Lego Star Wars | 69 Secrets and Easter Eggs in The Skywalker Saga

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[Applause] hello there so the best ever lego game released and it's absolutely jam-packed with secret easter eggs and references so i decided to put as many as i can into one video here's 69 of the best [Music] let's start with a literal easter egg get your butt over to hoth and in this location here you can find this a shiny easter egg you can interact with it you can shoot it free but it's a bit of a struggle when rey first meets han and chewie on reappoint you solo take the time to look around and you'll find a shipping container which needs a unique code open it and you shall find the ark of the covenant the sacred relic it was also in the raiders of the lost ark movie in which harrison ford plays indy and of course he also plays han in star wars 2. sticking with indiana jones his hat can be seen in a cut scene briefly in episode 4 but only if you choose to put out the fire at this section indy's hat can be seen flying out of the airlock as princess leia clings on for dear life there is a third reference to indiana jones in the force awakens and is a call back to this scene in raiders of the lost ark where indy gets bored of all the showboating before a fight that he takes a shortcut here in star wars han solo is about to pull the trigger when poe dameron takes charge qui-gon jinn also gets a movie reference linking to his on-screen actor liam neeson when approaching a force user puzzle he will say i have a particular set of skills that will come in handy here a direct quote from the movie taken are a very particular set of skills skills that make me a nightmare for people like you another movie reference is here to honor spartacus his fellow slaves conceal his identity by shouting i'm spartacus i'm spartacus so lego star wars did this with padme i am queen amidala i am queen amidala no i am and when chewie and han are planting explosives it's possible to recreate the mission from metal gear solid and move around incognito in a box lego star wars the skywalker saga has brought back a bunch of easter eggs from previous lego games such as using the force to bring a mundane table and chairs to life in the very first moments of episode 1. it's here all over again one the community was looking forward to seeing again were the stormtroopers off duty relaxing in the hot tub and here it is in 2022 behind this door you'll hear a familiar line too this is not the pod you're looking for this easter egg keeps giving with another stormtrooper in the shower close by and another listening to music on his break from imperial business this dude can also be found later in the game having a bath in mos eisley singing the imperial march he's so used to something going wrong every time he gets a wash that he'll say this why does this always happen when i take a bath in a new hope take a look at the knocked out troops they are seeing stars but if you get a little bit closer you'll see that they are actually tie fighters and x-wings crazy attention to detail the dazed animation is custom to each character some will see visible z's as if they're asleep and ones that are hungry will dream about food the previous lego star wars games can actually be found in game in a new hope keep an eye on the ceiling to find a secret area and turn around and you'll see this it's lego star wars 2 from 2006. here on naboo at the water's edge you can stumble across the prequel trilogy cover from 2005. you can also find this in other places like genosis and finally down in the catacombs of mazzy's castle you can find this relic of a more uncivilized time the cover art of the force awakens from 2016. during our escape in the millennium falcon in a new hope han will say this we need to get out of here in one seat rather than 7 000 little ones it turns out this is a nod to real life as the lego millennium falcon does indeed have over 7000 pieces do you know anyone who's actually built that in fact get close enough to the characters and you'll see the model numbers on each of their lego pieces and it lines up perfectly with real life lego sets a bit of a throwaway easter egg here but if you fancy a jump scare in a kid-friendly game during episode 7 take a look at some of the shipping containers one of them will do this so i'm sure you've noticed the strange alphabet in some cutscenes the aurebesh language is indeed a real thing and thanks to the internet we can translate these on-screen graphics to uncover more easter eggs when the fight with vader begins the text translates to loves the dark side hates sand we all know anakin's sand issues darth maul says red dude with bad attitude count dooku's is great it says never loses his head and we all know how he met his demise do it and during our duel with anakin it reads x-pod racer and current sith apprentice and of course darth sidious has one too also known as the senate i am the senate not yet django fetch reid's donor for the clone army and here's a good one general grievous's handle reads more sabers than sense in reference to that meme you may have seen where he holds over 50 sabres the praetorian guards have a red dead redemption play on words with red guard redemption kylo ren has serious daddy issues i think we can agree with that and my personal favorite is the sovereign protectors who protect but they also attack just when you thought that meme was gone there are a bunch more which aren't as amusing but here they are all the same boba fetts reads the galaxy's most infamous bounty hunter jabba the hutts says crime lord of the outer rim palpatine says emperor sith lord senate and luke says did you do it as it's his fault ben became kylo ren captain phasma is called chrome dome let's go from fn2199 says traitor raider and for the knights of ren it says friends make the worst enemies this one-eyed beast in the trash compactor has text which translates to keep one eye open and the tt 2005 boss says come get some but interestingly that is not the easter egg here tt games are the devs behind the lego games and 2005 is the year the first game they made released so tt 2005 is actually an easter egg of themselves [Music] the skywalker saga makes reference to a bunch of video games and tv shows in mission titles better call maul is a play on better call saul the tv show the south park episode in which incorrect star wars law is used to bamboozle the jury the chewbacca defense damn it he's using the chewbacca defense why would a wookie an eight foot tall wookie and loosely this could be another indiana jones reference raiders of the great temple could be a mashup of raiders of the lost ark and a temple of doom oh and a mission called second breakfast can be found here in reference to the lord of the rings we've had one yes what about second breakfast and to double down on this on takadana a droid will shout no one tosses a droid no one tosses a droid which is a reference to gimli's line in the two towers untitled all back game is a nod to untitled goose game and in that mission there is another reference to the witcher and the glitch which became a meme when your horse would randomly spawn and get stuck on top of a roof as if by magic even the gonk droids get a few side mission easter egg puns gunk with the wind you know gone with the wind and gunkster's paradise yo that was a tune pretty much every side mission is a pun on something pop culture related i just finished a mission called don't go defacing waterfalls a play on the tlc song don't go chasing waterfalls let's just all agree that there are hundreds of puns and we should move on when finn ventures back into his old life as a stormtrooper it's possible to find his favorite cleaning tool good old buffy he was in sanitation right he's very happy to see her i never thought i'd see you again i'm sure you noticed this in return of the jedi after chewie saves the day he breaks out some michael jackson moves in celebration there's a really funny glitch in the current build of the game and i think you should try it should you constantly select the mandalorian grogu will also spawn in with him you can then duplicate that grogoo and make a huge team it may not be an easter egg or an official secret but it's so good to see look at this i totally wasted a day worth it in the 1980s the movie spaceballs released which was a parody of star wars one of the characters was a droid named dot matrix the inspiration behind that was c-3po with a mop on his head and it so happens that during your playthrough of the skywalker saga this will happen to c3po and it's so convincing lando is immediately attracted to him wow this baseball's versions of darth vader gets a nod too oversized and short another movie reference can be found when order 66 begins obi-wan will hide under a ledge and it's shot identically to the scene when spider-man hides in the movie the characters themselves all have animations when left to idle too long grogu will eat a frog just like in the mandalorian show and other characters like anakin have little easter eggs anakin will get out his lightsaber and notice that it's turned red the colour of the sith he frantically tries to fix it before anyone notices a great nod to his future demise when pairing up characters we can trigger unique dialogue between the two sticking with anakin take the child version and put him with vader and listen to this whoa that's a cool suit where can i get one of those patience child foreshadowing gotta love it my favorite interaction without a doubt is when kylo ren meets the sith version of rey ray tell me about it if you're old enough you'll recognize the quote from greece tell me about it a musical in which the goody two-shoes leading lady becomes a rebel at the end do you remember the meme when everyone would constantly say did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise and then you tell them a hundred times to please stop saying that well it's in the game select sidious and one of his apprentices and you'll get a response like this you ever hear of the tragedy of darth plagueis wise we can't keep doing this you have told me countless times during the game kylo ren's love of being shirtless is brought up many times so much so that when paired with rey and shirtless kylo she'll say this why does this keep happening don't you own a shirt the breeze it's liberating some characters though get a little redemption when teaming leia with jabba the hutt he'll say this you make me sick [Music] some interactions are just plain outright hurtful like obi-wan's comment to darth maul you look taller than the last time i saw you poor little guy jar jar binks will use his superior intellect to take palpatine at his word i am the senate i have sent it and have a listen to the banter between dooku and grievous look at the many lightsabers i've acquired there are so many more of these interactions we could make a video all about it but i'll just leave you with the one which brightened my day and was the first thing you heard when you press play on this video should you team up obi-wan and general grievous you'll be given this iconic line hello i'm adam you're awesome thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: PlayStationGrenade
Views: 3,760,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secrets and easter eggs, references, movie, tv, Playstation, Xbox, PC, PS4, PS5, all easter eggs, all secrets, super hero, marvel, Indiana jones, devs, QR codes, free content, lego, lego star wars, skywalker, star wars secrets, obi wan, star wars easter eggs, things you didin't know about star wars, han solo, spider-man, lord of the rings, spaceballs, anakin, darth vader, fortnite, crossover, TT, movies, film, games, video games
Id: qp8lwNCF84Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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