Learning To Be Wise | Sandals Church

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon thank you very much it's good to be back I'm so glad you guys are here today hey listen we're going to jump into this series called back to school but I just want to comment just a little bit on what took place yesterday in our country my heart is broken I just feel like I continue to be broken by the depravity of people and I want you to know that you know my skin may be the same color of those idiots that we're marching but they don't represent my heart and that's not who we are at Santos I believe that we are more divine the more diverse we become and so I just want you to know that if you're a person of color you honor me by coming here and I'm grateful that you love me and you pray for me and we are glad that you are here today this morning I was texting some of my black friends who are pastors and I just said man my heart is so heavy for you as you stand in the pulpit today and preach to people who are just disillusioned that evil has risen up so publicly in our country it's not that that hasn't been present in our country it just hasn't been marching in the streets the way that it has and so all of us today need wisdom and remember this you don't defeat hate with hate the only thing that extinguishes hate is love so think about that pray about that when you're on Facebook you're on Instagram and you type it away with all the exclamation points back off and know this that the same people who follow you with the things that come out of your mouth when you comment on this are the same people that follow you when you say Church was great so just to understand that they're watching and our world needs wisdom and they need you to be wise whether you're black whether you're white or whatever you know listen we all need to be wise in this process let's just begin with the word of Prayer that we would ask God for wisdom today as we navigate life amen all right let's pray Heavenly Father God we pray Lord for the healing of those who have lost loved ones because of just this hate and this racist bigotry God we can dim it with the strongest words because we stand on the side of love father bless us today give us wisdom give us direction we pray in Jesus name that you would bless my words so we can hear your truth amen all right let's take a look at this story in first Kings chapter 3 anybody ever feel like you're not wise enough not smart enough I feel that every time I pick up my smartphone this is your smartphone make you feel dumb because mine does right it's like Oh theory and she's like Oh mad I'm like you know I just feel like she calls me an idiot every time I try to use something but I feel like we all need wisdom like any single guy is going to get married you need some wisdom you have no idea how much wisdom you need anybody expecting a child yeah couple people your life is going to change it's coming right oh my gosh man and we feel pressure when we go through a life change whether you get a promotion some of you are starting school some of you just finish school got your first job here's the thing in life the more pressure you feel the more wisdom you need and that is true in every situation when you become a parent man when my wife was in labor literally for hours and she was getting ready to bring Madison into the world right before Madison came out I passed out that's how as what happened to me right the last words I remember guys this is the truth was get a chair and I remember thinking through said jammies Jamie's already laying down I don't know who needs to share it was me so like the champ that I am I passed out because I was stressed out and literally that's sometimes what our brains do they go too much and we just stopped it's like God's God's blessing - you're like this is scary I'm gonna go to sleep now and so that's what happened but all of us need wisdom when we face pressure there's probably never been a guy in the world who felt the kind of pressure with the promotion that Solomon got some of you don't know your story about Solomon but he wasn't next in line to be king he had older brothers and so if you want to know the way that it works the oldest born son typically becomes King is next in line to be king but God said I don't want these knucklehead older brothers I want Solomon to be king the problem is one of Solomon's big brothers you know what he did he anointed himself King had a big parade had people pray over him went out pomp circumstance music I'm King but David said no because his wife Bathsheba came and said you promised me that my son would be king and that's what God said so all of a sudden overnight the younger brother becomes the leader of all the brothers can you imagine leading your older brothers say right difficult so he can't sleep just like you when you're stressed out you fall asleep or you struggle falling asleep and here's the thing I've learned about God sometimes God has to knock me out to wake me up and so Solomon falls asleep and he has this dream and he realizes in the dream it's not a dream God is actually speaking to him and so this is where we begin in 1st Kings chapter 3 verse 7 now O Lord my God you have made me King instead of my father underline that this is the blame game because this wasn't my idea I was enjoying my life playing with my little prince tools and then all of a sudden you promoted me and now I'm stressed out you have made me King instead of my father David under Linus but I am like a little child who doesn't know his way around right in there and so am I you know the difference between a fool and a wise person is a fool thinks they know everything a wise person knows they don't don't assume you know everything just don't assume just admit you don't know what to do the next time married people any married people in your region next time you're in a fight and I know not you but just in case right the next time in your fight just scream this I don't know what to do and then the spouse your job is to say neither do i and just start yelling that until the fight is over right because it's really hard to fight when everybody's screaming I don't know what to do I don't know what to do and there's the truth you don't know what to do okay a lot of you are mad at your parents rally raised you you become a parent and then you realize you don't know what to do oh my gosh how do you handle a two-year-old anybody really are raising the next leader of North Korea we have demands like what do you mean we your - you're one crazy that's what little kids do when they play together they're plotting to take over the world right it's true okay you get married you're stressed out I always say this to guys when we're about ready to walk out and do the ceremony for the wedding this is what I say are you stressed and a lot of guys like no I say you should be you should be right because marriage is stressful guys you don't understand women and if you think you do you don't you don't and sometimes they don't okay and that's the way that it works and you got to understand life is stressful work is stressful man retired people are stressed when we're doing all this time I'm gonna go back the more stress you face the more wisdom you need now we'll learn my god you've made me King instead of my father David but I'm like a little child who doesn't know his way around notice that wise people know what they don't know it always cracks me up when people try to talk about the Bible around me like when I'm hanging out with rocket scientists like that ever happens but I'm not like the trajectory of the calculate I don't talk like that when people get around me they try to talk about the Bible they you know and they say well when I was reading the Bible you didn't read it you don't even own one you didn't read it it's always cracks me up man he says he says I don't know what to do he said I'm like a little child who doesn't know his way around and Here I am in the midst of your own chosen people a nation so great and numerous they cannot be counted wouldn't it be so nice if we had politicians who just just said I don't know just health care I don't know what to do but what do they all say they know what to do and yet it some mess wouldn't it be helpful people just admitted yeah it screwed up I don't have to do we should do something I don't know right it would be so helpful if our leaders were honest right it would be so helpful I mean how do you develop a clayey a plan for a crazy guy with nukes I don't know right you just just got to say I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I don't know to do with this situation I don't know how to deal with my boss he or she is crazy right I don't know what to do with my teenagers they're nuts teenagers like I don't know dude my parents right just admit you don't know and Here I am in the great in the midst of your own chosen people a nation so great in numerous they cannot be counted you know what he's saying this job is too big it's too big a nation so great in numerous they can't be count this is massive absolutely massive I don't know what to do this feels overwhelming so listen what he prays for he says give me understanding an understanding heart so I can govern your people well and know the difference between underlying this right and wrong wisdom is two things number one wisdom is moral strength and number two it is mental skill it's both you see you can have a PhD and be an idiot you need both things you need moral strength and mental skill you see sometimes it's going to be difficult to know what's right and what's wrong not every situation is incredibly clear especially when you're the leader when you're responsible what should i do I don't know what to do with these kids I don't know what to do with my boss I don't know what to do with this relationship ask God for wisdom in understanding what's right and what's wrong you know what's wrong with America our pop are our politicians often do what's popular not what's right and that creates all kinds of problems we need people that do let's right do the right thing for who himself is able to govern this great people of yours underline those words who by himself you know what a wise person knows they need other people they need other counselors they need more wisdom in their life he says who by themself is able to govern this people of yours so the Lord was pleased with Solomon that he had asked for wisdom so God replied because you have asked her wisdom in governing my people with justice and you know what this next sentence is I think this next sentence is the top three prayers that are prayed to God I think God's given us like a a top three list of the stupid prayers that come to him okay he says because you have asked for wisdom and governing my people with justice and have not asked for three things what are the top three things long life we all pray for that God please write don't let me be sick don't let me ever die any member watch that TV show mystery diagnosis and if I ever watch that don't watch it because by the end of the show you think you have it don't watch it you're like I have gas sometimes oh my gosh I had a headache the other day I must be you know and that's me before you know so we're all freaked out okay just chill we're all going to die it's gonna be okay all right so everybody prays for long life look at this next one wealth anybody feel this week like with God's will for you to win the lotto you're like oh my gosh God if you let me have this money I'll give you like like three or four percent like all of the three or four percent God I'll give back to you Lord I'm just going to bless you with that if you just let me have a billion dollars I'll give you a couple grand back just come on Lord come on can you imagine the angel who delivers that prayer to God they Lord we got another deal this one's willing to give you 5% back another needle I got six I got six I got six so I hear seven is there eight is there nine is there 10% right and it's like gods like oh my gosh can you imagine your kids if you increase my allowance to a thousand dollars I'll give you and dad like eight bucks back ding-ding-ding-ding-ding deal right do you ever wonder how silly our prayers sound in heaven but here's the thing about prayers you know what prayers reveal the real you you ever read the book of Psalm there's some scary stuff in there Lord kill damn all of them even their babies you're like oh prayers don't reveal God they reveal you they reveal the thoughts of the one who prayed them the Lord was pleased that you'd asked for wisdom so God replied because you've asked for Wisman government I people with justice and have not asked for a long life or wealth or what the death of your enemies anybody ever pray that God would X Y or X out Lord kill ham Kelly I'm make it painful in Jesus name and some of you like I would never pray for the death of someone may be the devil's diarrhea but that's it that's all I would pray for just a little diarrhea forever forever because you didn't ask for me to kill your enemies I will give you what you asked for I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have and I will also give you what you didn't ask for look at this riches and fame look you might win the lottery tomorrow but it's not going to make you any wiser matter of fact for some of you it might make you dumber right no other king and all of the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life and if you follow me and obey my decrees in my command as your father David did I will give you a long life you know God's saying I'm going to bless you with riches and fame we'll see how you do if you're not a total idiot I'll let you live and by the way you know if I kill you it's murder if God kills you it's your time right so think about that this week as you're walking around the Lord's like see what's he doing okay come home let's talk all right but some of you aren't sold something like nah I want the lotto I want Fame I want fortune I want to up my Instagram followers you know whatever it is that you want you're not convinced that wisdom is the greatest thing to ask God for so I'm going to give you some benefits of wisdom here's why you should pray at the end of service for wisdom first of all wisdom allows me to be happier wants to be happier rich an okay half of you the rest of you like no I enjoy depression and darkest okay wisdom allows me to be happier you want to be happier you need to be wiser you know why most people are unhappy because they're in love with stupid things that's why for wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will fill you with joy if you're a parent listen to me the book of Proverbs is from a dad and a mom writing to their son and they're teaching their son fall in love with wisdom and nothing else because if you love wisdom you'll be happy and so here's the sad thing parents want happy children so they teach their children to pursue happiness instead of wisdom and their kids come out miserable teach your kids to be wise you'll be a happier person because you'll realize how stupid so much of this stuff is proverbs 3:18 says this wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her to those who embrace her happy are those who hold her tightly this week on the debrief a podcast show that I do somebody asked me why do you refer to wisdom as a her listen to me The Book of Proverbs is written from a mom and a dad to his son and all throughout this the book of Proverbs you know what the mom and dad say don't chase women chase wisdom don't chase the dumb girl chase the wise one because she calls out and she will give you happiness she will bless you and the ladies like well what about proverbs 31 proverbs 31 isn't written to women proverbs 31 is written from a mom to her son and you know what she says hey idiot don't chase the kind of women men do chase this kind of woman proverbs 31 is from a mom to her son and says this is the kind of girl I want from my daughter-in-law find her pick her choose her why ladies when you fall in love you know what happens your IQ drops a nap okay and I don't care how smart you are how many of you women can afford to lose half of your IQ points but don't laugh man because you know what happens to you yours goes to zero yours you sure alright ain't it sad that there's no men's ministry in the world name proverbs 31 and it's always women it's not written to you ladies it's written to the idiot us us guys ok wisdom allows me to be happier right guys you marry a wise woman you're gonna be happy man next right this town wisdom will make my life easier anybody's life too easy just go simple I need some complications my kids are too easy we need a little brat in here my marriage is to blast we need a little conflict to like you know spice it up a little bit anybody just to bless it work oh my gosh it's just ah another day of joy Oh wisdom will make your life easier underline this proverbs 2:12 wisdom will save you from what evil people while he looks nice and he's on Christian mingle what could possibly go wrong do you know that everybody lies on their profile everybody's fit and slender everybody ok everybody wants to have fun lock wat long walks on the beach and trips to Europe nobody writes the truth evil person looking to control and manipulate someone else we should we should invent a t-shirt line that just called evil brand he just give it to people it says evil run away from me nobody's on Christian mingle ok remember I say this all the time just because I'm Christian mingle doesn't mean they're Christian it just means they want to mingle ok telling you right right wisdom will save you from evil people anybody ever been hurt by an evil person wouldn't be helpful people people just raise their hands all dat people hands up ok moving over here will make your life easier easier wisdom will save you from evil people from those whose words are what twist it but he says he's a Christian oh so you know what wisdom does wisdom doesn't look at what people say wisdom looks at how people act ladies when you're dating a guy how does he treat his mom how does he treat other women oh but he loves me yet today does look at how they act look at how they treat people right wisdom will make life easier we got to understand this next not only will make your life easier wisdom will make me wealthy or anybody want to get rich a man no I love Jesus I'm gonna be poor for the rest of my life listen I want you to be wealthier I want you to get a raise because when you get a raise I get a raise it's all good right you can't give you what you don't have that's the truth look nobody prays for your career for your job for your finances more than me seriously you should tell people you should go to sandals why he'll pray for your money wisdom will make me wealthier it will anybody ever bought something stupid rich answer come on write this in 3 a.m. is not a good time to buy anything there's no such thing as three easy payments if someone says you have to act now maybe you should think now you ever been up at night it's 3 a.m. the ice cream is gone you're all alone it's just you and the telemarketer I always needed a knife that will cut through a pan [Laughter] right you're sitting there alone guys you're bald yeah that that spray paint would fix my problem all right you walk into work spray painted head late night maybe you don't need more money maybe you need more wisdom I was doing marriage counseling one time with a couple and they had a problem and the wife just was spending money way more than they made you know what she told me I said well why did you buy that when you didn't know he had money she said I felt like we did it's like wow anybody ever done that you walk up to the ATM yep I'm feeling it feeling it uh-huh yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep right you don't need to go with feelings how about the facts how about the facts right okay wisdom is going to make you wealthier right why because it's going to teach you how to spend your money for wisdom is far more value a king who's wealthy who's rich and famous riding through his son and he says for wisdom is far more valuable than rubies nothing you desire can compare to it you know what the problem with most of our children is they love what we love a lot of you you've taught your children to love stupid things you know what God cares about people not things God could care less you know how much God values gold it's on the streets in heaven that's what they pave it with I got more gold what do I do I don't know as a pothole there we go right but there's no value for it it's ridiculous God values you what makes heaven beautiful as the presence of God in his followers who've loved him and chosen him that's what lights up heaven to acquire wisdom is to what love oneself many of you don't love yourself not because you have low self-esteem but because you lack wisdom you know what the wise person says fearfully and wonderfully am I made you are fearfully and wonderfully made and it's stupid to think you're not you're beautiful you're amazing God made you wisdom will make me wealthy or to acquire wisdom is to love oneself people who cherish understanding will what prosper okay I don't care how rich you are if you're an idiot you won't be for long you've got to handle wealth you've got to look at the facts you've got to deal with it because stop asking God for more money ask God for more wisdom why would God give you more when you are not faithful and wise with a little right next wisdom we'll make my relationships stronger you know why most marriages end in divorce because they're built on emotion you want your relationship to last build it on wisdom listen to what the Bible says a house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through what good sense good sense the next time you're in a fight and these words come out of your mouth you know what I'm gonna do say this you know what I'm gonna do I'm going to think about it right that's like a fight killer brutemen brood you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start thinking and I'm gonna use my mind right the other day man anybody ever get in a fight on date night married people I set a new record this week new record five seconds in to date night silver five seconds five seconds now it's not entirely my fault I had two cups of coffee I was a little jacked up to be honest with you little jacked up my wife got in the car and she had changed her outfit I was like no way I in my mind I'm like no wonder you were in there for a thousand years and this is what came out of my mouth - like what happened to your pants dates over so we were headed Orange County one of her favorite restaurants we're gonna spend the entire day together died so what do you do guys you use wisdom there's a great song about it slide to the left in Reverse boom that's what you do that's why you know what young guys do they fight wise guys go slide to the left let's try that again I'm on coffee I'm a little jacked up sorry I was waiting in the car listening to talk radio I'm a little pumped so then you apologize like 10 times I'm a really good apologizer I can do it like 10 different ways yeah he who slides to the left gets to cha cha real smooth see I'm dropping proverbs today saying [Applause] that just came to me I'm not kidding I just came people are like how is church today we learned to cha cha real smooth G's back to the Bible yes what it makes my relationships stronger right what do house is built on emotion what happens to them they implode they implode you got to be wise you got to take a step back you got to look at yourself you got to evaluate yourself listen I run into women all the time in our church there's like I've been married like four times and all men are terrible I'm like maybe it's not men you maybe it's your picker right seriously some of you need to just give arranged marriage as a shot what can go wrong how could it be worse right oh my gosh we're passionate yeah that last like five minutes okay you got to have wisdom it makes relationships stronger look you want good relationships with your kids teaching to think you want a great relationship with your spouse talk about real things talk about real issues engage mentally not just physically engage mentally connect with each other it's important wisdom will make my relationship stronger a house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense and nobody has good sense anymore stop calling it common okay we act like census cold no one has common sense do you hear about another American another American was killed by hippo what the heck how many Americans have to die here's the problem do you know how fast the fastest human being has ever run the fastest human being his name is Usain Bolt 28 miles an hour you know how fast a fat hippo can run no notice fat it's fat don't be deceived hippos can run 30 miles an hour yeah yeah we're so stupid or did you two do don't you remember this song hungry hungry hippo remember that but they got little cute ears yeah so they don't have to hear the screaming what is wrong with us man she's okay in order to become wise I must respect God for who he is we don't respect anything that's where we get eaten by hippos I'm not kidding you we don't respect we don't respect the creation we don't respect the world we don't respect anything including God we think we're in charge we think we're all powerful listen to me you're not you can't even outrun a hippo he imagined hippo lines up at the Olympics every second it's like I don't kick it run that way but that's a fast fat animal man it is where are we okay if you're new I don't be preaching for a while it's my first week back okay okay we gotta respect God for who he is please Jesus help me alright proverbs 3 7 don't be impressed with your own wisdom right stupid people brag about how much they know instead fear the Lord and turn away from evil don't be oppressive your own wisdom next marriage fight screaming this out loud I don't know what to do try it your screaming doesn't help right don't be impressed with your own wisdom did I kid you not this happened this week I'm in Rite Aid with my daughter true story my wife called me on the phone she says oh you're facetiming live I'm like no I'm not based I'm alive she says yes you are and the world is watching so I hang up turn on FaceTime live and I look at my daughter why don't we say what we think don't judge me because you would talk differently if you were being recorded I know I see you in the grocery store you like what God best or God we were just over here in the bread aisle preparing for the Lord's Supper at our community group we were having a discussion thick bread or thin bread don't be impressed with your own wisdom instead fear the Lord and turn away from evil proverbs 9:10 fear the Lord is the foundation of wisdom proverbs 1533 the fear of the Lord teaches wisdom does anybody see a pattern and these aren't all the verses in Proverbs that talk about fearing God and some of you guys like I just feel like that's too old-fashioned God wants me to love him you know why God does want you to love him but part of loving him is respecting him for who he is and most of us when we think of God we don't think of God as our Father we think of God as grandpa soft old who wants us to have fun right grandparents that's what happened you lose an edge that's what happens I remember one time I was spanking my daughter for something I can't remember what it was and send me your emails shouldn't think I wasn't abusing her but I was giving her a light tap of direction on her bottom and as I'm encouraging her to follow Jesus out of the corner of my eye I see my parents are like oh like you guys almost killed me as a child what happened right understand this God's not your grandpa he's your father and he is as fiery as ever as ever does it man we're so we're so dumb with this I was talking to a teenage girl god help her yet last service fascinated with dark things and evil I said you want you want to study something scary I said quit studying the devil study god it's not the flames of hell you should be afraid of it's the flames from heaven the Bible says this that our God is a consuming fire do you understand that a consuming fire the flames of hell are not doused with water they are doused with the flames of God and you need to remember that what's the one thing the devil is afraid of God God the Bible says that the devil's believe in God the demons believe and shudder in his presence we got to respect God for who he is next we got to obey God's instructions psalms 11110 says this fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom all who obey his commands will grow in wisdom you know why you don't obey God because you don't know God you don't know you don't know him you don't know his strength and you don't know his power listen God is not fueled by hate he is fueled by love and love wins every time hate his momentary love is eternal and God's rage is fueled by his love for you that's why God hates sin because he loves you the fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom all who obey his commands will grow in wisdom a couple of years ago as sandals started to grow I started getting opportunity to speak and I started traveling and my wife got a little concerned she said I'm concerned when you're out and you're away from the home you're in hotels and you're meeting women and I'm not around she said I'm afraid for our marriage she said I'm afraid that you'll forget that you love me I said you don't have to worry about that babe she said why are you afraid of me I said well little for being completely honest said but I'm afraid of God I fear the Lord because one day I will stand before God and be held accountable before him and it is a terrible thing the Bible says to fall into the hands of the Living God don't mess around with this it has not preached much much but it is true most people's God that they believe in isn't the God of the Bible he is both terrible and beautiful he is both fear-inspiring and loving he is both both and we should tremble at who he is and what he is he's the God who made the Hipple that's that thing can eat you work hard to show the results of your salvation underlying this obeying God with deep reverence and fear don't bow to your desires bow to God about a gun last point ask God for wisdom some of you guys need wisdom today some of you have been a fool your whole life and the only way that's going to change is when you change nobody has to be an idiot forever one of my favorite movies of all time is the movie Forrest Gump and he said this stupid is as stupid does some of you know that more than the Bible if you don't want to be stupid stop acting stupid start making good decisions it begins with the fear of the Lord it is sustained by obeying the Lord and it increases by asking God for wisdom ask God for wisdom in your marriage ask God for wisdom and raising your kids man it's harder today to raise kids than at any time in human history and our culture is no longer helping our culture encourages stupidity right I mean how stupid is that when our culture tells teenagers to follow their heart that's great advice can you imagine if you two followed your heart when you are a teenager most of you wouldn't be here here's the good news for the Lord grants wisdom from his mouth come knowledge and what understanding you say well I'm not that smart I never went to school look some of Jesus disciples never went to school and they confounded the wisdom of the most brilliant people of their day because they spoke truth from God because God grants wisdom James 1:5 if you need wisdom ask our generous God and he will give it to you he will not rebuke you for asking you want to know one prayer God always answers the prayer for wisdom God helped me to understand this some of you read the Bible you say I don't understand it every time before you read sit down and say God teach me what I need to know and nothing less here's the thing about wisdom it takes three things number one it takes God's grace you're never going to be wise on your own but number two it takes your effort you didn't become dumb in a day and you won't become wise in a day you got to work at it God's grace your effort and the third ingredient is time time some of you are frustrated in your marriage because you want fixed in a moment you didn't screw it up probably in a moment you're going to have to learn how to relate to each other talk to each other listen to each other some of you are struggling raising kids just tell your kids I don't know what I'm doing but God knows you don't right front ciders admit that you don't know what you're doing when you say you've been friends forever with someone you mean like three weeks oh I've been friends forever since last semester admit it you don't know what to do ask God god help us God give us wisdom God give us direction and then in time as you study scripture you know there's not one proverb there's 31 chapters of Proverbs if you read one chapter a day it takes you a whole month to get to the book learn these proverbs because they will make you wise they'll make you wise and all of us need this in our lives now I just want to close with a time of Prayer and I just want to ask you to bow your head to close your eyes this is your time this is you and God time some of you lack wisdom in some area of your life and if you can't think of an area you may lack wisdom in every area of your life and just whatever it is my finances my marriage some of you are struggling with an addiction and you know you don't know how to you don't know how to defeat it you don't know how to deal with it so god I can't fix this on my own I need your wisdom whatever that issue is would you just right now in your chair just offer it up to God to God I'd give this to you I can't do this on my own Christians man we see the dumbest things sometimes we say things like this God will never give you more than you can handle life is more than you can handle God allows us to experience things we can't handle so we can hand our life over to him where in your life where is there an area that you need to hand over to him say god I don't understand this god this doesn't make any sense God I need you in this area of my life let's pray Heavenly Father this area that we're lifting up to you right now right here we ask in Jesus name that you would grant us wisdom God we confess we have not honored you enough we have not obeyed you enough God we repent of that and we ask for forgiveness God right now in this place in this time we ask for divine wisdom god help us Lord direct us to the power of your Holy Spirit to know what's right and to know what's wrong and give us the courage and the strength then to do what's right we pray this in Jesus name Amen I love you sounds Church good to be back [Music] you
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 7,250
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: wisdom, love, God, Jesus, Wise words, how to be wise, sandals church, pastor matt brown, racism, hate
Id: svg9mg5NemA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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