Lego Steps on a Human

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to make doubles with no pickles hey yep Gimli does to my chickens thank you basically how to be a terrible driver how to be an old snowball four and a may chicken [Music] all right you too thank you I think one of you guys suggested that idea I thought was hilarious so I don't I can't remember if it was a DM on Instagram or a comment but gonna pick out the best one we're coming for you these are all nice but we're I'm just I'm trying to look for the ones with the lights and the balls on them I don't have lights yeah you know really like yeah I mean last year I got a tree for my family or you know my family and my kids and they were kind of disappointed because it didn't look like you know the neighbors and my grandparents tree with the lights and the balls you know I mean do you have these do you have those here already decorated with lights yeah I mean it just comes out way no no none of these decorated you know how those artificial ones inside the flight so oh no I'm looking for a real one just oh yeah to buy them separately yeah oh oh [Music] my goodness uh looks good take a picture of that my Instagram yeah two pictures will post both want to make sure everybody knew that you know I was eating that on my Instagram well I I had a bite when he wasn't looking my followers won't know that I didn't eat it so they're up there my kids are disappointed they you know they don't have this stuff under the tree either and the things to open and stuff you know those little stockings or whatever didn't come with that you don't have live trees I already have this not half the fun growing up in d3 part of the fun that's part of the work it's part of the annoying part we just get up and immediately leave a restaurant it's really like leaving already like yeah the service was terrible we sat down there for at least 30 seconds and nobody came up to us did you seriously just go into a restaurant just to take a picture of someone's food yes what if I post out on my Instagram that picture no I'm gonna put it on my story right now come for such a food posted kerplunk that's the sound of it posting my my girls are disappointed because last year I got a tree with no lights and balls and no nothing underneath it so Christmas morning they wake up and they just see a tree and they're like dad dad where's our where's our presents and stuff home like I've blamed with people at Home Depot they're the ones that didn't have the trees with everything I would have got it I would have bought the tree but they didn't have it so I gave them all spankings for Christmas because obviously they were bad because Santa didn't show up that's our girls this is telling of how you guys acted this year so I spanked them like a good father on Christmas morning so this year they better get some presents otherwise they're getting another spanking figure out for a smoothie it's gonna take some time before she can have her she's she's smaller I accidentally honking this thing's so much oh let's not leave out ah you're gonna have some nice sideburns by the end of the day Oh your hair looks nice too I like you I like your beard - OH left all these laying out you kidding me ah yeah we're getting a mocha yeah one decaf one regular calf you are the man thank you you are the man that's what I meant I said the man come on you gonna for supper let's see I can't believe it in like travels over we got a really good oh oh he knows that we stopped just to do that there's no cars or spray when they come up slow it down all right so I'm ordering ovaries I'm in the same subway well I don't have to walk up and order everything yes I know I'm here all right see the freaking how do I see the address it's almost 2019 why would you order food yourself entitlement that's why people or themselves they feel entitled to do the work themselves that's what the older generation does baby boomers they feel they're entitled to do all the work themselves get and then buy whatever they want to buy us Millennials we don't have that entitlement we just want to buy what we want to buy immediately it's like they think they're entitled to the work totally you know working five days a week 9:00 to 5:00 what's that yeah thank you I just wanted a quick delivery I didn't want to have to get up and order it myself so that's a cute cat what's your cat what's your kid's name it's it's Santa Paws like menopause but Santa that's his name is Santa Paws Griffin Christmas attire because you're old enough to pop her [Music] a little bit do I ever like Frank you guys in vlogs come on I mean no but like I'm usually there whenever I ask we go out on Instagram they're always like well wait a second or you didn't prank me stop watching me drink out of the milk carton you know I hate when people watch me drink out of the milk carton stop check out Elliot's lunch lunch we made him so cute he loved that this was the actual note we replaced it like he's gonna open that and like how to ask his teacher what is this you're kidding I was wondering is there any modern pictures of the moon like cut in color not in black and white well I just assumed that pictures are older have you ever seen another colored picture of the Moon purple well I don't know what color it is they just happen I've never seen a picture that's in color I know that's why I'm saying the pictures are black and white but I've never seen it colorized like modern picture of the moon you're writing the lifeguard tower yeah for Instagram we're taking pictures of you taking pictures Instagram I picked this up way back there on the beach cuz such a good guy and I wanted to throw it away so that nobody would step on it see that you see sister no matter the struggles you're going through in life you always gotta look to the Lord he is your source of life and love it totally looks like a pastor up there good pastor behind a podium can i seat you today Jenna CJ today follow me please here's a your menu sir would you like a lemon with your water where are oz a a praise the law thanks for taking his order first I get my order taken Cole goes alright I'll go first I think they followed me because of you though they like you so much they like seeing you you're gonna have to start signing autographs off Rose I'm twerking for us so I gets tied in on something well I go should we cut this rope with scissors this is gonna be really cool until someone that comes out and starts telling artists dude how is nobody stopping this right now oh my hand I pray that the Lord bless your food amen can I get an amen and lastly I can come try and remember when you think about try just think this my go jaw when you think about trying anything like I'm so weird out that we're like not being held at I don't like this what a not you instead you just slip brain that's a heck and bad not well I'm flabbergasted why didn't nobody come and arrest us or tell them we put the boat right back like you grew there don't worry it's just a little fall don't worry guys if I fall it's just like 15 feet but you do tries for because oh oh they did that's what we're smelling in here like what is that gonna smell like fish nuggets after me I don't want to ruin their date she's like candles I'm a squirrel on the other side of they'll ask her name good night where's I ain't gonna try I don't want to be nice she looks like she's in a corner she doesn't want to be disturbed that's like me like walking in your front door and saying you look lonely in your bedroom I ain't gonna try I ain't gonna try wait yeah wait yeah let's set a trap of put a cardboard box with a propped up a unicycle under it and then he'll walk up to it and be like hey go dry that's what he'll be like Oh Cole there's no hope that would be like the running joke Cole never know what I'm about to say who I'm trying to make me try again but I have work to do who's in my friend I ain't gonna try yeah I ain't gonna try she doesn't like unicycling he likes bicycling oh I feel faint dadgum I want to go back to her talk to her or something but yeah and her I miss her a lot try to talk to Cole about it but he just doesn't understand always know just what to say he might be saying the right thing I just can't understand him he was the smartest kid in class but nobody knew it you'd always see raise his head and tell the teacher the right answer to the question but she never understood and then the next kid says the same thing cold goes oh come on that's exactly what for my attire on I'll be in a race whoa holy cow will stud my life flashed before your eyes new dad hat back new merchant I'm so excited for these ones actually really like this whenever you drink too much other party ain't going Drive he going drive together without you Matt yeah parties would go to first dirt for sure bro go get these new shirts on blog slash merch I'm doing a 10% off coupon so type in I ain't going try when you're buying this the coupon will probably be valid for a couple days so get it while you can hey it's Lloyd Christmas Lord Christmas he's like somebody calling me that I don't actually get anything done in my videos like the whole video I never accomplished a thing and the right I really don't do anything oh I bet I can only imagine I can't smell it you can smell it yeah are you just saying you can smell it fit you hungry while all day I thought you'd be mad at me you get that checked out by the doctor yeah my my Kol has a really bad cough
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 1,856,876
Rating: 4.9285393 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: kuqs45sccGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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