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So Min just said "There are so many words starting with 'A', Jaeseok!" "Ubrella~" She has lived her whole life knwoing 'umbrella' starting with 'A' R E A! A (again) Tell me honestly. You love 'A', right? Just hit your head twice! Empty~! He's a celebrity She said "Celebrity" (Gandhi is a 'celebrity'..?) Another humiliating moment has come... I can't be on her side this time Empty Heads.zip episode 3 (This program contains indirect or virtual advertisements) Se Chan and So Min will give the questions... of Speed Quiz But you can only explain in English (But you can only explain in English) But you can only explain in English What? - What? - The two of them... I think So Min would do better So Min would do better But I have quick wits - Conversational English I have gone abroad with Se Chan few times - How's his English skill? - Him? He always gets caught at immigration I keep saying, "What?" - Do you have a drug? - Yes! Why? (Se Chan always says "Yes" when he doesn't understand) I have a question, by the way Since when did So Min become like this? What happened to you? It has always been this way for me but What happened to you? I am not joking now - But I think I have a fever - My heart is beating so fast Let's begin Let's go. Show her the keyword - Let's go - My goodness Oh, my gosh! Oh, my god! Watch. Oh, my gosh - Cow cancel - What? Cow cancel - What? Cow cancel? - Cow cancel? - Cow cancel? - Did you say "Castle"? - Castle - Oh, my gosh (What is she talking about?) What is "Cow cancel"? What is "Cow cancel"? (The answer: Fix the shed after losing a cow) I am seriously in tears - This is so embarrassing - What is "Cow cancel"? - Dropping charges? - Canceling - Dropping charges? - Canceling - This is so embarrassing - Dropping charges? Cow cancel Cow. Cow cancel - "Cancel"? - Oh, my gosh Cow house. After-sales service (Cow, house, after-sales service?) Let me answer Fix the shed after losing a cow - Fix the shed after losing a cow - Jae Seok is correct (I was close) - You got the meaning across - That's right - The last part helped - Cow cancel Why? Why? Say the last part too Oh, my gosh Oh, my gosh. Why? You... You know... - Is it the next question? - I don't know. Speaking Words travel fast - No - "Speaking"? My... My answer. I answer "My answer"? (Give an irrelevant answer) - Hurry up - My answer - Answer - My goodness My... My question - Nice words for nice words - No My question You. Why? - Why? - For goodness' sake Why? (It would be strange if they answer this correctly) - Why? - Thank you, So Min Let me answer Give an irrelevant answer ("Give an irrelevant answer" is correct) How did you get it right? How are we supposed to get it right? - Everyone (Gandhi) How will they get this right? (It's a difficult questio.) You should tell us if it's a proverb or a word We need to yell "Answer" first, right? He's a celebrity - Celebrity - What? Celebrity! Let me answer Let me answer. Celebrity (Humiliating time has come again) I can't stand on her side this time Keep going So Min, he is a celebrity - Yes - Celebrity? I don't know what to say I can't think of the word (Gandhi) No hair - No hair - Let me answer Hong Seok Cheon - No. While he is a celebrity... - Are we guessing right now? Celebrity? Always Sit (Does he always sit?) Gandhi Gandhi (Empty Heads understand each other) Is he a celebrity? - Is he a celebrity? - A celebrity A celebrity with no hair A celebrity with no hair who always sits (Ordinary people wouldn't understand them) - That was incredible - Celebrity - Celebrity - Okay - Next - That was incredible (They move on to the next question) Let me think... Oh, my gosh Why does she keep saying that? - She keeps saying that - Okay One One One. Oh, my gosh Nine. One - Nine. One - Let me answer Nine, four, one - Nine, four, one - Yes. No On my birthday... Did you just speak Korean? Nine Nine - "Nine, four, one"? - I don't know I don't speak English Ending. Let me answer Nine, - four, one. I don't know - Let me answer - I don't know - Let me answer. A narrow escape Okay (Correct!) (Okay) For goodness' sake (She used numbers that are homonyms) "Nine, four, one"? (So Min got saved thanks to "9, 4, 1") You are good I have a chance She is good. You will lose No. I have a chance of winning (They move on to the next question in a shocked state) I am... Headache Headache You have a headache Ge... Geworin No Geworin Headache Many... You said "Many" in Korean Headache, but... It's... (Laughing) Here is the thing. By implication... By implication... (She uses Korean without holding back) Dog Poo-poo - Dog poop - Let me answer - Let me answer - No dog poop for medicine! No dog poop for medicine! You need to say "Answer" first No dog poop for medicine You need to say "Let me answer" first - That's right - It's over How many questions did they answer? I can't do this - It's so hard - It's over - Jong Kook is in the first place - Okay Do you know how frustrating it is? I couldn't remember the words that were on the tip of my tongue - They just kept circling my mind - The next questions - Okay - Get ready - I will deliver the key points - Go Set Listen. Let's go Set, go (The most extraordinary idea) (My goodness) - Gosh - This one is hard - Celebrity? - No - Four - Four words? Yes. Four words The answer has four words - Yes - Four words How am I supposed to explain this? Explain the first word (Haha asks him to explain each word) - I told you. It makes you tear up - No Yes Sky - I see - Sky? Let me answer Only one under the sky No! - Four words? - Four words Champion Power. Sky Okay. Let me answer Omniscience and omnipotence Gosh - Only one - Let me answer Power Let me answer Walk in someone's shoes No no (He's three seconds before to vomit) - Power - What do you mean by power - Power - King You can pass by adding 30 seconds - Okay. Pass - Okay (Bolt from the blue) (It's another idiom) How am I supposed to explain this? Four Four Do you know what it means? No... - Oh, my god - Start with the first word Start with the first word and move on from there Jean Jean color - Jean? - Jean color Jean color Jean color - One - Jean color - "Jean color"? - And two Hey, you are worse than So Min Jean color. One and two Jean color Let me answer Speak fluently like a running river (Gosh!) Okay Then... - Sky - Let me answer - A student exceeds the master - No Two. Sky - Two. Sky - "Sky"? - You keep saying that - Let me answer - A student exceeds the master - Bolt from the blue Okay! Bolt from the blue (Empty Heads were able to communicate) Hey Why did you say "Jean"? Very easy Haha is really good Gold Come on Let me answer. Icing on the cake Gold Celebrity? No celebrity Four words? Yes! "Gold" must be a homonym Let me answer. Apple of the eye Let me answer. Return in full glory Please listen to the explanation There is no explanation Listen x2 - Let me answer. A gold spoon - No - Gold and... - Gold - O'Clock - This is frustrating - O'Clock - How are you worse than me? - Watch - Watch? No no no Let me answer. The unheard news Okay! ("The unheard news" is correct) Thank you For goodness' sake You are the best This is too much I was better, right? - Seriously - He said, "This is too much." - I was better, right? - So Min, you were much better (Clean upstream water makes clean downstream water) Four words? (Four words?) Celebrity? - No - Proverbs? - What is it? - What? I feel like I became a foreigner Come on - Sky - That's wrong (Again?) - He says "Sky" all the time - Why are there so many skies? Sky water - "Sky water"? - No Sky water. Clean (Clean upstream water...) - Let me answer - Let me answer. Rainbow - No - Cloud No Let me answer The ground hardens after the rain - Clean - Let me answer Hey! You aren't giving us an explanation! - Sky. - You keep doing this. - Sky. Clean. - Sky. Clean. - Sky. Clean. - Wait. - Sky water. - "Water"? - Sky water. - Clean. - Water. - High water. High. High water clean. - Low water clean. - Let me answer. Clean upstream water makes clean downstream water. - Okay. - What was that? - Okay. - What was that? - I can't get these questions right. - What was that? - What was "Sky water"? - How were we supposed to guess? - "Valley" would have been better. - I can't get these questions right. (Yi Sun Sin) - Hey. Celebrity. - How will you explain this one? - Celebrity. - Hey. Celebrity. (He is confident when it comes to questions about celebrities) - No hair? - No hair? - Yes hair. - Hair. Long hair. - Long hair? - Long hair. - Long hair. - And a sword. - Let me answer. - Long hair. - And a sword. - Let me answer. - Yi Sun Sin. - Okay. ("Yi Sun Sin" is correct.) - Okay. - "A sword"? - "A sword"? - That was unbelievable. - How was I supposed to know? - "A sword"? Gold. ("Jee Seok Jin" is the last question) This one is easy. Celebrity? No celebrity. - Middle. Middle celebrity. - Four words? - Middle celebrity. - Middle celebrity. - Middle celebrity. - Middle celebrity. B-lister? - Yes. C. - B-lister? - C-lister? - C and D. Let me answer. Yang Se Chan. No. A Running Man member. - Middle. - Middle. - Let me answer. Lee Kwang Soo. - Let me answer. Lee Kwang Soo. - No. - Let me answer. - Haha. - No. Let me answer. C-lister. D-lister. (Frustrated) - Jee Seok Jin. - Yes. - Jee Seok Jin. - Yes. (A C-list celebrity, Jee Seok Jin) No. I am not. - C-lister. D-lister. - I am not a C-lister or D-lister. - I am not. - C-lister. D-lister. I am not a C-lister or D-lister. A-lister. (This C-lister is in denial.) - Not an A-lister. - No. - No. - C-lister. D-lister. I thought to myself, - "No way." - C-lister. C-lister. D-lister. Okay. What's the term for media... in which a person's face is attached to another video using AI? What? - A person's face... - Me! - Let me answer. - Okay. (He needs to say a syllable and toss it to Ji Hyo or Se Chan) Deep! (Deep!) (Dazed) (Neither of them can move things along) What is it called? Deep. (Deep) Fl. Is it incorrect? - Deepfake. - Deepfake? - Incorrect. - I thought it was "Deep flow". (I thought it was "Deep flow".) I thought it was "Deep house". (They fail to answer the first question) I didn't know what "Deepfake" was. Deepfake. The next question. In one SBS variety show, a woman confidently claimed... that "Umbrella" starts with A... and made everyone laugh. (Episode 551 of Running Man, Speed Quiz) (Jae Seok, there are thousands of words starting with an A.) (Umbrella!) (So Min's shocking comment got filmed.) What's the correct spelling for "Umbrella"? - Me! Let me go first! - Spelling? - Yes. - Me! Let me go first! (Haha confidently takes the glass.) - U. - What? - Hey. - M. There you go. (What's the correct spelling for "Umbrella"?) B. R. E. What? - Go ahead. - Go ahead. (What will So Min say?) 5, 4... R, E... - A. - Oh, my goodness. (She says A again.) Hey! - You like the letter A, don't you? - No. - You like the letter A, don't you? - Come on. How could you trap a member with a question? So Min got it wrong again. You were out to get me, right? Isn't it A? A? - Umbrella. - Umbrella. After R and E, - what should come? - E, A. You spelled "Umbrea". Umbrea. Umbrea. Umbrea. The questions aren't difficult. All right. Here comes the next question. The literal meaning is "Returning home in silk clothes", What's the idiom which means "Returning to home successfully"? - You know it, right? - You know it, right? - I know this one. - Go. - Then I will go. - I know this one. Geum. Yi. - Hey! - It's "Ui"! The character for "Clothing"! (She got the second syllable wrong.) The character for "Clothing"! - "Ui"! - "Ui"! - The character for "Clothing"! - Clothing! (So Min turned the pub upside down.) So Min, don't open your mouth today. "Sik" means "Food", "Ju" means "House", "Ui" means "Clothing". I don't think you are in a good condition. - Se Chan, don't laugh. - This will chase men away from her. - Food, house, and clothing. - Don't laugh. - So Min. - The man she is interested in... won't call her again. - If he watches this episode, - Don't watch this. - he won't call again. - Don't watch this. I think So Min saved Ji Hyo. - I know that for sure. - What would you have said? When So Min answered, Ji Hyo didn't laugh. (When So Min said the wrong answer,) (she just bit her lips.) (So Min and Ji Hyo save each other.) - Here comes the next question. - Okay. It's Swahili for "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." What's the phrase that became famous everywhere... after its appearance in "Lion King"? - Six syllables. - What? I know this one. The phrase from "Lion King". (The answer is "Hakuna matata".) - Let me answer. - I don't know. I don't know. - Ha. - I know this one. - Ha. - Ha. - Ha? - Ha. (Haha?) No, no. We will start over. I will go first. - I will go first. - Go ahead. - I don't know. - Then toss it to me. Toss it to me. - Ha. - Ku. Go ahead. (Haku) Na. Ma. Ta. Na. - It's my turn. - Hey! - Ta. - Na. (She suddenly intercepts.) It's my turn. - It's my turn. - Hey! It's "Hakuna matata"! Her answer doesn't count. - So Min. - Don't give it to me. So Min, keep your mouth shut today. What was that? Here I go. Ta. - Hakuna matata. - Hakuna matata. Hakuna matata. Hakuna matana. - All right. - Thank goodness. Don't toss it to me. - Don't toss it to me. - So Min is in trouble. Haha, you totally belong in the upper rank Do you see it now? I see it now. Haha belongs in the upper rank. (You can be in the upper rank by knowing "Hakuna matata") He says I belong in the upper rank. He belongs in the upper rank. He is knowledgeable. (10 dried pollacks remain.) - Here comes the next question. - The king of common knowledge. - Cro. - Co. - Dile. - Te. - Ar. - Yes! (They succeeded in getting "Crocodile tear") - S. - Pin. (What is the term for a new story that is based on an existing one?) - O. - Ff. (They succeeded in getting "Spin-off".) Everyone knows that. - Se Chan, - Nice. you are doing pretty well. - I know that. - Four dried pollacks remain. This is hard. The next question. What's the idiom that means "Original and eccentric thoughts..." "that are beyond ordinary people's comprehension"? Eccentric? You use this idiom a lot. Really? - Hold on. - I think I know. - "Beyond ordinary people's..." - You say something is... - Shall I give it a try? - Yes. - Do you know the answer? - Se Chan wouldn't know. "Lit". Gi. - Go on. - Sang. (Gisang) - "Gisang". - I know what it is. - Five, - I know what it is. - four, - It isn't that one. - three, - No, no. - two, - What's "Gisang"? - one. - What? - Were we right? - Were we right? (Were we right?) - You were right. - Gisangcheonoe! (The answer was "Gisangcheonoe".) - How could you not know that? - Gisangcheonoe! - Gisangcheonoe! - Come on! - Even I knew the answer. - How could you not know that? - Jae Seok. - Original thoughts. - Gisangcheonoe. - Jae Seok, even I knew the answer. - Really? - Gisangcheonoe. - I said it's "Gisangcheonoe". - I had no idea. - You didn't know? - No. - Gisangcheonoe. - Jae Seok, even So Min knew. It only occurred to me when you brought it up. I thought "Sang" was incorrect. - I am sorry. - It's okay, Jae Seok. (Overjoyed) What's the idiom that means "Someone who ignores people..." "and does everything on his own"? - A greedy person. - Could it be... We had it earlier. - What could it be? - "Someone who ignores people..." It has the nuance of someone who is alone. That's right! It's that one! - We use it very often. - I know it. - Go ahead. - Go ahead. - I know it. - Isn't that it? - That's it. I think it's correct. - Is it correct? - Dok. - Bul. Jang. (Dokbuljang) (Time has passed and only two dried pollacks remain.) (If Ji Hyo answers it correctly, they can get off work.) Gun. ("Dokbuljanggun" is correct.) (They successfully got rid of 100 dried pollacks.) Ji Hyo told me... that when Jong Kook said "Dok", she thought it was "Dokgodie". (Thankfully, she figured out the correct answer.) My goodness. That's hilarious. By the way, I think I know the purpose of this game. You're trying to make us hate each other, right? Do you see what I mean? Right? - We see the worst in each other. - I mean... - The worst in us. - It will only make us... - We need to impress each other. - This is not helping. - No one will pick me. - Exactly. - Next up is this team. - The Czech Republic. - It'll be a disaster. Watch. - Ready. - Are you ready to laugh? - Yes. It'll be a mess. Here's the category. Capital cities except for those of Asian countries. (What does that mean?) - What does that mean? - One. - We should... - Luxemburg. - 1, 2, 3. - Jamaica... No. - I mean, Kingston. - 1, 2, 3. - Kingston? - 1, 2, 3. - What did he say? I didn't hear... - I said the correct answer! (The team of empty heads lost many points from the beginning.) - I said Kingston. - 1, 2, 3. - Well... - 1, 2, - Hungary. - Three. (He confidently said Hungary.) (The first empty head thinks Hungary is a city.) - 1, 2, 3. - London. - Well... - 1, 2, 3. - London. - 1, 2, 3. - Paris. - Too late. 1, 2, 3. (The spaced out one next to the dumb one) - Wait. - 1, 2, 3. - This is so great. Nice. - You're doing great. You said two correct answers. (They said only two correct answers.) My gosh. (The empty heads didn't let us down as always.) - Asian countries... - Capital cities... except for those of Asian countries. - That team is unbelievable. - Awesome. - My goodness. - We'll win. - This is so nice. - I'm having so much fun. That was a disaster. - Woman Five was an empty head too. - That was so funny. Woman Five is an empty head too. I studied before the shoot. I studied... Is it over? - It's over. - Your score is minus 63. - What did you say? - We did well. Is it even possible to get that score? (Is getting that score possible?) You got a higher score than I thought it would be. - You guys did well. - Minus 63? - He didn't understand the question. - I didn't. I know capital cities. Paris... - and Washington, DC. - Good. I know all of them. I could've said at least these two. It would be minus 13 if they had said Prague 13 times. Why did they confuse me by saying something about Asia? - That's why I missed the timing. - There's Stockholm too. You learned the capital city of Argentina not long ago. - Buenos Saires. - He... It's Buenos Aires. Quiet down. Don't say anything. I see that he already gave up. I'm supposed to look charming when I speak. But whenever I speak, I look less and less charming. - He's a complete empty head. - It's funny. - You have great chemistry. - I know. - The answers were close enough. - Saires? - Brasilia. - Buenos Saires? Okay, good. It seems like they're all put off by us, so let's team up within the group. You can both pick me. The others won't be fond of us anyway. - Within the group. - Okay? - Okay, got it. - It's over for us. We're done for. - Yes, you're done. - Okay. (The round ends with them putting the others off.) Just saying the same answer 13 times... will put us ahead of them. - If you draw a blank... - If you don't know the answer, - just say what someone else said. - Got it. - It'll still put us in second. - That's a good strategy. Don't guess if you don't know. Okay, here we go. English words that start with an A. In 1, 2, 3. - Apple. - 1, 2, 3. - Apple. - In 1, 2, 3. - Apple. - 1, 2, 3. - Apple. - In 1, 2, 3. - Apple. - 1, 2, 3. Apple. Hold on a second. - 2, 3. - Are you kidding me? (They had to use their strategy a bit early in the game.) - Again. - 1, 2, 3. - Again. - In 1, 2, 3. - April. - 1, 2, 3. (They're no better than the empty heads.) - A... - 1, 2, 3. - Well... - 1, 2, 3. Arab! We'll count Arab. - I mean... - Is that the best you can do? There are thousands of words that start with A. - You're better than this. - It's... There's AlphaGo. - You're better than this. - Armani. - Hold on. - You could've done better. You went from countries to capital cities to... There are thousands of words that start with an A. - Are you kidding me? - So Min... - Do you know what she said? - What? "Jae Seok, there are thousands of words starting with an A." "Like Umbrella." "Umbrella." (Woman Two thought that Umbrella began with an A.) Seriously? Jae Seok, there are thousands of answers. - Umbrella. - That's enough. Umbrella. Umbrella begins with a U. (She really didn't know since she said it twice.) (You're part of the Empty Head Club!) (Whoa!) We're completely put off by you. Get out of here. A coffee shop owner is not wanted either. It begins with a U. - Unbelievable. - It begins with a U. - No more English words. - Why not? No more English words. (His voice squeaks.) (His voice squeaks out of fear for English words.) Did you hear that? His voice squeaked. - You must be feeling the pressure. - Well... - "No more English words." - It had me worried. You know what? I found that quite charming. - I won't go for English words. - Okay. It's doable then. - Listen up for the question. - That was hilarious. Here we go. Foreign painters. - In 1, 2, 3. - What? - Vincent van Gogh. - 1, 2, 3. - 1, 2... - Paul Gauguin. - In 1, 2, 3. - Leonardo da Vinci. 1, 2, 3. - Mr. Chelly? - 1, 2, 3. - Vincent van Gogh. - Picasso. - 1, 2, 3. - Vincent van Gogh. Leonardo DiCaprio. Hold on. - Leonardo DiCaprio? - 1, 2, 3. - Go... - 1, 2, 3. - Go... - Vincent van Gogh. Vance Breck. (Vance Breck, since 2021) (Known for his piece "The Empty Head") Dance break, was it? - Dance break? - Dance break. Even as a guy, I'm put off by him. It's your turn now. - We should switch seats. - Why? - There's really no difference. - But Woman Four... - It's making me dizzy. - Is it? - Then let me... - Really? - I'll take the middle seat. - Thank you. It's understandable. Woman Four, you don't seem... - to be that knowledgeable. - I also... don't think... she's a fast thinker. - Empty Head. - All right. Name the series and movies Kwang Soo's been in. - What? - This isn't an easy one. "Collective Invention." (The filmography of an actor of 14 years) - "Collective Invention." - 1, 2, 3. - "Collective Invention." - In 1, 2, 3. - "Collective Invention." - 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. - "Tazza One-Eyed Jacks." - 1, 2, 3. - "Tazza One-Eyed Jacks." - In 1, 2, 3. "Tazza One-Eyed Jacks." - Darn it! - "Collective Invention." (Darn it!) (Whatever Kwang Soo says comes back to him like an echo.) - 1, 2, 3. - "Live." - In 1, 2, 3. - "Live." - 1, 2, 3. - "Live." - 1, 2, 3. - "Collective Invention." - 1, 2, 3. - I'm not playing anymore (Kwang Soo announces that he's quitting.) - Hold on a second. - Seriously? (The Baeksang award winner is more than just upset.) Seriously? It's... - Do you even know who I am? - I do. Have you watched at least one of them? - I went to a premier, - He was in many shows. - but I don't remember which one. - Right? - Just pick one from the list! - But... Atka mackerel, halibut, and frozen pollack. I spent a year in Thailand when I was in middle school. Then I went to the Republic of South Africa. - He studied abroad. - He's a global talent. - He's a global star. - He studied abroad. - He must speak good English. - Jong Hyeop. - You must speak good English. - Not really. - No? Not at all? - No. He does speak good English. I bet he's good. U.M.B.R.E.L.L.A. (She suddenly spells umbrella.) Umbrella! Umbrella. - You memorized it. - Well done. That was good. - I'm hot. - So Min is... I'm doing two shows with So Min now. My heart sinks whenever she starts talking. - It's all right. - This is what Ji Hyo always does. Monday, Tuesday... Wednesday? Thursday? Ji Hyo tries hard. That's the wallpaper on her phone. She studies hard. That's funny. What do you think of Yong Jin? He's no different from the Empty Heads. - That's not true. - But... he reads a lot. - I read a lot. - He does read a lot. But he doesn't have good knowledge. I know things like the four precious things of the study. Do you know the four precious things of the study? I do. - What are the four precious things? - I know the word, "treacherous". - Do you know "treacherous"? - Yes. I know a lot of idioms. And I'm conversant with the stock market. Can you spell umbrella? U. - Go ahead. - You watched the episode. - U, B... - U? - U and B? - U and B? B comes after U? I mean it has a U and a B. - What comes after U? - Don't ask me. Seok Jin, you don't have to do this. Just tell me what comes after the U. - It also has an R in it. - Okay. - So what comes after the U? - Why are you being like this? - Why is an umbrella so important? U-M... B-R-E-L-L-A. - Hey. - Umbrella. I bet we'll play a quiz this time. What's the capital of Switzerland? - Isn't it Geneva? - Geneva? - What about the capital of Africa? - I'll tell you. Which country from Africa? - Oh, a country from Africa? - Africa is a continent. Right. - I'm in big trouble. - Africa is a continent. (Lee Young Ji doesn't seem that different from Hur Young Ji.) - What's the capital of Australia? - Australia? It's Australia, right? - Yes, it is. - Australia is known for kangaroos. They have kangaroos. They also have nice sceneries. And most of their cuisines are greasy. (It looks like Seok Jin has come across a big obstacle) - What about Malaysia? - Malaysia. - It begins with "Ku". - Malaysia. "Ku"? - "Ku". - "Ku"? The rice cooker brand? It's Cuckoo. - It begins with "Kuala". - "Kuala"? Yes, it's Kuala... Kuala Guskida Dudalmans. - It's Kuala Lum... - Kuala Lumbalumba? Kuala Lumpur. It's Kuala Lumpur. What? How do you know all this? - It's Kuala Lumpur. - Oh, I see. (Ji Hyo arrives) - Kuala Lumpur. - What's she doing here? - She knows the capital of Malaysia. - What's the capital of Malaysia? Manila. - She doesn't know. - Malaysia? She sounds so confident. Ji Hyo, don't use your brain already. There's a xylophone. It looks like we'll play a quiz. - We're playing a quiz. - It looks like we'll play a quiz. (The new Empty Head is intimidated.) I feel like I have an upset stomach already. - What's 7 times 4? - It's 28. The capital of Italy is Paris. - What did you say? - We're done for. (Did I hear her wrong?) - How is Paris the capital of Italy? - The capital of Italy is Paris. - It's Rome. - Where was it again? - Lapura Pumpura? - Kuala Lumpur. It's not Lapura Pumpura. It's Kuala Lumpur. - Kuala Lumpra. - It's the capital of Malaysia. - What about Mongolia? - Kuala Lumpra. - What about Mongolia? - Mongolia? - Ulaanbaatar. - Ulaanbar? (He's already panicking.) (How do you spell ice cream?) I, C, E... - I think we'll be able to answer. - C, I? How do you spell cream? Let's study. What about pasta? P, A... He's thinking of the spelling for ice cream. He went, "I, C, E". - He's studying spelling. - I'm studying spelling. - How do you spell "Yukgaejang"? - First of all, decide which player... will go first from each team. Okay. But the order doesn't really matter. - It doesn't matter. - It doesn't matter. - Let's just go in this order. - Let me go up against Ji Hyo. Okay. So Min wants to go up against Ji Hyo. Me too. - I want to go up against Ji Hyo. - I love her so much. How come no one wants to go up against Haha? - He's gotten smarter. - I'm on another level. "Another level"? If you know the answer, shout out, "Answer". - Young Ji. - Then you can answer. - Here we go. I got this. - Let's go. It's a question related to a roast chicken salad. The president of the US, President Joe Biden... said his favorite dish is roast chicken salad. Taking that into consideration, what is the full name of... the Vice President of the United States? - What? - He mentioned it earlier. (How is roast chicken salad related to the Vice President of the US?) - Didn't you say... - They don't know the answer. - this was a food question? - I know. I was going to say balsamic vinaigrette. - Gosh. - Why? The Vice President... You mentioned it last time. It came out on Running Man. - It did! - Don't look back. (The Vice President of the US is a familiar question.) I know it. I mentioned it last time. I know. (In Episode 533) (The answer: Kamala Harris) (Jae Seok said the Vice President's full name correctly.) Even though it came out on our show, I bet these two don't know it. - I don't remember. - Isn't it Headbelt? (Isn't it Headbelt?) (What's the full name of the Vice President of the US?) - Hey! - It's not? (They don't seem to have a clue either.) Okay. I'll give you a hint. It's a woman. Right. - Emily. - Hold on. (Exclaiming) - Was I close? - No. Her first name has 3 syllables, and her last name has 3 syllables. Emily Houston. That was good. Go in that direction. Emily Pumbaa. - I'll give you her initials. - Okay. (They gave them her initials.) - It's quite easy. - Okay. This is it. - Do you remember? - Answer! Kamila Herris. - It's close. - Herris. (She sounds so confident that we thought she was right.) - Answer! Kamira Harris. - That's wrong. Kamula Harris. - You're almost there. - Kamela Harris. Kamera Harris. Kamera? Kamira Harris. Kamula. Kamila. Kamala. Kamal... Hold on! - She didn't say, "Answer". - Kamala! (She took a bunch of wild guesses and got it right.) - Kamala. - Kamala Harris. - Kamala Harris. - That's right. Kamala Harris. Ji Hyo, go up. Let's go, Ji Hyo. The main event is here. Let's go. (Up against Ji Hyo is...) - Jeon So Min, let's go! - Ji Hyo. - Me? - Okay. - Ji Hyo. Be confident. - Okay. - You can do it! - Just... - "Knowledge is power." Bacon. - Just... - say what comes to mind. - Okay. "Knowledge is power." by Francis Bacon. "Knowledge is power." (The person behind the legendary Jeoktoma Answer Case, Song Ji Hyo) I can do this. (So Min is trying to make up for Ambrella.) This is the match of the century. (The match of the century) They look down on one another. (Jeon So Min vs. Song Ji Hyo) The next dish is pizza. We can't miss out on this. - Come on! - This is the question for pizza. When you order pizza, they try to make sure the slices are the same. Then what do you call a triangle with two sides that are the same? (What do you call a triangle with two sides that are the same?) This is really easy! - You can't give her a hint. - This is so easy! Do you know the answer? (This question comes out in math textbooks for elementary school.) - Triangle? - It's a type of triangle... I know this. - It's... - I know this. It's a triangle where two sides are the same length. (A triangle where two sides are the same length?) A triangle? Answer. An equilateral. (Correct) (Make some noise for Song Jeoktoma!) You got it! (The empty head siblings didn't know the answer.) You got it! (Ji Hyo remembers what she learned in grade school math.) - You got it! - How did you know this? The pizza is shaped like an equilateral! - How did you know this? - You knew this? (Song Ji Hyo sets a record of 2 answers this season.) Why are you guys so surprised? - How did you know this? - You're so cool! - It just came to mind. - Take a seat here. - That was incredible. - Jeon So Min is done for. - Seriously. - Seriously. (After Song Jeoktoma got the answer right,) (she turned pale and froze in her seat.) - I... I didn't even get to speak. - Good try. I didn't know the answer either. (She gets dragged out while being comforted by the empty heads.) We have a lot of people who have been injured. Go up there and hit your head twice. - I didn't get to speak. - Hurry up and do that. That's right. Good. This next dish is dumplings. <i>- Dumplings, dumplings</i> <i>- Dumplings, dumplings</i> Lee Young Ji's favorite food is dumplings. - Right. Dumplings. - Me? - Why? - Me? That's what it said. Many people like dumplings, and in Korean, they're called "mandu". There is a city with "mandu" in its name. Please say the name of the city and the country it's in. - Don't say the answer. - What? The city and the country it's in. Is it abroad? Yes. The city that has "mandu" in its name... - There is such a place. - and the country it's in. - Where is it? - A city with "mandu" in it? Is it an English-speaking country? (Do you know it?) Kathmandu. You'll know it once you hear it. - Right. You've heard of it. - Really? - Okay. Yes. - It has "mandu" in it? - Answer. It's... - I keep thinking Deli Mandu. - Why does that keep coming to mind? - Answer. Chengdo Mando in China? (Qingdao dumplings, China?, Wrong!) - Qingdao dumplings, China. - He doesn't disappoint. Qingdao dumplings, China. (Does he think it's like a regional specialty?) - Qingdao dumplings, China. - He doesn't disappoint. - Qingdao dumplings, China. - He doesn't disappoint. He is quite the empty head. I admire his courage. Dumplings are famous in China. The name of the city contains "Mandu", dumplings. Is it a city in India? - I will give you a hint. - Okay. It has four syllables. - This quiz is really hard. - Four syllables? Are you sure it isn't "Qingda dumplings"? Qingdao is famous for dumplings. I am not talking about a regional specialty. It can't be kimchi dumpling. - It can't be Myungin Dumplings. - You forget when you don't use it. - It isn't Myungin Dumplings. - It isn't Myungin Dumplings. - Indian dumplings. - No. (They go over each country.) China. Japan. The first letter is K. Katanmandu. - Katanmandu. - Let me answer. Katumandu. - It's similar. - Let me answer. Katukmandu. - Incorrect. - Let me answer. Katukmandu. - Incorrect. - Let me answer. Katyukmandu. Incorrect. - Katermandu. - Let me answer. Katekmandu. - Incorrect. - Katalmandu. - Let me answer. Katakmandu. - Incorrect. - I have never heard of it. - It starts with K, right? - Katilmandu. - You know what it is. Katumandu. Let me answer. Katermandu. The name of the city is Kathmandu. - Yes. - In which country is it? You have heard of Kathmandu. - The answer has two syllables. - Kathmandu. Thailand. - An Asian country hikers go to. - An Asian country hikers go to? Qingdao. Qingdao. Just say it's correct. - The country has many mountains. - That's right. - Which country is it? - This hint will end the round. Here are the first letters of the syllables. Here are the first letters of the syllables. - He practically gave the answer. - Let me answer. - Let me answer. - Nepal. Okay. Nepal. Nepal.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 1,844,930
Rating: 4.8800859 out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 이광수, 유재석, 김종국, 지석진, 양세찬, 송지효, 하하, 전소민, 개리, 강개리, 예능, RunningMan, Runningman, SBS, sbs, Entertainment, running man, runningman, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, chạy đi chờ chi, 에피소드, 모음집, 모음, 이름표, 이름표 떼기, 레전드, 깡깡, 퀴즈, 미니게임, 영어
Id: qGdfOXiPTgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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