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(He's heading to a place he has never been to before) (Come on Jongkook) (Now the game is 2 on 1) (Both of them got only 1 balloon left) (What makes you do this much.zip) (This program contains indirect advertisements or virtual advertisements) Hey, take off the flippers~ (The feet of giants that can't be distinguished from flippers) - Shall we go out? - Yes, you go first Don't we need any plans? (Representative Yoo who wants to go out without any plans) - Please do your best, bro You know I'm doing my best, right? I don't make plans I just go bump in! Nothing!! I just fight against the world!!! (They're frustrated with their irresponsible and incompetent leader) Dudes, we just go fight!! No one backs you up. You know what it is? An idiom... (He deceives his members with an idiom they don't know well) You have to survive all by yourselves - Hey, regency by the queen mother! - Okay~ A fre..wind... and a bright moon... It's a fresh wind and a bright moon! (He leaves without any plans after correcting his members) Oh... We chose a wrong team... - You won't be this team next time, right? - Of course not (Kwangsoo couldn't hide yet) (sprints) (Kwangsoo is heading to somewhere urgently) (10 seconds left!) (What? 10 seconds?) He goes crazy whenever he sees a mud flat (The one who goes crazy when he sees a mud flat...) (Runs to the mud) (He crosses a mud flat barefoot with a desire to win) (Flies) (He creates his nest after kicking seagulls out) (Lee Kwangsoo / Suffers from a disease that dies if he doesn't get inside a mud) I won't be caught with my everything... Go! go away! (To.Drone) Away! (Eventually, Kwangsoo couldn't help to go into a mud...) (Will he be able to survive?) All we have to find is Jihyo! (Jongkook's team wins if they find Kwangsoo first!) There's a high possibility of Kwangsoo hiding in a mud flat! (Kwangsoo got aged by the weathering through the rocks) (Jongkook is heading to find Kwangsoo) (But there's Jihyo right behind them...!) (Please don't look back ...) (Jihyo is at their sights...!) Huh?! (Jaeseok looked behind at that time...!) (Jaeseok team will win if Jihyo gets caught here...) (But he missed..!) Kwangsoo must be somewhere here...? (While looking around to for Kwangsoo...) (He found Jihyo!) (Jongkook takes Jaeseok to soemwhere else right after he finds Jihyo) Jihyo! (Jaeseok is deceived by Jongkook and moves together) Jihyo! (Oh I'm survived) (Jongkook team will win if he finds Kwangsoo with avoiding Jihyo!) (Jaeseok lost Jihyo in front of his eyes) (She's scared to death) Oh, that was so close (Be quite, drone!) (Jongkook can't head to the mud flat because of Jihyo) (Jaeseok who is looking for Jihyo) (and Jongkook who is looking for Kwangsoo with defending Jihyo) Song Jihyo... (At that time!) (He discovered a VJ filming someone on a mud flat) (VJ Yoon Sang is shooting Jihyo from a distance) (Something's there...?) (Runs) (He makes a surprise attack when Jongkook is off his guard) (Something must be here...!) (Bewildered) (Jaeseok team wins if Jihyo is caught!) Aren't you Jihyo? (I got you) (Even Jihyo is OUT) Why are you hiding in such a place! (Jaeseok team Win) (Where is Kwangsoo?) He jumped into the sea!!! Come out, Kwangsoo! Kwangsoo, we won! (In the meantime the news of victory is spreading...) Oh, it's so cold... so cold.. (He couldn't hear the news and still shivering in cold) (His face looks like he needs to be rescued) I wanna go home..! (The seawater is rising gradually) (VJ Yoon Sang goes to rescue him) - Kwangsoo.. It's over.. - Is it over? (VJ Yoon Sang, who is familiar with a mud thanks to Kwangsoo, rescued Kwangsoo) We have to go out now. The water is rising. Did they find me? You really went to the mud flat? He went into it! (Kwangsoo's eccentricity that calls admiration) Wow, he's amazing. Is he getting a penalty by himself? Why did you go there! (Kwangsoo returns safely with all sorts of booing) Did we win? Wow! okay!!! I can't go even if I die..! Don't come! (I won't go, so please stop and come up...) One minute before the end! Please.. go! I can't give up!! What makes him to do that? Why is he making the game like that? 10 seconds before the end! Kwangsoo, come back now! 10! - 9! - Did we get them all? - 8! - It's over! 7! Dahee is left! Wow! Wow!!! (She kicks!) Wow!!!! (I did it!!) (Green Team succeeded to kick 1 can) Haha! (We finally made it!) (By the way, when will Kwangsoo... come...?) (He's still standing on a mud flat without knowing the end of the match...) (Breathing hard) Please let him know it's over..! They don't have to go further! Stop! Tell them it's over (Please stop following me, Jaeseok..) (An AD is heading to the mud brothers(?) who doesn't know the situation) (It's over) Over?! (I survived!!) (Oh... You Kwangsoo...) Bopil, I'm sorry! Bopil...! I'm sorry! (Can't get out of the mud) (Runningman PD / Extreme Job 2) What makes you do this! This isn't a game like that! Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry - Hey... look at those staff - I'm sorry, everyone! (Gathered) (20th Century Singer VS 21st Century Girl) (A chase beyond the century) Arrrrg! (What happened, Youngji..?) (Everyone is shocked to see the ridiculous match) (Jongkook doesn't stop before it ends) (He pays back the two balls he got) (Full of madness) Hey, look at her face! What's wrong! (The power of a 21st century girl who overwhelms everyone with only face) (Youngji who was looking for a new target) (Suddenly took off her shoes) (Her steps to the battlefield got lighter) (Crazy footsteps) (No one can easily attack Youngji who is struggling with bare feet....) Wow, Youngji, you're so funny! Why did you take off your shoes! Huh? To run better! (Jaeseok is aiming Youngji) (Sprints) (She tries to block Jaeseok, but...) (Fail to defend) You are very good Nice energy, Youngji! (I am Lee Youngji) (30 seconds before the second half) (Hands) (Hands faster than the eyes) (What's that) (A crazy movement that pays homage to his role model 'Han Ki Bum') He's so fast that I can't see! (Jaeseok heads to Kwangsoo at this time) (Slaps) (Kwangsoo's one-man show -end-) (What the..) It eventually ends as a comedy skit (3 seconds before the end of the second half) (He got 15 more badges) (Okay, let's do it) It's you today!! (Rushes to Haha!) (League of their own) Don't mind us!! It's because we have a good relationship (two men who care for each other (?)) (warm touch towards each other) (pathetic...) (never ending touch) (the result of giving warm touch to each other) Hey! You lovely guy! (Sechan 312 VS Haha 443) (131 differences) (A touch craftsman who can't be touched) Oh I'm going crazy. What should I do? (While Haha's anger is accumulating..) (Jongkook is looking for voting rights) (Looking around) Uh?! Okay (Kwangsoo got caught while touching him sneakily) (You dare touch me, right?!) (Merridian masseur(?)) Listen to me! (Hits) (Self-defense triggered) Is this the place? (Massage shop opens) (Refuses to get a massage) Don't do it! (But...) (Kwangsoo's pad is turned off) (In the meantime...) (Kwangsoo taking off his socks?!) (Attempting to touch with his toes) (Unexpected operation) (He tries to touch with a long leg... But failed) (He blows off his steam to the PD who came to fix the pad) (Grabbing PD's hair) Reset it! Turn off the screen! Lock it! Take this off! (Touch program is working again) (The touch craftsman is showing his skill) It's already 200! (Kwangsoo's misfortune is our happiness) (Crazy hand movements) (struggles) Let go, let go! Hey! I'm talking about it as an older brother. I'm not feeling well right now! (Sechan : I feel so good, bro) - I'm telling you now - Now 400! Have I ever spoken to you so seriously like this? Hey Yang Se-chan!!! (Kwangsoo is trying to establish a Runningman discipline all by himself only) Yang Se Chan! One two..! (He attempts to counterattack as soon as he is free) (But...) (Jongkook and Haha attacks together this time) Now~ 700~ Jaeseok! Jaeseok! (They felt sorry for Kwangsoo who calls for Jaeseok off his throat...) (Touch ended) (Yoohwa is hiding right behind the door) (Will Kwangsoo find her..?!) (Goes out) (Nobody is there~ Goodbye) (The song starts) (Yelling) (Dancing) (She can't find me~) (Staying with an enemy in one place) (She sings hard without knowing Haha's there) (In the meantime, the searcher Kwangsoo is..) No one is here?! Oh! (The one that surprised him so much was Jongkook) No one? (He pretends that he didn't see him..) No, what makes you do that! (How did you go up there?!) (Fe minutes ago, Jongkook chose to stay at where others can't touch him instead of hiding) (Out of their league) (Come up if you can) He's crazy.. (Kwangsoo leaves without touching him..) (It's not okay share a password) (The lover might misunderstood even though it's nothing) Everything's fine if you don't see it What if you saw something! If your girlfriend wants you to share your password! - My girlfriend? Oh no! - Then you break up? Even though you love her? No, I will persuade her without breaking up! Why do you wanna see it Just let me know your password - If I tell you this, we breaks up - Okay~ Just tell me! - No, I mean we break up if you see this.. - Okay, I'll break up with you if I see. Just tell me the password! (If you see it, we will break up immediately VS I will not see it, so please let me know) (It seems like there are only two people in this space) (Endless Tikitaka like a real love fight) (Out of patience) - But why do you keep wanting to see it? - Hey, he's serious now! (Getting serious with his life) Hey! Sechan! (If you fight, you lose!!) No, you say you won't see it! What did you say right now? (Shoe removal show out of nowhere due to the rapid rise of anger) (The unbeatable logic King "Just tell me the password, I won't see it") Grab him! (An experienced man is stimulated by invincible logic) No, I just want to know~ (calm down, Sechan) Drink a water first (The dangerous situational play ends with a glass of cool water) (If you have to accept one of the two) (A. Muscle loss because you can't exercise anymore in your life) (B. A solo forever because you can't have a girlfriend in your life) The word muscle loss is so funny Look carefully! Look at me now! You'll have my body.. (Swaying) (He hates it) (Will he choose to marry and have arms swaying like Haha...) (Or will he choose muscles and live as a solo for the rest of his life...) Wow, you made a good question Hey, wouldn't it be better to live with soft arms than not to have a girlfriend in your life..? That means you really don't know me... To us(?) That is a big problem..! (Us = fitness maniacs) You must don't know what that means. That means I'm losing my everything You don't have to get mad like this It's so terrible just to imagine (Jongkook's choice is...?) (All chose B except Seokjin) How come you give up love, man! (He gave up love) There is nothing to think about (I'd rather lose love than muscles -Trainer Kook-) (h'es really amazing..) (Who is a better lover?) (A. A love who uses a lot of tissue paper when she blows her nose) (B. A lover who sniffles because she doesn't want to waste toilet paper) This is too extreme... She sniffles like this! No, like this even though it's flowing! (Snot mukbang) (It's terrible to just think of it...) I hate that kind of sister-in-law! (Decision completed) Oh really? Isn't that cuter? No, you can recycle the tissue.. (The debate is getting serious) Its not about meeting a real lover! What makes you guys so serious!!!! Was this game so serious like this? You just.. You.. are so into your girl(?) Honey... look and learn I've been very nice to you! Huh!? Oop! (Everyone's bewildered) (The real comedy skit that even the expert is bewildered) Hey! (Blessing came without even knowing about it) (His gums are fully opened with the good news(?)) You! (A little son is more spicy!) Isn't she sick? (The comedy skit is getting excessive) (Rich in many ways just like Thanksgiving Day) (Jongkook's family is in peace by the youngest daughter-in-law. Jaeseok team returns after hiding their eggs) (The betrayal brothers came back after a quarrel) What happened, Kwangsoo? Please don't do such things.. Oh, it's not you.. (Seokjin was attacked without any reason) (the habitual criticism from unconsciousness) (He sees the youngest daughter-in-law for the first time) May I call you Somin? No, you can call me baby~ Baby? She did this a while ago (There was great news, bro) Oh, really? (Embarrassed) - She said that she can't cook today - She want Jihyo to do it for her today (The new era of Runningman comedy skit) (She's amazing~) My protruded mouth is.. (..You even have decided on that..?) Oh.. I didn't know... Is Runningman on TV at 11:00 p.m from now on? (On the other hand, Kwangsoo the wanted man is...) (heading to a place he has never been to before) (Come on Jongkook) (Now the game is 2 on 1) (Both of them has 1 balloon left) Hey, just come down and fight! (Let's finish it, Kwangsoo...) (What are you saying) (Seokjin is addicted to gunplay but has only aspirations) (Finally, a strategy for preoccupying the highlands is proving its worth) (Why aren't they coming out?) (Throwing a pingpong ball as a bait) (It's a bait for Seokjin, who has never picked up the ball yet) Don't go (I want to pick up) He's throwing it to make me pick up... (Kwangsoo is ready to shoot) (Okay..) Arrg! (Jongkook shoots perfectly even though he's below) (Kwangsoo is blocking everything with his bulletproof face) (Highland preoccupancy operation failed) (Kwangsoo was hit hard) (He thinks of tricks again) (After playing guns...Kwangsoo became very immersed in....) Ha... It's a long fight. I'm lonely but.. I got more advantages.. (Kwangsoo was so immersed in from the beginning and he was keep saying nonsense) (The way to live alone is 'to be coward') (He survived 40 minutes of the enduring in that way) (I'll end now) There he is (He found Kwangsoo) (Huh, I can't believe that he's the one left..) Whoo.. Okay, this is the only way Come here, come here (Kwangsoo approaches carefully with making a silly noise) (You wrapped a lot of tape...) What is it? I'm full of bullets and well defended (the only way to pop that balloon is to suppress with force...) (Confronting) (Two people jumping in aiming at a balloon) (And Kwangsoo, who is waiting for them) (Who will be the winner of this confrontation?) RACE ENDS I do have an electric shaver at home Take that with you! (Stunned) Hey... (Stay still!) Are you talking about the armpits? No~ (here, here) This man is really! you! Who are you! (The professional entertainer Haha is in chaos) This is a penalty!! (Because Kwangsoo ordered me..) Mr.Yoo Yeonseok, I'm sorry, but you're a son of gun! You.. You want me to shave this? (I'm sorry, but it's so funny lol) - Is your wish shaving this? - Yes I'll count 10 seconds (Yeonseok's wish - Haha shaving his beard in 10 seconds) Can't you just select one between the top and bottom? Then shave the bottom~ (Upset) How can I turn this on? (Ah~ So Kind Mr.Yoo Yeonseok) Start! (Shaving) (What the heck!) (The countdown slows down because it's funny~) (The shaving spurt of anger) It's a little less shaved here (Hand shaving service by the former student president) You're a bit like a devil! Were you really a student president? I'm meticulous. Oh you're bleeding! It's okay! This is fine in Runningman! (I'm pretty much sorry now..) (So much anger inside Haha) Yeonseok! You should visit Runningman one day! (Wait~ I'll stop the bleeding~) Vote quickly~ Oops I'm sorry oh~ Should I vote for this? - My movie will be released on the same day - Just vote it! Vote! (Mission of getting a stamp by a celebrity who was once a student president after granting his wish succeeded) Please come visit Runningman one day If you come out once! (Cuts off his word with hemostasis) (I hope you two end this when he's on Runningman one day~) (Have you ever seen a giraffe wandering around Seocho-gu in search of Seung-Woo Yoo) I can't rush him because it's first time to see him (Is this young man not feeling well?) It's been 30 minutes now.. He should be ready..! (I gotta make a call..) Hello, Kwangsoo (Seungwoo finally appeared...) (A little boy born in 1997, his wish is...?) (Who are you...?!) I am Seungwoo.. (Seungwoo, born in 1997(?) appeared) (What happened to Yoo Seung-woo..) (Soul Star's vocalist Lee Seungwoo) When did you vote for the first time? I voted it during the presidential election in the past (An old presidential election experiencer appeared) There's another vote in this year. In April... (What? Was he born in 1997 or 1977...) I'm sorry but how old are you..? I was born in 1981 Oh, I'm sorry, sir (Seungwoo, 36 years old) (Where is 20 year old Seungwoo...) (The first call with Seungwoo a few hours ago) - Seungwoo? - Yeah! (A giraffe who only made sure that the opponent was 'Seungwoo' with hearing his name) I gave him another person's number. He's also Seungwoo but not Yoo Seungwoo There was a Soul Star. And there's Seungwoo in Soul Star (Haha above Kwangsoo) I'm sick of him now! (Trick battle Giraffe vs Haha Haha wins) (Out of his mental) Oh... I'm sorry sir... (What is this ambiguous situation..) - Nothing to do today? - Oh, I'm free (I didn't know he's free) I'm sorry, can I go now? (He doesn't even tell him to go...) I'm leaving I'll contact you again! (Awkward, uncomfortable) Ha Dong-hoon, you really... I'm sorry, sir! (Thanks to Soul Star Lee Seung-Woo for the help) (Upset) (Giraffe's message to Haha) Kwangsoo Hey..! Hey, where are you!? where are you?! (Angry Kwangsoo) Come out! come out! where are you! (A giraffe shuddering in complete defeat) Why! why! What's wrong? Who is this man! - Hey, he's Seungwoo - No, what makes you do this much..! What's wrong! (It's not even a first time to cheat on each other) No... But why did he say he's Seungwoo when I called him ans asked if he is Seungwoo or not? Because his name is Seungwoo! He's Lee Seung Woo Okay, I gotta it (Coolly admits the defeat, see you at the next place)
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 6,831,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 신규진, 김보성, 의리, 뒷머리, 핫이슈
Id: RNSxTfyvRHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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