Master Magician Reveals BEST Card Trick! Learn Amazing Magic/Mentalism. Tutorial Feat. Jay Sankey

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this week we're learning a magical masterpiece from one of the best creators of magic in the world [Music] welcome back to the channel everyone and this week i have a really really special treat for you guys you know i get asked very often what my goal is with this channel what i'm trying to accomplish and the truth of the matter is it's just one word inspiration it is my biggest hope that with these tutorials with these videos i inspire you guys and every now and then i get messages from my subscribers saying how i've inspired them to pick up a new hobby their passion and magic and it means the world to me and the reason i'm telling you this is because when i was younger there is one magician who inspired me more than any other magician on the planet i would buy all his books i would buy his videos i would study his work and he had a knack for creating such incredible incredible magic every piece i ever learned from him that i would do for people would get the craziest reactions and he contributed so many pieces to my professional repertoire well here we are years later and he is still one of the best and most popular creators and teachers of magic he has a youtube channel with a huge following where he teaches some of his amazing work and i highly recommend that you guys go follow him and it is an honor for me that this week he contributed a trick to the channel so you're about to learn an amazing piece of magic the moment i saw this trick i knew it's an instant winner it's got some brilliant ideas in there and you're gonna learn this from one of the best minds in magic a mentor of mine someone i'm lucky enough to call a friend ladies and gentlemen i give you jay sankey watch this video study this trick then go follow him on his channel leave a link in the description to learn so many more amazing amazing magic tricks that i'm sure you're going to love so i now leave you in the capable hands of jay sankey like to start uh with a big big big thank you to spidey for having me here on the channel i really appreciate the invitation and i chose something extra special that i think is going to really appeal uh to your fans my friend okay a really cool trick combination of a couple of different magic moments uh real simple okay simple direct you start by saying look i've got a prediction you've written a little prediction on a piece of paper someone can hold on to that they can have that wine glass for drama whatever okay so that that prediction does not leave people's sight it's in full view from the beginning okay have a deck of cards here you can spread through the card show all the cards are different they are different you can even take the cards if you want give them a bit of a mix up a legitimate mix-up okay so everything starts super fair prediction in full view from the beginning next you say look i'm going to deal with the cards real slowly and you deal through clumps one at a time and you say as i go through you can stop whenever they want you could even have them say a number between 1 and 52. okay you can do it that way but you're dealing through and at one point they call stop wherever they want you call they call stop you take a car whatever in this case is six of hearts say six of hearts you show as you went through that all the cards were different you put the six in the middle of the cards all right very fair then you take the six okay and you're gonna put it down inside the card case so go down in among the cards like this very fair again only now do you open the prediction now they can call stop as they were dealing through they can call stop literally whenever they want at any car remember that then you open it up or they can open up and when they open it up even though they called stop and selected any card they want you're now showing that the prediction was a six of hearts you say let's take it one step further because that's all physical i want to go to the meta physical to a whole other level you take your little prediction you put it on top of the card case you say watch my prediction close they see it burn it's gone it's vanished say but i want to see if it's influenced anything inside the card case they can open up the card case and the moment they do they see there's some ashes there's something going on they remove the cards and when they remove the cards they find first inside the card case some burnt ashes okay even the corner the very corner of the deck has burnt ashes okay and when someone spreads through the pack they find impossibly they can spread through the deck in the middle of the pack you're gonna love the little addition here you can go through the cards they find one card in the middle the dead middle of the pack with singed edges in fact it looks like an entire corner has been burnt from the card and that of course turns out to be their selection now there are so many cool things about this i worked really hard to simplify so it could be a practical piece something you can go right out and do it's a real interesting build too that you go from prediction and possible prediction kind of thing the prediction then builds to this eerie magic moment kind of thing and then at the very end you reveal and possibly in all the evidences here and you're not using a duplicate six a lot of newer people into magic and mentalism might be thinking oh i bet he had a second six i didn't okay so let me break it down for you right now and show you how simple and practical and powerful this trick is first first thing you do grab a couple of playing cards from some deck you have some old deck okay and what you're gonna do is you're gonna set them on fire all right i'm not gonna do that right here in the studio but you set them on fire and of course to make them burn best you want to make sure you hold the flame you don't want the flame to go off this way and just and extinguish right so you're going to tilt your hand the flame is going to go up watch your fingers and you're going to burn one card then burn a second card okay you're going to want to perform this trick a bunch one to see the eerie reactions you get and i want to make sure you've got a ton of ashes so that's ashes from a couple cards so one of the things i do this is just small is i get pencils you know it sounds crazy and i really dig and poke through the ashes so that they're broken down now you don't want them super fine you still want a couple of flakes okay but you re you want them fine but not like sand okay so that's the ash prep you got the ash preps now what i do is you then then take some of the ash and put it inside your card case okay so we've got some down here inside the card case here you can see inside i've got some i got a you want to air on this side of too much for sure but i got some ashes in the card case typically when i'm performing this trick i will keep a rubber band on the card case okay or you can even have it all set up with the card case closed in your pocket and you're going to have the prepared card i'll talk about in a second on top of the deck with a rubber band okay so it's all nice and self-contained i also you're also going to need your little prediction and a lighter now with this uh the demonstration i just showed you guys use something called flash paper it's special chemically treated paper you can get it online at magic shops and things but you do not need to stick with this flash paper okay it's dramatic it's cool but you don't need it because all you can have is a thin piece it's just a piece of school uh lined paper nice really thin piece of paper with a prediction small you can light this and you can like this inside here it'll burn off beautifully uh and it's as dramatic it's got its own i think power because the flame takes a bit a little bit longer with flash paper the flames so gone so quickly here it lingers a bit longer so i want you to know you don't need to use flash paper you're not limited to that you can use all this now so we've set up the card gate with some ashes in there here like i said there's no other six of hearts in the pack okay i only need the one and what i did is i tore a corn off this okay and then now this is the tricky part you can take a lighter and burn the edges okay but you want to make sure you don't smoke if the smoke or the flight gets a little too high here it's going to limit how fairly you can show the card at one point okay so you can burn the edges a little bit smoke them a little bit but you know what i also do i take a marker i take a marker and i just drag the marker and do a couple of dots here and there okay that really adds to the idea of the bird corner all right now the performance of the trick is simplicity itself and it's based on a principle that's been kicking around in popular magic circles for the last 10 or 15 years but i actually released some tricks with in the 1980s yep way back in the 80s in some of my early books and the principle is called a pre-torn corner in the early 80s and some might publish books okay any magic students you can find the stuff there i did it with dollar bills did it with playing cards envelopes so this principle is actually original with me uh even though i know it's been kicked around recently sort of got a rebirth in the last 10 years or so so you've removed the corner you've smoked it you've got this on top maybe the rubber band and perform the trick you are here okay you got your lighter a little ashtray or something ready you got so you start by you can mix up the cards and i'm just using a hindu shuffle here keeping the bottom okay or you could even do an uh an over-the-top kind of overhand shuffle okay and as long as you're squeezing with your fingers okay as long as you're squeezing with your fingertips and keeping that card and shuffling here keeping the card is actually kept on top of the deck okay just by squeezing with my fingertips stays up there then when i want to go into the trick all i'm going to do is this i'm going to start dealing the cards off and it looks to all the world like i'm just taking them off the top and i am but i'm actually second dealing here's the exposure i'm just removing cards from beneath the prepared card super easy here and remember they could have called a number you know you may not do one in 52 say give me a number between like uh four and twenty five and you can come down that card real casually write down boom boom boom boom and then when you're there you can then but when they call stop or you count it down to the number you just thumb off the card right into your hand just going boom like this taking it off and they can see it so this is the show later on it's the kind of thing that's so casual people would swear that you held out like this right but actually you're concealing it now to finish just take this card slip it in uh with all the other cards okay you can do it real slowly you can have a spectator cut the cards i'm gonna bury it in a particular spot whatever you want okay put it in the middle just make sure you don't flash that corner pick up all the cards and i don't really think it matters whether the corner is going in this way or in this way i mean the ashes are on the bottom so maybe it makes the most sense to make sure that the missing corner is at this corner then this goes inside here like this in with all the ashes and you're so far ahead huh they think they had a free choice you forced it they think that all the cards are ordered and prepared well one is very prepared they even assume the card case because it went in cleanly there's nothing in the card case well it's got some ashes in it all right so you're so far ahead now i love this kind of structure now of course at the beginning of the trick is where you may be on a paperclip whatever where you had someone hold on to this and now you reveal the prediction and do not rush this okay understand that to you and i this is maybe a modest reveal but to a spectator who from clearly a shuffled deck called stop at any card then you reveal it that is something very cool that's very powerful okay then again i'm not going to light it here in the studio but you could either take this and uh you know um either before or after put it in this little ashtray now you can spark it up and notice you can still have this proximity by having the ashtray on top of the card case just like that really powerful to imply the flames are there the card case it's all there so here you open up like this and take these out again you can do this right over the same ash tray you take these out and people can see you can see something a little gap in the deck then you can pour out all these ashes these ashes are coming out so magical something about firing and the ashes is the evidence then you uh get the ashes off okay you can then spread through the cards very slowly uh boom like this until you come to the one spreading spreading spreading with the missing corner right so looks so eerie and almost like something out of a horror movie notice you can do it the other way too is you can spread if you turn the deck around the other way you spread till you see the missing corner and they don't and maybe you've gone boom there's the eight and then you get this really freaky magical reveal at the end the only card the entire pack no duplicates super easy to do real magic a fun combination of something that's sort of physical and metaphysical and uh you know i i think uh you'll try try this trick even once for people and it's one of those ones you'll do again and again really hope you like it uh really appreciate spidey give me a chance to share this with you all you guys here on spidey's very cool channel take it easy thank you what a phenomenal trick i love everything about this there's some amazing visual moments there's some really amazing mantles and moments and the way they just come together i am sure you guys are going to crush with this out there now here's another little surprise for those of you who didn't catch it i filmed one of my best mentalism pieces and tutorials and i sent it to jay and he uploaded that on his channel the reviews are in people are loving it so if you haven't seen that head over this channel subscribe then watch my video also in the comments right now right here let me know should i do more collaborations with jay where he teaches you guys some of his material on on on this channel and i teach some of mine on his do you guys want to see more collaborative efforts like this on the channel i want to hear that from you let me know in the comments remember to hit that subscribe button turn those notifications on and i will see you on the next one
Channel: SpideyHypnosis
Views: 44,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yt-qdzDru_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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