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(Trying to smuggle(?) balloons) No, this one is it (nice teamwork in such situation) PD: Yoo Jae Seok! That one! (Bring it back) - Yes, Yes, Okay - You know, he's strict Dry and soft, today we'll go home dry and soft~ Don't get wet and go home dry and soft~ (Running Man vs Staff, 7:7 match!) - Tuck it in your armpit - I did, I did, I did (Captain Jong Kook) (and Immortal Chan Hee) (Wearing arm sleeves) Now, ready (7:7 showdown that is intense than expected) (Running Man VS Staff crew.zip) (This program contains indirect advertisements or virtual advertisements.) (A mission that is on the penalty ball for the members) (Tail Run) (Rule - 7 people lined up will have to go in and out of 3 rooms and come back) PD: You need to do it in 30 seconds (Rule - The first person will have to press the button to start) PD: Then open the door to enter the 1st room and close the door and then open the door again and go to the 2nd room Go into the 2nd room, close the door, and re-open the door and go to the 3rd room (Rule - If the timer is stopped before 30 seconds, by the last person, then they win) Then, the first person and the last person is crucial I don't think I'll be good at this... PD: Take a look inside - Let's go - Hey, this must be hard (Room 3) (Room 2) (Room 1) It's not easy to do this within 30 seconds (A hard mission because of the small corridor and small door) - Arrive here - Everyone comes in (All 7 of them need to come in and then they also need to close the door and open it back again...) The first person will need to stay here Dalalalalalala Close the door, and open it straight away! (Seems easy when they say it but will it really be like what they've said...) - You get it, right? - OK, OK We need to stick close to each other, tight Do we need to close this door? We need to? (They also need to close that door) Did you guys try it? PD: We did! They must've tried it and gave us a time limit that's almost impossible - How many seconds? How many? - 30 seconds (Time limit is 30 seconds) (Rule - If you succeed at once, no Running Man penalty ball will be added, you will have a total of 7 tires and each time you fail, one penalty ball will be added) - Now, look carefully who's in front of you - Let's do this at once (Worst case scenario, they can gain 6 penalty balls) PD: Now, let's see how good your teamwork is (Time for them to waken up the teamwork that they've long forgotten) Let's show them this (Can these 7 mischievous members become one this time?) - Seok Jin, you'll have to run well - The one behind him support and push him (start) - go go go - go fast go fast (everyone is in Room 1 within 6 seconds) (Then!!) (Jae Seok falls) Stand up! What are you doing! Quick, quick (Even closing the door wasn't flawless) (The time keeps running even while Jae Seok fell down...) - Where are they - What are you doing Go fast, go fast, go fast (Still at Room 2 but the time is almost at 20 seconds...) (Now, they just need to go the end door from Room 3!) (Less than 1 second left!) (Last player, Jong Kook, needs to press the buzzer) (29 seconds 61) (Succeeded at once!!) Why did you fall!!! We are Running Man! I even fell down in the middle (Even though someone fell, they still made it) Jong Kook wasn't coming Hurry up, go fast...! Gogogogo...!! Hurry... Aahhh...! Stand up, what are you doing!! (Average simulation time by the staff: 33 seconds) (Members' record: 29 seconds 61) - Awesome, we're so awesome - We are so cool (self complimenting) - This is what you called 'speed' - With 0.39 seconds remaining, you made it Would we have succeeded this if this was <Hanging Out with Yoo>?! Good, good PD: You guys were better than we expected, we were expecting you guys to fail at least 3~4 times... - Ah, we're good - We did well, right?! (Without gaining any penalty ball, they succeeded at once!!) I was surprised (A tug of war battle between the celebrities and the production staffs!) Please come out and get ready Pull! Pull! This is really important No, No, I've tried it before and In the beginning, it's important to not get pulled and stay in position than to pull, in order to win Lie down, lie down, we need to lie down to win (They each have their own ways to victory from their previous experiences) (Peaking at the staff's team) Shouldn't we also be wearing that shoes? (The production staff team is changing their shoes) What are you doing (Wearing spiked shoes with metal spikes) Ah, isn't that too much (Wearing them on) Give us that, too, the spiked shoes! PD: We were low in asset so we only prepared 7 pairs Excuse me What are those gloves?! Take them off (Fully equipped from gloves to shoes) Isn't that the glove that Byung Man use!! This is not right, that's anti slip gloves (Ours is just rubber gloves...) - Wow, you guys get the good ones - It's like a sand paper!! Hey, but fortunately (They are so generous to their staff members) the ground is dry now So it isn't that slippery, so it's okay! I trust you Jong Kook, let's go! (Running Man team is nervous after seeing their opponent team being fully equipped) Hold on to it super tight and the person behind needs to stay close tight (With Coach Kook's direction, they are planning on their teamwork) One, two, three, Fighting (Meanwhile, the staffs are showing their teamwork) Wow, what, let's also do that Let's also do that! Let's do fighting (Don't want to lose to them so, they are cheering too) (After the 7 members of rubber gloves shouted out fighting...) Do we have to cross our hands? (Members who are trained to use their bodies well from other entertainment shows) Close to your armpit and close tight to your body (Can they beat the group with 11 years of teamwork) (Running Man vs Staff crew, 7:7 match!) - Tuck it in your armpit - I did, I did (Captain Jong Kook) (and the Immortal Chan Hee) (with arm sleeves on) Are you ready? Wait, ready? (The most powerful teamwork that's been accumulated for 11 years!) (Just need to win once to end this) Now, ready (The staff crew members are also not an easy opponent) (With the sand paper like gloves and spiked shoes, they are full of self confidence) (With the honor of the production staff member, they are ready for this fight) Now, ready (A 7:7 match that's become serious) Start (Game START) (...Huh...?) (As soon as they start, they are falling and tumbling) (The staff team also fell because their opponent was pulled so easily) Ah, what is this (11 years worth of teamwork has broken-down in 1 second) (Disgrace...) - What is this - This is crazy (Unexpected devastating scenario) Those gloves and spikes, let's complain about that (Starting to complain about their equipment) - Ah, give us those, too - Now, failed first match, let's get ready for the second match straight away (Items are very important when playing games!) (The excluding member will be drawn by the opposite team) We need to exclude the Jimmy Jib camera man!! (No.1 person to avoid) (The most powerful man, Jimmy Jib camera man) (Who is the person Jae Seok drawn...?) (Process team's Na Dong Geun) (The person that the staffs picked is So Min) (Running Man's So Min, Staff crew's Na Dong Geun are excluded and round 3 begins!) Good for us, good for us (So Min, who honestly wasn't a great help to power is excluded) Do the referee! That's the best thing!! - Hey, being the referee is the best - Yeah, being the referee is the best (Since you're not much help, be the referee) How did they pick me!! - They really picked me? - I do the referee?! I want to be the judge You need to blow the whistle (Starting her second life as a judge) - How did they pick me - That's the best thing (So, the paper-human, So Min is excluded...) (Now, we can do this) Come to the middle (Unlike So Min, the staff crew team, where a male staff is excluded, is nervous) - (The center is) Here! - Stop pulling - Okay, let's start - Stop pulling (The staff crew team is also getting edgy...) Need to hold tight (With a nerve-wrecking atmosphere, round 3 starts) Now, I'll start, now ready (Staff crew's Grasshopper is ready) (This time we can't loose...!) (The Grasshopper PD, using the special technique, and the human-fork lift camera man) (Ahh....) (Pulled, sliding) (Lost three times in a row) - This is not possible because of our shoes - Let's try with bare feet, with bare feet (A humiliating lost, even though they are arguing that it's because of the improper equipment) - Hey, it's too slippery - It's too slippery, it's impossible - The grass is so slippery - PD: Now, for the next draw (Failed round 3 as they argue about the slippery grass!) Ji Hyo, Ji Hyo (The person to be excluded for round 4 is...) (VJ Choi Yoon Sang) Haha, good, good for us, good for us (and HaHa) Good for us, good for us (Luckily(?) HaHa and VJ Yoon Sang is excluded) - Hey, since Yoon Sang is excluded, there might be a chance for us - Yeah, Yoon Sang is excluded, we might win (The staff crew has lost two agile members) I think we can make it this time This time we'll definitely make it, it'll be weird if we don't (Now it's a 5:5 match) Now, we'll move slight to the right side, to the right (2nd referee is here) (Seems a bit disadvantageous for the Staff crew's team) Are you ready? Hey, they are very ready (Can they end this game in this round...) (Round 4 starts) (Putting extra strengths) (This time, team Running Man is holding on for a while) (tense) (Grasshopper Jump attack) (pull, pull) (With the Thor-like power, impossible to win over) (Failed again...) It's the shoes Our shoes are too slippery, it's impossible This time, we almost made it (Drawing the next members straight away) Are you giving them something, too? Why are they trying so hard (Sincere in playing tug of war) (The next staff crew team to be excluded is...) - Yoon Heung Min! - Yes, we made it (Yoon Heung Min, the Jimmy Jib camera man) - Okay, we did it - Seok Jin get out, Seok Jin (Finally their strongest enemy is excluded!) (Who will be the other person to be excluded with camera man Heung Min...?) (Seok Jin) GOOD FOR US, GOOD FOR US We made it! We won!! - If we lose this time, that doesn't make sense - No, we won this time, we won (Finally the opportunity for the Running Man team has come) If we lose this round, there must be a spy within us, seriously!! Definitely a spy, or else, it doesn't make sense - Hey, if we lose this, we are doomed - Ah, that's impossible for us to loose this round (The most weakest members from team Running Man are excluded and the most strongest members from the staff crew's team are excluded) Wow, our staff crew team are trying so hard Also, their poses are poses that only a person with lots of experiences on tug of war (Kang Chan Hee / Former crew of 1 Night 2 Days) (Has lots of experience on playing tug of war) Also, he is directing them a lot like, 'Lay back, lay back' (Their team leader has lots of experience and also has lots of passion) This time, we can do the 'pull pull' tactic (Under Immortal Chan Hee's instruction, they are changing positions) (Tug of War skill ON) (This time, a 4:4 match seems possible to win) (Team Running Man, where the strongest members are left) (And the undefeatable Immortal Chan Hee) (Who will be the winner of this round...?) Lie down! Lie down! Lie down!! (trying their best) (Grasshopper is trying his best, winding the rope around him) (pulled... pulled..) Lay down... Lay down... Whoa!!! (red face) Does this make sense? (The staff crew team wins!) - Hey, this is not possible, it's too slippery - Give us those shoes and gloves (They are embarrassed of the result) I mean, Si Yeon, she's so strong (The two female staff crew with powerful strength) Seriously, this doesn't make sense... We need to get rid of Chan Hee (Drawing the next two person) (Hoping for a miracle) Kang Chan Hee (Ji Hyo for this team) We can't lose this (The Luck/Unlucky ball draw is drawn like they wanted too) Hey, we must win this (The Immortal Chan Hee is excluded!) (Now, time for them to regain their self-esteem) - We can win this - Let's win this (With the unbalanced gender ratio, it's very disadvantageous for the staff crew team) One, two, three, Fighting (Still, FIGHTING!!) It doesn't make sense if we loose this - We have to win this - Let's win this easily (The Running Man team is certain about their victory) Look at her sweating (Pro-passionate player with sweat dripping) Hey, you're in the front? (Front player) Si Yeon, are you trying to compete with Jong Kook? - Try - Okay, try (A match between Captain Kook and the youngest writer) Ready (3:3 match) (An opportunity to overcome their embarrassing past after loosing 5 times in a row) (This time, we'll definitely win...!) (Passionate Grasshopper is also ready) (Start) Pull!! Pull!! (Ji Hyo is helping) (With all the strength they have) (At last, the rope is leaning towards team Running Man) (Finally, they won) (Using their full power against 2 female opponents, he tumbled and fell) (The staff crew team is swept away) (These oppas who tired their best to win these young staffs) How dare you look down on us!!! - How dare you - We're sorry (Somehow they've won but they are embarrassed with the result) It was so embarrassing how we were trying our best to win them... Hey, it's embarrassing that we tried our best to win you guys, but we had no choice (After new weaklings got excluded, they've put all of their effort on this tug of war game) Hey, we're sorry, sorry, Si Yeon (Apologizing now) (There's not much time left, after changing the player, they are starting straight away!) (Jae Seok -> HaHa) (Stably threw the balloon, can HaHa catch it...?!) (Nice Catch!) (W...who..are you...?) How...what happened? (His hairstyle suddenly changed after catching the balloon!) What happened (What happened?) What's wrong with today (2019 S/S Seaweed style~) It's the worst (It's a foul to be funny with hair style, no? lol) (Everyone is working hard(?) today) What's with today Hey, we don't have much time I'll give it a try (Ji Hyo <- HaHa) - I don't think I can make it - You need to absorb the bounce with your body (This 2nd Round was not yet passed before!) This isn't that easy (Can they pass round 2 this time?!) (Stably threw the water balloon, now she just needs to catch it..!) (Successfully catches it!) (You're the Ace!) (Nice job...!) (HaHa -> Ji Hyo, SUCCESS) (Ji Hyo -> Se Chan) (It isn't hard to throw the balloon full of water) (But who is our Ace Ji Hyo...!) (The power to climb up the wall!) (Unstoppable guts!) (That's why she's the Ace!) (She showed her ability every time they were in danger, will she show her ability this time!) (poof!) (the water balloon exploded as soon as it left her hands) (Suddenly a water bomb attack(?)) Hey, what is this (You know me, I'm strong) Just splash me with a bucket of water instead! (Suddenly reminding of her past behaviors) (landing on two feet(?)) (Flipping over the table(?)) (Splashing water) She's destroying everything (King of Destroying, Ji Hyo) There is 7 minutes left (There's 7 minutes left after the King of Destroying's failed turn) (Starting off with the weakest no 1 and 2, trying this for the 7th time!) (Threw well) (Received well) (Seok Jin -> So Min, SUCCESS) (Feels good about this round) (I just need to do well, right?) Hey, throw well (So Min's turn to throw it over, but it isn't easy) (Try it with both hands ) (The ballon thrown over with both hands!) (Successfully caught it!) (So Min -> Jae Seok SUCESS) (I did it T_T) (Cuddling(?) the Water balloon) So Min passed Hey, we can make it (Jae Seok -> Kwang Soo) (Kwang Soo, this time I'll pass it well) That's right (Kwang Soo stably caught it!) (Jae Seok -> Kwang Soo SUCCESS) (Today's trouble maker, King od Destroying, Ji Hyo, is here!) (Please receive it well) (She caught the balloon that's thrown???) (She did caught it but...) There's till some water left, it's still fine (The balloon is only left with the rubber(?) lol) No, look at this (King of Destroying, Ji Hyo, is showing off her talent!) The balloon wasn't properly tied (Blaming on the balloon but...) Why blame it on the balloon (Mysterious things happen when something goes to Ji Hyo) The balloon wasn't tied properly (Kwang Soo -> Ji Hypo FAILED) Seemed like watching a TV that showed an elephant peeing - Quiet, quiet - I was so surprised (Thought it was National Geographic) (If they don't make it in time, they loose today's race!) - There's not much time - Go, go, go straight away, like just now (Need to dance one choreography out of 4, that the staff crew has prepared for them!) - So Min, catch it - Me? (Trying out for round 8) (Seok Jin -> So Min) Made it, made it, made it (Can we succeed this time?!) Okay (Caught well!) (Seok Jin -> So Min SUCCESS) Now she's good at catching (The members are trying their best to avoid dancing the hard choreography) Okay Good, now, next, next (Succeeded throwing and catching!) (Continuing with the flow, they are at round 3 now!) - Ji Hyo, Ji Hyo, Ji Hyo - Softly, softly (The king of Destroying, Ji Hyo, is here!) (There's no more time for another try!) (Ji Hyo who destroyed(?) all of the missions for today unlike her usual self as an Ace) (Can Ji Hyo fight this through and get rid of her title as the King of Destroying?) (Nice catch!) (Kwang Soo -> Ji Hyo SUCCESS) (The members are trying to switch the balloon to a stronger one) PD: You can't change it! (It's a foul to change the balloon!) (We can't? Then..t....t...that's the one) PD: You can't switch it! You can't do that (Foul Emergency Alert) (Smuggling(?) the balloon) It was this, this one (Their teamwork is great in times like this) PD: Jae Seok! That one! (Bring that back) - Okay, okay, okay - You know him, he's super strict (We're watching you) I'll throw it lightly (Round 5 challenge!) (Now, the remaining time is 3 minutes! There is no time to go for another try) (Tired her best to pass the balloon over!) (But) (The water balloon got stuck by the poll as it passes by) (If they fail like this, they'll need to dance that crazy hard choreography!) (Will they fail the mission like this...?) (Successfully caught it!) (Looked at where the balloon was heading to, and HaHa caught the balloon straight away!) (Ji Hyo -> HaHa SUCCESS) (Round 6 challenge) Let's do this, let's do this - There's no time, no time - Let's make this happne (Jong Kook <- HaHa) Hey, please (Threw it carefully and successfully caught it!) Hey, if Se Chan receives it and throws it over, then we're done, right? (HaHa -> Jong Kook SUCCESS) (Now, Se Chan needs to catch it without exploding it and the throw it over to succeed!) Gently (Tossed it as safely as possible, and caught it well, SUCCESS!) (Jong Kook -> Se Chan SUCCESS) (Last round!) (The last player is the worst player, Seok Jin!) PD: This is the last round, if you fail this time, it's over (The result is up to him now!) (No experience in succeeding) (Couldn't either toss it over or) (receive it well) (The worst of worst!) (Succeed this time!) (Now only 1 minute remaining!) I want to succeed (If they succeed now, they can avoid dancing the hard dance) (There's no more time to try again!) (Final Round! If he can't catch the water balloon..!) Acrobatic? (4 sets of dance choreographies that the staff has prepared for them) (They tried so hard for the last 5 hours to avoid that) (If they fail this race, they'll need to perform one of them!) (To avoid dancing the hard choreography, they must succeed this mission!) (Will they be able to succeed...!) (Caught it!) (Se Cha -> Seok Jin SUCCESS) (Succeeded 3 mission and the Running Man team wins!) (Look at their faces lol) (They should've lost...) Wow, this was possible (We made it!) (nervous) Through the lottery, if the Running Man ball comes out, the Running Man team wins and if the Staff crew's ball come out, the Staff crew wins (Only one ball will be drawn) (Nobody knows who's going to win) Now, we'll start the Running Man lottery (2013 End of Year Running Man Lottery commences) I really don't want to get wet! (Above their head, the largest water bomb is prepared) Jong Kook : How about staring at each other? (Can watch each other getting wet closely) That sounds good (To endure the pressure of the splashing water, they are holding on to each other) Everyone, Happy New Year! Happy New Year, in advance, viewers (Wishing a happy new year before they all get wet Thank you for loving Running Man throughout the year! We'll try even better next year Please (Ending year 2013, fighting against the staff crew!) (Now, the final stage of the battle is here!) First, I'll put in the balls in here (Announcer Kim Hwan will put the balls in) (Tense and nervous ) But, since there are more balls with Running Man on it, it's more advantageous for us (Since there are more balls for team Running Man, there's a higher probability) Please, hurry up, quick (nervous) (Completed putting all 87 balls in) There are 30 balls for the staff crew team (2013 Running Man End of Year Running Ball Lottery starts) The one that comes out is the winner (The team that's written on the ball that's drawn is the winner) (At the same time, the loosing team will get splashed with the water bomb) Dry and soft, let's go back home dry and soft~ (Today's missions were harder than usual) (We'll definitely win the last match for year 2013!) (The winning team is...?!) (caught) (the ball is drawn!) Now, the ball is drawn! It's in my hands now (The winning team's ball is in Announcer Kim Hwan's hand) 2013 Running Man End of Year Match (The final winning team is!?) (Running Man?) (Staff crew?) The staff crew team (The staff crew team won) (WOW!!) (What the) (Hell..?) (splash) (Running Man team should get splashed but...??) (Hurray~~!!) (What is this...) (The staff crew team won for the lottery, but why...?) (all wet) (Anyways, it's a party for us) (Getting out of site before they get hit by the water bomb) (It's okay(?) because they didn't get wet) (They seem the most happiest out of the whole year) - Good for you guys - What just happened (They are still confused) The staff crew's ball was drawn, they are the one's who won (The staff crew team definitely won but they also got the water bomb) Think you guys got the water bomb as a ceremony for winning Good job (devastated) Soft and dry, let's go home soft and dry~ Don't get wet, and go home soft and dry~ What kind of luck is this?? (Usually PD Myeok will be like 'Oh well' in a situation like this) Originally, we were supposed to get the water bomb The staff made a mistake and the staff crew team got hit by the water bomb (Freshman PD made a mistake and turned the wrong machine on) (startled) (Since this is our fault, we'll accept it...) Today is this year's last show for Running Man (Splaaaashhhh!!!) (The machine finally worked) (The water bomb finally worked) So there's no more water game in cold weathers? (Even thought we got splashed, we still won, okay?) Well, anyways, to all of our viewers See you all next week, Happy New Year, in advance
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 3,919,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, #지석진말실수, #지석삼, #꿀잼, #모음집, #케미, #춤, Runningman, 예능맛ZIP, 런닝맨, 유장꾸, 양세찬, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 런닝맨 레전드, #벌칙, 제작진
Id: Z2MxCkaX_yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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