Kanban FastCap Style

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[Music] everyone Paul and Lucas we're gonna go over our Kanban system at fastcap it is incredible we're gonna take you through all the nitty-gritty but first we want to give you an overview we have color-coded combines for every different kind of segments of production in our company we're gonna walk you through every one of them and we have one anomaly one on one that's a different size because it's in the printing area and you'll see how that works in a minute but if you want to understand Kanban stay tuned with Lukas and fall because we're gonna blow you away it's an incredible system ok people want to know how our Kanban system works this is shipping but all these orders have to be pulled they come over here - it's called grocery this is our grocery aisle it's just like a little shopping center you come in here and everything is Kanban so check this out right here if you take this kiss drill bit system you have to pull that Kanban card that Kanban card then goes in this Kanban slot right here it has a light to indicate to the water spider that there's something that needs to be done so when I stick a card in here boom that lights see that light the water spider gets queued up they retake this Kanban which is a piece work Kanban it's where we put together assemble box do whatever everything in here is Kanban there's a Kanban for everything we do we never run out of anything we have zero back orders 800 products because everything is managed through a Kanban system now we have different color combos green our piece work now we're going to go back to the piece work area where that gets delivered and you're gonna see how all that work so back here is we call this production or piece work and there is a piece work Kanban board right there you can see the entire burden of the company right here so you can see it's very low there's not much work to do that's why there's not many people in all these productions so there's nobody here because there isn't any burden the minute the burden goes up everybody comes rushing over here now we're gonna take a look at a typical production cell or piecework cell where we make the products okay look as you're gonna show us how the whole system works go boy I swear the production boy everything laid out by priorities so when I walk up I know ah I want to grab the top left card that's the highest priority so this was for me to build q trim I'm gonna go to the station where it everything I need to know so it's got an orange Dass has orange bin I know I need to go right there and grab my orange bin then it tells me I'm gonna build 30 30 of them going one bin and then it also tells me time to beat per part and it has the record fastest time ever and who did it so I can ask them for tips how to get better then on the back it has a QR code this will take you to a process video shows everything you need to know to build it from setup to cleanup process everything there is to know I put this up here we got a spot for everything everything always goes into spot no ambiguity at all ever and so standing here I'm building a I've run out of these blue bodies right here but when I empty this blocks it says right underneath this we call it a crumb trail restock at Oh 45 135 1 1 so that's so that's our rack location I'll show you that means we're in aisle 4 we come down all the racks have numbers on them increasing in order 115 125 135 here's my tag oh for 135 1 1 it also has a sign here as lets me know that these are not in the inventory system this palette is OK for me to pick off of everything we do here we're gonna pick left to right front to back so when I go to get a new box I'm gonna grab this one right here and this one actually has a yellow Kanban on it yellow Kanban means it requires a machine to make it so these parts were injection molding here so this goes back to our injection molding Department the minute I pulled this box and I'll deliver this card as I bring this box over to the station and we're going back to injection molding in a few minutes to show you that and how that Kanban system work but first we're gonna show you crumb trails which will blow your mind so everything here absolutely everything is chrome trailed so anything I've run out of it says right Arnie so if I run out is a rings here underneath in a rings P o p on your knees me Q trim o rings I get them right here I pull them out it's divided the comm bonds turned in right now but we have some in front and the combine in the back always so there's always enough so we know we know the con bands been turned in because the combine area is empty and the card would be there and aleshia turn that in already yep everything else here too so screws if I need more there underneath the 50 piece clam shells my 50 piece clam shells are right here to build so right underneath them that's where I get the screws and if this whole box runs empty there's a crumb trail for those new tells me to go to I'll reroute a 15-3 to for another one never one Honorables they're also crumb trail right below me here so I know to go to this box quad trimmer inserts and if this was empty and I pulled through and I had to go into the back part here right now we're not that low but there is an orange Kanban card so the minute I have to open this bag I pulled my orange Kanban card there's enough in this bag for me to finish the build so I don't have to interrupt my flow I grab these out I use them this card immediately goes up here with my other card then when I'm done building we're not going to put my other card in the finish slot I have this orange card that tells me I need to go create more inserts so it's ready for the next person who walks up to build the important things you're thinking of the next person yep now the interesting thing is the green one originally when you do the build it's going to go we're gonna first now go to the printer area and show you where we print everything and how that's man but let's show where the green one goes after they built that because it goes in these orange bins over here in here cue Pro trim it has the date that I built it on it has my initials that I built it and it goes on this finished product palette right here I put the Kanban in the slot in the back of the bin as it goes on the pallet so the water spider can take this pallet through the grocery aisle and restock everything that was built into grocery and we have different size bins one for larger products and this is for smaller ones and that's a blue bin yep and every card tells you what that products should get built into also at the end of every build before Karnes dot our product indicates color code whether it's an Orangeman or a blue bin yep there's no questions here no clear visual you don't even have to read the words it's easy and every time I finish one they're just like red she's out there it's like I failed at everything in school I could do this go ahead so there's a spreadsheet it records everything so when I'm done building I can come here i dink my UPC deep it takes me to the cue Pro trim and here we record all of the builds we also have notes you can see right here this is the date at which we started marking the blades we put a mark on the blade as we build so that we're checking a physical feel that the blade is put in the correct direction it's not upside down and it's there and so whenever we make big improvements we note those in here we can go back and we can see our times are improving based on our improvements for the same people now versus in the past so every build when I finish I come in here to the spreadsheet find the empty cell and I'm gonna enter my initials the date I built it on and the time it took me to build it so we have data of everything we know our improvements are working he's building my cute trims and I pulled that orange Kanban when I was building so now that I'm all done with my build the next thing I do is I come to the graphics department to make more labels so when I come to graphics this is for cue trim and it's got a bar code on the bottom so I walk up to the graphics computer we have an archive of all of our different labels here so I click in the search and that I'll just scan and it brings me straight you trim no way you got it scan to there yeah way faster so cute little mistakes pokey okay that too cute trim here it tells me right in here it's gonna be on paper one point two point three tells me the same thing on the Kanban card so I can make sure that that's right and one row everything's there and this one also tells me that that's an auto trade meaning I don't even have to put any paper in because the most used ones are automatically already in the preset for you so we let anybody use this $250,000.00 printer anybody come over here and use it yeah and then if it was something that's not automatically in there tells me wrap one row two column three so I come there's rack one and rack to Rack one row two and column three so I'd be right over here this is the paper I would grab and put it in and for all of these sticker labels there go straight into the bypass tray here and we have a system here too so you can't put it back wrong if I pulled these I'm not gonna count out exactly my 35 sheets or whatever is I'm printing excuses that I pulled this forward so it's clear visual that's the one I pulled out of and then the way you can make a mistake and put it in the back of the room spot like this stick them in let it print and that was done whatever's leftover goes back in the one that's sticking out and then once I put it back in I push it back so that's where those large orange weird rekon wands come from that you saw so that they don't get missed in these entire reams of paper we have entire sheet big orange ones so these are the external cards to reorder paper they're different than the rest of our external typically we could have put the same size card in there but the reason why is when you look at the reams you can visually see without a doubt outside everything that's combine yeah so that's why we made that one anomaly which is not normal lean Kaizen practice we want to standardize everything we did make an exception occasionally the Toyota Production system needs to be a flexible system based on your needs so don't get too rigid but ideally standardization photographs showing what the whole cell needs to be set up like a sample of the product everything is managed to come to crumb trails everything is managed through Kanban now show us how the water spider Kanban work which is a blue someone would make sure that everybody has what they need when they need it all the time you can think of them as a big spider with eight legs sitting in the top of the building just moving things around so they're always where they need to be always so water spider cards are blue these are cards that indicate that product needs to get moved from one location to another to make flow better for everybody else so you can see here I have two different cards one of them has a green dot on it the green dot indicates that you don't need the forklift you're good to go this pallets on the floor you can just walk down the aisle and grab the stuff if it does not have a green dot and used to get put up for the forklift to pull a pallet down so if it has a green dot it'll get sorted to right here where the water spider column ons all go and then water spider will come in to aisle three and on the back it tells them where to go he'll go 203 206 t51 one it come to oh three 265 point one point one zero three 265 point one point one and I want Kaizen knife thin yes this is the pick pallet for Kaiser knife thin so I come down here and I would grab two boxes off this pallet here and then I'll bring them over to grocery I'll show you that now he's gonna grab two boxes off that pallet he's gonna bring them to grocery and he's gonna put them at 425 points then came to the grocery aisle you can see I got a big tag here this is 425 they'll go in order for 25 or 35 so I'm putting this at four twenty five point four point four so rack one two three four fourth one in Kaizen knife in yup and yeah it's low I need some more so I take a UPS pouch here peel it off and put the Kanban in the pouch with a water spider or the water spider and this gets stuck right over the seam on the box you cannot open the box without cutting that card in half and then I'm just gonna put these up in it says my Kanban should be one box so I want that to be the first box I put in so it's the last thing pulled I put it up there you see the Kanban immediately we're gonna get full board nothing hiding and I put my second box in as well in front of that the rest of the product ready to pick and now when we get down to that last box it'll get pulled again in the process repeats and that card will go in the con mic or the water spider - so the water spider doesn't have to go around and check all the slots all the time they have light sensors so when I drop the card in light lights up on the post and the water spider can see that from back in production and know there's a card for and we made this whole system everything a very simple Kaizen foam a little micro switch in there nothing cost about ten bucks yet buddy's like fancy about anything we do we make every guy here last week trying to sell us a light alone for 100 bucks each with little radio transmitters not ten bucks every one if it does need a pallet pulled down by these forklift and it'll get put up on the aisle that it's at so this one's for aisle four so you can see this is aisle four right here so this is a slot for all the cars that need to get pulled from aisle four so the forklift works its way from aisle to aisle when he pulls into aisle four everything he needs to get out while he's in there is right here geniune grab all his cards oh my god down the aisle I'll get on the forklift here come over here so you can see how it works so in our inventory system just scan the part number right there that's gonna pull up a list right here this is all the pallets I have and they're in order by date of when they were received and by time actually so the first one here is the oldest pallet it tells me to go 204 190 point 2 point 2 and pull that pallet down and out primarily this is just for first-in first-out it's not to manage the inventory right right and just make sure we pull them all in the right order because we have a physical external red Kanban card that says when we get to a certain level we need to reorder so we need to pull the pallets in the first out or first in first out order so we're hitting that red Kanban card at the right time so for clarity sake red is external vendor yep Sonic and that's the system for water spiders ok and then you're gonna drive this beautiful fantastic unit down the rack and grab what we need notice the lights on for safety to tell everybody this aisle is being occupied now by the narrow aisle amazing he's going to get it stopped so notice how we multi-use everything we're using the inventory locations for all of our production cells for everything we make it's very cool very flexible and allows us to add cells as we add products it's just incredible the way it works what do you show me now so now we're down the aisle we're at o4 192 to where it's said to go to pull our pallet of PSS our 16s so once I get to that location you can see the locations right there I know this is the right one it matches exactly so I just hit the remove button here and then super easy to pull it out no mistakes possible everything's scanner so we have a tag on every pallet i dink product number rack location quantity I'm removing and now you even have a barcode here the cheats and removes it so it's done in the system then all I have to do you would have to use your mouse don't even have to use the mouse mouse's are slow grab my palate here [Music] notice the yellow stripes which indicate areas that you cannot be when the unit comes out and then you'll just set this off to the side right there so we can get into it in order to save time as a forklift driver because they have containers to unload and lots of stuff to forklift the forklift drivers just retrieving stuff out of the aisle and that water spider will actually go put it in grocery open the pallet up and get it all ready for the picker to grab stuff off so once I pulled this pallet of PSS R 16 at the forklift driver I cut right here I have a slot for pulled product combines that means that this stuff is sitting out on the floor ready to go immediately to grocery so it doesn't have a green dot but it's already retrieved so that means the water spider now is cued up to come over to this pallet and get into the right location in the grocery store take the plastic wrapping off bring it into grocery and reset the Kanban so when we get low again we know to replenish it and they'll reset the green combine correct so in this case it's gonna be a blue one yes okay because it's something that we're not actually physically making on here right very important at that point other people set up our Kanban system but it never worked very well and then you came in and took it all over and what is the difference the difference is you don't have to remember anything and there's no manual entry so literally there's no room for error and the past we've had it where when you receive something you had to actually know the part number and we'd write it on there in by hand and type it in the computer by hand and if you remembered wrong and you had straps - back pack and then put back pack straps and the next time you'd never find the stuff and you had to remember what you put it all in as and when you came to put pallets in or take them out it was all manual entry you'd have to look at just this one big number you'd have to say this product is at what I on my three - seventy five point one point two point one and it was really easy to mess that up accidentally type 0.2 point two or accidentally type aisle four instead of aisle three so in order to do this you had to slow way down and pay attention to all the details so we could go way fast yes and basically poka-yoke a I've tried to eliminate anywhere where you could make a human mr. could you eliminate your jaw you limited your job kinda you know not really why not because my job is always to solve problems and there's always gonna be problems it's really it used to be the big problem now there's new biggest problems I promise there's always wrong incredible so now we're back in CNC and injection molding the con bonds get delivered right here Schuyler picks him up takes him back to inject some molding and then put some on his board in the queue and the order he's doing them he makes him right here and injection molding box and back up delivers them back to the piecework area where they pull it and so those combines just keep cycling back and back round and round whether they're green whether they're yellow whether they're red these are external con bonds so this is an external Kanban it's red this is outside vendor that we buy this colorant from all the information is on there when we buy it who to take it to all the detailed information is there it's an incredible system our entire company is managed by con bonds every last detail so that's the Kanban system at fastcap we developed the system based on all of our experience in Japan Lukas has been in Japan twice to Lexus to Toyota Tier one tier two supplier it's not exactly the way Twitter does it but it's really close and it works really well any last party Baumann saw people perfect makes it easy every systems gonna bury for everybody you can't copy our exact system and have it work for you but this works perfectly for us if you look at why you'll be able to come up with the system the works perfectly for you thanks a lot [Music] you
Channel: FastCap
Views: 32,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kanban, FastCap, Inventory control, 2 second lean, Paul Aker, Lukas Holland
Id: Levkx8f0qL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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