NEW in Final Cut Pro 10.6 - Object Tracking, Cinematic and HOW TO USE

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so apple has just updated final cut pro to 10.6 so in this video i'm going to run through the new features and show you in brief how they work so apple has done some really good improvements here and in this new version we've got a brand new object tracker and the ability to edit cinematic mode footage coming from your iphone 13. [Music] hey there welcome to the video i'm mark brown from editors keys and if you're new here consider subscribing if you're into final cut pro because we have a ton of tutorials that will help you with your video editing right here on the channel now anyway apple has updated to final cut pro 10.6 and whilst there are some big speed improvements to this software for example if we check out apple's website they now say if you get one of the new macbook pros that were announced last night and man these look really exciting the sd card reader is back at last uh if you get one of these new macbook pros and final cut it's up to seven streams of 8k prores in 422 the ability to run seven streams at the same time you've got the ability to run up to 30 streams of 4k prores 422 apparently it's up to 5.5 times faster at prores encoding and it's also up to 2.9 times faster in 8k project rendering time so really good speed improvements there if you're interested in final cut pro and getting the new macbook pros as well but of course there's updates here that are available for everyone so other than the speed increases apple has now added the ability to edit your cinematic footage coming from your iphone 13 pro and if you check out our iphone 13 pro review up here you can see how this new cinematic footage looks coming directly from the iphone but before today you weren't able to actually edit this footage within final cut pro of course you could edit it like a normal video clip but you had to make the f-stop and the you know the background blur adjustments on your iphone so now they've added the ability for you to edit this in final cut pro the only problem is at the moment i can't show you this directly because we're going to have to wait until the next release of mac os comes out in a couple of weeks time when you try and edit that footage at the moment it just says you're not able to do it but essentially this update will allow you to click a new cinematic section within the inspector and then from the inspector you can change the f-stop like you can in a normal camera and essentially the lower the number the more blurry the background will be the higher the number the more in focus everything will be it will also allow you to change the focus points um after you've filmed the video so as you can see in this example here we've got two people in a car and you can change who you want to be in focus so that's really great but the next thing i can show you is the new object tracker so let's jump into final cut pro and i'll show you how that works so the object tracker is very very cool and there's actually a ton of ways you can do this so i've just pulled together a few clips just to run through really crudely how this works and how you might be able to use this in your workflow so you can see in this shot here i've got this sort of pretty shaky shot of this andrew's brew house in norwich and what you could do let's just say you had a building a warehouse maybe you're doing a video for a client and you want to add their logo to the building this is one way you could use the object tracker and this is how it works so i'm going to show you a couple of different ways of how you can get this to work so the first way i'm just going to click on the clip and if we go over to the inspector on the right hand side at the bottom here you can see you've got trackers now i'm going to click plus and you can see this is going to add a new kind of tracking map to the screen so what i'm going to do here just to quickly show you how this would work is i'm going to drag this down roughly to fill the space of this sign so let me just zoom in a little bit here so we can see this roughly here and it has to be very rough for this to actually work so let me do that so you can see there i've roughly mapped the sign there on the side of the pub so all you need to do now is click the analyze button and what this is going to do this is going to analyze each frame of the video forwards and then backwards to do the tracking for you so you no longer have to kind of do something frame by frame and keyframe it yourself final cut pro is going to do this for you so you can see this is actually working pretty fast and now it's doing the backward motion and it does the entire clip by the way it doesn't just do a small amount it will do the entire clip so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go to my clips here and i've got this kind of web banner from editor's keys and i'm going to just chuck this onto on top of the clip like so and as you can see it's a little bit big so i'm going to go to transform first of all i'm going to shrink this down so it's kind of roughly the size of this sign let's do about there and then what i'm going to do is uh let's just get rid of this what i'm going to do is go to distort and then i'm going to click the corners here and then i'm going to match this up and as i say i'm only doing this very crudely just to show you how this works and how you could use it in your workflow so that kind of looks okay now the problem is when you go to play this it's not in place right it's not tracking anything so all you need to do is just make sure you've got the transform enabled like so and then we're going to go down to tracker here and then we're going to down click the down arrow and then we're going to select this first object track that we did earlier and you can already see it selected that there so i'm going to pop over this back into place like so and let's just drag this all the way across the image here and we should find as we play the clip through this is going to stay in place and look at that how good does that look for a really really fast job i might i did that in like two seconds right so if you spend a bit of time on that maybe changing the blending modes you could get this looking really really good so again let's just try this really quickly on this shop front here and i'm going to try and change this stranger sign with the editors keys logo so let's do that again so all we need to do is we are going to add a new tracker by clicking down here again and i'm just going to do this as fast as i can really just to show you how powerful this is so i'm going to pull this in like so i'm going to drag this in and just get it to cover the text like so and it looks like it's covering all the text there and i'm just going to hit analyze that's all i'm going to do i'm not going to touch anything else and we're going to see how well this can track this sign now i can i can see just at the front there it did jump at the very start so you may need to try this one or two times to get it perfectly right other than that it's looking pretty good from the motion tracking at the moment so we'll put the logo on in a second and see how it does okay so next all we need to do is we are going to grab this edits keys logo and again it's too big so i'm going to quickly go to transform we're gonna we're gonna shrink this logo down [Music] i'm gonna put it a little bit like so and then i'm gonna go to the distort again and we're just going to make it match the sign that's underneath [Music] there okay it's not too bad again this is very crude and if i was doing this professionally i would spend a lot more time than i'm doing right now let's go to transform and i'm just going to click this down arrow here and just select the object track which is the first one that we did so what let's just drag out the logo here and let's just play it from about here did a little jump there but overall i think that looks pretty good and again if you spend more time on it remember this is a pretty shaky shot i think you could use that for professional work can we just play the middle bit with a bit of fine tuning that could be really really good so really handy if you've got some client work or maybe you want to add a logo to something that's moving you can do that now other other ways you can use this and i think this one is really really cool all of the effects that you currently have within final cut now have this kind of ai sort of machine learning built into a final cut which you can use to adjust the colors so i'm going to drag this color wheels onto this clip now instead of drawing the mask first i'm going to let final cut pro do its magic so i'm going to go to color wheels and i'm just going to just drag it on top of this viewer here now what you can see here is as you drag it around you can see that final cut is detecting certain objects in the scene now this one doesn't have a ton of objects you can see the guy here on the right and you've got the actress here but you can see as i drag over her face it actually recognizes her face and that's exactly what i want to use it for in this scene so i'm going to let go and you can change the the shape as you would with any mask and again i'm just going to show you this crudely but let's just drag this out so this covers her face i'm going to hit analyze and what i'm going to do with this as you can see this is a an actress on stage and you can see her face is isn't very well lit it's quite dark so i'm going to use the color wheels after this is analyzed just to lighten her face a little bit now of course you may want to adjust this mask to your liking i'm going to show you quickly how this works so let's get these color wheels and i'm just going to bring up the mid-tones here let's just bring up really bright so let's just show this okay just place through i'm gonna bring up the highlights a lot here so let's just play this through so we take off just look at that as we play through you can see how much of an immediate impact that makes to the actress's face again a very crude quick example but if you were to play around with this i think you could get some really really good results so if your lighting wasn't right on a subject you could use this automatic tracker to do this kind of thing the next thing i want to show you is a quick way of tracking and adding text so here's a shot a little drone shot of me just driving my car and what you can do is we're going to get some text up here and i'm just going to use the the basic text built into final cut to show you this and i'm going to get the basic title and again instead of dragging it on top of the timeline like you normally would i'm just going to um drag it just above the car and as i do that you should see that it detects the object here and i'm going to let go now all you need to do is click analyze once again and this should scan the cut track the motion and then the text will move with the car so let's let final cut do its thing okay so it's done its thing there i'm going to go to text and let's just change that so it says tesla i'm going to move this around so it's just on top and let's just drag this title all the way across and hit play and as you can see the text actually let's just change the color of that so you can see it clearly let's make it a blue color you can see the text follows the car it does a little jump again there so what you may want to try is actually rather than letting final cut do its thing sometimes actually try drawing the mask yourself but you can see that apart from the little jump in the middle it works pretty well again here's a shot from an iphone 13 review that we did a couple of weeks ago and this would have been a nice feature to have we could have just essentially dragged this on here and we could have you know done a call out to the camera section so you can see there it's detected the cameras let's move this across let's hit analyze let final cuts do its thing and you can see there it's tracking the cameras on the back of the iphone even though the shot there is quite shaky it just goes out of focus you can see it's still doing a really really good job [Music] okay so now we've added that again let's move this text over to the left maybe and let's call this iphone 13 pro let's just drag this to the side and let's hit play see what it looks like there we go and you can see the text is actually moving and rotating as we move the the phone about so that's really good it stays almost glued to the phone now if you don't want the text to kind of rotate you can actually change this so what we're going to do is let's go to our video settings here and in transform you'll see you've got these new icons here on the right hand side for position and rotation so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click the one at the top here and you can see you can actually untick some of these so you've got position rotation scale or remove all together so if i untick rotation what you'll see what happens now is that the text doesn't actually kind of rotate left and right it should stay pretty flat and just move side to side so depending on what you're trying to do maybe if you've got someone moving their head around you may want the text to rotate as they rotate in this case i kind of want the text to stay front on so the the viewer would be able to read the text and you can see there it does a really really good job now of course this will work with any text plug-ins that you may have so we've got a ton for motion vfx and pixel film studios and i can confirm that all of the ones that i've tested so far work really really well so if you've got maybe some call outs some images maybe you just want like a little youtube icon to appear next to something and move about with it this can be done in this version of final cut pro so there you go that's just a really quick rush through of the new features in final cut pro 10.6 let me know what you think of those in the comments section below and if you'd like to see a full in-depth tutorial where we spend a bit more time on this getting it right and showing you some of the extra things you could do with this let me know in the comments section below and i'll see if we can make that video but make that video for you so anyway thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Editors Keys
Views: 6,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to edit cinematic footage in Final Cut Pro 10.6, editors keys, editorskeys, Object Track, final cut pro 10.6, Text tracking, new in final cut pro, How to use object tracker, video editing, How to use object tracker in Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro Object tracker, how to use final cut pro, how to replace a sign in Final Cut Pro, final cut pro, Final cut pro x tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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