Edit Faster in Final Cut Pro 2021

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hi guys today i'm going to teach you how to edit faster so you can spend less time editing [Music] today we're going to look at editing clips onto the timeline and you'd think it'd be really straightforward and it is but there's a lot of different ways that you can do it the most simple way of putting a clip on your timeline would be just to click and drag so we're going to click on a clip and we're going to drag it down so that's added this shot to our storyline our main storyline in final cut pro if we wanted a cutaway of a spider to go in the middle of that clip we could drag that shot of the spider and we could just hover it over where we want it to go and let go and then obviously using our trim we could obviously reduce that down and that's created what final cut pro calls a connected clip because that's connected to the primary storyline with a little blue line so if i was to for instance use the blade tool and make an edit there and then select the position tool and move this clip to there the connected clip doesn't move if i undo that and then move this clip there you can see that the connected clip stayed in sync with the main storyline clip because it's connected here so i hope that makes sense so another way to create a cutaway or put another shot inside of another one instead of using connected clip to cut it into the primary storyline you would select the blade tool make an edit where you want the clip to go and then you can drag down the clip into that hole there and it pushes everything along and inserts the clip here that's all very well and good but the best way to edit is with keyboard shortcuts now within final cut pro you've got four keys the q key the w key the e key and the d key they are the four keys that edit onto the timeline e stands for end now if i was to select a clip up here say i want this one again and i click e it edits that clip to the end of my timeline as we can see it's put it here i'm going to just use the position and move that away a little bit so that we can see what i'm doing here the next thing i want to do like i did on my first demo here is i want to put a spider on the top so i want to select where i want the spider to go on my timeline so that's here and then i'm going to select the spider and then i'm going to hit q for connected clip and it adds it to the top and then i can use my trim just to pull it back like i have there you probably guessed it on my first demo i spliced a clip here by using the blade tool and dragging now what we can do with the keys is we can click an area where we want the clip to be and we can hit w and it adds it into the timeline so there you go q for a connected clip w to splice a clip into the timeline at the position where the playhead is and e to put a clip at the end of the timeline they're the three shortcuts that i use most but there is one more method and that's the d key now the d key overwrites whatever you have selected in your event browser to the primary storyline so if i want to put a shot of this sunset over the top of this clip here i can hit the letter d and it's cut it in to that point and it's overwritten what's in my primary storyline now the thing is with the the d function for overwrite is you can't actually do that without the shortcut so if i click and drag to overwrite here i can't it's just trying to replace the clip that i have i'd have to click it here and then right click and then overwrite to primary storyline to drop it down whereas if i wanted to overwrite on the shortcut i could just click there hit d and you can see it's overwritten it's made that edit point there so there you go four quick easy methods to shortcut keys and editing onto your timeline i find once you get used to using your fingers on q w and e and your fingers on jk and l for playing backwards and forwards you'll totally reduce the amount of time that you're clicking and dragging and it just speeds up your workflow no end i hope you found this tutorial really useful if you have like and subscribe i really really appreciate it and it really helps me and the channel out so that would be amazing and keep your eyes peeled because there is so much more content coming soon [Music] you
Channel: Nick Griffiths Pro Editing
Views: 436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro, video editing, final cut pro x, fcpx, fcp, final cut pro beginner tutorial, final cut beginner tutorial, fcpx beginner tutorial, fcpx beginners guide, video editing basics, fcpx beginner, fcpx 101, learn fcpx, learn final cut pro, starting out in fcpx, fcpx shortcut keys, shortcut keys, Final Cut Pro shortcut keys, edit keys, final cut keys qwe, edit, edit faster, learn to edit faster, Learn to cut faster, fast editing in fcpx
Id: A6YT8Zfp8Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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