FastCap Lean Tour 2.0

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[Music] everyone Paulie Corso I'm a fastcap and I get so many calls and emails every day people say we want to come tour here you want to see what you're doing well the bottom line is we only get about eight tours a year now because we have ten requests a day it's just crazy and we can't do that because we have to work so I'm going to tell you the tour requirements number one you have to make a minimum of 100 videos and your CEO has to be present regardless of the size of your company and you have to be doing lean actively a morning meeting three asking if doing all those things so those are the minimum requirements before we even consider it because we don't have time basically to convince you that lean is the right thing as far as we're concerned lean is like the only way and if you don't get that well when you get it then maybe we'll consider letting you come here but only after you've proven it to us because you've actually implemented and built a lean culture you want to come here to further your league learning so that's the basic requirement but what I'm going to do real quick though and is give you a quick tour of our facility because the bottom line is we've produced over 2000 videos 5 million years the lean toward video alone as I think 170,000 views right now from people all over the world so we've actually created lean learning tools the lean way you don't have to come all the way to Billingham Washington to check out what we're doing so that's one of the other reasons why it's way leaner just to watch the videos yes it's inspiring to come here and see what we're doing but the bottom line is you've got to go to a pretty high level before you let you come here so when you walk in the front door you can see our office it's all stand-up we've made all the pipe deaths out of fast pipe it's very cool and you can see we don't have any walls because that's the back room floor right there shipping and receiving connected right to everything we're doing and most importantly this is my desk this is my office and this is my crazy dog Yoshi right here thinly as could be and so I'm just going to scoot it around a little quick and I'm going to show you a fast captain you don't have to come here you can get an idea of all the cool things we're doing so the first stop is the showroom which is really really cool and showroom everything's on wheels as well and you can see all of our cool products or best vent system our great Cayenne foam panel here our conference room which is world-famous because there's no chairs check that out we have a nice little display here of the history of health products and results going from the rude early going from the crude all the way up to the finished product we both the laser jam and different products we have a simple rolling board where we have our leadership meeting all the time and it's very lean very efficient because we're standing up and we're not wasting a lot of time everyone getting comfortable we get back to work doing the value-added work for our customer so then now this is reminiscent of a chore I did several years ago that's so popular and then of course my hot car amazing Porsche it's gets parked right there and then this is graphic design right here notice everything's on wheels everybody scanning up so this graphic design marketing that's where all this happened again the showrooms behind me and we have the most amazing bathroom in the whole world which I'm going to show you right now which is one of our claim to fame of course a nice 8-step process right there on how the bathrooms clean she's responsible for cleaning it I actually cleaned the bathroom this morning president country and I clean the bathroom because everybody takes responsibility for everything everything is flawless clean immaculate look at this is the best out into the whole world better than the ritz-carlton I stay in the wrist Carlton sometimes of time and my bathrooms are way way way way way way way way way better because we have Japanese the Kate Willett seats to heat your everyone the only place the people I can fit in our place so it is just rock and roll immaculate clean check this out you walk into our supply room look at this it's just magic cleaning stations for all the different areas everything's convo and everything's dialed in there's not a mess anywhere in fastcap everything is so perfect because we take the time to improve everything that's a two-second lien is all about we're always improving everything so all about this are standardized the men's and women's of the same notes and then seat are down there's no toilet paper there's cleaning stations for everything everything's totally dialed in and it stays that way all day long because we keep the Rope tight we say we keep the Rope so tight you could bounce a dime to the moon that means we hold very high standards and everything we do so this is the way we maintain a great work environment so this is a cool little area up here a little place you can have coffee you can sit down and relax if you want over here this is our training center right here and this is our gym up over here and this is our dojo where we actually train people on how to do need improvements so let's continue on one other amazing thing is we get around our entire facility on these little razor scooters which allows us to overcome the huge area of course you can do that because the floors are spotless all day okay so now we come over to the kitchen area of course no walls again this is where we eat notice the tables perfectly clean everybody cleans up after themselves with the chairs and wipes up everything flawless you know our famous magnetic salt and pepper shakers everything's dialed in everywhere and of course our kitchen which for dinner there's no kitchen world like our kitchen confiar who has kitchen drawers like this tell me about this who has kitchen drawers like this no cupboards low levels of inventory on the plate because the dishwasher does a load in - and of course an eight-step process for cleaning the kitchen and the forks and spoons and the knifes are all very neatly arranged so they're easy and visual so this is the way we maintain very high standards here we're trying to be thoughtful about everything Oh a great new improvement that we made is this is our mistake and zero action aboard so every day somebody updates their name on whether or not they had an accent or what not they made the entire day without making a mistake very very cool and this is our grateful box right here which is also awesome so for years now we've been all putting our grapples in six a day from everyone in the company and we never fill it up because we want to be grateful people and that is the key to life right there and this area right off the kitchen where we eat this is where we have our morning meeting and every morning where everyone meets we call it the sandbox is where we play teach and learn so we'll continue on it's our main production area so this is all down production row right here and these are all our machines that are doing just-in-time producing everything is just in time and will continue down a production area this is downward that Center you can see everything's on wheels even these gigantic rack very well organized down the machine shop oh gosh we got to stop and show the distances this is so incredible all of our tools everything dialed in everything perfect that's the way it should be nobody struggling to get anything don't you wish you work here I love the concern around struggle to do anything are nothing Bowl track best in the world right there and then of course everyone can bring their dog to work that's Liberty right there because we like animals and this is down an injection molding where Skylar hangs out and it's absolutely awesome these are all of our colorants all convo all visually labeled and pretty amazing all of our injection molds down there with all the spec sheets on how to run each mold and magnetically applied the part that actually the mold makes you can see the part right there do that there you go the lots of cool stuff go over to the machine shop that over the engineering thing you don't need to come you're on tour you're getting it right now so this is all engineering right over here and these are all the engineers are standing up actually right here on the shop floor working with the people these are all the products we make set into archive and foam this is called our lateral thinking boards this allows us to take products that we've made in the past so hey you know done that before happy to use that same concept very very cool and then we'll go over into our world class woodshop which in my mind is the best in the world so cream so organized and you will love this place check out this right here pretty cool and over your miter box area again all the tools everything's dialed in we don't struggle or work hard to do anything because everything's were supposed to be notification glasses are right on every machine doesn't matter what keys go to band saws safety glasses all the tools on the table and you need a pencil safety glasses here folks push gift ever do there [Music] without our workshop oh you know I should show you our compressor room because I don't think oh this is really cool our sanding table right there check out that it works fantastic on the sandpaper well organized you know what I'm going to show you our compressor room there's the compressor room Wow forget it it's so good I can't believe it so who has a compressor room the books like this you ever seen your country room just cleaned just diamonds little button down yep that's the compressor room at fastcap there just stayed perfect all the time we're almost on tour you see they need to come here for all of our third hand products everything organized on the wall ready to work efficiently you can keep the Rope tight here don't we and then I almost forgot our sewing area with Natasha this is absolutely awesome so this is where she does all of our sewing projects and very well organized and another thing that's really cool is all of our forklift that can be 15 years old may look brand new so now these are all production cells right here so all these cells are where we make all of our products every morning everybody goes into the cells produces everything just in time for the morning production and that's what happens there and all of our production workers run off a Kanban card this ensures just-in-time delivery and that we don't over produce anything and on each Kanban card there's a QR code on the back and this QR code is a video it shows anybody who wants to do the build exactly what they need to do we have an iPad for them to just scan this and watch the video and everything is done right every time and then we're going to come over here to the shipping area so everything that's brought over to here will we ship everything and you'll see that in just a minute this is our shipping terminal right here and you can see all of our boxes are color coded up there you see them up there right there so shows you all the different size boxes in the color and of course this is the shipping area out here and those same color codes are down here so if you want a gold box you come down here look at the gold box narrative all visual and of course this is where all of our orders are very famous with a board all made out of OSD and then painted Brown so these are all of our orders notice hey how about that everything's color coded and there are no orders because we're getting everything out just in time to our stash the truck unbelievable what we accomplished here because we are so focused on continuous improvement and this last of all is our grocery store this is where all of our product is kept in just-in-time fashion generally anywhere between a day to a week inventory in this line right here so we come down this row and we pick everything so there is a very quick tour of fast kappa bet you like my car the best in you and of course if you're into playing guitars we have beautiful Taylor guitars up here for you to play anyways so there you go that is a current tour of ASCAP and the tour requirements very difficult to get in here of course your customer you can come here anytime you want walk in the front door go over to our showroom talk to our people there's no problem but if you want a full-blown tour and you're going to take two or three hours of our time you have to rise to a very high level before we let you do that and then we'll embrace you and we'll help you out and we've never charged anybody a penny for all of these tours that we've done and a lot of companies will charge $1,000 a person and we've never charged penny but you have to get to a certain level so we've given you all the tools you get my book online for free in 11 languages you watch all the videos for free we don't want your email we don't want anything you just want you to improve clean throats that you improve that you're willing to build a culture you're willing to dedicate the time put in the hard work and make it happen do all open our doors to and there friend Georgia watching thanks a lot [Music]
Channel: FastCap
Views: 146,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul Aker, FastCap, FastCap Tour, lean manufacturing (literature subject), manufacturing (industry)
Id: EqtKKkastWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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