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Huge props to the team that compiled this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/k1mcheee 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
(Similar opera runs towards its climax...) (Insanity erupts) Why don't you just put two cotton swabs here instead of us? Is it over??? (Kwangsoo's lethal moves that couldn't be performed today, too) (Runningman Legend Lee Kwangsoo.zip) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) (Kwangsoo's introduction time) (wet) (The rain pours all of sudden) ( I can't see..) I... I... I am... ... .....A newbie! (Indifferent) disordered~ Put on this (I haven't finished introducing myself yet) (There are a lot of stories I prepared for...) (Everyone is disordered because of the rain...) Hello (His voice can't be heard due to the rain) I was born in 1985 Wait, Kwangsoo is introducing himself. Let's listen (He introduces himself through the rain) Kwangsoo is crying Do you act in dramas? (Basic of variety show) Smile (He smiles right away~) (Let's fall into Kwangsoo, an attractive rookie of these days...!) (2014 Baseball Winter Training) (2. Control Enhancing Training) (Human Bowling) (Members become balls themselves and they have to fall off the bowling pins) (If more than 7 people get strikes, they'll get the best clue) (An ordinary clue for more than 5 and less than 7, and the worst clue for less than 4) (Only 2 hours remaining! They need to be quick) Should we get down or sit? (They can choose the pose) (Push) (Never-stopping Bowling Lane) (The harmony of speed and control is the key) (Slid) (The lane is even difficult to stand still) (flopping) (Wait, I'll save you) (Slid) (He dares to come and dive together) Oh! Hey! (He pretended to help him and pushed him!) (The warm-up of Yoo-Lee Brothers) Let's see who wins! (Warning for physical discharge during warm-up) (Jongkook, the 1st runner in human bowling) (He's even coaching himself) Just kick the bottom (Jongkook challenges) Oh, he looks like Lee Sang-hwa (Let's go) (Rushing fiercely) (These two only...!) (Strike) I thought he's Captain America (Drastic sliding) (With his body spread as wide as possible) (And a bit of luck (?)) (Good start with a strike!) (The second runner, Jaeseok) (His pants raised up) (He sets his hair before playing) (The look of a man who knows how to play at a bowling alley) (Keen eyes are ready) (He seems like he already made a strike with his attractiveness) (Suppressing bowling pins with his looks) (Fussy challenge) (Super-speed rush) (He hit the camera at super-speed) (Failed to strike) (The eyes that would swallow the pins) (And the sliding as if he is one with the floor) (All of these failed with head-butt) (The pain enough to bounce off the the water right away) (The 3rd runner is Kwangsoo) (You gotta make the hairstyle~) (Customized styling with lots of affection) (Goggling eyes) (He hypnotizes himself for the strike) (You look handsome) (Kwangsoo challenges) (Elegantly dives like a mermaid) (10 art points if it was a diving competition) (Mermaid Kwangsoo failed to do a strike) (His eyes are aimed at the pins) (But his body doesn't work) (The 'Chungkukjang tasting competition' has been too hoarded) (The only one who endures the laughter until the end of the fight will eat!!) (Worried, grim, and serious) (The game for tasting Cheonggukjang has started) (He pulls out the tissue?!) (Seokjin... What are you going to do with that tissue?!) (His blowing his nose makes them more serious) (Doesn't react) That doesn't work... (Blowing nose isn't working?) (What is she trying to do...) (I'm bleeding(?)) (1st laughter crisis) (Is this too weak? Then..) (2nd laughter crisis) (He almost laughed...) (Seokjin suddenly picks up the bean sprouts(?)) (Preparing) (Nose sprouts(?)) (Trying to ignore) (Hey, you're bleeding!!) (I know) (This is dangerous. ..) (Staring) (Seokjin almost laughed at his look himself) (He remove the bean sprouts by himself ) (But at this time...!!) (He eats the bean sprouts) Khhhhhhhh... I lost!! (He immediately declares his defeat) (Laughing bomber(?)) (Kwangsoo, who threw out his mouth(?) to eat Cheonggukjang!!) (Jaeseok laughed too) (proud) (Kwangsoo & Somin are the only two who are left. The only one who endures a laughter will eat Cheonggukjang) (Kwangsoo starts acting first) (What is he trying to do...?) (He secretly enters the kitchen) (Jaeseok is looking for something hard...) Here I found it!! (Somin, attack with this) (This will 100% make him laugh!!) (Kwangsoo innocently comes back. What did Jaeseok give to Somin?!) (Hahahaha) (He laughs right away) (What was it that made Kwangsoo laugh at once....?!) (Heading monster (?)) (Everyone laughs) I've been living with this forgotten until now!! Throw that away!!!! (The appearance of Kwangsoo heading fiercely against the Chinese 'Shanghai All-Star' soccer team in July 2013) This picture has come up for a while whenever I search for my name!!! (The story behind the birth of this photo that made everyone laugh is...) (In 2013, Kwangsoo tried to head during the 2013 All-Star game in Shanghai with Ji-sung Park and his friends) (The picture that was captured momentarily was published in the Chinese media, and it became the representative picture of Kwangsoo) Isn't this Kwangsoo without any doubt?! Hey, this is me... (It looks like a soccer player me alike, but it's me...) (The shocking visual of this Heading Monster that even Somin can't recognize) (Kwangsoo failed) The rubber band will get stuck on his lips because his lips are thick... (If you succeed, 50 cents will be reduced again!!) (I'll show you a new era in visuals) (Shocked) (They couldn't do nothing but only laughing at his no-borned nose...) (He looks like he's wearing a helmet of Rome) (A brave warrior's face with his face pressed by a helmet.jpg) (It's amazing to see) That can be advantageous for this game!! Ready, START (The rubber band passes right through his no-borned nose) It got caught on the lips because his lips are thick!! (He's trying to lower the rubber band that stopped on his lips, but somehow...) He's a fish!! (Fish Man) (Fish Man : Appears in the 'Rubber Band Mission' and looks like a face fish) (Spectators are buzzing at the discovery of a rare species) (Just before the collapse of the face) (Passed through the lip section!!) (Can't even describe this cautious face...) (Korean Laughter Intangible Cultural Asset No. 1) (He's busy making everyone laugh, but the rubber band is still on his chin!!) (Only 10 seconds left!!) (Laughter intangible cultural asset is malfunctioning) (If you pass the chin, we can cut down 50cents!!) (Only 3 seconds left!!) Kwangsoo!! Yeah? (Kwang-soo failed) (Jihyo and Kwang-soo, who started dressing up together ) You look good~ (Drowsy Angry Bird) This is... isn't this a penguin? Is Kwangsoo wearing this makeup too? What? Is this for men too?! (He just found out) (No... I do that too...?) I'll make you look pretty like a musical actor No... It's not... It's because you didn't wear a wig yet. It looks different when you put it on I don't want to look differnet.... (Kwangsoo's turn to be different in the end) (Sad and bitter) I'll do your makeup only a little (Kwangsoo's base makeup that is added so slightly) (And he wears a wig to add to the elegance) Isn't it too scary...? Are you doing this right? Oh!! Are you from the underworld?? I'm so scared!! It's Annabelle!! (Kwangsoo’s underworld makeup that even makes Annabelle scared) (He gave up) People will scream and run away if I go outside like this (The penalty for two people dressed up like that for an hour is ‘Opening Celebration Performance’) (Indeed, what kind of opening performance will they show?!) (The curtain opens...) ( Wow ) (What is that?) (High-quality celebration performance prepared for VIPs (not a makeup show)) (They are immersed in in spite of VIPs' laughters) (squeaky shoulder dance) (VIPs praise Jihyo only ) She is pretty! She's like a doll They didn't practice at all The lyrics are all wrong (Performance is the worst compared to the intense visuals) Lee Yoon-seok! (Even with the crude stage quality, they praise generously!) (What is Kwangsoo doing) ( Missing the beat) (Wake up!) (The opera-like performance runs towards its climax...) (Insanity erupts) (The unpracticed delegations show off their best performance on a stage) (I did my best) (Their makeups are perfect though!) Jihyo looks good! No wait! Are you going to keep talking about Jihyo?! (Even with the same make-up, there is a distinct difference in presence) Everyone said 'Jihyo is really pretty' Isn't Kwangsoo dressed as a dead person? (Dead-person's skin) Isn't this a frozen corpse? Isn't this 'Surprise'? (Dead person, a frozen corpse, and a reenactment actor at once) Isn't he Han Ki-beom? (Ki-beom, who returned as a foreign mercenary) PD : Now, Kwang-soo! You chose no.5! (The identity of 'No. 5' chosen by Kwang-soo is?!) (<I Saw the Devil>'s Kyungchul Jang) Oh it's Kyungchul Jang of 'I Saw the Devil'! I like this character so much I... (there's also a <zombie> role) Doesn't the one who needs to dress up in zombie have to come and start dressing up the day before?! (He's wearing a wig after making up his face) Was it like this in a movie?! This is my mom's hair?! (Mama Cut st. Jang Kyungchul's hair) (This familiar feeling from a strange wig...) Hello! (Jaeseok arrived for second) Are you going to play soccer at a morning soccer club?! (Psychopath who plays early soccer) You're getting prettier ('Psychopath' is getting prettier...) (The psychopath who is the prettiest in the world) I've definitely seen someone like this... (Who was it...?!) (The member who arrived in the then) (Mrs. Kwang Kyungchul) What is this? Kyungchul Jang I thought you're Kibeom Han when I saw you from your back (Kibeom Han makeup) Wow...Can I take a picture?! Seriously, you look like Kibeom Han (He resembles 100% same from any angle) (He even cooperates) (Dedicated to Mr. Han who gave a big laughter even while he's away...☆) Oh, you're here! Uh! who is he?! ha ha ha ha what is that! (Who is that?!) <I Saw the Devil>x2 ‘Han Ki-beom’! It's Kibeom! (He's almost a guest of today...) (He really looks like Mr.Han) (Oh... Kibeom...) Please stop (Stop that makeup) (The legend of basketball is now the legend of variety show...) (He stands up) Don't come close (The legend's aura that scares 190cm tall) (As if it is the basketball game) (Beside Kibeom, the legend in many ways) (Director Ha starts selecting the location in earnest) it I'll give you positions hey, stand over there (The protagonist of age notice has changed) (Kaonashi & Toshio are in the middle of the backstage) Ah~ Give me a good place (Come her for now) (Director Ha rapidly allocates the positions) Ah~ This is so perfect What are we by the way!?! Just tights (two white pillars that are too burdensome to move around) It's perfect to be there ( sad) I'll give you a comment instead I'll give you 'The ages of 12' Oh, that's a lot (Now he sets the amount of filming) (Running Man is suitable for the ages of 12 or over) (He shares 'Suitable for' to the team of Annabelle) 'i' and 's' for you (Only one word for four people?!) (Sir, isn't it too harsh?!) There even are people whose faces aren't coming out Give us 'is' We are here from the morning. We need two letters Why don't you put two cotton swabs instead of us? (Spot the difference) (The race of 'Why can't you eat?' - Don't make a sound) (The one who makes the least noise wins) (As soon as you make a sound, you'll be dragged behind the screen) (And have a makeup for penalty) (You have to make others laugh without laughing yourself to win) (Time limit is only 15 minutes) Ah.. I can't hold back my laughter... (Mute for 15 minutes, mission START) (I need to find a funny picture) (What is he looking for...?) (Jaeseok couldn't hold back for 10 seconds and attacks Kwangsoo) Kwangsoo barely endures and attacks back) (Whoever wins hahaha ) (Jaeseok head to the dressing room for the first) (Kwangsoo who struggled to endure is down in 0.1 second) (With Jongkook's one touch, Kwangsoo and Jaeseok head to the dressing room) I didn't make a sound because I was tickled, it was because I was hurt… (Two naughty people are OUT for a while) (They've come to the dressing room too soon) (Meanwhile, Haha is showing something) (Yondu Jeon is summoned) (Most likely the character of the year in 2019) (she endures...) (The war of funny picture has started) (Photoshopped picture of Jihyo and Sechan that can't be forgotten) (Forced gaze avoidance) (What did Somin see that she laughs all of sudden?) (Approaches) (Two shots from hell that spread a dark feeling) (Chic & dignified) (Showing their presences just by walking) I could endure Jaeseok but not Kwangsoo (Gwangdu, who threatens Yondu) (completely serious) (Kwangsoo's look is just specialized for these games) (Interesting) (Comfortable~) (Are you done?) (Kwangdu secretly helps) (...Sechan is out) (The collaboration of the Strongest Power and the Strongest Look) (Uh~~ Okay!!) (Kwangsoo can't endure laughter with his own face in morning) (He is dragged to the dressing room before he sits down properly) Make me like this, too (It shot on Somin's preference) (Sexy Guy Seokjin appears) (Jihyo is in crisis with Seojin's sharp nose) (Taking a commemorative photo) (Pretending to be cool) (He got out at his look) (He returns to the dressing room after 30 seconds of free life) (Jongkook would win again) Let's make Jongkook laugh!! (The person who said he was worried because he laughs well) (The face of a thousand people appeared at that time) (Lee Kwangsoo / 35 years old. "Yes, that Asian Prince") (Why are you taking pictures of me?) (When even Kwangsoo failed to make Jongkook laugh) (Jongkook, please look here) (A mister on... Sechan's stomach?!) (And a coffee?) (Jongkook endures Sechan & Kwangsoo) (He's strong) Sechan's stomach is having a meal (Why are you laughing?) (Not the target Jongkook, but others are laughing at themselves) Hey, isn’t this funny?? (Why don't you just laugh...!!) (Jongkook!!) (Mini-mi of Somin) (Finally Jongkook meets a crisis) (This... this much?) (While Somin's mini-me struggles...) (Unfamiliar laughter from somewhere) (I'm going crazy lol) (Kwangsoo is back with Jaeseok's touch) (Jongkook is the only one who didn't enter the dressing room yet) (Second attack of Somin's mini-me) (He hates it) (Why is she doing that hard?) ( I want make him laugh) (The 'Finding Jongkook's Laughter' Countermeasure Headquarters) (He didn't laugh even though I did like that(?)...) (Excuse me~) (I gotta endure... I can do this...) (Haha! Bring the water now!) (Comedy skit is ready) (Huh...?) (Jongkook finally laughed) ((Without a straw) Pouring water) What are you doing!! (No, what is this...) (Anyway, thanks to Se-chan, Jongkook enters the dressing room) (Standing) (The laughter machine is malfunctioning again ) (He takes care of the detail) (Everyone except Kwangsoo went to the dressing room...) (Finally the best two met...) (Sparkles) (Between these two) (Neck and neck) (Who'll be the winner?) (Jaeseok lost) (I'm the best of this area) (Jaeseok is OUT with Haha's kick of justice) PD : Now, 5 minutes left!! (He takes something) (Haha brings something) (A straw?) It went into Se-chan's belly button... (Unexpected recycling) (Shock) (R...Really?) (Yes, it is) (Jongkook returns at that time when the secret of the straw is revealed!!) (He doesn't know anything) (Okay) (Carefully stands up and delivers the straw?!) (What the heck is this?) It went into Sechan's belly-button... (finally the secret of salty is revealed..) (lauging) (Fortunately(?), Sechan cleaned his belly button often) (Jongkook laughed only once until now) (There's only one thing that can make Jongkook laugh!!) (The secret weapon prepared like that...) (3rd mini-me attack) (Saying something) (Stop it, Somin!!) (The secret weapon that is gradually being completed as Somin spends time with the mini-me) (What? This face is..?) (Kwangsoo, who had a similar makeup mission in England a year ago) (But he appeared after the match was over...) (Blue Monster) Oh, why did it end!! (The unfinished masterpiece that couldn't be born because it passed the time limit) (Blue Monster is finally being completed today...) PD : Beep beep!! it's over????? It's over again??? (Kwang-soo's special move, that couldn't be shown again) No, why don't you tell me eariler...!!! Or blow the whistle earlier!! Oh, it was almost done... (Mission 2 ends with Kwangsoo who almost became an Avatar) Please count it as a practice game just once! Beg them now! (Group request) (Everyone follows Kwangsoo~) Seokjin will play this time A practice game, too sir! Let's do like that then~ Thank you (Senior team 0: 0 Junior team) (Jaeseok acts up with Jongkook's win) (You are the best, captain!) (Seokjin takes revenge at this time) (Same for you!) Captain! (A strange sight that people call Kwangsoo the captain) I love this kind of thing ~ ♥ (The first time to be called as a captain after 5 years of living as the youngest) Before Jongkook comes... (Having an emergency meeting) Should I go first? you..? You're the ace The hidden card is for the last (He likes it~ lol) Can't you say that a little more? Your wet face looks like Terius (checks the camera) No (Junior team is very disciplined) Who said 'I'm tired'! Step forward, the one who said 'I'm tired' You little What?! (He was definitely looking at this side...) You little peanuts... If it's a peanut, you're talking about me (He's asking for cutting some slack) Then give us a position of Seniors (Kwangsoo asks for the position of 'Senior' instead of playing one more game) Then we are going to be seniors from now on (Never Ending Situational Play) (The team that won this round becomes 'senior') Huh? your mic is out (Slap) (A slapstick revenge of Jaeseok who is pissed off) (Calm down, captain) This non-alcoholic beer makes me feel like I'm on a real vacation You want some drink~? No, we have it too!! We're not enemies, but why do you keep treating us like an enemy Please talk nicely... Why are you yelling at us who are trying to share something Hey, be quiet!!! That four-eyes is sitting next to Jongkook and keep disturbing... (gisedeungdeung along today) (Lies down) (Taking a beer shower all of sudden) Are you Seokjin or what!? He's embarrassed now (Embarrassed) (now they started to learn hula) (Since they are the members who knows how to dance...) (Their problems are the expression that suits the dance) Ah! Like that? (Like this~?) Why are you so ugly today? (Kwangsoo's beauty which stands out thanks to hula makeup) I saw you are doing like this... (A generous teacher) (<Hula> Facial expressions are as important as movements in Hula! Start by practicing facial expressions according to the situation) (Frequent expressions expressed in hula are love, joy, and gratitude) (Expressing only with your face without using your body!) (Love) (Joy) (Gratitude) ( bow ) (His neck bows just like a well-ripened rice plant) Don't use your body I didn't!!! X3 (Only the neck is separated and rotates) I didn’t use my body!! (Love, joy, and gratitude) (His neck comes out automatically when he expresses "gratitude") What got into your eyes? No... A little (?) of thanks... Means it's a big honor!! (Kwangsoo’s “gratitude” that is definitely not in Hula) (How's the teacher’s love, joy, and gratitude?) (What’s different???) (Copy and paste) ..Wait! Let's express "Love" together (Collaboration request from derailed disciple) (Love) (Shaking eyelashes) (Joy) (Gratitude) (The expression that has never been taught) Why is he in such a good condition today? (Kwangsoo’s unique expression world, that doesn’t get discouraged even in front of his teacher) Sadness!! (Challenge to express “sadness” in anticipation) Sadness is not crying (I am sad) Joy!! (Expressing joy right away) (Sadness again) Happy but sad!! (Happy but sad) (His feeling fades away) Sadness is difficult!! You are a genius actor!!!! (Discovered his genius for the first time in 35 years) Hey, your face is in the best condition today Is it? My face is in the best condition? (Cheers-★ on Kwangsoo's face, who is in peak condition today) Is it because I put on makeup...? (Giraffe in defense mode, quietly goes somewhere...) (No way...) (Mannequin camouflage?!) Where are you? (The attacking team EXO slowly revealing themselves) Nobody is here. You don't have to go in (He's anxious that his neck is itchy) I gotta search where I hid before Don't tell me he's hiding here He wouldn't have hid here (He would have hid here...) Hello, Seokjin (Kai immediately calls his team) (Seokjin under a big crisis) (Seokjin OUT) (Seokjin OUT!) No, we're already behind the number of members I'll be caught if I hide from now on... (He gave up this entered a new operation) (New operation : Disguising as a VJ) (He's obviously Kwangsoo!!) (He failed to disguise as a VJ!) I got caught as soon as I disguised!! Oh, I should've just stood here (The reinforcements arrive at Luhan's call) (Three EXO members are trying to capture the giraffe) How much time is left? There is plenty of time left (Giraffe OUT!) (The day we caught Kwang Soo) (Move as many cookies as possible into the basket in front of Ji-hyo) (The defense team can attack with a water gun) (The defense team has to avoid the water gun and eat as many cookies as possible!) (music START) (They can move when the music plays only) (The defense team can use the water gun only when a music stops!) Oh! Haha is on my team... (I can feel a movement here...) (Kwangsoo got hit as soon as it started) (Can't believe) (In 5 seconds...?) (Kwangsoo goes back to the starting line!) (They move forward quickly as soon as the music is played) (She fires a water gun) (She missed Jaeseok right in front and paint the ground!!) (Haha, who is on the same team, fills up, and Jaeseok steals) (He laughs all of sudden) (Jihyo fires at his back) (He returns poorly without much activity) (While Mingyu is buying time) (The defense team is already buzzing in front of Jihyo) (They're hard on refilling) (Music STOP) (Crush + stumbles) (She fires a water gun without hesitation) (Kwangsoo again) I think somebody is just in front of me?! (She only shoots me...) (Seokjin, who delivered cookies in the meantime) (Teamkill) (We are on the same team...) (I can't see anything...) (Let's eat it quickly!!) (Crackling) (Kwangsoo in front of her again, but Jihyo unluckily turns the direction) (Crisis passed) (Meow!) (The sound of a cat here...?) (Kwangsoo is hit again) (Oh, no) (Do something, Kwangsoo...) What's going on in front of me? (When Haha and Seokjin fills in cookies, the other team steals cookies) (The time is running out...) (Music STOP) (Pinch) Got you!! (Squid Ink Prince) (Leaving an ink painting on his long face...) (Round 1 ends!) Oh my! Kwangsoo, why did you become like that? I understood what game it is now! It's very easy! Oh! What's wrong with you, too? you did this!! I can't see at all... (Uneaten cookies on the floor are included in the weight) Anyway, the people who will be shot is definite! (Lee Kwang-soo : Prior reservation) (2nd round Jongkook team's attack) (He volunteers to be it for birthday celebration(?)) (2nd round START) (concentrated) (Silent) (Fire) (Seokjin is hit) (He goes back to the starting line...) (Haha needs to eat cookies) (He aims the back of Jongkook...) (But no one touches the cookies...?!) (Gather toward Jongkook) (attaching stickers to him) (The hidden mission of Mission 3 : Attaching stickers to his body) (Hidden mission with the highest difficulty that everyone was worried about) (How should we attach stickers on him...) (It was a mission that everyone was afraid of the challenge...) ( Now is the chance!!) (Someone is behind...?) (Crowded) (They forgot about cookies and focused only on the hidden mission) (Only Mingyu is faithful to his main job) Who is doing the mission here? behind me?? (It's ruined again...) Why are you doing so many missions!! Stop it!!! (What now...) (At that moment!!) (The giraffe's eyes change) (The humiliation suffered by Jongkook passes by like a lantern...) (He approaches with the crazy eyes (?)) (The opponent is a blindfolded tiger) (Carefully approaches...) (And attacks on the top of his head) (You didn't know this, huh?) I shouldn't stay still! (Attacks on the top of Jongkook's head, which is the only part of him that has no muscle) (Everyone is crazy with attaching stickers) PD : Everyone, please focus on the main game... Ah... These guys are (The more angry the tiger gets, the more he goes crazy) PD : Everyone, this is not a game like this... (You ruined everything!! Take responsibility!) (Messed up) (Is this game okay...?) (He can't hear the staffs) (This game... is perfectly screwed up...) (Haha is putting on again) (Take it, my hidden mission!!) ("Now I'm feeling a little relieved ♥") (Jaeseok is satisfied through Kwangsoo) (In the end, the game is screwed up, and the 2nd round ends) He's a total rule destroyer! (He 'Kwangsoonizes all the games) I knew there was a hidden mission, but isn't it too opened?! Because you noticed!! (You are too quick-witted) (What should I do? It's too obvious) (The 2nd round ended like this, and the cookies of Jongkook's team have increased) (The result of not paying attention to the cookie because of the stickers) (3rd round Jaeseok team's attack) (Jaeseok is a tagger) (ready) (Round 3 START) (Hyosung is taking so many cookies) (Full of cookies) (He stops Hyosung) (The other cookie deliveryman is Kwangsoo) (Don't put the cookies ...) please. ..please ...please... (Teamkill) (2020 Race Starter Kwangsoo) (Oh no) (Jaeseok, who made a team kill like that, is completely immersed in playing Yoomes Bond...) (The cookies are disappearing with his role play) (Hyosung is the only one who is filling cookies...) (I got you!) (Team kill again) Hey... It's me... (What are you doing there, Hyosung...?) (The tiger who started acting in the meantime...) (Kwangsoo attaches stickers on him) (Then I should...) (Staring far away) (immediate retribution) (Self-Punishment) (You guys are) (He refills the water gun) Why did you give him a machine gun?! (Yoomes Bond with a machine gun (?)) (His next victim is...?) ( She got caught while stealing cookies) (With a (Black) lipstick on her lips...) (Kwangsoo returned after sending Jihyo away) It's me... Me... me.. me.... (I got you!!!) PD : Everyone, this isn't a game like this... (Thanks to the muddy fight(?), the staffs decided not to play this game again...) (Jongkook, the strongest man in this field, comes out for revenge) (And dirty player Kwangsoo, who fights against him!) I'm not feeling well... Jongkook’s back is not good (A match is expected to be very dirty and fierce...) Kwangsoo, damage him only! (Jumping) (Strategy to give insults even if he loses) (I don't want to play it with him) (Fisting to only target his waist) He said his back hurts and you're aiming his back? (Targeting the sore place only!) (Hit his back with the heel) He acts up!! (Striking the back) (Angry) Why did I pick him? (The type that is very strong as the same team) (No.1 to avoid by other teams) (picking up something) (He brought a rock(?) from the corner of the park ) (Pretends to know nothing) (The spirit of fair play is thrown away 10 years ago...) (How dare you) He has a license! (<Forgiveness License>, which viewers say, 'Isn't that what he's supposed to be like?') Remember that an airplane takes off every 4 minutes! (Round 2 begins!) (Kwangsoo's eyes and body are released right away) (Jumps) (Jongkook, do it like you're peeling his skin) ( He's doing his best to act up ) Jongkook! He's getting tired ( He's exhausted from acting up) He's taking big breaths (A dirty play that consumes more stamina than he thought ) Kwangsoo, why are you taking off your clothes? (Unexpected belt off) What?! (Stop being filthy! Jongkook's counterattack begins) He's frightened! Look at his face! (Kwang- soo is frightened) (Performing a draw strategy with a very tight face) (At that moment!) (falls down) (He's thrown on the ground with Jongkook's superpower) (And folded in that state) (Kwang- soo is folded) (An airplane passing by while Kwang-soo was folded) !$@!#% (“One word” clearly captured in the microphone because he cursed too loudly) (He's saying everything he wanted to say regardless of the airplane) (Successful in giving insults) (Satisfied) (Next is attacking his back) (As always, a game of using the body with Kwangsoo has nothing to gain) (The skillful leg moves) (Jongkook finally got Kwangsoo's name tag!) (Kim Jongkook wins!) (Jongkook has won, but somehow it feels like Kwangsoo has won) (You lost, but you fought well!) Why does someone who wins get injured? (I don't want to play this with Kwang-soo ...) Say something to him! We take care of him because we are his members (Hit!) (It's not over until it's over) (Even then, he still has some stamina left) (He hits for real...) (We are looking for sportsmanship for Kwang-soo~) (Good to see you) Haha : Do you remember me? (I'll get you...) (Kwang zombie's only target is Haha) (Runs away!) (I won't miss you...) I could stay alive I could avoid this makeup (He can't forget the grudge even if he became a zombie) I saved 6 (It's good to avoid a zombie with a grudge) (locks) (tries to open) (He won't be able to come in) (He met Grasshopper zombie while avoiding Kwang zombie) (struggles) (Open the door. Haha is mine) (No...) It's better than being bitten by Kwangsoo I got bitten (It's a revenge for making me a zombie!) I'm the one who have to bite him!! (Oh I met them again) (That's Jongkook) You're wearing a jacket alone because you're cold I hate that (The zombie duo) (Perfect chemistry) (Ondals are so into a fool-play) Good job~ (...A pet?) Good boy~ What are you saying! 6 X 2? 5 thousand 40 4 X 2? 30 million billion.... (Just about to laugh) 7 X 1? Pig year~ Huh? (Sudden attack!) (Giraffe Ondal is being teased a lot) Huh? (Princess Jihyo comes this way...) Huh? Who is it? No one... (Fool Ondal, Are you there?) Let's look cool (Cool?) You real fools! You've seen the wrong people, girl~? We only look like this on the outside... We are international students (What the) Wake up We have studied a lot~ I'm a black belt I'm a bodyguard... (The embarrassing looks) You are not here... to take us, right? me? I'm Princess Pyeonggang~ (A childish fight that is different with the fairy tale) (Someone else is...) (What... It's Sayeon!) (Whenever she comes, she makes them run out of stamina...) Princess Pyeonggang! We love you! (Proving to be Fool Ondal) (Please accept us, Princess Mungji) Oh~ Are you here? Why are you acting like fools?? We're not fools (Quickly deny) (What brought you here today..?) I came here to marry Fool Ondal~ I saw him over there (They're trying their bests to avoid Sayeon) We are not fools~ (...No?) But it feels go to be a princess at this age You used to be a tuna in summer (Weight loss after fishing(?)...) Your clothes are quite big (..Leave now?) Oh... Are you going? (Cooly separates?) Shall we go together? (Will they be picked by Princess Sayeon?) (A smart hesitating to choose) (Acts a fool right away) (Perfect acting) ...Good bye~ (Passing Princess Sayeon safely...?) Sayeon is suppossed to come to every princess race (Lost words...) (I see someone is coming) (Princess Uee!) (Smiles) Yoo! Lee! (Uee!) We miss you (Crying?) I've been looking for you guys so long~ (Really?) Yoo! Lee! (Uee!) We miss you (Finally the project 'We miss Uee' is achieved) I missed you, too~ (You know) We always~ (They shouted out her name like a habit) I want to go somewhere else~ (Yeah, our clothes are quite...) Why didn't you tell us that Uee is coming today? We should've worn suits We are wearing like this because of shooting... We'll change in to suits now I am... your Princess Pyeonggang~ (Really?) Hooray~! Hooray~! That that that..! Long leg! You seem free. Come over here That's not true. I was... Let's go over there (Hopping) My lord, who is going to carry you on his back from next week? (Lord Yu is enjoying riding on the tall servant) Put me down here He rode on his back just to come here? (Jaeseok and Kwangsoo are looking for a clue) Wait! The air conditional is on in this room?! Huh?! (Jaeseok found something!) (He's checking the room if there's someone coming!) (What did he find...?) I won't tell anyone! For sure!! I can't trust you... (Jaeseok is sharing a clue with Kwangsoo) Air conditional... (Succeeded to tease Kwangsoo) Why did you hide this 'Air conditional manuals'... You're the one who came to see this!! I was curious because you hid it... (Jaeseok, who's coming to Runningman to tease Kwangsoo.zip) (The mission succeeds if nobody is in a photo after hiding in three seconds) Do we have to hide in here? Hey! Can you see me? (Sechan is checking his place to Jihyo) What about me?? Kwangsoo! How about wearing this? (Sechan recommends the safety cone) (Kwangsoo tries on it) PD : I can't see you x2 You can't see me??? Where are you, Kwangsoo!!! PD : Kwangsoo, you passed the mission~ Really..? Did I pass..? They are teasing you! Where are you going to hide? (Jihyo and Somin here) (Kwangsoo and Sechan here) (The second challenge after positioning) (Seven of them will get presents if they succeed now) I'll go after you if you run Wait... Why is he so nervous again? (He becomes pale whenever he's about to challenge) (The second challenge) (3 seconds Start) (Seokjin and Jongkook run behind the door) (Jihyo and Somin in front of the door as promised) (His pants are taken off?!) (He opened his inner fashion to the public while climbing up) (Haha is frozen in shock) (Just like a hopping salmon that has failed to go back home) (He wasted all the three seconds for wearing his pants) (He lost his words...) (His pants is taken off through his no-curvy hips) (Jongkook's voice is getting louder) The one who is standing back should go to the end!! (Right in the picture) What are you not wearing your pants... (He's too open-minded) (The final, Joongki vs Gary) (Joongki, who was a short track speed skater) (vs Gary, who had competed in Dance Competition in Jamsil) (START) (The tension just like a final) (But it seems like it's becoming an exercise) (On the other hand, Kwangsoo is very comfortable) (Upset) (Even a handsome man gets upset if you keep making him stand up and sit down) (Frightened~) (Joongki is exhausted) (But a timid boy is a grudge holder) (What did they see?) (MC Kwangsoo became a discipline assistant!!) (You dared to touch me...!) (It turned into a ranger training place) Don't make an eye contact with me (A unique style that it's not able to make an eye contact with him) (A fashion that looks like he just went to rock festival) 'We are' at standing up, and 'One' at sitting down Why are you guys doing that? (Why did I follow his command..) The game starts now One! Louder! When do we start again? Don't talk back to me! I'm sorry (Indirect Army Experience for Running balls) I, the assistant, is not a bad person (What is he saying) (Kwangsoo is so immersed in this play!) If you don't listen to me! This place will be hell (Game Start) One! I'm here alone (He continues to call 'one' only...) (Kicks) (He keeps calling 'one'!) I gotta be cold to you guys (A tough assistant, Kwangsoo) (Upset) You see me later, okay? What did you just say? (He's an assistant manager and Se Chan is a manager) - Who do you think you are? - I'm sorry Two CEOs can change their employees' positions at any time He has a good personality and friendly too And I also found out... that he has no criminal records I'll promote you to an employee (The thug got a promotion.) Jong Kook is an employee now. We're in trouble. He got promoted. What? Jong Kook got promoted? You should butter CEO Sung up to make our company successful~ (Assistant Manager Lee made up his mind following his advice) CEO Sung, do you need anything more? That's okay. I've eaten enough. (CEO Sung hates to be buttered up) You're trying to get a promotion!! Sir!! Are you an assistant manager? Can you drive my car... Can you drive my car to my house... I'm not a chauffeur. Sir, this is how people treat me because I'm an assistant manager. Work a little harder You're very tall Can you put that light bulb in your mouth? Can you put that light bulb in your mouth? I'm just curious... (CEO Lee can't endure the curiosity) Why would I put it in my mouth? (Is Kwangsoo be able to put the light bulb on 250cm height in his mouth?) (The viewers are also so curious of it) What? What about us? The losers are more... Must you speak so cruelly?! How about I be cruel in another way then? (2nd quarrel) How about I make something else go red!! (The political thug shows his true colors) How old are you guys anyway!! (Asking an age all of sudden...?) Look. He's taller than the air conditioner~! Why does he keep mentioning my height? (2m tall assistant manager is very interesting) (He's amazing~) (Brad Pitt who is 30cm tall vs) 30cm? He's like an action figure He's small but really handsome (Just as good-looking as he is!) He learned to speak Korean, so you can communicate with him (Brad Pitt who's 30cm tall vs Kwang Soo who's 30m tall) Why does he keep exaggerating my height? Is he a skyscraper or something? (He's taller than 10th floor of an apartment) (A giant who lives in building forest) He'd get caught between electric wires! I don't care about that! Wow, this is really difficult.. Brad would be way better What use will he be if he's 30m tall? We don't care about that! he can live on the first floor... and hang his laundry on the rooftop Why would I hang my laundry on the rooftop? (It's so uselessly difficult to choose one) (Wow...30m?...?) He developed a symptom where he loses control at night Brad Pitt who wets his bed every night (Brad Pitt who wets his bed every night vs) (And Kwang Soo who is potty-trained) He's really well-trained This is me... I am well potty-trained... (Brad Pitt who wets his bed vs potty-trained Kwang Soo) I think we got an answer I'd definitely pick Brad Pitt But he wets his bed every day! He can wear diapers every day Let's say he dozes off while in the movies... He doesn't fail to wet his pants It doesn't matter where he is I'm sure she'll still pick Brad though Even though Kwang Soo is potty-trained? He's normal. He's himself It's so offensive that they even mentioned this It doesn't matter whether you're potty-trained or not Ji Hyo, give it a serious thought (Brad Pitt who's 30cm tall vs Kwang Soo who's 30m tall) (Brad Pitt who wets his bed vs potty-trained Kwang Soo) I made up my mind (She picked Married Corporation) (Final score 2:2) Why? She'd definitely pick Brad Pitt for your options. Brad Pitt! Of course I'd pick Brad Pitt But it's against Kwang Soo who is normal..? Brad Pitt pees a lot Brad Pitt is rich.. I make enough money too! But is Kwang Soo really potty-trained..? It leaks a little, actually Your underwear is a bit wet... I don't have residual urine... Are you saying I have residual urine? The normal Kwang Soo lost (A polling place all of sudden...?) PD : Viewers had voted for several things until now PD : So before you start a main mission, you'll vote first (They'll find out what to vote for when they enter the polling place!) (What... is it...?) (Who is the one you want to eliminate first if you have to in the race?) (※ Write the name, and tell the reason on a camera) (Vote for the one who you want to eliminate for the first!) (Vote for one even before the start?) Who should I write down!? (But they can't agonize forever..) I'm sorry (The last voter Kwangsoo, the icon of betrayal) You should've made it taller! Don't you think of me? Am I not a member of Runningman? (It was built for the average height...) (Uncomfortable~) (Unsatisfied) (He finished to vote right away!) (It's very easy to guess who he voted for...) Look at the person you wrote as soon as you come out! (He fixed his eyes on Jongkook!) (He doesn't even need any exit poll) (The name roulette is completed) (One slot for punishment is empty) Let's begin Oh I'm so nervous (The one who the roulette decides will be heading to 'Cage of Death') (Who will be sent to the last destination?) Four is many.. I might get selected... even though Kwang Soo has many name tags (It passed Jongkook...) (Who will be sent to Cage of Death?!) (Kwang Soo will be sent to Cage of Death) (Kwang Soo is selected, and Jae Seok survives) (I'm survived..!!!) (Kwang Soo will be sent to Cage of Death for the crime of designing this Roulette Underworld) (Why did he design Roulette Underworld..?) Something would be missing if Kwang Soo weren't selected (Sad) Thank you, Designer Lee What did I do wrong?!! (It's so nice to see you) (The couple has met again...) (And Siyoung is staring at Haha) Since we're on the topic can I check your jackets in the corner? Me? Mine?! Both of you! (On the car heading back from the restaurant...) (Si Young's ballots disappeared..!) (She has a hunch, but there is no evidence...) (One of them stole my ballots...!) (They stole your ballots?!) (Both of them are denying...) (What's the whole story of this missing ballots..?) Don't worry about me. I'll check for five minutes only She's investigating (I'll catch you!) (No matter they are on a conversation or what..) We worked so hard Our feelings were hurt (The team leader Siyoung, who met the wrong teammates, is still searching for her ballots) (Would the ballots be in their clothes..?) It must be Kwangsoo (It's not me for real) Siyoung! (Kwang Soo hides in his body!) (Oh... In his body...?!) (She directly checks Kwangsoo's body) Look. You can look (I'll help you) (She's an expert when it comes to his stealing) (Kwang Soo, is this it?) (I'll give you one..) It's really not me (I got you) (Kwangsoo, please stand up for a moment..^^) (They don't know where it is, but he's incredible) It's not me (She gives him a hard punch for cheating) This team probably got their feelings hurt That was awful Do you give me new ballots? They might smell I'm sorry (Cheating Kwangsoo got a new skill of pokerfacing) He said he doesn't do bad things when the camera is off I stole it when the camera was on! (When the mission was over in the restaurant) (Kwang Soo's bad hand searches Si Young's pocket) (He stole the ballots!) (He acts like nothing happened) I've never seen somebody like him (We've seen him for 8 years..) (She takes them back) (He got nothing to say) We're a team, so I have to accept him We've been doing that for eight years Stop acting like you feel guilty!! You're going to do it again (If I could hid it a little more..) (Let's focus) Gosh! That's crazy! For real?! (They're acting for their bests) PD : She just arrived at the airport Then should she self-quarantine for two weeks? (It's a role play. Gosh!!!) Oh.. He ruined the mood... (They came back to reality) So Min, you know it was a joke You don't have to be here. You're useless Jaeseok!!! Just take a close-up shot of me! (Director Somin added a cameraman) Do your best if you don't want to get fired again (The scene of So Min's entrance, take 2) What? From Hollywood? Did she accept the invitation? (She's already half out) She arrived at the airport just earlier! I think I read a news article..! (A top-classed actress famous for her beauty!) (The person who makes everyone here including the cameraman nervous) (The international top actress) (Jeon So Min is on Running Man) (Seok Jin covered his mouth in shock) (Kwang Soo opened his eyes widely) (The international top actress!) (Somin Jeon) (the cameraman is also working hard) Please say something in English (When everyone is gathered around Somin...) Here Kwang Soo goes again (The actor started acting as he promised) So...! Somin Jeon...! (So Min likes the way he reacted for some reason) He's just making fun of you (The actor fainted after his acting) Wait. Did someone put poison in his water? See if someone poisoned his water His nostrils... (The actor woke up thanks to the cameraman) Are you okay? Really??? Really Somin Jeon??? PD : She's Korean! You talked as if she was a foreigner... (And the other one who is trying his best to immerse in) Don't touch me How dare you touch her hair? Are you mad?! (He is serious with protecting the guest) (The flower delivery man is waiting for a chance in the meantime) She's gorgeous... (Somin sends him a signal) (The flower delivery man finally got a chance as she gave him a signal) Flowers are blooming on your face~ This is my gift for you Seok Jin, I can't do this (satisfied) May I have a question? You can have a question if you want (He's too nervous that he's being too polite) Do you fart like everyone else does? Are you insane? How could you ask such a question at this important interview!!! Who are you? (isolates a cameraman who's here without permission) Go away!! I'm so pissed off It's too quiet here. Can't you play some music? (A human music box plays a music at Somin's request) You picked an English song knowing she can't speak English!! (Isn't she from Hollywood?) She lost her part because she couldn't speak English at all Come here!! Here's a badge for you (Jihyo give Jongkook a badge?) He sang for both me and her!! (Jihyo thinks of the past memory) You and Yoon Eun Hye are still... (Brings very old memory) (The forbidden cameraman still lives at past) (Too excessive situational drama that even brings such an old memories) (Jihyo's turn!) (What are Jihyo's requests?) I want Kwang Soo to tie his hair (Unconditionally agrees) In order to bring back the memories from 10 years ago can you draw a mustache? (Somin stands up at that moment) I'll tie your hair (Somin is tying my hair herself?) Somin is tying my.. (Habitual faint) (What is this) (He fainted to avoid tying his hair) You're mistaken. I fainted because I was too excited As if he saw a ghost (Kwangsoo gets one more badge for the excessive acting) (She scolds him with the badge and ties his hair again) (You should tie his hair back!!) (So Min ties his hair on top first) I guess he decided to go with that(?) character (Something is going wrong with Kwangsoo's initial hair style) (As Jihyo's request, he adds a mustache) That won't work. Wait!!! I'm doing this to avoid getting a bomb badge It hasn't even been an hour since I got my hair done Because I heard we would have female guests Pretty Ji Hyo made him look better Pretty Ji Hyo must've been determined to make him a star (Zico's team challenges!) (They bet five!) (Carefully) (He has to stick in just one more) (Q. What did Haha want as his epitaph??) (They'll get 5 points if they're correct) "Here lies the versatile artist, Ha Dong Hoon." (Wrong) Kwang Soo, think some more (They calmly wait for the penalty) (Kwang Soo pours his water into So Min's bowl) (Amazed) Oh... It was wrong... (She's upset) (An amazing team work that calls an applause..!) (I'll see you soon) Do you want to switch? NO! X 2 Well, this is... Do you allow this? (She's soaking her feet) What's wrong? It'll go to her face anyway (Kwang Soo suddenly starts washing his face) (Culture shock) (They started again..) (He is ready for the battle) Let me do something funny too (Zico's team bets six after the preparation for the battle(?)) we know the answer! (All we need to do is betting well) (Pop up!) (This is a signal of war) (What are you going to do? Oh, no) (They washed their feet and face in it) (The two moths sense their fate) (They're negotiating) (The negotiation breaks down) (They splash water on themselves) (It's a catastrophe) (They're equally soaked now) (Youngji's team challenges to get a score) ("How dare you talk back to me?") (Jaeseok is touching the sticks after they started to play a game) (The excuse by Kwangsoo "It's hard to pull out") (Starts with following a horse) How dare you talk.. (Oops) (You shouldn't say that word!) How dare you talk back! How dare you talk back to me... (Jae Seok pulled out the sticks powerfully) (He pulls out the sticks to make Kwangsoo unable to say an answer) "How dare you talk back to me every time I talk to you?" (Jae Seok pulls out more sticks pretending he didn't hear it) (Do you allow that?) But Haha said, "talk" Give us another chance! (They're asking to let us start over?) What are you talking about? Even my underwear is wet now.. (Team Young Ji got the right answer with three balloons left) (God thanks..) (Somins goes for Solar's team) Kwang Soo should do it for So Min (Professional cheater comes back) Look at him lol (Everyone is surprised by Kwang Soo?) (He brought a whole bucket of water balloons) I brought them for the next round.. I'm so excited about this sitcom (Kwangsoo steps forward quietly at that time) (He's bringing drinking water) (2020 Best Sitcome <Somin & Kwangsoo's Water Show>) (Sister, have you lost your mind?) "What is wrong with you?" "Is something wrong with this?" "Are you out of your mind?" (The new technique to pop balloons without pulling a stick out) I didn't do anything (Kwangsoo didn't do anything but the water balloons are popped) (Okay, let's see) Who am I to you? Sister! "Sister, are you insane?" (Kwang Soo won't stop dropping water balloons) (So Min threw a water balloon at him) (Okay, let's do it) (Water balloon war) (Gives one and gets whole) (She's out of her mind) (He poured the whole bucket) What is wrong with you two? (They're too immature for people with a younger sibling) Hey, long leg. What is that by the way? (Another fashion that got into Jaeseok's sight) (Kwangsoo put a badge of heart on his chest) Climbing? No. Id...idiot This becomes an idiot? (Kwangsoo is also suffering in talk jungle) Hey, long leg! Why do you call me a long leg all of sudden? (They're criticizing one another's outfits as always) Isn't he wearing clothes from the same brand as mine? Isn't that fake? Oh, I guess so (The doubt of fake fashion is rising) (The same brand labels were found on their sleeves) That's a fake one... I can tell that that's authentic (Sechan is confident without any reason) Comedians never wear fake clothes. I'm a comedian too (Kwang Soo finally admitted that he's a comedian) (The honorary comedian is frustrated) (Just put on a heart-shaped badge~!) - Isn't that a crab? - Guys, stop it I think it's a crab Let's love one another I'll take it off! Gosh if you take that off, you lose.. (#'O' Dance Studio in Gangnam, Seoul) (Sechan's solo part) (He's happy with his solo part) (The choreography of coming front after jumping) (Why doesn't he look cool) (Sechan is coming out as he learned..) (A neck slice all of sudden?!) (No, this is my choreography..) (I have to do this while you'r'e coming forward) (Is this right to come out with my face being slapped?) Won't you be able to avoid well if he holds knives on his hands?) I'll bring knives next time! (Practicing a choreography in one line) (Jong Kook bursts out laughing..?) Shouldn't only our arms should stick out on this move? What should we do if the head sticks out...? (Kwang Soo's head sticks out) I keep meeting your eyes.. (You are uselessly tall) Kwang Soo's head and our arms look like a centipede Kwang Soo, get down (gets down) (feel better) (They resume the practice..) (This move involves powerful hip thrusts) If you bend your knees and move your hip, you will get a hip-hop vibe. Is that hip-hop? (Do you know what hip-hop is!?) (This is my hip-hop..?) (Input error) (I won't see it) (Hey, you forgot the smile!) (peaceful) (Kwang Soo's smile spreads happiness) (It looks fine when I smile, right?) (The new era of Dance is working hard today) Audience : Kwang Soo is not a fool!!! (Kwangsoo's parents are laughing) No.. Why would you say something so obvious..? (The fact that only fans of Runningman can know) (Kwangsoo is not a fool) I'm telling you as a close friend of Kwangsoo Kwangsoo.. is not a fool! Why would you say something so obvious!! I'm not a fool... Please spread this information!! For what!! For 3 or 4 months, we prepared hard whether the cameras were running or not A period of three months may seem short, but it feels like a year went into this fan-meet... Do you want me to hurry up..? We are running out of time.. And fans should take public transportation (So please hurry up..) we hope you would keep this memory for many years to come
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 15,899,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 하차, 런닝맨식 이별 방식, rhkdtn, 안녕, 재석광수, 종국광수, 유도, 오페라, 슬픈데기쁘다, 분장
Id: 5wNtSynSBuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 24sec (5964 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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