SpongeBob speedruns are extremely broken

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today we're speedrunning SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom rehydrated one of the most broken games I've ever played we'll start our speedrun as soon as we create a new game and right away there's just going to be a couple cutscenes to skip like talking to Gary we don't really care about that and right away we're gonna Skip and take a taxi over to Patrick for some reason the game just unlocks that for us so we don't have to do the opening sequence of trying to collect shiny objects and getting a spatula in SpongeBob's house instead we're just gonna come back later and right now we're gonna do Jellyfish Fields now right away we see Squidward he's getting attacked by jellyfish and he wants us to get some jellyfish ointment from the King jellyfish for him and we'll do that eventually but for right now we just got some general platforming and like I said in the intro this game is extremely broken and the speedrun is even more broken you might have seen my previous video speedrunning the original game but this game is very different in terms of everything like that movement I do right there where I'm just barely able to use the weird platforming to make it up there there's an invisible wall right there which I can walk on stuff like that and our first spatula is gonna be right here we're going to use the bungee jump to go right there get the first spatula and teleport back to Gary this is because we don't want to watch the spatula sequence where we have to collect it and stuff and instead we just want to get right back to the action right there I'm going to do some more really weird movements so I can get that suck after that we got some more unintended platforming and we're gonna get this sock right over here now how this game works is for every 10 socks we collect we can get a spatula from Patrick so we're gonna collect them as we go through and get a total of 40 socks throughout the speedrun but right now we're also going to skip this gate by doing some more unintended platforming and go through the loading zone at the same time as picking up that spatula then we'll see Mermaid Man we're not really gonna talk to him we can even hit him for good luck and be on our way doing some sliding you gotta love the sliding in this game how SpongeBob uses his tongue I bet the sand tastes really great and we're also going to pick up some tikis as well as this sock right here but you will notice We're not gonna pick up the sock on the right instead we want to open that box since we're gonna come back later and don't worry we will get that sock later as well but for right now we have our first really hard track now what I want to do is line myself up I'm going to do a spin jump spin and then if I do a slam in the perfect spot I will just be able to make it up to this Cliff switch to Patrick and get his spatula after that we're going to teleport back to SpongeBob's house and we can get the spatula here that we skipped earlier just go right through there it costs 50 shiny objects which we already got just through playing and now we can also teleport back to Bikini Bottom now right away we want to go over to Squidward's house so I'm going to start my way over there and we can get two things from here first of all we can get a spatula which we have to jump I think like five or ten times within his house and we can also get a sock by destroying all of his furniture destroying that poor painting and stuff we're not really the nicest Neighbors in the world sorry about that Squidward but I gotta get the spatula you should have just gave it to me and we'll be on our way out now from here we want to start going to the right immediately we can jump on these tigis to get on this tree and do a fairly precise jump it's not too bad get that extra piece of Health right there and finally make it to the top of the pineapple so we can get the sixth spatula and now we're gonna be heading out our way over to downtown which since we already have six spatulas we can enter and right away we're gonna get our chance to see Mrs Puff who wants us to collect 11 of these steering wheels so we will collect this one for actually multiple reasons first of all we can just get her regular spatula but there's also an exploit we can do with these later which I'll explain once we get there but for now what I'm also going to do is destroy these tikis and hit their buttons I can just jump up to them use my Bubble Bash and then slam down and yeah that hits all the buttons that's gonna be four we get rid of that Cannon we're also gonna set this explosion off to get a little bit more shiny objects before finally climbing up this statue and getting our seventh spatula from here we want to get a little bit more shiny objects so what we can do is explode that guy on our way these exploding tikis take a little while to explode unless you hit them directly and also this guy's really annoying I'm gonna take him out because I'm a little low on underwear but from here what I'm gonna do is some more wonky platforming just barely making on top of there then I want to go on top of this floating Tiki and also barely be able to make it there to get that sock but before making it all the way over here and getting our next wheel we'll just grab that from there I can just start walking straight I might as well destroy the cannon I mean why not and we'll jump into here to start our next cutscene we talked to Gary before then we're going to teleport to the second spatula this is going to transform us into Sandy and she has a very weird exploit where basically what we can do is lasso as we're climbing something if we do that then we leave the platform go back on we can do this infinite height glitch you'll be able to see it a bit more in a second but first of all what I want to do is open this box and we're going to do the same thing I'm going to jump right here as I'm climbing up press the lasso button and you'll see now I'm flying forever I can also gain height and the way we do that is by getting off a platform and back onto it you'll see I will never run out of my Glide and we can use that to go over here when we do get hit by that guy it will cause us to go up but that doesn't matter because we needed to go up anyways and what we're going to do over here is just wait a second until I can finally touch this part of the map and then I'm gonna go over here until we can hit a button now you can't actually see the button and pretty sure it's like a Dev thing so they could test out this mini game but they left it in the final game which means we can exploit it without wasting any shiny objects go back through the box and we got our nine spatula from there we want to teleport and go to the spat show we just did so that's going to bring us back to this box area and I want to do the infinite Glide again I'm going to do the same thing as I always do and we'll start on a way there's a couple more things I want to collect before we get our next Golden spatula including this wheel and also the sock right here then I want to jump and actually use the momentum from this slide that's going to allow us to go a bit faster I also want to come over here get hit by that pole so we start going downwards and we can keep our speed until finally a jump Glide lose a bit of my speed but we already made it over here and we can get our next spatula once we switch to SpongeBob then of course hit the button which I just missed that was a little embarrassing but anyways we'll make it over here into this building now we have one of these mini game areas where what we have to do is destroy all the duplicated rounds and this is actually really easy because we always know exactly where they're going to be I can destroy that one come two of these lights away and yeah you pretty much just keep doing this like I said we know exactly where they are and we're gonna destroy them before they have a chance to spawn any enemies so yeah it's really easy except for this one on the last floor because there are actually going to be two of these I also want to come over here get some extra shiny objects from there before I destroy that duplicated Tron and there's just a couple more enemies we gotta kill like this guy he's an easy tag out and we can also take this wheel from right here before finally walking over to our golden spatula and doing the same trick as earlier where we entered the loading zone at the same time is picking it up then after this I want to come over to the left we'll see there's going to be another sock that's conveniently over here so we can grab that transform into the sponge ball and make our way over here which we have just enough shiny objects to enter into this place this is going to be the C needle and we want to complete the C needle and not the intended way at all usually you're supposed to use SpongeBob and uses bungee jumping to destroy a bunch of tikis but instead we can use Sandy by just jumping down here and destroying them with our hands so they're going to be three stacks of these guys then I'm gonna to move over to the left lasso for a while so I can make sure that those tikis also die and we have to repeat this for a total of three times normally you would have to do this in different areas but for some reason the game just lets you do the same one over and over again if we keep dying so that's another nice exploit where we can do this way faster so this one is going to be the final time I can take out those guys as well as that one too and we'll get these last few just lasso for a little bit make sure that those things disappear before we die and that's going to be all three done we can get that spatula for Mr Krabs later for now I gotta get some more wheels and some more socks so we're gonna come over here around this corner to get that first wheel and just do some more General platforming whenever your Sandy platforming is very easy because we have the lasso ability so we don't have to worry about making too many mistakes we can kind of just hang out we also get that wheel from right over there and we make this big jump all the way over to that piece thankfully it has Collision that we can walk on before finally taking this sock and making our way to a shiny object what we can do right here is go on this window thing and barely hit this button picking up that golden spatula and at the same time as this cutscene this platform is going to move us forward so that also saves us a little time finally all we have to do is make it back to the beginning where we're going to switch to SpongeBob since technically Mr Krabs was SpongeBob's Mission so we need him to collect the golden spatula we can take that right there and that's gonna be number 13. now before we enter the downtown we still have a couple more Wheels to get so we're gonna go to the second spatula we're gonna be Sandy again and you can see the first wheel right there I can grab that go back onto this platform and we're just gonna do some basic platforming from here this is going to be the final wheel over there so yeah we'll just go and grab it but you will notice I actually don't go return these to Mrs Puff yet and you'll see why later but for now we head over to Jellyfish Fields where we're actually going to stay as Sandy now you're never supposed to be Sandy in this section but for some reason if we teleport as Sandy it just kinda works also of course I'm trying to use the glitch again but it wasn't exactly working in my favor but I got it that time and we can head down here we're gonna use the same trick is there earlier where we want to get some more speed so we're not as slow while we're doing our infinite hover and I want to head over into this direction because we're basically going to beat this entire level way faster than intended and that's by going by the outer way we want to stay close to the wall though because if we don't a hand might come by Andy spawn us make us lose all our speed we don't really want that so I'll make my way over here luckily there's going to be a hole in this wall which we can enter we have to make it past an invisible wall first though and yeah you can see right down there there's going to be our next Golden spatula so this is actually a really nice trick I can now use the cave wall to make myself move downwards a little bit we grab this golden spatula that's going to be number 14. and finally to end off Jellyfish Fields for now I just have to make it to the end of this cave so we get another save point SpongeBob will talk to Mr Krabs here and we're gonna come back here later but for now it's time to go back to Bikini Bottom because it's finally time to face off against our first boss Robo Sandy we do have to talk to bubble buddy because he has a gigantic range but after that we can talk to Patrick get another sock from him and get our 15 spatula which is going to mean we have enough space is to go into the boss fight and the boss fights are probably one of my favorite parts of this game especially the speed strats you can do you'll see right there I actually wanted her to do her hit attack and that's because we can cancel out another one of her attacks by making her do that one so we're gonna repeat this three times where basically we try to get hit by her once she starts walking towards us does her slam attack and we can slam into the ground making her get electrocuted then we're gonna switch to Patrick and basically do the same thing but for Patrick instead of just one swipe we have to get her to do two then she'll do this attack so we can go ahead do a cannonball take her head and then we want to throw it at the sign but as I was saying this is definitely one of my favorite parts of the game just because of the fish that keeps coming up and commentating on our entire match it's so amazing I love this game so much I'm so happy they decide to remake it it turned out amazing but finally we just have one more of these Cycles to do I'll try not to get hit if you do get hit it's not the end of the world but it does lose a little bit of time so we'll just go right here hit that one more time and that means all we have to do is finish out with SpongeBob so we have to do the same thing we unfortunately got hit there it's kind of hard to dodge these swipes but not the worst thing in the world and now we both have to do a slam and then also a bash into her head so we'll do that another time we'll get her to come over here do a slam and then do the bash nice and easy then we repeat those things one more time do one more slam into a bash and that's gonna be spatula 16. but not only do we get another spatula but we also get a new power this power is called the bubble bowl and you'll see it in Sandy's tree Dome we'll use it right there so we can hit that duplicated Tron we'll hit that guy into his duplicated Tron and the important thing for these sections of the game is we want to destroy the duplicated trons before we kill their enemies otherwise they're just gonna keep spawning them so we did that pretty efficiently and now we can do another trick where what we want to do is bubble bowl and then enter the loading screen which allows us to move during the loading screen so you saw me use that so that I could get the spatula during the loading screen saving some time after that we're just gonna take that sock from there and enter the mermal layer but before we head into the murmur layer we have to hit the TV all also grab that sock and we can talk to Mermaid Man finally making it into here and this is a really cool part of the game but also probably one of the most stressful because there are a few hard tricks we're gonna have to do but to start out it's just some pretty easy stuff we have to walk past these people do a jump so we can get that checkpoint and then we'll spawn back we see this Cowboy guy who wants to fight us we're just gonna ignore him though and instead we're gonna skip this entire section by just jumping here which is really funny and we're also going to do this trick again where we bubble bowl into the checkpoint then go backwards you'll hear a popping sound and that means we got the spatula after this we get to talk to our boy Squidward he's always great to talk to and we'll bubble bowl this so we can start moving over and do another pretty hard Trek what we have to do is land on top of this light because for some reason there's no herb box directly at the top and then we're just gonna wait it out a bit so we don't hit any wrong Collision before finally we move forward get hit and then are able to do a bash to just barely get that sock we'll also hit that button right there before switching to Patrick and doing a Mermaid Man Mission so mermaid man wants us to use this watermelon to hit a bunch of buttons so what we have to do for this first one to do it fast is walk on this and I kind of messed that up yeah this one is very finicky with getting hit by these red lights and you can also pretty much stand on air which is kind of funny but yeah second try I'll take it after this we go straight over to this one which is even more annoying because these cannon shots you have like no time to react to them so I just have to hope I don't get hit I barely didn't and that watermelon okay that was also really wonky but there we go we're just gonna head down and finally we got this last spots in which is the easiest one of them I just throw the watermelon once over there then throw it again finally we can come over hit this button and that's gonna be all three done so we can talk to Mermaid Man he's gonna be pretty happy and we'll get another golden spatula but that was in the hard tricks we have to do because we're gonna have to do a much harder one now we're gonna come back through this area and you'll see this bridge we opened up earlier with SpongeBob now what we want to do is just barely hit this checkpoint so then we'll spawn back at it then we come over to this guy we're gonna jump on top of one of his robots and when the robot jumps where able to jump off that and make it up here so obviously the game doesn't want you to do this and the game also doesn't want you to do what I'm about to do now so we're gonna go down this slide and once we make it over here we'll wait a second jump at just the right time and barely make it over to this slide then if we just hold forward you'll see that Patrick can actually run on the slide and we can make it all the way to the end nice and easy and now we have this puzzle if you ever played this puzzle as a kid it was probably really frustrating for you I know it was frustrating for me but it actually has a really easy solution all you have to do is hit every single one of the buttons once it's actually really funny that the solution was that simple and we can talk to Barnacle Boy get a spatula hit this button as well before making this slide we can just barely make this jump over to here and yeah we're doing well now we want to head over to this checkpoint which is going to switch us back to SpongeBob and it's time for some more hard platforming first of all I want to take care of that guy and I'm actually going to switch to my keyboard and mouse right here because on the keyboard and mouse you have a button that sneaks for you when you're playing controller you have to very slightly tilt your control stick but yeah I was able to use the keyboard and mouse to make that movement much easier before switching back to the controller doing some more cool movement and now all we have to do is line up this shot and go back get that spatula just like all the times you've seen before and this is going to put us into the ballroom which if you've ever played this game you know that the ballroom is really slow and also not that fun but we have a cool way of doing it I'm just gonna hope I can actually get it because it's kind of finicky usually I give myself three tries to get this trick but we're gonna line ourselves up right over here and then what I can do is actually pause the game in pause buffer but I messed that up a little bit and yeah you'll see it didn't work so that's one try out of three let's hope I don't have to reset this run okay as I was saying we'll pause buffer a little bit until we're right at that point we can then do a Bubble Bash and I think this one should work but no it didn't okay this game is really annoying normally you could fix this but for some reason the game even though the ball is at a normal place the game just gets rid of it so that's a little annoying but third time's the try I will pause buffer right here we'll do a Ash right there and that has to be perfect please and it goes right into the hole okay that's what we needed so yeah we did this thing even though it took three tries much faster than it would normally take we can now hit that button and we got another golden spatula or at least we will get it before we do that though I want to get another sock die really quick and then we can grab this straight from Mr Krabs yeah that wasn't my best Ballroom ever but I'm gonna take it third try isn't that bad and now we're gonna exit the ballroom just like normal this is going to put us at the marble air computer where we're gonna hit that button which is going to make four out of four buttons and that's gonna make the computer really happy get control of the security and all that so she's gonna give us a spatula and we're gonna be able to hit another button which allows us to do the prawn boss fight so we're gonna head over to here once we make it a little far we can then enter the area and this boss fight is interesting it's not really that difficult what we have to do is jump over this attack twice then what prawn is gonna do is he's going to randomize which places we can stand on so we want to go to the blue ones and attack them with our bubble ball we're gonna have to do the exact same thing again but this time we actually jump over it three times he randomizes the place I just guess which one will work we'll pick that one and there we go that's two hits which means there's only one more hit we'll jump over this one four times it looks like we go over here we can finish him off and we get another spatula which that's gonna make 25. and now let's go back to Bikini Bottom by the way to complete this game we need to get at least 75 spatulas to enter the final boss fight but for now let's go to Goo Lagoon and Goo Lagoon is probably one of my favorite parts of this game I just really like it I love the environment I love Goo Lagoon in the show it's a fun place to be at but we're gonna do some cool movement as you saw right over there so we can skip the normal boring Movement we would have to do and come up over here where we'll see Mrs Puff now Mrs Puff is a terrible teacher and a bunch of her students are now trapped on like balloons I don't really get it but you'll see like that kid he is trapped right now he's just flying forever and we could save these kids but we're not going to because instead we're going to use an exploit but we'll get to that later for now we're just trying to make it to the end of the map we can just walk over here there's going to be these dragons which are Spitting Fire I don't know how these things are made are they like inflatable but I don't have time to worry about that what we want to do here is just barely be able to make it up here because there's some wonky physics on that hill and we'll be able to get another sock before talking to bubble buddy not really caring what he has to say to be honest and going through here before hitting the button that's going to put us in this area in the water or I guess the goo is starting to fill up but we're not going to worry about it because we can do this movement over here which puts us directly by this next checkpoint now we want to take that checkpoint and now we're going to use some weird bubble physics where we can jump on the bubble and okay that isn't exactly what I wanted to happen all right as I was saying we want to use these bubble physics to get a slightly higher jump I don't know why that happened but anyways we can now come up here get another sock and line up for a really specific shot what we want to do is line up SpongeBob on one of the clams and aim for that pink clamp to hit a button over there I missed it the first time but we'll try again okay I will aim this and I always check because I'm not the best of this shot and it looks like we didn't hit it again all right like usual third time's the try will aim right there and the shy isn't actually that bad it's just very specific and we got it right there because we saw the butts in one green now we can pick up this spatula which is going to be number 26 before heading down over here this is why we hit the button so we can make this spatula up here and we can go take it nice and easy then after that all we have to do is get hit by the water twice or I guess three times that's gonna cause SpongeBob to die and we're gonna spawn right over here back at the checkpoint which means we have to do this bubble bowl thing again hopefully I won't go through the wall that was kind of annoying but there we go that's gonna be the bubble bowl and this time we're going to be heading over to the left I will also destroy these tigis get some more shiny objects and once we make it in the cave we get to see Gary just kind of hanging out now I have to do some fairly precise platforming here which I just messed up okay we'll actually go on this one and hopefully hit it this time we just please SpongeBob okay is this really that hard there we go easy after that I want to grab this sock right here and go on top of this thing then we have to jump while the water has risen but okay that happened yeah this thing has really wonky physics so sometimes it doesn't let you get a good jump out I'll try to not let that happen again thankfully we didn't lose too much time but yeah that's what I wanted to happen now we can just get through all these robots just like normal we'll destroy a couple of these tigis so we can get some more shiny objects before we jump down here get onto that wooden plank and also jump over here then we want to get one of Patrick's socks so we'll jump over there and make sure we don't die here because if we die it'll send us back pretty far after this we just have a little bit more movement to do we have some pretty precise jumps just straight over here and there we go that was perfect now we can hit that button and exit the caves but of course we still have one more spatula to get before we exit the caves so we'll just take this one right here which means at this point we're almost done with Goo Lagoon all we have to do is go to the last section now from here what we want to do is exploit the boxes basically how the boxes work is you have to open both of them to go through either of them so what we're gonna do right here is just bear rarely be able to open that box you could hear the sound effect came off and since we were able to barely open that box that means we can go through the one at the beginning of the level so I can just hop right through then after that what we want to do is clear out these bumper boats except I'm kind of bad at it yeah the movement on this icy Arena place is kind of weird so whatever we got the bumper boats cleared and from here it's time for some more weird movement well not before we just do some regular platforming like making it up here to get that 13th sock then we want to do a jump over to this slide and we're actually going on the slide backwards and what we want to do here is jump all the way down here to the spatula normally you would have to use Patrick and he can use those ice blocks to freeze the goo but we can make it over there with SpongeBob before dying respawning over here and now it's time to cheat the game again normally here you would have to pay for a clam and pay 2 200 shiny objects but instead we can abuse the physics of this game and just make it over there by doing some regular platforming now finally what we want to do is spawn back at the final spatula of this round and go through this box and since we already cleared out the bumper boats we can go straight over to Mr Krabs and get his golden spatula then from here it's time to head back to downtown to talk to Mrs Puff you'll remember that earlier in the game we finished her Wheels Mission and we can grab the spatula now but that's not all we're gonna do we're also now going to teleport back to Goo Lagoon over to Mrs Puff now because we came straight from a place where we actually had completed the mission the game thinks we also completed this Mission Mrs Puff is like thank you for saving those kids even though they're still floating right by her so yeah that's a cool exploit we can do and from here now it's time to head back to Jellyfish Fields and we got some more missions to do this first one normally you would want to use Patrick and he can throw people into these containers but instead we can just use our bubble bowl since we're not supposed to have this power up yet usually you finish the entirety of Jellyfish Fields before you move on and get that power out and for this final one what I want to do is position myself right here so I can get the golden spatula while this cutscene goes on and finally then we can teleport over to Mrs Puff who gave us this Mission and now that we're over here it's time for a little bit of grinding what we can do is jump on these tikis do a slam and just barely make it onto this Cliff then after that we want to destroy that exploding Tiki and come over here so we can reset our spawn point and after this all we have to do is jump into the goo do a little twirl and get hidden there dying after that it's going to teleport us right over here and we can get some more of these exploding TVs and pretty much we're just gonna repeat this thing over and over again in total we want at least 8 600 shiny objects so yeah we'll be here for a little bit but while this is happening I will say if you've been enjoying the content make sure to subscribe I'd really appreciate it and it helps out the channel but alright finally after a bit of grinding we can come back in here I will open up that gate which only costs 150 shiny objects and you'll see we have much more than 8 600 shiny objects which means we can move on from here I want to do some platforming over here and we're basically just not going to play this game as intended at all instead we'll just do some spaced out jumps get that sock right there then go on top of this clip and from here we're also going to do another jump instead of taking this regular platforming we can just jump from here make it to this pair of underwear and use SpongeBob's move over here thankfully they actually buffed this move in this game compared to the original and made it a bit faster and finally we can just head over here get this golden spatula and also get this guy who's kind of ruining the shot come on dude I'm trying to celebrate but there we go that's all for there and now it's time to fight King jellyfish so we're gonna talk to bubble buddy gotta love that guy and now we're gonna go and do a pretty precise jump so we can make it to King jellyfish faster I can jump right here and move forward and do a bash right into him and to defeat King jellyfish we have to slap him three times so I have to wait till his protective shield goes down and hit him then he's going to get his protective shield back up and spawn a bunch of other jellyfish so yeah there's not really too much to do during this boss fight we kind of just have to wait for him to do another slam before we can hit him again so we'll wait a second he'll do another one right there I can jump over it and that's going to be number two this time he'll spawn the Blue Jellyfish which are a bit better at hurting us but it's still not really a problem album as long as I'm just making sure I don't get hit and finally he'll do his last slam right there we can jump right into him finish him off and we're gonna get King jellyfish's jelly which we can now give to Squidward but before that we have this little slide we have to do so we're gonna jump down here and also hit some tikis then from here we don't want to go around the long way so instead I can just jump from here grab this sock and make sure that this part is a little bit faster finally at the end of the slide we have to make two jumps right here so we can get this spatula and that's gonna be number 36. then we can teleport back to the beginning of the level talk to Squidward and also get his spatula so that makes 37 and yep that was pretty good now it's time to get to a pretty hard part of the game first of all we have a fairly precise trick to do to get onto the top of shady scholes what I have to do is jump from here to another jump and we didn't get the height we needed yeah this trick is a little precise and it doesn't want to work for me right now okay come on game that's the jump we needed and there we go we make it on top of here now there's some even more difficult platforming because the Collision of this window is is just so weird and how to get on top of it I'm just gonna keep trying to spin my way up there but it might take a second come on SpongeBob I believe in you there you go we get that one right there and finally we can get to the top of shady Shoals and get another spatula then from there we have one of the strangest tricks in the game and honestly it's a bit cursed so what we want to do is talk to bubble buddy at the same time is using our bubble ball I actually use my keyboard and mouse for this because it's a little more precise but there we go that's what we wanted you'll see that SpongeBob is now stuck in this and then we can use the ball which makes him do this it's actually hilarious and we'll get him stuck in this little crevice before pressing a twice now immediately this is going to spawn Us in we can jump twirl and do another jump to make it onto here and do another jump up into here we want to make sure that we don't get captured by the hand at all otherwise this trick won't work but finally we can make it over here and now we skip to the last part of the game without having to fight Robo Patrick then we can do another one of these bubble jumps make it on top of the Krusty Krab and go on to this clam where we'll get another piece of underwear before going to the E on the Chum Bucket we kind of missed it though that's fine though we can just restart it really quick a little bit of a Time loss but not the worst one just please make it there SpongeBob I appreciate it we can go on top of the T then the M before finally making it to the top of the Chum Bucket and grabbing that spatula then from there it's time to go to SpongeBob's dream which is also a really hard part of the game so we'll spot into here talk to Gary really fast also grow a mustache for a second and then we want to make this platform in which we can just barely make it over there and then do a jump into a bash and then do a Stomp and that's going to make it so we can get that spatula without having to use a rolling ball after this we have this enemy who's kind of annoying I'm not gonna lie so we're gonna make sure we can dodge his attack before going down here and we have to do a very precise jump onto this trampoline just barely make it on top of there wait this out a second so we can get onto that trampoline and finally go over to Squidward's house which lets us get here without spending any shiny objects and from there it's time to do Squidward's dream we'll talk to Mr Krabs at first who tells us to cover our ears because you know we're in Squidward's dream and he's playing music and I kind of love this place look at all the paintings of Squidward there is so much love that went into this game but what we want to do right there is some wonky movements so we can just barely be able to use that super jump make it onto here and then we can grab this sock by doing a bash there then after that we want to wait a second do a jump into a slam and we can barely make it onto this trampoline as well before then making it over here and yeah we're pretty much just doing this stage a little bit faster than usual this is definitely one of the hardest platforming sections of this game just because if you mess up it can ruin a lot of stuff but we're doing a pretty good job so far I will now wait out this note because we don't want to step on it too soon otherwise it's going to collapse just not let us go past so I don't want to step on the yellow notes for too long then we can go across these Blue Notes which keep moving they're kind of annoying until we make it onto the drum and finally we just have to go a little bit further and I'll be done with this part we there we go on to that instrument and we can finally finish out Squidward's dream so now we're gonna exit it by going on to here into of the box and just exiting the dream like normal this is going to put us at this clam which we can spend a thousand shiny objects to go on top of here and we just do some platforming thankfully for these platforms they're not random we know exactly where they will go every single time so like for these spiky ones I don't even have to hesitate we can just go straight through before making it to Patrick's rap and Patrick's golden spatula is very easy because it's literally just nothing we're gonna line up right here and do this trick again where we want a bubble bowl into the loading zone and get the spatula and finally there's going to be one more spatula right at the end of the level so we can take this one as well now before we exit the dream we want to go over to Sandy's dream so for this one we see Larry right away he's just being a Chad just like usual and what we want to do is Sandy's hovering trick yet again we'll do it right on this Cliff then go off of here and thankfully this platform is the exact same height as the other one so we don't have to do the thing where we exit the platform and go back on instead we can go straight on the slide make it over to this Acorn and we'll respawn at the spatula then we want to do the trick one more time I'll do a double jump there kind of missed the ledge grab please Sandy all right get that we can go into that motion and this is a little awkward but it works out now all we have to do is go on to this slide so we can get some more speed like usual I'll wait this out I want to go forward right there it will start aiming in this direction we definitely need the slide momentum here because this takes a very long time but luckily there are no hands that are trying to stop us and you might be wondering how we're gonna get down fast and how we do that is by doing a lasso which gives us some downward momentum and we can go down into this oil spot and we have a very quick way of taking out a lot of these enemies what we want to do is use this exploding Tiki that's going to destroy a lot of those guys and there's only going to be these two guys left also that dude with the tartar sauce is kind of annoying did you see how he was celebrating on hitting me kind of hurt my feelings I'm not gonna lie but that's all those guys taken care of and our next Golden spatula so we can just go right over here and miss it because I'm bad but there we go we got it that's number 46. and that's gonna be everything in dream now it's time to go back to bikini bottom over to the fifth spatula from from here we're going to talk to Mr Krabs right away because we need to buy a single spatula from him thank you I appreciate that man before heading on our way over to Rock Bottom Rock Bottom is a really cool spot with some awesome tricks it's also very nostalgic I've watched SpongeBob since I was a very little kid so I just absolutely love this game but anyways we're just gonna jump through here normally you would have to sneak but we actually don't have to if we just keep jumping which is kind of funny we'll then make it over here where we just have to jump on these platforms you can also sneak to make sure they don't collapse but that takes way too much time so instead we'll just keep jumping and there we go talk to our boy bubble buddy who is literally everywhere like they love bubble buddy but I guess I love bubble buddy too and now we have a pretty difficult trick where we're going to use the ball power up so what we can do is get hit right off there do a jump and then we're gonna do a really big jump to be able to make it over to the spatula just barely with SpongeBob's powers and from there we can now teleport back to the third spatula and we're gonna do a pretty similar thing we want to get this power up again be able to make it up there and that kind of messed up okay like a lot of things in this game this trick is really finicky and not the most consistent I did save it right there because it didn't work again but there we go SpongeBob made it up there we can do a very big jump all the way over to this ledge stop ourselves for a second and finally do one more jump so we can move the wrong way on the slide before making it over to Mr Krabs then from here I want to line myself up with this dot I make sure the left area of SpongeBob's body is right around that point and then we also have to have the perfect angle so I kind of just have to keep testing out angles until finally we get a super jump right there and we can make it straight over to the end of this level from here we can immediately take a spatula making that 49 and now we're gonna teleport back to the spatula we just started this is gonna put us right by Gary always love to see that guy and now it's time to switch over to Sandy now from here we want to make it over to that duplicated Trend right by the sock we will of course grab that sock and then do a lasso over to here and then we're gonna keep pressing our lasso button and jumping off of it so we can gain more height finally once we get to the top of the height we'll be be able to lasso again and just barely be able to make it over to the spatula and now it's time to teleport back to the third spatula and who would have guessed time to use the ball power up again but we are almost done with it but for this one we want to come down here and grab that sock right there before jumping all the way over here and grabbing another from here it's time to use some more box Shenanigans to complete a mission really quickly we'll jump inside this box and earlier we actually opened this box so we can go straight through hit that button and come back before finally picking up the spatula right here and now for the final time we're teleporting back to the third spatula we're just gonna grab the ball power up right there and from here what we want to do is jump into this wall and we can slowly climb it for some reason which is kind of really funny before switching over to Sandy then we want to grab the spatula at the end of the level and go into the loading zones so we can enter the museum right away we'll see Barnacle Boy we can talk with him really quickly but instead of worrying about him we gotta get rid of all these security measures and to do that I have to hit four of these different buttons on the wall each time we destroy one of them one of those robots that are electric certifying these places gets destroyed so yeah we can just go through destroy them all and also I really love the paintings and all the detail they put into this place there is so much detail gone into it like when we come up here you'll see that they actually have bold and Brash on the right we won't be able to look at them too much but I love Bowden Brash then from here we can head over to this place and we can actually go through these lasers because for some reason they don't have a hitbox which is kind of funny before finally grabbing this sock and making it to the spatula at the end of Museum just gotta slowly hover our way down there you'll make it there eventually Sandy there you go but before we end off this level we have to do the Mrs Puff trick again we'll teleport to downtown so the game thinks we completed the mission and teleport back to Rock Bottom there we go Mrs Puff will give us our reward even though we did nothing that's what she gets for always failing SpongeBob then after that it's time to teleport back to Bikini Bottom this time we're going by the Chum Bucket though because it's time to go over to kelp forest which is probably the most broken area in this entire game and immediately you're gonna see how broken this places because we're going over to the left and what we can do is some weird platforming up to here and we can beat this entire world by going backwards what happens here is basically to start the level we have to talk to Mermaid Man so it's going to put us at the beginning of this part in that we can open that box go back to the bottom and go through the boxes like normal after that we want to switch to Patrick and back to SpongeBob because the game actually tries to prevent you from using the Box cheese but if we switch between the characters it's not able to and we can just do it like normal so there we go I completed the challenge in literally zero seconds and we can grab the spatula before finally going back through this box Mermaid Man is gonna be like kind of looks like he cheated but he still gives us the spatula anyways in the Brokenness of this level isn't even done yet because we still have this spatula since we're still going through the level backwards and then from there we can pause the game and go over to the beginning of the spatula and yeah you can see what's going on here so yeah I'll just go over here go backwards so we can go through another loading zone and hey look there's another spatula nice and easy gotta love how that one time any exploit just completely takes advantage of this entire level now from here we're going to do this one puzzle where normally you'd want to be Patrick and like I said before you can use those ice blocks to turn the goo into ice when you are Patrick but instead we're just going to use SpongeBob because it'll be a bit faster we can go through here open this box and go straight through there then we're gonna go over to the right and just with some fairly well spaced jumps we can make it over to the spatula right over here and that's going to be number 59. so now it's time to switch over to the third spatula and yeah we're pretty much just doing what we already did just taking the level completely backwards and yet again there's going to be another completely free spatula right for the taking now finally to finish out kelp forest it's time to do the Mrs Puff thing again but this time we actually have to do a little bit more movement than General because we have to make our way over to Mrs Puff but on the way there are gonna be two socks we can get the first one we can jump on this branch and then that Branch to just barely be able to make it onto these jumpy leaves and get the sock up here then we're gonna go you'll see that there are all these tikis which we have to hit with one of our bubble balls if we hit them all in a row that's gonna spawn another sock and finally we can head over to Mrs Puff she lost a bunch of campers and wanted us to save them but we didn't so they're probably dead but that's also not my problem because now it's time to go back to bikini bottom and to Sand Mountain so like usual we'll come to this place take the ball power up so it can be a bit faster and go into Sand Mountain and from here we get to see our boy Squidward of course SpongeBob has to borrow his toothbrush you know just normal stuff we'll be able to do some platforming to make it to this clamp and pay for it and then that was not supposed to happen Okay so I didn't wait long enough for the hook to come down even though I thought I did so that's gonna lose a little bit of time not too much time but yeah that was a little Annoying anyways we can now take that spatula and teleport back to it which is going to put us up here right by Plankton but we're gonna ignore Plankton and come over here basically this roof is going to make you slide off but if we hit it at just the right angle then we can walk on it so I'm gonna try to go for this angle and there we go that was perfect we can get that spatula and from there we're going to head down and we gotta get some more socks now right here if we destroy this snowman we get a sock but also if we collect the sock in the cutscene and then afterwards skip it it gives us two socks so yeah not really sure why that works but it doesn't matter it's time to do Mrs Puff's challenge we have to beat this sliding section in under 70 seconds and I mean it's a speed run so you already know we're gonna be able to do it but on the way there's also two more socks we have to get that's going to be the first one and we also want to get some more shiny objects since we're going to need them for the end of the game so I'm gonna go out of my way a tiny bit to get some shiny objects but not too much I can also do this jump right over here to just barely be able to make it over to the sock and Skip some of the map I'll also damage boost into these tikis as well get some more shiny objects because we are a little bit low but we should be fine by the time we have to use them oh and by the way I said two socks on this ramp it's actually three that's gonna be our third one and now we can make it to the exit which would beat Mrs Puff's time really easily but before we make it back to Mrs Puff we also want to destroy these duplicated trons and also hit the buttons behind them thank thankfully we can do it at the same time open that gate up and now make it over here where there's going to be another golden spatula there's also those kids kind of ruining this shot why you gotta do that guys and now we're gonna go back to the Box talk to Mrs Puff and she's gonna be like wow you actually passed for once in your life and she's gonna give us the spatula which means we're now on to the final section of the game Flying Dutchman's grave so we'll teleport back into this section use our ball power up just like usual and make it over into this section where we can hang out with the Flying Dutchman in this part it's a pretty scary part it has some kind of scary tricks but hopefully I will be able to do them and we can finish out the speedrun with good time now first of all what we want to do is abuse the physics just like usual so what we're gonna do is completely ignore this puzzle and instead step on this button do a bash into a slam and we can make it onto that ledge like we've done before then we're gonna come over here and normally you're supposed to have the cruise bubble power up but because we skipped Robo Patrick we don't so instead what we're gonna do is line ourselves up right here do a fully charged bubble bowl and we'll just be able to hit that button to close off the goo and that means we can come down here onto this ship and get another golden spatula that shot is also a lot easier than it might look like but hey at least it looks cool and now from there we're gonna head over to the third spatula from here we want to head to the left a little bit do a fairly precise jump not too hard of one and make it onto this container we're just gonna keep jumping because otherwise it might be a little bit slower and these enemies are also really annoying because they can hit you and knock you off wasting a ton of time so I'm gonna play this fairly safe I'm gonna do two of my bubble balls into this guy and also kill these guys around here now basically in this game there's a platform that you can spawn by solving a puzzle but the thing is the platform is always there so you'll see we we basically slid on nothing but that's because the platform was still there even though we couldn't see it so yeah instead of solving the puzzle we can just exploit the game and yeah make it on to the next area this is where we're gonna see our boy Squidward again but we're gonna ignore him and do this kind of precise jump where we have to jump into there and just miss it okay as I was saying we're gonna do a kind of precise jump and just make it that time and from there there's going to be our 30th sock which is going to mean we get an additional three spatulas from Patrick after this we can do some more platforming on here and we want to exploit the checkpoints what we can do is grab that checkpoint right there and then load our game that's gonna spawn us up here which saves us a bit of time from here we're also gonna do some more jumps just make our way over here and yeah not too much to say about this section not really any way to speed it up we're just trying to go fast I'm just thinking that this wall jump power up is much faster because otherwise it would take too much time and from here I do notice I'm a little low on shiny objects yeah I am literally missing six okay that's a little annoying but we can get them from this guy but after we get 2 700 we can open up that clam get another one of these bungee jumps and grab our 68th golden spatula before teleporting back to that spatula from here we'll spawn over here we want to do two kind of well spaced jumps to make it onto here right away do some jumps across these platforms and I will jump onto this wheel and thankfully a bunch of this stuff has Collision for some reason so we can make it on this side without having to do the normal solution before doing another one of these tricks where we bubble bowl into the loading zone and grab the spatula now we'll see our boy Mr Krabs who's kind of just hanging out unfortunately you do have to talk to him because his talking radius is really big and from here we're really gonna exploit this part first of all we'll take care of that guy and bubble bowl into that button then we'll do two jumps in a spin and just barely make it up here grab our second button and do another one of these bubble bowls where this ball will give us insane height then from here that's going to be the third button and we have to do one of these really precise bubbles this is probably the hardest one in the entire game for me because it is just so precise and you have to get a ton of hype from it okay SpongeBob just do this for me and that is just barely enough height to make it up there so honestly not the worst time I've ever had and now we can make it back down here where we can hit the fourth button that's gonna prepare all the Cannons but we're not too worried about it since we'll just take another spat swap then we're teleporting back to Bikini Bottom because it's time to return the socks to Patrick and get his golden spatulas now you don't have to pick these up one by one instead we can just stack them on top of each other and take them at the same time so to finish out this run we have to teleport over to the Chum Bucket but you might be saying wait didn't you say you need 75 golden spatulas to fight the final boss and that's true but actually there's the final golden spatula right in the Chum Bucket we can just take it right over there and finally go into our final boss fight and this one is going to be against Robo SpongeBob now from here what we want to do is step behind this trampoline basically if we're over here we can't get hit by any of plankton's attacks he can try to attack us and just keep failing which is kind of funny but yeah he'll just kind of stare at us for a while as we completely destroy his greatest work but we're almost done with him that is going to be number six we just have three more of these buttons we have to hit we'll get the one on his hand now we'll get one on the left part of his forehead and finally we have the one on his side these ones are kind of precise to get but that's gonna be another spatula and we make it to the true final boss fight where we go inside of Robo SpongeBob now we have a really scuffed way of beating this and yeah it's gonna be weird so first of all we'll take out the duplicated Tron this guy does not want to fall off that was kind of annoying but we're gonna destroy this light right here that will spawn a bounce pad for us to normally play the game but instead we're gonna exploit it by doing a jump all the way down here you will also notice my camera is being a little bit weird right now for some reason that happens when you're trying this don't worry it will go away in a little bit but for now it's kind of just annoying anyways I'm gonna jump down to this platform so we can't get hit by anything and then use my cruise bubble and also not at that oh by the way you might be wondering why I have the cruise bubble right now basically even if we never unlocked it in the regular game the game gives it to you for the final boss fight so yeah that's pretty nice and now we can jump on this trampoline it's going to take us all the way up here what we want to do for this part is hit Plankton right there do one of our cruise Bubbles and have to go in here these are kind of precise not the hardest things in the world but we have to hit the lights in there we'll jump on this trampoline after that and okay that was a little bit weird but for this one we actually want to fall off at the same time as using our cruise bubble so we don't have to deal with Plankton except I messed it up all right that was a little embarrassing anyways like I was saying we're gonna fall off at the same time as the cruise bubble so we don't have to deal with Plankton trying to shoot us and we can go hit that first try then we'll respawn right back at this point we can take this trampoline and just do a couple jumps over this is going to be another one of these planktons right here but this time I actually do want to hit him so he won't hit me and we can go for this one it's a fairly easy one you just kind of have to aim and finally we just have one more jump to do all the way down to this light we can bash into it that's gonna make 77 spatulas in a time of one hour five minutes and 38 seconds which is gonna put us at 53rd Place on speedrun.com so I'll take it alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,007,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, spongebob, speedrun, speed run, world record, wr, speedrunning, speedrunner, spongebob speedrun, spongebob speed run, cosmic shake, battle for bikini bottom rehydrated, rehydrated, bfbb, bfbb speedrun, sponge bob speedrun, spongebob squarepants, spongebob game, new spongebob game, patrick, squidward, sandy, spongebob full game, spongebob cartoon, speedrun spongebob, eazyspeezy spongebob, eazyspeezy speedrun
Id: sf4Rq2zuam4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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