Legion Go - Enshrouded - Gameplay Performance & Recommended Settings

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel we're going to be taking a look at enshrouded here on the legion go we'll take a look at 1610 800p 1200p and some different settings here and what kind of performance we're really just getting in the beginning areas of the game so let's go ahead and jump into it here now the first thing is the settings now we're going to jump into this thing starting off with 1200p and balanced for the preset but we'll have to pretty quickly change that as we get into things as you'll see here but I figured we'll just jump in as a Baseline and see how this does so jumping into the game also we're going to go into private you could certainly experience different performance on some of the other servers playing with more people and we'll talk more about that as we get into it but jumping in here at 20 watts as I expected and have played around with this we're getting about 20 FPS on the balanc preset 4 gigs of bam 1200p and 20 watts here now we can go ahead and up this to 25 watts if we want to and we won't really get any more performance throughout this game at 20 or 25 even 30 it's very little difference in most areas of the game it's when you go under 20 you try to do 15 18 it really starts to fall apart and give you more trouble so that's just something to note here now going into 800p with this balanced preset we do gain uh a little bit there as far as our FPS 78 FPS over the 20 we were getting but really what we got to do is knock things down we're going to go Max performance for the quality preset here still at to 1200p and then the only other thing we'll do is go down here and change one setting from that and that's small foliage we'll turn that to Performance just to kind of help the game not look so bad and uh and Bland and it doesn't hurt the performance too much as we get into things so there we are 1200p Max performance per set with foliage performance uh as we get into things here which also leaves you with FSR two on performance which I know isn't great for the image quality but 1200 pce pretty tough for this game we're always GPU bound no matter what here uh that we do so 1 1200p just probably isn't going to be that viable 800p however is pretty good with those same settings at 20 or 25 watts and we can usually make maintain over the 30 FPS now the thing is as I was saying know this is the beginning areas of the game I've only spent about 4 hours or so tinger around in here and later on when we get into different areas fights more people if you're co-oping and stuff could affect things now with 800p though you could adjust your FSR to balance or quality to help that image quality a little bit you'll get a little bit of loss in your FPS and may want to go back to Performance later on in other areas of the game but with 800p here and these lower settings it does give you that ability with the overhead to kind of do that but again always being GPU bound here there's only so much we can really do the lower the resolution the better but there's just going to be a point where we really can't do much better now down here in the shrouded areas they tend to do pretty good I think that's because the draw distance is probably a good bit less and we have the fog stuff turned down and all that so tends to help the FPS a little bit more when you're in these areas versus when you're more out in the open all that kind of stuff so that's kind of to be expected as well and this has all been at 25 watts in the 800 P so what I'm going to do here is we'll take a little run down here and we'll knock things down to 20 watts and like I said going between 20 and 25 maybe there'll be more difference later in the game but around the areas I've been testing for the few hours here anyway there hasn't been a huge difference the system does pretty good with 20 25 or 30 again it's when you get down to that 15 18 range that it does start to fall apart and you have more trouble so I definitely recommend staying 20 or up staying with this Max performance preset up your foliage to Performance and then mess with FSR as you need to and for your own personal preference as you go along and play the game but yeah pretty much that's the performance we're looking at so far on the legion go for enshrouded it's playable at least in these areas of the game we'll see how it does as we get further into it if you guys are playing on the legion go or the Ally or any handheld really uh let us know in the comments and let us know what kind of performance you're getting and if there's any settings you would recommend for everybody all right guys thanks a lot for coming check out the video as always we really appreciate it and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Games In Hand
Views: 2,827
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Keywords: handheld gaming, hand-held gaming, legion go, lenovo legion go, lenovo legion go price, lenovo legion go handheld, lenovo legion go specs, lenovo handheld, lenovo legion, lenovo, handheld pc, amd z1 extreme, legion go first impressions, lenovo legion go tips, legion go gaming, legion go gameplay, lenovo legion go review, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, legion go enshrouded
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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