Learning To See My Value | Sandals Church

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hey guys welcome to sandals Church and I'm so glad you're here because here we are all about this vision of being real and one of the best ways to see this vision come to life in your life is by joining a group so right now if you're not in a group get in a group you can go to movie SC slash groups to see where groups are meeting and how you can join one or even start with yourself and if you're a teenager junior high through high school and you're not in a group and there's a campus around man make sure to check out Wednesday nights because there are groups for you too so again go to move to SC slash groups if you want to see this vision of being real taken to a whole other level and thanks for joining us today and man I hope that you're gonna enjoy the service we're more free than ever to pursue our desires and create the life we've always dreamed of but life is still full of hard choices were we ever supposed to figure this all out for ourselves what do you really want with your truth chase your dreams is this okay follow your heart follow your heart what do you really want with your truth do this for you chase your dreams your dreams do this for you do this for you isn't it your turn be I'll leave your truth isn't it follow your heart isn't it your turn to be happy now what do you really know what does it even matter is it even matter what will we choose [Music] welcomewelcome sandals church men it's just so good to be here with you today we're in a series called ten reasons everybody needs God look you need God I need God your next-door neighbor needs God your friend who's an atheist needs God we all need God and what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go way back if you have your Bibles we're gonna go all the way to the beginning the book of Genesis in Hebrew is better sheets and it means in the beginning just literally those are the first words in the Bible and Genesis is the first book in the Bible and as you begin to read through the first couple of chapters in the first book of the Bible you see God creates everything and he's so good everything's good everything's beautiful man the fish are beautiful the oceans are unpolluted the environment is is literally just gorgeous air everything's great he creates man and woman and everything is good in Genesis chapter 2 god man gives instructions he says men everything everything that you see here is yours it's all yours and it's almost like the lion king when Mufasa sits down with his his young cub and he says everything the light touches is yours and then there's the shadow land don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and here's the thing here's why you need God God warns you before it happens God says don't do this I just got a letter from Subaru I own a Subaru a new Bruce Subaru a Subaru who sent me this letter and you're gonna laugh as soon as you hear it Subaru sent me this letter says morning the gas gauge on our cars do not read accurately anybody know how many times I've run out of gas we're gonna start playing a game around Southern Californians don't Where's Waldo it's worse pastor man I keep running out of gas and Subarus figured out after the fact that the gauge is off and here's what they said we don't know why we don't know how to fix it but stay tuned look God's not like Subaru God tells you beforehand he's like don't eat that tree it'll wreck your life it'll wreck your life last week we looked at what adultery does we looked at what divorce does look it's not that God wants to judge you God's trying to save you God's trying to keep you from harm so God says don't eat the tree Adam and Eve do and Genesis 3 the world falls apart not just their world but our world and then in Genesis chapter 4 literally Adam and Eve are trying to put their life back together and that's where some of you are trying to figure out how to fix this how to make it work and let me tell you something you need God to make it work and so that's where the story picks up in Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 it says now Adam had sexual relations with his wife Eve and she became pregnant when she gave birth to Cain she said with the Lord's help I have produced a man why Adam apparently was a little confused God explained it they figured it out that was funnier than that you can laugh with that it's okay just download last week's message and you'll feel better about it it says with the Lord's help I've produced a man and I want you to circle that you see here's why when Adam and Eve literally thought life was over that nothing good whatever going to happen god gives her a prophecy said one day from you I'm gonna bring a man and he's gonna save the world and here's what he thinks man this might be the man but this man's name wasn't Jesus this man's name was King and ladies just like all other men except for Jesus they disappoint write that down yeah see amen now I get an amen with the Lord's help I produced a man later she gave birth to his brother and she named him Abel and when they grew up Abel became a shepherd while Cain cultivated the ground and when it was time for harvest Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord and Abel also brought his gift difference here is look what it says it says Abel brought the best portions of his first born lambs from his flock it always amazes me when people bring an offering like the couch is no longer good enough for your house but the Lord can have it like you're gonna bless God with what you don't want and that's literally what Cain has done he brought an offering but it wasn't as best Abel said here's my very best here's my absolute best the Lord accepted Abel and his gift but he did not accept Cain and his gift and this made Cain very angry and he looked dejected and God said why are you so angry why do you look so dejected you will be accepted underlying this if you do what's right if you just do what's right Cain but if you refuse to do what's right then watch out sin is crouching at the door and it is eager to control you listen to me the world says follow your heart and what they mean by that is your desires and listen to me your desires want to control you you have a choice to be controlled by your desires or to be filled with God's Spirit and those are two different ways and we're in this series literally called 10 reasons everybody needs God and it's simply the 10 commandments that are more relevant today than than at any point in time in human history we need this because we're all following our heart we're all following our desires and we're being controlled by them and we're being ruined by them God says don't follow your heart don't follow your desires don't follow your emotions follow me God says because if you refuse to do what's right watch out sin is crouching at the door and it is eager to control you here's the thing about sin as it doesn't share power it wants all of you it wants to consume you it wants to sift you he says but you must subdue it and be its master he sees so many of us say well I can't control myself I can't control my desires I can't control this God says yes you can yes you can listen to me God puts you on earth and he made you master over earth he called you to rule not sin and God has literally Destin you Turell you to reign over your desires for you to elevate yourself with God and to listen to his truth one day Cain suggested to his brother he said hey let's go out into the fields and while they were in the field Cain attacked his brother Abel and he killed his own brother not only does Cain not bring life what Cain brings is death the first murder in the Bible takes place in the fourth chapter two brothers who were called to love each other and one of them kills the other one and God comes back and he says Cain where's your brother and he literally says am I my brother's keeper is somebody else my responsibility and God says your brother's blood is crying out from the field write this down God values every human life some of you feel like God doesn't see you some of you feel like you don't matter to God some of you feel like the unimportant brother or the missed sister I want you to notice in the text that God is speaking to the one who killed it's not a story about Abel it's a story about Cain God even loves those who've killed it's why Jesus on the cross when he stared his murderers into the in the face he said Father forgive them for they do not know what they do God values every human life literally the young the old the sick those with special needs and especially our unborn children God values every human life life is precious and so we get this commandment in Exodus 20:13 it says you shall not murder don't kill don't take a life you're not God don't do it and the reality is most of us say well I never killed anybody and if you have maybe talk to us so we can help you get where you need to be safely behind bars away from us amen we love you but we want you somewhere else where you gonna be around amongst friends but most of us are like that's not me I do this this is irrelevant from me but the reality is some of us have no idea how close this is I don't think there's anybody more shocked than the murderer and that's why I think a lot of murderers literally what what plea do they enter not guilty cuz they can't even believe it themselves they can't even believe it themselves they literally say I would never do this I couldn't have done this it wasn't me and even though they know it was them is because they didn't pay attention to the warning signs why do we kill because I believe we're not aware of our emotions what did God say why are you so dejected what is it this wrong with you literally in the Hebrew it says what's wrong with your face whenever I'm in meetings with more executive pastor Danza Bharti I always ask him I said you having a good time he says yeah I said well then tell your face your face didn't get the memo you look miserable and that's how some of you worship I just love God I love God so much well tell your face and this is what God says listen to me guys God says what's wrong with your face and like nothing well you know what your face is doing your face is listening to your heart and your heart saying something's wrong and especially guys oftentimes we're the last to know how we feel Tami and I went to counseling three years ago for her she needed help the first day was all about her all about her and it was weird we were there for her but they they the counselors kept asking me questions I was like don't get distracted focus on the problem day to the questions became more and more and more about me listen to me guys they kept pokin they kept prodding and I started twitching so thank God we had a break and we went to lunch and I ordered a salad I never took a bite guys Tammy couldn't see my eyes but she saw the streams of tears flowing down beneath my sunglasses you see they knew the counselors knew there was something wrong and I didn't it was so obvious to them listen to me guys I was blind to it we're not aware of our emotions James 4:2 says this you desire but you do not have so you what you kill murder starts in the heart it's where it starts I'm upset I'm angry next why do we kill we're not aware of the danger of our anger we're not aware we don't realize what anger can do look what the Bible says Ephesians 4:26 it says and don't sin by letting anger control you write in your notes anger is not a sin it's not a sin anger is a necessity every single one of you has a god-given gift of anger and at some point in life you're gonna need it guys someday you're gonna need you to be Papa Bear and ladies you're gonna need to be mama bear man this week my favorite Instagram I followed it's called nature is metal this week I watched a mom zebra kick the heck out of a lion it was awesome you know what the lion did the lion picked on her baby the lion had her baby by the neck the lion was like Lucy was gonna be like chick-fil-a all of a sudden you see this mama came in let me tell you something she came in headfirst she didn't care about concussion protocol she hasn't read all those things just with her head straight into that lion's head whack and the lion was like what's going on and then she turned around and I felt so bad for like Emagine lion goes back with his friends hey what happened to you you getting a fight with a rhino it was a zebra oh well it must have been a man zebra right no it was he's like in counseling he's in groups all Alliance they've been beat up by a female zebra no they're tough they are they were a little you know striped bracelets a little support group listen to me young men gods put anger in you when Tammy I first got married we had to come up with a plan when you get married you got to have it come with a plan what do we do if someone breaks in you have to have a plan if you don't have a plan you don't know what to do so here was our plan our plan was if somebody breaks in Tammy goes first this I thought about it here's why if she gets knocked out we still got a chance she she didn't like the plan right so ladies if you want to know if that's the guy ask him about his plan so do I die or whoa so Tammy wakes me with him all night she's babe baby babe babe babe babe wake up and like what she's like somebody at the fender I go nobody's at the front door we don't have any stuff you know a thief's gonna come and he's like man I picked the wrong house she says no no somebody's at the door somebody's at the door and I hear the door rattling you ever do this you ever talked in your house there better not be somebody in there what do you do if somebody goes well there it is but I always talk out loud that's right I'm coming through so I say there better not be somebody out there and I hear the door rattle through the doors rattle and she said cos there's somebody out there somebody out there she said you got to go check and see you got to go check and see and I'm like I'm not going out there remember the plan and then all of a sudden I can hear the front door of our house open and then I hear glass shatter and I just go free I didn't even know where it came from I forgot the plan I forgot everything I just went insane well my wife when we got married she got us a princess bed and so on the princess bed it has these things on the end of the bed I don't know what they're for but what they do is they take out your husband when when he's trying to attack the attacker so I jump out of the bed god I hit this thing boom right in my groin slide in the kitchen we had linoleum we'd have enough money slid on the linoleum and I look up and there's a man standing in the doorway and I just went and I jump and I just dove I was just like a lioness diving and right before I grabbed hit the man's neck I heard my brother go it's your brother but I didn't even think about it look I didn't think about it like that that god-given gift when you just go insane that's great if somebody breaks in your house it's not great on the 91 freeway it's like losing grandma you're gonna learn today you know senior discount on lessons okay and all you laters laughing oh man or so whatever let me talk about you you know what you do you're you're you don't go insane you're like a pressure cooker you just go and you just keep pushing it down and you're a bomb waiting to go off like your kids don't even know what happened you're just like boom and everybody's dead what happened I was a little angry are you angry no why don't let's end control don't don't sin by letting anger control you that's what's sinful when anger is in the driver's seat Jesus wants to be in the driver's seat don't let the Sun go down while you're still still angry but you're like no I'm just gonna save this for later I'm just gonna say this like a little anger savings account put it over there don't let the Sun go down while you're still angry for anger gives a foothold to the devil got zucchini while your anger you know what Cain said I'm not angry are you talking about and the very next sentence the semi Cain is doing the unthinkable unthinkable so let's talk about how do we kill some of you like well I never killed anybody and yet you put people's lives in danger every day we kill people physically with our actions if you have your cell phone I want you to hold it out hold it up how many of you know you're not supposed to look at this while you drive and you do it every day every single day we put people's lives in danger we think some text message is more important than Manning a vehicle going 50 60 70 miles an hour some of you I see it all the time marijuana is legal it's not legal while driving I see people smoking weed all the time right next to me not even hide now you know you know good doesn't impair my driving well you don't see what I'm seeing you know you can't even open your eyes you like I could see just fine okay your eyelids are not weights you're like hmm Exodus 21 28 gives us some clarity on the things we do that kill people the Bible is practical on appeal all the Bible's not relevant it's relevant Exodus 21 when an ox Gore's a man you're like I don't own the ox hold on when ox Gore's a man or a woman to death the Ox shall be stoned its flesh shall not be eaten but the owner of the Ox shall not be liable but if the Ox has been accustomed to goring in the past appearing that Gore is or that animals been drinking and driving its owner has been warm but has not kept him in and it kills a man or a woman listen to this the ox you'll be stoned and its owner shall be put to death God will hold you accountable think about that the next time you have to text you have to tweet think that think about that the next time you've had a couple drinks and you say you're fine think about that next we kill people emotionally with our words Jesus says this this is Jesus's commentary on murder he says you've heard what it was said to the people long ago don't murder but anyone who murders that anyone who murders will be subject to judgment he says but I tell you anyone who's angry with his brother will be subject to judgment and again anyone who says to his brother raca and you're like I've never said that I don't know what that means it's gonna answer to this Han he'd written you know the Sanhedrin is the Supreme Court but anyone who says you fool will be in danger of the fires of hell you see we kill people with our words and we don't even realize it a couple of years ago this is a true story I'm terribly ashamed of this not proud of this but I was on a radio program but when I was on the radio program I called in from another radio station to the radio station and I never saw the person I never saw the host face-to-face and so I was on this radio program for three hours for three hours I was the program for the whole day they were interviewing talking about the church talking about the cultural relevance of all this stuff and here's the truth as I thought it was lame I thought it was lame which is fine you get to have opinions here's the problem I went to church the next day and I told our church I was on this three-hour program and it was lame it was terrible it was awful I don't even know why this woman's in radio that's what I said those are the words that came out of my mouth here's the problem after church is a true story I was in the lobby greeting people as they were walking out and here's this woman bawling her eyes out her husband's holding her for three children are consoling her I'll never ever forget it I said oh my gosh What's Wrong are you okay we have ministries to help people just like you how can we be like Jesus for you and she looked me dead in the face and she said I'm the woman that you talked to on that horrible show for three hours yesterday you see she liked our conversation and she invited her family to church do you think they ever came again I said I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I was so arrogant so foolish and I got a glimpse of what words can do here's the problem when you tweet something when you make a Facebook post you don't have to see the person's face when they read your comment that's what's wrong with our culture we're not sitting down with people face to face we're sending text messages we're sending tweets and we're willing to do things on the internet that we're not willing to do face to face we'll say things do things that are totally terrible you see what we say write this down kills who they are and kills their reputation I told everybody never listen to this radio program it's terrible she could have had a bad day I could have had a bad day I just could have misunderstood I mean there could have been literally a million things going on but I said in God's place I said it was terrible don't ever listen and I was wrong you know what was terrible not her program my heart that's what was wrong next what we say kills who they can be their potential I bet many of you can't remember your mom or your dad saying I love you but you can remember them calling you a jerk a fool you can remember them saying something hurtful isn't it amazing think of how counselors would go out of business if we didn't have negative words from our parents or a coach or a teacher think of the power of words in your life somebody called you ugly or overweight or if somebody made fun of you or laughed at you think about the power of those things that's why Jesus says we kill people with words because we do next we can't hurt people with our words what we need to do is we need to protect life with our actions right we can take life by not taking responsibility by texting by drinking and driving by smoking a joint and getting in the car we can take somebody's life but we can also take somebody's life with our words we've got to protect life with our actions Psalms 101 5 says this I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors this is personal to me this week my wife was getting her hair cut she went to get her hair cut and the person cutting her hair said I need to do it in the back where people can't see you my wife said why she said because there's a woman out there going off on sandals Church and I don't want you to have to hear it my wife got her hair cut in the closet let me just say this when somebody says something that sounds crazy it probably is it probably is now see you care about my wife you don't know the woman whose heart I broke on the radio program but you care about my wife you know who she is and you don't want her to experience that you need to remember most leaders have wives most leaders have kids my son had to hear because my wife was on the speakerphone what happened to his mother when she went to get her hair cut and here's what here's the sad thing you know what if we could talk to this person here's what I would think they would probably say well I'm just sharing my opinion the problem is we live in a culture where everybody is an Internet activist everybody feels like the world is just waiting for their opinion listen your opinion might be the very thing that pushes somebody over the edge think before you speak that's why God gave you two years in one mouth slow it down and listen I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors their neighbors I'm not gonna do it now praise God what this woman was criticizing is actually something I did say and you know what I'm right praise God because I'm not always right we all know that let's not laugh let's just move on to the next point I said don't laugh I mean okay proverbs 17 for wrongdoers eagerly Circle that word eagerly listen to gossip if you're in a group of friends who love to tear others down who do you think they're gonna tear down when you leave you you wrongdoers eagerly listen to gossip Liars pay close attention to slander do you know how many times the Bible talks about slander 26 different verses reference slander 26 different times 26 different ways we're told don't slander people one of those verses wait for it specifically talks about your political leaders man there's gonna be a lot of Christians that stand before God and our judge for what they said about their leader so what do we need to do we need to give life with our words so think about this my words can kill I want you to think about this parents when you speak to your children know that your words can kill them it's not just what you say it's how they hear it right I mean truth is somewhere between what was said and what was heard right it's it's somewhere in between emotions are powerful and we've got we've got to remember that are these words are these words are gonna be what they remember one time my son and I got into it we're on vacation and I said to him I said here's why I'm upset with you because we've had two weeks of vacation and 30 years from now all you're gonna remember is what happened tonight I said so let's unpack this now so you're not doing it in counseling for the rest of your life we must give life with our words Luke 4:22 all spoke well of him they're talking about Jesus and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips here's our culture right now look at this oh my gosh have you heard Jesus have you heard Jesus Jesus is so incredible so let's unpack it real slow here all everybody was impressed with Jesus at first everyone liked him at first remember this doesn't hold true because they do kill him and I don't know spoiler alert but that doesn't happen all spoke well of him and were amazed listen to this word at the gracious words that came from his lips when you're around the coffee pot at work talking about you're your boss you're either pointing to Jesus or to the devil with every word you speak do you know what made Jesus different the words that came out of his mouth were like nobody else's they were gracious words words of love words of encouragement Jesus spoke to the littlest of people to the most out of touch to the poorest and the neediest he talk to them all regardless of their socioeconomic status or the color of their skin he spoke to them and you know what people said we've never hurt anybody like this but some of you are gonna miss it in the text they idolized him look at the next sentence isn't this Joseph's son what do we love to do in our culture lift somebody up and bring him down oh my gosh did you hear Jesus preach he's got this church down the street and it's growing it's so incredible people's lives are being changed man it's fantastic yeah but isn't he a bastard you know what happened Joseph had to leave it was a crazy thing Mary you know they were engaged but they weren't married yet and all of a sudden it was the spirit or something like that and then you know she had a baby and then they went off to Bethlehem to have this kid came back and it was God's I mean I'm not gossiping I'm just telling you what I heard hey guys maybe in group we could pray for Mary and Joseph that they would come clean about the origins of the birth of Jesus you know so that they can be saved did you just see what happened wait wait wait isn't this Joseph's bastard son isn't it it can't be God can't use him you see the world is always looking for a way to discredit the truth because the truth hurts like we talked about setting us free it hurts first we must give life with our words the Apostle Paul said this if I speak in human or angelic tongues but I do not have love I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal let me ask you a question parents do your kids know you love them and have they heard it lately husbands my wife sets me up every night she waits for me to say I love her I love you if she was honest she would say this okay good just checking she wants to hear it every day I love you I'm proud of you I'm proud of you I asked my son this week I said when do you feel the most loved you know what he said I feel it more often from mom does gonna make me cry but it means more from you we need to hear especially from the men in our lives that we're loved I got good news for you your Father in Heaven loves you adores you and he wrote a book and it's filled with sentences that say it over and over and over again you see it doesn't matter how much money we make or the clothes we wear or the cars we drive if the people that are closest to us don't know we love them what's the point of life that's what Paul say it doesn't matter what you do if you don't speak words of love and it helps guys if it includes the word love well you know how I feel about you right right even when we say it sometimes we quantify it well you know I love you well know well you know I do know still know confused still lost you still haven't said it I love you some of you've noticed at Sandals church oftentimes I close my messages with these words I love you sandals Church do you know why because I do do you know how many people I've had tell me you're the only person I hear that says they love me as people in our church the only time in their life that they hear they're loved is in church at the end of a message if I speak in human or angelic tongues but I do not have love I'm a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal I'm missing the point of life Jesus says this this is one of the most bizarre sentences in the four Gospels the four Gospels record the life in words of Jesus and John 15 is this poetic beautiful sermon about how we need to be reconnected with God and then all of a sudden in the middle of it there's this sentence that seems so out of context it's almost like God wanted us to know this so bad he put it someplace where it feels like a speed bump you're reading through John 15 and you're just cruising along and everything makes sense and then BOOM you hit this and here's the words Jesus says you were already clean because of the word I have spoken to you why would he say that he's right in the middle of this whole sermon about what you do what he does what you do what he does what you do what he does and if you just pay attention to all these words it feels like a lot of work it feels like you're not gonna make it it feels like you're never gonna be good enough it feels like man you're gonna try try try try try but you don't know if you're going to heaven and Jesus just stops and he says you're already right not because of what you've done but because of the word I've spoken to you listen to me God made the head and the earth with a word and he forgave you of your sins with his word he said you are forgiven of your sins if you repent and believe in me you were already clean perfect loved cared for because of the word I spoke to you do you know what Jesus does in this sentence what every parent needs to do no matter what you do no matter what you've done I love you son I love you daughter because nothing can ever separate you from my love everything that makes you perfect comes from God everything the screws you up comes from yourself and we make a great team with God a great team some of you have heard some awful words from your mom from your dad some of you didn't hear awful words but you never heard the words you needed to hear so let me just speak some words that I believe are from God you are loved you are smart you are beautiful you are able you are strong you are talented and in Jesus name you are forgiven clean and perfect and forever loved and forever kept and no one can ever take you away from him do not listen to the devil listen to your father who is in heaven the world is trying to sift you away the devil is trying to sift you away listen to me even if you feel like Cain who's God talking to who's the story about the boy who sent the boy who was lost the boy who killed and yet God our Father saying I'm right here I still love you and together we can overcome that thing that's crouching at your door because it's afraid of me right and what do we all need a good father that over helps us overcome the things that hide in the dark that want to destroy us God is so good and we need him so badly I love you Santos Church let's pray Heavenly Father many of us are confused were angry and were hurting and we're drifting so far away from you I pray Lord that not like Cain we would listen we would change and we would come back to you today I ask Lord that you penetrate our darkness that you find us in our cave and you pull us out and that we would hear your good news that we would follow your voice and know your love I pray this in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 7,645
Rating: 4.8373985 out of 5
Keywords: Murder, The power of words, Value of human life, Who determines the value of human life?, Debrief Podcast, Pastor Matt Brown, Sandals Church, Riverside California Church, Vision of Being Real
Id: 6ucEaA7hZVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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