Japan | Where it all began | Hoks | The American Innovator

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hello everyone and welcome back to the American innovator this week we're going to Japan and we're not just going anywhere we're going to Hawks this is a company that changed my life and I did a pre visit before the Japan study mission just to kind of check out some cool new things that I had never seen before I kind of pull back the curtain and when we got there early in the morning we actually got to see them doing the 3s and I saw doin amazing things from cleaning the company car to weeding in the gardens to making sure that every little detail was taken care of at the highest level it was really incredible when they were checking in the morning they were all created by the computer konnichiwa or ohayo-gozaimasu it's just so cool getting ready for work making sure everything's prepared making sure all the details are taken care of for work in a very cleanly environment but the best thing are the interviews these next 20 minutes for the change your life the wisdom in the inside I heard from their leaders and the people on the shop floor was just incredible we went upstairs we saw them do their stretching and the chair builder that got going on them and they ahold and the different departments and we did their quick morning meeting and then the interview started as I walked around the facility years I want you this door right here and I remember standing right here and doing the morning meeting and the stretchy go ahead and turn around let's look at whatever so you can see what I see and everything changed for me I understood the philosophy and really the simplicity about what was happening advice with reasoning and the development of people you know susan has been here for about thirty years and what we've just done is we've gone through the entire facility we saw their 3s seeing activity in the morning you'll see some of the video clips from that love you saw their 3s seeing activity in the morning you'll see some of the video clips from that we also then went to the morning meeting the stretching and then we walked around the facility and what we were doing that I got to interview hero saison and the president of the company and here saisons been here for about 30 years now and he gave us so much insight so I think what you're about ready to watch maybe 15 20 minutes long might be some of the most important 15 or 20 minutes that you'll ever spend the wisdom that came from their team and from heroes a sign is over-the-top so a couple things I just want to say before we get going because some of the things that he said during the interview was that before they learned the Toyota Production system from Omron they didn't even care about their customer they didn't really even know their customers and the people in the shop floor didn't even know the products and then as they developed this lean culture based on the Toyota Production system and the core being 3s they began to train their people on the details of their products and to be very sensitive towards defects and they're gonna see all those things come to light through the tour through the facility and the interview we do with Harris a son and the president so enjoy this time it's really unusual you know I've been doing this a long time and I'm just almost like at chills what I learned this morning so here we go welcome to Hawks self discipline and sustained they eliminated then those right that's what they taught me at all click stream us on the board or communication I who they are but then at the same time with the rest the world okay let me ask him question if he was going to say three things that are unique Japanese that really define the Japanese culture what would those three things be so that's one but why is greeting so important what warm it's the first way you need to connect with another person so this okay so that's one greeting which number two so how you take action thoughtfulness generosity a multi now she and respect how you take action beautiful answer beautiful beautiful yeah which is moral or the beautiful answer so now the next quiz the last thing is a greeting hello take action hi guys I see so it's uniquely Japanese is sensitivity the way that you are sensitive to your environment whether it be beautiful a disaster that you're not numb but you're highly sensitive and able to see so if you have green 3d the right attitude you can be Kalin is the best answer I've ever received in 17 years accompanies the most usefully and the most I've ever shut up to be democracy because of the sensitive and their ability to take the correct action the way they take that it all starts with the greedy yeah so explain to them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have high technology or whatever join me join me you're from Philippines and why did you come to Japan and why do you like it here shame the Queen special you speak Japanese and you were making improvement here yeah you're wonderful [Applause] EEMA what if there are 3s in the parking lot right now so the number one concern he singing is what product may be good here he doesn't have confidence for the future [Music] [Music] so 3's he makes you aware this is the three SFL that you're hearing my stewardess was to eat them or body you can except me and here's the hard thing to wrap your mind around that's the president of the company with a bucket and a mop because we caught him mopping the floor and we asked him what he was doing he says three essing I'm the first one to start and the last one to finish every day to set an extraordinary example of the importance of keeping the facility at the top and highest level to find problems [Music] well there you go the company that changed my life and changed my thinking forever hopefully you've enjoyed this quick interview and snapshot inside this amazing company in Japan [Music]
Channel: Paul Akers
Views: 9,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, The American Innovator, Hoks, Paul Akers, Lean, 2 Second Lean
Id: nG4i2XVZm7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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