LEATHER BURNERS - William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Jay Kirby - Full Western Movie [English] - HD - 1943

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got to do something slack Johnnie Travers has got the renter's all stirred up that young squirt don't worry about him just the same he started plenty of trouble for trouble I found out he sent for a Hopalong Cassidy up along Cassidy when's he due to arrive Johnny says he'll be in today I think I passed him on my way in from the ranch what are you going to do listen Bart I've got a plan ain't much of a town coffee no hat seem better [Music] all right mister yeah hold me knock the breath out of me they're very fortunate thanks to this actually you must have been born under a lucky star huh I'll say okay I'm a damn sly thanks for coming to my help that's alright I'm Hopalong Cassidy this is California Carlson Eddie howdy mr. Carlson mr. Cassidy it's alright man go on about your business I'm alright thank you I'd like to get my hands on the man that fired this shot have you any idea who did it oh yeah the fact is I've been having some trouble with the ranches here above you see I've got a little mine up there in the Hills the Buckskin mine buckskin mine yeah I need water from white Creek the ranch has been trying to stop me yeah what do they been doing mister just about everything they could to stop me operating and making shipments they broke my water connections they tried to tear up the track from here to the main line and now this like you more than got your hands full yes I have by any chance you men looking for work well no no not exactly though that's too bad what'd you have in mind well I could use a couple of men like you and your friend to guard the railroad tracks no we're not looking for work but if we do decide to stay around here we'll keep you in mind yes do the bad glad to meet you glad to met you hello mr. mr. Carlson seems alright and I saw the feller yeah but did you notice nothing plenty of lesson boom no Oh can't yesterday there was a 44 slug that's right but the lid was cold yeah so or never know what if we still had to cool off that quick after expired bullet wasn't fired mr. dance like planted that meat market what in tarnation fur I don't know what we're gonna find out hoppy California you're good to see you how are you telephone ah Johnny how's everything at the bar 2005 look what's happening out here why'd you send for us bressler's huffy rustlers the way our cattle are being rustle there won't be a renter in this section that can stay out of bankruptcy hmm you tried trailing the trail always leads to the hills and disappears oh there's something else to the rustlers always seem to know what we're going to do you mean well we'll stakeout in one range and they'll make off as cattle from another one uh wait a minute did you tell the other ranchers we were coming here yes and they're sure looking forward to meeting you I'm sure looking forward to meeting them too well we'll have a powwow this afternoon and we'll go in and see them tomorrow well you look right smart there hoppy this is my girls brother Bobby Longstreet Bobby this Hopalong Cassidy howdy howdy did you say Hopalong Cassidy that's right yeah I'm glad to make your acquaintance mr. Cassidy heard a lot about you that's right oh this is my friend California Carlson Bobby note from coast-to-coast you never heard hoppy saddle pardon young fellow I'll have you know I'm one of the smartest men I'll show you smarty amla here's a little tricker sent to Denver fer it was in a catalog e52 cards slicker now take 6 mm ah just a minute now yeah I got him hey that didn't work so well did it at this well that's part don't matter six cards now here we go now three backs and see faces now keep your eye on them pesto presto the phases of altering the bank's three other cards our backs on both sides that's good I got one for you yeah it's in all the water Chicago four got a coin a coin well I reckon is it yeah there's one remember the date I got it it's a box you can't win without ticking off the strings all right sure what all right open up the mm-hmm another box yeah yeah open the bag the bag what in check howdy it sure is well bust my gal was she how does this thing work well yes I'll be moseying along just let us see you around these here parts so long good keep your powder dry he's a smart young buck Oh still never heard of you he's still a smart young buck oh I'll explain the whole situation to hoppy I think we should leave it up to here mister what we do just a minute Johnny before you go any further I'd like to ask a question sure happy go ahead if I get rid of these rustlers for your association what's in it for me well I never heard you talk about getting money for helping out your friends well you're hearing it now I didn't come all the way here from Arizona for my health if that's the way you feel about it Cassidy your health will be better if you go back to Arizona wait a minute hoppy you're not serious are you never more serious in my life we were made an offer by a man named slack but could offer did he make you wants us to guard the railroad said he'd been having trouble at you Ranchers mr. slack has nothing to do with the railroad it belongs to me I wouldn't know anything about that well you mean to say you take that horn - it's the part against us I didn't say anything about taking anybody's part I said he offered us a job as far as I can see you're not giving me any reason for turning it down so this is your friend you've been boasting about I guess I made a mistake maybe you better take that job hoppy maybe I'd better come on California I assure made a mess of things that's alright Johnny we'll work it out some other way oh I I'm sorry I lost my temper well that's alright now have you gone Loco y don't think so why hey over there didn't see that one of those wrenches is working with the rustlers we gotta find out who it is yeah but what's that got to do with us gonna work for slack I've got an idea that slack knows what this is all about oh then what you were saying mole that's just the food whoever it is that's working with the rustlers I know I get it her weight for without Johnny but we're not gonna tell Johnny well we find out whose bank of this he's gonna be kept in the dark oh sure I hate to meet Johnny think we're letting him down we're not gonna let him down we come here to help him dinner for sure this looks like the only way we can do it I quit worrying about it Bart says he walked out a monthly looks like ain't so small that problems to slap played right into your hands he's not so smart when I can maybe and what do you mean now just wondering see plan into my hands or is he trying to get me to buy into his get going [Music] slack howdy let job you offered us still open sure is you mean you changed your mind that's right well I'm glad to hear of it now just what did you want us to do well first we better go over the railroad office the railroad still owns the tracks change you mind if I stay and get me sarsaparilla I'm kind of thirsty drinking again huh I wish I could give you a better report on the financial condition of your railroad sheriff but books you're a fine attorney why I thought you'd be able to turn all the red figures in the black I'd like to but I'm just not that much of a magician lady well I hired a couple of men to guard the riverbanks oh I can't afford any guards you don't have to pay them I do I'm footing the bills this is one of the men I have hired mr. Hopalong Cassidy well as long as you're going to pay for the guys there's no reason why I should object well I get that settled mr. Cassidy yeah and the packages arrived for me today late yes I'm afraid I'll see you later at the office mr. kite by the way have you any idea who's been trying to wreck you really why don't you ask your boss Dan slack what do you mean well it's no secret he's been trying to get control of the railroad well if that's true why should he try to wreck it well that's pretty obvious isn't it if he can prevent Charon from operating she'll go into bankruptcy and he'll take over I don't think you ought to say those things Harrison after all you don't have any proof no and I haven't any proof that slack was responsible for your father's being killed I don't have any doubts about that either please have a seat I'm sorry you don't want to cooperate but I suppose you have your reasons mr. Cassidy this tour I heard about you going to work for Dan slack oh yes it is but you and I are still friends aren't we mr. Cassidy I guess you and I have got two different meanings for the word friend so how now go crazy say what is that thing oh it's nothing nothing well just a little trick thought up I'm spare time well how does it work how did cut simple so how do you well is he gonna be a spot this there both of them Sierra Connor kind of wrapped up and well they in the back but on guard no sir there's one of them now [Music] where's your partner well I don't know exactly you are lying you old squirrel hey don't start nothin in here wait a minute who's next we're starting a rare come on the kid from the bar reach that gun away California wait outside maybe I should remind you gentlemen that he's my saddle pardner and I'd get mighty upset if anything should happen to him [Music] well here she be like certainly picked a nice deserted spot to keep us out of the way bucks in mind along right from here [Music] [Applause] [Music] howdy gents father welcome to the palace hotel best and finest whatever Saito Mississippi that is say she used to be before they shut down the mines oh are you Sookie Willard that's me damn slack told us we could bunk here are you two fellas working for him that's right step right up here and put your name in the Durst and they've been used for the past five years but I'm keeping it right here waiting one of these days they open up the mine again kind of dried up on your handshake try yeah it's funny she was from four or five years ago she was hmm got a pencil yeah thanks kinda looks as he would be staring right at you yeah that there was the fire dismiss in in that same book tall and he discovered the garage here 30 years ago is that so one day he was down into mine and our of a certainly started barreling like a crazy boy they ain't gonna believe me like he'll read stuff and got a hold of the timber and tried to fake it lows and down came the wall of the raft and you could hear the cave-in for miles around poor fella he couldn't stand seeing the mines closed down and schambach toe are you peeing in the course hey you know I don't believe in anything I can't see why well tour three folks this were they have seen Sam doctors ghost walking across superstition mountains and there's some mysterious noises way down in the shaft of the mine I've heard it myself what kind of a noise it's hard to explain but I would swore it was same octo laughing that crazy laugh of it [Music] i intercepted a wire from that new guard yours cassidy the telegraph the marshal at Salt Lake City asking for information about this so where I'm the old information you can concerning cactus dents like don't mention his name was I don't want anyone to know I'm making enquiries Cassady so he was trying to get me to play into his hands cactus that's a fine name he tacked onto yeah I'll fix him yeah fine Lafe you send this wire to Cassidy just as if it came from Salt Lake all right that's your to fix it mr. slack I can't make a turkey or food they are talking about oh that's too bad nosy him you it has been five years since I received the last telegram that I like to know much about it bet you would come on we better go to work thanks okay yeah where's that Telecom Bob huh let your brother's inside X I didn't quite finish it no your Manuel can vouch for him clean record best life open book I still don't know what it's about javi died didn't think so it's about them slacking is supposed to be to my friend the marshal in Salt Lake it's not no what do you mean I sent a wire last night when you and sook is asleep there must have been intercepted what makes you think that the marshal always sends me a codeword cactus and it's not in here well George garnet wonder who could it do I've got my suspicions tonight we'll sneak out of here and see what we'll find out [Music] I wasn't fire that what do you want what a little talk with you you know you can't tell me what to do this can get over there the Sharks will be interested to hear about this they'll also be interested to hear about that wire mine you intercepted I don't know what you're talking about no you don't know what we're talking it you think I oughta freshen up he's memory okay no I don't think it'll be necessary how do you want to talk to me about that why do you want to talk to the sheriff I ain't talking to nobody Oh social cursing yeah well I guess there's only one thing we can do oh wait a minute hoppy the sheriff's out of town can't lock him up in jail that's right well I got a better idea listen you fellas in a state the saintly man sitting right down there make yourself comfortable we'll be around the first thing in the morning with a sheriff you can't get away with this you're here ain't you you lock the other door there it is [Music] worked like a charm there he goes [Music] I've got an idea that homing pigeons gonna lead us right to her rustlers hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm doing coming down here [Music] don't shoot him I want to see where he's gone somebody get those stairs to moving faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I wouldn't wish that nobody helped nor me [Music] looks like it broke the Cinch yeah sure did the men were really after outlet Valley I think you can make it down here well this horse ain't no mountain goat but we can try it let's go [Music] [Music] we recognize any of them no I didn't hoppy hey look at the brand of them Sears their wishbone stuff yeah it's Johnny thinks we're working again we just saved them a mess be safe we have to save them yet you work the other side now stay over here watch anything to do and I'm back the wishbone [Music] mom put it over your stocks me Russell why yes come on [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] all right I guess we don't care much be a second you don't understand me music is that what that is Johnny boy the rest better get your hands up hoarse nobody gets hurt what are you doing with my kettle we ran into some rustlers but they got away we were taking the cattle back to your ranch don't pay any attention to him Johnny they were stealing your cattle looks like you're right Bart we've been wasting our time with these men if you ask me it's about time we had a little necktie party nobody's asking you I'm waiting hoppy you better start explaining I told you what happened Johnny there's nothing else to explain yeah you heard what he said what are you waiting for I'll handle this Bart all right hoppy maybe I'm making a big mistake but you can keep on riding the other way this is my arrangement I'm giving orders now for you to keep off of it all right Johnny [Music] don't see any sense hanging around this railroad any more pain nursemaid to an Iron Horse but we've got no way could we find out what slack next move is sit down and relax brings you out this way understand you had a little run-in with the ranchers oh that was just a misunderstanding so you say Bart Gailey found Sharon Longstreet's telegraph operator yet well what are you getting that Dan slack tells me so you've fallen leaf out of town last night is that right might be why just this Cassady I'm placing you and your friend you're under arrest for the murder of late Bailey you don't mind no take your guns just a minute I kind of like these guns you can't get away with this Cassady no and you can't arrest us for murder on Dan slack say so either now if you don't mind I'll take yours I'll get on your horse and ride back to town and tell slack it didn't work all right I'll be back and with a posse you better take this you might need it now what hobby I think we'd better call on this long street good evening how dare you come here well I know how you feel about both of us but I I wanted to talk to you you could talk to sheriff Martin but this concerns you it's also important to Johnny well come in first of all I want you to know that we didn't kill you're a telegraph operator we were strolling them to the wrestlers and he was killed accidental I know get away from us that's right you expect me to believe that Leif was working for me well you might have been paying in but he was actually working for slack slack yes that's why he sent the sheriff after us he's trying to get rid of us nice and legal and I think slack is the head of these wrestlers that's one of the reasons I went to work for him so far I haven't been able to prove anything well if what you say is true why haven't you told Johnny well hoppy didn't want to get him hurt no that's why I had to walk out on him I don't understand well it's pretty obvious that one of the ranches is working with slack and whoever it is wouldn't hesitate to shoot Johnny in the back who do you suspect Bart Gilly why do you suspect him well he's been trying to make trouble for us ever since we came here and all for several reasons now if you'll only believe what I've told you you can help everybody what can I do your present at all the ranches meetings aren't you yes I want you to tell me everything they say and do especially Bart you're asking me to trust you with a great deal but you will do it won't you yes oh hello hello Shan well I see my official courier carried out my orders yeah Bobby's getting to be quite a messenger what'd you find out well Bart Gailey has all the ranchers worked up against you they're forming a posse to search the hills oh but they need what about Johnny no Johnny did his best to defend you but they wouldn't listen I think you'd better get away from this section well I appreciate your interest but I'm not gonna get out of here and I can prove that both slack and Gailey are thieves I've got an idea there's somebody else behind them too well that's what a slacks man why he's riding into coffin Canyon yeah come on let's follow a tow man I'll follow you better get back home but I'm not afraid but nevertheless it's too dangerous oh wait a minute young lady will you please go back home hoppy he's disappeared we probably rode out the other end but you don't understand this is the only way you can get in or out of the canyon it is well that's the only one know what happened to him Sharon look well mr. Kennedy at least we found the wrestlers Corral yeah so far so good now I want to know what happens to cattle after they leave here sounds like we got visitors maybe we better get out of here [Music] you sure this the only way out of here yes it is [Applause] [Music] look over there do you think you can make that well I'll try good girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they go I don't know get a good look at them no but it couldn't have been anybody else but Cassidy his sidekick let's get back at el / [Music] sure and I'm certainly glad you know this country so am i exciting wasn't it certainly was I suppose I ought to thank you for saving my life but well I'm so ashamed I nearly made you lose yours I don't know what to say well you don't need to say anything the important thing is we found the restless' corral thanks to you you want me to tell the sheriff no hello no one deed I still want to find out what happens to those cattle after they leave the corral I'll see that you get safely home in California now we'll come back and do a little investigation this is where the been driving the cattle yeah looks like it couldn't go any further if they wanted to that's what we're gonna find out MacPhail seems to lead up through here yeah right smack into that mountain better hide the horses we'll take a look yeah I don't see no your no father no did you notice anything funny about this brush there are just a lot of weeds to me now they're weaves alright but did you ever see cattle hair growing on him before well I'll be jiggered I told you it was no use it's a blind alley yeah but here's the trail yo Roenick the musta sprouted wings why she looks like a mine entrance copy that's what it is hey wait a minute the Buckskin mines on the other side of this mountain yeah yeah I know that horse tankard and you think this is another entrance the buckskin must be well I'm up whoa leg dude from Arkansas they've been hiding the cattle in the old mineshaft no no that don't make sense how people they got to get him up some way can't drive them up the other end why the whole countryside did see him I suppose there's another outlet somewhere well it could be but I doubt it then what in blazes do they do with the cattle that's crazy but it could be done what's crazy ah he know what could be done what's Bobby what are you doing up here telephony what you might need some help how'd you know where to find it I followed your trail up into the hills then I lost it then I figured to myself you had to be somewhere so I rode up a size I could then I look down you know Cydia huh I'm sure glad I ain't sheriff Martin sure hey I want you to deliver a message to me you think you can do it yes sir I've got a piece of paper yeah Thanks okay you're a smart young buckle and you take that to your sister and tell her to give it to the chair and hurry yes sir what came in for us to do coffee I like the looks of this place but we're going down in there yeah sure yeah do you think I better wait for the sheriff to come up out of California come on well I guess maybe [Music] which gives me the creeps reminds me but - I wouldn't know I never been in one [Music] [Music] [Music] now what are you supposed I don't know be jiggered [Music] [Music] you get a good look at him papi yeah see mr. me I've seen that face before you have picture back of Sookie withers desk you remember shook his ghost yeah Sam bucked ow why hello mr. bucked oh how you feel [Applause] [Music] beautiful as dead great man we live your life misunderstood by his fellow but he also made a mistake he forgot the world filled full stupid incompetent food just like yous like well now mr. buck toe that time that's no way to talk I made you the confident of my flying slang because it suited my purposes to stay in the background it was very simple you were told what to do if you followed my orders that Travers boy would have lost his wrench Sharon Longstreet a rare oh why I'd be in control of the entire Valley by now I'd have plenty of money money to rebuild my broken life I'd have money for power sam puckett OH governor senator then your stupidity delayed all this slack well I did my best mr. bucket oh I suppose you did but it wasn't good enough I told you to get rid of Cassidy and Carlson when they first came here well I was waiting my chance I'm tired of waiting that Cassidy is smart he will soon be knowing everything he'll be taken care of I promise you that that won't be necessary I'll do the job myself meantime I'm gonna settle accounts with you what do you mean I'm gonna kill you [Music] same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't understand why you don't want to join the posse Johnny you've got as much at stake as anybody well I still can't believe Hafiz as bad as you fellows seem for thinking it Johnny Johnny read that what is it it's from hoppy look now discovered secret enters to the Buckskin mind tell a sheriff Martin you will find all necessary proof if he looks under the or and slacks cars in the station papi what's from hobbies he only pretended to be working for slack to protect you we'll all be dog gone I knew all along he wouldn't let me down what does he mean slacks or cars well come on we'll find out oh there the car yeah better know what he's talking about papi knows what he's talking about all right come on well what is it Johnny no wonder we couldn't trace those steers yeah they've been butchering run the mine and shipping the beef out under the or all right sheriff I'd like to join your posse now fine Johnny I'd like the head [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] chick [Music] what must be hundreds of them yeah look way back in here octo spudgy slick after all yeah summit Jonny stop there - yes yours wishbone let's get out of here [Music] [Music] all right men you're all sworn in as deputies so you know what to do sheriff Martin I'd like to join this Posse I talk to you is against gun play Brooks well I am but circumstances alder cases as we used to say in law school consider yourself sworn in were dismissive formalities how about me sure you know I go to I'm afraid you're a little young all right man let's get the going [Music] [Music] you're not leaving [Music] did you hear somebody callin ah you must be hearing things no I heard something alright come on [Music] if like you and Jim stay here rather than killing me [Music] [Music] slack [Music] [Applause] [Music] get out of here Tyson sure SAP deal with the possible cockpits Wynnum I only chest getting out here's the other man I knew keep going that way real cover listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thunders name sounds like cattle stampede somebody's trying to loose money stay where you are run for it it's a cattle stampede how do you know there's cattle in there part [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Johnny don't go in there yet but I've got to find out what happened to hoppy in California you in there now those cattle Trump you to death are getting over to the ranch right away all right bring them along boys hoppy California say I didn't know yet Bobby with you well you don't think our partners let us down do you you sure showed a lot of spunk I can't understand it papi I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done what a fool I was forever doubting you oh that's all right Johnny forget it but I guess we better say goodbye and I woke you if I come girls on it you certainly can that goes for you too Johnny well I'd ride with you right now happy but I've got something else on my mind well I think I'll have to change my plans hoppy is that job still open to the bar 20 sure you mean you're going with us that's right what about your ranch well I'll take care of that later all right let's go okay Bobby please show me how that darn thing works sure California secret of the whole thing is this little slot the slot all right you got the point of this spot in the bag when you pull it out the box closes automatic well ain't there huh but you didn't give me this part did you know I take you mean anything wait till I show it to the boys at the bar 20 [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: CowboyTV
Views: 434,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western movies, full movie, english movie, western movie, full length western, western movies from the 30s, William Boyd, william boyd movies, William Boyd youtube, William Boyd western, William Boyd westerns, William Boyd western movies, hopalong, hopalong western, hopalong cassidy western movies, hopalong cassidy, hopalong cassidy movies, hopalong cassidy westerns, leather burners, leather burners 1943, leather burners western, leather burners youtube, Andy Clyde
Id: rWggEglSoR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 54sec (4014 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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