Why Knowing Yourself is So Important | Sandals Church (Message Only)

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i mean i'm not saying everything's bad you know you're like the matterhorn at disneyland i always regret it when i get off i do man god bless walt disney but that dude doesn't know how to make a roller coaster man by the time i get to the beast in the mountain i'm just i just went off right you know it hurts it's a terrible ride that's you you're this giant mountain and you're just hurting everybody who loves you like i don't know why people don't want to get on my ride because you are hurtful oh yeah is it like an inflatable banana or something where do you want me to sit i'll sit on the top rung yeah that's classic that makes sense thinking chair this is great i was expecting a chair on wheels i feel in charge now we need to go back as well thank you there it is this fits me i think i have this yes i think it's great good looking comfy cheers hey guys welcome to a series called you so glad that you are joining us today super excited super anticipating what god is going to do and how he's going to change your life and my life through this series i've already been blessed to be doing some interviews first time ever so you can pray for me i'm always a little nervous before i go on the media because you know just historically media is not the friends of pastors but it's been amazing what god has been doing i literally did an interview this week where the woman conducting the interview just broke down and cr in tears she actually said she apologized for audience for an ugly cry like guys we never apologize for an ugly cry that's because we never look at our face when we're crying but women are a lot more authentic about what you look like when you cry and it's just the holy spirit man just nailing people and convicting people and our culture is so so overly focused on everybody else but this is a series about you this is a series where god is calling you to change and i want to talk to so many of you our christians and and i just want to challenge you man there's so much misinformation out there today there's so much hysteria about the enneagram and today i want to talk to you about how god can use the enneagram to help you and i know this because he's used it to help me he's used it to bless my marriage he's used it to change the way i relate to my kids each individual kid is so different right it's amazing parents amen i mean as far as we know all the kids came from say mom and dad amen but they're so radically different each and every one of them and some of you right now your struggle as a parent is you're trying to treat your kid like there are many you but they're not a many you they're themselves and god wants to use this series to learn to relate to your kids and love them for who god made them to be not who you hope they're going to be but for who god made them to be so we're going to begin with jesus preaching so if you're concerned about this series and you're taking notes and you're watching me this is a sermon that jesus preached okay i'm not jesus i love jesus i preach jesus this is jesus and this is jesus preaching and listen what he says in the gospel of matthew chapter 13 verses 1 through 9. he says that same day jesus went out went out of the house and he sat beside the sea and great crowds gathered around him can you imagine what it must have been like to hear god preach i mean sometimes when i preach i'm like god help us right jesus never never had to had to ask that because every word he said was inspired you know when he said um it was inspired he's like um and the holy spirit is like amen that is a god-ordained pause think about that so he's preaching and the crowds were so big he had to step back and get into a boat for his own protection and the whole crowd stood on the beach can you imagine this most of these people can't swim but they don't care because they're so desperate to hear these words that they've been waiting their their whole life to hear i mean some of you guys are like oh my gosh it's misting in southern california i can't go to church these people are willing to risk drowning because they know they're already drowning and this guy sounds like someone who can set them free man some of you guys are like god just take away all these things god's like i'm going to keep sending these storms so you finally will get desperate enough to come back to me and he told them many things in parables saying he said a sower went out to sow you're like what the heck is that okay he's not knitting a sweater here he's talking to a farming community who lives every single day having to work the field work the ground so they can eat i know so many of our young people today we just got to get back to self-sustaining you know economies and i was watching this interview on youtube of this young couple that they bought an island off the coast of canada and they're going to make their own food and sow their own clothes and a year into it they're starving they're starving turns out it's better when someone else who knows how to make your food makes your food and someone who knows how to raise animals raises your animals and someone who knows how to to make your clothes and distribute them turns out they're better but in the ancient world man every single day you worked to eat to eat amen our parents you know parents today your kids like oh i don't like french fries you don't like french fries when my son was young i tried to convince him to eat a potato he's like nope i only eat french fries i'm like what do you think a french fry is with all the wisdom a four-year-old has he says not the same thing dad and in anger i smashed the french fries and i went potato so the sower went out to sow and as he sowed so he's throwing seed right he's throwing seed he said some seed fell along the path and the birds came and devoured them other seeds fell on rocky ground where they did not have much soil and immediately they sprang up since they had no depth of the soil but when the sun rose they were scorched and since they had no root they withered away other seeds fell among the thorns and the thorns grew up and choked to them this is jesus preaching other seeds fell on the good soil and produced grain some 100 fold some 60 some 30 listen to jesus he who has ears let him hear you see just because i'm preaching doesn't mean you're listening some of you are just listening for where i'm wrong and you are failing to hear where jesus is saying this is right you see here's the problem today the church is not growing we're not changing the world we're losing and we're losing because we think all we have to do is preach the gospel the problem is never the gospel never jesus is preaching this is his sermon and he's throwing seed he's throwing it out there the gospel is never the problem and some of you you're like well i'm not sure pastor if i trust the bible the problem is never the bible it always cracks me up man you go to school and all these professors are are telling you you know where the bible's wrong and then they go digging and they find out they're wrong the bible's right it happens over and over and over again we just need to have a moment in our culture where all the smarty-pants people go we're sorry we're so wrong and then some of you say oh i've been i've been hurt by the church the church is the problem man it's not the church the church is the bride of christ the church is the hope of the world the church is the family you've always wanted and god knows you need and some of you are like well i just i have a problem with god the problem's not god the problem is the soil it's the soil and so what do we do we just kind of self-assess i'm just going to guess what kind of soil we have you know in my family my mother's last name is estes i was told my whole life we're we're italian we're italian i told people that i shared that i wasn't lying it's what i believed we just kind of guessed it okay because 100 years ago you know like white people just kind of scattered all over the west and nobody knew what they were and i told people we're italian and i took a test zero italian zero turns out i'm 67 irish i'm more irish than my irish friend from ireland some of us we just assume what kind of soil it is like me no i'm just italian that's who i am and so you just you just guess or you just assume and some of us who are super spiritual we say well i don't know what kind of soil i am but i'm just going to pray i'm going to ask god changes the soil i'm asked god to make it better i want you to try that at home i just want you to walk out and pray over the weeds and say be gone and seriously direct message me if it works you see when the problems the soil what we need is some tools let me tell you what the enneagram is the enneagram is a tool that can help me that can help me identify me it's just a tool that's all it is people are freaking out here's what proverbs says this is the book of wisdom it says get the facts at any price at any price hold tightly to all the good sense you can get and some of you have very little good sense i don't know if you've noticed but common sense isn't common anymore god wants to use the enneagram to reveal the real you it's just a tool and so many of you you're so afraid oh my gosh i don't know where the enneagram comes from look nobody knows fully where it comes from and i'm not here to tell you where it came from i'm here to tell you what it can do but here's what i know about my god my god is not intimidated by anything or anyone and he can use anything for his sovereign will and purpose and he's used the enneagram to save my soul and better my life somebody said well i think it's i think it's false prophet well there's a false prophet in the bible named balaam and god uses him to bring about his will and some people say oh my gosh i think i think it's witchcraft well god uses a witch to slap saul all around in the bible and some of you guys well i don't know i i read online i think it's astrology isn't it interesting that the astrologers found jesus and the bible scholars in jerusalem missed him oh well i don't know pastor i just don't think we should ever use something non-biblical to lead people to jesus it isn't interesting when john is writing the gospel to tell you about who jesus is he uses the cultic pagan term logos to tell you who jesus is you see what john knew is pagan greeks don't have any idea who a jewish god is and so he uses their occultic understanding of the creator logos and he says in the beginning of his gospel in the beginning was the logos and the logos was with god and the logos was god who's the logos his name is jesus and so that's what the enneagram can be it can be a tool that god can use to connect you to your broken rotten soil so that you can receive his word and produce fruit in your life and some of you man i love you but your compacted soil jesus said some soil fell some seed fell along the path you have been walked over by your parents abandoned by your friends used by your peers and you're hurting and you don't trust anyone it's not your fault but listen to me your past doesn't have to determine your future stop allowing the people to hurt you in the past to determine your future some of you have just you've just been trampled unfortunately for some of us it's been by christians and pastors and people in authority that we're supposed to trust listen don't give them power over your entire life or certainly over your eternal life some of the seed fell upon rocky soil and i love you guys but you're hard you are challenging you're pushing me like i'm trying to be christ-like but you are testing me you're just hard you're just a box of rocks looking for someone to throw it at and you know why you're that way because you had to do that to survive you said well that's just how my family was raised well great your family are professional wrestlers the rest of us just want to avoid you and some of you guys you're not rocky on the outside you're rocky underneath you're fake on top you're a thin layer of good soil but the truth is you have no depth and the second you run into hardship you don't know what you believe some of you guys you're thorny soil you're a little prickly like it hurts to love you like god bless you i'm glad you're here you're like a cactus that is beautiful to look at from afar man i love instagram pray for me but one of my favorite instagram pages that i follow is where animals attack porcupines it never ends well and now i don't care if you're a king cobra a leopard a lion i mean i was watching this video this week in a leopard it's just got these needles everywhere in his face in his hands and he can't go to the other leopard say can you help me he's got to get him out himself and for some of you that's what you're like you're like i don't know what's wrong with people you keep shooting us with your needles and then there's the good soil that's what god wants he wants to change the soil the problem's not the gospel the problem is not the sermon the problem's not the church the problem is not god the problem is the soil so how do we change soil we change it with tools and that's all the enneagram is the enneagram is a tool that can help me improve my soil and some of you your soil is rotten some of you have soiled yourselves amen you're like what is that smell is that manure that's you there's actually a story in zechariah where the high priest yeshua that was actually his name that year stood before god and it's the first time we see satan's name appear as a noun it says hassatan was accusing so the accuser was accusing the high priest of israel the holiest of holies and you know what it says about what he was dressed in it says that he was dressed in soiled garments you see the high priest thought he was perfect but when he stood before god he was soiled he thought he was the good soil what you find in zechariah chapter 3 as he needed new clothes all together and praise god god gave him a new outfit and that's what god wants to do for you he wants you to produce the good soil and let me say let's say your marriage is good let's say your kids are good can they be better can you be a better husband a better father can you be a better wife a better sister brother employee employer can you be a better friend like no pastor i'm just like jesus matter of fact when he returns he may look at me and say how can i be in two places at once and if that's you stick around for week three we're going to talk about the core sin of pride because that's you but here's the thing nobody knew what jesus meant was why are you talking about soil sowing we came out here for a sermon we wanted to see you do a trick feed us heal somebody what on earth are you saying and for some of you that's what happens when you go to church yeah i don't get anything out of it and you think it's the church's fault you think it's the pastor's fault the problems of soil jesus says now listen to the explanation of the parable you think you're lost the disciples like yeah i got nothing i got nothing this is a parable about the farmer planting seeds let's talk about the compacted soil let's talk about the seed that fell amongst the path what does it mean pastor listen what jesus says it means in matthew 13 19 it says the seed that fell upon the footpath represents those who hear the message about the kingdom and they don't understand it some of you are so frustrated with people that don't get christianity it's not their fault listen this the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts man if you're a person that's been wounded or hurt i know so many people you can't believe in god because you want to know where were you jesus when that happened to me where were you then here's jesus's answer i'm here now i'm here now maybe your parents put you in a position where you were wounded maybe you trusted somebody that was evil there are evil people in this world they may have hurt your body don't let them steal your soul your past does not have to determine your future listen to me church there is a spiritual battle that is going on not every spiritual thing is good not every spiritual thing is awesome there isn't just the holy spirit there are evil spirits there are things that hate you god has a wonderful plan for your life and satan wants to destroy your life he is the accuser that's who he is that's what he does and there's only one person that can take away those wounds his name is jesus there's only one person that can cover your shame his name is jesus but he won't come in listen to me unless he's invited you see evil people don't ask for permission do they they just barge in and destroy jesus is waiting for your invitation and some of us man it's rocky soil right like god bless you i love you you're a hard person to love you're a hard person man i mean i'm not saying everything's bad you know you're like the matterhorn at disneyland i always regret it when i get off i do man god bless walt disney but that dude doesn't know how to make a roller coaster man by the time i get to the beast in the mountain i'm just i just went off right you know it hurts it's a terrible ride that's you you're this giant mountain and you're just hurting everybody who loves you you're like i don't know why people don't want to get on my ride cause you are hurtful the seed that fell on rocky so i listen to jesus it represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy oh yes this is awesome and this is so many christians today you got saved but you never got changed and this is why people come to church and they never come back because we got saved souls and broken morons listen to me christian when you receive christ your soul is saved but the work for your personality and your emotions has just begun and it's why so many pastors in churches are actually afraid to begin the work that the enneagram can start because it's scary but since they don't have deep roots they don't last long they fall away as soon as they have problems some of you your faith is shallow because you haven't invited god into the deep places and the reason you haven't invited god into the deep places is because you don't know where those places are they fall away because they're persecuted for believing in god's word man life is not always going to be good but god is always good and some of you you're struggling i don't know how come we can have a christian marriage and still struggle in our marriage that's because you're not married to jesus you're married to a sinner they married a sinner and neither of them you believed it because you were so in love you lied to yourself you're perfect all marriage teaches you is you don't know what perfect is you're like i like you a lot let's live together forever then some of us remember the thorny soil you're the porcupines you're the cactus the seed that fell amongst the thorns represents those hear god's word but all too quickly the message is crowded out by worries some of you are more connected to covid than you are to christ you know more variants of covet than you've read translations of scripture you're freaking out you're overwhelmed with anxiety listen to me anxiety is an invitation of your soul to deeper things and some of you are saying i don't know why i'm anxious jesus says i know i know let me show you jesus won't heal you he doesn't heal unless you're real but the worries of this life oh and the lures of wealth man it's so easy to get distracted it's so easy to believe something new is going to make you new the only thing that can make you new is jesus and a new car comes with a payment plan jesus already paid he already paid it costs you nothing it costs him everything the worries of this life and the lure of wealth so no fruit is produced oh but i'm a christian yeah but there are thorns there are thorns choking out what god wants to do in your life you say where where pastor matt that's where i was that's where i was man this whole journey began when my wife and i we had a huge fight a huge argument you've heard this story if you've been at sandals time and time again but this is the moment where my life began to change my wife's in the bathroom crying with the door closed i'm on the other side of the door and i say out loud why is it that the whole world thinks i'm amazing but you and this little whimpering voice invited me to the deep end and she said because no one knows the real you like i do why is it dads that everyone at work thinks you're great and your family can't stand you why is it moms that you just love your kids so much but they can't wait to escape why is it that you're such an amazing person but nobody wants to be your friend why is it that you can't keep a job you see the world says it must be them the enneagram says let me show where it might be you and the last thing is the good soil jesus said the seed that fell on the good soil represents those who truly hear and understand god's word you have no idea what a miracle is when you actually listen every single weekend i speak occasionally there's a miracle where you hear and some of you unfortunately when you hear you think it's for him and you're facebooking your friends sure wish you were at church this weekend would have been a great message for you let me ask you when's the last time you heard from god the seed goes out every week the problem's not the preaching thank god the problem's the soil how is it that my wife and i could have such different views of me because my soil was hard and i couldn't receive the word of god why did i believe tammy i didn't like her but i believed at least at one point in our life she loved me and so i had to take the risk of believing that she might see some things in me that i had missed myself here's one thing you never have to question jesus loves you he loves you despite whether you've been walked over your entire life he loves you even if you are so rocky we're all bruised every time we talk he even loves porcupines he made porcupines they were his idea that is pretty creative i have to say you know and what's your weapon you know it's pretty amazing but god created you and he didn't just create you to be broken he created you to be beautiful and he wants to show you those things you see the enneagram is a tool it's just a tool that jesus can use to change my life for the better that's all i'm inviting you to do and there's so many christians god bless you i love you why are you allergic to the self-help section in barnes and nobles i don't want any help for myself show me that verse in the bible avoid things that help why are we allergic to success don't you want a better marriage don't you want a better life don't you want to love your kids in a better way don't you want to feel more successful at work that all depends upon you understanding yourself and your soil listen to this verse jesus says in matthew 11 28-30 then jesus said just preach jesus okay then jesus said come to me it's an invitation it's an invitation to atheists and religious people it's an invitation regardless of color regardless of gender regardless of sexual orientation come to me all who are weary and you carry heavy burdens and i will give you rest i just need jesus no no there's something else here that you've probably missed he says take my yoke upon you a yoke is a tool used primarily for what it goes on the ox's back to break up rocky hard soil so that seeds can be planted jesus is inviting you he's saying i'm a surgeon but i'm going to use this knife oh but pastor that's going to hurt yup surgery does i've had it but if you've got cancer you want it out you want it out and some of you your whole life you've been raised in church and you've never known what sin is i hope you can hear this sin is a relational disease that's what it does it's broken your relationship with god forever that's why jesus christ had to die to fix it it's broken your relationship with the people that you love the most it's why adam and eve covered themselves it's broken the relationships between children it's why cain killed abel it's broken the relationships of sisters that's why so many in the bible hate each other and are envious of one another sin is a relational disease that doesn't care who you are what color you are what gender or sex or what socioeconomic bracket you come from it will destroy everything that you care so much about it is a relational cancer and jesus wants to cut it out two things have to happen you have to be weary and heavy burdened you have to say jesus i can't carry this anymore you see sometimes married couples the almost end of your marriage is the beginning of a new marriage sometimes losing friends is the beginning of learning how to make real friends sometimes getting fired from your job is a gift he says take my yoke upon you let me teach you i don't want you to learn about the enneagram i want jesus to teach you about yourself that's why my book's called you it's called you it's about you you know what the bible says about you your real life is hidden within christ you don't even know your real self jesus knew you he designed you you were his idea just like that porcupine he thought about you he says take my yoke upon you let me teach you because i am humble and gentle at heart some of you who have rejected god you have no idea who god is so many people tell me well why doesn't god just show his face and shout from the heavens here i am because he's humble and gentle and he doesn't want people who just pooped themselves to believe oh yeah that's what i thought it was you he wants people to search for him and find him and he doesn't want to overwhelm you with his power but he wants to woo you with his love listen this and you will find rest for your soul you see jesus doesn't just want to reveal your soil he wants to reveal your soul this series will help you to love the people in your life better better you see every single one of us we perceive process and present ourselves differently every single one of us we see the world one way we perceive it we process it and then we present here's where i am right we can all look at at the vaccines and come to very different conclusions same information same details and it comes out differently why is that you are very different you see jesus he healed the guy on the sabbath he did a miracle can you imagine if we called a paralyzed person up here and i healed him some people would see the hand of god and other people would see the devil that's what they said about jesus he does this by the power of satan whoa and jesus said to them there's no forgiveness for that that's blasphemy the holy spirit but we're all perceiving this in a certain way through a certain lens that unfortunately is clouded by the soil in which you were raised and some of you have grown up and moved out but you've never learned how to change the soil you're still as broken as the mom and dad and the home that you escaped from and listen to me the things that protected you as a child will ruin you as an adult and jesus is saying you don't have to protect yourself anymore he's saying let me teach you how to be protected this series is going to help you to really learn how to love someone else to see them and instead of doing what the world does right instead of saying you're crazy you're rude you hate america you're an atheist you're this you're that you can say okay we can agree to disagree but i'm going to genuinely and really love you romans says stop pretending to love others stop you know why our politicians are so whacked they pretend to care about us really love them really love them you want to really love your kids love them where they are you want to really love your spouse love them where they are you really want to love people in this church love them where they are that's what god does he doesn't want you to stay where you are but he's going to love you right where you are next we have to learn to speak truth to them in a way that allows them to hear man when i grew up in church man if you weren't snarling ripping and ranting and sweating you weren't preaching i remember the first time my wife went with me to a southern baptist convention she's like what's that guy's problem i think he's angry i was like oh he's just preaching the love of god ephesians 4 14 says this we will all speak the truth and love to each other you see what the enneagram is going to help you do is to speak truth in such a way so it lands oh you're a porcupine so i'm going to stay over here while we talk and hopefully you're gonna trust me so you'll show me your face see there's no needles in the face hopefully you're gonna you're gonna learn how to speak to people so that they can hear you you know what most of our problems is we all communicate the way we want to be communicated with and it doesn't work it was so amazing i was having a conversation with my daughter this weekend i i know you have a hard time believing this but from time to time i get let's call it passionate and i was super passionate and i was talking to my daughter and i was letting her know what i thought and how i felt and my wife goes now sweetheart your dad is not angry at you this is what it looks like when he loves and is concerned and then she added i don't like it when he does it to me but i understand that when he's doing it for you he's not ready to kill us all she said he's actually wants to protect us and then she looks at me and she goes and it's kind of sexy and then she goes when it's not directed at me but isn't that amazing here's what my wife is saying the way you're talking to your daughter right now that you love isn't working you see you sound angry no i don't but that's how it's coming across and that's how it's landing dads do you want your daughters to fear you or love you i think love changes i think fear causes relationships to flee but the enneagram helped my wife to go dad's not a jerk this is actually a really distorted view of jesus that's coming out right now we're all gonna be okay it's all going to be okay your dad has issues but here's the thing the enneagram's not only going to help you to love the people that matter the most to you and let me just ask this why are we the worst to the people we love the most next to understand and love the real you my deepest problem as your pastor was i thought if i was real you wouldn't love me you wouldn't listen to me you would never care for me you see one of my core issues is shame and so i spend my whole life trying to cover it and there's only one thing that can cover your shame it's the cross jesus said listen this the truth will set you free the enneagram can help you find the truth about yourself i was talking to somebody in our church who's helping me with my book and you know he's reading it because i've asked him to he didn't he didn't buy the book he's reading it because i asked him to i'm asking for his input as a professional you know what he told me he said he was reading through the book he came to his number that he identifies with and he said he showed it to his wife with tears in his eyes and he said this is me isn't it amazing that we can be strangers even within the context of marriage he said this is me are you still going to love me because god that's ugly you see we're all the high priest who's standing there looking sharp covered in filth god sends an angel to take off the clothes of yeshua his soiled garments and he presents him with perfect clothes that's what god wants you to do but in order for you to get the new suit you got to smell the old one so many of you man you struggle you struggle we're gonna talk about the core sin of laziness we all have it in some areas but proverbs 24 says this the sluggard does not plow in the autumn but he will seek a harvest and have nothing if you don't do the work you won't experience the blessing get in a group start a group get the book don't get the book listen to the sermons do some work do some work jesus is calling come to me all who are weary and i will give you rest for your souls but here's the thing you need to know about jesus jesus will only be serious about changing your life if you are serious about changing your life jesus says no one who puts his hand to the plow what's a plow it's a tool to plow what terrible rocky parkly just prickly awful soil no one is fit for the kingdom of god who puts his hand to the plow and looks back here's what jesus is saying to you today are we going to do this or what i'm ready i'm ready and let me say this i don't know what god's going to do in your life we are not all promised the same blessings what does he say about the good soil the good soil didn't always produce the same amount did it but it always produced we are not all promised the same blessing but we are all promised a blessing at the end of this series we're going to celebrate i believe thousands of people are going to come to the reality that they're a sinner and they need to be saved and we're going to celebrate that i believe that marriages are going to be healed lives are going to be changed relationships with mothers and daughters fathers and sons friends and brothers and sisters will be repaired as jesus christ uses the tool of the enneagram to be to begin healing in our lives and let me tell you something healing relationships is never the work of satan it is always the work of jesus i'm inviting you right now to make a commitment to be a part of this journey for the next 10 11 weeks to join us and each and every week we learn how to love better to love one another we learn how to love ourselves and we learn how to relate to god in a way that makes sense for us that's what this series is all about about making you better let's pray heavenly father god i pray for every single relationship for every single person that's listening god you didn't come to condemn our soil you came to change it you came to make it better you came to bless us god in the next few weeks together change our marriages change our friendships change our relationships with our kids change our relationship with you oh heavenly father sovereign god we ask you to use your holy spirit to use this series to change our lives god you are the surgeon and we ask you to use the enneagram as a knife to cut deep but to bring healing and to save our relationships we pray this in jesus name amen
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 1,140
Rating: 4.609756 out of 5
Keywords: Enneagram, Self Help, Christianity, Spirituality
Id: jTRxtwqYCrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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