Leaving Things In Red Bull For 3 Months (Experiment)

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This episode doesn't show up on subscriptions for some reason. gmmore is there, but the main episode is no where to be seen. am I the only one?

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/wirewolf 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

i love that the nickname in highschool joke is still going

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Sissinou 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Missed an opportunity to say "We left Link's hair in Red Bull" and then show those glorious, swoopy hair wings.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
- What happens when you leave a watermelon in Red Bull for three months? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Once upon a time, in 1982, an Austrian dude traveled to Thailand and drank a popular energy drink there that was called Red Gaur. Now a gaur is a wild cow in southeast Asia, and don't get your hopes up, they ain't red. So anyway, this Austrian dude partners with the Thai company that makes Red Gaur to make a version for Austrian ski bunnies, and called it Red Bull. - And then, in 2020, two southern dudes in Burbank commissioned their team to leave random things soaking in Red Bull for one month, which then became three months! Sadly, there were no Austrian ski bunnies involved. They left these specimens on the shelf that they leave things on, or as they like to call it, The Shelf That we Leave Things on. - We've done Coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water, nail polish remover, mouthwash, champagne, shamrock shakes and Irish whiskey and 93 Infiniti G20, Marie, what is that word? - Margarita. - Margaritas, dirt, wine, glow sticks, and even citric acid, but today, we're going through more Red Bull than a college dorm room on exam week, it's time for Left on a Shelf, Red Bull edition. All right, you know how this goes, we're gonna be presented with an item, or items, that have been left in a jar filled with Red Bull, and then we'll be presented with multiple choices of what could've happened to that item. - And like we said, we usually do this for one month, but thanks to quarantine, this stuff has been marinating in Red Bull for three months, who knows what could happen? - If we can guess what happened in at least three rounds, we'll get to make like a bull and wear septum rings and bull horns in Good Mythical More, and you know we wanna do that. And if we don't guess three correctly, we'll have to wear septum rings and bull horns in Good Mythical More. - We win either way, let's do this. All right, three items, Gushers, Skittles, and an Uncrustable. - Oh, man, that is tempting, you see that and you just wanna bust that thing open. - Okay, which snack shattered into a million little pieces like me that time I decided to eat at a Mexican restaurant off the highway called "El Foodo." Oh, sorry, I thought it said "shatted," now I see it says "shattered." Either way I definitely shatted, this is Stevie, by the way, Stevie, come in. - "This is Stevie, by the way." - [Stevie] I've changed the name of the restaurant to protect the restaurant, I don't know why I'm protecting the restaurant, but this is a very true story. - Shattered into a million pieces, first of all, a Uncrustable's not gonna shatter. Shatter's a weird word for leaving something, because it implies that an explosive thing. - The most brittle, hardest thing is the Skittles, but I think they would just lose their color, and I think that it would then just be whatever's on the inside of Skittles. But three months, maybe they just used the term shatter because Stevie wanted to make a shatted joke. - I think she did. - And really what they were saying is it just broke apart into a million pieces, and that's the Uncrustable. - We're going with the Uncrustable. - Hah, we got you, Stevie! - All right, so let's see. - Well the Uncrustable is completely intact. Stevie, you got us! - All right, so let's open this Uncrustable. - 'Cause it's still good. - [Link] Okay, so we've got this, this tongs. - [Rhett] Oh, you're gonna, oh, you're breaking it. Oh, you're ruining it. - No, I'm not. I can get this thing out and I can keep it in one piece. This is a new game, keep the Uncrustable... - In two pieces. Smell it. - Ooh, look at that, that doesn't look as tasty as it does originally. Lot of peanut butter. - Oh, that still smells real nice. - [Link] What's the next one here? - That's Skittles. Skittles broke into a million pieces, man. - [Link] Ain't nothing in there. - And then Gushers look like they may have settled. - Whoo, smell of that. - Oh, it's so fruity! - That's good. - I mean there's not a hint of rot in there. It's just good. - And oh, this one's got mold. - [Rhett] Go for it. - [Link] Gushers, do Gushers, (garbles "Gushers")? - The Gushers, are Gushers still there? - Look at that, there's some Gushers. - [Rhett] Gushers stayed the Gusher. - Now, I don't know if that's mold, or just gelatin, but I'm gonna eat it either way! - So did they-- Mm, that smells a little off, so did they shatter too, what was the, we were wrong. - [Stevie] No, it's the Skittles, the Skittles shattered. - Skittles shatter. Look at that little watermelon. Okay, how do we get this in a jar? All right, did the watermelon become surrounded by mold like my collection of "Daddy Likes Things Damp" magazines, what? Or, swell and crack like Octo-Mom? Remember her? - What happens to a watermelon, man. Mold, definitely mold, man. - Lots of sugar in the Red Bull, makes gross-- - Remember when Science Mike was here, and he knew things? - Yeah, we gotta get him back! We gotta get that knowledge back in here! All right, we're going with surrounded by mold. - Moldy moldy melon. Moldy melon for the win! - [Link] Oh my gosh. - Okay, hold onto your horses, that's a moldy melon. - Oh, look at that, look at that. You're touching it with your beard. Your beard is touching the mold. Look, it's just a colony. - Give me another tray. - You're gonna try to take it out? - I'm not gonna try, there is no try, what is it? - Do or do not, there is no moldy watermelon. - Squeeze, oh, look how much melon there is, oh, it's like an iceberg, look how much melon there is below the surface, I didn't even see that. I think I have to pierce it. I gotta pierce it, and then expand. - [Link] You've pierced the whole melon? - And then pull, oh! - Now grab, half in, half out? - Yeah, yeah, I got, hey, melon man! Hands off my melon, man. Oh, oh, look inside, oh! - This is something that would be in a freak show, man. - [Rhett] Like the Boise Creek Elementary School haunted house? - [Link] This was a human head. - [Rhett] This is a brain, heh heh. - I mean that does look, oh my gosh, look at all of that mold! - Okay, it's starting to stink, but we were right. For this round we've got hard boiled eggs, raw eggs, and peanuts in the shell. - And just a quick reminder, if you've never checked out the Mythical Society, we want you to do that, we're super proud of all the content we've got back there. It is kinda back there, it's behind the scenes, unprecedented access to all things Mythical, and it's easier than ever to experience it with the new free Mythical Society app on iOS and Android, so download that, if you're not a member of the society, you can become an initiate, which is the free tier, so you can browse everything we have to offer and then join a tier from there, because we wholeheartedly believe it's worth it, MythicalSociety.com/app to check out the app. - Okay, let's see what our options are for what happened to the eggs, eggs, and peanuts. Which one stayed in its shell like Janet Jackson's less famous nipple? - That one's been jealous for all these years? - Which one stayed in its shell? - The hard-boiled eggs here don't have a shell, but in here they have a shell. - They do, right, that's a trick, I was gonna see if you could pick up on that. It's a trick. - As we think about the Red Bull penetrating the shell... - Yeah, penetrating the shell, as you were saying? - That was it. - I don't think that there is a discernible, I'm gonna take my time here, difference between the shell of a hard-boiled egg and a not boiled egg. To me it feels like-- - One's been heat treated. - One's been heat treated, but I feel like whatever happened to the hard boiled happened to the regular egg. But you think a peanut shell is gonna break down in Red Bull? - I think this is permeable. - Permeable? - Yeah, I'm thinking, ooh, that was good, gulp, got all that down. - What are you thinking, what are you thinking? Tell me what you're thinking about penetration. - Peanut. - I also agree, I think it's the peanut. - Me three, let's check it out. - Oh no, which one? Hold on, it was which one stayed in its shell. So we said peanuts, we were right! We were unintentionally right, which is about half the time on this show. But we were right about what happened to the, we were exactly wrong, but the same thing happened to both eggs, I was right about that, but I was wrong about what happened-- - Nothing happened to these peanuts. I mean, with a boiled peanut, the shell gets soft, but with these, even after three months, the shell, it's not any different. Now the peanut itself is... - [Rhett] I think you should try that peanut, because you put a peanut in, you ever had peanuts in Coke? - [Link] That is a white peanut. - Eat it. White peanut, that was my nickname in high school. - I agree with that. - "I agree with that." I agree with that, I was there. - The raw egg, there's some funk floating on that. Our tongs are gone, huh? Tong, tatong tong gone. All right, and then... There it is, with the hard boiled egg. - [Rhett] I can smell that, that doesn't smell nice. So Red Bull has some sort of acidity to it. - [Link] And we need to cut this open. - Citric acid, hah! Gotcha, Red Bull. Yeah, be careful, since you're not allowed to go to the emergency room. - That is hard to cut, too. Yes, everyone's nervous. - Watch yourself, man, don't hurt yourself! That's a big yolk. - Now here's all the shell down in here. - Big yolk was my other nickname in high school. - What happened to all that-- - White peanut, big yolk, which one's coming, both! - [Link] Why did it, I mean is there, oh, god. - Oh, egg sac, oh, yolk sac! - I thought that was just the egg, but... - Yolk sac, hey, let's just celebrate the fact that we were right. - You know, with the advent of the whiteboard, chalk has really lost a lot of its luster, and demand. Lot of chalk floating around. I don't really hold chalk that often. Wait, I'm not feeding you! That's where we've come to on this show, anything I put close to you, you think I'm feeding you. All right, oh, that's, should I not write on that? Oh, I broke the chalk, and that doesn't really write well. - [Rhett] Yeah it does, once you get it going. - Okay, question mark, what happens to the chalk when you soak it in Red Bull for three months? When I try to spell the word trouble on the chalkboard, will the chalk, oh, we've got actually, I messed it up, okay, Imma stick with the procedure, here we go, when I try to spell the word trouble on the chalkboard, will the chalk crumble apart like my mom's famous scones that she made for me after my prom, maybe I should've gone out and lost my virginity like everyone else was doing. Either way, I shatted. It's Stevie again, by the way. - Okay, thanks Stevie, thanks. - [Stevie] This is all true, all these jokes are true. - Or, spell trouble, like an employment contract with Ellen DeGeneres? - Oh, hey, whoa, shots fired! Okay, this is good chalk, first of all, good job, guys. I can tell it's good chalk. - Chalk is porous, it's gonna get some Red Bull in it, and then it's gonna be very crumbly. - And then it's gonna write red. - Or is it just gonna spell "trouble"? Is it gonna stay intact? - I think, I believe that it is going to deconstitute. I believe it is going to crumble, my friend. Oh, what? You gotta go with me now. - I can do that. - Hey, don't try again, that's it. - All right, so we said crumble apart. - We said crumble apart, that's what we say. - Ooh, there's some mold floating on top. You wanna tong it? Now, I don't have gloves 'cause I got rid of mine. Just hand it to me, I'll, oh gosh, there's, you got, get that off! - Just grab the moldy piece, man, mold saved the world. Ever heard of Penicillin, bro? - I've heard of it. All right, so here we go. - Crumble, that's a crumble. I mean it crumbled, but hey, that's nice cursive. - [Link] That's nice, isn't it? - [Rhett] It's almost like a paste. - I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E. - And it just stayed there, it really stinks. Hey, all I know is that we're winners today, we got three out of four. - Which means we get the same thing we would've got if we lost! - Also, we left Link's glasses in Red Bull for three months. - Ah, the Red Bull gave my glasses wings. So that's where those have been. - All right, thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Derek from the great state of Texas, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That's not easy to do. Click the top link to watch us guess the caffeine levels of everyday items, in Good Mythical More. - And find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Are you a member of the Mythical Society? Want an even easier way to dig into content like Behind the Mythicality and Rhett and Link React? 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Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,848,952
Rating: 4.9464049 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Leaving Things In Red Bull For 3 Months (Experiment), redbull, watermelon, leaving things in things
Id: P8L9DbE-_64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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