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[Music] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Applause] [Music] my life is [Music] [Applause] come on come on i am what god [Music] what god says [Music] but i would never be the same [Music] is is [Music] i believe [Music] is [Music] now [Music] me [Music] never never ever [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva [Music] god you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite [Music] [Applause] [Music] been show same i would never know [Music] know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] in the name of jesus heavenly father we come before your precious holy written word humbly tonight and respectfully and we rejoice for this another opportunity we have to fellowship in the light of your world and i pray that tonight revelation knowledge has gifted everyone connected to this service and we rejoice that veils full of clarity comes by your world your people are built up equipped edified and jesus is glorified so we declare that by the end of this service you'll all be the better for it and we give you praise and glory for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen glory to god lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say this word i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen woman welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of our social media community we want to welcome every one of you to the bible study tonight hey guys it's going to be an exciting study of god's word we also want to welcome the acquisition state community connected right now to the service by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb inspiration fm passion fm and those of you connected by way of heritage fm we're so glad to welcome every one of you to the service tonight do me a favor call a friend a family member ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves and our social media community will have the whole world to reach the truth of the gospel of christ help me share the video make make sure we get this water to the ends of the earth put them on all the platforms share with us many groups as possible let's blanket the earth with the fragrance of jesus's grace all our house centers and all of our campuses around the world we want to welcome all of you brothers and sisters to this great service tonight guys it's going to be an exciting study of god's word and everybody in the building i'm sure you're excited to be in the house tonight glory all right grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world tonight glory to god all right we're still examining leading and perception leading and perception romans chapter 8 verse number 14 romans chapter 8 verse number 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god so we are still around you know as a believer looking at the things that concerns making vital decisions we have said that every day of our lives we are faced with decision making some of those decisions look insignificant and some other ones look very very significant for example when you start talking about who to marry when you start talking about business decisions when you start talking about ministry and where to look at the ministry some of these decisions are so vital that they could you know influence so many things in your life for example who you marry will influence so many things in your life who you marry will influence whether you live a happy life or a sad life who who you marry will influence whether you fulfill the will of god for your life or you don't who you marry will it would determine whether you remain focused or you're distracted in life so that's a major decision another decision is where you live the kind of church you attend those are major decisions that will influence so many things in your life so many things like that will affect several things they have ripple effects in your life look at romans chapter 8 let's read from verse 14 to 16 romans chapter 8 verse 14 to 16 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry of the father next verse the spirit itself buried witness with our spirit that we are the children of god look at how many times the word spirit was mentioned in those verses let's begin from verse one so you see the emphasis on spirit romans chapter 8 verse 1 it says those there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus look at verse 2 for the law of the spirit see that spirit of life in christ the law of the spirit of life look at verse 4 verse 4 of romans chapter 8 that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit after the spirit look at verse five verse five for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit look at verse 6 verse 6 now says for to be carnally minded is dead but to be spiritually spirit spirit spiritually minded is life and peace look at verse 8 verse eight so the end attack in the flesh cannot please god look at verse nine but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be it that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ spirit of god spirit of christ he is none of his look at vastena look at the emphasis on spirit and if christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness look at verse 11 but if the spirit of him the rest of jesus from the dead dwell in you he the race of christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you look at verse number 13 verse 13 of the same chapter for if you live after the flesh you shall die but if you through the spirit do mortify through the spirit do multiply the deeds of the body you shall live then look at verse 14 for as many as are led verse 14 romans 8 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god so he brought the whole covenant as a spirit covenant just like ii corinthians chapter 3 says which means that god deals primarily with our spirit god deals primarily with our spirit that's where the emphasis on the word spirit that is that the dealing of god primarily is in our spirit the dealings of god primarily is in our spirit we can say like this god leads us in our spirit god leads us in our spirit so that means god will not use your imagination to lead you god will not use your imagination to lead you why because your imagination is subject to influence your imagination is subject to influence god will not use your feelings to lead you why because your feelings are subject to several influences but because your spirit is the spirit of god it is not subject to any influence so that is where god leads you he leads you by your spirit or by the spirit so if you're going to pick up leadings if you're going to sense anything god is saying to you you will know it in your spirit why because god leads us through the spirit god leads us through the spirit i'm not saying imaginations are wrong neither am i saying feelings are wrong if you're feeling hot you're hot if you're feeling cold you're cold but god leads you in your spirit god leads you in your spirit as touching those decisions of life that we are going to make as touching those decisions of life that we are going to make and then we are going to look up to god's leadings we are going to look inside us to look up to the leading of god to look up to the leading of the spirit we look inside us why because god leads us by all in your spirit god leads you in your spirit look at romans chapter 8 verse 16 see the way brother paul says it romans 8 16 the spirit itself buried witness with our spirit that we are the children of god so the witness is in our spirit the leading is in our spirit very important the leading of god the witness of god the direction of god is in our spirit first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 says and the very god of peace sanctify you holy and your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our lord jesus christ your whole spirit soul and body why is it important to say this because man is a sum total of spirit soul and body man is a sum total of spirit soul and body your whole being is involved in your life please that's very important your whole being is involved in your life there is nothing you do in life where your mind which is your soul is not involved there is nothing you do in life where your body is not involved at least your eyes your mouth even your ears are involved so which means your whole being is involved in decision making your whole being is involved in your making of decisions which means every constituent of your being should know where you take instructions from every constituent of your being should know where you take your instructions from your body should know where you take instructions from your soul shall know where you take your own instructions from very important and remember we are talking about making decisions in life we are not talking about writing academic exams where you respond or where you're required to read and study and understand you cannot say i'm trying to write an exam in chemistry but i'm waiting for the spirit of god to supply me answers what is chemistry it's the holy ghost what do i write no that's not what we're talking about if you're writing exams if you're a student of chemistry to be able to answer questions in chemistry you read your chemistry textbooks once you understand what your chemistry textbook say you don't wait for the leading of the spirit to answer those exams now we're not talking about exams we are talking about major decisions in the plan of god for your life major decisions where the plan of god is concerned in your life an important work of the part of that man who is born again is his ability to know the difference between the spirit and the soul to know when the spirit is speaking and to know when your soul is speaking very importantly and most importantly this distinguishing has to be between the spirit and the soul and you know most people don't even understand their physical bodies when you hear three voices you're supposed to do something something says do it something else says don't do it something else says what are you waiting for you hear three voices yeah you don't know which one is the spirit of god and which one is you you know i also know which one is the devil that's what we're talking about and you know most of times when you hear the voices you know what to think through to be able to choose which voice you know which voice could be god and sometimes we tend to go with the one that makes logical sense see that the one that makes logical sense so when you hear voices you need to run a test you need to run a test when it comes to the soul remember that the soul works with logic the soul of man analyzes the soul of man works with logic so oftentimes the one that looks logically sound is not the spirit of god the one that looks logically sound because the soul works with logic analysis common sense so most at times the one that makes logical sense is not the spirit of god and that is usually the most appealing because we are always logical in our thinking you know intelligence normally amazes us intelligence science is always appealing to a universal man intelligence science appeals to a universal man of course you know that beauty appeals to us as well when you see a beautiful woman or you see a beautiful man you you tend to be to be appealed to so you turn and look you know and then you take away your eyes immediately now why did you look because beauty appeals why did you take your eyes similarly away because you're not supposed to feast on that so you take your eyes because if you don't take your eyes you could get in trouble now but if you're a man and a beautiful lady does not appeal to you you need prayer or you're a woman and a handsome man does not appeal to you you need prayer men and women are naturally designed for beautiful things to appeal to us just like intelligence also appeals to our minds our reasoning faculty so there's a sense realm where we see things that are beautiful as beautiful a sense realm as you grow older the mental realm will appeal to you more than the same realm the mental realm you are not just too attracted by beauty you now want to look at the intelligence that is involved you want to look at how logical that is how intelligent such a mind is so intelligence and logic appeals to you as you grow older oftentimes when you hear those two or three voices you pick the wrong one because you're looking for what will appeal to your logical reasoning but you need to subject them to the scrutiny of god's word that's what we always say in this church the word of god is final authority in my life i walk by the word i'm led by the world the word of god is final authority so you apply the test of god's word to the voices and that is how you know look at hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse number 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart the word discerner means it distinguishes so that means soul and spirit cannot be separated you cannot separate soul from spirit they can only be distinguished that is why there is conflict because soul and spirit cannot be divided they can only be distinguished see that because the soul and the spirit are in one place the soul of a man and the spirit of a man are in one place the soul and the spirit are not feelings it's not feelings the soul is where you have the will the emotions the intellect that is why you have logic and reasoning the spirit is knowledge a place of knowing or an intuition intuition or perception in first peter chapter 3 verse 4 look at the way brother peter describes this i like it first peter 3 4 but let it be the heated man of the heart in that which is not corruptable even the ornament of a mick and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price so there is a hidden man of the heart it shows you that the basic man the real man is hidden somewhere the real man is hidden somewhere this container this package only carries the real man this physical body is not the real man peter calls him the hidden man of the heart and when something is hidden you need to search out the information that is there again remember god leads us in our spirit don't forget that god leads us in our spirits so if you're not well trained to recognize that is key if you're writing not a word to writing capital letters if you are not well trained to recognize the voice of god or to recognize the leading of god i didn't say if you are not well trained to hear the voice my sheep hear my voice once you're born of god you hear the voice of god but it's wanting to hear the voice of god it's another thing to recognize where the problem is for many people is their inability to recognize the voice of god because you don't just recognize the voice of god because you heard it to recognize the voice of god there is a training required you are trained to recognize the voice of the spirit and to follow the spirit you are trained to recognize the voice of the spirit of god and to follow the voice of the spirit you know it goes with things like walking in the spirit that's part of the training working in the spirit working in peace you know walking in gentleness long suffering meekness that's part of the training patience endurance when things happen and you're tempted to just explode and quit then you remember that god doesn't quit god doesn't behave like that then you align with the word of god you become patient you endure that endurance and patience you decide to employ is your training to recognize the voice of god that is your training to recognize the voice of god if you are not used to walking in the spirit you will not recognize the spirit see you will not recognize the spirit so this is what to do do the word of god in normal things make up your mind to do the word of god in normal things in fact make up your mind to walk the word of god in every area of your life for example somebody offends you somebody offends you when you forgive no matter the pain you are training yourself to recognize the voice of god when somebody offends you and you refuse to forgive you are training yourself not to recognize the voice of god see that when things are not working and you quit you are not patient you are not enduring you are not training yourself to recognize the voice of god because the fruit of the spirit of god is love joy peace gentleness meekness long suffering patience all of those are manifestations of a man that is trained to recognize the voice of god and walk in the spirit patience long suffering gentleness meekness temperance all of those are basic trainings that you employ in the normal operations of your life you're a businessman your business is not doing well you keep speaking to the business and be patient your a marriage your marriage is going through trying times you speak the word of god and be patient and ask yourself what ought i to do that i have not done stop blaming the partner check yourself first what have i done or what do i need to do that i am here to do in this marriage then you start making the adjustments and while you are making the adjustments you are patient even when you have made the adjustment things will not change overnight you are patient that patience you are employing is a training for you to be able to recognize the voice of god in your day-to-day affairs so that you're able to deal wisely in the affairs of this world when a believer is unforgiving he is training his spirit to be carlos towards the voice of god when a believer is unforgiving beta given to anger when a believer is given to retaliation when a believer is given to you know all of those things that are not of the spirit he is training himself not to recognize the voice of god so by the time you live like that you have practiced that enough you just practice the word in every aspect of your life when you begin to practice patience you practice gentleness you know some some believers are not gentle some believers are not gentle at all some brothers are not gentle at all some sisters are not gentle at all but gentleness is a fruit of the reborn spirit of the believer gentleness meekness not weakness meekness temperance where your temperate you are not two extremes you're either hot or cold no you're temperate in your relationship with people you know you are forgiving you are understanding see that all of those are trainings in the work of the spirit so that you are able to recognize the voice of god the fruit of the spirit is the character of god's voice the character of god's voice that is when god is speaking within the confines of his voice you will see the fruit of the spirit love joy gentleness meekness temperance patience so your walk in the world is very simple forgiveness self-control yeah self-control when you get tempted to slap your wife you put your hand down and tell her i love you darling that is self-control your wife gets tempted to quit the marriage then she says no i am not in this marriage as a fair weather friend i came into this marriage to make a difference i'm going to pray i'm going to be patient i'm going to endure and win now that is a training to walk in the spirit and against such there is no law against such there is no law kindness a child of god who is kind is training himself to recognize the voice of god kindness you know kindness you're on the road you see a woman with a baby struggling with three bags you reach out and assist kindness basic kindness all of those are trainings to recognize the voice of god why because god's word is god speaking to you god's word is god speaking to you forgiveness is god talking to you gentleness is the voice of god to you you didn't hear that gentleness is the voice of god to you meekness is the voice of god to you long suffering is the voice of god to you so when you are patient you are recognizing what god is saying to you in the situation you know when we say follow your heart we are actually saying follow the spirit when we say follow your heart we are actually saying follow the spirit so there will always be that conflict between spirit and soul because spirit and soul are in one place that's what you call the heart of man the heart of man is the spirit and the soul together the heart of man they are in one place so if you hear sound from the same area and you don't know who is talking but oftentimes this is how to trace it reasoning will be the soul reasoning will be your soul reasoning you trace your spirit to either the word of god or a non-conventional source the word of god or a non-conventional source because you see the mind is always reasoning romans chapter 12 verse 2 put it up for me romans chapter 12 verse number 2. be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god you are confirmed in your mind or you are transformed in your mind look at first corinthians chapter 14 verse 14. first corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 brother paul for if i pray in tongues my spirit pray yet my spirit pray yet but my understanding is unfruitful my understanding is unfruitful why is understanding unfruitful in tongues because no man understands tongues that means tongues are not logical that means tongues are not intelligent yet that is a communication between your spirit and the spirit of god why because the spirit does not rely on logic it is the mind that relies on logic intelligence and science first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 pay attention first corinthians chapter 14 verse number two for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaking not unto men but unto god for no man understand it how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries that is it's not logical no man understand it it's not logical so you discover that your mind or your understanding will find the voice of the spirit illogical it doesn't make logic it doesn't make sense and you know the leading of the spirit is not automatic when the spirit leads you you will still have to make up your mind it's not automatic you won't say well because the spirit is leading me automatically i went in that direction no you will still have to decide to obey the leading of the spirit or to yield to the leading of the spirit and you know most times we follow what sounds reasonable but reasonability is the mind what we call logic logic intellectualism science or what we also call common sense you know what makes sense to the mind but you see the spirit is not logic but spirit is not logic that's why evil fellowship with god in the spirit does not make sense for no one understand it now so look at proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 verse number 5 [Music] trust in the lord with all thine heart and leave not unto thy own understanding lean not onto your own understanding the word to lean is the same word you used earlier trust in the lord [Music] trust not in your understanding so it takes trusting in the lord to follow him and trusting in the lord means you don't know everything everybody say with me i don't know everything okay remember on sunday i asked how many of you are humans so the moment you agree you are a human what does it mean you are limited by knowledge you don't know everything you don't know tomorrow you don't know tomorrow as a human being all you do is observe things and imagine things but you cannot know things just by by yourself you are limited in your knowledge of time you don't know what to happen by 10 o'clock tonight you don't know what to happen by three o'clock in the morning tomorrow you're limited where time is concerned you're also limited where distance is concerned you don't know tomorrow so as a new creation in christ you must accept that you don't know everything look at matthew chapter 6 verse 34 matthew chapter 6 verse 34 take therefore no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof sufficient unto the day jesus says let tomorrow handle itself see that enjoy today while you have it let tomorrow take care of itself somebody says but i need to plan for my tomorrow the question is what do you know about tomorrow you can only plan based on knowledge what do you know about tomorrow that you want to plan for tomorrow you don't know anything about tomorrow so trust in the lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him then he will direct why will god have to direct because you are limited in knowledge you are limited in time you do not know tomorrow [Music] you do not even know the next few hours you can only make good plans but you don't know what tomorrow holds somebody says well this year is your year and then while you are warming up for it to be a year some some people even prophesied last year this would be a year of emancipation this would be a year of great achievements then coffee came out everything shut down why because nobody knows tomorrow the best you can do is analyze observe imagine plan but you don't know what tomorrow holds in march chapter 13 verse 32 jesus says you know talking about about but of the day and that our knoweth no man no not the angels which are in heaven neither the son but the father all right talking about man the son is the man look at acts chapter 1 verse 6 to 7 jesus speaking when did therefore we have come together the acts of him saying lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel next verse let me say unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father had put in his own power times and seasons in the father's power first thessalonians chapter five verse one to five but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord shall commit as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them has travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but your brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief you are all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness for humanity it will catch them unawares but for us because we are working in the spirit we will know the times and the seasons look at first corinthians chapter 16 verse 7 [Music] for i will not see you now by the way watch this but i trust to carry a wild with you if the lord permits if the lord permit he is not saying if i tarry with you the lord wants it i will come if the lord says i should come if the lord permits in other words he will listen to the lord to know what the lord wants i will listen to the lord as regard my coming to you to know if the lord wants me to come we don't just move because we know how to move we move because god wants us to move why a believer steps out to be ordered by the lord so that he is found at every given time walking in the will and the plan of god acts 18 21 acts chapter 18 verse 21 but burden farewell saying i must by all beings keep this fist that comment in jerusalem but i will return again unto you if god will if god will and he sailed from ephesus if god wills sometimes you think my will is his will no you're wrong your will is not automatically god's will that is why god now has to walk in you both to will and to do his good pleasure because your will is not automatically his will if god wills paul is saying i want to come and see but god may not want me to come so you can understand why paul prayed for all churches to know the will of god and to walk worthy of the lord to know the will of god and to walk worthy of the lord look at first corinthians 4 19. [Music] first corinthians 4 19 but i will come to you shortly if the lord will and will know not the speech of them which are puffed up but the power i will come if the lord will or if the lord wants james chapter 4 verse 13 james chapter 4 verse 13 to 16 go to now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanish it away for that you ought to say if the lord will we shall live and do this or that if the lord will next verse but now you rejoice in your boostings all such rejoicing is evil serious matter if the lord wills pastor prince i will visit you if the lord wills i will visit you if the lord wills i will go to bauchi and start a church if the lord wills that is how a believer that is yielding to god or to speak not to say i will come i will open a business in your city i will sell and buy no if the lord wills meaning if the lord is leading me there i will come meaning i will only be found where god is leading me if the lord wills he said but if you just stand up and say i will go i will do this he said you are boasting and your rejoicing is evil because it is not yielding to the lord in other words we ought to know what does the lord want what does the lord want me to do lord what will you have me to do for you does the lord want so as a church as a ministry as a family man as a husband as a wife what does the lord want if the lord wants we will do so and so you don't know the heart of men you don't know the heart of me so sometimes you will be so foolish to depend on what somebody tells you i don't know people's hands you don't know people's hearts sometimes people are leading you on to take a decision because they know you will be disappointed and they want to see your disappointment don't be carried away by the smile on men's faces no no you don't know men's hearts in ministry i have seen that in business i have seen that in relationships i have seen that people oftentimes say things sometimes things that they don't mean they say things just flatly empty then words they just speak things that they don't mean sometimes they don't even if they mean it they don't have the power to make it happen sometimes they are deceiving you sometimes it's even a mockery sometimes what they are saying is not bad but they don't have the power to carry it out so you don't know men's hearts basing your life's plans and decisions on what people say or who they are makes you a fool basing your life's plans and decisions on what people promised you what people said or who they are is foolishness jeremiah 17 9 jeremiah chapter 17 verse number 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can no eat you know god god told samwell to go to the house of jesse and anointed king god told somebody to do that and when someone arrived the house of jesse he was carried away by elia immediately so earlier he said that is the man that is nobody can be a minister in this family but this man he looked at his outward appearance and he concluded sometimes people flatter you they tell you things that god doesn't even want you to do it may not be a bad thing but that's not god's plan for your life and of course jesus said behold the lord's anointed and god said i mean someone said behold a lost anointed and god said to samuel i have rejected him that one you call him the lord anointed me i have rejected him you don't know man's heart only god does i'd like you to turn to somebody and tell him only god knows your heart yes only god knows your heart so if it's only god who knows your heart then i better listen to god if it's only god who knows man's heart then i just better listen to god at once i better listen to god god is not going to say that man's heart is evil stay away from him god will never say that to you oh that woman's heart is evil stay away from her no god is only going to guide you out of man's kingdoms god will guide you out of man's skin god will guide you out of man's plans he will guide you he will guide you out of man's deceit if you will listen to him he will guide you out of man's plans he will guide you out of the schemes of man he will guide you out of the deceit of man if you will listen to him you know we can get married to men or women who have wrong intentions towards you you can marry a woman whose intentions are evil towards you and you can marry a man whose intentions are evil towards you we've been around for a long time we know what we're talking about and they will lie and they will tell you till death do us part but they are the ones that will kill you first they say i love you with all i have i will marry you it's a lie it's a lie they just want to use you and dump you i always say only my wife knows why she married me and only only me know i married my wife and we may but not know it on earth till we get to heaven where the secrets of men are to be revealed you don't know what is in people's hearts some people are in some churches because the doctrine of the church suits them and others are in churches for other reasons many fail in life because they refuse to listen god only knows ben's heart so instead of listening to men i listen to god glory to god yeah that's why people marry and get into trouble people get into a business invest and get into trouble and we all make mistakes in life some people make mistakes in marriage some people make mistakes in business some people make mistakes in career some people make mistakes in relationships but you cannot keep repeating mistakes of judgment you've got to grow up and get wise you didn't hear that you can't keep making mistakes of judgment you've got to grow up the first 25 30 years of your life you made a mistake and married the wrong person after 10 years of marriage you divorced remember by this time now you're 45. so even if you're going to live for 80 years you have already lived over half at 45. you only have 35 to be 80. true or false at you only need 35 more years you are 80. so at 45 you cannot experiment again what is left of you if you are going to be 80 only is only 35 years any more mistake may take away another 10 15 20 years then you have nothing left that's why keep saying teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts onto wisdom you can't keep making mistakes you're not hearing me you can't keep making mistakes and expecting god to give you another chance god will give you a billion chances but you're the only one that has limited time you didn't hear that god will give you a billion chances but you're the only one that has the limitation of time so you can't afford to keep making the same mistakes over and over you've got to grow up trust in the lord with all your heart lean not your understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your parts have you ever wondered why god conceals things from men that means men can twerk what god wants if men know what god wants they can port it so god conceals things from men that mean man has the capacity to not do the will of god so god will hide his plans among types and shadows and parables at the princes of this world known they wouldn't have crucified the lord of glory and christ will not have died and if christ didn't die because the princes of this world understood the plan of god there will be no redemption men will die in their sins so god conceals his plans god conceals his plans so that they are only revealed to those who care to know what his plan is for their lives god will not force his plan on you god will not force his plan on you no somebody says to me but dr damina is the will of god not salvation that is the fundamental will of god but within salvation there is the will of god within salvation you are saved as the will of god now you have escaped eternal damnation but you still need to walk within the will of god in the will of god for your day-to-day victory over the circumstances of life i don't know if it's clear yeah in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path so again remember human will is more powerful than we think look at first corinthians chapter four verse five first corinthians chapter four verse number five therefore can a co-plan say when you see it therefore find out what is there for [Music] therefore judge nothing before the time tell somebody judge nothing before the time judge nothing before the time until the lord come who boat will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the cow cells of the hearts and then shall every man have praise of god you will never know what is in the hearts of men you will never know what men are thinking you will never not know some people's loyalty towards you is based on selfishness but you will never know you will never know so because you don't have this knowledge you've got to act like you don't have this knowledge how do you act like you don't have this knowledge trust in the lord with all your heart lean not your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your parts men's words mean nothing you didn't hear that man's words mean nothing let god's word mean everything let god's word mean everything people just speak when they want something from you or when they're excited you don't know what people are really thinking some are smiling because their hearts are full of daggers and they have seen that you're foolish enough to make yourself vulnerable for their daggers to penetrate so since they have seen that you are a simple tone they are happy and smiling because their daggers will succeed and you think they are smiling and happy because they like you no no [Music] it's good to pray and pray and pray as if all of your life depended on prayer you pray to know what the will of the lord is glory to god one more thing how many of you know that many times you don't even know who you are yourself many times you don't even know yourself and everybody is honest until they are given the opportunity to steal everybody is honest until they are given an opportunity to steal if your knowledge is this unreliable then your desires and emotions are unreliable why because your desires and emotions are limited in knowledge so that's why when we pray our prayers should not be all about things give me care give me a house give me money no there are things that are bigger than things they are called plans plans brother paul prayed prayers that are beyond just things because prayers of things are prayers that are based on our emotions our desires our will our mindset but when you begin to pray the polite prayer philippians chapter 1 verse 9 to 11 ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 to 23 the eyes of my understanding being light that i may know the hope of your calling that i may know the riches of your inheritance and i may know the exceeding greatness of your power towards me who believe according to the walking of your mighty power which you wrote in christ about my knees unto the father of our lord jesus christ of whom the whole family in heaven and let his name that they will grant me by his spirit to know that i walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful unto every good work that i walk worthy of the lord that i walk pleasing to the lord when you begin to pray such prayers colossians 1 9-12 since the day we heard we cease not to pray and to desire that you'll be filled with the knowledge of god's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding oh that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in christ prayers for knowledge prayers for insight that's why we should spend most of our time because the knowledge you have will affect your emotions it will affect your will it will affect things and it will affect the plan of god for your life pray about knowledge knowledge knowledge grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of our lord jesus christ once your eyes are open things are always incorporated in god's plan once your eyes are open things are always incorporated in god's plan if you follow god's plan for your life you will be rich if you follow god's plan for your life you will be rich when i say rich i mean your needs will be well cut out for your needs will be well cut out for you can follow things and your needs are well carted for but you are not in god's plan when you follow things so we can de-emphasize praying about things and start praying for you pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened prayer simply means being patient that's what prayer is prayer simply means being patient because if you can pray about things it means you are waiting on the lord about it when you pray about things what you are saying by implication is that you are ready to wait on the lord about it so that deals with hastiness it removes hastiness because when you pray your heart is stable your heart is steady waiting for god's purpose so that at the end of life is only god's will that will stand [Music] prayer means i'm ready to wait did i wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as their eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint teach me lord teach me lord to wait when you pray about things what you are saying is that you are ready to wait on the lord you can be praying to the lord for things and be the one deciding prayer means i submit to god's time i submit to god's answer i submit to god's leading there are so many things that will be bound and destroyed when we appear before the judgment seat of christ achievements milestones they will not matter when it really matters human achievements and milestones will not matter when it really matters that's why in life it's better to be slow and steady because slow and steady wins the race slow and steady than to be fast and run out of the race that god has set for you when we spend time to pray we're waiting ready to wait and let me tell you something it's good you start praying for yourself where the plan of god for your life is concerned pray for your company pray for your business pray for your contracts pray about who you are supposed to marry if you're not yet married start praying for the person even though you don't know who she is or who he is begin to pray for the person begin to pray and declare that circumstances and situations are working in your favor to orchestrate you and that person meeting you begin to pray and such prayers are not prayers you shoot and run there are prayers you stay on you keep praying you begin to pray and find out where god wants you to live where god wants you to spend your life people that follow god's plan and purpose most times are not strong-willed people that follow god's plan and purpose most times are not strong-willed they are flexible they are pliable they are tender in their hearts because sometimes you can miss it but if you're tender and flexible you are willing to relearn unlearn relearn and make adjustments but if you are used to doing things your way even when you miss it you keep at it you know you miss it but you keep at it you end up achieving something else that was not god's plan for you people that are strong-willed even when they miss it they stubbornly tell themselves i'm not going to change i'm not going to make adjustments so they insist and keep going their own way until they arrive at a different destination than what god planned for them because they're stubborn but god wants us to be people who are playable people who are flexible people that are ready to allow god's will prevail people that are willing to lean on the lord trust the lord you know when you trust somebody you don't have to know everything is it true when you trust somebody you don't have to know everything because now you have handed over you are you are limited knowledge to his knowledge so whatever he does with you you are comfortable when you trust god you do not have to know everything when you trust god then it's easy to obey because when you trust and god say john you don't ask why you ask how high god says jump you say father how high you're not asking why you're not saying lord supposing i jump and i fall no you trust him you trust him you trust him because you believe in his love for you you trust him you lean on him you yield your all to him you look up to him you're lightened and your face is not ashamed glory to god so you lean on the lord because you don't know everything you weigh it on the lord you wait on the lord the bible says it is a good thing that a man waits on the lord the bible says he that believeth shall not make hist shall not make it it's better to be late than to be in a hurry it's better to be slow than to rush and overtake god and arrive at where god is not yeah it is only good if it is god if it is not god it is not good trust in the lord hallelujah are we blessed tonight yeah leadings and perceptions we walk with the lord when you walk with the lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our ways while we do his good will he abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey glory to god get on your feet that's all i've got for you tonight hallelujah thank you lord jesus hallelujah are you blessed tonight father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice in this service online on television on radio those that are connected in the house centers all the campuses all over the world our friends and partners on online we ask that tonight this world grows big on your inside your steps are ordered confusion is far from your life you have clarity of thoughts you're led by the spirit you walk in the spirit you yield to the spirit you trust in the lord with all that is on your inside you trust the lord with all of your mind and heart and intellect you yield to the lord and i declare that your part is as the shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day thank you father i decree that your heart is fixed trusting in the lord you're not afraid of evil tidings you're not afraid of the terror and the and all that the enemy is capable of orchestrating you trust the lord you walk in god's word you work in god's timing you walk in the light of god's word thank you father and i speak the peace of god that passage all understanding to keep your heart and mind i rebuke fear hey fear go in the name of jesus i rebuke pleasure pleasure go in the name of jesus i speak rest rest for your soul rest for your mind i speak rest over you receive rest receive rest in the name of jesus thank you father for answer prayer i give you praise for the blessing over your people in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality glory amen somebody shout i will wait on the lord [Music] it's a good thing to wait on the lord can i have a good email oh glory to god hallelujah i want to take up your honor offerings and i'm joining mr michael bush for ask the councilor now in another two or three minutes but i'd like you to get out your honor offering when we hear the word like this we give in honor of christ we give in honor of the world and we give responsibly to carry out our collective assignment of getting this gospel to the end of the earth so wherever you're watching right now banking details are scrolling on the screen and on social media on television radio audience mr michael bush read the account all house centers around the city and the state grab your own offerings and all our campuses grab your own offerings we want to give in faith and give a joy tonight thank you lord jesus and if you know yet a partner of this ministry and you want to partner with us listen carefully somebody partnered with us and gave and through their givings we were able to make the world available to you on all the platforms where you're receiving the word right now imagine if you also give in partnership to this ministry how much more people will reach partnership gives you the opportunity every month to set apart a part of your income to support the work that we do in this ministry and if you want to partner with us beginning from this moment for the next 12 months where every month you set apart a portion of your income to support this ministry i want you to know we're so glad to welcome you into partnership now if you want to partner with us you just need to shoot email to dr abeldamina at yahoo.com drabel dr abeldamina at yahoo.com that's where to email for partnership to this ministry i'd like to pray for every one of you as we give in faith and with joy tonight and listen carefully uh as you partner with this ministry i wanted to also realize that through you much more in the world much more people this good news will reach them and i want you to know we're grateful we appreciate your commitment to partner with us lift up your offerings let's pray together father i pray for everybody on tv on radio social media online around the world wherever people are following all our health centers and campuses as we give we're giving faith we give a joy and the blessing is upon this house and i decree that every need is met supernaturally and i thank you for answered prayer tonight in jesus christ's name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality glory amen listen you don't want to go away get more people to hook up i'm joining mr michael bush in two three minutes from now as we bring to you as the councilor now and until i see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel domino please call los 234 806 800-9939 or email power city office at gmail.com [Music] so [Music] the spirit of god there has never been a scarcity of my power all the power that you will ever need i made available to you at the point of your birth you were born with all of my power you were not born deficient you were born complete everything that constitutes me was packaged together to give birth to you saith god but you will have to place a demand on the resources that are available to you by regeneration and you place that demand intentionally so you make that power available in the natural so you see save god when you do not give yourself intentionally to take off and take from my power then you live the life of defeat you live a life that is full of apologies you live a life that attracts sympathy and sorrow then you live under undue pressures says god i never designed for you to live a life of pressure i designed for you to live a life of rest [Music] many thanks for staying tuned it's now the time for ask the counsellor all right the opening announcements we always give at this point of the program account name is power city international there are two banks there's fcmb number one 29 82 68 20 28 29 82 68 20 28 that's for fcm account name power city international uba is number two 139 26 465 139 26 4 6 5 that's for ub of course the account name remains power city international okay announcement number two uh we have um some time we have some time and hence so we're going to open the phone lines pretty early as far as the next 10 minutes the phone line will be thrown open and that will run up until the end of this edition of the program so you want to call us you're doing that from nigeria it's all free excuse me 0806 800 9939 but if you are calling from outside nigeria remember plus two three four before 0806 800 9939 you want to send us an sms or two plus two three four again if you're doing from outside nigeria otherwise it's all 703 691 691-8642 or you want to send us an email or two ask the counselor now at gmail.com is the address to do that too okay next one the last one for sponsorship for partnership for support this program what you just need to do is call up the hotline that is plus two three four again if you're doing from outside nigeria otherwise it's simply 803 275 6104 or you email dr abell damina abeldamina yahoo.com doctor there of course is dro okay so my name is michael bush and i'm the anchor of the program i'm the anchor of ask the counselor which is actually a power city international global showpiece on tv on radio and then all social media platforms just goes around the world like that and this has been running for nearly two years you know one year and counting now and it continues to run it's on live radio about um uh about 12 hours it's on radio 12 hours in wii u aqua bomb state where we're broadcasting from by the way the church headquarters uh it's number 96 right 98 manipura number 98 one in baruch i don't know what happened with 96 but number 98 muang in barrood right here on in wang ba is in yo u is the capital of aquibo aqua music state in the south southern part of nigeria of course they contain the west coast of africa okay my producer is pastor ij aquari complete with the production team and now the sex man baba prolific author a man like no other when it comes to teaching the word and just doing things for god help me welcome global baba doctor eva so nice to be here so much to talk to you about first though uh traditional opening prayers let's pray together father we rejoice that life flows from this house to the nations of the earth pray for kwame state thank you for the blessing upon this land thank you for our governor thank you for his executive cabinet thank you for the men that you have raised and positioned in this society as political leaders we pray that they continue to have understanding wisdom strategic plans that make this state a more accommodating state a state that has all the potentials and all the opportunities and enablements to fulfill and create environments for people to excel and achieve their god-given gifts and talents and i decree and declare that all of the public servants students our mothers and fathers women and men in this society everyone continues to open up to the gospel as this gospel continues to go forth every day veils are falling people are growing in the knowledge of christ and we give you praise that all over the world this gospel thrives in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen right now during the live show it's half past the hour in nigeria and this is the point that we take off and ask the councillor okay global about the the last time we were here live we left off on a note that when we come there will be someone finished business which was my question was how is it easy for even in christendom even in the people of god to believe fake news to believe things which are not um which are not true so easily because many people are not matured and many people are not taught once people are not taught concerning the truth of the gospel they become gullible you know the bible tells us my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge so that ignorance is huge in the body of christ many people are very ignorant they don't even know what the parameters are for what to receive what not to receive they don't know scriptures that talk about god your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life so they are gullible and then they become victims because those things dampen their heart those things push them out of the tangent that god has for their lives and you know they just become like a dog's being where all kinds of garbage is dumped into and they're not able to decipher what god's release and what you know good is from bad because they are not well taught okay so global balance starts uh global tour we spent the last time we're here live we spent the night in the uk so we're going to be setting out there from hello global about the entire continental mr michael bush i emailed from the uk and i would like to remain anonymous please explain the spiritual connotations of sex if any at all it is often said that every time you sleep with someone they are joined to you spiritually which can affect your life especially when you have multiple partners sir and please explain if this is true and if this is scriptural thank you leaves a name that says you should be anonymous you've answered this question before yeah i mean there's no such implications in the spirit because i mean sex is natural sex ends on earth there's no marriage outside this earth it's physical so there's no such implications however when you sleep with multiple partners it also has its own consequences natural consequences of course you know and of course if you're spiritual and you give yourself to such excessive to such activities you create a room for the devil to take advantage of you and harm you or hurt you so you know that's what it is there's nothing like soul ties or if you sleep with a woman you and her spirit has become one when the bible says two shall be one flesh he was talking about the church and christ basically and majorly using marriage as an analogy to communicate the spiritual union between christ and the church that's why first corinthians 6 17 says he that is joined to the lord is one spirit he was talking about the unity of spirit he wasn't talking about you know sex or um you know natural conditions and affects male and females okay look over from the uk we're heading to germany but i have an anonymous entry that i must take for the road hello global barber sir i have a life-changing testimony but for the purpose of from the fact that my testimony is so delicate i wish to remain anonymous before i met you last year or before i met it during the lockdown that was last year there was this addiction that i had in i'd been in for 25 solid years i actually got addicted to it in my teenage years even when i got married i thought i would stop it but it never happened i got born again two years before i got into this addiction i'm filled with holy the holy ghost so committed and saving god yeah the addiction never left me i prayed and i did all manner of things to change myself yet to know how well but the day i actually met you last year i only listened to one of your messages on youtube that very day global something happened that i could really figure out immediately but i knew that something had left me only that i didn't know what it was but there was this joy that flooded my heart that very day so as i began to feed on your teachings religiously daily for like a month a day came that i just realized that i had not thought of this addiction nor talk of practicing it and this has never happened for 25 unbroken years this is a year plus now baba the thought has does not cross my mind i only remember it when i want to give thanks to god for delivering me from such a habit i want to praise god for freeing me from masturbation global baba wow praise god praise god the word of god has the ability to free you from anything that is contrary to the freedom that is in christ jesus we rejoice with you praise god okay global but talking about um talking about testimony i also have a massive one you know coming here there's something i'm not going to be able to give it directly like that i know but i've been pursuing for over 10 years but i remember about six months ago i think i raised that with blue baba in passing i just i don't get worried about it i just knew it would come and the global just told me and do this prepare for it prepare for it prepare for it and all of that so when i left i discussed with mrs bush i called her she was in a budget i said why don't you even do like this do like this to the glory of god what i even wanted was more wow in a way will compare to what i have i wanted one but i've been given two wow you know and from the presidency i can say that you know so it's something that really really excites me praise god i rejoice with you when the full thing is [Music] [Laughter] now to germany greetings my dear daddy my name is anne i write from germany first i want to thank you daddy for your teachings i have a question concerning marriage my husband and i are both believers we both listen to you are preaching we have been married for more than eight years he's a good man but doesn't support me financially at first it was okay because i've had i have a good job and also wanted him to build something for himself ever since he's built a house in nigeria now he's investing all of his money building a business in nigeria as well while i am here paying the mortgage of the house i bought i pay for food i pay for electricity i pay for the children schooling and upbringing he now has a new job and i was hoping he would start helping me financially but he's still saying i should wait because he's still building his business in africa daddy i'm really tired of living like this to make things worse if we have a problem he goes to my children and tells them very bad things about me even telling them that i'm a prostitute and i sleep around with men i just can't understand why a husband would behave like this even if blah blah blah even if i were a prostitute is this uh not to is this something my own husband should tell my children and i want to leave the marriage because i believe this toxic environment will harm my children that the police advise me stay blessed i think we've already treated this i'm sure that this sister didn't get to listen to it and wanted a rehash well sister first thing is um you and your husband i think both of you need to speak to your spiritual authority because your husband needs somebody to speak sense into his head somebody to really counsel him but like i always say i may not really know why you know your husband behaves like that so there'll be need to listen to his own part of the story and look at what you said look at what he says and see how we can arrive at somewhere where council can be given where adjustments can be made however if that is not able to happen right now be patient some more and engage your husband in a very you know very logical discussion bring the facts before his face and let him see what the matters are let him see what you have done how much you have supported him how much you've been there you know for him and how much have done the things you needed to have done for the family thus far and tell him you know your your weariness your tiredness and all of that and discuss with him in a very logical way and see what comes out of that and if he still doesn't listen then he will need to be talked to by spiritual authority i hope that helps you amen okay global about now the listener and the viewer you're free to call into the program even as i make way now to the part of the world called australia i think this anonymous entry no not anonymous doesn't tell us where he's writing from so claim is australia hello baba i'm one of your followers even though i do that from afar please a question that is bordering our church please sir does someone have to fast to be able to cast out demons you know do you have to um first to be able to cast out demons that's what it should be and please shed more light on mark 9 29 and it's a secret of power in the believer to manifest in fasting can a believer cast out demons until uh he or she has fasted please is to show the magnitude of how the christians affecting the church events again writing all right hello baba i'll come back to you just this caller hello hello many thanks for joining us where you calling from i thank you thank you i i want to i just want to appreciate my father my and i would fail to appreciate the power voices and i want to look at the song that the power policies are thinking in the church you know that i think from the scriptures i want to thank my father for the good work he has brought and the clarity in the body of christ and today i want to thank papa because i was walking in the street and i heard a word from papa he dropped the word and he said when a deliverer is unforgiving he turns instead of palmers towards the voice of god and i really appreciate my father for that word this night the problem i have with people is especially if you are the type that i've always been filled with the gospel and especially when you meet people like people in the personal churches who are not used to this kind of work you can imagine that this is some pastor some people you think they know the word of god and you discover at the end of the day that some of them are empty still arguing about the character of god talking about if god kills that god kills that god is what happened to moses in the bible that he was called the king voices priests the things we are facing in the body of christ and it's not all about the work that pepper has invited us in the church like us who have been sending a message to people teaching the people every single experience but i want to just happen for what he has done in the body of christ even though religion has dealt with a lot of people oh yes okay fantastic we go back to events yes events well first of all you don't cast out demons by fasting you cast out demons because you're a believer mark chapter 16 verse 17 jesus said these signs shall follow those i believe in my name they shall cast our demons he didn't say these signs shall follow those that believe and fast just that you are born again child of god you are light anywhere you enter darkness you run away you cast out demons not by fasting but by being a believer but scripture you quoted in month mark matthew chapter 9 of mark chapter 9 where jesus said this kind going not out but by prayer and fasting if you go to the original the word fasting is not included you don't fast to cast out demons demons are under the feet of the believer jesus defeated demons it's not the believer that defeats demons jesus already defeated satan and all of his cohorts and today all you need is just declare what jesus has done and all the demons will jump like monkeys into the jungle you'll cast them out so fasting is not a prerequisite for casting our demons so why do we fast we fast for self help self discipline so that we can focus in our concentration and in our communion with the father in the place of prayer i hope that helps you and helps those in your church bless you okay i was listening to one of your teachings and um you you you were talking about the evangelist somebody who goes on evangelism and does not succeed in winning even a soul that it is the failure is the lack of prayer there's prayer and there's fasting no no no i'm not talking about today okay i'm just thinking about okay generally yes because prayer prayer directs you to people that are already ready for the word but when you don't pray you talk to people that are not even prepared but when you pray you are able to know people that are ready people who are open so instead of just going around you're going to targeted people and you're able to preach to people that are ready and looking for christ so that's what prayer does and that's prayer also makes power available so that when you speak the word of god your words go with power they go like you know cruise missiles they hip target so that's why we pray prayer is very important absolutely so global from australia one far-flung part of the world to another one jamaica this one hello daddy have been fooling your teachings for over a year now and i can recall vividly when i wrote you concerning the infirmity on my dad's legs and you prayed for him he got healed and was able to walk again indeed god is a miracle working god i want to thank you for what god is using you to do daddy daddy someone gave me a revelation concerning the life of my dad she talked about him having an accident in the dream and daddy i've been fasting as well i'm praying to daddy please i need your prayers towards his life he has traveled to the north of that country for business so daddy please i need your prayers for his life that god should preserve him thank you daddy god bless well again let me tell you don't let people to be let people use dreams and visions to control your life stay on the word of god declare god's word over your father he's going out he's blessed he's coming in his bed blessed the angels of god are giving church to keep you in all his ways and not living fear living faith and believe the best of god for him god bless you amen just in time a second caller hello hi my name is from united kingdom welcome thank you so much for all that we do in fact the first time i heard of your message it's just that your church will launch you what time for campus is now but i mean one of the campuses that's what the i want to ask you is how do you for instance in your relationships and the other questions believe you know these competitive societies synthetic things that you feel and you believe in the word of god and and he sees you as very arrogant because he feels anything that you want to do you should do it with all aggression and everything and i will see the word of god i just declared and you see me are very arrogant and right through anyway i caught on from you but how do i cut out this because of this human being out of my skin okay uh i mean the the first thing you did was the right thing because if he believes in prophetic you believe in the word of god it will be difficult for two of you to live in the same house because you'll be looking for prophets to tell him what to do and even those prophets can break the marriage all right so the first thing is you slow down or you just break the relationship and give him time and give yourself time maybe he will grow to where he will also become word oriented and if he doesn't dwell you trust god for another relationship so how do you remove him out of your heart well it's given that maybe when you guys were relating your emotions got entangled and you got entangled with one another now that you have left you have to reason you tell yourself the reasons why i broke this relationship is number one you state out your values and in the light of your values your feelings will start changing it's like i said the other sunday for example a girl is going out with a boy and she's busy i will die for you if i don't marry you i'll be a dead human being i love you so much i will die for you and then in the course of that she now discovers that the young man was the one who killed her father that love will disappear at once so sometimes when you bring logical values to your thoughts it helps your emotions to behave so you have to look at the reasons why you broke the relationship in the light of god's word and the future that god has for you and based on that as you begin to think about that your feelings will begin to align and suddenly you're no more feeling like you lost something bless you blah blah blah in the continent global counselor that's so beautiful that one yeah so sharp this next caller number three hello yeah we're waiting for you your name where you calling from hello i'm matthew from china go ahead [Music] i want to appreciate you for what you're doing before you cry i can i can say i'm soon um please i want to know the material i can get for the workpiece okay material can get for what for before the material the material yes i can use to know there is god key oh whether god kills or not they misunderstood god they misunderstood god's series part one part two part three part four part five they misunderstood god that material will sort you out permanently the misunderstood god or its audio teachings order it from our office okay you know what is the interest in finding out whether god kills this because because people have taught contrary for many many years there are many people walking around just by even seeing those people you know that god doesn't kill because this one should have gone exactly exactly and that's why i see some of them you know and they are still alive but they have been healthier exactly exactly they should come no but i won't just leave it i i'll do the prophetic foreign [Laughter] so let's now come to africa south africa now hello global baba i'm experiencing god's power in my life since i got introduced to your teachings you've literally changed my perception towards the world my approach has changed all together thank you for taking from your family time to teach us the truth of god global baba you have liberated us god bless you joy malangu in south africa global come back to you for response to that recommendation do not commendation justice ones first caller number four hello hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from thank you thank you i want to appreciate i want to appreciate my father the lord dr edward and also the intercontinental michael bush today but i can't ask a question today if i'm sitting down with some people tonight i ask you a question so i want to show that question to my partner he's not the question is can a a risk and take somebody to cut especially if somebody can pass with your hands okay why not why not i mean the society is for all of us and if anybody is living with me in a society and is trying to deprive me my rights that's why we have the law enforcement that's why we have the law that's why we have the court systems the only person i will not take to court is my brother in christ i will not take my sister in christ to court because there's a higher court than the legal court in the body of christ which is a church authority which is my pastor which is my spiritual leader so if i have a problem with a sister in the house of god i will take the sister to my pastor the bible says if you have a problem with a brother take him go to him first if he refuses to listen to you take another brother with you to him if he refuses to listen to two of you then bring him to the church okay so that's a brother but if he's not a brother if he's just he's a secular person who is infringing on my rights and i talk to him and he's not willing to see reason with me and he's making me uncomfortable in the society then i'm left with no option than to take him to court sure take him to the police take him to court and let the law of the land fix the situation so that my my staying in that society is not inconvenienced by somebody who doesn't have the right to inconvenience my state i hope that helps okay global but because of time of the lack of it i'm afraid i'm not able to continue my tour around africa i'm going to come in a jp to nigeria abuja the capital of nigeria bella godiya jeremiah writes hello global baba mine is more of a testimony than a question i want to thank barbara for a wonderful service his teachings have made me realize why i am in christ and what i have in christ the 30 days of glory 2021 cetera eight really equipped me especially when spoke about tongues and interpretations and also edification during my examination i worked in the consciousness a reality that i have the holy spirit in me and it was so good to know and feel that way i was so excited that i could experience so much progress and internal joy it really feels so good to be a believer not just a believer but an active one no baba thank god for me praise god what a blessing thank you for reaching out and the other brother who reached out also in the previous email thank you for sharing with us what god is doing in your lives okay so let's come to you nigeria that's where we are broadcasting from we have just a little over six or five small minutes before we say our bye bye from this edition of the program hello blah blah blah i'm joseph i write from who you are quite honestly if i give money to someone in need as a gift global is there a possibility that the person can use the money to attack me spiritually blue barber festo my last caller hello yeah hello just go ahead you know where you're calling from and can you shift a little can you shift a little from your set say it's causing commotion in the house a lot himself that's not good enough [Music] [Music] family well my advice before you start worrying yourself about where ken found a wife to marry why don't you know christ grow in the knowledge of christ seek to know god seek to grow in prayer seek to grow in evangelism seek to grow and make disciples what has ken's wife got to do with you you know he married he married that's what matters whether where he got the wife he got a wife that's what matters i don't know why people bother themselves with what we call non-essentials those are non-essentials so again the bible didn't tell us where king found a wife but it's very obvious that there were people on earth more than adam and eve but the reason why the bible just stays on adam and eve is because of the bias the bible has a bias and the bias of the bible is salvation in christ so the journey you will find that is complete in the bible is a journey that leads to salvation through faith which is in christ from genesis to revelation that's why you don't know who peter's father is you don't know who peter's mother is because all of the bible's genealogy is biased it terminates we are crisis so don't bother yourself about the details that the bible is not bothered about try to grow in the knowledge of christ try to grow in salvation try to grow in the knowledge of your realities in what christ has done for you that is more important than who came married bless your heart okay global we're back here live tomorrow um so because of time and luck of it i just must punctuate the program here there's a special presentation i love to make just get that to me global but this was given to me on your best day by a little boy i think this boy is uh 12 years old 13. his sister his sister is actually 16. that's madaya and this one is jediah i hope so nick and johnson okay now nick and johnson yes so he drew this oh i've not looked at this at all so it's my privilege and pleasure to present this to global baba oh that's so nice thank you jedi thank you jedi god bless you thank you know one day franklin was talking with td jakes and then tv jacks had his bald head properly shining and kirk franklin said to jacks excuse me sir can i have the pleasure to do something and jack says whatever you want to do by all means so he stood up and walked to tdg's head and kissed the ball ahead okay and they've just started loving and i say well i mean what a blessing okay so one of my one of my colleagues one of my classmates at the masters program that um i'm on um ivonne song also came with me can we just put our hands together for a boring song and she came with me to church okay so glover we've come to the end the prayer requests we just would pray for them before we say bye-bye father we pray for everybody whose request is here tonight we declare that every need is met every prayer is answered sick bodies be healed amen be healed amen every question be answered mysteries be dissolved and we thank you for miracles for those who are expecting a miracle in jesus name we pray amen amen okay tomorrow is another day we're back here live until then this is michael bush your uncle on behalf of producer pastor ijquery the production team bringing on dumbo baba dr ebel damina in the continental mr bush what a blessing to be here together with you again tonight ladies and gentlemen thank you for giving us the privilege to serve you the grace of god we're looking forward to more teaching tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow at six pm gmt plus one i will be teaching on leadings and perception and at the end of it at seven o'clock gmt plus one will be live again with mr michael bush on axa council so if you have testimonies and questions shoot them to us to the email address at the council on now at gmail.com we're looking forward to a wonderful time with you again tomorrow invite more people to be part of these remember tonight nine to ten well inspiration for those in acquire bomb 10 to 12 on heritage fm tomorrow morning 5 50 a.m we're on excel fm 11 to 2 to one we're on radio acquire bomb one two three we're on excel fm three to five passion fm and we're back tomorrow evening six pm gmt plus one to bring you the word of his grace and until then on comfort fm on comfort fm at 6 pm gmt plus 1. and until we see you tomorrow enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed good night goodbye from you nigeria amen [Music] this is
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,577
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: RHfep55eqiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 41sec (7301 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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