Lele Pons' AMIGOS Somehow Got Worse...

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yes Lele pons is back and she made more of Miko's episode's shitty youtuber review on September 3rd of last year I made a video called Lele pons ripped off friends and I basically went over her amigos show that she's uploading to YouTube and how it's pretty much a blatant ripoff of friends and not just the characters like down to the jokes themselves she ripped straight from friends so you know that I was overjoyed to see all these people commenting on my videos telling me hey Elvis clearly pause upload more amigos episodes you should check them out because there's so much better I'm guessing she probably saw my video I mean it has 1.5 million views and it has her name the title so she probably saw it at one point so maybe she took my criticisms into account and really tried to make these next episodes better while it's still pretty much a friend's ripoff she could try a little bit harder to make the jokes more original try and be a little bit more creative with it do something that people might not expect you know maybe she somehow found a way to make it into a parody of friends that'd be kind of interesting so she made two more episodes since I upload my video but we're gonna watch them together and see if this show has improved at all yay I'm so excited amigos episode 3 let's go I'm cold my nipples are hard it's winter henna is that all you got I see my leg and soon apply this first 30 seconds is not looking good not looking good guys oh man apparently they're at a beach and it's winter we've been funnier if there was actually snow on the ground because then it would be like even more ridiculous but I guess it's his winter so it's called Hannah stalking is trying her best to speak Spanish still because that's her character's identity is that she speaks really bad Spanish but for whatever reason she only speaks Spanish it's like unintentionally funny Asuna playa el stupido yeah I think I could speak better Spanish okay so he has lost swimming gear I don't get the joke is it cuz he looks funny yes very silly what what's the joke here okay so they don't want to pick up the lifejacket because they're afraid of seeing his balls it's so dumb if you're gonna make a joke like this then at least show is bulge first show people trying to avoid their eyes from it or something like have it be ridiculous yes then when he bends over you know people are getting a better view of it and it's like oh [ __ ] here he just bends over and you just kind of have to assume that his ball just showing or something and they can't even see his balls I look at that what they don't like his ass is there something I miss I'm so confused what what's going on what's going on I'm gonna crush my skull moving on she likes it because she has a crush on him but the rest of the people oh so gross Oh No thank you this is horrible laugh track is playing over what they're saying you can say supposedly it's really cold out so these guys have hoodies on but these girls aren't wearing anything and they're not cold so it makes no sense this guy really likes to swim I guess and then lele covered herself in sunscreen even though it's overcast out there's no Sun to screen yourself from that's comedy this is it's supposed to be funny she looks silly like that oh she walks weird dude she walks like this that's funny she like shields herself from the Sun that doesn't [ __ ] exist on this day Oh what was that sound it's like someone's scratching a chalkboard was that supposed to be funny cuz I think my brains leaking out of my ears [Music] [Applause] that's comedy if you guys didn't laugh I'd be really offended are you cold I don't know that's because the words what it's a blessing all these jokes you've seen a million times before you know these guys don't like where they are but then they see a hot chick their attitudes change completely and I'm sure that same thing has been played out on friends like a million times same thing with these characters wearing silly things or putting stuff on their body to make them look weird but in friends it was staged in such a way where it was kind of believable cuz you can put yourself in that situation it would be kind of awkward see a way that they could have made this a little bit funnier would still be stupid as hell but they could put random strangers there on the beach with them that'd be watching them and kind of judging them silently you know I would say the first two episodes are better it might be because they ripped the joke straight from friends and I know the jokes they used in this aren't really all that original either but I think the characters played off each other better and the original two episodes here they're desperately trying to get a laugh out of people by doing dumb [ __ ] and it's not funny the robot in la playa like I get it she's supposed to be kind of insane and playing with the sand like a crazy person but it's not funny I don't know what else to say Hannah's talking is just not a very funny person and Waris thing in this episode is that he doesn't know how to swim so he has all this crazy stuff to help him swim but he's still super afraid of the water which is weird because earlier on in the episode he's like oh I'm so happy to be here you would assume that the person who is super afraid of water wouldn't wanna be at the beach and why would he be afraid of water if he has all this stuff on him like it's not funny because what he's doing is illogical I get that they're trying to make him do stuff that's ridiculous but it's only funny if it's believable and it's not believable here in the show like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia each character has ridiculous personalities but they're fleshed out more you believe that these people are the way they are and that's just who they are and they play off each other perfectly they embarrass themselves in front of strangers but they don't mean to and it works so well here it's like you just have like a bunch of amateurs trying to be funny here and it's really really embarrassing wait so in this episode they kind of play off the fact that she doesn't know how to speak Spanish so why does she keep speaking Spanish is that the whole joke because lately ponds just corrected her here but in the first two episodes they didn't use that at all they tried to play it off as if she just spoke Spanish and she's the weird one so I guess they're kind of going down a different path with her you know what is this Limpy andö el baño para su cata oh I have a quick question if you don't mind yes did it hurt no now now when you fell from heaven he's gonna say when you fell from heaven did it hurt when you fell from the sky or something he's gonna say something like that this is like one of the most common pick-up lines ever used on earth no he did say there's so lazy with the writing it's sad because I think some connection I haven't heard that before but they'll pretty bad so lele keeps applying this sunscreen cuz it's funny it's funny there's no shut out and she's all she's gonna get burned it's so stupid because there's no lead-up to this joke she didn't say anything about the Sun before going to the beach she's rarely popped up with all the sunscreen on her so it's like a punchline to a joke that didn't exist yet you know what I mean so Hannah stocking builds this robot out of the sand I don't get it I don't get it so I guess it's kind of getting a laugh out of you right now she's so dumb by just what why my life's gonna be in danger I mean my life could be in danger you don't have to go in the water all you people tell me to wash this [ __ ] torturing me why'd you do this to me devices as you can see yeah we do not know how to swim it's true I guess their plan is to hook up with the lifeguard by telling her that they can't swim wouldn't it make more sense if they didn't steal the floaties and they fake drowned right I'm just I'm trying to think of something that would make this funny was so hard like the execution of these jokes is so poor so then this guy goes into the water anyway even though he doesn't have his floaties anymore he can't swim so he drowns and then we have a super funny moment when the lifeguard accidentally kicks the sand on to lay light and now she's covered in sand what I do in my life to lead me to this moment so I guess Hanna's talking attacks the lifeguard so she won't try and resuscitate this guy who's dying because they don't want her to kiss him because they want him to hook up with this other girl so they used two different cameras for this scene but they don't have the ISO or the aperture adjusted correctly on both of them so when they cut to a different shot all of a sudden it's brighter it looks so amateur I know it's not supposed to be like grade-a entertainment it's not supposed to be amazing comedy it's popcorn [ __ ] for kids okay I get it but what's even more sad about this is that these people have a budget right they could hire legitimate writers that could make something funny for them and then all they would have to do is act it out or acting might suck but they have good enough lines then maybe you would make up for it I don't know same time tomorrow time for episode 4 of amigos yay very whoa so I guess Hannah starting can build things fast that's part of her character now she can randomly build good sand robots and she put tents in like one second so I guess that's something new and random and not funny at all about Hannah Stalkings character yo tengo el baño I like how they're trying to play it up as if like her awful Spanish was supposed to be a joke the entire time I know it wasn't I know I know it wasn't oh I guess the gang goes camping in this one and she gets what kidnapped by an Indian yo has been gone for way too long yeah yeah hey wait you're gonna need protection what who walks like this when they're trying to act tough I know it's meant to be ridiculous but what this doesn't look tough I know that's the point but if you're gonna try and make him act tougher than he is and be ridiculous about it maybe puffers just don't like dish you know right now we just walking like a gorilla or something we're dead Rudy's dead is that we said we're dead we're addicted riding on point that is it because they're in the woods and they're scared of bears or something it's not even nighttime I keep having to guess if something's part of the joke or not because they don't make it a parent at all it's not even just the execution of the joke it's a joke itself it's so bad it's awful this was obviously gonna happen you know he's acting all tough and then he sees something and he freaks out so he sees a snake and he tweaks out and jumps on Layla I don't want any problem I guess the snake grabbed him and dragged him away or something is it gone and is it gone one is literally right here you can't feel that [ __ ] okay well die with honor or you will let's do it okay I'm ready you're very easily convinced about your easy to make me convinced I think okay on three we go it seems like they improvise their lines right here I think that was a good call he has this scene while it's messy it still comes across funnier because they're just playing off each other I still don't think it's very funny at least it's something a lot of the best comedy I think is based off of people just spitballing random stuff and they take out the best bits because when you're in the moment sometimes you just think of things that are funny that hey they featured the guy the Instagram comedian guy oh no no no tomatoes really awkward like sexual harassment jokes [Music] so I guess in this episode these tribes people took all their stuff including their tents and they speak perfect English even though they were just screaming Hannah banana over and over I don't know why am I trying to make sense of a Lele pons amigos episode I know it's just dumb comedy who's gonna be our leader general consensus not funny laugh I expect any future episodes to be just as bad as these so I'm probably not gonna make any more videos about this unless they're so egregiously terrible that it warrants one so thank you guys so much for watching follow me on Twitter and Instagram check out alien clothing comm for some sweet merch subscribe to my second channel called Elvis to human where I'll be posting I don't know just about me in my life and personal stuff I guess if you know of any other weird things on the internet that you'd like me to look at or make a video on leave them in the comment section and maybe I'll do it who knows this was painful bro [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 1,618,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lele pons, lele pons amigos, lele pons friends rip off, elvis the alien, elvisthealien, elvis alien
Id: VfxrjInE9Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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