3 Levels of Rocket League (Best mechanics of 2019)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Peakmountain266 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
let's play a little game of guess the rank guessing someone's rank based on a few minutes of gameplay is already difficult in these days to attempt a guess on a single play a highlight no less is practically impossible for instance this guy who just pulled off a ceiling shot he's a gold player now this is from a 1v1 so he's probably higher another playlist but still it's a gold no less lately I've been interested in how rocket League players of all ranks are able to pull off some of the craziest stuff you've ever seen I've theorized that players who practice more challenging mechanics more often get better at the game faster than those who don't now this doesn't mean you're a bad player if you don't go for crazy stuff I took forever to get where I am rank wise I didn't hit a ceiling shot until I was a champ two and a flip reset until champ three play the game the way you want to play however there's this misconception in the community that it's pointless to practice advanced stuff stuff that's less efficient in ranked play and there's definitely some merit to that why practice moves that won't benefit your team as much and get the results you need to rank up well I'd argue that it's not necessarily the fact that you can pull off some nutty dribble and rank as much as what it took for you to get to that point mechanically in other words in practicing that level of dribbling you have inevitably mastered basic car control which will certainly put you in a better position to win more ranked games and today players of lower ranks are getting better and better at pulling off crazier and crazier things if a gold can hit something like this and a platinum something like this then what separates the best players and that's what we're looking at today when compared side-by-side it's much easier to tell the difference in competency of these players highlights I'm going to be showing you three different levels of advanced rocket League mechanics ten of my favorite types of plays so we can see what the same types of moves look like at different stages of skill to make this video I poured over hundreds and hundreds of the community's best plays submitted to the rocket League subreddit then organized them into the rank of the player and the type of mechanic or play display I made sure all the clips were from the last year of course since the rocket league meta evolves so fast and tried to make sure it was in competitive play as well all right let's dive in we start with one of my favorite types of plays double taps or in the case where they don't get a double touch in the air it's just a backboard read in this case we start in bronze so that's actually quite an impressive play for a bronze player and that's what we're gonna see in this first level it's they are performing to play you know but it looks a little bit lucky not a hundred percent luck you know they are putting themselves in position to make the play and they are executing it beautifully but you can see how the mechanics just look a little bit stiff like they're not quite used to pulling off something like this it's clearly one of the best plays they've ever made which is awesome and that's why you shouldn't feel bad if you're watching this and you haven't done many double taps and you're a much higher rank than these players this is some of the best plays they've ever pulled off so far anyway doesn't make it less impressive though if anything it's inspiring to know that no matter what rank you are you're fully capable of pulling off some incredible stuff if you practice it moving into air dribbles again pretty nice they're getting a lot of touches but the control just seems a little wild moving into another one of my favorite categories incredible saves and clears there's another one that I like a lot because every one as soon as they start playing rocky league is really capable of getting to the right spot making that desperate epic save this guy pre flipping already in gold to putting me to shame moving into ceiling shots this is one of the most incredible ones to me that Gold's can now perform ceiling shots it's just crazy but it makes sense I mean they've practiced this mechanic they can go up the wall it is a very basic form of the ceiling shot you know he's already perfectly lined up but again doesn't make it any less impressive that he's able to pull it off flip presets in level one yeah there it's a little unconventional you love to see it again what we talked about before where it does seem a little bit lucky but again it still is not easy to get on the ball like that and make that play app and presets are one of the hardest things in doing the game moving into dribbles and flicks now this I identify a little bit more with as far as performing that a low level because this is one of the first things that I really enjoyed doing this guy just taking a walk in the park in bronze pretty impressive I don't think he's gonna be in bronze for long same story and silver this guy just slicing and dicing if you pet car cam log2 we can see at this first level of dribbling it's mostly bounced triples you know they're not really bouncing the ball in our car yet but they're still able to pull off some sweet flags this guy in gold a little bit of wit from a teammate a little bit awkward getting started but once you get started better watch out three feet one foot you gotta love the card designs down here this guy actually bouncing the ball a little bit on his head he's able to make it work even though it fell off moving into bump and demo plays this is another one that's truly impressive to me because uh I even now I barely ever go for a bump and demo and you have to wonder is this guy going for the ball here is that definitely what I went for the ball but he's got his sights set on there and the opponent sitting there and yeah in level one the opponents are a little weaker it's one of the things that makes level 1 level 1 now here's a redirect and a a little bit of an own-goal I had to sneak in there because it was such a beautiful redirect this guy he's on the correct side of the field and uh that that's the right net inches I just never go for pinches and so it's great to see these players thinking about this stuff already this pinch didn't actually go in but it set him up you know this guy just kills the ceiling I love how he just sits there and disbelief [Music] you ever get a nice little ground pinched and gold good stuff moving into fakes now at level one you can fake just as well because you know the players are just diving at the ball so it might make it a little bit easier kind of just whipping there but fakes a fake baby I thought I'd throw in some whiffs let's bring us back to reality here it's probably the greatest silver whiff of all time it's the three-man whip that's that's what rocket leagues all about right there that's some true teamwork and silver moving up to gold everyone gets the whiff level 2 now here we're gonna see a lot better car control their double taps actually look like they're you know going for them on purpose and there's just a lot more purpose in general in their in their motions the way they go directly towards the ball there's a little bit of wobble there but for the most part it's straight at the ball and we see a nice power slide turn boosting through the power slide you wouldn't see that in level 1 nice inverted aerial good read notice the speed and power difference - they're more consistently able to pull these off because you see the base level of skill be higher and they're pre flip into the backboard Reed that guy's been putting in their old training moving into air dribbles another one that's just a big step up from level one already in platinum it's crazy to think that's only one rank above gold but there's such a drastic difference in the mechanics of these players you didn't take it all the way there you'll notice the setups a little bit out of control but you definitely see the progress this guy is gonna be a god one day of course into level 2 of saves and clears just a little bit Wilder just a little bit more unbelievable than level 1 no idea how he said that like these are incredibly impressive to me as far as I'm concerned I'm in level two it saves and clears now sealy shots same story for this actually these players absolutely insane that they're able to pull this stuff off of course we don't see what happens off the ball but the car control is so good in these players you know they're probably in diamond because the the experience isn't quite there the the game sense isn't quite there rotation or defense or whatever it is but any of you game sense oriented players are out there you had these mechanics you know think about how much higher you would be this guy chaser wannabe he's the platinum version of Jays ER and honestly he pulls it off I mean he did it and again it's important to remember that this isn't necessarily the norm you know this is still a rare play and diamond and plat but still it's possible these guys have done it and that's always the first step or in this case I guess because this is level 2 the second stone dribbles and flicks a little out of control there but the speed you'll notice it's a big step up from level 1 remember in level 1 the balancing the ball on the car wasn't quite there yet well it's definitely here now in level 2 moving into bumps and demos actually a little bonus there the avoiding of the bump and demo is also another sign of just the overall awareness of the pitch increasing this guy with a nice first touch beautiful demo maybe a little lucky on that second touch but he put himself in the right spot pass is really coming together in plat now definitely more of a rarity and bronze through gold but they're definitely more regular here still a highlight play for this rank but here in level two you can really see a more complete understanding of how the car moves where it can flip to where the balls gonna end up you know the reading is there much better allows them to string together these pathways and these nice little redirects in the air high in the air I might add the pinches get a little crazier in level two a little team pinch there you don't see that much in the lower ranks you can also see these cuts or pinches on the wall definitely gaining a little bit of speed there we're still doing that I can't believe I hit that moving into level two fakes again this gets a little more impressive since obviously the opponents are a little bit better a little bit more aware that's just nasty the wave - fake that guy's gonna be thinking about that one for a while guess what though level two the whiffs don't stop here in diamond - some would say the whiffs are even more prominent because players are trying to play faster alright now we get up to the level three highlights where players and the highest ranks are showing off what they've got here the double taps get pretty incredible with way tighter angles way more power much more difficult reeds and they still find a way to get in the back of the net the air dribbles are where we really see the car control and ball control come to fruition right just a lot tighter than level two a lot closer to the ball they're able to lift it beautifully over multiple defenders pretty easily although I'm at this rank I rarely pull off air dribbles this clean I also don't use the Batmobile so maybe that's what it is the ceiling shots a lot smoother there - what the heck is that see I wouldn't even it wouldn't even occur to me to go for that this is just a really nice clean powerful ceiling shot - backboard double tap I practiced that for like four hours in training I could barely hit it this is in ranked this guy just hit a Musti flick double tap ceiling shot it just gets ridiculous honestly this flip reset where he lands way off the ball he's able to kind of a pre flip actually able to predict where the ball is gonna end up watch the way this guy stays so close to the ball even while he's there rolling it just has that control to get right where it needs to be for the flip Risa and GC of course a lot of players have this type of control where they can again bounce way off the ball and their flip reset and still figure out where they need to end up for saves and clears and level three gets even crazier here's a nice little pre flip no other way to get to the ball that fast does what he needs to do this guy one of the smoothest saves I've ever seen in champ two dribbles and flicks at level three this is where it gets oh so sexy here in GC we see a cheeky little classy flick and then one of the best exhibitions of car control I've seen he's moving so quickly and so seemingly frantically but really easing control the whole time this one I don't even know what to call that like this guy's just out here having fun I dunno what to call that that's freezy flick and he just crushed it level three bumps and demos is where you really see things get pretty with the upside down I don't know if that touch was intentional but the upside now bump definitely was a little double bump because one is just not enough GC the passes and redirects are pretty essential so we see players who are much better at working together as a team especially in threes pretty essential for dismantling the opponents at a high level three this isn't champ one this guy shows how a a ground pinch is done just a little bit cleaner than the level 1 ground pinch we saw in the gold ring champ three cuts trapinch upper ninety unsavable the GC pinch I had to find myself a little musty clip insane angle and same power pinch from the corner level three fakes please just get nasty this first one from champ 2 takes his time get too cute with it I like it another one from champs to you we got a nice little flick there slows down the pace has no problem controlling the tempo this fake is actually won in the air and believe it or not it's actually on squishy muffins so I'd say the opponents were decent here two champ whips the high-level whiffs you love to see it at this rank it's usually just everyone messing each other up you know one person whiffs and it's just a chain of whips from there yes this is actually champ one it happens people it happens and that is why you suck in rocket League wow I haven't said that sentence in a long time maybe it's time to bring that back this clip literally has inspired me to suck more rocket League [Music] [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,785,218
Rating: 4.9269462 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, sunless, rlcs, rocket league moments, rocket league best goals, rocket league best plays, rocket league best mechanics, rocket league mechanics, rocket league skill
Id: ckFbgcLMVLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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