A Job Interview Tip Guaranteed to Get You Hired

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Today! The job interview. We're gonna talk about job interviewing and I am gonna give you my favorite tip. Yes, my favorite tip. This thing is simple and it's huge, and if you do it, just do it, I guarantee you will get hired even if you trip up a little bit along the way in the interview. So, if you are just jumping into this session, we're in part number three. Part number one was a handful of days ago. We talked about resume writing and more specifically how to put together a killer, killer career profile. We also talked over the weekend, a couple of days ago, on job search networking where I gave you some detailed tactics, the dos, the don'ts, and all that good stuff. If you have not caught those sessions, they will be up for a limited time. I've gone all out for you on this live event. I've created a concierge page that I like to call it. It's basically the event page. It shows you the topics, the dates, the times, and all that good stuff. It also has the replays that you can access. You can also get them here on YouTube. There's some other goodies and other assets and things that you can grab as well so check that out. The link is in the description. If you have not yet subscribed to my YouTube channel, make sure not only because of this event, and we still have another session on salary negotiation coming up in a couple of days, but make sure that you subscribe because I give you new weekly videos, as well as my live office hours on Thursday. So, if you need assets to help you build a career you love this is the place and I love helping you do that. Let's get into the agenda for today. I'm gonna talk a bit about just some basics and I want to talk, I want to mention interview intervention for a moment. I do want to give you the number one tip that I want to share with you that will literally transform your interviewing ability, your ability to get hired. I'm gonna teach you how to do that technique, this technique, in all three phases of the job interview. If you don't know what the three phases of the job interview I'm gonna go through those, too. Great to have you. Now, for those of you who ... Most of you know, but in case you do not, I've written three books, and the first book that I wrote Interview Intervention: Communication That Gets You Hired, no job interviewing live session would be complete without me holding this book up and just letting you know at this moment it's free. This $29 book is free. I bought it for you. I also created an e-book and slaved over recording the audio for you, which you also get for free and you get an e-book titled How to Interview the Employer: 75 Great Questions to Ask Before You Take Any Job. Now this book, which I know a lot of you have, and you get free if you're in my boot camp or in my interview intervention course, this book I wrote it a number of years ago and it's about a methodology that I've developed about 15 years ago. If you do everything in the book, the book talks about the reasons why you get hired. It's foundationally based on communication principles and psychology and what's happening when people are communicating. It happens to be written in a job interview setting. It talks about the reasons you get hired, about accurately exchanging information between you and the job interviewer and doing that effectively so that you both are making informed decisions based on reality. The entire book is strategic. It breaks it down into processes. It gets very prescriptive. As far as questions, answers your questions, how to get the information you need, thank-you emails, all kinds of good stuff. But it's all based on you making a great decision. If you do everything in the book, statistically we've been gathering stats for the last decade and a half. You have a 560% better chance of getting hired than other job seekers, and that's pretty awesome. The good news is, you can get the book for free, and I want you to do all that stuff. The other piece of news is, we're not going to talk about any of that stuff today. I want to let you know, the book is out there for you to go get. I want you to get it. I want you to learn the tactics because it really will help you with your storytelling and your responses to any of the interviewing questions. Any of the interviewing questions, so get that. Today, we're going to talk about something even more powerful than reality. Something that trumps reality on any given day, twice on Sunday, always has, always will. Always has, always will, and that's imagination. Imagination. It trumps reality. It's greater than reality. Always has been, always will be. It taps emotions, and emotions are simply more powerful than logic. They're more powerful than reality. Our emotions are so powerful that it makes us reshape our logic so that we can talk ourselves into just about anything that we want and rationalize our way to our decisions. Everybody does this. It's human nature. What I want to do today is I want to show you how you can tap into the interviewer's imagination, and position yourself so that they are imagining you in the best light. If you're able to do that, combined with the interview intervention techniques in the book, I don't know what that percentage is going to be, as far as how much better you're going to perform in the market, but I'm guessing it's more than a thousand percent. So that's what I want to talk about today because, imagination trumps reality. All right, let's get into this. Let's get into this. When you are in an interview ... Sorry, I'm really parched today. When you are in an interview, you want to think about the role you're playing and at that moment, you're the chief operating officer of your job search. Until you get that interview, you are the chief marketing officer of your resume, and you and bringing yourself to market. When you get that job interview, the role you're playing is sales person, and you are selling yourself as is the company to you. You are selling yourself so that the employer will ultimately buy you. Once they buy you and you become an employee, then you turn into a service delivery person, or a customer service person where you actually fulfill whatever it is that they're paying you for. If you think about the best sales people, they're not the ones that understand the script of what it is that they're selling or all the product features and all the niceties of what the service is or the product is. They're the ones you can actually help you think about your future and your transformation. They're the ones that get you think forward about the art of what's possible. When you see those pictures, I don't know, an advertisements of whatever, you got the guy pulling out his hair, and his desk is all cluttered, and he's trying to work, and he can't figure it out. Then you see the person on the beach, sipping a piƱa colada under the sun, on the sand, and they say, "This can be you," that's what I'm talking about is getting someone to imagine what's possible. When you were in the interview, that's your job is to think about how can I show them what's possible. Now, in doing so, the easiest way for you to think about how to do that and to remember, and what your cue is, is to think about this one word, just think about this one word for me, and it's their future. It's their future. It's their future. The interview, ultimately hinges on their future not your past. Let's talk about that a little bit. What happens is a lot of us, we get into these interviews and we spend a lot of time trying to convey our credentials. We talk about our past projects, all that good stuff. All that good stuff where we're spending a tremendous amount of time talking about our past. When you're talking about your past, the interviewer is in evaluation mode and it is a huge, huge stretch for that interviewer to draw the conclusion between your past and their future. Because there are entirely too many variables that they're dealing with at any moment in time. This is how you do it in your environment and while your logic sounds sound, okay? You sound like you know what you're talking about. It looks like you know what you're doing. You're recalling it effectively, but our environment is different. Our environment is different. I don't know if you can actually do it in our environment. The more time you spend in your past and the more time they spend in evaluation mode generally speaking, not always but generally speaking, the interview is going less good. It's going less good, the more time you spend in your past. What you need to do is you need to get it into the future. You need to get into the future, and you need them to imagine more easily, and even though it's an imagination, you need them to extrapolate more accurately that you can do the job, and this is how you would do the job, and this is how their life is going to change, and this is how they're going to grow their revenue, and this how they're going to cut their cost, or whatever is that you're doing for them. How their customers are going to happy, whatever it is. You have got to figure out how to get the discussion into the future. Now I know you might be thinking out there and saying, "Well, Andy, I don't really control the interview, and they asked me questions and they always asked me questions about my past, how am I going to shift the discussion from the past to the future?" The one thing that I would say is you always keep thinking about their future is you control the interview. Anybody who wants control can get control of the interview regardless of who's sitting on whatever side of the desk. In a lot of times, you're given control right upfront. Let's talk about how do you shift the discussion into the future at all three different phases of the job interview. You think about your job interviews and as soon as I say ... If you are wondering what these three phases are, as soon as I say and you're going to say, "Oh yeah, of course that's right. Because this happens to every interview, nearly every interview," it is basically three phases. Most of the time, the entire portion that the interviewer thinks that he or she's controlling the interview, most of the time, they want to talk about your past. Usually, the first phase of the interview is the tell me, walk me part, right? Tell me about yourself. Walk me through your resume, so on and so forth. In the tell me, walk me portions of the interview, that's all you have to talk about is your past, right? You're going to walk through your background, or you're going to tell them who you are, or what you're about. In those cases, if you have not seen my videos on the best answer to the tell me about yourself question, or the best way to respond to the walk me through your resume, there's two separate videos. They're both very popular. I would check them out to make sure that foundationally, you understand what to do in advance of an interview to score big on those two questions. A big part of scoring big on those questions is doing your homework and that actually is germane to today's discussion is because you can actually blueprint this tip I'm about to give you. A lot of times when the interviewer initially is going to turn the control of the interview over to you with the tell me about yourself because now you own it, you can say whatever you want or walk me through your resume. You can choose to spent whichever amount of time you want on whichever portion of your resume you want, this is where as you are preparing for the interview, the one thing that you can do in order to make sure that you can shift the interview into the future. You don't always need to do it right at the moment but I like to tell you to drop the hint about the future. Here's what I mean specifically. As you're walking through your resume or you're telling them about your background, there are going to be some parts of your resume that are more in alignment with the job description and what it is they ultimately want you to do as an employee. In those particular areas, I want you to spend more time explaining what it was that you did. If you did a project last year, that's very much analogous to what you need to do in this future job at their company, that's where I want you to spend more time, and then we can kind of scheme across things that aren't as relevant, and then I want you to spend more time on the things that aren't. When you're planning, when you're doing your homework, I want you to make sure that you get some kind of phrase down where you're going to drop the hint. As you're walking them through your resume and you're going to say, "Well this particular project here, this is a great project. As a matter of fact, I can't wait to tell you about this because from what I saw from the job description, this particular project is very much in alignment with what it is you need me to do at your company. When we get to the point where you're going to ask me, I'm sure you're going to ask me some questions, I'll love to talk about a scenario where this is applicable to your environment and how I might be able to apply the skills and experience that I learned in your environment." Because the moment you can shift the discussion to how you will or what you would do that it immediately sends the discussion into the future. Now they can start imagining how it is that you would accomplish what it is they need you to do in their environment. "I'll be really eager to talk about how I can apply this particular experience to what it is that you'll need me to do." You drop the hint. This is their cue. They probably weren't even going to ask you about some type of situational environment or a case study or project or whatever problem it is that they're trying to handle. You've now planted the seed that you want to make sure that you cover that when they start asking you specific questions. All right. That's the first phase of the interview. Second phase of the interview is where they start asking you questions. A lot of times they'll turn it over to you. They want a little bit of background because they're lazy and because they didn't read your resume and they don't really know you. They want you to talk your way through it. Then eventually they get into some questions that they're going to ask you. When they get into the questions that they're going to ask and you are answering them, I want you to make sure that you do a little tack on or an add on to anything that you answer that is historical. Let me be really specific. I know a lot of people they obsess over behavioral interviewing questions, which are the dumbest interviewing questions that anybody could possibly ask you in an interview because they provide no evidence of how you actually will do something in the future. Employers continue to do this. I don't know why. They're going to do it, and I don't care about them. I care about you because you're here with me. When they ask you about those questions in the past, "Tell me about a time when. Walk me through that project. Tell me how you organize this. Tell me how you plan that. Tell me how you handled somebody this way or that way." Whatever it is that they ask you about that's historical. You know you're going to go in your past and you know they're now going to be in evaluation mode. What you need to do is you need to tell your story according to the principles outlined in interview intervention. Tell the story. Go through all the story telling principles and all the things that I give you. As soon as you are about to wrap up that story I don't want you to turn control over of the interview back to them to let them run wild and go somewhere else. I want you to make sure that at that moment anytime you answer a historical question that requires any kind of story telling because if it requires some lengthy answer it means it's important to them, that they want to investigate those skills. Then I want you to immediately shift it into the future, and the easiest way to do that is, "So this is how I handled that situation in my past. Do you have a situation at your organization or anticipate one where I might need to apply those skills so that I could share how I would handle that in your environment? So you'll have a better understanding of whether I'd be a good fit for your company. Do you have a scenario or an example or a situation, whatever you want to call it, in your company that I could discuss how I would handle it so that you will know whether I'd be a better fit?" There's not an interviewer out there who would not want to get that insight from you because that's the insight that they should have gotten in the first place. Whenever you're talking about stuff in the future I can see your logic and how exactly you would handle it. That's like feeding two birds with the same piece of bread. I'm getting the understanding of what your experience is like if this is your logic and how you would handle it in the future. People want to spend a lot of time in your past as if they're not sure that you can. I can draw those conclusions if you tell me the route you will take in order to handle it in my environment. Shift it to the future. Then the third part of the interview is when you get to ask your questions. When you get to ask your questions and you are in gathering mode now you really control the interview, just ask them my favorite question which is, what is it? I know you guys have seen this. It's been in many videos, many live office hours. I always talk about if I only had one question to ask in a job interview this would be it. When you're talking with the interviewer just ask him or her if I was to take this job, or whoever was to take this job, a year from now what specifically will the person have accomplished for you to know that it was successful? That the person was successful or the hire was successful? Whatever it maybe specifically what will have been accomplished, what will have been completed, what will have been built, what will have been solved, whatever. Get very, very specific. Now the first thing about this question is the interviewer should be able to tell you that because if the interviewer can't describe what success looks like to you, you're in real trouble because you don't even know. You won't even know what success looks like as an employee. Most employers will know this. You want to get them to tell you what that is. Now, if you have the opportunity during your question asking period to then tell them how you would accomplish that, that's cool. Just say, "Here's exactly how I would do that. I'd like to pause my questions for a second but I think it's worth me sharing. here's I would go about doing it if you've not done that already." I realized that sometimes it's not always appropriate and you don't always have as much time. Sometimes they only leave you a few minutes at the end. If you have the time, go into the story of how exactly you would do that. If you don't have the time make sure to take some good notes, and in your next interview with whoever that might be, or another round with this particular person if you're going to have a second interview, whoever it might be, make sure you are describing how you would accomplish that. Bring that up in some way, shape, or form. "It's my understanding that this is what success looks like. I'd love to discuss how I would approach that. I think that that's valuable for us to discuss. It will show you what I will do as an employee. It'll also help me better understand how I could go about this. You could see whether I have the skills and experience. You can also clarify for me what the expectations are and the rule." That's my third fairway. Think about this. When you're walking somebody through your resume or you're telling them about yourself make sure you drop the hint. Let's just review these really quick. Make sure you drop in the hint that hey this seems like it's going to be an important facet of the job. "I'll really be looking forward to when you're asking me questions. If we could discuss a specific scenario in your environment where I would be able to apply these skills or experience so you know how I would handle it in your environment," that's dropping the hint. When you get into answering your questions, you want to make sure that anything that's historical, anything that's historical that requires time for you to explain step one, step two, step three, and so on you want to make sure that you say, "That's how I handled it in the past. Do you happen to have any specific scenario you'd like me to address in your environment so you know how I would handle it at your company so that you can determine if I'm a good fit for that role." That's the tack on. The third thing is when you're gathering insight make sure you ask the question, "What does success look like in here specifically?" Then whether in that interview, or maybe in the little in your thank you e-mail, or in the next interview whether it's in five minutes from now or whether it's in five days from now you make sure that you include that in your story. Those are the three things. You want to make sure that you are constantly moving into the future. I want you to pause for a second. I know a lot of you out there. We got job changers, the sales person who was working at a company who wants to move to another company. It's powerful for you. Think about if you are a young professional or a college student coming out of school. Think about this. You're a career changer. You don't have the requisite experience. Not always. I've coached you to make sure that you connect the dots and the capabilities and draw those, make those parallels and those analogies from what you've done to what they need. Imagine the faster you can get the discussion into the future, the more effective your interviews will be because what they're really looking for is do you have the right approach? Do you have the right logic? What raw material am I getting in this person who doesn't necessarily have the hard core skills to do this job. That's all I ask. When I'm coaching somebody and they are wanting to change careers that's all we do. What career do you want to go into? Or let's talk about how would you approach that? How will you tell your stories? How would you solve those problems in the future? The more you're doing that the better the interview will go. The better the interview will go. Very, very powerful stuff for those without the right level of experience that somehow we're able to market themselves effectively to actually get the job interview. I hope that helps. What do we got? 24 minutes. That's not too bad. If you're liking this what do you say? Give me the thumbs up on the video.
Channel: Andrew LaCivita
Views: 406,690
Rating: 4.8297815 out of 5
Keywords: andrew lacivita, milewalk academy, job interview, job interview tips, job interview techniques, get hired, get hired on the spot, a job interview tip guaranteed to get you hired, interview questions, interview tips, interview answers, interview skills, job interview questions, job interview questions and answers, interview advice, job interview advice, how to get hired, how to answer job interview questions, job interview tip
Id: Lze2TGk1t-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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