BEST Enshrouded Optimization Guide | Max FPS | Breakdown + Best Settings

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what's up I'm trouble shoot welcome back to another video in this quick one I'll be showing you an optimization guide for in shrouded by the end of it you should have a much better experience in game more stable more FPS Etc so without further Ado let's begin this video is not going to jump into Windows optimization at all instead in the description down below you'll find detailed guides for optimizing Windows 10 11 as well as anything else related but this game will pretty much be hopping straight in I'll start by disabling vsync and dlss or upscaling to begin with just so we can get a benchmark of the game's raw performance I'll play create myself a character and there we go we're in game on a 380 TI at 2K with no dlss we're sitting at a solid 26 FPS which is definitely not good to say the least and of course we're inside there's not a huge amount going on here maybe a few particle effects and things like that this game is definitely struggling to say the least and if I enable an FPS overlay you can see it's pretty stable but it's a stable 20 6 that's not very good let's begin with the first optimization you'll probably want to make basically no matter what options you choose under the display tab when it comes to Quality preset you'll almost always have some sort of upscaling enabled FXAA is just raw anti-aliasing but FSR 2 and dlss both render the game at a low resolution and use AI to upscale it obviously dlss is only available on Nvidia RTX graphics cards but FSR 2 should be available for all graphics cards if we have FSR 2 enabled on the default settings we jump to about 30 FPS which is okay as for dlss we're at around 23 the Alias edges around hair and other objects has disappeared this definitely does objectively look better than raw ultra settings however our frames are still terrible if we quickly jump through the presets starting on Max quality we use dlaa which is nvidia's RTX anti the aliasing which doesn't actually upscale our image at all so we're sitting at a solid 17 FPS which is terrible jumping to Quality this is where most people will be playing and we're sitting at a solid 31 FPS once again at 2K on a 38 e High not good balanced we jump to a playable 80 FPS and this is probably where most people will play but there's a good amount of poping especially with textures really close by and of course the graphics have changed quite drastically down to perform performance we're getting a solid 90 so not a huge gain and fog definitely seems a lot more dramatic or visible finally Max performance once again there's a huge drop in quality and we're sitting at a solid 110 FPS which is really good but there's some very odd things happening of course tons of Popin Etc so where would I recommend you start before this optimization well select a preset that works for you most likely quality or balanced that'll be working our way up and down in order to test your FPS much like I have you'll need a third party program like River tuna and MSI afterburner for example there isn't an in-game FPS counter then you'll want to make sure that you have display mode set to full screen resolution matching your monitor resolution scale 100% vsync off field of view is your preference even though it does technically affect FPS it's your preference and how you feel while you're playing the game should Trump FPS numbers finally limit frame rate in background shouldn't have much effect on your game but at least when you Tab out you'll get much better performance in things like YouTube which otherwise would be stuttering while you're playing the game should you have them on a different monitor this game does eat all of your graphics card and CPU in order to push out these okay frame rates then we can start with the quality optimization once again choose a preset that works for you and for raw performance numbers you'll probably want to turn off anti-aliasing completely then once you're done with the optimization enable either FSR 2 or dlss whichever one suits your graphics card and personal taste the best at least we can see things Chang live in the background with no menu blow so we can see the effect on different objects and things like that texture resolution shouldn't have much effect on frames as you can see if I push it up to Max quality after everything Rend is in that is it stabilizes at around 52 55 FPS but if we push it all the way down to Performance and let it stabilize we're at around 6055 is FPS oh a marginal increase in performance essentially textt resolution completely depends on the amount of vram in your graphics card if you have around 3 gigs of vram in your graphics card set it to Performance 4 gigs balanced 6 gigs quality and anything above that set it to Max quality there's a very marginal performance impact Shadow quality has a pretty big performance impact pushing it up to Max quality resetting at 47 quality 45 balanced 45 and performance 50 we pay attention to areas where there should be shadows and push it to anything Above Performance you'll notice that suddenly Shadows are a lot more visible if not completely hidden on the performance settings depending on how you want your game to look you'll either have it on balanced performance or quality personally balanced seems like a pretty good place to leave this contact Shadows should have a very minimal impact we're sitting at 25 turning it off we're still at 25 but there's noticeably a few Shadows missing having this on should greatly improve the feeling of depth in your image indirect Lighting on Max quality we're at 19 FPS quality 24 balance 24 don't know why it's missing the last letter but anyways you'll probably want to have this on balanced or quality but definitely not Max quality as that's just going to wreck your FPS for almost no gain quality is where I'll be leaving this then Reflections Max quality 25 24 FPS quality the same balance 25 and that's it there's obviously not much of an impact here as there's not that many Reflections around me but balanced is probably going to be the best place you can leave this for a more consistent experience there you go we're at around 35ish quality 32 Max quality 31 30 yeah not sure what changed but there was a sudden jump and FPS maybe something moved around in the scene anyways moving from 32 FPS let's go to fog quality of which there's a ton here and for some reason it jumped to 48 okay performance 46 qual 46 48 almost no difference here even when there's tons of fog for the most part this shouldn't have too much effect on your system volumetric Shadow Quality quality we get 49 48 balanced around the same if not more stable at 49 and performance once again 49 off completely 53 so it seems like for the most part you'll only gain performance when volumetric Shadows are turned off completely performance gives you a small hit balanced and quality almost no difference so for the most part have this off if you're clawing for extra performance otherwise any of these options should suffice such as maybe quality or balanced then ssao this has to do with ambient occlusion which is essentially Shadows from objects quality we're getting 50ish FPS 52 balanced 53 54 performance around the same and or 5556 once again a very small performance impact but it is noticeable when you turn this off I'd recommend having this on performance distant objects quality we're setting at 53 54 balanced 54 performance and off all the same obviously this will only really have a performance impact outside so I'll make sure to double check this as soon as we get there Vox will detail models quality 53 balanced performance and off pretty much the same for most of these I'd recommend leaving this on as you see it subtracts a huge man from the scene the trim on these different rock walls Etc having this on anything but off does give you more depth and information that you'd otherwise be missing quality is probably where I'd leave this small foliage once again this will only really affect us outside for the most part other than making us reload the scene when we set it down to off or on tessellation quality we're setting at 50ish FPS balanced 50 performance and off a jump to 56 so we only really get a performance increase when we have this disabled but as you can see when it comes to textures mixing with other textures there is a huge impact in how the game looks with this turned on versus off quality does look the best balanced ever so slightly worse performance there's a noticeable degradation and finally off the game's just not even trying performance is probably the lowest I would push this balanced is probably where I'd leave it and quality doesn't really add anything crazy point Light Shadows quality we're sitting at 53 Max quality 52 performance still around the same and off around the same there's not too much of an impact but off versus on there's a slight but noticeable change on how the scene looks I'd recommend leaving this on performance or quality that's pretty much it for the in-game settings optimization obviously for the most part the lower you'll be setting these settings the better performance you can expect however we're setting at a solid playable 50ish FPS which is okay for the most part this is without dlss or any kind of upscaling at this point you're want to head back to display settings and enable anti-aliasing to either FXAA if you just want to get rid of jagged edges otherwise preferably FSR 2 or dlss to get a huge increase in performance with actually a reasonable increase in quality for how the game looks things may be a little bit softer on the quality settings but from 70 FPS we can push it up to ultra quality so the AI is doing slightly less work and we only lose a handful of FPS making this game playable and looks pretty good let's quickly find our way outside exiting here we get our first Glimpse and of course our first next drop of FPS and performance for the most part we have optimized our settings so I'll just make sure to run through them once more and double check if we've missed anything or not once again disabling upscaling we're sitting at 28 which is terrible contact Shadows on off takes us from 44 indirect liing has a massive impact on performance maximum quality drops us to 19 FPS quality to 44 balance to 45 between quality and Ultra quality once again there's a huge drop in performance I think I've definitely confused something as if I enable Reflections at all my screen went green let's turn it down and up again oh okay that's gone anyways between the options of Reflections there's still almost no impact the effects of distant object are much more noticeable here quite obviously but as you can see quality looks like this if we drop it down to balanc you'll notice that shadows in the distance noticeably over here seem to disappear while this doesn't have an immediate impact on FPS should hopefully be more stable as areas like this load in and out when we push it down to Performance you'll notice a huge culling in nearby shadows and pushing it down to off completely doesn't seem to have too much of an impact but I'm pretty sure it's unloading distant objects that are just a bit too small to see here this doesn't have a huge impact on performance however unfortunately voxal Detail no difference but when it comes to destruction of objects and things like that it should be a little a little bit more stable when we lower this down foliage quantity from off at 30 fps to Performance once again at 30 balanced 30 and quality 30 again there's almost no impact with this option now that we've run through all of these settings once more I'll reenable a dlss or FSR upscaling set it to an option that we like and exit out of our settings obviously performance has changed a lot and if you're actively messing with settings your performance is probably going to be quite terrible what you need to do if you've changed your settings and the game is performing at a very substandard level you need to save where you are and quit to desktop to restart the game entirely once again loading back in and heading outside you can see our performance has increased from a measly 10 to around 30ish FPS and of course lighting and things like that that were previously unloaded have now loaded back in checking our settings everything's still where we lefted for the most part but unfortunately this game is still pretty difficult to run while this may be a bit more stable on higher end systems let's see what we can do to our settings with the current optimized higher-end system settings to see what we can do on lower end systems I'll move indirect lighting to balanced voxal details to balanced small foliage performance and point Light Shadows down to Performance as well we'll quickly close our game restart head vacuum and see the performance impact inside performance seems to be quite a bit better we've gone from a solid 30 to around a solid 50 heading outside and loading in the outside world we've gone from a solid 30 to 35/40 definitely more playable but of course still very low to say the least obviously this game is still very close to release Early Access and there's much more work to be done performance should definitely be one of the things higher up on the developers list obviously as struggling this much on a 3808ci at 2K is going to put a lot of older graphics cards completely off the table when it comes to playing this game which is still a huge point of Mark share the only thing you can do Beyond here is lower your graphic settings further so from 35 on our optimized FPS options rather than optimized qualtity let's try drop pretty much everything down except for texture resolution just to see where we move turning absolutely everything off except for texture resolution and FSR dlss we're setting it a solid 36 so not much has changed but if we restart inside we're getting a solid 67/70 and moving out side a playable 52 is FPS but of course the game does look much more lower-end MMO with these tessellation textures and things like that disabled so if there's one setting you'd raise it would probably be texture quality and display tessellation to Performance or even balanced and things do look a little bit better oh and voxal details to Performance or anything above off adds way more to the scene but that's pretty much all we can do on very low end systems the performance is still not favorable to say the least but you could expect a 1.3 to 1.5 times Improvement playing this game at 1080p instead of 2K like I am but it's more suited for a 38 ECI an Overkill graphics card to be playing at at least 2K in modern titles just to get a fair comparison with lower-end graphics cards on 1080p if we were to adjust our resolution or resolution scale at all however you'll see dropping it to is close to 1920 by 1080 as we can the game gets noticeably blurry and we move up to around 73 FPS this is why I wouldn't recommend changing your resolution or render scale at all as it makes the game needlessly blurry compared to 100% if you need more performance leave these at 100 and push your FSR or dlss quality from the quality side more to the performance side for better performance while still keeping the game looking as good as possible you'll notice more weird artifacts such as around the head here when I move around on more performance settings versus quality settings anyways this game still leaves a lot on the table it's still early access but for the most part that's a quick optimization guide to hopefully get more performance out of your system making this game more playable and look a bit better than just dropping everything down to off finally one more thing before we go completely let's try joining a server that way we don't need to worry about hosting at the same time does this have a noticeable impact on performance well we're sitting at 70ish inside and outside even though it's nighttime 63 is FPS so a very marginal increase in performance obviously if your CPU limited on your system you'll see a much bigger impact when it comes to FPS when you're not hosting the server so 54 5ish not the most fair comparison but on our own server playing locally 60-ish FPS though it is daytime well there we go 54 53 yeah it's actually surprisingly about the same but that does make sense as hosting your server means you'll be using more CPU rather than raw GPU power alone anyways hopefully you found this video useful there's unfortunately not that much more we can do about the game at this current point it all really comes down to the developer making changes as the game's development Furs anyways hopefully you found this video useful thank you all for watching M's been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time CIA
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 23,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded optimization, Enshrouded best settings, Enshrouded, Enshrouded settings, best Enshrouded settings, Enshrouded pc settings, best settings Enshrouded, settings Enshrouded, Enshrouded pc setting, Enshrouded improve fps, Enshrouded graphics settings, Enshrouded settings pc, Enshrouded controller settings, windows 11 gaming optimization, Enshrouded fps boost, best settings, Enshrouded lag fix, Enshrouded fps, performance boost, better fps, optimization guide
Id: dizZEavssqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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