ENSHROUDED Let's Play Episode 1 - BEST START!

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today we're going to explore fight and build as we start a challenging new adventure in anded well guys here we go I've been waiting for this for so long I am super excited to jump into this let's play and it all starts here I literally remember playing this game months ago and it feels kind of weird to be back in here but already I'm so excited to get started and one of the things I actually love is just the way this door opens I mean I know it's a simple little thing but I do kind of love it one thing you don't want to skip out on is the little books that you see right here and you can actually read them if you want but they actually add experience as you can see in the top left so you can just hit them and then Escape out of them to get that you you can read them if you want to learn a bit more about the law now the first time I played in this world I was so excited to run straight into that cave that I actually missed all the loot that's right here so let's make sure we don't do that this time and see what we get so we got a torch and some bandages here both of those things will definitely be very useful uh let's look some more bandages over here as well another thing I missed the first thing I played through is this right here you can get this torch right here for an extra torch so yeah you got to be like looking out everywhere in this game which is actually one of the things I really like about it okay I remember this bit being super fun basically we get to loot these giant firebomb things they're called explosive power balls I should probably call them by the right name and we just select them in our inventory and throw them here already we're off to an explosive start and yeah there we go looks like we've just about cleared the way and of course it opens up to even more Loot and that's one thing I really remember about this game and enjoy about this game is the amount of looting that you can do another one of these book things here instantly uh but yeah we get a ton of looting one thing that's not as obvious though is you can smash open things like these barrels right here you'll see we get some loot from them uh there is right there so we got some wood logs from that and sometimes we'll get things that aren't just wood as well I think I've got some Rags from some and stuff like that so definitely worth like keeping an eye out on this game another you can do is smash through areas like this I remember this being a thing and there we go there actually a hidden chest right here another torch and some bandages but you know it all helps and in fact talking to torches let's see what we're doing here make sure I'm not missing anything one thing I want to do actually is get my hot Barre sorted pretty quickly so let's put our ax as our main weapon in there and the torch we're using in there something I recommend you guys do early on in the game so that when you come across enemies and things you're able to get to them very quickly all right we're now in shrouded I think we're about to yet there we go encounter our first enemy so let's just go ahead and give him a bit of a hit these are just two hits so you can actually run up and kill them pretty easily before they even get to you and we can obviously take all the stuff from them too and we're done we're through the cave we're out the other end we survived I mean we we should do I'd be very disappointed if I died there but still that's pretty good thing now as well is if we die we will return back to this Beacon rather than going all the way back to the start so that's actually pretty useful all right this is the first place that we've come to since we've come out and there is just a ton of loot in here so I'm going to go around and do well a lot of looting the other cool thing about this though if you don't manage to make your own bed on day one you can actually sleep here there's a a bed right here and if we go up to it you see it does give the option there to sleep which is pretty cool but now though I just want to be looting all the stuff that's in here cuz I remember there being a ton of stuff in this area oh my good who what is that hello um that was something there attacking me I really didn't expect we can at least loot the little good dude we got a fur patch and also some raw lean meat okay that's great um how are we doing we are a little bit injured from that let's put a bandage on and uh the bandage will give you immediately like a little bit of health and it heals more over time too so that's why they're so useful you will take a lot of damage early on this oh there's another one hey okay um there we go he's dead I was not expecting those dudes but hey we got some stuff from them so it's all good now when you're out exploring if you see any of this stuff you want to go ahead and pick it up and get the plant fiber from it because if we go into our crafting right here you see that if we want to make up oh it's going to be a tutorial okay didn't need that if we want to make up string right here then you need plant fiber for that and string is something you'll need a lot of early on in the game and it can be a little tricky to get enough of if you're not picking up all that stuff as you going through awesome we got a health potion right here as well so let's go ahead and take that one if you're wondering wor abouts I I'm on the map I've just come down from here and it was just in there in fact if I open the map it's basically here so if you're playing along at home you're looking for these things a health potion is so so useful early game that's for sure and that's where you can get one of them from there's a campfire here which means we have a few options one thing is we can press e and we can look to cook some stuff uh so what we need to do is put the food in our action bar first so in my inventory in number eight right there in the action bar you can see we do have some food so if we go ahead and look at the uh campfire right there press cook then we can scroll over to that right there and hold down left click and we can actually cook it up and it does this animation once it's cooked and there we go it's now some cooked meat so we can see here like the stats right there of this right here would actually give us food poisoning so that's not good at all versus once we cook it then obviously we get decent food from that so I'm going to go ahead and cook the other one while we're here and then also another thing you can do if you can get comfortable near a campfire it does provide the warmth you can get your rested bonus back up as well so you see right there now that we're away from the campfire our rested bonus is counting down from 5 minutes uh but by sitting down next to it that's what we got it back up to now you can see in here on the other side of the wall where the campfire is I'm sheltered got warmth I've got comfort so my rested has gone up now to 6 minutes so rested is something you want to try and you know get as much as you can of early on in the game so when we see campfires we need to make sure we remember to take the opportunity to get that back up if you're enjoying this video and would like to see more in shrouded content then please do consider subscribing now with all this loting that we've been doing I'm just wondering what we could actually craft up if we wanted to so for example yeah we could make up some rag armor you can see here which needs some strings so that's one of the reasons we need that so let's craft up the top right there and we'll go for the pants too I think we're going to be a little light here we need a bit more string and cloth to make up the shoes but now that we've done that we can go ahead and equip these so let's equip you and equip you that's great just gives us a little bit more armor basically so you can see here physical resistance there and magical resistance is 17 for the top and 11 for the bottom so having those on is just a little bit of extra help and might be the difference between living and dying so I fig we should definitely do that now another thing we can make up actually is the wand and I want to do that pretty early on into the game it's a really useful range weapon so what I'm going to do is go ahead and put that in my number two slot so I can get to that even quicker and in fact I'm wondering can I make up a shield yet looks like I can so let's go ahead and craft that up but what we can do is just right click that and equip it there we go so it actually oh it doesn't need to be in the hot B that's so cool okay so we just have our weapons down here now I've been so busy looting that I haven't really been paying attention to the quest that we have right now so perhaps that's something I should get on with it's so tempting to just keep looting though cuz there's so much going on here if we press J though and then space bar we can open up the quest right here and basically what we need to do is reach the spot that is uh it's shown to us at the top there right that little exclamation mark so we're going to run off and uh get to that little spot so here it is we're going to build the flame alter around here and that way we are going to make our first little base so you can see that's what the quest is telling us to do now to do that the flame alter right here we're going to need five Stones so it's just a case of running around looking for stone you just find them on the map like this and just go ahead and collect them so we got three right there and there's going to be like another three I guess right here yep we're good so now we can build that up so let's go ahead and open up the crafting once again craft up a flame alter and that should now be in our inventory somewhere yes there it is so I think if we put that in our hot bar and then select it then we can go ahead and place it down it puts you in this build mode so you've got a way bigger field of view and stuff to see what you doing I mean to me it doesn't re about out too much as long as this is like Central around here so boom we'll place it down there that's awesome and now I think we have to commune with the flame in order to like you know make sure it knows that we've we've built it and stuff like that later on you see here we can upgrade it and stuff too but we're not going to worry about that just yet what I will do is just run around this area though and see if I can find any plant fibers and any ones I can find of course we're going to go ahead and get them another useful thing could be to pick up any of the mushrooms and things oh what did we get there purple berries okay that's going to be pretty cool too you see these like mushroom things just here so there's a lot of them around I'm guessing we're going going to need all of this I mean mostly in survival games this is my strategy just to loot everything and don't you know typically you will need it all so I think it's probably a good way to go and how cool are the views from up here and the promise of the adventure that awaits us I mean this is episode one but I hope really that we get to look back on this one day and this world right here is probably just the tip of the iceberg I mean if we open the map you'll see right here we start down in this little bit there's all of this map to explore right I mean you can see just how vast this is it's taking me forever just to scroll through it oh there's the corner okay wow that took a while yeah I mean that's one of the exciting things about this world is the possibilities just feel absolutely huge don't they so it turns out there's absolutely a ton of plant fiber in this area we've also been picking up a load of berries and things as well which is really good we're going to get up to a pretty decent start right here I'm noticing it is getting darker so we might have to sleep soon and I'll probably just steal other bed that I showed you guys earlier I think that's going to be useful for us on day one oh a wolf okay so you have to be careful there's wolves roaming around um they're not as bad as you might think they in fact I'll show you on camera so here we go he's seen us we just right click with our Shield to block he comes at us and then we give him a couple hits then we're going to block again and do the same thing oh yeah she got one in on me there there we go you can see like I was kind of rushing through that a little bit but we still got the stuff pretty easily we can take all of that stuff and obviously that's going to be food and other resources there with the bones that we can use um so they're a bit scary but that's why you want to rush making the shield in my opinion cuz once you've got that like most of the early game mobs you're going to face are just so much easier as soon as you have that Shield okay it looks like I accidentally turned the last thing I was cooking that into tar I don't know if I overcooked it or what happened with that I guess that's something I need to be careful of I think once you done cooking you have to release it so like that I think if you hold it too long you end up with tar which is this stuff right here not very pretty but useful when it comes to creating protection from the elements okay so this maybe will'll have a use later on now it certainly has gotten dark so in fact the torch might be a bit more appropriate especially as I'm recording here we're going to go and find that bed and sleep through the first nights all righty here is the bed if I go onto the map right here you can see where it is so for example if you wanted to set a waypoint here you know it's basically there um you can see here you have two options if you if you right click away from a known Waypoint you can create a marker or set a way point so we can create a little little marker here with like a flag make it green cuz why not then it will show up like that for us and then anytime we open up our map there is that marker and we know oh that's our bed and you can just go ahead and right click it and it becomes a waypoint anyway that is now our Waypoint so let's go in here and let's sleep through the night so we just lie down a bed and we can see the time passes there until the R calls and that is morning time to get back up so here we go quick little snooze and we're off again there really is so much that we could do right now which is one of the beauties of this game but what I'm going to do is follow the main quest line so if we go ahead and open up Jay and see the next Quest we're going to find the sleeping Survivor this will entail traveling through the Shroud so that is obviously the Misty area where there's going to be lots of enemies and things awaiting us for sure but ultimately should be a good progression in the game now just before I do that I want to go ahead and put some things down here in a chest so we're going to go ahead and use this as like a base area and get on with doing that now to do that we're going to go into the crafting area here make up a workbench so let's go ahead and do that then we're going to need this workbench oh there we go it is equipped so number eight and we need to place it down somewhere here all this is probably going to move so for now I don't really care I'm just going to place it down like that and then we can go into its uh GUI to do other crafting things so you can see here we can make a tiny chest but we're going to need three strings string coming up again and again which is why I recommended it so much let's go ahead and craft up three of those you can see I've got a ton of plant fibers so if you run around the area you can find it uh but if you're not thinking to pick it up then you know you might not so that's the chest crafted up anyway and then we can go ahead and place that down and again not too worried for now it's just going to go down there opening it up I just want to put in anything that I don't think I'm going to need so like on this adventure we're probably going to need the stone the Twigs the metal scraps you anything like that now things I do want to take with me are things like the berries and the bandages these explosive powder bows uh definitely some food like the lean meat there and some water so oh the health potion 200 Health yeah definitely want to take that as well maybe we'll keep that up in our backpack though the reason we're doing this is you're going to find a lot of stuff on the way and if you don't get a bit more selective with what you do and don't take then you're going to run out of inventory space pretty quickly the other thing I want to do is just craft up a load of string I actually wish there was a way we could craft up a lot more than just you having click it each time the reason we want to do that is if we come down to rags we can make up some of these ragged boots as well we just as well make them cuz we've got an inventory slot ready for them we've got obviously the pants on and the top at the moment it'll be good to have those as well other thing I'm going to do is just craft up a few bandages cuz I'm sure I'll need them at some point even if not on this trip and just get us a little bit more ready for our adventure with all that done it's time to set off but not before a nice hearty breakfast of well I guess some berries would be good right we can just eat a few of those get our health regen going up there as you can see and it's one of those things as well you eat them and it giv you a bit of Health but it Regens over time too which is awesome incidentally you might also notice that uh if I go to number two in my hot bar this is the hatchet it is now fully regend again because on the uh right here if you craft and repair when you use the workbench it will repair all the things that it can repair for you too so that's really useful early game you can repair all your tools rather than having to make new ones now for this Quest we do have a thing up on the top of our screen showing us where we need to go so it really is just a case of following that marker and encountering a ton of Adventures along the way and enemies I'm sure but then we will obviously complete that Quest and something really cool happens I'm not going to tell you what just yet I don't want to like give away too many spoilers and things but this is quite a fun one to get us started we are in the oud mist and I'm going to switch to my main weapon of the wand and once we get to our first enemy I'll show you why in the meantime though we're going to collect all this stuff this is shroud liquid and there's a ton of it in here not entirely sure what we're going to need it for just yet but I just know that we will need it there is an enemy just over there and you can actually press tab if you want to lock onto them I guess it wasn't close enough let's get a bit closer there we go and you can fight them that way I actually personally just find it easier not doing that but I thought I'd mention in case you wanted to this is why I like the one guys you can see here it's a ranged weapon so while this guy is slowly lumbering towards us we're just going to go ahead and kill him without really putting ourselves In Harm's Way or taking any damage or anything like that and then we obviously get some stuff from him oh that look cool what was that hold on we just get like a really awesome sword so we get 11 damage from this Rusty short sword it's actually the same as a hatchet but it does mean it's an extra weapon for us so never a bad thing now that enemy that we just fought there was obviously quite an easy enemy but as you're about to see we are going to encounter some that are much more difficult and that's where having the shield and the wand is going to be really useful um oh and this wasn't meant to be one of those I was trying to get away from him but you can see here he's come at us and this is where the blocking is really really important get a few hits on him and then just block see they're quite slow that's the thing so he's going to try and attack us here we can block walk back and then use our range weapon once we get further through this mist and stuff like that there are some enemies that are way more difficult than uh these dudes that you find in here oh we found a ring rings are always useful to find let's see Plus 8 stamina and plus 10 Health that sounds fantastic FC okay let's go ahead did I hear an enemy no I didn't okay we're good definitely want to equip that ring then straight away that's going to really help us for sure and let's see if there's anything else to loot around here this is pretty cool as well we found this hourglass capsule we can press e and we can consume it and it restores our time as you see at the top of the screen there that we can stay enshrouded so that's pretty useful uh little thing there if you're running low you just got to find one of those okay we're up to this Camp right now and this Camp can be a little tricky uh so just like a little heads up on that you see there are some enemies here already that are right outside that camp uh actually she it's just a wolf okay there are some enemies in the camp that's for sure okay so I should have probably blocked that attack and that's why I talk about the shield so much let's go ahead and kill this dude there we go he's dead then we're going to heal up and take on the camp so let's put some bandages on that probably be a really good starting thing and let's eat some food as well and you can see there now up at the top left that food has actually extended our health bar quite a lot so with that and the bandages even when you get to a sticky situation like I did just there we're actually now up on our starting Health which is why coming on this adventure preped is really important now that we're here we want to approach this camp with caution and try to just pick the enemies off one by one cuz there's several of them in there and figh them as a group is obviously always more difficult so I'm just trying to like slowly go in rushing straight in here guys is really not a good idea just a heads up on that one I'm trying to get closer enough than just that first one sees me comes and not both of them okay well I guess they're both coming maybe not okay so you can see here he comes and then he does this attack and it looks scary but it's actually really slow and this is where having the range thing is really useful we just block we walk slowly backwards away from him we get a load of hits in he's not really actually able to deal with us the first time I came in here though I did it or tried to do it just to Hatchet and I died this was in my test game not in this world but that's why I'm giving you guys a heads up on this one and then we're just going to repeat that process and just shoot this dude as he comes at us and when he gets a bit close just block let him do his attack just slows him down he doesn't really have any way of hitting us when we do that we're going to be able to safely take him down and then loot him however here we have some mysterious flasks which sounds kind of cool let's open up our backpack real quick what does it say about them an Elixir buff so 30% damage multiplier uh 1 minute maximum time in the Shroud uh comes off actually minus 1 minute in the Shroud but they give you extra damage that's useful to [Music] know oh and I just died I think there's a trip wire bomb around there guys so yeah let me come back and I'll show you where that was that really caught me off guard incidentally this is why you don't want to die because you come back to your alar that you've built but you can see we're now like 500 M away from where we died I open up the map instantly um there we go so this is showing us like where we're heading to that's where we're trying to get to that's where we died so that's how close we were we've come all the way back here we have to do all that again we do however have a tombstone that we can get to so you can get your items back but it is still uh you know a bit annoying basically uh what I'll do I'm going to go back and show you where that trip wire bomb was so that you don't make the same mistake that I did if you do die watch you're back here you see my wand right now is pretty damaged we just well go over to the uh bench right here go craft and repair and then we can just Escape back out of it and you'll see my wand is now fully repaired as is anything else that can be repaired so yeah you just as well make the most of that of course while you're back here um but let's head on now and I'll get us back to where we were to go oh look at these things let's Harvest one of those that's pretty cool what have we got out of that some wax it looks like that's kind of good and some honey I wonder what this stuff does so let's have a look right here uh 15 stamina recharge that's pretty good actually nice little Sugar Rush there early on and then this is the wax up here which is used uh for illumination of all sorts interesting one other thing I wanted to mention because this wasn't immediately obvious to me but you can actually climb up this thing right here you just jump at it and then hold down W and you go ahead and Ascend up there I'm sure most people would probably figured that out and whatever but I didn't think there was any real downside of letting you guys know that okay here we are back to the scene of my own demise and basically what happened as I was walking through this corner right here so you've got like this building and stuff here this Gateway there as I was walking this orange ring appeared around me on the floor if that happens just run okay run away I didn't I was trying to figure out what it was and I died because this all blew up basically um anyway you can see here we can retrieve all of our stuff from our grave so let's just go ahead and and take all of that why not um yeah so don't make the same mistake I did basically okay one really useful thing to know that I actually didn't know till just now I'm going to let this guy attack if I look at him and press Escape I have not paused the game he is still coming for you guys so do be very weary of that okay Escape does not pause the game again if it happened to me I think it could happen to somebody else so I'd probably mention it now it appears that you're closing in on getting to where you need to get to you see we're 60 M away but actually it is up there so if you head down this way you're not going to find it what you need to do is go back through this camp and back out the entrance you came in this Camp really is just more about looting and you know getting your XP up from killing all the mobs and stuff like that talking of which before we go I think if I throw one of these down there can I blow that out the way looks like I can can I get down here now oh my goodness did I even want to all right let's make sure we've got our wand ready I think we can get back up there I really hope we can this is a little bit scary oh oh okay all right please let me up here oh jeez okay I was expecting that there's a Dude down there should I just throw a bomb down at him see if we can do something there I think we we got a decent hit on him maybe okay from up here it seem pretty safe we're getting some good hits on him um I'm trying to like take it on more so for Content than anything else it is proper scary down there okay I did manage to kill him we get some stuff off of him um is there anything else going on here so that's actually really cool if we fire the wand into a room like this we'll see it lights it up and we can kind of see what's going on a little bit so yeah that's useful I mean you could switch to your torch but sometimes you want to make sure you got a weapon in hand in case you get caught unawares by something oh wow Fireball they s super fun okay let's take those oh and we can actually repair equipment down here too that's so cool so let's see my wand yeah there we go everything is now repaired so finding this little area down here is really useful especially after a while of exploring so here's the front of the camp and if I open up my map you'll see uh this is where we are right now okay so yeah hopefully that's kind of helpful at least that you come out this front entrance here we just turn around like this there's a bit of a hidden pathway up the mountain you can see just over here we can run up like this now you are going to be enshrouded up here that's how you sort of know you're on the right road but this is going to take you up the mountain to where you need to get to in order to complete this Quest now there are enemies here so do be careful once you get here you will have to fight them so if I can actually hit one there we go he's he's just getting angry but he is going to come at me and there's another one just over to my right yep there's one a dude there so once you get up here do be a wary of that especially if it's dark like it is here for me and here we go we head on in here to the Vault now there is more enemies in here looks like at least one anyway so let's go ahead and take care of him and then complete the quest up here we are going to awaken our first survival which is so so cool and there he is is Oswald Anders the blacksmith okay so he's been awakened awakened whatever and now we actually get to take him and put him back our base this is so so cool I'm going to show you guys this in just a sec now fear not you do not have to walk all the way back to your base in fact I think this tip here might be telling us that there you go you can actually fast travel so we go back to our map right here you see that you can click right here or just press R and it will fast travel to your last visited altar so we're going to go ahead and do that we get this really awesome teleportation effect right here and we're going to go back to our altar so here I am back at my starting alter right there what I'm going to do right now is go sleep in that little bed again uh wherever that is I'll find that and in the morning we're going to get the dude back here and I'll show you what I mean by the fact we can have him in our base it's a really cool NPC interaction and the first of many that you can have in in shrouded incidentally this is the useful thing about making your own little Waypoint you see right there now I can just set that as a waypoint um because I created a marker you know I did that before on on camera so now when we come out of here we know exactly what we have to go to in order to get to that bed you will start to learn the map as you play through of course but when you're new to the game this is actually super super useful I found okay another new morning another new adventure awaits if we go into our crafting right here this is the summoning staff pretty simple to make as you can see so let's go ahead and make up one of those uh now we want to select it with number four it was in our hot bar right there we can tab to ready it up and then click over here to get Oswald and we can place him down wherever we want okay this is the cool little dude Oswald everything else is over here so let's just put him down there for now you can move him instantly I could just press Tab and move him uh later on if I wanted to so you don't need to stress too much about where you put him at this stage once he is placed though we can go up to him and talk to him so talk and craft and you see here you got a couple things going on so if you go into craft right here you have all like these different things that are now new things you can craft in the game so that in itself is awesome the other thing you can do though is click on these right here crafting first gear so there we go we now got a quest updated so by selecting that option if we go press J and go onto our quest with space bar you see right here that we have a new Quest and we have to craft up either a spike club or a scrappy sword so let's actually go ahead and do that so if we speak to him and go on to craft then let's have a look here at one-handed weapons so we need four Nails in order to make the spike club we only have one I found on my travels but we only need two if we want to make up the scrappy sword and Nails you'll see here can actually be made using the metal scraps which you should have found plenty of by the stage as long as you're doing a lot of looting now with them crafted up we can go ahead and make up our Rusty sword which actually does 16 damage so that's pretty cool and with that crafted we have now completed the quest and these are the rewards we get actually does tell you the rewards before you do it but you're going to get those rewards from doing that Quest now the rewards are basically the 75 XP Plus whichever one of these you make up you don't actually get these two things and the 75 but yeah there you go just let you guys know that with all this experience gaining and stuff like that complete we've got this right here the skill section we actually have a couple of skill points says here in the top left that we can spend now at this stage you can see there's all different kind of uh directions you can go in right Survivor Beast Master Ranger assassin so let's have a little look through these and see what we might want to do now you see here for example The Lumberjack requires two skill points to unlock so it's not like each of these is just one skill point so you can't necessarily unlock all of them for example this one here the sneak attack that would require three skill points and we don't have that yet I think for now I'm just going to take this Lumberjack one right here so let's go ahead and unlock that I'm sure we're going to need a lot of wood early on in the game and I fig we just will unlock something as we're getting started here the next thing I'd really like to do is build a bit more of a proper base around this ala that we placed before and so that's what we're going to get into now first thing is to go to the construction bench right here and we can make one of these a construction Hammer so let's go ahead and do that and we can make up some of these rough stone blocks and also rough wood blocks too so I'll just make a bit of both for now and we'll see what we actually end up using what I want to do is I've got this right here which is kind of my combat and exploring inventory and then we can make a second inventory down here which we can Al to and this one could be more about building so when we Press B now and press alt we can switch our hot bars around and now we've got this right here which we can build with inantly you can just press alt while you're walking around to switch your inventory you don't need to go into your backpack to do that but yeah that's how we switch between them I was thinking this flame could be kind of like a little front porch like front entrance kind of area and then we'll build in behind it I think that might be a good way to go I'm actually using up materials really really quickly here though so we're going to have to go and get ourselves a ton more materials if we want want to build anything substantial now what I want to do let's go ahead and make ourselves up a little bit oh jeez there's a wolf okay uh came out of nowhere that dude all right that's Sim kill that really shot me came out of nowhere there what I want to do though is actually just make up let's see we made up some string and then we can make up a pickaxe uh so let's go ahead string right there and we've unlocked this and this will enable us to get stone a lot quicker so with our pickaxe equipped I think we can go up to these bigger Stones right here and just chop away at these in order to get a lot more Stone than just wandering around trying to get it I accidentally hit the floor as well and it does change the train just show you if I do it over here it does make a little dent in the terrain there so just a little heads up on that one now I accidentally just destroyed this right here this Foundation block you can see it's actually quite a deep one right there um just right click with a hammer to do that but let's go into build mode once again place that back down that's cool I'm wondering now though maybe we don't need it to be quite such a deep thing like maybe if we use yeah this one here scroll across to that one there this will be thinner and we actually use up fewer materials each time so we'll leave that one that we already placed because otherwise it'll be a big hole in the floor but there going to save us a little bit of time for the rest of this build I'm just thinking for this first build as well we'll keep it kind of simple I'm just going to do like a 3X3 type of house and then as I said have this little front porch area as well where we've got our altar with our Hatchet equipped we can now go ahead and chop down some trees as well and it seems to be really going for these trees but I'm guessing this is the best way to go rather than just making up an axe so this is the axe this time and uh oh it does actually do a lot more damage to the tree than the hatchet does so yeah we need to use the axe not the hatchet I wasn't sure if it matter or not but now we know now with that done we can start looking at putting some walls down on our build right here just press R to rotate them and get it down so it's like snapping on and finally a bit of a doorway here for the front of it now what we could do though is put some windows in by just right clicking here while the uh hammer we've got equipped there just like that and do I want the Square Windows or maybe this will look a little bit nicer I think that's a little bit better isn't it so we do the same over here on the other side yeah there we go we can just put them through like that a couple of Windows the house is starting to take shape now things like beds and fireplaces and stuff like that are all made up in here so that's the next thing we definitely want to take a look at to make this house into a home first though let's go ahead and craft up these windows cuz I can see then if they're the right size compared to what we already built so if I go ahead and select them uh let's see so this is actually going to be the wrong size so we'll have to like figure that one out but I'll do that in a sec I think I'll Place one window there just like that and we'll do the outside of this one as well which can go in there now we just need to fill in these little bits right here I'm pretty sure by selecting the hammer if I go into my build mode we just need to select the 1 M buildings which are these ones right here and we can place this little block like there oh I need to SL Stone so let's just red CLI to get rid of that and with control we can change it to Wood not Stone so we can do that that and then another one just in there yeah there we go and we can fix up our little mistake that we made now let's go ahead and make up a bed here as well so if we go on to that one right there make up the crude mattress that will do us and we can actually use that mattress then to make up the crude wooden bed if we get ourselves a bit more string and some animal fur so with that bed made up where do we want to place it down well I think maybe just over in the corner here could be kind of good right so just place it like there for now like give ourselves a bit of space around it like maybe like that then we can add some decorations to this as we go through other things we can make are things like the table right here you see they do add Comfort levels as well so is worth making let's make up one of those and maybe like two chairs for now as soon as it's just us that's living in here and we'll make a candle to put on top of it as well also going to make up a couple of the nightstands as well and put those either side of the bed so we got a lot to place down right now let's figure out where all this is going now we have pretty nice views out this way so I'm actually going to place this table down just in here like this and let's do maybe a 2X two sort of window here bit a bigger viewing area just like that there's quite a nice view out there as you can see you can then place these stools down here like this now if we just press R they rotate around obviously like that um but if we hold down R we can actually turn it like this we can have like one here just like this and then maybe one that's a bit more pushed in so it's like one has just been used and that's why it's coming back a little bit I think there's a little touches make the decorations look a bit nicer now we want our nightstands of course to be placed down and looks like maybe they need to go yeah this way around cuz that's where the drawer is so we'll place that one there just like that and one over here on the other side too just like that then we can put our little candle out here and I think I'll put the candle just on top there like that now let's place down a couple more windows shall we so we've been doing it at this level right here I want to keep that the same and what I want to do is come over to the bed area here and have a little window next to the bed so just a little area just like this oops I need to undo that so we can actually just press y to undo a build action if we did something we didn't mean to which is actually really useful I do like that feature and let's see from the edge here it comes out one like two and on the third block is where we place it so that means if I do the same here one then two and on the third block there we go oh and we need to destroy not place but this way I can keep the house a bit more symmetrical and it will hopefully look a little bit better and now we can put these decorative windows in into all the little holes that we've just made and this will start to take a bit more shape just realized we need to make this one a bit bigger so maybe we'll place it here actually cuz the view is going to be a bit better if we do it that way around I think so that'll do then now the window will actually fit in here cuz before it was a little bit too short there we go it's a nice little view as I say now let's go down to let's see let's do the 2 m thing right here and let's go to one of these and make some columns and I think we'll make these out of stone cuz it's out the front here that seems to make sense to me cuz we we sort of have the stone foundations right here uh now where why can I not build that there that's odd oh there we go we can get on the corner there very good okay and I might put another one like up on top so we can look up here on each of them yeah there we go can have a little uh sort of porch style area now if I go ahead and place that just up there like that it kind of makes a nice little porch area as we come into the entrance of this house doesn't it I think that looks okay I would really like to make up nice door though so there's a few different designs here we can have uh this one right here seems fine we can actually craft it up so let's just use that one for now then we'll have a nice front door to get in and out so we place that in there and we can open and shut the door which is pretty good we need to craft over here we need to make up some roof bits I hope we go here's roof blocks and we're going to need okay so tar can be used for that one right there or Flintstone and stone for a stone roof or just plant fiber so if we get a load of plant fiber we can make a fiber roof I think that's going to be our best bet for now but as you can see it's getting a little bit dark so what I might try and do is see if I can sleep in this bed and try again in the morning yeah we can actually sleep in this bed that's pretty good it's not the best right now we don't have a roof and it's not you know the most comfortable and stuff but it's working so that'll suit us okay with those roof pieces built up we just need to go along and uh well build them basically now across our house we put them all all over this side rotate them around do this side I guess I'll just keep doing that until they meet up somewhere in the middle and let's see how that goes so I think making a little ramp like this might be the easiest way for me to get up here to actually build this cuz I was kind of struggling to get this to snap on we can kind do it like this I've swapped now to using the 2 m instead of the 4 M and I believe now wait do we not oh we need more materials but I think this will connect up now when we com oh my goodness I did not mean to do that yeah when we do the other side let's go get a load more of these materials made up I did get a ton of plant fiber which wasn't sure how much of this stuff I need to craft up oh wow actually we got through that really quickly okay well let's just see if this connects up so when we rotate this round can we get this to snap onto here somewhere let's see yeah we can and it actually oh that's really nice so if we escape out of this this bit here on the top gets added so the game automatically does that and it's quite a nice feature it'll make the roof look a little bit better for us I've just been messing around with building the roof and stuff like that as you can see here and if we just walk outside you see what I've done above the roof there or I've left a little bit of a gap I just thought it might look a little bit better than doing just plain old stuff so the way that we're going to do that if you wanted to do something similar yourselves is uh let's see well let's get onto there and into the build menu and we've got the 4 met things that go like this so if I go up to here right now I can place that one there rotate twice and place that one there now we escape out we've got that which I think yeah it's kind of nice right we've got like this little bit of light that gets let in then and it gives it a bit of design rather than just being like you know all completely wall the next thing I want to do is make up a fireplace here I think this will be quite useful so we got this one here the stone fireplace let's go ahead and make that and I'm realizing now actually maybe I'll need to make a chimney for this let's find that one out so we can place it in here and uh maybe let's see maybe in that corner over there would be a good place for it so if we hold down our just shift it around like this yeah that's kind of cool right then we got like a nice little spot in here yeah just like that in the corner I'll place it down there that looks pretty good and let's see looks like we can cook on it and stuff and we don't actually need a chimney whether or not we want to build one like just to make it look cool like just an aesthetical chimney that's something we could do and you know what it's something I actually am going to do so if we hold down e we can actually pick this up and then I'm going to build like a little chimney area uh using the build tool so what I want to do is place the chimney down outside here so if we place that there like that then go back onto here now we can rotate this around yeah this is going to be a better way of doing it I think because it just makes more sense that the chimney placed outside like this rather than inside and we'll keep rotating these around and do that the whole way up now if we switch back to the wood we can go ahead and just fill in this little thing here that we did and then I'll go up and sort the roof out so now we can just rotate our fireplace around and let's get it facing in the right orientation just like that and we can place it down in here so let's just get this right basically like that and now the fireplace it just looks a little bit better like that I think I just saw as well you can actually make up these building scaffolds which might have been easier for me to have done earlier rather than Jumping Up on the Roof the way that I did but yeah at least you guys know this now if you want to do one yourself so the house is actually starting to take shape I think it's looking pretty good to be honest uh not bad for a starter house although something we'll definitely expand upon in future episodes if you want to see episode 2 click the video on screen right now and please do consider subscribing if you want to see more in shrouded content
Channel: Kysen
Views: 30,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded lets play, enshrouded gameplay
Id: udxT2g0wy14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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