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(Look straight ahead) (Pronunciation straight) (He has to sing on the microphone...) (Lies.zip) (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) (Means, a combination of the members arriving at a same place is important to get a chance!) (Lucky Hand Jihyo's expected hot spot is Korean & 10 dollars) (Capitalist kid Haha's expected hot spot is also 10 dollars) Money Money Money! And 'War' is for Mr.Kim Jongkook Well, my choice is 'War' - I will go to 'War', then - Just.. like that? Shouldn't I decide it right away? (He chose 'War' from the start! With Jongkook who already gave a shout of concentration,) (Everyone departs to the 4 mission locations) Let me make a phone call to find out where the members will go (60 minute of time limit STARTS) (Who is the first one Sechan is calling?) Yes, you boy There is one man, who loved you so much How are you, bro. Where are you going to go? (Face-off begins if more than two gathers at one place! Sechan is trying to find out the strongest's movement) - Don't you think of one place? - You? 'War'? (Correct!) Of course! It's a war no matter who comes I also chose 'War'. It must be my destiny to be ruined by you today If you're determined to live, you will die and if you're determined to die, you will live - I'll call you later - See you soon - Okay, bro (Bring it on Sechan) (He checked the strongest) I gotta check the weakest this time - Hey, Sechan - Bro - Where are you heading to? - Don't act cheat and tell me honestly. Where are you going? I called Jongkook few minutes ago and he said he'll unconditionally choose 'Science' (Sechan is spreading a fake information about Jongkook to Seokjin. Will Seokjin be deceived?) Oh, if he says so, he'll definitely go there That's what I mean (He's fully trusting me..) You are the only one I can win easily among the members. So I'll go to you (Sechan chooses the weakest brother) - I'll see you in '10 dollars'. I'm heading to there - Okay, please wait a second. I'll be right there Sir, please head to 'War' quickly (He is eventually deceived by Sechan and heads to 'War', where Jongkook is heading, too...) Oh, I got a call Yeah Kwangsoo - Hello, Jongkook - I chose 'War' It's been a long time not to war - Oh.. Then I'll think that there are only three choices, 'Science', 'Korean', '10 dollars'! - Okay! - You'll definitely go to 'War' if you say so, right? - Of course. I'm already going now - Okay, then I decided to go to '10 dollars' - Good, that looks good on you - Go and enjoy the the happiness of 10 dollars - Okay, bro. Bye (The giraffe, who found out where the Tiger is going, ends the call) I gotta... rip off ''War' (I gotta erase 'War' from my mind) (Kwangsoo is calling to someone else after the strongest brother) Hello~ (the dirtiest brother answers) I automatically call you when we do these kinds of missions - I was also waiting for you just like an alarm - Oh, where are you? Let's meet first If you're thinking of a revenge for the last time (Dirty Brothers who held hands together in the last time) (Runs) (But Kwangsoo was betrayed by Haha in the last minute) Let's forget the past! Leave the past in the past. I apologize for that. I betrayed you because I was so angry at you (Kwangsoo... Would you accept my apology?) If you're still angry at me, let's meet at 'War' then Let's meet there then (A proposal of becoming a new men is rejected) (You want a dirty fight?) I've given it some thought and there's a very low possibility to be alone. So I want you and Seokjin (Let's fight with the weakest fairly(?)) Okay, let's do it! Just like men - See you at 'War'! - Okay! Sir, please head to '10 dollars' first (Jongkook said he'll go to 'War') (Seokjin is heading to 'War', where Jongkook is at) Oh, it's Jaeseok ! - Oh Jaeseok - Hey, where are you now? - I'm just squished on a car - Where are you going to go? Others want to come to me But not Jongkook - Where is he going? - They said he's heading to 'War' (Seokjin, who believes that Jongkook is heading to 'Science', lies to Jaeseok that he's on the way to 'War') - Did you think of 'War'? - Yeah - You shouldn't go there - Jongkook chose 'War'? - Yeah - We shouldn't let him go alone No, just let him have there and (Jaeseok hesitates to go to 'War' after hearing that Jongkook also chose there) - Okay. then - Okay I might be alone at 'War' (Oh! This is a good idea) (Seokjin's Plan : Let me deceive the members by spreading a rumor that Jongkook is heading to 'War', where actually I'm going) - Jongkook chose 'War' - Then I'll avoid there today - Jongkook chose 'War' so we have to avoid there - Oh really? Then I should avoid there, too Let's meet at 'War'! Oh, I'm not going there (but the only problem is that Jongkook is actually heading to 'War') (Kwangsoo arrived at the entrance of an empty '10 dollars') Nobody is here Standing on there might be a good idea! (Kwangsoo arrived at '10 dollars' 15 minutes before the end) (You should move away yourself if you don't wanna mess up with me) What! (One mysterious vehicle approaching to '10dollars') (Who is it..?) No, hey! (Who is the one appeared in front Kwangsoo?) (Rabbit 'Yoo' who escaped from Tiger 'Kook') - Why are you here? - I was guarding here (Jaeseok and Kwangsoo arrived at '10 dollars' 14 minutes before the end) (Seokjin arrived at 'War' 12 minutes before the end) I think the rumor I made is spread. The rumor that Jongkook is heading to 'War' (Seokjin's car is waiting in front of 'War') I might monopolize here (But at that time!) Huh? Someone is coming Oh, who is it? (A mysterious vehicle approaching behind Seokjin's car) Oh, I'm going crazy Who is it? (The member who bravely appeared at 'War' even though Seokjin spread the rumor that Jongkook is coming) (Who arrived at 'War'?) (The Tiger Kook) Sir! (In hurry) Quickly! Now! Please go to the nearest place as soon as possible now Except this place! (Please go to anywhere where he's not at...) I spread a rumor but it wasn't a rumor! Who else is on this battlefield? (Jongkook arrived at 'War' 8 minutes before the end) You're living very happily after wearing a human mask and betraying others Jongkook, step forward! 10 steps ahead! Stop... To the right! (Slaps!) Back to your position Back! Kwangsoo might did that himself (Kwangsoo's independent action to slap Jongkook's cheek??) Back to your position! (That is very possible) - This could be just what Kwangsoo did independently! - Oh I guess so! This order was not issued by me, but by Kwangsoo himself. Deliver it as it is, Kwangsoo! This.. This order wasn't issued by me... (Upset) ...did himself Stop Jongkook I didn't order this one, too (Laughing) (Slaps) (He also follows the laughs~) (Confused, disordered, bewildered) You were so into that Monday Couple or whatever, and didn't know that I came here.. right? (Making excuses) Your mouth, Jongkook! That's what Kwangsoo did himself That wasn't by me! You're mouth is the problem (Huh(?) Whatever he wants?) Kwangsoo~ Sit up and get up I'm sorry (He's getting a punishment for acting himself~) R money now? (Pours) (Unexpected R coins release) No, not yet Give it back It's mine Give it back, you fool! (A great friendship(?) that they doubt each other first) (While everyone is talking happily...) (Disbelief Hell) Ah, please help me! I didn't take it! Really! Take a look! (stand up) I'm thirty-six! Ha.. (The truth of this case is...?) (While Jihyo was taking her eyes off...) (He stole 2 in an instant) (When he was putting them in his bag..) (She saw it) Give it back! (In the end, Jihyo could take only one back) (Did I get all back...?) There is nowhere to throw this away (Jaeseok goes out to throw out the trash) Could you give us some water? (Nobody answers for the repeated request...?) (This is something weird...?) What is this? - You have to pay 5 coins, Jaeseok - Why? Today is a quick-wit race. We'll get 5 coins from all members who come out within an hour - Because you came out first, you have to pay 5 coins - No, I just came out to order a cup of water It is in your favor to make other members come out We'll get your coins for not concentrating on recording No, it's not about a concentration, I just came out to throw out the trash and drink water..! I hope you to concentrate more on recording.. (So frustrated..) Okay, in this way, huh? (Drops) (R coins are dropped just like the owner's herat) Oh, I'm pissed off Hahaha, I can't believe this (The others are chattering without knowing anything) (Jaeseok quitely sits down... and touches Kwangsoo with his feet) (Huh? What is it?) (You gotta go out, Kwangsoo) (Kwangsoo, who felt something, goes out quitetly..) (What is it? There must be something) Jaeseok told me to go out Mr.Lee Kwangsoo... You failed a mission. Please submit 5 R coins (He can't figure out the situation) (He got a reality check after a late enlightenment) Jaeseok touched me with his feet told me to go out..! (Okay, so R coins...) No, I was paying attention to the recording! (5 R coins deducted) (Inside, everyone is in peace without knowing the situation outside) Hey, your trash! (He induces Seokjin to go outside for his garbage) (He passes it to Jihyo?) (Oh, I didn't expect this...) Jihyo, let Seokjin throw his trash himself - Why? - Jihyo did this for us too many times Let's do rock, paper, scissors (Seokjin won) Do it yourself! (Plan changed to force Seokjin to go out) (Eventually, the elderly man came out) Where should I throw away the trash? Huh? There's something here! (He must be deceived, too...) Mr.Jee, you failed a mission. Please submit five R coins (Seokjin lost 5 coins by Jaeseok's plan) Oh, then I gotta make the others to come out (I can't just die alone...) (Kwangsoo, who returned with a loss) (Laughter of a man who succeeded to deceive) - Where have you been? - He must have done a mission - Where is SEokjin? - To throw away his trash - Where have you been? - I went out to get some water (He defends himself from continued pressure questions) (Sechan this time?) Sechan, go ask for some water... I told you earlier (He takes his bag) - Why do you take your bag? Hey! - Because you're keep stealing mine! No (At this time, Kwangsoo also tries to deceive Jongkook) (Hey! You should go out) (Okay!) (Those two fishes are heading to sushi bar...) Why is everyone going out? (What is it... Should I go out first...?) No, Kwangsoo went out even though his leg hurts... Why did you do that? No, if you're curious, go out Somin.. (You should go out) (Go out..?) (Stands up) (Jihyo also stands up after seeing Seokjin's signal) (It feels like I shouldn't the last place...?) (Eventually Haha is UP, too) (Got them hahaha) (A smile that can't be hidden in a continuous succeess) What is it? (He puts a sticker powerfully after crawling forward) He put it (The boss of Janbari family as expected) (satisfied) (Seokjin's record 280cm) Nice, Janbari family (The greatness of the boss of Janbari family) Oh, I wanna join that family.. - That's a lie, right? - Yeah... I knew our Easy Brothers' day would come, Kwangsoo Even for this, we are Feel Intuition Cross (Rips off) (You wouldn't be able to find what we hid...) Wow (Somin found the first clue) (Different clues will be played if they play the video on USB) (She keeps a strict watch) Oh, here it goes Shall we order something to eat? - How about Jjajangmyeon? - Same for me Then, one Jjajangmyeon and one jumbo sized please (Somin also found a clue that the helper likes Jajangmyeon!) There was someone who likes jajangmyeon today (The one who had jajangmyeon today is...) (Not only Sechan and Seokjin, who Somin is expecting as a helper, but also Sungrok, Kwnagsoo, and Bomi ate jajangmyeon...) (This is a great clue) So Min! Hey Did you find a clue? No What are you saying? I just saw you taking off your earphones now. You cheat all the time (Habitual cheating syndrome) (He's finally distributing after considering for a long time) (The final boss of passion pay) I gave it all out! (The price of collecting the name tags hard... is only 2 coins...?) - Hey, are you empty? Are you sure? - Yes, I handed out everything. Can I check your back pocket? You little... I got nothing, there's a cell phone... (A sound of coins when he takes out his cell phone?!) (Wait... what was that clinking sound?) Okay, this was a test of you and you passed (Everyone passed the test) (7 coins from his back pocket) - Hey! There's no one to believe! Who should I give? - You're so mean (He checks his card) Is this right?? (...Huh?) Stay still! (Wait a minute..) You are holding 'take-it-all' cards only...! (BewhY's cards are all 'sharing'?! Kwangsoo's cards are all 'take-it-all'?!) (Exactly one minute ago...) (Kwangsoo secretly changed after checking the card) (Pretends to be calm) (surprsied) He's a real hoodwinker! He's One-Eyed-Jack! I tested BewhY. Okay, you're passed (Culture shock) Kwangsoo! Be quiet, I'm seeing Sechan right now (Sechan is in confusion by the phone call from Jaehong, the real team leader) - He called me, too - Hey hang up ! Our team leader is Sora Kang, right? (By the way, my car is...) Your car is stolen (If I fall behind like this...) You have to walk to the opening place (Figuring out the situation) No, isn't this a problem to report to the police? (The call from the team leader at this time) (In the mean time, Sora who met Jaeseok makes a phone call to Kwang-soo, the last team member) Where are you now? I'm on my way from the dock now! No, you said you're on a same team with Sechan (= Be careful, I'm with Sechan) What? - You, Sechan, me three in one team? - No, I'm with Jaeseok now (No... Sechan...) Are you on a same team with Jaeseok? Who's our team? (= Please say that Sechan is on our team) I'm keep saying now (Bewildered) Hello? (You have to deceive Sechan!) Ah I am going crazy now! Really! (Sora failed to deceive Sechan who was almost fooled) Hey, Ms. Kang Sora. I'm Sechan and you said I'm on your team! Oh never mind - What are you! - Oh, forget it! Let me speak to Kwangsoo now Sora... I've asked you so many times if you understood my words! (Huh?!) (Kwangsoo stole Sechan's phone while Sechan was careless!) (Completely bewildered) I'm running away from Sechan with his phone! (A phone thief appeared after the van thief) Hey, I can't go! I'm sorry Sechan! I'm Sorry! Oh, this can’t be on air. We were wandering in front of KBS! (Sechan lost his phone and also his team...) (And the real team leader Jaehong who is looking for him) We now only need to bring Sechan (Team leader Jaehong Ahn / Can't look in face when he lies) I can't believe it~ You're my lump of luck (I'm sorry Somin...) (Jaehong's phone call to Sehcan's phone) Hangang Park.. I'm at Hangang Park.. (Jaehong & Somin have already arrived at the meeting place they decided with Sechan) We have to go quickly - I'm at Hangang Park - Why aren't you talking? - Hangang Park! Hangang Park! - Why are you at there! (Sechan was moving on foot at this time) Oh, isn't that our car? (When they're on the phone with Fake Sechan) (A real Sechan appears) I should get on that car! (The urgent voice calling out Sechan when he arrived at Jaehong's car) - Yang Se-chan! - Who is it! Oh Jaeseok! (Devil's whisper) Yang Se-chan~ Jaeseok! (Is he my team?!) Come here! - Where are you going! - I fell behind because Kwangsoo stole my cell phone! Come on quickly - Am I your team? - Yeah! (Sechan, who got caught again) (Pretending to be urgent) (On the other hand, two people who are still struggling with the fake Sechan) Hey, it's not there! Come to the National Assembly Building Aren't you Kwangsoo? (Oh my God) (Where's Sechan...) (I'm here..) Oh, god thanks! Come on, get on quickly! (Sora started acting) Oh was it real!? (Succeeded to take Sechan without a big doubt) Oh it was real, Sora. Good to see you (Sechan is complaining to the (fake) team members...) (Sora's pupils gradually shaking) (Now what should we do...?) (They couldn't prepare the next scenario yet) - Oh, done now? Really? - Yes! (While listening to the complaint of Sechan, who is happy to meet his team..) (Jaeseok is calling someone!?) Where are you! (It's Kwangsoo, a real team member) Hey, I'm at the Gate 6 of Yeouido Park Station No, not there. We're at the main building of KBS. (The team is already completed... But who is he looking for?) How did you lose your phone? - Wait. We already completed a team. All we have to do is to go to the opening place - No, you have to get your phone back (Saying anything) (Sechan's counterargument that is right and logical after a long time) Wait... I'm not your team, right!? (For Sechan being smarter than as they thought...) (Quietly blocks his way) Come out! These bad guys, Kang Sora! (Team leader Kang Sora can't lie well) (He finally escaped after being robbed too many times) (Grabs) (We almost deceived him...) (Sechan, who disappeared through the concrete jungle again...) (We should have caught him for longer...) Where are you? (While waiting for Kwangsoo) (They found Seokjing passing by) I'll go catch him again... Seokjin!!!! - Who is it! - Come quickly! We were waiting here. Come on! - Is it you? - Yeah! (Easily swayed Seokjin, who listens well) It's not Jaehong! Oh really? (This month's King of multi-level marketing "Jaeseok") (Wow... He's really here..) (Now what should I do..) It's not Jaehong. Sora, you and I are a team - Oh really? - Yeah! (Help me with a word) Uh, I'm so disordered... Oh, I don't think I'm on your team! I'm not your team...! (Looking away...) No, why aren't you glad to meet your team? (I can't do this anymore..) Aren't you glad to meet your team!? No, I'm just surprised... No! I can smell a lie from her face! (Sora's anxious face that he can't just skip) Sora can't lie at all (Seokjin escaped successfully thanks to Sora's expression) No, Sora! Why are you doing this? If one of you give me 200 dollars, then I'll write 5 of that person's name Me! (A Breaking sale of voting rights that shakes the market) (Jongkook, who was collecting his ballots, releases at the last minute) Me, Jongkook (Wow.. It's so cheap..) Look at Haha. This is why all the independent businessmen can't survive He's a major company (The sad reality of an independent businessman) 250 dollars! (The major company(?) is negotiating a price) 400! No, not 400... (This is how the big companies make money) (On the other hand... Seokjin, who hasn't found the ballot yet) Where's my ballot? Someone took my ballot! (In the meantime, Somin is showing off her promissory notes) And Jihyo... What! Hey what is this! (Huh? On a sketchbook?!) (You shouldn't do this) Hey, you come here (As he promised, he's writing "Jeon So-min" on a sketchbook) (I promised you to write your name on a sketchbook...) (Falsifying the promissory note and stealing a ramen, the economic offense Kwangsoo is widely acting) Oh, wait a minute (Searching through) (On the other hand, whether others fight or not...) Where is my ballot? Give me more... - Hey, you thieves! My ballot! - If you give me 100 dollars, I'll write one for you (five seconds before shutdown) (The first vote ends while Seokjin is crying out loud) (Now it's time to submit the ballots) now... We can't.. We can't change.. - Why does he have two ballots? - Isn't this yours, Seokjin? (Seokjin's ballot was found right before the end of vote?!) Ha... Why did Seokjin write down all of Kwangsoo's name? (You really...) This is not mine!! (5 votes for Kwangsoo) It was was hanging on my bag when I came to! (At the time when Seokjin and Kwangsoo were fighting with ramen five minutes ago) (Seokjin resigned and turned back...) (Huh?!) (Smiles) (Seokjin's bag was really on Kwangsoo's neck itself and he took the ballot out of the bag) ...what? (And he openly started to vote by proxy) Where... Where is my bag? (Completed to vote) Oh, here it is (​​Kwangsoo's perfect crime succeeded without much effort) (You're really...) (Departing to find a citrus tree dreaming of bingo on the right line!) We four are quite good together, aren't we? But we have to win... To be a combination of not losing! But if we lose... We shouldn't be a combination again ever Don't you wanna see this combination once more? - Let's do a reverse today. Don't betray each other - There's no reason to betray Wait, Haha sent me a message (Haha's contact... It might be a confidential information of Jaeseok's team!) Hey, Kwangsoo! What the.. (It must be related with Kwangsoo... What is it?!) - Kwangsoo sent a message to Haha - I sent it long times ago (Please, pick me. This team has no hope) (I'll do whatever you order me to. I'll make you win) (Kwangsoo secretly contacted Haha, "I'm going to abandon my team and become a spy") I sent it a long time ago. It's about when I was a kid (#It was about '10 minutes ago') All of you must have gotten a message (Pick me as the one for suite room, he received a betrayal message from Kwangsoo) He sent it to me, too I'll send this to Seokjin and Sechan (He said he won't betray but he sent the message as soon as he got in the car?!) Do.. Do you think I would still think like that? Do you think so? I'm so disappointed, Kwangsoo (He tries to retrieve but the eyes of his teammates are getting cold..) I'll be honest. I didn't want to tell you this I had a big dream... So... I tried to use this situation (Shameless) Hey. You're a real trash, Kwangsoo! (= You're really cheap) I told you that I was trying to use this situation. Let's stop talking about this. Can't you understand me? (At this time, Seokjin touches his mobile phone secretly...?!) Oh I'm really frustrated - Wait a minute... Seokjin, you didn't send a text message right now, right? - No~ (claiming innocence) Jihyo, ask Jaeseok Mung Jihyo - Hey, did Seokjin send you a message now? - Yes, he did Hey! What would we have done if I hadn't seen it! (Cheap 2) This isn't right, Seokjin - What did he send? - He said he's the X-man and he'll collapse this team Oh, please! really! Hey, it's our strategy. Why is he doint that? (Seokjin's betrayal is revealed by Jaeseok's revelation!!) Oh, I'm going crazy, really! This is it! My plan is working perfectly! (That team is perfectly deceived by our plan) (Just funny betrayal operation(?) that they're also laughing themselves) They're now in my palm now~ (To the citrus tree mission with full of cheap energy...!) Just take it out, Kwangsoo! Take it out! (Shaking) You know what happens if you drop it!? (Succeeded tp pull out a block at the end of twists and turns) (That's how you put on?!) (Kwangsoo tries to do something reckless without fear) Kwangsoo, look straight into my eyes (Emergency eye contact time) I'll put it right this time (All he has to do is to just put on...) Wait! What is your left hand!!! (Low frequency for right hand, and playing a game with left hand) (Hand skills caught) (A hand skill that even the same team members lost their words) He's even shaking his hand!! (The Jenga hoodwinker is now even acting a low frequency) (I can't believe) Hey, I was also deceived..! Don't cheat! (Succeeded to put on without cheating) but this is dangerous (carefully selected a block) Wait, wait, hey do it with your right hand (He cheats again) (Somin didn't even notice) Oh, this hand?! (The cheat is keep being repeated because there is someone who is deceived) - Hey, Kwangsoo, you are good at acting - Thank you (A low-classed fake hand acting by PaekSang Arts Awards Winner) (Yeojin VS Sechan) Poseidon! You go back to the sea after winning, okay? It's over if you lose (Yeojin first) Hold on, wait! (Time) (Slaps) It's not on! (Low-frequency power OFF) (I'm caught) (There are so many cheap guys around here) No, these two had different beats! (Reconnects the low-frequency power) Wow, it's too strong! (The low frequency that hits the whole body) - Will you listen to me well or not! - I will! Yes, sir! Listen to me well. Be careful (The dangerous slope that only sighs come out) (Challenges first) Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute!!! Oh what is this! (Toothbrush case?!) ( #A little before) (he secretly pulled out the line of the treatment unit and connected it to the toothbrush case) (Jaeseok calmly shakes his hand) (The low-frequency fraud is finally caught) No, they removed the machine! (No) No why...! Hey, I pulled the line but you were shaking so naturally That's the coordination~ Coordination! Scary people (So embarrasing cheat coordination they have practiced for 10 years) I'm sorry, but give me 300 dollars No, now that I hear you... (He even has a ramen...) (An additional bidder appeared while the owner is negotiating as he likes) No, I'll buy it - I'll sell it to Seokjin - No no no! 350! 350!! 350, all right (Wilbee..I'll take you...) (Lee Kwang-soo ▶ Yoo Jae-seok 350 dollars, Jae-seok returns Wilbee and gives a promissory note to vote for Kwangsoo) (Completes to issue the promissory note) I'm sorry, but wait Why? This is 35 dollars Oh, really? I'm sorry (He sneakily wrote 35 dollars) I'm sorry, I'm not good with numbers!! (Did you start, Kwangsoo?) (Bewildered) (A cheat from the first transaction, it is a peaceful bill country) Wait a second (Throws away) (An angry seller denies the promissory note transaction) I'll write it right away! Please write zeros larger Oh, you're so picky (Finally, the bill deal is finalized at 350 dollars)
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 10,456,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 신규진, 김보성, 의리, 뒷머리, 핫이슈
Id: 603xu2QjYcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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