Lean Manufacturing - Lean Factory Tour - FastCap

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Why are chairs Labelle’s as being lazy? Ugh, if I interviewed here and was shown the pride in making people stand all day, I’d walk the hell out.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/SweetMisery2790 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] well hello everyone it's time to take a tour of fastcap fastcap is located in Bellingham Washington just about two hours north of Seattle up in a little tiny town called Ferndale right on i-5 so beautiful plays who have got a fifty thousand square foot facility it's just really really cool place to work about 110 windows lots of natural light everywhere coming in we're going to take you inside now remember it's simple it's not fancy so neat inside just a big overview we got three Big Ass Fans keeping everything cool and lots of natural light everywhere when you walk in the front door it's all stand up we made all the deaths out of our fast pipe system everything simple now people always say well do people like to stand up we wouldn't have it any other way is it difficult to stand up sure it takes a little time to get used to it but we love it everything's on wheels everything's flexible including the filing cabinet now this is looking from the office back into the shipping area from the shipping area back in towards the office you notice there's no walls this is our order desk and it's all on wheels and it's all color-coded based on the day of the week so whatever day of the week if invoices are that color so we can quickly tell whether or not we're behind or ahead whether or not we have flow when you look up on the wall all the boxes that we ship in are all color coded so it's easy to identify what size box is the perfect size to ship in and then when you need to find it it's color-coded down below as well all LED lights all radiant heat it's just an incredible place to work so this is our grocery aisle and right here is our shipping terminal so 90 percent of all of our finished products are right here we build the con bonds every day and everything's clearly done through visual controls and the last five digits of the UPC code so if you want to know what's there there's a picture of it right here and all these labels have been made by us and it just allows us to manage our daily picking as you can see Thomas is down here picking an order right now on a cart that we made and it's just very simple this one main aisle all the way down to the shipping terminal and it's out the door our showroom our conference room very simple standup no chairs meetings don't last very long a graphic design area again everything stand up everything's on wheels everything's flexible we want to be flexible because our needs are always changing all our tools are carefully shadowed we never search for anything we never struggle because the minute you struggle you have waste hi I'm Graham and welcome to graphics this is the most magical cell in the whole building we produce all our labels and inserts for over 700 products right here in this tiny cell that's this big back here we've got all our paper racks at the different labels we use over here we've got our computer where we developed a six step process that where anyone can come off the street follow the very basic steps and get the job done in two to three minutes and then over here if ever anybody runs out of paper we've developed a very simple Kanban card system where anyone can understand exactly what they need to do for any product of the process all right so at the end of the day we've got a great process that allows anyone to come in on their first day and around 150,000 dollar printer for a giant company producing all the labels and inserts just out of the first day our bathrooms are beautiful fresh flowers granite countertops polished concrete floors the day toilet seats I mean it's really a great place to work because we want work to be fun and enjoyable we keep it sparkling clean every day Callie cleans the floors with automatic floor cleaners we have two of them and everything just stays at a very high standard this is our sandbox where we meet every morning for our morning meeting and a new person leads it every day our kitchen open to the entire facility no wall we even have a lean dishwasher it does a load in just two minutes no batch work our main production line everything flowing towards the shipping terminals you'll see how that works here in just a minute very cool see that's an aisle where the product is made flows down to the area where we packaged it people are in the cells they pick package and ship everything to ours fax to truck it's pretty amazing so this is another so we make the laser Jam and Austin is laying out a tape and aluminum pole to make the laser leveling devices a nice little cell that he works around and makes one product at a time again all of his tools are carefully shadowed in Kies en foam no struggle work should be easy he goes from one cell to another cell notice we grab the safety glasses directly above the saw goes ahead makes a cut and now it's really cool about this you're going to see is awesome is going to have to clean out the aluminum pipe he goes sticks in a vacuum hits it with a foot pedal it sucks the aluminum dust right out it's so fast and so easy this is an engineering cell and also we make the best fence and those are the engineers standing up in the production area we do all of our 3d modeling and then we go ahead and do stir a lot of our engineering team they both have their own scooters drug version ok so what happens I let off your foot so now you can let go of it ok so there we go down stands up now look at JT another engineer has another design this is the kickstand most that's how we think you're a basket you guys are crazy pretty awesome this is our shadow board of all the products that we make so we do lateral thinking we walk up we look at everything we've made a part like that before we've got scooters here that allow us to get around the entire facility again this is the engineering cell right on the manufacturing floor where we make everything our woodshop is only missing one thing sawdust it's immaculate all the tools are carefully laid out organized so you can be highly productive again we're not about struggling we're about making more easy and fun everything's where it's supposed to be everybody enjoys work because work doesn't have to be a struggle this is our cnc area where we make all of our molds all of our toolboxes are carefully shattered out with our Kaizen foam system so when we go to get a tool it's we want there's no surprises like Oh what happened that tool I know that's somewhere we're not spending hours a day looking for things we know exactly where it is so again work is enjoyable it makes all the difference in the world when you take the time to make this happen now the way this looks like this is every day we make an improvement these are our injection molding machines or Sumitomo so really high-tech they're very cool they have robots on them to remove the parts all the tools again are shattered out for the Sumitomo these are all of our injection molds down below with the parts actually magnetically attached to them these are all the colorants and materials that we use with Kanban cards carefully insert it in all the parts are glued on the front and then this is our narrow aisle system for retrieving inventory which is waste which we're embarrassed to say but we have some of it and we're getting rid of more and more of it every day as we bring on more and more manufacturing this is a very cool system that allows us to work in a very tight constrained area now the operator is actually not having to steer it for this wire guiding and notice how it's man up so he's up with the product so he can see exactly where he is there's no damage to anything he can move it very high-speed because it's wire guided it doesn't require him to steer it he wants to retrieve something or put supper away you can retrieve from both sides simultaneously it's really an amazing system to manage waste if you will and it works excellent now in the front of all of our inventory racks our build sells we have about 700 product and there's about 50 build cells where we actually build the products and we've done it really just a 4x8 section it's very flexible we can change it for whatever product we need to build we have a little station set up with jigs and it just really works well we have the inventory down below we build the product up above just the great system allows for a lot of flexibility and again it's very simple you don't have all these fancy work benches we just used the racking system to do that now we have an automatic shrink wrapper which allows our people to build pallet loads because we ship a couple semis a day and what happens is they just drive that onto their push a bus on the floor clip and then it automatically starts to spin around now the operator can go away do something else when it's done it automatically cuts itself then the operator comes back and retrieves the pallet puts the label on it and it's off into the truck it's a very efficient system and again relieves the burden off our people but we don't want our people to work hard we want them to work smart the facility again is just magical to work good what are you doing oh wow why do we keep the forklift so clean when we do all this this is the worst that'll ever be when you polish this like pretty regularly or what's the deal once a month everything gets maintained battery gets chat bottle levels so we keep everything in our facility almost perfect take the rope I things are not perfect because we even have so chances are nudge aisle right here and you might wonder what is nudge me it's junk spelled backwards it's our way of being funny so everything that we three asks out of our facility goes down there at the end I'll show you yes I'm riding a scooter down the aisle so down here at the very end we have all the stuff that we take out of and sort out of our office so there's mine right there Paul's desk junk so anything we don't need we get it out of here and then we'll sort through this every three or four months and we'll throw a bunch of it out but we asked ASCAP has junk it's called nudge and we get rid of it out of our work area so that we always work in a perfect area that's clean and organized so we even do lean in our aircraft we have a corporate plane and I fly that we just shut down my plane and I developed a lean procedure for shutting it down as you see I've got a lot of switches here that have to be turned off perfectly and they could be in a position like this or like this and it's difficult to tell because of the kind of switches these are whether or not during the correct position for the landing configuration the shut down and see the red line I put across the top of those those red lines indicate to me that all switches are in the correct position for final shutdown I just shut the plane down and you can see I've got the same thing over on this side and everything is in the correct position so auto fuel manual everything needs to be in that position with the red line which indicates to me at a glance without any struggle that all the switches are correct so lien applies to the factory floor and to the cockpit and everywhere else there is a quick overview of fastcap and we get around this whole facility on razors because it allows us to overcome the size of this place because it's 50,000 square feet it is absolutely huge and I'm going to do one last thing to end this tour just for fun we've run up the stairs so you can see what it's like up above so you can see how beautiful this facility is so there you have it because it is more a bass cap the reason I did this is I get two or three two requests every day I just couldn't keep up with the demand I thought how can I make this process lean so I made a video to kind of show people now you can watch it with your team you can pause it you can talk about it it's all there and the way we accomplish all this is so simple we sweep sort and standardize everything in the morning when we come in everyone makes one improvement we have a morning meeting we build a culture and then we work and I am fully engaged in the process the leader has to be engaged you got to keep me simple and fun the rest is history and then we even have time for a burger party on people's birthdays and today I have my dog so fast capita were just amazing they love our and super dances for it we have synchronized dancing at fastcap soon with the dogs so Clint what do you have there just an oversized fast cap no for my birthday oh nice never forget lean is simple and fun [Music] you you
Channel: FastCap
Views: 642,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FastCap, Paul Akers, Lean, 2 Second Lean, FastCap Lean Tour, Lean Manufacturing (Literature Subject), Manufacturing (Industry), Lean Factory Tour
Id: jYby_HczyDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed May 07 2014
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