Toyota Kaizen Clip

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at the Toyota factory in Derby whatever one every day begins with a strange ritual one two three four five six seven eight nine ten apparently these early morning exercises are a way of stimulating productivity five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Yosh Yosh in fact Toyota are obsessed with their quest for continuous improvement it's a principle of the Japanese philosophy of lean production called Kaizen pioneered by Toyota today it's used throughout the industry Toyota have tried to Kaizen every single part of their production system looking for ways to make it as efficient as possible take these ingenious machines they deliver windscreens to the light so Toyota's workers don't waste time vetting and carrying them each has its own song so you hear them coming this one's called Google Doodle is Dave's brainchild it's all notes a bit quite homemade didn't you maybe we made that we all made in-house that's the advice wiper motor of a novensys owes it yeah so his own events is driving around someone with plastic no no we have plenty of spare part you're not supposed to have spare okay that's not just in time how long before they get together and take over the world hopefully not am i working life I'm getting quite fond of these singing Tizen creations rather melancholy sets off on this lonely journey back to the windscreen fill-up point playing its mournful baleful tune as it goes nobody cares it's not the robots like Dougal that are clever here it's the people who invented them Kaizen is a team effort Toyota encourage all their employees to come up with two cousins every month and today that includes me but before I can come out with a Kaizen I need to learn how to do a job in the first place so I'm getting a crash course in steering wheel building and the watchful eye of Toyota's Kaizen guru Gary Newington this is a real-life situation on their part of the production part of adduction here got a day got a day after a quick demo it's my time to shine news crews got fun getting these screws on is tricky so that one goes there so you come up with any Kaizen so you can think make it easier to build the screw thing is a bit it's a bit fiddly if there was a way big to picking up two is quite difficult you know I'd shake slide because we're so old then I got to on the club I don't think Gary trusts me so I need him and his team to knock up a Kaizen suggestions for Kaizen scum from workers throughout the factory and it seems everyone I meet has one of their own they're practical like making these parts move with the worker they've the specific forms of causes a mile of walk in a few seconds oh and just saving that or a movement like that yeah you can get rid of that that makes a difference they're ambitious this device moves windscreens right next to the car previously it was a manual operation now it's completely automated it saved 6.3 seconds per car but what amazes me is how miniscule time savings can have a massive impact so white guys on Department came up before us is a sticker pick up turn it so now you can just pick the sticker off very quickly don't want on your watch don't watch don't watch so what this saves if it takes point three of a second in picking the part however we fit 196 to the vehicle so across the shop that's a twenty eight point eight seconds per minute he gets work that out it's right with all this Kaizen inspired innovation I'm intrigued to see how Gary and his team have solved the trouble I was having with the steering wheel screws I like that already they built me a screw dispenser push ah look at that - no more than - no fewer than two and attaching the screwdriver to this court means it's exactly where I need it okay here we go with the new Kaizen new improved steering wheel thing right this is where it gets interesting got this screw straight on there straight there much better Pisan
Channel: Expertivity Technologies
Views: 390,710
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Id: wot9DFzFRLU
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Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2016
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