RC Car with Train Horns on Golf Course

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/iattorn 📅︎︎ May 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
we've never actually got to have a father-son uh that's fine since we've been able to hang out [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] my daddy's taking me here his dad before him used to come out here what's going on oh no we just had a picnic i ain't never took my son on picnic it's his first time that's your song yeah come on man yeah oh hey i had this idea the other day guys what do you think of it we did taking pictures of people's feet like with a polaroid camera while they're trying on shoes and then sniffing the picture right when it's developed and then it develops right there and then [Music] i thought that last night and thought it was hilarious i couldn't stop thinking about it all night you guys like that idea right okay boys all right lunch is on me today what is it uh blackberries cole you didn't warn me they're pokey yeah thornberry swallow it eli's colorblind you can't figure out which ones are which [Laughter] no these blackberries taste too organic i like the ones that are like pumped with things and combined with other species and genetically modified to be the largest we can use it as a lipstick too eli just got done kissing a girl i'm going along see this is great because i've always liked ultimate frisbee but i always hated that i had to run when i was playing good catch oh my gosh i'm so sorry bro are you okay no he can't catch me yes i feel like i'm playing quidditch well it's cold always picking on everybody look at the little baby on the swing somebody push him okay give him an underdog with your segway yeah give him an underdog what the he's an underdog you don't know what an underdog is you can do it you can do it oh my god all right try again here we go oh my god so close yeah there you go oh oh you did that that was sick dude stunt man do you guys know what you're getting does everybody know uh you're beyond fish patty i don't have that beyond fish yeah for vegan we don't have it oh you don't then i'm good then here you go can i do the boathouse burger no do you have beyond lobster nope beyond steak nope ain't got any of that beyond filet mignon i got stuff to do beyond salad how are you so irritated by that dude it's a joke i get it man but the jokes like kind of played out already oh yeah who said that before everyone at least at least they can't spit in the only one who didn't order something everybody else at the table gotta deal with the food he's gonna bring you a complimentary salad please please do you have meat based vegetables oh jared's burger is well done and he asked for it to be medium they didn't put bacon on it like i said my dad he would eat his old burger and when they say hey how was your burger because it sucked like i'm not it wasn't i didn't order this i'm not gonna wait for another one it took like 40 minutes yeah the server comes back by we'll tell them hey the service is worse than that joke was but we're not mad about it all right so we'll leave him a really good tip and then make a note beat the beyond tip the impossible this is so funny we got a rc car and we put like a train horn on it and we're gonna drive it on the golf course and drive up to golfers wait until they're not suspicious of it anymore and then right when they go to swing oh yeah we got a camera on the front and then that's a viewfinder yeah so we can see where we're driving it's like pov okay straight wait stop stop all right all right he's about to swing oh oh dude that was that's pretty loud that's good hey who'd that who that was well i can drive into my parents room and spy on them now see why they're always wrestling yeah they're always wrestling in the womb and i've tried to figure it out when i tell you hit that hit the button and it'll honk i'm so excited dude i'm so excited i feel like a kid dude i hope the golfers are gonna like it i'm just chilling by that tree so look i'm ready to go at any moment i'm just gonna wait right here i got my fpv wireless so it really feels like they're hitting me when they hit the car with the golf club whoa we gotta time it perfectly it's gonna take you about five seconds to get from there to here yep man i love how we don't have to be outside of the van at all do this yeah i know this is freaking awesome so crazy should i go up here i'm gonna go [Music] oh he sees it he sees it all right [Laughter] [Applause] you're going too close [Music] he's gonna go call somebody now guaranteed before he hits it huh he's a peacock he's trying to look big awesome he took oh horns off should i try to honk it one two three i tried oh my god that was so funny that was so good that was so good goodness so they totally broke the crap out of the horse and they actually get mad like dude come on i don't know that's just funny i tried to run away as best i could but they got it they don't know for sure that it was us though dude this little truck was rocking man the whole truck was giggling i'll swim across this whole pond in one swim no way i think it actually is a spring it is that's so cool so we found a spring right next to cole's house right on the other side of the fence call we're just over here making fun of you buddy [Laughter] wow that's so super cool man that is so pretty dude holy crap it's freaking deep apparently so you can see like kind of the clarity across the whole pond it's like this is like a cow poop retention pond [Laughter] look majestic there's something in this water yeah it's two guys yeah two idiots that looks so refreshing dude we're just swimming vicariously through you right now we're just holding our breath vicariously through you right now we're i'm just holding the gopro in my right hand vicariously through coal right now yeah seriously uh oh brown trampoline there's no net around it either so it's very dangerous this is great now i don't have to pump freaking old timer look look at you is trying to swing with no segway idiot it has to be made by a native american if there's a bald eagle because they're the only ones that are allowed to have bald eagle feathers oh really are they yeah what do you mean like own it yeah i don't know if that means they can kill bald eagles i don't know why why are why do native americans allow to have bald eagle feathers and only them they get special hunting rights i don't think so maybe not maybe i'm wrong they can also kill manatees of the eagle feather law individuals of certifiable american indian ancestry enrolled in a federally recognized tribe are legally authorized to obtain eagle feathers unauthorized persons found with an eagle or or its parts and their possession can be fined up to 250 thousand dollars holy god so maybe it's not a crime it's just a fine yeah but 250 000 that's pretty i might as well yeah i'll take the crime give me a felony uh they're not allowed to hunt them i want a shower now holy toledo get stuck feels exactly like some of my mouth we literally didn't take any weight out of the truck at all
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 2,518,463
Rating: 4.9282322 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: zYgAf2eu8sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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