Lean Manufacturing - Kaizen Methodology - Lean FastCap Style

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welcome to fastcap we're going to teach you Kaizen fastcap style Kaizen simply means to improve we learned it from Toyota and we're grateful for all the Toyota's Tata we've learned amazing things creating a culture of continuous improvement and we're gonna go right to our shop floor this is the real deal and see what we do and how we improve our processes so come along you're gonna love this hey Megan what are you doing putting together the new to become solo kit yeah I know that old bag this is the old way we were doing is terrible so this gonna look a lot nicer we have the sleeve yeah the sleeve helps everything stay contained so it's not rolling around in the bag and that looks good have we got a time on this yet we figure it out no we haven't we're figuring 25 cents a minute for us to do it so anything under three minutes we're good shape so let's see what kind of time we're getting on this one to do it right that's even longer than before because I accidentally hit the cool button on there okay I'm happy to hold it let's get Aundre can you give me a timer no okay maybe let's go and do it all right let's go in time this let's see if we can get this down a lot faster go ahead hey so we're gonna put this on we're gonna be looking at we're doing this what's taking all the time that's the big question we want to ask so right now boy that's a pain deal with those sleeves isn't it it is they like to get caught on everything they get caught on the straws all the time or the insert falls out the bottom and then you put the bottle in like that right oh I have to make sure the insert doesn't cover the glue now as it was covering it the longest time when you put the heat gun on there and I turn it so I try to get even heat amongst the entire right that's what the tables for we kind of built the table and baby them start heat getting these on right okay done what kind of time 45 seconds okay let's look at this right now I'm looking at this and I'm not sure that I like this right I mean certainly hey this looks a lot better right yeah for sure for sure but this doesn't look clean here so let's try to fix this and get this maybe in a little different way let's try to do that Megan let's see if we can get that okay maybe straight up and down or something all right let's let's switch our integration search okay so one thing I could think we could do right now is just you're reaching down here for everything why don't we put everything up on the table and see what happens all righty let's put it up and make a standard okay so here we go so we've got our glue here we've got our cans here and we've got that there so now you're not gonna go down below awesome except for the gun all I need to grab is my heat gun okay so let's go and try that just good all right let's do one real quick okay ready yep it's nice I'm not reaching down anymore that's good it's right in front of you and you know what inventory you had you're not having to look down to fit exactly honey no but they're still not fumbling on the top this is real really if you're in an issue I think go ahead and just do it let's get a time on this and see what not we say then kind of live in it which are time now 35 seconds 10 seconds not bad we cut town and you know what that was all about movement so the distance it took you to travel from here to here as opposed from here to here this is much better Oh a lot less got another yes she's going from reaching down up here and putting the sleeve up what if we put the sleeves let's do it let's change it right now that's a good one and let's retime it Andre excellent point I really like the way you came up with that alright so we just put a box on there maker and once we made the gun stationary - yeah we'll do that so why don't you pretend again okay pretend the whole key yeah he's gonna hold the gun so you have to mess with the gun either what if we put a foot pedal where you press on the gun with a foot pedal to make a turn awesome so now I'm free okay got a foot pedal I've got your pedal foot pedals in we're gonna put a foot pedal on there I'm just cool Audrey's gonna be our little guy to hold it and I probably be ten I brought my to be ten inserts down because they come right near the activator and all that I not put I'll try putting them on before I put awesome let's do ever see what happened hey let's do it the only thing that matters here is the clock if the clock tells the truth whether or not the system work so we went from 45 to 35 right we're trying to beat three minutes which we've already iterated that so are already saving money tons times money but now we want to make it so easy when you walk over here you say oh this is a piece of cake instead of we're gonna plum with those stupid things that's what we want to do exactly exactly hey Andre you ready you messing around over there it's arcing around button ready to go sir no okay so I said I was gonna put these on first right then the sleeve goes in and we're trying to get that sleep up right now because before we had it the other way a friend you pulled out to the side though it's an aside and it holds the sleeve so it doesn't know nice nice that you grabbed that and then the foot panel now both your hands are free which is kind of nice yeah so I can move it around okay that's good what's your time 30 seconds saved another five seconds another five second even things around okay what did I put a cone over it so you lose not fumbling with going on Utah okay let's get a cone let's try it get a con do we have a cone that one here you gotta go in there okay let's try this alright let's do it again okay so I was a cone on first you want to go to that side too all switz places a great idea over there it's a great idea this is incredible how we're just taking this thing down and nothing so climbing you got the foot pedal yeah alright good thank we're good let's rock and roll okay what happened go I'll do this the cones gonna go on right sleeve goes over the cone and it's nice I still have you know to hand that was ways your I didn't see any penguin right over okay there goes the insert on the side I pull it tight then are you timing Andre yes excellent so we're 30 seconds back trying to be what got along and I found that if I said screw if I just do it once in the very front that was able all that tire cool so right in the front right in the front he's good if he does not even watch the activator hey was our time 27 seconds three seconds okay let's look at this these sleeves and flip them around so that way when she grabs him unbelievable you guys are thinking this not so you are awesome that is it let's try that right now this is amazing many guys here we go okay that comma one hand yeah one hand on Audrey that was awesome that made a difference a lot of time in so Andre listen a lot smoother wow this is so cool fumbled a little bit was getting the insert in there though but so we'll figure out how do you look fat for making me I might just make a comment here you guys whenever you're doing a process what's our time for 23 seconds we're getting it down that was quick that's good stirred again okay here's the point every time you do something this job is broke up into different elements grabbing this grabbing this getting the can getting the glue heating it those are all different components what we want to do is get this down to maybe around 20 seconds that's our goal alright but way we do that is we just take one second off of every process rather than try to get one thing all the time out of one we just make one second out of every step we can get the time we need that makes sense so think about it that way think about a process is a bunch of little processes and we work on every one of them okay alright let's go ahead and do it again so what are we doing different this time I think you were gonna work on this right I think I was gonna put the insert and hold the insert first okay that way let's try the inserts in it I do have a bottle with the insert at the same time yeah model insert then Colin would only one-handed through the same motions rather than do one motion than another so that's more time okay you ready on are you are on this one movement one movement boom this is amazing right over the insert cones on can't wait we got to find a place for the cone because the cones falling down cause we will get out we'll deal with that we'll find a place to put the cone what's our time nineteen like I said rach23 19 so we started at 45 then 9 to 19 1 to 30 then we went to 27 then we went to 93 23 1919 okay this is pretty good it's awesome and three minutes we do anything under three minutes we're saving money this turntable is still it moves now I know we really don't need to move in it we need working that doesn't what's the next step we need a solid station okay to build these so let's go ahead and build a solid station and come back to this right now okay great let's go okay we're back with Megan and Andre and they built a new station we're gonna check out what they've done and see if it's faster than the old rotating one that moved around okay what are we done you guys we made a hole right there to pull the gun so I don't have to hold it this is cool so it's just down and dirty just OSP Island scrap wood right our shelving our racking system so everything's just down and dirty easy races good shelf for an inventory and we got at the height that Megan wanted it that's right okay I know the thing we did is instead of recycle everything into peel peas okay we made places for original boxes that we just cut open and they're right there Wow I like this Andre because now you can actually see the levels in here so very simple we even candidate back here we even used our own glue to can of that again down and dirty is the number one thing we want to do here hey could you tell that guy to be quiet run in there quick grab anyways the number one thing is down and dirty we want to be able to use the things we have right there on the spot to solve the problems we do not want to go do a big heavy sophisticated operation to see if something works cardboard tilting it with our own glue bottles that's name in the game what else are we done we put a PVC pipe around the heat gun because when I was reaching for the glue to add it into the kit I was afraid of being burnt but now it doesn't matter many times I brushed up against this and no matter how hot it is I won't get burned look what we did PVC pipe with a piece of wood to p10 glue Andrei good job quick and easy all right you guys are awesome okay so now we can test it and see what they're not we're really gonna save any time what else Oh we also made our cone stand since our cone was flailing everywhere we and we glued it to the table so it wouldn't flail everywhere along with the cone so it's not gonna get lost somebody else comes up here that you got a train they're gonna know where the cone goes everything's pretty clear but I might note we put this down here and if it's in the wrong spot is that a big deal mate nope take your try blade it's just a cardboard 2 P 10 cut it off and even if you ruin the cardboard doesn't matter get another piece knocked away you go so we don't care just get it in place let's try it let's time it cuz the clock tells the story alright okay let see what happens okay okay here we go here we go cone goes on sleeve goes in so still a little fumble there but much better yeah much better and of course you're just getting warmed up here with the new stage just getting better that's good we got our foot pedal down below doing that both hands are free that's a really nice feature okay we're done what's our time nineteen set not bad so we're about where we were let's see if we can improve it so what can we do here Meghan do one more let's take a look oh you know what here's an important note we put magnets in here because we noticed that Meghan was kind of fumbling around so we actually put our magnets in here and now the cans stays in place so that when she's actually going here she's not fun with that is that working for you something that I have noticed is after I have everything onto my can of activator and it needs to come over here to be heated up right what it catches on those magnets work but they don't work that well work so let's cover those up let's take them out real quick and the important point here is you try something if it doesn't work it's no big deal we just take it out just and keep going till the clock tells the truth any jury notice we also did the same thing with the magnets we made them so they could come out just as easily as they went in got it okay now what we did here is we got some PVC material with our DS from the back of course we make that stuff so it's easy for us to do this particular thing and we're gonna make a nice clean runway for Megan to work on so everything's totally smooth okay Megan we're back in business let's go try it and see what happens awesome looks great okay already ready Andre okay here we go boom goes on here we go a little bit of fumbling with little fumbling and a little bit of distance you're going to on getting the sleeve from here to here let's go free smooth okay not bad okay time 18 seconds 18 seconds and one other thing I'm gonna notice you guys actually have a place down here to keep the inventory as you do it so it goes right below again good visual cues for our other people are packing order they walk up they can see the inventory that Megan's got done so that's a nice feature as well and make it look at this I saw that you did this this is the standard so this shows the glue always goes to this side it also shows the brochure always goes to the back and we want to line the edge of the brochure up with here and we've got this sample the standard okay the sample the standard it sits right there eventually we'll probably glue it up to the wall so it's really clear but that's been done - you guys did a lot of great work yep okay let's keep going and see if we get better times what else could we do well hey Graham I got an idea I've been watching you struggle and it looks like the most difficult part is getting all the product aligned around the can so you can slip the sleeve over yeah I think this might be better I took a cone and good some popsicle sticks to this just like this we do that back over there we were working should I do all sorts of stuff here when you're working Graham's very good at coming up with ideas man he's come up with a ton of good ones hopefully this will be another one okay idea with this is that we can slip it over the can with all the code already here let's take a look let's see what it looks like Ryder's good idea okay oh you know what don't put your put it on a cone stand okay oh oh oh I need the cone stand back okay now is Oh perfect okay I'm ready those are amazing that's good okay let's see what happens there's that that goes on there like that good idea Graham and again we just try it even though sometimes I'm gonna tell you the truth on this one when Graham first walked up and show this is I in my head said not a good idea I don't think it's gonna work but then I had to fight myself and say no listen you might learn something here so we went ahead and did it and we did learn something that's important thing about Kaizen when someone comes up with an idea you want to allow them to express himself try it out see if it works before you say no because you can learn that way even though Graham wasn't even involved in the process he might have some significant contribute and the important point there is the people on the outside can often see things that you can't see on the inside so how did that work what's our time twenty four seconds twenty per second so a little slower so let's go ahead and look at it again and see if there's anything what we're doing wrong we can improve on go ahead let's try it one more time awesome let's go so my personal observation with this is a popsicle stick hits my hand when I hold this okay but if I let go of the brochure right now it is still going to pop out the sides of it the popsicle sticks don't hold it you look cool all the way what do you want to do Graham let's make a longer cone oh it's done okay so let's get it up let's get a longer cone make a wider cone come on someone make a longer cone okay where's the longer cone quick hurry okay longer cone in action that was amazing hello right there's that killer okay we have a new longer cone right on you guys are amazing that what a team awesome okay now what are we gonna do let's try it that's time it's okay no that's time it ate Graham what else did you do to this cone for me Oh we cut the tip off there so we can slip the sleeve on a whole lot easier right so it's a fighter boy this this larger point here I've got a streamline point so we just slip it right on okay struggle there all right Megan let's rock and roll all right works let's try it I love this you guys because our is it awesome it's a little good all righty here we go ready okay go I'm just like so excited I'm like shaking that great I can let go of the answer Oh fumble with that a little bit we're just learning the first time you do it perfect come through inserts on get it and grin that was a good point that you can let go of the insert now okay good point so grandma's saying because you can let go the insert you can let go the glue that was probably a high time wasn't it 26 okay so let's do it again let's see we can get it down we'll figure this out okay my biggest fumble is still filled out so let's see that figure out a better way okay look there you guys go ahead and do it and what we're doing here is we want to watch all the steps where does the time to come in much better they're much smoother that went well I'm getting a lot of practice yeah we're getting a lot of practice really working out all the magnets are no problem anymore removing it yeah magnets aren't there so smoothly 20 seconds so we're getting down watch can we do any other ideas okay okay when you flip the sleeve down you're still holding the insert how to have it but now it doesn't fall outside thanks to the longer cone so when you get the cone on let go the insert and go and grab your glue at the other hand okay let's try it let's see if it works I've got nothing to lose all righty here we go ready all right go I think I'm going to need some more activator there that's let go grab the glue stick it under snow we're ready for this sleeve that was over right over that everything's in right away Red Alert I'm 21 set 21 seconds so we still have snot that good to do we don't really do that we do that Meaghan doing it she takes it the sleeve and goes up with it you put it over the cone maybe take the sleeve put it on the cone and then set everything up and out oh she's ready maybe he got already on the code triad I see what happened Eve - so she just good idea it's not very good Andre let's do cuz that is my biggest fumbling issue right what it is this little thing so we can watch this we've got it so go ahead awesome right ready for time and I might add you know making through an amazing job under pressure almost watching her and she's just cranking through this and we're just learning as we go all right Dec went on that's good that's good sleeve comes down wow that was pretty bad 17:17 ii so young two seconds now so we've got a nice system and the difference there was the sleeve goes on here first and then goes on right hey what else could we do anything else hmm let's watch the whole process when we run through it okay everyone study everything where's the time coming in all right let's go so that's time right there we go staff humble time there's fumbling time right there but that is done this is that's new that's me that's pretty smooth that's not a smooth coming down okay so there's a little problem right there keine 41 seconds okay so we see that we have a couple problems one is the sleeve going over the glue and the other one is grabbing that I think if we can get those two components dialed down I think we're gonna be somewhere around 15 seconds so let's take a break let's figure out how to solve that problem we're gonna come right back okay perfect we're back we made some changes let's take a look and see it we've done okay Megan show me what we're doing all righty so first things first the cone was too far away from me and so we moved the cone closer to me because I was taking me and reaching behind which is too much wasted motion so now that it's closer they take it and boom it's on okay that's one chain fabulous that one day change change with the can and these two I think yeah before it seems like an innocent mistake grabbing the can grabbing the insert holding it but now with one swoop using two hands done it's all one consistent motion what else do we do is you grab the sleeve put it over the cone slide it down a little bit further that way we have it can in the insert here you grab the cone to put it on you grabbing a whip to sleep the cone onto the activator you follow through with the sleeve and it comes right down wow that you know those are the seconds we're looking for tiny little things and they may add up because remember if we do 150 days a day and we save 25 seconds of it that's a lot of time huge okay try that see what happens all righty we're ready with the timer okay so we missed that full drawdown but that's okay we're getting used to if we're just perfecting this process hey what's it I say the things are way way down all right we're rocking this evening do better hey lower and you know one other thing keep going at Meghan I'm gonna talk as you're going here we want to do it relax we're not under big pressure we want to do this all at a normal pace because sometimes it's difficult to keep up a rapid rapid pace throughout the entire day so we want to make this so it's simple and easy sixteen sixteen seconds okay let's do another one let's try to get an average so we're starting to get right there fifteen sixteen second from originally 45 not too shabby huge okay okay ready go sleeve down further okay down dry there one continuous motion that goes in Wow 14 okay you know what 14 seconds that's awesome did an amazing job Andre you did an amazing job this is an example what you can do with Kaizen we took it from 45 to 14 seconds the key is continuous improvement the key is knowing that even with all the improvements we've made it can still get better right and we will continue to get it better and this is what we do at fastcap with all of our processes were constantly trying to make everything better and Meaghan and Andre do an awesome job of that as well as well as everybody else here does an awesome job we're going to take a look at some of the other improvements that other people have made here because they're phenomenal as well thanks for watching so I hope this helped you in this one little session we save 200 man-hours a year or $3,000 that's utterly amazing that's what Kaizen means to continually improve that's what we're all about now we do this in everything we do every process we do is continually refine just when we get it refined we'll refine it again and we keep taking the pennies out which add up to dollars Kaizen is an amazing process and I hope this video helped you understand it more because it's helped us a lot thanks for watching
Channel: FastCap
Views: 447,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Akers, Lean Principles, 2 Second Lean, FastCap, 2P-10, Lean Manufacturing (Literature Subject), Kaizen, Manufacturing (Industry)
Id: su9CulCZTBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2011
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