LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT INTERVIEW Questions And Answers (Interview Questions for Managers!)

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hi everybody my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company past my interview calm and in this tutorial I'm gonna teach you how to pass any kind of leadership or management interview so if you've got one coming up please stick around watch it from beginning to end because I promise you the questions and unique answers are gonna really help you to pass okay welcome to this tutorial that's me there on the right hand side my name is Richard McMunn very passionate about helping people to pass their interviews I've been doing it over 20 years now and in this video I'm going to focus specifically on a leadership and the management type interview I'm gonna give you sample questions to prepare for and more importantly I'm gonna give you a load of unique answers as well as normal please make sure you subscribe to the channel by clicking the red button below the video that way you are not going to miss out on any of the weekly videos that I'm uploading and if you do enjoy this video and the sample answers I would very much appreciate it if you gave the video a thumbs up okay let's get straight into a question number one of a leadership and management interview tell me about yourself and why you are suited to this leadership or management role so it's a pretty much guaranteed question the first one that you are likely to get asked in any kind of leadership or management interview now two tips for helping you to answer this successfully tip number one my advice when responding to this question is to focus on these competencies the competencies of being able to inspire and motivate your team being able to work under pressure to achieve the company goals also being able to solve difficult problems by working on your own initiative and also making sure you make the right decisions at the right time and I'm gonna give you an answer in a second which encompasses all of those competencies now tip number two tell the panel that you will work hard to meet the organizational objectives you will also be loyal and trustworthy and you will act as a positive role model and representative for their company and I'm pretty much sure if you say all of those things combined you will answer this with the top you know the highest marks possible so here is my suggested answer for you tell me about yourself and why you're suited to this particular leadership and/or management role here we go I'm a hard-working determined loyal and competent leader and manager and I have the appropriate level of experience and expertise to not only inspire and motivate the team but also ensure they work tirelessly towards achieving the company objectives now I've studied your organization in detail and you are clearly an innovative and forward-thinking company who has ambitious plans for the future now based on my own personal career goals and my enthusiasm for this type of role I feel we will be able to work collaboratively together effectively to meet your targets and your future plans now that's a real solid answer now of course you can either take notes and write down those answers or I will tell you at some stage during this video where you can get access to these and download them so that's the first question of a leadership and/or management and interview let's take a look at question number two tell me about a time when you made a quick decision we've limited information so as a leader and a manager you often have to make quick decisions with minimal information and this is an acquired skill but there's a couple of things that you have to do in these type of situations to make sure that you make the right one so two tips before I give you a brilliant answer to this question tip number one quick decisions have to be made as a leader in a manager however it is essential that you balance the risks versus the benefits for each decision that you make number two my advice is to describe a situation you were in where you had to make a quick decision based on the best interests of the organization and that you and this is the important bit you weighed up the pros and cons before you make that decision so here is a suggested answer that can be used in any kind of leadership and management interview here we go tell me about a time when you made a quick decision with limited information in a previous role I was often required make quick decisions without much information to hand one particular situation involved a client requesting important changes to a project we were working on and they needed an answer within the hour now normally I would take the time to calculate a cost-based exercise to determine the impact on our budget and the profitability whenever a client requested additions or changes however this was not possible due to time so I weighed up the risks of losing the client for future projects as they had already spent a considerable amount of money with us over the years on that basis I agree to the changes but I reiterated to them there would not be any further changes after that I only ever make quick decisions if the risk of not doing so is that the detriment of the organization I'm working for I will always balance risks versus the benefits in any situation like this that I am presented with so you are given an explanation of their where you made a decision with limited time a quick decision but you had you'd weighed up the options quickly but you're also saying there that you will always put the organization first and that is the important thing when responding to that kind of question let's take a look at another one of the leadership and management interview tell me about a time when you handled a crisis or a really difficult situation now this is a common leadership and management interview question because what they are looking for here is for you to take responsibility for this situation because you're a leader and a manager and you can't go running off to your senior managers or your directors to say what should I do here you have to make important decisions so two tips to help you answer correctly demonstrate your ability to remain calm and utilize innovative thinking to come up with a solution to the problem or the crisis you are faced with now every problem can be solved every problem can be solved and it's your job to show that you are resilient you have a determined attitude and an ability to strive towards completing the task or project efficiently and effectively so how do you do that when answering this interview question here's a sample for you tell me about a time when you handled a crisis here we go during a particular team project we were literally seven days away from the project deadline and everything was going smoothly and as planned unfortunately two important members of the team had to go off without notice one was due to sickness and the second was due to compassionate reasons the project was literally thrown into turmoil and it initially looked like the project would not get delivered having disastrous consequences for our client however I decided to step up to the plate and search for ways we could get the project over the finishing line I started scouting for talent from other departments and after a day of intense searching we managed to hire two people to help us complete the project then we all worked around the clock due to the time already lost and we pulled together we dug deep and we focused on the project outcomes at the end of the deadline the project was completed and more importantly to the required standards and specification I believe I am at my best when under pressure and I can always be relied upon to be resilient innovative and determined so you're showing there you're given a situation that you're in when you had to handle the crisis but you were saying I'm the one who stepped up and I came up with a solution an innovative solution and you're also saying and this is the this is the important bit I said there I believe I am at my best when under pressure so I'm telling the panel I can work in this kind of situation no problem at all next question what do you dislike the most about leadership and management okay a real tricky question because you can't say well you know what there's absolutely nothing I dislike I love every bit of him and I would say you're not being honest because there are some things here we've leadership and management I've I did it for many many years I run my own business but I was a leader and a manager in the fire service many for many years a highly stressful job very difficult at times and there were some aspects that I didn't like but there is a trick to answering this question so two tips before I give you a great answer number one don't give something here that you have control over so don't say I don't like people within a team who underperform or I don't like it when my my door rector or senior manager gives me unrealistic targets to make or or expectations make sure you give something and you don't give something that you have control over number two tell the interview panel one thing you dislike but then say you have developed skills to overcome that particular dislike over the years so here's a great answer that I think it can be used in any kind of interview what you dislike the most about leadership and management here we go there isn't much about management leadership I dislike however if I had to choose one thing it would be when the completion of your task or project is dependent on external stakeholders whose appetite for completion isn't in sync with your own having said that I feel over the years I've developed strong in Turpan interpersonal skills and persuasion techniques to get external stakeholders and organizations to help me achieve my old managerial aims and objectives I think that's a brilliant answer because you're saying there isn't much I dislike about it but there is one thing and that's when external stakeholders you don't have much control over when their appetite for ambition isn't the same as your own but then you were saying but I believe I've developed strong interpersonal skills and persuasion techniques to get them to help me okay really really solid answer next question if you are successful at interview today what's the first thing you will do as our newly appointed manager or leader so if you're successful what's the first thing you're going to do quite a difficult question but I'm gonna give you a really really strong answer no sorry number one make sure you have a plan for what you're gonna do so be prepared already don't say well I'll get into the role and I'll sort of find my feet you need to hit the ground running number two base your plan what you plan to do on three things these three things were really good number one obtaining a clear brief from your senior managers and directors number two carrying out team appraisals and then number three motivating and inspiring your team towards the goals okay those are the three things I recommend you you say in your plans you're gonna say I've already got a plan of what I'm going to do if I'm successful and these are the three things so is my answer for you if you're successful at interview today what's the first thing you will do as our newly appointed manager or leader here we go if I'm successful and I get to become your manager or leader I plan to do three things within the first few weeks of arriving first and foremost I will obtain a clear brief from you my senior managers and the company directors to understand exactly how I can help the company strategically meet its goals and its targets secondly I will get to know my team inside out I plan to carry out in-depth appraisals with each team member to find out how they currently contribute to the team and the wider organizational object is within their role finally after completing the first two stages of my three-stage plan I will brief the team fully on my expectations in respect to performance and also reiterate the goals and targets we will all be working towards it will then be my job to manage lead and motivate the team that's a really good answer a really really good answer okay now I hope you've enjoyed those and I love creating the the questions and the answers if you would like more of these and you want to get a copy of those please click the link below the video or go to the website pass my interview comm so I own this website here pass my interview comm you can get free access to my online training courses over 550 top reviews on Trustpilot what honestly we're literally helping people every day to pass their interviews so you get over 50 training modules on this course you'll get me teaching you directly it's me there who's teaching you exactly how to do it and there's over fifty four training modules and loads of interview questions and suggested answers if you've got an interview coming up I don't mind you telling me what it is in the comment section below the video and that way I'll give you a few questions to prepare for because obviously these other ones for a leadership and a management interview but any kind of interview whatsoever my advice is get access to that free online course you can get free access for 30 days is pass my interview calm I genuinely want you to pass your interview I love teaching you and thank you very much for subscribing to the channel and yeah I wish you all the very best thanks for watching guys good luck
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 264,343
Rating: 4.917376 out of 5
Keywords: leadership interview questions and answers, interview questions for managers, management interview questions and answers, strategic interview questions, interview questions and answers, behavioral interview questions, competency interview questions, situational interview questions, strategic leadership interview questions, richard mcmunn interview, project manager interview, careervidz, how2become
Id: mjFZSQWe2E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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