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(Se Chan is nervously breathing in and out...) - Hey, So Min lol - Hey, what are you doing, are you watching a movie? - Are you watching a movie? - I'm cheering Se Chan (Regardless of the player's opinion, his so-called 'girlfriend' is cheering him up) (Yang Se Chan ♥ Jeon So Min.zip Ep.6) (This program contains indirect advertisements or virtual advertisements.) - Happy birthday~ - Happy birthday Sit down~! (The parents are making Se Chan sit down) Hey, hey, don't do anything and just drink some coffee Se Chan! Before you sit down, can you help me with one last thing Can you give me one dish... I'm sorry but.. my hands are full (As soon as he sits down, Seok Jin is making him do things) - A large dish? - A large dish I'm so sorry, my hands were full, that's why (Raising his child while making him do chores on his birthday) - I'm sorry - It's okay No, no (Meanwhile, Chef So Min is preparing something at the corner) Se Chan~! Happy~ Birthday♬ (Fried Rice Cake Show) She's doing that for real (Chef Jeon is sincere with Birthday events) Why is she always trying to film 'We Got Married'... So burdening, so burdening (Offering him a huge burden with her hand made cake) (Super burdening decoration) (She's more excited than he is) Okay, first sit down, have a sit... wow... (staring) This is the worst lol They winked at me a lot When I went to Europe, the guys at the market winked at me a lot They must have seen you younger than you really are (So Min's reaction to the winks she received is?) I was like 'Oh no~ Thank you~' (Replied to their wink with Love Frog's cuteness) Bisou, Bisou~ mwah, mwah~ (The pro love player did her role even at Europe) She must've have shown them a perfect reaction I almost closed my eyes when I smiled Ah ~ ♥ (A wink-inducing smile that she does until she gets spasm on her muscles) Oh, you really... You always fall and bump into stuffs... right? Since you close your eyes too often lol (Love Frog is always falling in love) - Woah, his face got so slim - He got more handsome, Se Chan (In a week, Se Chan came back slimmer) He lost weight but he looks more handsome? So Min, today, why did you... on your cheek... Made an artificially(?) blushed cheek? Did you do that because you're meeting Se Chan today? (blushed) She was like that since yesterday She wanted to go take care of you but why (So Min volunteered to take care(?) of Se Chan) She said she wanted take care of you But then he told me not to I couldn't show her myself like that Why? Did you have a pee hose(?) on? What do you mean I was wearing a 'pee hose' (Dizzy from the embarrassing pee hose(?) talk) Why on earth would I put on a pee hose (everyone is criticizing him) It's not like that (The eldest brother is worried about the youngest brother's pee hose(?)) (Next runner, So Min) Gal Bi Jjim (Chose a peaceful and safe spot) (Following is SebSeb's turn) Where should I attack Galbijjim, I stepped on it (Attacked So Min) (So Min's spot got stepped on) Me? Oh, what are you guys doing Oh, it's too close.. I'm sorry - What's going on between you two - What are you guys doing (The two servants are close tight together) Hey, what are you doing It's... just a game.. I'm sorry... What are you two doing~ With flowers on your ears together~? Why are you liking this? (She's liking this moment) Didn't I say to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen (Master Yo is mad about the two servants pink love) What do you think you guys are doing We are too close... - Stop it - Public display of affection? (Feeling uncomfortable) Work, just work No, love allowed! At work Ah, they look good together? (Putting love at work(?) aside, he is drawing a marker mustache on her) Ah, hey (full of mustache) Hey, Yondu lol Yondu!! (Servant Yondu) He's so mean Yondu, you, you, do you think I wouldn't recognize you if you had that flower on you~? (The Mustache Couple is now done with the make up, next, it's Jong Kook's turn) Do you like eating? We love eating I'm so hungry right now I asked Hosi, and not you What's wrong with you, why are you being so mean to me, Se Chan (Why are you so mean to me today?) - No, I'm not - Do you really like me? Stop it, the kids are listening (Sneak attacking with Love Frog's reasonable doubt) He's acting strange, he keeps avoiding me (Song Ji Hyo/1st Generation Monday Couple) (That's because there's been a change in his mind, no?) What do you think, in a men's point of view? We used to be really close (Reacting with excitement) Why are you avoiding me, why (The Tiger Noona is tenaciously asking) Unnie, I'm going to stop joking around from now on! Since he's acting so weird... Oh gosh! Stop it! There are kids here, how dare you raise your voice about joking around or not! I can also raise my voice! Do you think I don't know how to raise my voice up (SebSeb, a pro at acting like an old married couple, is speaking in a patriarchal tone) But if they really end up together, that would be so cool, I'll definitely attend to their wedding I'm going to ruin that wedding! (Bad guest alert) Did you eat a lot? I ate some soup, noona Also, So Min noona... Noona, act like your age (Se Chan's hurtful words) You didn't even gave your little brothers things to eat! Hey, I'm noona, I'm 25 years old I know that but... Don't tell us to do this and that... Don't drag the end of your sentence like that! I don't like it Be short and clear O.K. (Acting childish like a pre-schooler) Do you mean like this? Faster@#$%%^ (Ah, so annoying) Ah, what should I do with him - Call me when you visit Yong San, I'll buy you a meal - Oh, okay - We need to know your number to call you - I'll tell you my number~ Tell her that you'll memorize it! Why are you telling them so say that~ Hey! Stop being jealous! Hey, how is this being jealous (20 years old, an age full of jealously...) It's nice if they said they'll memorize it You are not even going to take me(?) but you're being so greedy What do you mean greedy (unbelievable) Oh, seriously... She is so... (Se Chan & So Min performed <When We Disco>) Yes, so, because We need to warm up before we exercise... Let's do a aerobics warm up You two please show us Suddenly?? What kind of gym is this (Suddenly asking the gym members to do a talent show) Suddenly? So Min was full of confidence (Then, the music plays) (automatic reaction) Good, good (Provocative eyes that's going to attract everyone) (Good teamwork disco) How good was that, aerobics, aerobics (Coach Kook is satisfied with the fun aerobics warm up time) (The duos special stage is done) Ah, this is so annoying, I'll go make my own gym or something (They advertised that the membership fee is free but it was a rip off business) - How much did you pay to get that much? - 40,000won (Leader Yang paid 40,000won) This is worth 40,000won? (A feast worth 40,000won) Baby (He suddenly got a girlfriend thanks to the bulgogi) Hey, hey, brother, Miju called me 'baby' just now Hey!! That's my husband!! How dare you (Sister-in-law, who couldn't recognize her protruded mouth brother-in-law) (The side dishes are already gone) - There's not much left - Ah, there's none for us...!! You're going to jump over this? (Challenging 121cm) - Se Chan, you're going to jump over this? - But, Se Chan did jump the previous height with no effort (Se Chan is challenging 121cm) Now, So Min, your boyfriend is jumping (Laying down ♥) - Stop it - This is not right, hey, this is not right (Stopped the challenge and putting his hands on his hips because of the burdening arm pillow) So Min, could you please move over there His hair looks cute today I used to be in the Track and Fields team - Oh really? - Speed is very important when you jump this over (Former Track and Field player, Se Chan's know-how) - You were in the track and fields team in elementary school, right? - Oh, that's right! Since you didn't go to middle school, right? (cursing with his eyes) Look at his expression (Yang Se Chan) (Graduated Dongducheon Middle School) Watch your mouth Jump it over with that anger!! - Don't be afraid, don't be afraid and you can do this - Right He's going to make, he is (Will the former track and fields player succeed jumping over 121cm...?) - He made it - Perfect, perfect (Perfectly succeeded) (He even had some space left!) (wow) (Are you watching me, Dongducheon Track and Fields team) (Nobody Dance Ceremony) (Coach Kook, the only one competing against Se Chan) I'll give it a go (Jong Kook is challenging 121cm) (Succeeds 121cm) (Coming close and doing a almost Sargent Jump-like jump) (The showdown between the two men is getting hotter) - Hey, I can't make it for 135 (Now, challenging for 135cm) You can do it, you had some space left (Nervously, Se Chan is breathing in and out...) - Hey, So Min lol - Hey, what are you doing, are you watching a movie? - Are you watching a movie? - I'm cheering for Se Chan (Regardless of the player's opinion, his so-called girlfriend is cheering him up) - Oh, you're trying to cheer him up, right? - Yes (Se Chan is challenging for 135cm) (Former Dongducheon Track and Field player's attempt for the new record is getting lots of attention) Will he Wow, awesome (succeeded 135cm) (Perfect Fosbury Flop) (Se Chan vs Jong Kook) - Don't know, don't know, don't know! - What do you mean 'don't know' Your girlfriend is here to cheer you lol (A special massage for her boyfriend(?) going out for a match) Are those two really dating? - No - Right? It's just an act (A fake couple's real chemistry that even tricked an actor) Hey, So Min, hold up (The Capitalism Couple is acting so well even though they have no feelings) Hey, your girlfriend is here to cheer you You're his girlfriend? lol (No lol) (We are just working) Like this? (Proceeding while they are hugging each other) Oh, wait... So, with the Korean wrestling rule, with this pose? Just lay down Everyone is nervous (The final winner can get in to the high-end club!) (1st round START) (Interesting) (After analyzing his opponent, Jong Kook is pressuring Se Chan) (But, Se Chan is enduring it) (Everyone is watching the match with fun expect for...) (The Jong Kook Hunter, who is watching and analyzing Jong Kook closely ) Can I fix my arms into a different pose in the middle? (Asking question about the rules in every little details ) - Hey, you're going to get crushed - Hey, your girlfriend is about to cry (burst..) Look at her acting hahaha (collapse) (Capitalism Couple's all-time readiness to act) (Exaggerated face expression and trying hard to make her eyes tear up) This looks like a scene from the movie Rocky Se Chan, So Min is crying, So Min is crying (His business girlfriend is crying...) Ahhhh!!! He's trying to show is power to his girlfriend (HIs powers are awakening) (Because of his girlfriend's tears, his rage is uprising) Aaah!!! (But, in the end, he got defeated) (You tried well lol) Hey, how are you? (Despite his girlfriend's cheering, he sadly lost the fight) Unnie... You really like him, do you? (Rose's sudden and sharp attack question) I don't like him (twitch) (twitch) (Couldn't hide her brainwave) (Unexpected romance drama begins) Oh, it keeps moving!! - Hey, it's slightly moving - It's moving a lot (The audience is having more fun watching them) Hey, Se Chan, now is the time! Hey, do you like me...? (What are they doing lol) (So Min's ears shamelessly reacted to Se Chan's bold question) What (The Love Line maniacs' dreams came true today) This is crazy (Her pride is damaged) This is insane!!! Hey! What are you doing tonight? Do you have time? (With confidence, SebSeb is checking up her schedule) I'm going to stay at home... (As soon as she says "I'm going to stay at home"...) (He gets excited) - Why are you moving - Why are you, why (Her "I'm going to stay at home" made Se Chan fly into his wonderland of Imagination) (What's happening with my ears...?) - Why are you - What's it to do with you when she's staying at home?! Why are your ears moving when she's staying at home (Hard to know what's happening in Se Chan's world of Imagination(?)) - What's with her staying at home - Keep asking questions (Now, there's not much time left, need to breakdown So Min's mentality more) So Min... tonight... can I go Netflix and chill at your house? (Leaving shyness aside, he boldly asks to visit her house) No! (twitch) (Her ears allowed him again) (This Love Line is getting more and more serious(?)!!) (Stop kidding, So Min!!) - My ears moved - It moved, write down that it moved (By now, it's a battle between their pride) Oppa, honestly, you really want to go Netflix and chill, right? No?! (twitch) (Se Chan seem like... he's really going to go Netflix and chill today...) (The game started off as a joke but considering it a coincident, the ears are moving at the exact timing) (The "Teeth Tycoon's" unexpected romance on Sunday night) Calm down, brain! (Get to your senses, brain!!!) (So fun!!!) (Continuing with So Min's attack question) So Min, go for it, So Min, go for it (Instead of asking a question, So Min is calling him with her hands) Give me your hands (Since she now know how the "Teeth Tycoon" feels about her... So Min is going to end this) (Holding hands tight) (twitch) (twitching and at the highest level of excitement) (beep beep beep) Save me (Se Chan melted down...) (Se Chan's brainwave is sending a S.O.S. signal) (You lost, Se Chan...) (So Min, who's going to win, keeps pretending to be 'dangerously hot' His ears are moving crazily Hey, what, what is this (The Teeth Tycoon's brainwave is overloaded with her warm hands) I don't know, I think something is wrong with the machine (blaming on the machine) Rosé! You hold his hands too - I don't think his ears will move - No, it will (Se Chan reacted straight away as he held So Min's hands) It's not moving, he's a true devoted lover (He's ears are not moving with Rose?!) (But...) ...Why is my....? Why am I moving...? Stay still! (Rose is getting excited?!) You like Teeth Tycoon, don't you?! She likes Teeth Tycoon Hey! Stop lying!!! (Rosé... Do you...?) No, no (An unexpected twist at the end of this romance drama) What's going on, Rose - He's yours, he's yours - I'm hers? Wow~ This triangle relationship is so funny (Amidst the triangle love, they start attacking Se Chan again) Wait, ask a question Do you really like me? (yes yes) (K.O.) (Se Chan's brainwaves shyly surrendered to the continuous carpet bombardment) (Pride injured...) (Turns out that he's a Brainwave Tycoon) - This is crazy, what's wrong with this - Hey, he's crazy (The romance drama ends with Teeth Tycoon's complete defeat) The General Director was also confused about why Seok Jin disappeared on You Are My Destiny... Right, I heard you left You Are My Destiny in the middle (No one will remember, but WangKo was in <You Are My Destiny Season 1>) (But, he disappeared after the 1st episode, what happened...?) Wait... Why are you mentioning that! But, we need to talk about it Disappear?! He was the one who left us!! We even visited his house three time to tell him to not leave the show! Ilsan, Siksa-dong! - The general director did? - Yes (panicked) That was all in the past, and the general director also understood my situation... (Oh gosh...) If we talk about that time, I have more things to say! Jae Seok mentioned about it, that's why he knows about this incident (about to cry) Because he rejected me I already said I'm sorry... (Cry baby brother is about to burst into tears...) - Later, when I get married (I'll do You Are My Destiny) - Please, do (Prematurely, JeonSobari is promising she'll appear on a couple's reality show) - I thought I would do it with Se Chan but - That sounds good, too Later, after we get married! If we get married! If, one day, we get married (Using her love line to appear on the show) Hey, do you think that'll work!! Seems like he likes it too, no? He's smiling so big - Don't play with love - We can make tons of money! (Promising that she'll appear on the show, So Min is also making the General Director smile) Luckily, I picked one (She picked one!!) (Yay) (Oh yeah♥) - Yeo Jin, did you pick the one you wanted? - Yes, I did (Yeo Jin picked Kwang Soo) - Yi Hyun, also? - Yes, yes (Yi Hyun picked Jong Kook) Now, this time it's me (Can't resist their excitement, now that Ju Bin is picking♥) (Glancing) I've never seen such reaction like this before~ I made my decision today, I'm going to be in Ju Bin's team today Pick me, Ju Bin (What?) You're dead today (There is no love line with no Love Frog) Go away! Stop it (Pick me Ju Bin) (Suddenly stopped dancing and sprints) (Everyone is sprinting as fast as they can) (Ju Bin is leading in first place!!) (Picking a pole to overcome the embarrassment that happenedjust now) (8th place's pole?!) Finally, made it, finally (JeonSobari is in Ju Bin's team) (Ju Bin accepted So Min's request) Ju Bin picked So Min Why did you pick the worst person, why (expressing his sadness) She asked me to pick her (The results) (YeoJin ▶ JaeSeok, Yi Hyun ▶ HaHa) (Han Ji Eun ▶ Ji Hyo, Ju Bin ▶ So Min) Se Chan~ Se Chan~ Yang Se Chan ♥ (Jeon So Min / Love Line detective) (Can't let Se Chan be in love line with others) (The Love Line detective is already starting to show her exaggerated cuteness) I trust you, oppa ♥ Today, I'm Ju Bin's avatar (That how the triangle relationship(?) team is formed) (Se Chan and So Min is wearing a couple's look!) (Newlyweds, Sechan and Somin) Nice to meet you, you must be newly wedded~ Yes, we've been married for 1 year! (The scenario actors are all here together...!) Is your husband... rich?? What does that mean? Teeth Tycoon, Teeth Tycoon (Se Chan's tycoon mystery is always there when they act out as a married couple) Yes, I am the Teeth Tycoon What did you do in the past? I did some business... I earned lots of money With what? what, what - A restaurant, restaurant, spicy catfish stew place! - Oh, a restaurant? (CEO Yang only sells fish that looks like him) You live near Paju, right? (Yellowed catfish and catfish expert) - It's yummy there, right - Please, come visit (A Restaurant Tycoon couple!) Yes, we'll do 15% DC (The newly wedded husband has earned great amount of money selling fishes) Oh, but how long are you newlyweds (going to stay here at Jeju?) Oh, I said I didn't wanted to come to Jeju! T_T Are you raising your voice up in front of the people again? Oh gosh, please respect me, please I'm sorry, but who picked the sunglasses? Why, isn't it great, I picked it myself (The Catfish picked a cyborg like sunglasses) - You look~ Pretty~ - Honey (The Catfish husband thinks his newly wedded wife is so pretty) Stop teasing us! We look cute (Childhood memory) - Let's do this bracelet~ - Okay! Let's do one each, it's 30,000won (The newly wedded couple is getting a couple bracelet) Please, blow some bubbles~ Mr. Human Cultural Property~ I'll do it (Generous Human Cultural Property) - You, Seok Sam! - Yes, sir (Very strict to his students) (A kind human-reflector) Se Chan, please move a bit closer to So Min... ('Immortal Chan Hee' is guiding their pose) Look at her a bit more (turn~) Wait a minute... this is (His face is blushing like the colors of his gums) (Can't even make eye contact) One two... (Clicked on two) Do you take pictures at two? On two...? Why did you take the picture at 'two' and not 'three' I accidentally pressed it... (Retry) Seok Jin, you are too close Oh, okay... We are trying to take a picture of us two here (The human-reflector is trying to get in the picture) (After removing the third-wheeler, trying again) (Click~) (Successfully made it this time) Wait, but So Min... I'm not joking, but you really like it~ (Look at this lol) Look at the picture lol Hey, what is this~ Ah, the picture is so weird, what do we do (really ) Is this a real travel photo? Please change it, I don't think this is okay This really came out of love lol (A couple shot picture that shows in between(?) an act and the reality) Honey, what was your dream~? My dream was to marry a pretty woman and live happily...! Then your dream came true, honey, right~?♥ It's not enough! Oh gosh.. Pink undie three Pink undie, pink undie, pink undie My boyfriend three~ (Lacking the power to resist) my boyfriend, my boyfriend, my boyfriend Hairy ears, three (Missed the tempo, ding!) - Ah, oppa, you're the best - The 'my boyfriend' attack is good (The 'my boyfriend' attack has made the two guys hard to fight back) I was so annoyed so... (So annoyed) For the 'my boyfriend' attack both of them were like lol my boyfriend ... my boyfriend ... Wow, I was crushed, wow (The crushed boyfriends) But, it's so interesting how each of them have a designated partner They also know who they are, that's so interesting (Possible couple made within the population pool) (tap tap) Look at me~ - Look at me and say - Don't suddenly propose (So cheesy~) (Attack) you I really love Jeon So Min (Lack the power to resist) - It's just 1 point, it's just 1 point - It's just 1 point, keep your pride (Defense) I really love Jeon So Min What? Just for 1 point?! (Sudden attack by a doll) Why do you only attack me (Attack) You really love Jeon So Min (Defense) Hahaha I Hahaha really love Jeon So Min
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 3,474,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, 양세찬전소민, 러브라인, Runningman, 예능맛ZIP, 런닝맨, 유장꾸, 양세찬, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 런닝맨 레전드, #벌칙, 제작진, 럽라, 뇌파게임
Id: LrCKflz0D3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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