Animate Text in Final Cut Pro X without Plugins or Keyframes | BretFX Plugins & Tutorials for FCPX

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hi Final Cut Pro users I'm Brett Williams from Brett effects comm and in this tutorial I want to show you how to create animated text in Final Cut Pro 10 without using plugins without using keyframes so you can create great text animations like you see on the screen right here I'd literally made these in a few minutes using one tool in Final Cut Pro 10 that's often overlooked it's really cool it's the custom text tool you can find it in the titles browser under build in and out all right so let's dig in and see what we can accomplish I'm just going to drag the custom text to the timeline so the custom text tool has all the same stylizing options exactly the same as your basic title and in fact it doesn't have any animation you hit play on it right now by default it works just like the basic title you could use it instead of the basic title all day log just in case you wanted to animate something later but if you look here under the little little T in the inspector you'll see all of these great parameters and every one of these is just a quick and easy animation primer I'm gonna double click at the top here as there's so many of them I want to make it kind of fill the screen it's a neat trick you can double click the top of the inspector to give it a full height so I think the best way to go about this tutorial is to run you through some of the basics with some of these parameters let you in on a few of the more advanced parameters but you can really get up and going really quick just by playing with a few of these so to speed things up I could go in here and type out you know a couple lines of text in the title but I've already built one this is the custom title here I just went in and stylized a few lines of text there's no animation going on I haven't played with any of these parameters yet they're all set to the presets so the custom text effect by default animates your text in and that's these top half the controls the in tracking in position in speed and then the exact same controls exist for the out animation and by default nothing happens they're all set to 100% zero scale to a hundred percent but the minute you go in now I've got my playhead at the beginning of our title the minute you go in and change say the opacity slider to zero you saw all the text go if I hit play now you automatically get some in animation so all these applied to the in animation side of the effect so you say well that's neat but I really didn't want every letter by default each letter animates individually maybe I want each word to fade up individually so that's the next thing you really want to look at the in unit size right now set to character you see it here if you want to make it word you can go down to word so now let's see what happens as we fade it all in now each word is fading in but perhaps I don't want in and Final Cut Pro 10 fading in separately well we can change from word to line and now each line fades in by themselves all right so that's great but what if I want them to slide in from the right I'm gonna set the opacity back to 100 and put my playhead at the beginning of our title here so I can see it and you can adjust the X the Y and the Z for the position for right now I'm just going to take the X click on it and drag to the right and slide this whole thing off the screen so that's going to say well that's the beginning of my animation the in is going to come from off the screen on and we still have it set to line why don't we go ahead and change this to word so now when you play back each word slides in from the right and that looks pretty slick we've really changed one setting maybe two if we change it from letter to word and we've changed a position parameter and you immediately have three lines of text animating how fast is that we're doing it with one effect that if you want to change the speed or the way it animates we can now just change a few parameters so let's look at some of those say we don't like the speed it seems a little slow if you go let's close that position if you go down here - duration this is 40 by default and I don't claim to know if that means 40 frames 40 percent or what but if I wanted to be faster I was shorten it but if I think it's a little too fast right now maybe I'll drag it up to 50 and we'll take a look at how that works you know just a little bit slower maybe I want it a little bit faster let's take it over to 30 that's good maybe I don't want each word to come on by themselves maybe I want text to come on after animates about halfway on so I want say two words in motion at once if you look at what's called the in spread right here it's set to one that means whatever you have the unit size set to word or character or line that's how many of those objects are going to be in motion at a time they're still going in order let's say if you set it up to two you know text will start to come on when animates about halfway on and so on animate will once animate has stopped and text is halfway on the word in will start to come on and once text hits you see there's so there's two things in motion at a time that's all that spread slider means if I want to make it four you kind of have like a nice little smoother effect so you can just play with these parameters and see just exactly you know what works for you one of my favorites here for sliding things on is this blur parameter I'm gonna slide the spread back to one so we get a full effect if you put this a zero by the way they just cut on they don't animate or anything they just go boom see so that can be an effect too alright but jumping back this blur parameter you can actually fake some great motion blur with this blur parameter since we're sliding right to left let's just blow I'm gonna go ahead and slide these put them kind of snapping on me put them in motion like that we can see that in let's give it some blur here it goes up to ten that's probably not enough if you click on the number and go up you can just you can get more blood will get pretty exaggerated here and so what's going to happen is as the word comes in the blur is going to get less and less and less until it goes there so kind of mimicking motion blur and I can see them now because of the blur off the edge of the screen so I'm gonna drop our opacity to zero it's subtle but you can see while they're animating in they start off really blurry like they're moving really fast and then when they hit they get no blur you can even bring it up a little more if you wanted to yeah I like that kind of over exaggerated blur and if you notice they're not really easing into place they're just kind of hitting it's a linear animation you have some control over that in Final Cut not as much as you do in motion this in speed parameter is set to constant that's a linear animation everything's just moving at the same speed you can choose something like decelerate but I'll tell you now it doesn't affect each word each word doesn't decelerate in place the whole animation as a whole kind of slows down as it goes so the first one will be fast the next one to be a little slower a little slower and then this one final FCP ten will be really slow so you have to kind of play with that and get what works for you yeah we've got to go in so fast it's really exaggerated too so that might be too much but if you change the spread a little bit these are just tips you look a little better kind of gives you more of a that gives it a little style okay so let's jump over to a horizontal text right here that is totally I haven't added any man animation to it that's just another example of the custom text effect and what I want to show you is maybe how scale parameters work here without changing any parameters let's just drop the scale to zero I've got it at the beginning of the clip and let's change our unit size to word so we think well okay we're gonna animate each word like we'd showed in the other example except really what's happening in this is all these parameters are really affecting groups of letters it's always individual letters it's it's different in Apple motion but in Final Cut Pro that's kind of a limitation so if you're scaling the easiest way is just to show you unless unless I'm missing something it always all the letters kind of scale individually like this now we've chosen word as our unit size so if I scale it down and hit play each word animates up individually but you're getting that you know that it's not really adding it up as a full word like scaling up as a full word it's scaling up as a bunch as a group of individual letters scaling up so they have that little space in between which is a pretty cool effect into itself and we can play with that let's I'll put it almost at the beginning so we can see what we're doing this is where you could add rotation to your animation let's see if I just say row add some rotation here let's change the spread to say where we're animating in fact let's change it to character so we're going to have it almost type on with a little bit of rotation we'll make it fade in sorry if we go a little too here there's a lot of stuff to cover so use that pause button in that rewind button so we've got some rotation we've got some scale and it's fading in so see if this what you think it would look like way too fast we need to change our spread instead of one letter at a time because if you set the duration to 40 that's the duration whether it's one word all the words all the letters so we can slow it down and we can have more than one letter animate on it once so maybe ten so usually when you're doing character by character you don't want it one at a time you want it to kind of come in as sort of a wave pattern another thing we can do is we can change the position let's have those letters kind of fly in from down below so I will change the position so I'm gonna drop the Y position down really low I'm just clicking and dragging you can't really see it cuz I'm not at the beginning of the animation I'm sorry about that so we're dropping this Y position way down low so they're gonna maybe they can come out of even the bottom of the screen you know I don't know and just kind of spew up there we go if you really want the words to scale up individually my little heck is to reset the scale here and let's reset the position I'll turn the opacity back up so that we can see what we're doing I don't need the rotation let's reset that and I want it to animate word by word I want them to zoom up so I'm gonna set this back to word I think essentially I've reset the whole thing there I'll just reset the whole thing if you want it to really be individual words scaling up we're going to use the position parameter and we can use our z space so not left right but depth and I can drag this click and drag to where the text is going way back here way back in z space ok and now that I kind of say that's about the size of one now I can drag the opacity down to zero and I can set the unit size to word and let it rip kind of slow to make the duration a little quicker a little but you can see just how quick you can come up with some animation so make it a little longer and you can tweak these things all day all right so we like that I want to do an out animation I want it to just fly forward so you've got all the same controls on the outside here on the out animation so I want this to zoom up and I wanted to zoom you know right past my face right past the camera first let's change our unit size to can either be all or line either one's going to work because I want the whole thing to zoom past me I'm not gonna play with scale I'm gonna play with the want to play with the out position the Z position I might click and just drag it forward yep until this blue let's take it right past me so now if we hit play from the middle here there you go it zoomed right past my face so if you want to smooth this out a little bit maybe we adjust the out opacity of zero so it kind of fades out as it comes towards you so let's see what we've got each word zooms up and then the whole thing zooms past me and so you can see just how much fun you can have with this you can really just tweak it all day you haven't creating a keyframe so when your client says mm can we make it slide off man you just take reset the position I'm sorry you reset yep the out position when you set that Z take the X the way over here to the left and like we did earlier you could add some blur let's change the out duration and make it quicker and we can change this constant to accelerate there you go so you get the idea all right so I lied I said there wouldn't be any keyframing there is an advanced technique you can use and I used it in two of them in the intro to give a sort of a overshoot kind of text kind of a look you might have noticed here in the in sequencing there is a keyframe option from keyframes so I'm gonna reset this whole effect and show you guys how you can recreate sort of an overshoot look that's where it kind of zooms past a point back kind of like a rubber band effect so to accomplish that let's reset this whole panel we're gonna set a few keyframes we're gonna go back to our z parameter and let's make sure we're doing word by word so we set it to word cuz it reset to character let's assume this pretty far back alright so we zoomed it back to let's make it negative 350 in z space okay and we're gonna set a keyframe right there at the beginning of our custom text effect okay and I'm gonna go into the timeline and go ahead say ten frames three four five six seven eight nine ten and you can already see the word animating I'm gonna set another keyframe for that Z right there and if you're new to keyframing you'll probably want to come down here to the timeline and press control V to show the animation timeline for your clip to better visualize what's going on here alright so back up in the inspector and over to the Z parameter and let's make it go past zero into the positive to about 100 and you can't at this point really look at what's going on in the viewer because you've told it - and it's still animating not from keyframes so I needed to change that let's change it - from keyframes so now it knows what I wanted to do all right so we set a keyframe back here I'm going to click the arrow to go the next keyframe which is a hundred which is a little bit bigger and it's not really showing you that keyframe right here because it's still based on where I'm parked and in the middle of the animation so it's it's kind of hard to see what's going on until you finish your keyframes all right so we're ten frames in and I'm going to three four five six seven eight nine another ten frames in and set another keyframe and I want that to be a little smaller than zero back into the negative let's say negative I don't know seventy five so it doesn't bounce back quite as far and I'm gonna set one more keyframe I'm gonna go back into the timeline come another ten frames ahead three four five six seven eight nine ten and we'll just go ahead and set that to zero now I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna play it you see that each have kind of a bouncy effect so what we did to accomplish this is we set four keyframes on the z parameter and we've got it set to word and in sequencing is set to from keyframes and you say well I see all the words here at the beginning well now we can simply jump to the beginning of our text effect I'm gonna set a keyframe for opacity and we can bring that down to zero go back to the timeline and go ahead you know five frames just just so it has a little bit of a fade-out and bring the opacity up to 100 and it makes a keyframe for you once you've started the keyframe so now we'll see the words individually and they're a little fast that a little harsh so maybe I slowed it down but the duration at about fifty and maybe we see two words at a time so we changed the in spread to two there you go it's a little extreme but you get the idea all right well that's all I got for you I hope it wasn't too long and I hope I've given you the tools so you can go in here and feel comfortable playing around with the parameters we didn't cover in the custom text effect and be sure to LIKE and subscribe and comment all you want and I'll be able to make a few more of these tutorials for you thanks for watching oh and I almost forgot this is the shameless plug section of the video so I guess I should mention head over to Brett effects comm where you can get free plugins effects and lots of tools to make your videos even better thanks again [Music]
Channel: BretFX
Views: 68,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro x, fcpx, tutorial, text animation, video editing, fcpx plugins, fcpx tutorial, final cut pro x tutorial, animation, keyframes, animate, animate text, bretfx, apple motion, apple final cut pro x, free fcpx plugins, fcpx effects, fcpx titles, final cut pro x free plugins, final cut pro x plugins, fcpx training, text animation tutorial, ediitng, graphics, design, typography, overshoot text, scaling text, overshoot effect, scale, fcpx custom text tool, fcpx custom text
Id: GlD_aLgEk1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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