Ocarina of Time Randomizer BUT Enemies are random too

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today we're going to be do an ocarine of time randomizer which you don't know what that is it basically takes all the items in the game and just scatters them around but not only are the items randomized which have done in the past but a brand new feature allows you to randomize all enemies and sizes of NPCs all of that is enabled so it's going to be an absolutely crazy time so that being said let's get right into it all right it looks like we got dark gray as the tunic color all right let's start off by checking out these chests we get four chests in this house hopefully something good we immediately got the fairy bow okay that's a very good item that unlocks a ton of locations that is incredible come on second chest stick that's fine we got a oh another big item at least when I Bonk a wall I can feel a vibration in my controller and we found a water temple small key oh yeah so one thing I didn't mention is that this also has key Sanity on which means that every single small key bossy and everything like that is completely randomized throughout the game and it also includes gold SCA so it is going to be a long one Speaking of gold scas there's our first one we don't really care much about the decry because without a shield there's not much you can do there so let's actually just go ahead and leave the forest okay there's a couple of things I can get here while daytime is link one of them is to bring one of the cuos over to the bottle lady so let's see what we get no don't give me the big rupes while I'm already maxed out on my rupee bag oh that's really annoying let's see if the guy on the rooftop has anything for us fire arrows okay we already found the bow and the fire arrows that sounds like the logic is trying to tell us we should go adult let's go into town and turn adult for some fast checks oh God why did I select randomized enemies yeah so not only oh my God he's so fast what Star Fox I'm getting shot yeah so not only are the enemies randomized but also their sizes are random too I'm going to die dude dude please turn day oh my goodness oh thank God yeah so a little note if you're very confused about why that enemy showed up that is part of the base game it's basically like an unused enemy that was used for testing purposes that was just left in the game but since it randomizes all the enemies that's technically part of the pole okay Den fire for 65 is good oh I kind of want the shield actually I'll get the shield first before Den fire but before we get further into the video a quick R from today's amazing sponsor this video is sponsored by War Thunder now War Thunder is one of the most expensive expansive vehicle combat games on the market you can play using over 2,000 unique vehicles which includes tanks planes helicopters and ships the vehicle spans over a 100-year period from the 1920s to the present day and each vehicle can be completely unique with the incredible customization in the game ranging from camos to placing historical 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temple please don't have water temple please don't have water temple the Dongo Cavern jabu jabu's belly Forest Temple no on the last one why did you throw that in in the end dude I was watching a Zelda teer list video it was top five best dungeons of all time and they put the water temple in third place and it wasn't even a joke I literally was fuming as I was watching this it gives you the illusion it's open but it's not actually open what is this I'm going to die another are you serious he's even down here I can't escape I swear if it hits me no oh my God oh my God please don't come on close the door oh my God Fox is not giving up oh my God is that the hook shot vanilla oh baby this is a good start okay go fast go fast go fast I can't can I block it can I nut him nut oh my God I stunned him I'm going to take him down oh okay that's what I'm talking about that's a really cool death animation too man I'm getting a lot of gold skas yeah so not only are all 100 gold skas completely randomized but the rewards are as well oh recro of spirit nice what is that set down that huh oh it's one of the KN guys in oh hi he's so cute small look he's smaller than even child leg that's so adorable okay you're not as adorable no offense that's his dad sorry I mean you're so cute as well let's get some gold skas while over here cuz now we have so many sticks ooh guto membership card that has a lot of checks you do need a lot of small teys to get through all of it but there's still a lot of item checks with very few keys so it's just a very good check to have in general I think we'll do this we'll check as much as we can in decry and Forest and then we'll head back why is it not starting the song Oh this is going to drive me nuts wait Chad I got [Music] this I can't play while holding the guitar T like this okay pretend that it sounded perfect in your strikes in a chat I might actually be able to get through be Tre because normally you can't get some of the chest locations because one of the enemies is a deu scrub and you have to have the deu shield to get past them wait I'm dumb I forgot I have it anyways even if I didn't I was going to say I think the enemy might be randomized so actually I might have been fine this whole time ooh giant rupy bag we like that is that tiny Shadow Link he's so small I can't kill this enemy are you shoting me a swap to an enemy I can't kill I'll just do the other item checks in this dungeon I am not mad I am just disappointed oh bomb choice we take those we take those explosives are huge it's one of the most most important items in a rando wait is the size randomized on the bosses too like not to sound mean to the boss or anything but like he looks really small all right that's a stone down let's go do some quick checks in Forest oh my God hover boots I am getting such good luck right now we are getting so many good items wait do you think I would be able to kill the mini boss that covers the two chests in the de Tre by using a bomb chew I feel like there's no way he can resend like a bombb chew right okay more bomb chews you know that's all right we take those he is resistant to bomb explosives too are you kidding me what was this guy made of oh my goodness I'm so done with this area well at least we got the bomb chose so let's go to the Dongo Cavern which we should be able to do s Old Link oh you've got to be kidding me get me out of here holy yeah I love the sound effects for link and noer of time I feel like it would have been a little bit awkward to record though imagine going into Nintendo's HQ and they're like hey can you record the sound effect of someone getting hurt I no little it bit more powerful yeah that's it that's perfect they just do that in a higher pitch and we're set oh my God that is a big skeleton that is a big boy holy are you kidding me what how how am I supposed to get past this bridge just kill him no you have to hit him from behind maybe an arrow from the side can do it you can do it with the bow and arrow thank God okay we're good I hope we don't get that enemy in a very small room where I don't have a lot of leeway where to go because I think I would be screwed then Bomb Bag okay that actually also makes it way easier to complete the boss for this dungeon nice oh he's so small he's so small the bomb went over his head by the way quick reminder if you are watching this on YouTube don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel we are so close to hitting 300,000 subscribers and we're trying to hit that before the end of the year so if you haven't hit the sub button already be sure to do so I really do appreciate it nice fire Medallion that is one of the medallions we need if you don't know how to beat this randomizer by the way basically the goal is to beat the game and the way you get access to ganon's Castle is by obtaining the six different medallions from random dungeons to be able to build the Rainbow Bridge that gives you access to the end of the game so that is one out of six let's go into gudo training round why is he so skinny what happened to him why did he get the normal height but oh my God this is a small hand wao he grew big these enemies are are a lot harder than the original enemies I'm supposed to get in this room could you wear the Goron t a Linkus sure is that better chat you like that color more iron boots nice now we can do water temple oh I was worried we weren't going to be able to do water temple soon enough but now oh thank goodness I learned this song of time didn't we get recum so we can warp to Spirit Temple the boomerang nice okay we can do a good amount of stuff now as child with a boomerang okay let's go child well are you kidding me oh come on please be a good item I want to get the hell out of here magic yes that's good I'm dead go go go go go oh baby I'll take a small key do you think I can kill the straight bab Baba with a boomerang all right let's see oh my goodness it works yay I can finally fully clear the great TI tree okay now let's go get the last gold us I'm missing no oh Fox I promise I'll man you in melee again just please leave me alone Megaton Hammer okay it was worth it okay we are getting so many good items I am loving this that's officially the last check in the de Tre let's get out of here let's head over here can I get this upgrade as child I think it's only the first one oh baby Zelda's Lullaby okay that's one of the best items I could have gotten that unlocks so much of the map that's a very good song to find we should probably go back to adult and go to fire temple oh nice we got the boss key that's actually pretty good luck we don't have any more small keys to continue through the dungeon but we did get the boss key so let's go beat the boss at the very least before we leave the dungeon oh he's small that's why he looks so weird nice all right goodbye small Dragon let's see if we get anything good here and nuts at least that was another required dungeon making some progress I'm probably not the first to say this but OT at 60fps looks weird yeah you're not the first to say that I do think though that it's just a habit thing I remember thinking the same thing when OT 3D came out I think he's just so used to like the OT animations all of us that seeing anything but blocky is like all right let's see anything good nope anytime it that slow animation there's always a little bit of Hope and then you get the item itself and you're like damn linkis can't you just be happy with what you're being given sorry I'll be more thankful my bad Chad what is your least favorite zala randomizer to play and why hold on no I think most people would expect my answer to be Skyward Sword it's actually not my least favorite Zelda randomizer is Majora's Mask before everyone gets too mad I like Majora's Mask don't get me wrong my issue with maurus mask is that it requires the most amount of knowledge of quests out of any of them most of them don't require a ton of information going into it I think one of the best randomizers is a Link to the Past that game works super well open world if you don't know the locations a link to the past has a super easy map it doesn't matter if you just play it casually you will be able to figure out that Rando with all the locations hey we got double magic nice this feels like quite a lot easier for a mini boss I'm going to be honest nice oh no oh you know what that's kind of fitting though a small key for the dungeon I'm already in okay I'm almost done with Forest Temple oh he's there he's just super small I thought he was invisible sorry that is the smallest enemy I have ever seen okay I have to go down here cuz there's a chest and there's a gold ska Oh Long Shot okay that's actually really nice especially for water temple coming up in the near future that's a really really good item to have we take those okay time for the boss how can I tell which is fake a the sound and B the fake one is darker in color all right our third dungeon down technically three and a half and what do we get we get a fire temple small key but I actually do need that item so we'll take it and the spirit Medallion very nice all right so far this has actually been one of my luckier r that I've had if I'm being honest with you I've noticed on your YouTube videos that almost every time you end up saying the Rando is going well that's when all starts to go downhill yeah well if I do it every Rando eventually it must actually stay true right all right let's check some of these item locations we got a hard container this is by the way for 10 20 and 30 gold scas sling that was a good debate instead of it saying fool it showed me the slingshot and then it I were around it that was a good troll this game is really giving me a lot of fire temple Keys really wants me to do fire temple huh is leis is not wanting you to do water temple actually water temple is a required dungeon I have a medallion there unfortunately has link is done water temple yet it is always the last thing I will check what is this corridors oh cuz there's bubbles there I always forget that the bubbles technically count as an enemy me I think I prefer the bubbl so I'm going to be honest oh my goodness oh my god dude I am not equipped for this I don't have weapons I have sticks that's it what did jabu Jau eat bro that is a good question I have no idea what item did I get nuts I'm not getting very lucky so far I'm going to attempt the speedrun skip here I don't want to go through the entire dungeon if I can skip it oh Baby that wasn't even bad we did it okay now we just have to get into this door I'm going to drop my bugs going to pick them up so we're going to backflip press the bottle and then we're going to press the stick this is going to play a fake o Arina I can cancel out of it and then you just walk up it's delayed easy clap not an X-Wing I'm so going to die oh we got him okay oh my God he's also going to one hit me you've got to be kidding me okay I'm going to try and drop the bomb to kill him instead of killing him from down there like I usually would okay then we're going to hurry up to go into the boss room oh my goodness okay oh no is the boss tiny okay at least the arms are still the same he's so small okay that should be it nice not too bad thankfully his hit box seemed to stay the same on the boss all right that is another Medallion we need that's four out of six Chad making progress all right let's go to Zora to go to Ice Cavern all right here we go I think I'm just done finding good ice items I think we're going to be stuck not finding any good items for the rest of this randomizer I no longer believe what items do I need to beat the game the most important one is light arrows and we also need the mirror shield and technically gauntlets if we don't accidentally clip out of Bounce all right come on don't tell me I went through Ice Cavern all for nothing give me at least one good item I'm out of here I'm going to go to water temple oh boy not only do I get to enjoy the water temple I get to enjoy them all with random enemies oh baby come on finally a good item it has been like an hour since we got something with that chest animation I actually wanted that item to be honest with you I was hoping I was going to get a heart cuz I've been kind of low in health lately he says while it's full health dude how is he under water how is your engine running how did this randomizer somehow make water temple even worse all right time for everyone's favorite boss in the game Shadow Lang thankfully I know the nut Strat which makes this a lot easier so the way you do it is you turn around you spawn him and then you um and then you kill him and that's it uh Shadow Mario Shadow Link has been defeated maybe that was Mario true he was just a skeleton you never know okay come on you can't debate me again this has to finally be a good item okay you know what that's actually not a bad item that means I can beat the dungeon and sometimes it's okay to cry Chad okay well I think that's every location all right let's go beat the boss and let's hope we get a good item from him even if we don't though at least it's a necessary Medallion so let's go and do it oh his body is so small his heart is the normal size but his body is so small so right here you can actually stun lock him so pull him into the corner and then start just Crouch tabbing and he will never get out of the corner and you instant kill him all right what will we get another gold skulla at least we got another Medallion we needed the only dungeon we are missing now is I think Spirit Temple but we are missing some key items we actually need to get the light AR no matter what I want to do we need the lights to be a Canon on top of that as well because Spirit Temple is a required dungeon we have to get get the mirror Shield so I think we're going to do a couple of random Overworld checks like this chest a few gold skas that is incredible luck I have gotten I think one or two gudo small keys so I will quickly just go and check guto's raining ground the last few chests I left the last time I was here just to make sure it's something important but then we're heading to spare Temple we we got a 999 rupe bag okay oh and possibly an actual good item please be the light arrows just let this be it Song of Storms that unlocks bottom of the well which has some of the most checks in the entire game that is one of the best items we could have gotten actually okay let's go to bottom of the well before we go to spare Temple then okay we're finally having a possible route I am very very happy about this now oh my goodness I just realized all the skeletons will be turned into enemies here oh come on please Beed light arrows nope that's okay we have a lot of item checks left maybe I can trick him into falling down into the Gap here hey come here thank you oh another big chest please be an item I need it's okay I'm just getting all the bad item checks out of the way right now so I can get the good ones later it wasn't a pie link it was a hard container listen it's still a scam okay it doesn't make me feel better that I only got slightly scammed instead of fully scammed yes finally let's go to Spirit Temple and do this okay chat close your eyes and pretend like you're not seeing anything got him I pressed the wrong button I meant to press hook shot not fire but I guess that works too I definitely had the power bracelets to get here dude I can't get past okay there are so many more enemies here thankfully I have so much health because I got so many heart containers I forgot the boss key let's find the stupid boss key just be like right here dude please oh maybe it's over here by the Mir Shield okay there is no way there's three hearts in a row okay there's no way there is four heart pieces in a row this has to be the boss [Music] key okay hey at least it was at a heart piece it may have just what happened to the boss did he just die okay okay five chests in a row there's no way this is not the boss key oh okay there we go okay I think that's it hook shot makes them spin meaning that you don't have to rely as much on luck cuz when they fly around they can easily fly off your screen so when they're on your screen you just hook shot in place so you kind of like stun lock them in place nice and GG there is no way the game is doing this to me it gives me the Kiri sword as a dungeon reward for the last dungeon when I'm ready to go and beat the game are you kidding me after all the six medallions here's your kakiri sword all right anyways let's go and beat gon we completed every dungeon except for Shadow Temple almost a full clear seed wow a pot instead of really difficult enemies one of them became a PO okay all right we're coming up on two Dark Knights uh this is one of the harder rooms in the game um well here's the two Dark Knights what do you think Chad it's a skeleton and a stick wait small gon what happened why is his cape five times the size of his body look the Triforce is also like half his size Maybe this is secretly why he wanted the tire Triforce he wanted to make a wish to become not so small oh hey look at that now once he has the tri Force he grew to be big good for him so here's a tip if you ever play aaren of time again the easiest thing is just to roll underneath his leg so roll in front make him do the slash roll behind him jump slash roll in front of him it will cause him to instantly slash cuz every time he performs a slash it gives you about a 1 second window before he attempts to move again so it gives you plenty of time and if you miss it you can just kind of redo it like that to guarantee that he never turns around nice all right let's finish this Chad here we go and time 7 hours 8 minutes and 12 seconds for a full all items plus all enemies randomizer there it is well either way that was a lot of fun don't forget to check out War Thunder once again if you sign up with the link in the description of this video you can check out an incredible game and and you will receive a couple of free goodies so definitely be sure to click the link in the description of this video to check that out and if you want to see some other amazing videos that I post on this YouTube channel then you can click on the screen right now with that being said thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate that and I will see you all in the next one thank you so much for watching later everybody bye-bye
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 198,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ocarina of Time Randomizer, OOT Randomizer, Zelda Randomizer, Linkus Randomizer, Linkus7 Randomizer, Item Randomizer, Randomizer, Rando, Random Items, Random Enemies
Id: GaMvYhEV2W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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