Learn to use the Final Cut Pro Transform, Crop & Distort Tools for Beginners 2021

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hi guys i'm nick griffiths and this is pro editing today we are going to be talking about final cut pro's transform tool transform crop distort crop ken burns trim crop ken burns okay we've laid our clip on the timeline and what we're going to do we are going to do a transform under our window viewer here we have got this button if we click on it we have got a drop down it's got three options transform crop and distort so let's start at the top transform after we've clicked on transform we can click and drag it will literally just move the shot in the frame we can reset this tool by going over to the transform inspector and clicking this arrow here which is like a an undo arrow it resets it all back to nothing the other way we can reset that is by clicking the reset button here so if we've moved it down here and we click reset it resets if we want to increase or reduce the size of a shot we can hold the corners here and we can click and drag to make it smaller or bigger if we want to make it bigger if we can reduce our view to a smaller view then we can see we can affect the size of the image outside of the boundaries of the frame size the other thing that the transform tool can do is spin a shot so you do that by holding this little thing here you can pull it out to get better control and then you can literally spin it round so if you wanted a shot upside down you could do that like that that might be useful if you if you're shooting on gopro and you've stuck it upside down in a car or something you might want to then rotate the image round you probably wouldn't do it manually with the like like using this though if i reset that over here in your inspector you can hit rotation and to turn it upside down would be minus 180 and to turn it on its side would be either minus 90 or 90 depending on what way you want the footage so everything that you can do over here by clicking and dragging is reflected in the inspector here numerically with your x axis and y axes if i slide my x up and down with my mouse by clicking on the number and going up and down with the mouse and the same with the y axis goes up and down if i hit reset so that's the first transform tool the second thing you can do with transform is keyframes now we're not going to go too much into keyframes but a keyframe locks the parameters of what you've done so if i go to the beginning of this clip here and i click if i click this button in the top corner here it says keyframe it's added a keyframe where the red marker is the red playhead is here if i then move my clip forward to here i could click a keyframe or i can just change one of these effects and it adds a keyframe for me automatically so if i do that if i literally scale that all the way to there so if i then scroll using the playhead back to the beginning you can see it's going to go back to the first keyframe where it's here again is yellow and it says 100 so between those two keyframes you're going to get the animation that goes from 100 down to 5 and then once it hits that 5 keyframe it's going to stay at 5 which is there for the rest of the shot if at that point here i want it now to go back up to 100 i can come up to my scale and either manually go up to 100 like on the slider like that and then it's made another keyframe there so now it's going to if i go to the beginning of my clip the playhead it's going to go from 100 down to 5 then back to 100 and then once it hits its last keyframe at 100 it's going to stay at 100 because i've made no additional keyframes after that point okay so the next effect on our list is crop now crop sounds pretty straightforward however there's three items within crop you see here at the bottom you've got trim crop and ken burns so if we click on trim now trim is going to literally trim the sides however you want you can bring it down and you can move that around as well and it's basically going to cut the shot sides and just reveal black underneath so when you hit play that's the effect that you're going to get if i was to hit crop instead of trim now what we're getting is a similar window but when we click done to come out rather than have the black it zooms the picture in to fill our frame to whatever we've selected the other one is ken burns now ken burns effects are mainly for photos i've got this picture of a banana plant if i click on it and go to our crop tool and i click ken burns it's got two boxes a green box that says start in the corner and a red box that's got end in the corner and it's got an arrow going from green to red now what that is is it's saying where at the beginning of our clip do we want to start the shot so we can move this around and we can resize it if we want to so let's keep it like that so it's going to start full width and it's going to go down from smaller it's going to zoom in and pan down the the image to end on that frame and these start and end points aren't movable how final cut works is it puts the start at the beginning of the clip so if i click done the start point is here at the beginning and the end point is here at the end and you'll get a really smooth nice move between the start and the end let's have a look so it's zooming in and panning down to there it's basically created keyframes for you behind the scenes and you can't adjust those keyframes it's a standard effect it does exactly what it says it starts there and it ends there with a smooth motion the next thing on our list is the distort tool if you've heard of the phrase corner pinning that's what distort does so once we've clicked on our clip we can affect these corners and it's gonna it's gonna be fluid so we can move these corners down it's basically putting this into like a 3d kind of space this is great if you've got maybe like a tv screen and you want to put the picture in a tv screen because it not only changes the corners but it changes the aspect of the footage and like the others these are all key frameable so if we wanted to go to the beginning of our clip and then we can click a keyframe and we can move it move it forward and then we can move these these sections and that will animate those areas there so that's the rundown of the three tools hopefully that's been really useful in the real world you've got lots of different uses for these tools for instance i've got a picture of a map here there's a like a little logo at the top here so what we can do we can come up we can click transform and we can just zoom it in as fraction and hit done and there you go we've now we've got rid of our the logo we might just want to do a slow zoom in to that picture and click transform we can go to the top of that clip we can hit a keyframe we can go to the end of that clip zoom in a bit and then we've done a slow push in on the map say you've got a newspaper headline and you want it to fly in over the top of your shot you could do that so you could put your newspaper headlines pretend it's the bananas let's go to the beginning frame up here we can mark a rotation keyframe there spin it like all the way and then let's go forward a second to there and then let's make our rotation zero so it's back to where it should be and then that will have added a spin as it comes in so there you have it now you're a pro using the transform crop and distort tools i've also run down the trim and the ken burns effect so hopefully you'll find those useful if you're doing a photo montage the ken burns effects are definitely the way to go if you found this tutorial useful please remember to give me a big like because i love likes they're my favorite thing in the world and remember to subscribe to the channel because there's so much new content added every week see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Nick Griffiths Pro Editing
Views: 769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro, video editing, final cut pro x, fcpx, fcp, final cut pro beginner tutorial, final cut beginner tutorial, fcpx beginner tutorial, fcpx beginners guide, video editing basics, fcpx beginner, learn fcpx, learn final cut pro, starting out in fcpx, Final Cut Pro shortcut keys, edit faster, learn to edit faster, Learn to cut faster, fast editing in fcpx, transform tool, fcp transform, crop, fcp crop, distort, fcp distort, ken burns, final cut pro ken burns
Id: 07gRvOjdxYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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