from you see the hair and the eye how it sharpens up but I've also then taken that second upscale and double the size of that as well so when I turn turn this one on it's even sharper now it starts to look a little synthetic up close but when you zoom out it still looks pretty good so it does have some use especially if you looking at print and you just need things to be smoother it unless someone's really getting up close they're not going to know that this is an upscale now just for comparison the original actual fulls size photo from the camera was about the same size so I turn that one on and we get a much rougher looking image as well so we get a much neater looking image here so you can see this is a really really really powerful tool for cleaning up images and upscaling them for print and overall this is a really powerful upscaler kind of reminds me a little bit of magnic which I'm actually intending on doing a video on uh because it actually enhances details but let's move on and look at some AI art made with leonado AI I've got this image here and you can add your own AI from leonado by going to add and going into your generations and even choosing some upscales so you can see your old artwork in here if you're generating AI I actually recommend upscaling the native image generator and then using this to take it another step further and I was able to grab this image I made a while ago and I wanted to see how well I can upscale it however again I'm going to pop it into Photoshop cuz even though we can see the Improvement here we can really capture the details in Photoshop better because we can zoom in a little bit easier but you can see just how powerful this is so let's zip back over to photoshop so I'm in Photoshop and this is the original image that we upscaled and once again I have increased size using Adobe photoshop's image size option and I go to low and you can see it's a bit sharper it's not necessarily that much greater but the creativity was quite low so it hasn't added much but you can see the hair's a little bit improved it's a little less fuzzy it looks pretty decent but when we're talking about faces and I believe this work seems to work best with AI art in general I go to Mid and check out the detail around the eyes I can turn off the the low filter here go to Mid turn that on off and check it out it's made the eyes blue because of the creativity but and this is the mid mid filter not even the high it's added so much detail to the skin and really made it look a little bit more lifelike come down here maybe some of the hands and it's kind of sharpened that up as well but the real value let's look at this background bottle for a sec not bad but the real value is in the face it's really done a great job at adding real detail to that face to make it look like a human face now I'm going to add to high again and check out the detail there it's really done an awesome job so the next step again I'm going to zoom ahead we're going to try and upscale this High image again using a creativity scale of about six to see what more further improvements we can make so I'm back in Photoshop again we've upscaled the upscale this is the very original image we worked with and this is the upscale where we doubled it using the high creativity setting and it's added a lot of detail but then when we've upscaled the upscale where I've uploaded that image again the level of detail is incredible the little pors in the skin the eye everything looks completely insane the pores of the skin the it's just taken it to whole new level and the size of the image is over 5,000 pixels wide and you could easily pop this into something like topaz gigapixel then because you don't really need to add more detail to an image like this you could easily upscale this further if you wanted to but even as is is probably going to do the job so so this leonado AI upscale is pretty crazy I do need to compare it to magn but these two upscales magnifi and leonado AI are able to create and add detail like nothing else it is actually really incredible the difference is Leon AI is a hell of a lot cheaper so I highly recommend checking out there's a link in the description below check check out this upscaler it is insane I highly recommend having a play seeing what you can come up with and what I'll do is I'll leave a link to this image in the description below along with the others so you can check it out for yourself download it otherwise uh thanks for watching the video I hope you found it useful if you did please consider giving it a like otherwise I hope you had a great day we'll see you again next time
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 15,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai image upscaler, magnific ai, magnific ai alternative, magnific ai image upscaler, magnific ai upscaling, ai art, leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai upscale
Id: fIXz0JxC0jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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