Pastor Reacts: Is Demonic Possession Real?

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the spiritual battles are real acts 19 13-20 it says a group of jews were traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits now here's the thing you need to know about the ancient roman empire the ancient roman empire had a bizarre relationship with jews they hated them but they loved them they didn't understand them but they were enchanted by them many of many roman emperor would date a jewish woman until it was time to be crowned king because racism has always been real and so a roman caesar was not allowed to date or marry a foreign woman and so when when he would come into power he'd have to reject his jewish mistress but they were fascinated by the jews and so jews would make money on this so the romans didn't understand hebrew but they liked the way it sounded and so jews would literally say prayers in hebrew and romans would pay them you see they didn't they didn't get judaism but they were drawn to it it was powerful so a group of jews traveling from town to town they were casting out evil spirits they tried to use the name of the lord jesus christ in their incantation why would they do that because it seemed to work you see they saw the apostle paul and the apostle peter used the name of jesus and literally lives were saved cripples were healed miracles took place and so they thought well if the name of jesus works for them we'll use it for us here's the problem they used the name of jesus but they had not yet become followers of jesus and unfortunately that's where some of you are today you use the name of jesus but you're not a follower of jesus so they tried to use the name of the lord jesus in their incantation saying i command you in the name of jesus whom paul preaches to come out seven sons of skeva a leading priest were doing this you see their dad was super important their dad was a priest their dad was like a mega church pastor their dad was super important super connected to god listen to me just because your mom and dad love jesus doesn't mean you do just because your grandma knows jesus doesn't mean you do just because your husband your wife your brother your sister knows jesus it doesn't mean you do he says i command you in the name of jesus i love this underline this whom paul preaches like i don't know him but paul knows him so i'm gonna throw a little jesus on you i command you in the name of jesus whom paul preaches to come out seven sons of skiva leading priests were doing this but one time when they tried it would you circle this one time listen to me it's usually not the devil but sometimes it is you know what it usually is your stupidity that's what it usually is you're like the devil made me do it the devil's like i don't even have to help you you good on your own you can mess up your own life literally like the devil walks up to you he's like nah you're you're good you're already screwing it up let me tell you something it's usually not the devil but sometimes sometimes it is about a year ago someone in our church was they were having weird things happen at their house furniture was moving there were noises in the night they're freaked out they're going to sell their house so they called the church we need somebody to come over and bless our house the devil's there nobody wanted to do it i'm like i'll go i'll go i'm not afraid to see the devil you know when i see the devil it doesn't ruin my faith it builds it let me tell you something the devil's greatest weapon is camouflage he wants you to not believe in him he wants you to think he doesn't exist so i made my assistant go with me my assistant's freaking out man free literally freaking out she's like i can't believe you're not nervous i said i'm not nervous she said why i said i don't have to outrun the devil i just have to outrun you the last time i checked only one of us is an iron man bye felicia right i mean i was like i'm just saying just saying and you know we went over there and i don't know what it was but i didn't sense the devil you know why it's usually not the devil but sometimes it is sometimes it is i remember another time our soul care was doing a prayer time with a young lady and i don't know what happened when i was in my office and i'm just i'm looking through my office and i'm i'm looking out the window and i'm just seeing staff members run what what is going on like are we are we being held hostage what is happening and i go in this room and this young girl maybe 19 20 years old has all of our pastors freaked out we got assistance crying like what's the matter one of our sisters is like i think she's the devil i walked into the room i said can i help you and this is what she said she said i knew you'd come and i realized i'm not talking to a 19 year old girl and you've heard me tell this story and then i watched her walk up a wall backwards in our church office sometimes it's the devil usually it's just you it's just you so here's what happens these knuckleheads these pretenders these stupid arrogant young men run into the real thing but one time one time when they tried it apparently usually it was successful the evil spirit replied like you don't want the devil to talk to you he said i know jesus i know paul but who are you this just went real wrong didn't it who are you guys again then the man write this singular one dude one man leaped on them on seven grown men one dude and he overpowered them and he attacked them with such violence they fled from the house naked now circle that word naked that's not a big deal if you're in california like right we see naked people all the time i had to call 9-1-1 one time 9-1-1 what's your emergency i'm not sure if it's an emergency but there's a dude riding his bicycle down magnolia avenue naked it was like a wednesday at 8 a.m and he was just he was [Music] he had a cruiser this is what the 911 dispatcher said i kid you not she said well how are we going to identify him i said he's naked like she wanted to know his race his a i said he's he's naked on a bike i think the police officer's got enough info like she wanted descriptions what kind of naked is he like that's just wednesday that's wednesday morning in riverside but 2000 years ago nakedness was something that would never occur because it was publicly shameful to be exposed so these guys are thrown outside naked oh and by the way bleeding it's a bad day at work amen can you imagine how was your day it was bad lost all my clothes got beat up right we got jumped how many of them were there one how many was in your group seven look at this the story of what happened spread quickly throughout all ephesus do you know why ephesus was a pagan city ephesus is the capital city for the ancient god of artemis ephesus practiced witchcraft ephesus believed in every god but the one true god and it spread in ephesus to jews and greeks alike underline these words a solemn fear descended upon the city why one dude beat up seven dudes and the name of the lord jesus was greatly honored because they realized hey we can't we can't pretend and many who became believers confess their sinful practices listen to me here's what happened there were a lot of people who claimed to be a christian but they still had sinful practices you know what that means they were fake and the number of them who'd been practicing sorcery brought their incantation books and burned them at a public bonfire here's what they said i can't afford to fake my christian faith anymore and here's what you need to know in the ancient world in the modern world books have no value in the ancient world they were often times the most valuable thing you owned a book can you imagine a book was the most valuable thing you owned so they burned them at a public bonfire and the value of the books was several million dollars and so the message about the lord spread widely and it had a powerful effect listen to me when we take god seriously people will take us seriously you see real power comes from a real relationship with god not a fake one real power doesn't come from your mama's relationship with god real power doesn't come from your daddy's relationship with god real power doesn't come from grandpa or grandma or your uncle or some distant relative who was a pastor real power comes from a real relationship with god and you cannot use the name of jesus for your own purpose and yet people do all the time you
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 4,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demonic possession, the exorcist, real life exorcist, devil, spiritual, the conjuring, spiritual awakening, spiritual warfare sermons, spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts, the conjuring 3, Jesus, God, Sermon, Deliverance, Prayer, demon, demons, Holy Spirit, Acts, Bible, Theology, Pastor Matt Brown, Pastor Reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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