Shoot Fast & Accurately - Ep. 1: The Grip

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okay so this is the first part of a multi-part series on how to shoot fast and accurately that's going to be shown exclusively here on YouTube and shooting fashion accurately always begins in my mind with the foundation and the foundation of shooting fast and accurately is your grip think about it the way you hold the gun and if you can do that on a consistent basis the way you hold it actually affects the sight picture the trigger pull the the accuracy more than almost anything so keep that in mind the way that you hold the gun and how consistently you can hold it and there's another facet of grip that I really want you to be aware of so we go now I'll demonstrate here with my g34 and begun basically the Glock as I like to use is shaped perfectly for my hand now the techniques here are going to be applied to any different firearm but the Glock in particular has a perfect shape for my hand the way I like it because I like to get this meaty part of my palm which is a striking part okay because that's where all the power is and that's where all the the padding is and you'll also notice how this palm relates deck directly to the bone okay so this meaty part I like to put right on top of the spine of the gun itself alright there's the spine and there's the grip that I'm looking for is I want to I want to be lined up just like that often times I see people grab the gun and their hands around here is more so like that and that's not very proper in my mind because you don't have control of the gun so we want to make sure that we shift our hand around and we put the webbing between our thumb and our forefinger right at the center or slightly even cheating a little bit over to the left of the gun like so not more here but more around this way so that I am able to control the gun with my phones or my skeletal structure versus muscle because the guns going to jump around now shooting fast is one thing but shooting accurately is another and putting them both together are is really what this is all about so in order to shoot fast and accurate you need to have control of the gun and the best control of the gun is when you put your hand right here and that's how I work it now it could be a little different for you but I will always say that your skeletal support is more consistent than your muscular support because skeleton your bones don't get tired per se your muscles will get tired after a while so when we go to grip the gun we want to put our palm right there on the spine of the handgun and I want to go ahead and wrap my fingers around and I want to train myself to keep that index finger or a trigger finger loose and straight so it's automatic grab the gun like that new shooters I always see grab the gun that go right to the trigger you don't want to do that you want to be out here you want to train yourself to be out here because you never want to touch the trigger until you're ready to fire so get on the gun like so spine on the butt of my palm okay now if you'll notice what's happening here is I've got the gun lined up with my bones in my forearm and so when I come up here now you'll see that the gun basically is in a nice forward pointing position and I think one of the things I really want to relate here now is that the gun is pointing where my index finger is pointing so what's very important for accurate fast shooting is to be natural and natural means that I can actually point so everybody watching this program and everybody in this room can take their finger and instinctively pointed at something across the room and I bet if you put a laser beam in that finger it would point very accurately at what you're looking for so if I had a target across the room or a person across the room or whatever I wanted to point out it could be literally 50 feet and if I point I bet you I'm going to be pretty darn close I bet you will be too because well we're just instinctively able to point our finger after you know years and years of practice so we want to treat the firearm in the grip is the same way I want to get myself lined up to the point where I can point the gun with just my grip so you notice now we've talked about the grip we talked about the left hand or the off hand for me obviously if you're left-handed you apply the same thing right over here like so we want to make sure we're on top of it again I want to repeat I don't want to be out here that's not good there's no control I want to be around this way I want the webbing of my thumb and my forefinger my trigger finger right in the middle there and maybe cheat it over a little bit to the left so I'm really kind of lining this thing up here and I want to be able to grip the gun and hold it in this direction now one of the mistakes I see a lot of people make is they make a death grip with their hand they want to really get hold of that gun well that's okay if you're sure you one handed obviously you know but when you shoot two hands let me show you the trick here that really enables people to shoot much faster because you need this finger to be a little bit more loose a little bit more dexterous a little bit more flexible and when you squeeze down it it squeezes with it and you don't have as much dicksterity so the trick to shooting fast and accurately of course is to start with the mount not only the gun with a proper grip okay we got it there like so and then left hand okay wraps around now look what's going to happen I'm going to put this part of my left hand on the empty part of the frame so I put that right in so like right inside there like that okay so I'm putting a lot of meat and I'm almost pressing the gun together now this left hand is in fact my death grip all right the left left hand is the one that really is going to squeeze tight and really control the gun it's going to control my right hand as well so I want to kind of relax the right and to about 60% of my maximum squeezing pressure I want to be firm but I don't want to be too firm where I lock up that trigger finger I want that trigger finger to be flexible wanna have some dexterity and some motion and some some speed to it because the faster I can pull the trigger the faster I can shoot right okay now the left hand like I said we lock in like so and then this left hand wraps around and it's it's the death grip on to the other hand so it squeezes the right hand onto the gun I mean literally I'm squeezing my fingers down and I'm getting every bit of contact that I can with the frame so the more contact to have on the frame the more I'm going to be able to control the handgun and that's what it's all about is controlling the handgun so now sometimes this people get their thumbs in the way of the slide they don't know what to do with them I like to point my thumbs forward again you know pointing the gun forward is natural hands forward so my thumb is forward as well so I'm actually holding the gun like so alright so now I can bring this finger up top here like sitting there like this I can even bring the thumb down here and grab hold of the trigger guard if I want to we want to keep the thumb away from the slide we don't want to interfere with anything so we have to make sure that our thumbs are away from the action of the gun the slide stop lever can be bumped up inadvertently so yeah be careful and you want to make sure that you keep those thumbs down low like so so now there's there's a proper two-handed grip for how to shoot fast and accurately lots of pressure here with this left hand squeezing okay lots of meat onto the frame itself alright and there's my grip now that's how we want to be able to control the gun for fast and accurate shooting because now when the gun shoots it doesn't jump around doesn't change positions in my grip because again like I started off with the foundation of accuracy is a consistent grip and a consistent placement of the gun in and so you know where it's at because if my hand if the gun is perfectly placed in my hand that means I can put it up into my field of view onto my sights onto my target anytime anywhere so it all starts right here with a grip it all starts right here with this left hand and that's how we control the gun and that's how we can get some nice tight double taps and keep ourselves into a controlling position of the handgun now there's a whole bunch more that comes with this program and how shoot fasten accurately so stay tuned and go to the next segment
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 237,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glock, glock handgun, shooting, shooting range, target shooting, GlockStore, Lenny Magill, shooting accuracy, instruction, how to, shoot faster, shoot fast, shoot accurately, gun
Id: P0FegopjJ6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2015
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