FastCap 2020 Best Improvements

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the following is brought to you by hey everyone paul akers you know what time it is it's 2020 best improvements of the year at fast cap so let's go check out all the great improvements we made this year okay jordan what is it all right hey paul so we sell the best fence as you all know and those products are super customizable so we made this form that we can send to our distributors and basically instead of going back and forth do you want metric do you want imperial we could just send them this they can give all their customizations and they can sign that they can uh receive the frame so and is it working it's working yes like how much better like 100 better all right okay sandy what's it gonna be okay so i do all the custom color and i always had to go out there and get one of those picking carts put material in it and never fit it was heavy to lift all the rolls on so i may discuss some cart and come on here oh look at that oh nice christian what's gonna be this year my favorite improvement is my back order list i've updated on excel i keep it updated with etas and quantities coming with our back ordered quantity that way everyone in the office always knows when we're receiving our goods awesome favorite improvement 2020. so it's this box stand that we built um adam built it for us and basically it solves the issue where we used to have our box on this kind of little table okay higher yeah it was higher up we had to fiddle around with the box all the time now we have it where it's adjustable like with this thing so that we can always have gravity working for us because we learned so gravity when you're stacking those in there makes it much easier before it was flat so they'd fall over yep and now we can just change it for whatever orientation we need right so when you're stacking them on top now then you pull the block out and it goes flat because that's better for you in that orientation perfect you built a handle into there you have adjustability if you need to you got wheels everything's flexible down here killer great job hey my favorite improvement 2020 really is the tv look at it's up high this morning jeff's leaving the morning meeting six foot five he's kind of in front of the screen people can't see it somebody says after six years of doing this morning here why don't we raise the tv up i'm going oh my gosh how come i didn't think of that when i put it up there we immediately stopped the meeting grabbed people held it up and said is this better everyone said yes this was my project today we raised it up this whole platform with all of our electronics was down here we'd always go like this we'd always go like this not good now we're right up here everything's at eye level we did the whole thing epic improvement we can't wait till monday for our morning meeting thanks a lot rhonda what's your best improvement this year paul these are labels to indicate who's picking what this morning we're gonna have celeste pick foam and danica pick onlines and how did you do it before it used to be stuck with the adhesive on the back of these foam techniques yeah that sounds a little messy it was a little messy and it started to take away some of the wood on our board ah so now you've got all velcro very nice much better it's gonna last yes it's gonna last darla what's it gonna be remove the mop and dustpan and broom because people used to walk under here to go get it on that wall oh that must come down so now it's safer much safer they're not walking through here anymore wow awesome so johnny are we busy pretty busy oh we got everybody waiting man wow business is good jeb what's your favorite improvement uh i love this bag jig right here okay so it holds instead of having just the bag sitting on the counter yeah it's stored right down here you can slide it right up wow that's quick and you can take the sticker from right here and it always is going to be on the same place on the back so because you got a jig so it takes a lot less room too it takes a lot less room same idea as my parents putting my brother and i in the bunk bed hi there baby what are you doing alicia what are you doing i'm doing 2p10 sockets okay oh everybody knows this man this is our world famous spot everything's quick fast easy slam bam thank you man put it in try it put your foot down there and it's all done i think it's faster than we used to do it on the video that has 400 000 views great job alicia alicia best improvement 2020. euro doorstop screw counter wow cool 3d printed this for us so it drops right in the bag and you got 10 screws yes and then it's counting 10 more so you're packaging the other stuff you have another one ready and just like that it's done wow that is real oh i guess you got to remember to put it back up right watson invest improvement 2020 for you i know what it is it's because you get to come to fast camp every day right yeah yuri best improvement i'm so excited paul about this improvement i went to leon and asked we was thinking that we are doing right stuff and we was like perforation do like this and put uh some customer wants like a strip like this but we find out they don't need it don't need it and i just asked leon can we just switch and not do this because some people even complained that they was like trying to rip like this and in the middle like this they rip like that and this will haul waste that it's gone so it's good for one customer but it wasn't good for everybody else everybody but we were doing it for everybody yeah and we are doing a very big quantity now and nobody is complaining nobody cares so show me what we do now we do like this without pervs so it doesn't have any products so it's just a regular 5x5 sheet so less defects less defects less processing less processing and less for me i don't have to change the dice i have only one on a machine and i'm not changing it awesome yuri zach baby best improvement 2020. that would be the die press gauges um makes everything more precise we know exactly how many pounds we're putting down on the die um before we would just hand crank and this one could be at 50 this could be at 75. where's the blades out on the dies faster this is just finishing sloppiness this is way more precise right yeah excellent makes a world of a difference it extends the dialogue everything works better oh yeah it's great kobe best improvement 2020. so we're clicking this button hundreds of times it goes out after four months then we have to use this for a couple months so to replace all that i put a clear button right here and then you were having to replace the the counter too and that's 400 bucks and now we eliminated everything by that one button yeah great job hey so i'm here with vlad vlad's been here 20 years a year 20 years and he always comes up with a great improvement super super smart from russia and he's got a killer improvement because he's also a comedian so go ahead vlad oh you don't hear some problem he'll work usually woman yeah tiffany works here yeah sometimes i work here and sometimes maybe screaming yeah forgive me what problem she live a short woman if she said take it here and touch it's still greasy she gets grease right here because these are greases so first of all these are an improvement because these are right at the machine they used to be in another place so now we've moved them right in good proximity but then another problem the grease yeah this is level it's for me problem because yeah he's a comedian yeah okay exactly show the improvement problem too yeah this level here okay machine yeah so he made this that keeps him away from the grease when he goes up here to work very clever now watch what he did for tiffany oh this is the first poll this is for tiffany's machine so when she comes over here she doesn't get grease on it when she's coming up here very clever hey hey matt best improvement the best improvement is is this hand sanitizer is now one-handed we don't have to use two and we also don't have the problem of it falling down oh very cool so you printed this stereo lithography yep wow pretty cool nice improvement wow best improvement i think the best improvement of your hat yeah i like color as you can see the coolest thing is we color coded all these bags and it wasn't my idea jules started with the laminating wow bbc waste commented on a video that we made and said why don't you have color so we made colors so now i can see hey look this goes right here i can put the bags and i'm not trying to guess which size because also we did it to the bag rack so it's all color coded and then our kanban card our colors color code man this is too easy i need the blue or get the blue and away you go but you know what the best thing about that is that you gave credit to somebody else you made the improvement you gave credit what am i doing it was bbc ways ah right on darby 2020 best improvement yes this back brace right here uh holy crap foam it's all the shovel yeah okay this is right here oh so it orientates it perfect for strapping give me a strap show me how it works whoa great job darby celeste what's best improvement so my favorite improvement are these menards kanbans so we used to always have to walk over to production bring all the orders fill them out make an individual kanban for every item we needed on a monarch order and now we have them all pre-printed we just go through the orders put the number we need on it and put it in the comments oh very cool because we do so many of them so you just they're pre-done you just put the quantity on their hand in production you're done so you have to fill in all that information very cool celeste great job yes great job miller miller what's your best improvement 2020. well paul miller's favorite improvements this caller it's called a rad dog it's got a built-in and retractable leash oh that is totally cool let him go but we never put him on a leash here no but when i'm hiking people always say your dog's supposed to be on a leash and i say he is i'm just not jewels what's best improvement 2020 best improvement in my life has been meeting you paul oh come on jewel you're gonna make me blush scouts oh that's so cool this is the kaizen foam scraper station okay it used to be spread all over the place and it wasted a ton of motion and created spaghetti trails every time we go to build it now we have an easy to use you got a tray there all pulled together a tray everything's on here along with matching crumb trails underneath um this comes off and holds your box oh my gosh it's like a whole kit station whole kit and if you need to get out of your aisle you can take it anywhere to build it so this is my favorite so super flexible compact right size everything efficient makes you want to do the job it makes it very pleasurable to do great job jules here one more time oh my god so anthony only been here three weeks and he's already making rock and roll good improvements show me this one this one's awesome so i am absolutely loving this one we were building these 3 8 mag curtains and we were having i was having the worst time putting the screw in the screw into the into the football not good not safe not accurate not good quality and you came up with this great jig look at this so i decided that seeing as how monkeys like faces go on there right great we went ahead and printed one with a hole the exact size of the screw and drill bit yeah and then every time it's guided on there perfect it never flips so quality all the way so beautiful my favorite you rocking anthony so luke what's your best group of 2020 uh my best improvement is this uh do not use a just fan so what does that mean is on it tells people to not come up here on do not use the fan because people are using scales on and it was it was messed up the scale was high wind and so and then a lot of people get annoyed by is people walking back turning it up and then when people are using it and they didn't know people were using the scale nope nope so you made this sign so if you're using the scale you put that on there and this is by the scales you put it on there to tell hey don't adjust it because you're going to mess me up great improve quality less defects great job monica okay what's your best improvement all right so what i did last week was the euro door stop pop and you've only been here for like a month or so right yeah okay so you're already making improvements right when i first got here this was just a mess the foam had a bunch of cutouts that were used for absolutely nothing you mean we're not perfect at fast cap no we're not no oh yeah it's been great don't worry we're not perfect and there's lots to improve yes and that's okay so i made and i left room here in case we didn't need good good good good this is all labeled all nice and crumb trailed right here trail for the screws and color-coded bags our best improvement 2020. all right 2020 we got a good one for you so here this is where all the water goes through our injection molds yeah so when it's time to take this mold out we need to get the water out of there and the way we do that is by blowing air so i shut this off that stops more water from coming in and i can blow air and that's going to go through the mold so it cleans out all the water the problem with that is when i'm trying to do a mold swap very quickly i put this on full blast and the air pressure spills water all over the toilet so it goes out you make a mess so we added this valve and when you pull this lever it diverts to the bucket now we can do full blast get everything out of there no mess and then the spring pulls this handle back into the correct position so you can never forget and it always goes back where it needs to be pokey okay completely great job scott trail and then position one two so bottom shelf two right there and those are it right there so everything's very easy so you can't screw this up great job okay let's go over and see lyle show me the color-coded bags okay that's the bags that danica is using right there because they're yellow so we even know we don't have to read a label just color and all of them are color-coded and we even have samples that hector and they're all color coded as well killer great job lucas yeah best improvement 2020. it's these new forklifts they're absolutely amazing no sitting down no buckle again you jump in and you're driving it's just that easy i mean yeah you get better you're higher up you can see around back up no like twist your back and look behind you and then we even got one that's got a fork spreader so we have a lot of varying thicknesses of pallet so this is right in your hand and we have our blue lights in the front and the back right front and back we got mirrors here to see around extra large but we bought a lot of these we spent a lot of money what about spending money on improvements we did but you know what they're going to pay for themselves they're worth it they make our people happy and we've got all these other improvements that make us all the money that we have to spend on these now and on top of that it's safer oh it's way safer right and safety is number number one number one always miller your papa wants to do another improvement video he just keeps wanting to do improvement videos my favorite improvement one of them at least is the power mag so i used to hate building power mags we built them into these cosmetic cases the lids always cross-threaded on you i remember like that that's it go on right you had to put a sticker around the lid to keep it sealed then you got a top sticker a bottom sticker total nightmare and then you drop in the case would crack and on top of that these were like 2.50 cents a case just crazy so we totally redid our packaging for power mags we got this awesome new station here now and what we're doing is we're using our number 12 clam shell instead 14 cents instead of 2.50 wow and to make it work all we had to do is use foam and put power mags in a little foam square we got plenty of foam and we got plenty of foam and so we got this whole system set up so now we have these jigs here so you can take your stack of magnets drop it in there that pops you out of stack of 10 magnets every time take your foam block you put in this arbor press and we got these custom little dies we made here so you just take a punch tear it out and that perfectly sits i think henry ford would be henry ford would be proud of it i think so too and then all these jigs here they're all color coded too they got matching dots on the back of the kanban card so you know for all the different size magnets all the different cutting jigs oh look at all those they're samples the samples the jig for each one goes with the samples and then even your labels watching callers get out killers i used to hate these miller great job hey chuck does your mama have a best improvement for 2020 tiffany best improvement hey that's got the tiffany um i just wanted to show you that i have extended this table for the product um and then put this little lip back here so the product's not falling over excellent made it great so you're running it on the machine and packaging it right here one spot you're not taking anywhere else excellent does your papa have an improvement for 2020 so my favorite improvement is the wood rack we're using our speed dividers we have yellow dots so you don't poke your eyes out we've got everything organized from 2x4 solid wood osb plywood all the way down to starboard extra parts we put over here we have a reminder up at the top tallest to shortest going from giraffe to squirrel wow so always remember to go from tallest to shorter so the smallest piece goes there and the tallest piece goes there we don't worry about the width we focus on the height right so you can see here this is kind of a funky shape but as long as the tallest piece is in the back so you can see it so everything needs to be visual awesome adam mitch man best improvement 2020 yes my favorite improvement is by far and away our little hole punch jig did you punch it yes that is the question did you punch it okay so depending we always want our labels to either be right here in the center or up top in the center depending on which it is so i love this because now you can it's adjustable set it to go a long ways or you can adjust it to the outer side which is what i need and you just slide it in and before what do we do before there was no anything you just grabbed this and you grabbed it it was random it wasn't very precise it was sloppy and so what does the precision give us why is it better that it's precise well it pokes makes it mistake proof you get in the same spot every time but now when you're going to put all your labels up you don't have to sit there and fight and shift it around for five minutes everything lines up and it hangs level yes sir all right great job mitch thank you andre the best improvement 2020. okay so this is our morning meeting and we took our principles our deming onos and the constitution which we used to scroll all the way through to get everything and now we made them into little folders you just scroll you grab the one you want you copy it close it and you paste it and then delete the one that you didn't need wow way faster yeah it's way faster so you don't have to click through and scroll through all these to find and so you're a trainer for the morning meeting you help everyone get ready i do so this helps them do a better job and much more it's also a lot easier to train people on wow that's awesome great job hey what's your best improvement 2020. my best to prove it to that 2020 has got to be in the drawer front clamp station uh so this is what we're making up there right yep okay so what's different yeah all these used to be in one little plastic bag and we had to rip it open with a hook and put it in so when we got these from the vendor they'd have all the components in one plastic bag we said no we don't want it that way we want every part separate because we have to do further assembly yes is that correct exactly okay so we would rip it open and put it in this bag and then do some separation now you eliminate all that over processing yep exactly and also to add uh this hot glue gun was added to you can adjust the temperature and wow that's not normal on a hot glue gun normally it's full on exactly and why is that important um it's because the previously we had one with the battery and you had to leave it on and then so it dripped with the glue and it made a huge messy station and now you can just adjust adjust the temperature so it doesn't leak so it doesn't leak as much we're using less glue less waste awesome great job ollie jelena you got a great improvement show me what you're doing here okay uh we have one carrier street serial yes sometimes we have decoders 200 300 boxes 300 boxes on one order three four five pallets wow this is uh i did this pitch on andrea and uh so this is 100 to 200 200 to 300 300 to 400 so you can check and make sure every box is accounted for so everything's perfect this is much easier wow that is awesome galena very good man what is it for 2020. my best improvement is number one these beautiful forklifts we just got these are game changers instead of having to sit down i have a stand-up forklift i can pick orders super fast yeah order straight from grocery onto our skids wow the truck but what i love the most is inside this little storage area i kaizen foamed it with all the necessary tools it takes to pick orders here that cool i'd say that's like bitching is what i think oh i love it and anytime something's missing i know it's missing because it says tape measure and there's an empty spot so you're never running around looking for your tools you're working all the time getting tons done getting four times more done than anybody else right great job johnny max and johnny got another one yep so i couldn't just be happy with one favorite improvement the second one is our new station here max went ahead and added this new rack so that we could store two more pilots up here for outbound shipments shipments right now one of our problems was we have to cut b boards for our kaizen foam but i was having to go across the shop right through the wood facility to cut these you got to cut these guys it was a waste of motion and time transportation everything so now we've got this little mini chop sauce battery powered right here a vacuum hooked up to it yeah we got one of our products called the saw hoodie wow you're using all of our stuff too that's cool and this just saves a lot of time and i can make all kinds of cuts great job johnny what's the staple of the two seconds second improvement is this guy right here we took one of our speed clips and we got one of our tape measures on here instead of me fumbling around for one of max's tape measures this guy is always right here i can measure my pilot get the height and it goes right back there that's a two second improvement okay max what's gonna be 2020 so we kept track of all the pos and the shipments we've shipped out there's the tracking because we got a lot of shipments going on every day holy mackerel you and johnny okay but we didn't know what freight company office didn't know what freight company went with so we started adding you know yrc abf ups all that right right and now we started adding how many pallets per shipment and how does that help you it helps us keep track of how many pallets we ship out to see if you know some months are busier we need to order more pallets for that money right so it allows you to more accurately track what you need supply-wise so you never run out yes exactly excellent like last month we did 420 pallets this month we're at 300 pallets so far so wow this one's a lot busier so we know that we we're going to need more pallets oh good awesome job max there's ones ahead we need watch ahead come on where's lodging i can't work without my watson tyler hey best improvement 2020. okay so this is my absolute favorite one i got here so everybody knows our screw gun holders we got the open and closed ones we find so many uses for them around the shop this is my favorite we mounted them next to the cnc next to the lathe so now when i'm machining and i'm making chips nothing bugs me more than having chips fly everywhere and get all over the place then having to wrestle with that hose i got my vacuum right here it used to be all the way up here and so i would have to stop i'd have to come over here grab it wrangle it around get it over now with our rcv i can be making chips [Music] right wow that's killer and we took it a step farther so sometimes i like to use this magnetic mount it gets the the vacuum right so get out of here that's smoking but when i plugged this in it would pull it down and put all sorts of things oh okay so what we did is took another one magneted it on and now you just pop it in there it holds it up for you right at the perfect height and now oh my god that is smoking tyler these screw gun holders they're the bee's knees they are the best in the world you have more oh yeah this is my other one we started uh doing it with this one at an angle so it just slides in super easy quick draw i got my air gun right here but we never clean with air yeah because you got a vacuum right here amazing great job tyler matt 2020 best improvement hey uh so i work in best fence and it's a really complicated system we've got these checklists here and this is what the checklist used to look like so you've got all of your information on this side and then you've got the quantities and where you would check on this side so you'll notice i'm sitting here i can't see what i'm checking off right so we had an idea one day what if we just flipped it that way as i'm going through here and checking you're looking right at it leg movement acceptable oh that's really really good so simple but so so non-intuitive most people put the check mark on the other side yeah it's made life way easier brilliant math theater best improvement 2020. station this is a device that we can put onto the bottom of your box truck and it will automatically lock your door with the remote you can see right here oh very cool opens up goes back and forth we got this station incredibly dialed in um right here what we're doing before for the wire for wiring it up is we'd attach it here we'd string it out and we measure it out we have to walk to get 50 feet of it it was just a lot of waste of motion so we built this thing that we can actually just spin it wow it's simple you use your head and not your wallet yep and it's going to get exactly the right length each time i have to give it 10 spins and that saves you a bunch of time boom i cut it you got it and it's done wow great job peter hector favorite improvement 2020. hey paul favorite improvement was this quick mandrel tool the steps were take this drill bit put it in here that was the first step we did and then we put in these locking mechanisms and sometimes the locking mechanism wouldn't work and we will get the file and we will have to file it as you can see my fingers on the way that is you're hitting the drill bit yeah i'm hitting the drill bit fighting it and the safety i decided i asked why not just do and last so now we put everything together we put all of it assemble it and then do the drill bit last and the funny thing about this is hector you're new and you just said why are we putting the drill bit in first yes and for some reason we thought putting the drill bit in first was the way to go and you said no let's not do that no we got to think about safety first and it worked beautiful great job hector sharon best improvement 2020. all right so my favorite improvement best improvement were these dividers that we're using when we pick cruising cap orders before we have a car with five bins and we put one order per band and sometimes they're really small orders so you're only doing five orders and you're running back and forth after shipping so now you put tons of orders in one bin one we put up to three in one bin what do the colors mean nothing they're just just for fun like having your dog at work right yes like having daisy with you and so you just we've made these tapered so they fit nicely in the bin it separates the orders you have a visual that the orders are separated you can do up to 15 orders and then take it to shipping instead of running back and forth great job sharon all right thank you jen best improvement 2020. hey paul here's one of my favorite improvements right here this is our tool center for the cruising cafe and we have everything we need easy to grab these are the things we need we need our label holder and if it's gone you know to put it back so you don't stop floating around this bay somewhere right and it's tilted at an angle so it doesn't fall down nice job and who built the wood part for you lucas helped me with this part are you becoming a woodworker like you you work in the wood shop all right great job terrell best improvement 2020. hey it's my uh favorite improvement of the year so we're back here in the welding and fab area and we've done quite a bit here to get this cleaned up and nice sometimes it can get messy but there's no reason it shouldn't be organized so what we did is we had a lot of clutter that the table was kind of filled on the edges of tools and so we added a nice drawer right here we have all our tig supplies right in here in this nice container it's all labeled on top so you know what to do all your magnetic corners all the magnetic corners into this kaizen foam and everything we need in this drawer now you know something terrell i'm the beneficiary of this because i just came back here to weld something i opened that drawer and i was going this is unbelievable this is like the best welding station i've ever seen what else and what else we did here is we got our suction fan here and it used to be attached to the table and it would always get in your way right and so it's moving in the round and figuring why can't we just float it above so what we did is we added a hole here passed it with a magnet one on the outside oh my gosh so you can get it exactly where you want it and then you can just slide it back and forth wherever you want it and then off and on right here remote yep remote off and on switch for the fan and the lights no kidding recently added as well all your grinding wheels grinding and sanding wheels beautiful go to our wood shop make all these drawers and everything that's fantastic everything just looks so you got all your grinders hung up with the uh screw gun holders which is really cool you got a cordless one and a corded one yeah it works really well welding gloves wow this is really good what's that pedal for pedals for the tig machine uh okay we have the tick machines labeled and we haven't have process on here for our tail locks and i wrote all the all the settings and the settings that we should be oh fantastic great job carol 2020. all right so i use this when i'm doing the check studs and so i used to keep it over there on the file cabinet you walked all the way over there come on but now what i don't need i keep it right here sneaky when i need it it's close jamie best improvement 2020. hey paul this is our newest improvement this is here in graphics we are part of the custom cruising cap area beforehand this system was just two pieces of wood and this fast pipe here we added in from mainland from last year this is a great way to separate all of our sheets and it doesn't fall into this little hole that we have down here that goes into our trash oh cool so it pulls out it pulls out and used to be just down here on this bottom piece of plastic yeah so it slides in and it collects all the debris or garbage that we have so it looks like you made a whole processing center for custom cruising cap orders and it can go in the graphic design department so not even the cruising cap you do it right here oh yes and we can go anywhere because of these fabulous wheels and you make everything right there on these machines and you process the order right here correct what else so then originally we didn't have this vinyl here so there's adhesive on this that would stick to this and we'd have to sandpaper all the adhesive off because we couldn't get it off so just some simple calendar or car vinyl we wrapped it very cool you just take alcohol nothing gets dirty easy to clean awesome and then this is thanks to adam because adam's absolutely amazing we have these new shelves in that will hold our clam shells so beforehand we have to walk all the way over here oh grab those and walk all the way back lots of transportation and motion exactly so now it's just right here it's right where we want it it was the same thing with our cruising cap inserts now it's all right here in this station so we don't have to even use this table oh that must make your job so much easier so it's easier less motion everything everything's here it's great awesome job jamie yeah best improvement 2020. so if you're an accountant you know that when you put an invoice in you have to choose a general ledger account i pre-assigned them by the vendor so that you just go click click click and it already assigns it so you don't have to choose some of the drop down so that saves you a ton of time yes and then someone can do it when i'm gone awesome improvement 2020. i added more uh these different sizes on it so now you have your little bag thing here that pulls out yes it is 8x12 like different bags we use this a lot so you don't have to run around finding the right size bag so and for amazon i include more labels what product we use usually we use products for so this saves you a ton of time and yes and um put labels on it and i put on top uh puka patch so that it doesn't go bad yeah and it doesn't go bad and it lasts from all the handling excellent job luda thank you so there you go 2020 what an amazing year for fastcap everybody making improvements non-stop and why do we make these improvements to improve the quality of our life and we spend so much of our life at work so why not why shouldn't work be amazing that's what continuous improvement is about that's what two second lien is about that's what seeing waste is about fix what bugs you stop now and fix everything and enjoy your life enjoy your work and enjoy the people you work with thanks a lot have a great year hi paul so what is your favorite improvement for 2020 my favorite improvement ever of all time okay when i said everyone can bring their dog to work and now we have daisy here and sharon's dog is the cutest in the whole world that's my favorite improvement 2020. hope everybody has a great year next year and make it a lean year of continuous improvement brought to you by where you'll find all paul's books and lean resources for free including the new two second lean play app like audible but free to listen to lean is lean on the two second lean play app at you
Channel: FastCap
Views: 39,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FastCap, 2 Second Lean, Lean, Banish Sloppiness, Paul Akers, Fix what bugs you, Stop the struggle
Id: 7vGO5CZ8k8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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