How to Heal My Heart | Sandals Church

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thanks for joining us here at sandals Church because here we are all about being real so no matter where you're from this is a place for you and if you have any questions about the message today you should check out our debrief podcast where pastor Matt answers any tough questions and gives real answers so make sure you check that out at debriefs yep have a great week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning Seattle's Church it's great to hear you worship in the back super glad you're here we're in a series called thankful you know this last week I was thankful my wife and I we had to have dinner with one of our pastors and his wife Pastor Dan Crowley and Christina Crowley many of you know Pastor Dan he is one of just an amazing amazing pastors here Salus Church Christina his wife leads in worship and we were gathering together just trying to catch up and and for those of you who know Pastor Dan you already know this but for those of you who don't know him maybe as well as you would like he's been having some heart issues and some heart troubles and we've realized that he's gonna have to have heart surgery and so we were gathered together just kind of reflecting and and praying together and talking about you know just his options as they get all the information and so we'll keep you up-to-date as he makes that decision but one of the things that we were talking about is you know I've been your pastor for twenty years and I've been with many people as they've had to undergone heart surgery and one of the things that surprised me is that whenever somebody touches your heart even to fix it if they have to crack you open and any human hand ever touches your heart there's a medical phenomenon known as post-surgery depression it's it's been studied it's been proven and they don't know why but for some reason when a human being touches your heart you go through a period of depression I think there's a theological reason for that your heart was meant to be in the hands of God and God alone even if a trained professional who has studied for more than a decade to do what they do to fix your heart even when they touch your heart your heart mourns and grieves because it was meant to be in the hands of God now here's the reality why do I begin with that story first of all because I love Pastor Dan praying for him but today we're gonna talk about how to heal your heart anybody ever had their heart wounded by somebody right and if your hands not up it's coming maybe it'll be me right people are people hurt our hearts even people that say they love us people that say they care for us man you ever had your heart broken by Khristian oh that's fun right that's my specialty I get wounded and stabbed by people who love Jesus and that's just a reality we live in a world where our hearts are wounded by our parents our friends our spouse our children our boss our employees people in our small group and we come to church today needing our heart to be touched by God the Almighty God the God who heals the God who gives and here's the thing the only thing that may be keeping you from a changed heart is a thing called thankfulness that's it just being thankful and just being grateful could be your pathway to God touching your heart today and that's my prayer that he touches your heart today and doesn't just bring physical healing like Pastor Dan needs but brings emotional and spiritual healing like we all need so let's pray together Heavenly Father we pray this morning in the name of Jesus that you would touch our hearts that you would heal us God many of us come with wounds from past relationships present relationships Lord many of us have issues with you today we pray that in the name of Jesus you would meet us and touch our broken hearts we pray this in Christ's name Amen now take a look at your notes anybody know anything different come on old people what do you see bigger notes bigger notes you know why that is couple weeks ago I took the week off and I sat where you sat I could read the notes I'm transitioning amen old people I'm coming to your side who's like what is this and I made a memo change the font size good lord I couldn't even read it it's so embarrassing I did a funeral this last week I kid you not I kid you not they they wrote out the obituary all this amazing things this guy did I had to have someone read it to me I know it was terrible everybody thought I was kidding like no I need to know about this guy read it so embarrassing oh my lord geez getting old alright I'll die tomorrow here we go how to heal my heart Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem some of you are not Christians I want you to write in your notes Jesus is going to Jerusalem to die so I can live that's why he's going there that's where he's headed that's why it came it's so hard nowadays to know what people's motivations what's their motivation why are they doing what they're doing here's why Jesus did what he did he did what he did so you could live he died so you could live so he's on his way to Jerusalem and he traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee it's kind of like cruising between Tijuana and Mexico or I mean San Diego right so these two countries kind of really run together east and west not north and south so we're not sure what Jesus is doing but as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him now many of you you do not know what leprosy is you don't know what it is is a terrible horrible disease it's a disease that affects and impacts your extremities your fingers your nose your ears and what it is it's a disease that attacks your nerves and you lose feeling and eventually you lose your nose you lose your ears you lose your fingers is a terrible terrible disease and so here's what happens in the ancient world when you get leprosy you're banned so think about this like if you if you have a loved one and they get cancer you still get to be with them last night after church I prayed with a couple where the husband's been diagnosed with a terrible form of cancer but I got to pray with them together when you get leprosy you don't get to be with your spouse anymore think about that not only are you sentenced to death but you're sentenced to be away from your family if it's your husband they're gone your wife they're gone your mom your dad they're gone listen with your children your children they're gone they have to go and be in a leper colony and many people don't realize how terrible this disease was but it was terrifying they didn't know exactly what it was but the ancient world knew it was contagious they knew you could get it and so if you were a leper you were banished you were pushed away you were on your own and you were not allowed to be around even people that you loved so Jesus is coming into the town and ten men who had leprosy met him look at your notes they stood at a distance and they called out in a loud voice why that was the law you were not allowed to approach a person if you had leprosy you literally had to call out leper unclean unclean you had to warn people as they got close to you that you were ill so they stood at a distance they called out in a loud voice but listen to what they say they say Jesus Master now this is interesting because in the Gospel of Luke this is an extraordinary detail many times Jesus is called teacher this is one of the rare times he's called master you see rumors are circulating about Jesus that he's doing crazy things he's bringing sight to the blind he's turning water into wine he's raising the dead extraordinary news is traveling throughout the region and they've heard this guy Jesus can do something so in a loud voice Jesus master they say have pity on us have pity on us and when he saw them he said go and show yourselves to the priests and for not Jewish this makes no sense but if you went to the synagogue there were four areas that you could go to in the synagogue the first if you're a man you could go to the court of the men ladies you're a woman you go to the court of the women if you were unclean if there was something wrong with you if you were not allowed to worship you had to go to the court of the priests you had to go to the section of the priests where you would show yourself right and these priests didn't want to be there this is like the lowest job on the totem pole right how do you become this priest you're terrible at Hebrew right you fail preaching I mean this is who you are I mean literally your job is sit there and have people show themselves to your group that's bad I mean you're gonna die that's terrible you're not getting in and that's what these priests did these priests had to see people and they had to show themselves to them and they had prove that they were cleaned so that they could get in he says go show yourselves to the priests as they went under Linus as they went they were what cleaned cleansed some of you are asking God to move but God is waiting for you to move some of you want a miracle but God wants you to move God wants you to do something God wants you to be obedient before you see your miracle and that's the thing so many of us we say I'm gonna sit here I'm not gonna move God until you move I'm not gonna change God until you change me and God is saying I'm waiting for you to be obedient it's interesting these people are not cleansed they have the hope of being cleansed Jesus is saying go show yourself to the priest they're believing they're trusting that a miracle is gonna take place and on the way what happens they're changed they're changed look I don't know what's gonna happen to your marriage but I know this the chances of you experienced a miracle increase incredibly if you change your way and start following Jesus look I don't know what's gonna happen with your kids but I know this if on your way to Jesus the chances of a miracle taking place increased dramatically I don't know what's gonna happen in your personal life but listen to me if you change the direction of your life and on your way you're following Jesus - the chances of a miracle greatly increased so much soar than you just sitting on your butt and saying God I need you to move I need you to change me I need you to do this as they went they were cleansed one of them one when he saw that he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice he can't believe this he's ecstatic he was dead but now he's alive he was banished but now he can be with friends and family once again praising God in a loud voice he turns around he threw himself at the feet of Jesus and underlined this he thanked him he thanked him oh and Jesus gives us a detail and he was a Samaritan he was a member of al Qaeda Isis unredeemable wrong on the wrong political side the wrong ethnicity this individual was changed and Jesus asked this question we're not ten cleansed why did only one returned boy it's amazing to me it's amazing to me how people run to the church when they got a problem they run to the church when they need Jesus so when your marriage is a mess you run to church when it's great you run to Vegas when your kids are getting good grades doing well in school you run to your boat you run to your vacation you run to their sports man they get cancer you run to Jesus it's amazing to me how people run to the church when they need God and as soon as they get what they want they run from God now if that's you today my apologies boy you came to church on the wrong weekend he imagined like we're not going forward at the end it's not gonna happen we'll come again next week and you won't know it's us man do you know how many times I've been called to the hospital on Tuesday to pray with a family and God does a miracle but I don't see him on Sunday over and over and over again you see it's amazing I've been your pastor for 20 years when people need a pastor they need it now but when it's time for church they don't have time Jesus says weren't 10 people I don't know why I'm holding up five fingers but you can count toward 10 weren't there 10 they were healed why did only one returned because that's how hard gratitude and thankfulness is for us you see we're so excited about ourselves we're at so excited about what's happened in us we forgot to thank God it always amazes me God only gets the credit when something goes wrong anybody ever noticed that why on earth is a hurricane an act of God right right when it's when it's horrific when it's tragic we blame God but we never of God they craved for like a sunset Wow like well it's actually the smog interacting shot hop can I just enjoy the sunset good lord I don't need a chemistry lesson he threw himself at Jesus's feet and he thanked him Jesus asks were not all ten cleansed where are the other nine was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner and then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well ten men were healed one man got saved one man got saved listen just because you've had an encounter with Jesus doesn't mean you've been saved by Jesus just because you've had a moment with God doesn't mean you've had the moment with God and you need to look at yourself and there's a lot of people running around saying God did this God said this this happened to me and on the day of judgment Jesus will say depart from me you sinner you worker of iniquity I never knew you you never even so much just came back and said thank you thank you for a second chance thank you for another opportunity thank you for caring for me you've never been saved and that's what it means to be made well to be made whole you see many of you don't know what the Bible means when the Bible says be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect what it means is complete whole healthy right this man who was incomplete is now complete this man who was lacking has now been fulfilled he is what he was always meant to be a son of God write this down gratitude is godly it's godly it's why we don't do it parents you never have to cheat your children to shout mine don't even worry about it they'll learn it on their own mine mine mine you don't have to teach a child when you get upset scream mine and whack your sibling you don't have to instruct him that they learn that on their own you do have to teach them gratitude now what do we say what do we we practiced what you practiced say it now thank you right it's like torture it's torture it's so hard what's the difference between you and a two-year-old very little it comes time for the offering you're like thank you right it's hard gratitude is godly thank you some people curse their father and do not thank their mother they are pure in their own eyes but they are filthy and unwashed this is what the Bible teaches me and my mom and dad just moved to Riverside to retire and so now the stories about my childhood will begin circulating and they tell my kids stuff and I'm just like it's a miracle I'm alive it's a miracle they didn't kill me right you watch natural Geographic you don't understand why the wild eat their young until you have one you're like come here come here you see some people curse their father and mother but they don't think them why because they're self righteous it's interesting I've lived long enough in my life to see the religious right be self-righteous and now the secular left is is bizarre both sides are idiots listen we need to learn to be grateful we need to learn to have gratitude the reason you don't thank God is you believe you deserve it your appearing your own eyes I don't need you God I can exist on my own really try that try it for a moment the truth is we are filthy and unwashed I love this verse in the Book of Wisdom a poor wise man he knew how to save the town and so it was rescued but after no one thought to thank him no one thought no one thought we're not good at thanking we have a three-day weekend this weekend to go do what we want to do failing to forget the only reason we can do anything is because of the veterans who gave us the right right that's the reality without them we don't even get to complain we don't they gave up their lives they died for people they didn't even know who wouldn't even be grateful but we're not here to be Americans today we're here to be Christians and to thank God who sent his son to die on the cross for us and we should be grateful so here's the thing some of you were like well I'm grateful we'll tell your face so grateful just glad to be in the house of the Lord today grateful that all these wicked centers are hearing this message the church is blocked just like their hearts it's unfinished just like their souls all right captain cheerful right this next point down gratitude towards God personally if you're really grateful if it's really in your heart gratitude towards God purseful it personally leads to worship of God publicly well I'm not lyrical we you think the leper was lyrical you think he was a gifted musician you think he wrote up Jesus I've been working on a song the Lord has laid this song on my heart he just threw himself on the ground he cried out to God he said thanks that's what worship is gratitude towards God's personally leads to worship of God publicly but just believe we should worship the Lord in our cars okay let's look at Scripture give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness let the whole world know what he has done one leper returned and he said I don't care who knows he knows how desperate I was I know what he did and you can watch me grovel because that's where I spent my life I'm gonna worship God I'm gonna worship him right Psalms 30:5 18 then I will thank you in front of the great assembly for the great assembly man I can't wait for us when Christ returns Minster so so many people I want to go to our small church man I want in heaven I want to be just in the center of thousands of people who were saved in the name of Jesus Christ at Sandals Church I want to be just seated right in the middle of you in the great assembly right I don't want to thank you in front of the great assembly and I will praise you before all the people before all the people right in it one guy one guy all the people I'm gonna thank God I'm gonna thank God any Dodger fans raise your hands Dodger fans I know you're grieving it's okay anybody know shout out the year the last time the Dodgers won 1988 you know where I was in 1988 high school homecoming dance I can't remember my dates name but I can tell you where I was I was at the rusty rusty duck in Sacramento paid for a meal that my date just stared at ladies eat the food eat the food don't push it or it's eat it I was there with my brother now I wasn't a good brother so I didn't drive him so my dad had to drive him so we went to the rusty duck game one in the World Series Dodgers playing the ACE and the greatest teams of all time stacked with players and steroids and in the last inning two outs down by a run guy by the name of Kirk Gibson walks to the plate I never saw the game I was in Sacramento no but nobody in Sacramento likes the Dodgers they like the Giants nobody cared right all of a sudden all of a sudden in the middle of our dinner we're all awkward we're all nervous we're all dressed in clothes that we don't want to wear we'll never wear again everyone in the restaurant everyone in the restaurant goes like this and they're looking at some crazy man in the parking lot and I look out in the parking lot and it's not a crazy man it's my father my dad is running around the rusty duck parking lot and I would find out later what he heard on the radio was Kirk Gibson who could barely walk got up to the plate and hit a home run and the Dodgers would win the World Series eventually and he's celebrating he's Baptist he does even know where that is he's celebrating he's celebrating why because something happened listen me talk to your fans every year you wear your blue you go to the games and they disappoint you they wound you they take your money and they take your soul some of you're like that's why I were I worship the Angels because they're though they're the Lord's see man Dodger fans freaked out because Kirk Gibson hit a home run you come to church in Jesus Christ died for your soul and you're like I love it when some of you guys you do this one are you hugging the air what are you doing I don't know can you imagine Kirk Epson hits a home run the camera pans to the stands and all the Dodger fans are like [Laughter] can you imagine no everybody's freaking out everybody celebrating well I should understand why we have to sing so much I just I come for the word pastor I just want the word just give me that word I want the meat give me that meat don't give me a salad bring me the meat I don't even need a knife pastor just throw the steak at me it says I will give repeated thanks to the Lord anybody ever got a stupid song in your head man the other night I don't know what I got a new car something's wrong with my stereo I got to take it in but for whatever reason my car is stuck on my mind miss American Pie I don't know why he drove the chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and I don't even know what that means I'm waking up in the middle of the night singing by my I'm like what is going on here's why what we repeatedly expose ourselves to makes its way into our minds that's why we need to worship God over and over and over again listen to me you got enough crap in your head we need to put some good stuff in there it says I will give repeated thanks to the Lord second verse same as the first right we got to do that praising him to whom everyone well some of you come on well I would be as execute allowed and so we don't have to hear your tone anybody sound great in shower I am dynamic in the shower in front of you I'm not making the voice nobody's turning their chair around right everybody's gonna go that's why it's loud so we don't have to hear you it's okay it's okay I miss me too but man we need to worship God says then we your people the sheep of your pasture will thank you for ever and ever praising your greatness from generation to generation man raise your hand if you're a parent do you know that your kids will worship what you do when's the last time your kids saw you worship God now I got to be honest with you it's easy to come up with sermons but man when they convict you and this week I thought about that I thought when's the last time my kids saw me worship God now I worship God but I got to be honest sometimes it's privately my kids need to see their dad worship because it gives them permission and freedom to worship and let me tell you this some of you say I'm not good at worshiping no you're almost honest you're just not good at worshiping God every single one of us is made for worship and we're going to worship something we're gonna worship something John the oldest disciple of the oldest disciple he wrote the Gospel of John he wrote first John's second John third John in the book of Revelation in his first letter to the church he ends with these words these are his final words he says dear children stay away from idols some of you say well I don't worship idols let me give it to you in the New Living Translation stay away from anything that takes God's place in your hearts right to stay away from anything from anything and so what happens is what happens to our children our children end up worshiping what we worship our children care more about the Dodgers than they do about Jesus our kids are more committed to their soccer than they are to their spiritual life our kids are more into what's on TV than what's in their hearts then we your people the Sheep of your pasture will thank you for ever and ever praising your greatness from generation to generation when's the last time your kids saw you worship the truth is my kids have seen me far more passionate about sports than the spirit here's why worship is so important and if you're hurting would you would you write this down the public worship of jesus heals private pain this is why we worship this is why we sing this is why we do what we do because when we take the attention off ourselves god alleviates the pain from ourselves Psalms 91 it is good to give thanks to the Lord it's good do you know why it's good because it's good why do you make your kids eat vegetables because it's good all right you don't have to teach your kids no your nachos make sure you have a second helping of sugared cereal we want you to be completely whacked for your teacher we know exercise is good we know eating right is good well there's a why is it good because it's good worship is good for you it's good for you it's good to give thanks to the Lord to sing praises to the Most High Philippians for always be full in the joy in the Lord I say it again the Apostle Paul says rejoice we can choose pain or we can choose worship Paul says don't worry about anything instead pray about everything tell god what you need and thank him for all he has done Circle this word then here's the promise then then you will experience God's peace which exceeds anything we can understand his peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus do you know why American culture is so miserable because we think we're stars right somebody's good at music all that rock star somebody's good at athletics oh oh that's a rising star here's the problem you were never made to be a star the light does not emanate from you we're not stars you know what we are we're the moon you know what the moon is by itself cold dark and lifeless do you know what the moon is when it reflects the light of our star the Sun it's beautiful it's gorgeous the next time you see a full moon and you say look at the moon tonight you need to be honest and you need to say look at the moon reflect the light of the Sun because that's all it's doing and when you as a moon as a lifeless dark rock full of ash reflect the light of God you are glorious glorious and that's what worship is worship is reflecting God worship is saying God it's not about me it's about you and when I say that the light of Christ shines on me and to others Jesus came write this down to save my soul so I could reflect his spiritual nature Jesus came to redeem my body so I can reflect his purity Jesus came to heal my heart so I can reflect his love Jesus said come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest for your souls turn the attention from yourself and turn it to Jesus and let's watch you shine let's watch you reflect the glory of God listen some of you spent enough time in the darkness some of you have spent enough time floating aimlessly in space it is time for you to reflect God this is your moment this is your time this is time for you to worship God if you're overwhelmed with yourself take your attention off yourself and place it on the God who sent his one and only Son to die for you and watch what happens and then let's pray together Heavenly Father we come before you right now God and we ask that you would fill us with your light your love your hope your goodness and your grace God right now Lord we are like the moon lifeless and dark full of Ash and just like you said in your word you give beauty for Ashes Lord let us make that exchange right now let us bring our broken hearts to you and God in worship like the leper let us fall on our face and cry out thank you Jesus for saving us let your light be our light let your light shine upon us let your face look upon us we pray this in Christ's name Amen
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 7,804
Rating: 4.8684211 out of 5
Keywords: How to deal with a broken heart, How to get over a breakup, Anxiety, How to deal with anxiety, Emotional distress
Id: wLXO3lowZoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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