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arcs of omen angron the Eaters of Worlds the blood God's sacred slaughterman chosen Legion of corn none there are who offer greater tribute to the Lord of scars none more committed to battle in his name many are those who brand the world eaters shattered fragmented sons of a broken father those same fools soon fall beneath the churning teeth of blooded blades their skulls cast flinging upon the offering pile yet for all their sacred Butchery there are none amongst this blood-blessed Brotherhood to compare to their sire here's the bladed hurricane he is Unstoppable Beast Fury given form the gore spattered demigod of carnage he is the red angel and demons and Mortals have slain and striven for the honor of fighting in his Charnel shadow he is angron the Eater of Worlds and his onset Herald's death vid feed commence the image flickers to life the thrum of grab impellers and the bobbing of the camera suggests a Servo skull or similar recording device image quality is grainy stifled with static it shows an interior space the suggestion of a cavernously high ceiling and the stacks of boxy shapes under tarpaulins hinting at a warehouse light is restricted to gray shafts that fall through unseen apertures above ugly garbed figures move through the pools of light several wear matte black body armor and have weapons slung on snaps another is cleared in a capacious robe and has quills for fingers a powerfully built woman crosses the image her Garb across between a Jester's mostly and a dark Body Glove of an assassin two things unify the figures the first is the stylized eye they will bear somewhere about their persons patched onto their clothing or hanging in pendant form from their necks the other is that they carry armfuls of broken wood to add to the power growing in the middle of the warehouse floor now the audio pickup detects voices approaching swiftly and accompanied by Sounds of something heavy scuffing the stone floor do not have time for these theatric Siegfried you are not listening the red Angel is coming he cannot be banished not with the Galaxy torn in Twain as it is not with the tides of the Sea of souls spilling free across the god Emperor's Realm there is the sound of an open-handed slap one of the passing acolytes Winters had something out of shot then hastens the deposit his next bundle of kindling another voice Speaks now still coming nearer the scuffing has resumed keep the guard Emperor's name out of your filthy radical mouth Prentice you are unworthy to utter it the speakers enter shot one is heavyset and glowing with which Hunter's hat perched atop his greasy black hair and a long coat billowing around him the other being hauled Along by his bound wrist is a smaller man with a shaved scalp and a tattered Crimson robe he has a split lip and a swelling bruise under his eye he catches sight of the fire and the stake rising from it he redoubles his struggles and his voice Rises secrete you cannot you do not know the sacrifices I have made the lives it has cost to know what I know the Witch Hunter appears unmoved with the aid of the big woman and one of the soldiers he hoists princess Aloft and lashes him to the stake a design is now visible on the smaller Man's Chest a stylized eye forming the center of a skull-like rune the camera cannot focus upon it without the image warping apprendous speaks fast and breathlessly eight days eight hours eight minutes this is how long we have between his punishment and his return always every time he returns ever to a site where terrible Bloodshed has transpired and he is preceded by his Crimson Omens there are a warning from the god emperor let me guess Siegfried interject beckoning to one of his soldiers a military-grade flamer is handed across there's eight of them yes exclaims printers the blood rain the flesh brand plague the storms of hate and what use is any of this alleged knowledge tainted as it is by heresy ask Siegfried he ignites the flame as pilot light it's his sound Serpentine through the vid feed it means I know where he came back this time yells princess with the desperation of a man whose life's work is immolating before his eyes it means I know where he is going and we have to warn them the coral engine must be silenced it will draw anger the Roar of the flamer drowns out Princesses last words after that comes a hungry crackle of burning wood for the man's shrail screams contact lady emagna Creed tells someone out of shot as he watches the figure on the stake rise and burn tell her the lies of the radical have been silenced welcome gentle listener I am Voldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and events of the Warhammer 40K universe the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and today we continue on with the newest campaign the arcs of omen as it is meant to be building to an event that will shatter and transform the entire setting as did the Gathering storm before it heads today we shall be covering the second book titled simply angron if you know nothing of these things then please see my entry for the arcs of omen Abaddon links in the description but I shall give a tiny catch up for simplicity's sake avadon the war master of Chaos has been approached by a demon of Staggering power a figure his are too Unknown by many below the exalted rank of the four gods of Chaos vashtola arcophane is a being who owes fail tea to none of the Gods in fact he plays a deadly game to become one of them himself he wishes to be elevated to a true God of chaos and take a seat in the great game and to this end he has forged what he has touted as a mutually beneficial alliance with the war Master he has created great arcs of omen and ostensively gifted them to Abaddon the arcs of vast spacehogs Composites of scores of ancient wrecks merged in the warp the arcophane is a lord of Technology you see and his power is to create failed beings or Twisted Metal or to repair and augment that which he is presented with hence the spacehawks are brought online and brought under the will of the arcophane gifted to avadon who then divvies them up to his most trusted captains with the power of these massive burmes they fly to set locations and attempt to capture items they have been tasked by the war Master to gain for Abaddon and vashtor believe that they can take these rare artifacts and fulfill a prophetic dream avadon has had and in so doing combine them to unlock a weapon of such vast power that with it Abaddon can bring the entire Imperium to its knees and of course rash door plans to be elevated to a god hence a two working concert to send out these Horrors into the Galaxy once completed the tasked artifact gained all of the arc commanders can then do as a please hence avadon knows that they will take these vast weapons and bring Carnage and chaos to near every sector of the Galaxy but one fundamental element one particularly important artifact lays in the Malik system and this is the home of the Fourth indomitus Crusade Fleet Fleet quarters and even an arc of omen and its surrounding and supporting Fleet will be torn apart in any assault at least this is what Abaddon told the archifane Vash store but neither were truly concerned as avadon revealed the none other than the red Angel the right hand of corn were the leading forces to that locale and thus the scene is set an imperial Fleet and heavily defended system stands in the way of an Unstoppable Force the rage and fury of a demigod the power of a Primark turned to evil the lord of the world eternals angron but what has drawn the red angel from the battlefields of the far more important War the great game for a left-handed of corn or such might the war and the warp is far more important than anything that could usually transpire in real space here angron is that the head of a fleet of world eater so colossal in both scope and size that it's like has not been seen since the days of the heresy and scouring Khan is amongst them too a veritable murder of crows descends on black Bale why that can be answered with about three words the choral engine the coral engine in the Malik system there are multiple planets of import but the one of utmost concern in this tale is Malik Bale for that is where it was uncovered and then quickly claimed by the order hereticus investigated by The Inquisitor Glory imagina she first coined its new name the coral engine an ancient architect installation and device of immense power presumed to be an artifact of the Dark Age of Technology when humankind bestowed the stars as an enlightened racer scientist explorers colonizers and Traders some fifteen thousand years or more ago before the age of strife then the age of the Imperium the technological Marvels that Humanity once commanded were of Paramount importance to the Imperium adapters mechanicum a mankind entire and Inquisitor imagner claimed that this one relic of the past was a solution to so many problems she went to Admiral tunicus AB Condes of the fleet quarters and offered it as a resource 1. he simply could not ignore cortis was an indominus Fleet assigned to a fundamentally important role just not a particularly glorious sounding one for they were to reinforce in clear regions previously smashed by other thrust of the Crusade yet the fighting was Heavy slow and costly and cortis had fallen behind its exacting schedule of expected Reclamation of Worlds and systems set by the Lord Commander rebute Gilman there could be no recourse no negotiation and certainly no excuses they needed to up their pace and success thus when The Inquisitor came to abcondus and explained the device how it could affect things what it could offer there was no realistic way he could refuse for imagina explained the Decorah engine was akin to an astronomic and in miniature and with it he could move his fleets more ably he could reinforce and redeploy with near certainty and that one fact would revolutionize his strategic situation above and beyond this the engine would create a light that was inimical to the neverborn just like the astronomican thus it would hamper the demons burning them whilst becoming the warp itself for light years around it an abcomdas never asked the cost he just agreed almost instantly assurances were given that this was no heretical device and from an Inquisitor of the order hereticus to boot and from there Fleet quarters began to make up lost time centering his command on dispositions around the Malik system they moved like lightning bringing the emperor's Justice and his peace if not his Mercy to all in their path all coordinated from Malak Bale for The indominus Fleets were massive some think that they were equal to a standard Crusade like the ones performed in the age of the Imperium where sways or Stars will be reclaimed or even Regional responses Crusades to smash a particular foe as a towel found out yet these efforts no matter how expansive before paled Into Obscurity in comparison to the fruits of the indomitus Crusade a Primark and raise them organize them drawing from every single system or sector that could spare them ships troops materials of War negotiated nagged commanded and controlled the resupply refit and production of entire frotillas and attack groups before he even considered going off with the new primaris Marines the custodies and sisters of silence and others The indomitos Crusade plows ever onwards it has not concluded either not yet thus the naval and Military assets collected at amalek system were akin to the expeditionary Fleet of the great Crusade the forces arrayed as not seen in ten thousand years but what exactly was the coral engine to quote the coral engine Lydia Magna had in her thrall a staff of oculus crypto historitos and mechanicus Magi whose specialisms and theories placed them on the very cusp of tech heresy it had taken this cabal decades to unearth and begin to comprehend the ancient Coral engine prescribing names and functions to its component part based on their own preconceptions and prejudices there is an atom this echoing tunnel formed an outer ring around the coral engine's Central sanctum with diameter of precisely 401 feet the Magi described it as reminiscent of colossal electromagnet or sacred particle Collider the smooth is an empty tunnel was ringed every hundred and one feet with a dense collar of bristling Technologies with stepped metal Bridges leading over them when the coral engine was in operation crackling shock waves of psychic energy thundered around and around the resin atom and served somehow to amplify the signal from the engine tunnels and bridges below and above the resin atom connected the sanctum to the rest of the engine's outer complex for to stand within it while the engine was in operation was a death sentence the Sanctum the central chamber of the coral engine was a vast space known as the Sanctum the inner surfaces of this cavernous Dome were thick with nests of cable intricate circuitry miles of dense wiring and parallels bearing constellations of winking lights and lenses a ring of towering cogitators formed a hundred feet high toride at the heart of the chamber with banks of operating Thrones cradled in rows of ascending gantries all around them it was from here that the operation of the coral engine and the monitoring of its layered moderator Fail-Safe protocols was controlled by a staff of Magi and painstakingly integrated servators the siphon coil colossal in scale an enigmatic in its archaeotechnological workings the siphon coil extended from the base of the coral engine and speared down through Malik Bale's crust to pierce its very core a two men's reserves of geothermic power from the depth as well as appearing to harvest a wealth of subsidiary oars and minerals to facilitate the engine's widespread and quite ineffable self-repair systems the corestry pit in the subsidiary catacombs blew the sanctum's mezzanine floor open fronted techno sarcophagi known as corestry pit ringed the central chamber in staggered Road a cycle installed into one of these corestry pits could expect to live for anything between 3 to 10 days depending on their mental and physical fortitude during that time they poured their psychic energies and life force both into the coal engine to provide it with power once their service was done they burned and wizard husk would be removed and the corestry pit sanitized before the next occupant was installed the focusing vein a network of gantries crisscross the apex of the sanctum's Dome ceiling through their Center descended the vast circular stalactite of ocutec to form the True Heart of the coral engine stretching down to within 200 feet of the cogitator toroid and pointing right at its Center the so-called focusing vein contained a quartet of Chambers into which were wired exceptionally talented astropaths it will suit their power and disciplined Minds that the full energies of the core engine froed up and out into the depths of the warp at least until the engine's energies burned them from the inside out they rise and screamed their way into an early grave end quote hence the device was heavily guarded with a structure known as The Fortress of light and that ancient device was very like to the astronomicon in another way it was also hungry and like The Golden Throne and devices on Earth it was fed on The Souls of psychers and Magno was an Inquisitor of rare skill but Twisted vision the psychic Awakening had wrought huge changes in the very structure of the Imperium but also in the very makeup of its population so many more humans were now born with the gift a connection to the warp they were burst a psychas yet we're Magna they were not human at all less than an abh human psychos were not men or women who could be a threat they were not even of the same species to a Magna Cycles were less than cattle they were batteries power sources Flesh and Blood machines sent by the emperor to be used to be expended when emagna discovered that the coral engine was a sinustrum cast weapon she did not Fringe or hesitate in plugging in human sighters that the device would consume to power itself the use of such weapons or devices was strictly outlawed cinestrom cast archeotech was made specifically to augment and weaponize psychic energies and it was the purview of the Ordo Sinister alone yet that organization is so secretive no normal Inquisitor would even know of its existence hentai Magna arranged for hundreds of Cycles to be brought to location to feed the coral engine each burning out and their souls being consumed by the device in the most horrific and painful of ways yet a Magno was never gain saved like throwing witches into a massive pyre so the slaughter continued because the light of that Cora engine was so very very useful yet it attracted a reaction that none could predict the coming of the red Angel the arrival of angron himself the chamber was a ruin the devastation visited upon every inch of it was so absolute that even the vessel's master would have been hard-pressed to identify whether it had been a gun deck or Shrine a crude birth or launch bay walls ceiling and Floors were all scorched black strip with long and ragged gouges there was no air in the chamber a stretch of one wall had been laid open to space a gaping wound punched outward through the hide of the Conqueror whatever fittings or contents the chamber had held had all been sucked into the hungry void through that hole any mortal being still trapped there after the emergency shutter slammed down would have been slain by explosive decompression while the suffocating coal of space not that any mortal would have endured the Whirlwind of violence that got to the chamber to begin with the thing who stood at the heart of the ruined chamber was no mortal however and did not suffer their weaknesses he did not even notice the inimical environment surrounding him angron surveyed the space he had destroyed and neither knew nor cared what it had been or why he had done this there had been the anger white hot pounding in time to the Hammer blows beating within his mind there had been an expose of outpouring of violence akin to the emergency venting of a Titan's overheated reactor now there was a return to the smoldering wrath that never left him the furnace had scorched him from within for centuries Beyond memory and there was the pounding pounding pounding of the butcher's nails and Grand dimly recalled a being like him but lesser a brother long lost to time and to war he recalled that being's assurances that any pain even the nails could be endured by demigods such as they to the pain born for long enough were dull and cool like iron drawn from the forge that it could be beaten with the hammer of the wheel until it was fold into one's own self as new Strength contempt boiled through angron like lava overflowing a seizing Caldera his lost brother's words had been no kindness but rather an ignorant insult angron imagined them as a reassurances of a Pampered Lord to his starving Hound that his hunger would only make it akina Hunter angran knew better some wounds bled and never healed there were shades of Agony in existence that never dulled but instead grew sharper and more Savage over time the occasional troughs in his endless pain existed only to emphasize the next still more towering peaks of Agony that followed them the pain didn't make him strong but nor did it make him weak it just was the thing that made angron strong was simply angron he proud across the ruined chamber to the edge of the rent he had smashed in the hull a moment of true Lucidity offered context he was high up in one of the strange Gothic spiers that had sprouted from the conqueror's hull like malformed Spurs of bone honeycombing the structure seemingly at random the chambers and corridors in these towers lacked a solid ball walks and thick outer Walls boasted by the conqueror's main bulk it was and gone considered an inexcusable weakness spawned or sorceress corruption he had spit the vessel's skin from within with contemptuous ease a memory tried to surface from amidst the scorching desolation of his thoughts a time when the Conqueror had not suffered such weaknesses angron dug his Talons into the metal decking in frustration his lips skinned back from a mouthful of fangs he glared out through the rent but the Stars scattering The Velvet Darkness Beyond the pulse of their distilled lights came in time with the pounding pounding pounding in his mind he hated their purity he hated them because they could not feel pain he hated them because one day though they might live for the span of millions of transient human lives and burn near as furiously as he in the end it would be within their gift to die anger and recalled other stars spread out across battlefields and burning worlds or scattered as backdrops behind blazing warships that fund destruction at one another across the uncaring void they brought to mind Spectators who stared down from high seats aloof from the pain and hatred of those who fought for their entertainment arrogant he snarled angron's voice was Jagged Boulders grinding one another to Molten Rubble in heart of a raging volcano it was a rumble of tank tracks grinding over bone the crack of flames amidst wreckage it sounded through the vacuum in defiance of reality's meager physical laws angron hated the stars with the same passion that he hated every assading in existence that had ever caught his notice yet their distant Flames paled when compared to the supernatural brightness of the light that waited for him somewhere ahead that he hated with far greater lemons the Stars after all burned with fires born of reality the light ahead was something altogether different altogether more agonizing to behold spawned as it was from the song of tritris sorcery though the chamber in which he stood was wide and high ceiling suddenly angron felt confined by it like an animal trapped in a cage he threw himself forward into the void he would face the light unconstrained and wrathful angron sped his wings and sword into the darkness just as the restrictions of sound in a vacuum had no hold upon the concentrated warp stuff of his corporeal form neither did considerations of inertia or weightlessness he did not fly by some mundane process of displaced air or applied force he flew because he willed it so and his was a whale fit to dominate reality angrow fought existence as though it were any other foe unlike any other foe he broke it with ease now he flew up and out Wings beating gaining height until the conqueror's hull was passing beneath him like the body of some deep sea Leviathan distant Starlight whitewashed the warship starboard flank bothering the port into Stark's shadow angron glowed at the site of the Warped corruption to the dug its tindril so deeply into his Flagship of old a more sentimental being might have felt sorrow or regret at the sight angron felt nothing but the endless rage and pain the Conqueror was no more or less tainted by chaos than he and it would fight for corn just as he would like him it would reap a mighty tally in the blood God's name the warship's mountainous Bridge structure sat near its Keel and it swept toward him now Ingram beat his wings again twisting in the void and landed to perch like some huge Crimson gargoyle a crenellated spire he glowered her head towards the light to the grew brighter and closer with every passing moment it was not a light of the eye but rather of the Mind angron could sense that its source was still distant at least one more headlong plunge through the battering tides of the warp yet even from here you felt it incorporeal heat simmering against his flesh had its faint but soaring psychic Aria and tasted the greasy taint of sorcery upon his forked tongue angron hated witchery with an intensity only exceeded by that of the dark God whose power flowed through him he would have gladly followed this Trail to its end whether the so-called War Master had commanded to or not nothing ever dispel andron's agonies but the wanton's daughter of witches certainly made them more worth suffering at least for the few moments it took to swat aside their cantrips and victim limp from limb yet there was something more to Drew him towards this particular Beacon of Witchery its pull was as magnetic as it was maddening it was also achingly familiar in a way that angron could not quite Define that inability only fed the Flames of his anger Miss Terence tightened into a crushing grip that buckled metal while the nails pounded pounded pound his mind more memory swam unbidden through the infernal heat Haze of his Mind's Eye he saw it again his Rebellion his comrades in dashier dying one by one he wished only to join them but instead being snatched away by numerous being who he hated above all others he stood before the walls of that being's Palace and he defied the wards and the guns and he gave his flesh and blood and sacrifice to corn he rose in raiment of running Gore and Searing brass and he fought again in the blood God's name why had the psychic Beacon dredge thoughts of his father from the bloody bar of his memory engram did not want to think about the emperor and he knew that the light ahead was not that of the astronomicon but that infuriating familiarity persisted a splinter lodged in a pummeled meat of his mind and gone through back his head and roared and the sound rolled through the void like a Thunderclap he would learn the nature of that hateful glare soon enough and when he did he would do whatever violence must be done to extinguish it nor would anger on fight alone though he cared little about such things turning his back upon the witch light he surveyed his Fleet sped out behind the Conqueror in a ragged wedge was a veritable Armada of renegade warships former battleships and cruises of the Imperial Navy jostled through position with muscular Space Marine void craft the freakish vessels of the dark mechanicum and even some craft either belonging to or taken forcibly from xenos Mercenaries at the heart of their formation sailed in them in spacehog above whose dorsal Mass flickered a captive War portal engram was dimly aware that this vessel was the Clarion Dyer commanded by Lord karaka blood Fist and soon to recover some prize from Malak Bale for the despoiler if avadon expected anger on to defend that lumpin Moon of a craft or make any effort to facilitate its mission he would be disappointed the very presumption of such Notions made angron grind his fangs together with Fury nearly all of the assembled warships displayed some degree of Imperial corruption be it blood-slicked metal extrusions masses of borrowed brass chains like octopodal tentacles colossal hounds head prows whose yawning Jaws belched Flames or any of a myriad other deformities angron could also see dozens of different color schemes and heraldric Designs upon the vessel's house some were displayed with Marshall Pride others looked hastily adorbed and were marred by blast scorches and impaled Corpses dozens of renegade warbands treated chapters Fallen mortal regiments and turncoat Titan Legions were present here yet outnumbering them all were the warships of angron's own world eaters again and again the emblem was repeated a doomed Planet trapped within fanged and crushing Jaws it appeared on Ancient battle barges whose hulls were all streaked Gore and rusted brass it stood out proud on the prows and flanks of Cruisers and escorts padding Hues of crimson and Bone and even upon a few vessels still bearing the ghost of their legion's white and blue [Music] angron did not know and did not care how so many of the world eaters came to be here he was in little doubt that this was the greatest Gathering of their strength to be seen since the final days of horus's vainglorious War some mechanism or imagination had brought them all together to follow him in the attack upon the witchbeacon but if it was something of his own doing angon did not remember perhaps this was the despoilers meddling the sword stoked angron's anger afresh he had no need of this vast Army that followed at his heels did not require reinforcement or appreciate the implication of weakness it represented yet at the same time he knew the unimaginable Devastation it could unleash angron imagined the cataclysmic Bloodshed to come the mountain range of skulls would be raised and tribute to corn the thought made the nails Hammer hot in his mind pounding pounding pounding diving him from his perch with another Roar and got leapt into the void and beat his wings furiously as if through suitably violent action he might drive away the pain as he flew engran saw yet more corned void ships tearing their ways from the warp into reality their battered holes trailed streams of ectoplasm that tattered apart and streaked the void with warp filth they reminded angron of entrails ripped from a foe's gut and Spilled streaming across the ground that age cameras hope to muscle into the formation each trying to find a spot as close to the Glorious conqueror as possible andron Saw gun decks unshrouded and tired swivel as the craft sought to bully their way in the fangs of Canada's bared in threat to lesser members of the pack one huge Oberon class Battleship adorned in full world eaters panoply scattered a swarm of frigates as it took up position brazenly close behind the Conqueror engram wondered for a fleeting moment where the Khan was awarded the craft the sheer aggression of the maneuver smacked of his brute directness and angron did not doubt that his one-time Hickory was somewhere amidst a gathering of Might how big would the fleet grow he wondered how long could so many devotees of the Lord of battle wait before their patience frayed before they turned guns and Blades upon one another and made Crimson offering to corn ultimately neither question mattered because neither he nor the Conqueror would be waiting any longer to find out the ship had only dropped out of water in order to take astronomic bearings for its final warp jump into the marac system whether those readings have been completed or not andron would order immediate translation he had no fear of misadventure in the sea of Souls and he cared nothing for the fate of those who followed him let the storm keep up if they could they at least might prove capable of taking some loyalist heads upon Malik Bale as angron drove back down towards one of the conquerors embarkation decks he felt again the invasive glare of the Sorceress Beacon and his rage burned white hot at its touch The Butchers now is pounded pounded pounded in his mind and he vowed to himself that he would drown that witch light in blood until it could never be lit again the cursed angel the boy who never lived ah was there ever a more cursed man than the Fallen Angel the red angel the demon Primark angron for many will look to the power of His exalted rank his abilities and immortality but few were really allowed themselves to look at the terrible terrible cost I often hear people comment that the emperor is a tyrant and the chaos is freedom well the emperor May well be a terror a carbuncle on the face of humanity to some but no matter his acts of surgery or cruelty they pale into nothing compared to the evil of the dark gods of Chaos sometimes it is better the devil you know and it is anger on to which I usually point when I wish to elucidate the horror of these terrible things fangron was dealt as the roughest hand in all of the Warhammer setting bar none he was a child when he arrived on his world as all of the primarks were yet where some were born to the purple adopted by Lords or leaders angram was brought up in the dust he was made into a gladiator even as a child then they took this pology of combat and tried to enhance him they cut off the top of his skull then placed an item inside his very mind called the butcher's nails they sewed him up and prepared to enjoy for the butcher's nails were curse I would not place on anyone no matter their crimes no matter how violent act there is nothing worthy of this punishment for the nails dug into the primark's very brain and slowly by slowly hour by hour day by day they drilled into his mind and eviscerated it it controlled his every emotional reaction for pain was his only sensory input from there on in the only time this excruciation dulled never ended mind you just dulled was when he was in the arena when Ingram was tearing a ripping and annihilating all before him the nails made it so that any reaction but rage and pain was impossible imagine that a fine meal when I was kiss a child laughing a friend smiling or they would elicit from angron was an all-consuming rage one he was never free from as the curse was eating into his very brain and even when the emperor found angron he knew the red Angel was broken utterly even that genius the emperor could not work out a way to extract the nails from the primark's head without outright killing him there and then angron was also deemed a failure for he had indeed rebelled against his captors his mutilators but unlike all of the other primarks he did not win out of all the primarks engram was so mentally deficient that he could not lead his people to Victory he was the only Primark to be so mentally castrated you see an emperor took him from his people on their last night of freedom for on the morrow the Consolidated forces of the planet had them surrounded outnumbered and outmatched with the dawn angron's saved rebellion was exterminated and he was not there to even die amongst them something he never ever forgave the emperor for a cruelty Beyond Reason is what many have said but I have given my own thoughts on that matter in my entry for the Primark project so go have a Shifty if in doubt and this simmering hatred of the emperor continued all throughout the Crusade angron treated his Marines his world eaters like chattel decimating them at whim for being unable to match unrealistic objectives angron was one of the few who fell to chaos without any qualms whatsoever a single moment did he look back or second guess his decision to bend a knee to Horus yet in the last when he was granted immortality and vast cosmic power by his benefactor God corn Lord of skulls his Doom was encompassed for he always wished for it to be over for his miserable Shadow existence to be put to an end and now he was made immortal unable to ever know peace but this was on top or the total betrayal of his new master you know the saying new boss same as the old boss and if angron has any shred of humanity remaining to him then surely he hates the Lord of blood and skulls as much as he ever did the emperor for when he was elevated to demon Prince level his pain it was not negated oh no in His Infinite Jest corn looked at angron and knew what made him so potent it was his rage as hatred it was all based on his pain and thus did corn augment his suffering by magnitudes there was no freedom from oppression offered to angron no reward for his rebellion and the billions he had slain in the name of his dark benefactor was cursed with a level of pain that made the angel sanguineous vomit and practically unable to fight simply by experiencing an echo of an echo of the intensity of angron's suffering so when anyone states that chaos is freedom know that they lie for the dark Gods see all beings as they play things designed to bring them greater glory alone there is no reward in worshiping that our gods of evil for evil always consumes itself just as corn consumes angron by inflicting on him the greatest pain that has ever existed for all eternity even in the midst of the greatest works of his Lord the slaughter of souls uncounted even where the nails once gained small respite inactive that Massacre even then anger on gains no refuge I would rather end in the chair of a Dark Eldar then gain blessings directly from the chaos gods for their use of irony is as great as their lust for further power and so it is that angry will always feel a level of pain none could even imagine existed and it will never ever end until corn himself is vanquished and all of his demons destroyed including angron hence why I call him the boy who never lived not to detract and diminish him with reductionism or to portray him as petulant or childish and so many attempt to do no Ingram was the child who never lived his innocence and childhood ripped from him in the Sands of the Arenas his adulthood destroyed by what the viles done the done to his brain the lack of assistance from the emperor then the curse of corn [Music] never had a chance to live yet he was the perfect weapon of the blood God corn and this cursed being angron was reading a fruit to the Malik system a master of world eaters that blotted out the very Stars and his greatest ship the Conqueror was at its heart discouraged ah but angron is not the only one who wishes to reap a harvest from the Malik system another player joins The Fray with a considerable force of Their Own thus we must discuss this ancient warband known only as the scourged quote in a distant never Place amidst the tides of the warp within a brazier-lit sanctum aboard an arc of omen a huge Crystal orb flickered and glowed as it showed angron Vanishing into the conqueror's embarkation deck three hulking armored figures stood a good distance around the orb where therefore stays Held High the witch father leapt between the heads of The Stave illuminated the three Warrior Mystics it danced across war-powered armor painted in the panoply of the zincs worshiping Renegade warband known as the scourged their leader wore a flowing robe over his armor his Helm boasted a pair of curling horns that jutted from its crown and its faceplate was blank and Eyeless his name was apofly quen and all of the Tome Weaver coven and he was Master of the Ark of omen known as the stygian heart When Quinn spoke his voice bled from the air around him in Asus of interlaced Whispers even from afar with a warp to sustain our sorcery it is difficult to maintain our vigil upon the Beast very nature is anathema to magics yet we have seen enough have we not asked meme neck Creed and Vox Amplified Rumble the high Magister of Quinn's Elite guard the nine-fold curse Craig was a hulking monster clad in mutated Terminator plate he had neither is a Helm nor head instead seeing the immutable truth of all about him through nine yellow eyes that had grown out of his armor we have the Beast makes all speed for Malak bear if we do not hasten he will despise our prize it must not be permitted it's the third of their number lakshet who hears he was a hunched figure his armor gnarled and twisted and festooned with Vox apertures and audio pickups it was both the blessing and the curse of discouraged to hear Every Lie uttered by mortal man but like [ __ ] who hears had taken this to a Macabre extreme neither sound nor even thought escaped his unnatural hearing he was the coven spymaster and great Seer both and it was he who had first learned of Malik Bale and its sorceress prize it will not be Quinn replied the duplicity at work upon Malik Bale The Forbidden powers that have been unlocked these are precious jewels to be taken up and worked by the clever fingers of the changer of the ways they are not for corns idiot dogs to scavenge and destroy and what of abaddon's prize asked Craig as they lowered their staves and the image of the Conqueror faded from their seeing Stone the coven devastated Alec 4 as he commanded said Quinn we delivered his Google through the rift in the ritual chamber did we not but he seek surprise here or so or he would not have sent the Clarion dire amongst angron's hosts Craig persisted he will learn of it if we steal that which he desires but that is not what we seek upon Malak Bale his structure who hears I know not what ritual dainty the war Master desires upon that world for this even I have not heard but I do know that the device the corpse worshipers have awoken is not it so long as our attack does not hinder abaddon's agents in their recovery Mission I perceive no way in which we might anger him indeed our presence here will only augment angron's ammada no so many ships so many warriors croon crate what strength can the corpse worshipers possess at Malik Bale that so many are sent to face it zines will Aid Us in this said Quinn and the certainty of fanaticism burned in his breast as he spoke how Mighty is a source of dish sorcery and to what ends might we turn it in the changes favor he will see and he will lend us his Aid and besides if the foe truly be so many as you fear the Beast and his minions race close Upon Our heels said like [ __ ] who hears a smirk in his voice yeah let them tear one another apart while we claim our prize still should we not send ships ahead to scout the enemy's strength that's great you have said yourself the radiance of this device blinds the third eye and fouls our foresight it is not our way to fight so blinded you have eyes enough for us all cried said Quinn I heed your counsel but you know I cannot follow it the delay would be unconscionable the Beast would arrive before us and he would destroy our prize I do not believe that a changer would have handed us this secret only to watch us fail the word to the captains of the Bale Fleet ready to coven we go to war for the glory of each end quote and so we see that the forces of the Imperium at the Malik system are in for a rough ride indeed the vincium bands of the Thousand sons are as we have recently discussed nothing to joke about the martial skill of that of the startis of the great Crusade the sorcery able to defeat all threats that they deign to engage for they are most often able to predict every last nuance and event of any encounter usually at any rate and the rubric K despite being mostly automatons are the most Lively in combat practically invulnerable to normal Small Arms the armor must be destroyed for there to be a casualty amongst them for their bodies were turned to dust many Millennia ago but as we shall see nothing and nobody no matter their power knowledge ability or support are infallible their fleets are no more skilled or able than any other treated Legion but they are from ancient times so they are never to be underestimated Gray such threat was prognosticated at malach that a full brother captain of the grain Knights arrived with forces to support his status the gray Knight the Space Marines given Jean seed from the emperor himself psychism Warriors without compare there was a hammer of the order Melius the demon hunting wing of the Inquisition and feed Admiral AB condus was terrified for you initially thought that they might try and execute him for agreeing to use the obviously psycho weapon the coral engine when they stated that they were not here for that but to help resist the powers about to assail the Malik system it must have been called Comfort indeed the Admiral was not to be censured but on the other hand the enemy that was about to attack was so mighty that the secretive ultimate weapons of the Inquisition were present to try to resist it cold comfort indeed this automatic and so we get to the meat of the matter but please forgive me gentle listener as I give an overview not a Blow by blow account for otherwise this entry would last for hours and ship names listed off can be enthralling when read but somehow do not always translate well to a listening experience hence I shall attempt to Encompass the activity as best I can without bugging you down in the many nuances that the owner of this book can indulge themselves with the assault the attack came in a Clarion of confusion but the forces had arrived were not as the Defenders had imagined them the Ark of omen Fleet that arrived had a massive Hulk in its midst the stygian heart but somehow many were surprised at their Advent for they were a mighty Fleet indeed but even so they were not Superior and number nor ship-sized than the defending Fleet quarters battle groups the stygian Harter and its supporting Armada flew directly at Malik Bale the ship Crews were disciplined and experienced but so too were the defending elements of the loyalist astartes and naval fleets that defended the system the battle was one-sided from the start painful and costly decided despite the presence of the massive Arc of omen the stygian heart the forces of chaos were too few and the Navy brought them to battle and systematically took them apart the ark itself was stripped to the vast majority of its support Fleet and turned to limp away into the darkness of the outer reaches of the system all loyalists wish to Rejoice at their victory the Admiral himself was of a mind to express to the great night that they had somewhat over bigged the cake in regards to the threat that they had discerned a good thing he did not do this as it was then though the system was rent with massive translation signatures as the fleet of angron and His World eaters erupted into real space and all sentient beings in that system heard the call of the enemy as it resounded in their very hearts and souls blood for the blood God and with that the true battle began may have been In Perpetual excruciation yet he was still a Primark but he broke his Fleet into three prongs to assail to words of Malak two seemed to be headed for malakra a malach VAR respectively being the other two planets of import in the system but of course the main Fleet headed directly from Malik Bale the home of the Cora engine the Admiral had dispersed his Fleet across the system before the first engagement being an experienced Admiral he had placed some ships even at the outskirts of the system or covering asteroid belts that could have been used as tactical locations from which to strike the inner world yet when the fleets of the world eaters came on there was no celebration no confidence as their numbers were even greater than those of the indomitus fleet and their aggression was awe-inspiring The Fleets attempted to slow the oncoming chaos worshipers but were out foxed or out Ford or simply outnumbered at every turn glorious bravery was shown on both sides boarding actions from the sisters of battle in the Marines in the fleet were sent over to the world eater vessels or happened on the naval ships and in confined spaces with little maneuverability against World eaters The Blood Ties was eye-watering yet the main thrust of the ships heading to malag VAR and Malacca were decoys they plowed straight through the defending fleets men slung shot around the worlds to head a top speed back to Malik bile and the defending Imperial forces were left mostly flat-footed playing catch-up as they attempted to close and punish the traitor ships as I sailed almost unimpeded to the main event the Conqueror itself dove into the midst of the defending Fleet under abacondas in its wake the most vicious Fleet in space the world eaters released ursa's Claws and tore apart one after another Imperial ship in close range slugging matches yet all was moved to a certain extent as the one being they wish to prevent getting to the surface left from the hull of the Conqueror are sped like a meteor towards a fortress of light and the coral engine contained therein of course it was angron and with him the skies were filled with the drop pods and landing craft as a legion of corn berserk has hatched from teardrop drop pods and carved at red tie through all that stood before them an angron went straight for the heart of the Citadel in his Trail angron had no less than eight blood sisters terrifying embodiments of Corn's own rage these gargantuan demons akin to balrogs fought at his sides angron and his Entourage tour through the fortifications of the Fortress and headed straight for the coral engine its power burnt and blistered their skin and when angron had breached the final defenses there he found the gray Knight all prepared for his Advent they chanted his name they invoked Words of Power they threw all of their considerable spiritual power at him just to slow him down as I did so scores of gray Knights chanting in unison the bloodthirsters attacked them battle raged across the walkways and gentries of the Korra engine light crashed from it as Inquisitor imagner attempted to burn the unclean from existence she removed all of the tech Inhibitors on the coral engines as tied and beaten Tech priests wailed at her to stop the core engine overwhelmed many of the never-born on the planet forcing them into the warp literally burning them from existence yet its force was not enough to banish the bloodthirsters nor angron like a man fighting against A hurricane's winds angron slammed his weapons into the metal beneath his feet and pulled himself towards the device one step at a time he stuck it down attacking it with all of his Fury anger destroyed the coral engine the Imperium had completely and totally lost but worse was to occur from here the coral engine was linked to the very center of the world when it was destroyed the planet simply fell apart cracked along its access and its Center left open to space and there the core of the planet cooled and became a Sigil of corn yet worse still was in store for the defending Imperial forces for the waves of psychic energy that exuded from the coral engine in its last seconds of activity were tainted by the power of corn and that was unleashed the murder curse for all who were touched by his light both in the Malik system and then out in the greater Imperium that had used it as a beacon meaning the vast majority of Fleet quarters across the sectors within assailed by its warp effect not all fell to its Force the adapter's custodies the sisters of silence and the gray Knights were all immune to its corruption but even a startis and sisters of battle were not proof to its powers as certainly not the ordinary men and women of the Navy the guard the mechanicum most of them were made into killing machines by its Unholy power men and women went mad their eyeballs exploding their ears bleeding or worse they simply took up their weapons both ranged and Coast quarters and set about themselves gunning down allies and brothers and sisters they had fought alongside for decades the murder curse swept through the fleet crafting many even to the worship of the dark gods of Chaos so bad was the infection that it months to come the entire fleet was designated excommunicate Torres even those who had not fallen for the bad apples had in the eyes of the Inquisition infected the entire Barrel and just like that an entire indomitus fleet was beaten broken corrupted and declared Outdoors to be exterminated with extreme prejudice all due to the actions of the boy who never lived the red angel the purported runt of the litter or because of angron but that is not where the story truly concludes in the darkness of space are the fringes of the system the Ark of omen the stygian heart still hid from the Carnage and the archifane vashtor would not be gain said as a creator of the arcs he easily took control of it from the scourged he then sailed the stygian heart towards the broken planet of Malik Bale using ships around him as a buffer protecting the stygian heart from the wreckage of The Fleets and the dead plaid he plowed through until he found what he was looking for the segment of malachbel with a true artifact had been held without defenses on a dead segment of a smashed World Vash door was unchallenged he took the item a lump of black stone for within the stone was his artifact and he sent that through the portal of the stygian heart back to the despinter they're plot nearing realization rash door was more than happy with the result of the engagement for now he and Avalon were one huge step closer to the completion of their designs to be continued I have been Voldemort your faithful servant now subscribe and like and all that good stuff if you enjoyed the video and join me every Friday as I take dies into the Warhammer universe or check out our other channels on natural history and mythology links in the video description patreon merch notification button you know the Boogaloo until next time no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 117,259
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Keywords: Warhammer 40000, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer Stories, Warhammer Information, arks of omens abaddon, Abaddon the Despoiler, Abaddon the warmaster, Ezekyle Abaddon, Arks of OMens lore, Warhammer lore, Vashtorr Lore, Baldermort's Guides to Warhammer, CHAOS, KHORNE THE BLOOD GOD, SLAANESH, TZEENTCH, Lore, 40K lore, ASMR, Insomnia, ARKS OF OMENS ANGRON, Angron, The red angel lore, VOXLINK KICKSTARTER, THE WARP AND DAEMONS EXPLAINED, Astronomican, malak, Malakbaer, World Eaters lore
Id: y9hLX9z76lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 49sec (4129 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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